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Republic of the Philippines

Bulacan State University

City of Malolos, Bulacan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English IV

I. Objectives
During the 60-minute period, each student with 85% proficiency will:
a. identify the elements of short story from the selection;
b. discuss the elements of short story using the story grammar, and
c. get the significance of the story through group discussion.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Footnote to Youth by Jose Garcia Villa
b. Concept: Life after marriage is hard; therefore, one should see to it that he is
ready and prepared enough for the bigger responsibilities that a marriage life
c. References: Serrano, J. B., Lapid, M. G. English Communication Arts and Skills
Through World Literature. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House Inc., pp. 159-
d. Materials: handouts, charts, graphic organizer

III. Learning Tasks

Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Routine
1. Prayer
Let us pray first. May I ask Ivy to lead
the opening prayer? Let us pray. Almighty God (Students
Thank you Ivy. Prayer)
Good morning, class!
Before you take your seats, kindly Good morning, maam Santos!
check if there are pieces of paper under your
chairs, pick it up and arrange your chairs
properly. (Students pick up the pieces of paper and
arrange their chairs)

2. Checking of Attendance
Now, let us check the attendance, row
leaders, do we have absentees today?
Row 1. Im glad to report that everybody is present in
our row.
Row 2. Im glad to report that everybody is present in
our row.
Row 3. Im glad to report that everybody is present in
our row.
Row 4. Im glad to report that everybody is present in
our row.
It is nice to hear that all are present

B. Review
Now, let us have a short review about
our topic last time. Who would like to remind
us? Maam, last time we discussed about the short
story The Happiest Boy in the World by NVM

We were also assigned to read the short story

Footnote to Youth written by Jose Garcia
Thats right! Do you have any question
or clarification regarding our last topic? None, maam.

If none, then let us proceed to our

lesson for today.

C. Motivation
Few days from now, you will be a
graduate of this institution, and several years
from now, you build your own families.
If you were to get married someday,
what would be the factors that you would want
to consider first before marrying?


D. Vocabularies
Before moving on to our topic, let us
first unlock the difficult words that are present
in the selection.
Read the following sentences and give the
meaning of the underlined words. Circle the
letter of the corresponding definition.
1. The sun was hazy during the cloudy
a. Blurry
b. Clear
c. Uncertain

2. To men, numerous offspring are living

symbols of virility.
a. Emptiness
b. Nobility
c. Manliness

3. The fieldwork begrimed him.

a. Cleaned
b. Soiled
c. Darkened
4. She came home flustered about her
a. Comfortable
b. Careless
c. Worried

5. There is interminable work to be done

a. Endless
b. Little
c. Unimportant

What is the answer in item number one? The answer is letter A, blurry. The context clue
is the word cloudy.

Very good! How about number two? The answer is letter C, manliness. The context
clue used is the word men.

Nice! How about number three? The answer is letter B, soiled. The context clue
is the word fieldwork.

Correct! How about number four? The answer is letter C, worried. The context
clue is the word problem.

Very good! And last? The answer is letter A, endless. The context
clue that is used is yet.
Very good, class! You are really smart

E. Presentation of Material
Have you read the selection Footnote
to Youth that I assigned you to read last Yes.
meeting? Yes.
Did you understand it?
Very good. But to better understand the story,
we shall answer this following guide questions
for our discussion. Kindly read. Guide Questions:
1. What is the short story all about?
2. Who are the characters in the story?
3. Describe the setting of the story.
4. What point of view was used in the story?
5. What made Dodong feel that he was no
longer a boy but already a man?
6. What character is revealed by Dodong
when he was got tickled by the worm,
jerked his foot, flinging the worm into air
yet never bothered to look at where it fell?
7. How did Teang find married life?
8. When Dodong asked permission to get
married, his father felt sorry for him. So
did Dodong when Blas asked for
permission to get married. They knew that
life is hard after marriage, why then do you
think that they did not prevent their sons
from experiencing those hardships that
theyve gone through?
9. Explain the line Youth must triumph...
now. Love must triumph... now.
Afterwards... it will be life.

F. Discussion
Now, let us answer question number
one. What is the short story all about? The short story is about a Dodong who entered
marriage life with Teang at the age of eighteen,
and who later felt remorseful about his
marriage life.

Who are the characters in the story? The characters in the short story are Dodong,
Teang, Lucio, Blas, Tona, and Dodongs
mother and father.

