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This picture is for questions number 01 to 04 This text is for questions number 05 to 10

01. 05. Dear Euis Chantika.

Congratulations on your graduation
from the Junior High school. I know how
long and hard you have worked and studied.
But, your dedication and perseverance has
paid off, and your parents should be very
happy. Besides, they must be very proud of
your accomplishment.
What is the caution about? I wish you all the best in pursuing your
(A) The volcanoes and their effects. ambitions to study in the best Senior High
(B) The danger of volcanic fumes. School in town. Keep setting your goals
(C) The women and their childrens health. high and you can achieve what you are al-
(D) The pregnant visitors of the mountain. ways dreaming.
Well done! You will always be my inspi-
02. Visitors with breathing problems are not al- ration.
lowed to visit the area because . From your friend who misses you
(A) The fumes can make them difficult to so much.
(B) The fumes can enter the humans lung Denny
(C) It is very tiring to climb the volcano
(D) Certain people cannot breathe well The text above .
(A) Expresses ones pleasure on Euiss
03. Where do you usually find such a caution? achievement
(A) At all public places with non domestic (B) Invits Euis to attend a special school
visitors activity
(B) Any places visited by tourist (C) Informs Euis about her ambitions to be
(C) On all the mountains with few visitors the best
(D) At the volcanoes for tourist resorts (D) Reminds Euis of her good attitude in
04. . Are hazardous to your health .
What does the underlined word in the sen- 06. what is the main idea of paragraph 2?
tence mean? (A) Euis is very sure that she can study in
(A) Dreadful the best school in town.
(B) Dangerous (B) Denys goal is to keep studying so he
(C) Uneasy can be successful.
(D) Serious (C) Deny expresses his hope that Euis can
study at the best school.
(D) People like Deny and Euis should be

Dear Euis Chantika. This text is for questions number 11 to 16

Congratulations on your graduation
from the Junior High school. I know how From : Mum
long and hard you have worked and studied. To : All
But, your dedication and perseverance has Dear folks,
paid off, and your parents should be very Mumll be home at seven because I have to
happy. Besides, they must be very proud of chair the staff meeting. Please dont forget
your accomplishment. to do all your chores. Water the garden,
I wish you all the best in pursuing your feed the pets, and make your own beds after
ambitions to study in the best Senior High the naps.
School in town. Keep setting your goals Please remind Daddy to prepare dinner for
high and you can achieve what you are al- us as he promised to fix us grilled snapper
ways dreaming. and chicken soup. Hell be home early at
Well done! You will always be my inspi- two today.
ration. Thanks a million and see you all soon.
From your friend who misses you
so much. Much love.
Denny Mum
07. Who misses so much? 11. The text is about . to her children.
(A) Euis Chantika does. (A) A moms love expression
(B) Euis Chantikas friends do. (B) Folks willingness
(C) Euis Chantikas school does. (C) Fathers information
(D) Euis Chantikas friend does. (D) A mothers message
08. What is the possible relationship between 12. What does the second paragraph tell you
Euis and the writer? about?
(A) Euis is his beloved sister. (A) Childrens task to remind their fathers
(B) The writer is Euiss brother. promise.
(C) Both belong to a successful family. (B) Fathers job to cook for dinner for his
(D) The writer is Euiss special friend. family at home.
(C) Mothers chores to do at home for her
09. The writer of the text said, Well done. family.
The synonym of this expression is . (D) The time when father returns from the
(A) Take care! office on that day.
(B) Good for you!
(C) How dare you! 13. The writer writes the text because she .
(D) Good luck! (A) Needs her childrens help
(B) Cannot cook for her family
10. Besides, they must be very proud of your (C) Will come home late
accomplishment. (D) Has to go with her husband
What does the word they in the sentence
refer to? 14. The text shows that the writers husband .
(A) Denys friends. cook well.
(B) Euiss parents. (A) Can
(C) Deny and Euis. (B) Wont
(D) Euiss classmates. (C) Cant
(D) Has to

