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Question: Burning Magnesium

1. Describe what happens to the magnesium ribbon

2. Describe what has been formed
3. Name the reactants in this chemical reaction
4. Name the product in this chemical reaction
5. Write the word equation in this chemical reaction
6. List all the safety precautions you need to take while carrying out this experiment
Question: Reaction with Acids

A. Reactions between metals and acids

1. When magnesium is added to hydrochloric acid, a gas is formed. Explain what
happens in the reaction.
2. When magnesium is added to hydrochloric acid, a gas is formed. Use annotated
diagrams to explain what happens in the reaction, how the gas is collected and how
it could be tested to prove what it is.

3. Write a word equation for the reaction you carried out

4. Name the gas that is formed in this reaction
5. Explain how you tested for that gas
6. Comment on any difficulties you had doing this test

B. Reactions between carbonate and acids

1. Name the gas that is formed in this reaction
2. Explain how you tested for that gas
3. Comment on any difficulties you had doing this test

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