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What is CSM?
Scrum is a lightweight process framework for agile development, and the most widely-used
Scrum is one of the most popular agile methodologies to date, with tools and techniques
applicable to more than just software development projects.
Scrum is an iterative and incremental agile software development method for managing
software projects and product or application development.
The scrum master manages the process for how information is exchanged.
Software Professionals all over the world are passionate about Scrum.
A scrum master is the facilitator for a product development team that uses scrum, a rugby
analogy for a development
methodology that allows a team to self-organize and make changes quickly.
The CSM course provides knowledge that critical to successful Agile adoption.

Who Should Attend?

Scrum Masters, Product Owners, Software Developers
Business Analysts, Quality Assurance Analysts, Testers
Architects, Software Development Managers
Project Managers, Program Managers, PMO Members
Business Systems Analysts, Product Managers
Directors of Product Development, Directors of
Information Technology
IT Infrastructure Sta & Consultants
Benefit of
Certified Scrum Master
Expand your career opportunities by staying relevant and marketable across all industry sectors adopting Agile

Demonstrate to employers and peers your attainment of core Scrum knowledge.

Learn the foundation of Scrum and the scope of the Certied Scrum Masters role from the best minds in Scrum.

Engage with a community of recognized Scrum experts who are committed to continuous improvement

Understanding of Scrum framework, including team roles, activities, and artifacts to get a project o on the right

Practical, project-proven practices

Understanding of how to scale Scrum from small-sized to large, multi-continent projects

Learning Objectives
List the ve values of Scrum and the eight essential
Scrum principles.
Discuss each piece of the Scrum framework, its
purpose and interaction with the other pieces of the
Describe the rights, responsibilities and interactions
of each role in Scrum-Team Member, Product
Owner, Scrum Master and Stakeholder.
Discuss with the other participants what Scrum
means to you and what it will mean to be a Scrum
Master in your organization.
Identify the main obstacles to using Scrum and the
challenges for sustaining Scrum in your
Evaluate if Scrum is the right process for you, your
team, your project and/or your organization.
Practice applying Scrum Master skills and thinking
to solve day-to-day issues and challenges.
Watch Scrum in action as the framework of Scrum
will be used to deliver the course material.
Draw a diagram describing the Scrum framework,
highlighting all meetings, roles and artifacts.
Explain how Innovation Games can help your team
and business achieve better results with Scrum.
Course Contents
Course Contents

1 Scrum Foundation
What is Agile
Agile Manifesto
Waterfall vs Agile
Scrum Principals

2 Scrum Roles
Overview of scrum roles
Scrum Master
Product Owner
The teams

3 Scrum Meeting
Sprint planning meeting
Daily Scrum Meeting
Sprint review meeting
Sprint retrospective meeting
Release planning meeting

4 Scrum Artifacts
Product Backlog
Product increment
Sprint backlog
Burndown charts

5 Scrum Agreements
Denition of done
Denition of ready

6 Scaling scrum
Working with multiple scrum teams
Working with distributed scrum teams

7 QA & Learning by doing

Sample question and answer
Scrum concept games
Certified Scrum Master Certification information:
Exam Duration: 60 Minutes
Number of Questions : 40
Pass Marks : 70% (28 out of 40)
Electronic Devices Permitted: No
Open Book: No

Contact Us
USA Oce : +91 9032077991
+1-763-463-5915 +91 9908498916
India Oce: +91 8790704940
91-40-42603339 +91 9908455513 +91 9908405385

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