15. Please dont forget to do all your chores. We have enclosed a one page profile of our
What does the underlined word mean? program for your reference. I will contact
(A) Special cares. your office within the next two weeks to fol-
(B) Routine tasks. low-up on this invitation. Again, we do hope
(C) School assignments. you can join us on this occasion.
(D) Job descriptions. Thank you very much for your considera-
16. To : All . Sincerely,
What does the word All in the text refer Andy Sehatapi
(A) The mother and father. 17. The text above is about .
(B) The husband and wife. (A) Having a National and Community Ser-
(C) The writers children. vice
(D) All members of family. (B) Doing a program to promote better
This text is for questions number 17 to 22. (C) Informing someone about a special pro-
Dear Dr. Hambali Sahali, (D) Inviting people to attend a school activ-
We would like to invite you and your staff to ity
visit our school SMP Duta Bangsa, where we
are engaged in an exciting service learning 18. what does the second paragraph of the text
project. tell us about?
Service-learning is a teaching method that (A) The persons who have been invited.
engages our students in solving problems (B) The purpose of service-learning project.
within their school and communities as an (C) The importance of local media in pro-
integral part of their academic studies. It is ject.
hoped that students master important cur- (D) The opportunity to see a program in
riculum content by making meaningful con- action.
nection between what they study and its real-
life applications. Besides, students become 19. Dr. Sahali supposed to come on January 11,
more effective citizens through acts of kind- 2010 to . the service learning project in
ness, community stewardship and civic ac- action.
tion. This effort is made possible with sup-
(A) Enable him to watch
port from Learn and Serve America, a pro-
(B) Get a special experience with
gram of the corporation for National and
(C) Open officially
Community Service.
(D) Ask questions related to
May we suggest that you visit us on January
11, 2010 at 10 oclock? This will give you an
20. the text shows that Dr. Hambali Sahali is .
opportunity to see our program in action.
We have also invited our community part- (A) New school principal
ners, members of the local media, and sev- (B) Government official
eral families of students whom we serve. (C) Teacher on duty
They are eager to talk to you about the im- (D) Next teacher
portance of investing in service-learning ac-
tivities in our local community. 21. . and several families of students whom
we serve.
What does the underlined word mean?
(A) Work for.
(B) Start doing.
(C) Spend time
(D) Provide food.

22. This will give you an opportunity to see our 24. The second paragraph of the text tells you
program in action.(par.3) that INSTEAD TM Softcup TM is .
What does the word this in the sentence (A) The best product for all people
refer to? (B) Gynecologists for all women
(A) The school cooperation. (C) The only recommended sanitary care
(B) The principals program. product
(C) The effort of the school. (D) The professional in sanitary
(D) Dr. Sahalis visiting time.
25. The text shows that the . suggest women
This text is for question number 23 to 28 to use INSTEAD TM Softcup TM
(A) All professionals
INSTEAD TM Softcup TM (B) Some scientists
Simply Loved by Ning (C) All doctors
Baizura (D) Gynecologists
is an advanced menstrual 26. The text shows that the product is . to be
care product that collects worn by people.
rather than absorbs men- (A) Dangerous
strual fluid. (B) Interesting
It is the only sanitary care (C) Safe
product that health pro- (D) Hard
fessionals and gynecolo-
gists strongly recommend 27. INSTEAD TM Softcup TM is cleared by the
as the new standard for U.S FDA and .
sanitary care What does the underlined word mean?
INSTEAD TM Softcup TM (A) Consumed
is cleared by the U.S FDA (B) Authorized
and has sold over 100 mil- (C) Ordered
lion units in America. (D) Made
INSTEAD TM Softcup TM is discreet and has
28. It is the only sanitary care product that
neither strings nor wings.
health professionals and gynecologists
It is dioxin-free, latex-free and has no reported strongly recommend .
incidents of Toxic Shock Syndrome. What does the word it in the sentence re-
INSTEAD TM Softcup TM can be worn for up to fer to?
12 hours, depending on the flow. (A) The new standard.
Health Sciences Group (B) INSTEAD TM Softcup TM
Living a better life (C) The menstrual fluid.
(D) The sanitary care.
Available online at:

23. What does the text mainly tell you about?

(B) Health Sciences Group.
(C) Toxic Shock Syndrom.
(D) Living a better life.