Describe the setting of the story. The setting is in a barrio or in a rural place
where most people work in fields. There were
rice fields all around the place and carabaos,
too. There were streams too where people
bathe after the fieldwork soiled them. There
was no electrical lamps, rather people used
petroleum lamp to light their houses.

What point of view was used in the story? The omniscient point of view is used in the
story since the narrator was able infiltrate the
thoughts of the characters.

What made Dodong feel that he was no longer

a boy but already a man? Dodong felt that he was no longer a boy
because he had pimples on his face and his lip
already was darkened. He thought that those
were the evidence of his being a man.
What character is revealed by Dodong when he
was got tickled by the worm, jerked his foot,
flinging the worm into air yet never bothered
to look at where it fell? His reaction towards it revealed that from the
very beginning Dodong's character is someone
who is self-obsessed to the point that he doesn't
bother to look at the consequences of his

How did Teang find married life? Teang found her married life difficult to the
extent that she was unhappy with their
marriage. For six successive years, Dodong
and Teang kept having children. Besides that,
she spent the rest of her life with the
interminable household work cooking,
laundering, cleaning the house and taking care
of the children. She became shapeless even at
the young age.
Correct! She was unhappy with their marriage
that she even wondered how life would be if
she had married Lucio, her suitor, instead of

When Dodong asked permission to get

married, his father felt sorry for him. So did
Dodong when Blas asked for permission to get
married. They knew that life is hard after
marriage, why then do you think that they did
not prevent their sons from experiencing those
hardships that theyve gone through? It is because both fathers married early, they
lacked the experience and the know-how with
regards to raising children: hence the fact that
they were unable to fulfill their responsibility
as parents in guiding their kids down a wiser
Correct! This is particularly due to the fact that
his father never had that wisdom either. Such
wisdom can only be passed on by those people
who greatly influence our lives - which in most
cases are our parents. So when dealing with his
son Blas, Dodong could only do what he knew
like what his father did with him, and that is to
allow Blas to marry early, when he should have
discouraged him instead. The lesson then
becomes universal in the sense that it is not
only for the young ones but to parents as well
that they should have the wisdom on how to
guide their children the proper way.

Explain the line Youth must triumph... now.

Love must triumph... now. Afterwards... it will
be life. This phrase depicts the cycle of life which
means one must experience being young first
before turning into an adult, and then when he
is ready enough that is the time that he may
enter into a marriage life. One must enjoy his
younger years, enjoy being in love, then he
will be ready for the so called life to live and
to build his own home.
Very good! This phrase refers to the cycle of
life that one must follow and go through.

G. Generalization

What is the significance of this story to you? The story serves a warning to us, youth, as the
title itself suggests. It reminds us of the
responsibilities and realities that come with
marriage and the family life. It advises us that
life after marriage is difficult especially when
we are yet incapable of the responsibilities and
challenges that life gives. Therefore, we should
not rush into something that we will be
regretting in the end.
H. Application
Now, let us have an activity. Lets group the
class into four small groups. This will be group
1, this is group 2, group 3, and group 4.
Choose a leader. You are now going to analyze
the short story Footnote to Youth using a story
grammar. And what is a story grammar? A
story grammar is a graphic organizer which
outlines the elements of a story.

Here is how it looks. (see Fig. 2) What you are

going to do is to supply each item. Be sure that
everybody will present.

You are given 5-7 minutes to work on it and 3

minutes for your presentation. (Each group presents)

IV. Evaluation

Directions: IDENTIFICATION. Identify the following items based upon the descriptions given.

1. The author of the selection

3. The main characters
5. Point of view used in the story
6. Teangs suitor besides Dodong
7. The age of Dodong when he got married
8. The number of children Dodong and Teang have for six successive years
9. The woman whom Blas wanted to marry
10. The exact lines that explain the youth love life cycle

V. Assignment

1. In a one half sheet of paper, discuss the values that the story Footnote to Youth gives
and its impact to you as youth. Limit your answer in 5-7 sentences.
2. Read the selection Perfect Moment by Gladys Bell in page 8 of your English Time,
Vol. No. XV, No. 4 and answer activities 18-20 in page 9.

Prepared by:

Rachel Ann V. Santos


Checked by:

Ms. Hermogena A. Bautista

Cooperating Teacher

Approved by:

Mr. Angel C. Caparas

School Principal
Figure 1.

Directions: Give at least five factors that one should consider before marrying.


Figure 2.

Directions: Analyze the short story Footnote to Youth by filling out each item.





Event 1Event 2Event 3



Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Setting



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