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Alpidis Konstantinos

7 Anagnostara str. 114 75, Athens,Greece

Mob. +30 6936969911 E-mail:

During my undergraduate studies I tried to shape my curriculum according my interests, International

Relations Human rights and Communications. Consequently I continued my postgraduate studies, in an
exceptional postgraduate program for European and International Studies in Greece in which I received all the
necessary theoretical background as far as Human Rights, Political Communication, international relations
and political and social research concerns. Furthermore in order to keep myself up to date about world issues
and Global Politics, I attended a winter school organized by the free university of Berlin concerning Doing
Politics in the Face of Economic and Financial Crisis. Nowadays as a PhD candidate at the University of
Glasgow I am working on current social issues such as the rise of Nationalism and its effects on regional
security. I believe that working at SIF will be a lifetime opportunity for me in terms of putting theory into

Parallel to my studies my working life gave me the opportunity to prove to myself that I have the
ability to work in tight schedules, to prioritize and to work to deadlines under minimal supervision on multiple
tasks. In particular as a Euronem's junior expert responsible for matters concerning human rights and
international relations I had to work in lots of different and demanding projects like the construction of a
school for 700 children in Zambia whereas one of our major priorities was the strengthening of
communications and the co ordinance of multilateral partners at regional and country level and the
participation of Euronem at key local events and fund raising galas. In addition while I was serving as a social
worker for the Hellenic Army, in a region with high concentration of a Greek Muslim minority, we as the
Psychological Support Unit of 412 Military Hospital had to deal with difficult situations due to numerous
social problems in that area. In order to cope with these problems we had to create a trusty environment
between us and the military personnel under examination, through an extensive intercultural and interreligious
dialogue. My work as a chief communications officer managing Sporos public relations, the social media and
my day to day interaction with costumers and public helped me develop even more my ability to analyze
complex issues and to present views and positions in a concise and persuasive manner, both written and oral.
Moreover, I am proud of making Sporos known to the public. As a research Intern I set up a research team
which analyzed not only the social structures but also the political and the economic environment in Fyr
Macedonia and the impact of the Ohrid Framework Agreement on countrys interethnic relations. Finally as a
Head of Mission Assistant for MSF during the peak of the refugee crisis in Greece, I had to assist the HoM in
the context analysis and planning while advising him on cultural appropriateness of organizational activities
and behaviors. In addition I had to ensure a smooth relation and cooperation with local, national authorities,
and other actors based on mutual trust and understanding while monitoring humanitarian needs in areas where
MSF were not present, advocate to state and non-state actors and represent MSF in various meetings.

To conclude working for Secours Islamique France is a great opportunity for me in order to practice,
the knowledge I have gained through my studies and the skills I acquired and developed through my work and
my military service. In addition working as a Program Coordinator is a source of new multicultural,
multilingual and multi-ethnic experiences plus a dream of mine that would finally come true. I hope I will be
among the fortunate to be chosen to be interviewed in order to provide you with any additional information
needed. I would like to thank you for your time and I am looking forward to hear from you.

Konstantinos Alpidis

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