This text is for question number 29 to 34! 33. We have shared a lot of ups and downs
throughout the past year .
Dear Alping,
The phrase ups and downs in the sentence
I wanted to write to you today to say that I means having .
have moved to Malang. My new address is
Taman Malang Indah, Blok A 10 No 17 Ma- (A) Both good and bad fortune
lang Jawa Timur and now I go to SMP Per- (B) Happiness and luck
dana the best junior high school in town. (C) Great and poor experiences
You know that we have shared a lot of ups (D) Easy and difficult time
and downs throughout the past years at school
and I am very happy to count you as my 34. . so we can plan to get together.
friend. I also want to say that I expect to see (paragraph 3)
you quite often in the coming years. I invite What does the word we in the sentence
you to visit me and my family whenever you refer to?
have some free time.
I also expect to visit you and your family and
(A) Alping and her friends.
I will let you know well in advance so we can (B) Wirdatul and her parents.
plan to get together. (C) Wirdatuls parents.
I also wish you a success in your new school, (D) Alping and Wirdatul.
and I hope you keep me up date on whats
happening through email. The text is for question number 35 to 40
Your friend,
Wirdatul Amimy IOR HIGH SCHOOL
We are delighted to announce
29. The letter is meant to . Wirdatul Amimy. the appointment of Mr Erick
Viagio as our new football
(A) Entertain
(B) Congratulate
(C) Greet Prior to his appointment with
(D) Invite Jakarta Global Junior High
School. Mr Viagio was the
30. The third paragraph of the text tells you coach of Junior Club Brazil.
about the writers . Mr Viagio is highly experi-
(A) Intention to visit her friend enced and his enjoyed an ac-
(B) Family in her new address tive role within the football
(C) Plan to continue her study clubs for children in Brazil.
(D) Ability to make a good plan He has a strong understand-
ing on how to make our foot-
31. Wirdatul asked Alping to . to inform her ball club the best in town.
anything. Mr Viagio, a Brazilian, speaks English and Indo-
(A) Email nesian as well as a couple of Chinese dialects. He
(B) Phone spent five years living and working in the cosmo-
(C) Visit politan city of Jakarta and is extremely familiar
(D) Write with Indonesias diverse culture and traditions.

32. The text shows that Alping lives . now. Principal,

Jim Harrison
(A) Next to wirdatuls parents
(B) Near wirdatuls friend
(C) Far from Malang
(D) Around the city

35. The text above tells you about Mr Viagios This text is for questions number 41 to 46
. as the new school football coach.
(B) Promise Dahlia Closet Freshener emits
(C) Appointment fresh fragrance throughout the
(D) Experience room.
How to use:
36. The second paragraph of the text tells you Take out the camphor from
Mr Viagios . plastic case, remove transparent
(A) Current position cellophane wrapper and put into
(B) Previous job the plastic case again.
(C) Next carrier Hang it in the wardrobes, toilet
(D) Football team or any other necessary place.

37. How many foreign languages does Mr Viagio Caution:

speak? Keep out of reach of children.
(A) 1
41. What is the text about?
(B) 2
(C) 3 (A) Really New For You.
(D) 4 (B) Fresh Wardrobes.
(C) Dahlia Closet Freshener.
38. The text shows that Mr Viagio . (D) Cellophane wrapper.
(A) Used to avoid working with children
42. The second part of the text tells you about
(B) Likes children very much
the way . the product.
(C) Dislikes playing football with boys
(D) Is not a Brazilian anymore now (A) To make
(B) To use
39. . and is extremely familiar with Indone- (C) To sell
sias diverse culture and traditions. (D) To get
What does the underlined word mean?
43. The text shows that the cellophane wrapper
(A) Attractive
of camphor must be . before using.
(B) Different
(C) Interesting (A) Taken away
(D) Exclusive (B) Wrapped
(C) Crushed
40. He spent five years living and working in (D) Cut
the cosmopolitan city . (par. 4)
What does the word he in the sentence 44. Which of the following places does not need
refer to? this product based on the text?
(A) Mr Viagio (A) In the wardrobe.
(B) The teacher (B) In the rest room.
(C) The principal (C) In the book cases.
(D) The writer (D) In the refrigerator.

45. Keep out of reach of children. 49. (A) their

The sentence is meant . users. (B) its
(A) To warn (C) it
(B) To stop (D) Them
(C) To offer
(D) To help 50. (A) nor
(B) but
46. What does the word It in the sentence re- (C) and
fer to? (D) or
(A) The toilet
51. (A) slowly
(B) The wardrobe
(B) fast
(C) The plastic case
(C) hurriedly
(D) Dahlia Closet Freshener
(D) hastily
Find the blanks text for questions number 47
52. (A) some
to 53!
(B) most
(C) all
(D) a little
Most fish use their side, back, and tail fins for
swimming. Fins (47) . movable, fanlike parts. 53. (A) in
A fish (48) . through the water by swinging its (B) to
tail fins back and forth. A fish uses (49) . (C) near
other fins to steer (50) . to stop. Sometimes (D) with
the other fins also help it go fast through the
water. Most fishes have bodies shaped like tor-
pedo. Their bodies are pointed at the head and at
the tail. This streamlined body helps fish speed
through water. Sailfish can swim as (51) . as 70
miles per hour (110 kilometers per hour).
(52) . fish have unusual shapes. Rays have flat,
disc-shaped bodies. Large fins like wings go out
from a rays head. To swim, rays flap the fins.
Most fish also have swim bladders. They fill their
swim bladders (53) . air. Their air-filled swim
bladders act like life jackets. They keep the fish
from sinking to the bottom.

47. (A) are

(B) were
(C) is
(D) was

48. (A) are

(B) were
(C) is
(D) was

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