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Heat transfer Latest class notes 2012 a 6 toapea © RT-36e- « 1 _lloszen Heal Langer Se Basic deference bles theo dynamics and heat hransfey is 46. Ip theimo ynamiy only the Gankibiges heal energy changes Hatem | obey ating face can be clelernninad PEER Bic “Daa teansforSabgect 3 Und to clelemine dre voteat — # Bak tas. | goliich heal cretgy fransfer is tater place form fs turface— anak < | Cone determined: a (ae ae =p Heat transfer js defined as when evey G22 Ta 27, te Jon of o Substance are maintained ab lwo JR. temp. “the heacl Enerqy dluisnifs florsing rom a tone a higher temp HS a Zone al tack temp “ out external agency at Cerrain Yate - A freak transfer ig main ng ond : ae eae, aed pare ky Ost ia laud of tHhermedmamtey I. Conduchon ~-2: Convection 2: Radichon. * oy \ + Conduction'Conduction beat barsfey tating place kardon foo mechanism | movement of free electun pregent on the ouker ovbit of aa ator > Formation of .yikwa eral transfor home ys dneshanie ths eyor Cr ma balance js toated Might Repp. e ece ‘uit of the thvee, the. largest ‘Clement Called af molecule i fag to evel fash! “Tp the‘ noolecutav momentum i Seshicled, thir next largest cement called 2s Storm colll tay to brave, Th _thaatemic LBaljo Msbeiched the next clement called af zlechon that : in the cuter “aby orbié ofan atom ble te visicl the elechoa rnoment memer 15 the free elechoas prouent 1 Gott fy to. brayel adit ly immpossi : ; ; 5& when the hi ene exited clechon moving from hop ee [ooo demp --Zome, itis hing the Enevgy available in the. Blecher: b,the Surroundings atoms and molecules Joreynt in + lees temp gee “ine anal Saying Lact in the foes temp. Zone - “AK the pre Combneal, He roof electory prremnt in the. po temp Bene 6 Greakeh than the hh 70 balance the PG e4 laches bebween bali =f mobi, proce Cc 4 he lempood both the gone’ ‘ become — equ. ¢ From Ah above ony substarts ahlch hay hi Of tea lesinony prorent in dul outer, orbit of ar arn oe Ntghee conduction head trast G when ever cevtara feone ipve: Substance ® headed fo “the “higher fomp. “Th._€ racteculy atoms and eleckeons Prevertio that ore esilt def @xibed, ut of hig the molecule hyfng to travel first but the morent of. oleae got ig tsieled ' Tn the Procag of ying to travel and Seghichen of HH ¢ i mn : ade 1 Some ameaunt of viksationals saves are lenemted and * € This Vibrational Lsavey axe Moving tecord fire los nergy toma, heal, the heat Gretey hay bey Aacifewedt € AK TTR, heat tronsferedl 1s" called a Palerottopic fon of Srevpy hanifer Beeeof Goth tyaiisPer Gannot be Séen coith hurnan eye (Condachion tt) € % Conduction heat beans ‘asing place iy” soli lapiondl gares’ ¢ S0ubef chick 1E§ more Prechenincal’ in the Slidy becow th. Ey sel'dy th. mmoleculy and alony ave olay auroras, cia ised Ader Libig “Liquids and gees they may bevel _ ME Conduction Beat transfer 5 coniccleyed “foansfev bese” ithe Complete Volume ofa Enexgy changes | «J 9§ Yoluich: phensinewy heal’ Substance Qpericadpg the ( 2K ev the (Conduction heal train fer Io be: totcary pace, tha tempt a x « is Compulsexy . % é ecHen heal tuinjfey' } ctiny caith momento moleiuléy i cata Gonvechion heat teafor: | Lyphen ever Cerbain aoae baa Substane iy healed 4 the higher hep, ] he mole culy atom ard elechony Preset in rat Boao Dive” SAbing j Rxited hese Fevel - gutol the Hee thvee element tre lava oe pte uF \S Glted as ve feyeg to travel Past. Zp pe! moleulas | a ec Calle! a Convechon heat fans PeX i rr meleealey a 1 1 ina Substance h “hakieg Hace om te variate jor abo called «4 ney bt J ! . 5 oftest Birthe heated “moleculy wit att Feduced ty dlersly ems e clensity meoleaky, are Glues gneve I opuaned Tees ae fiw the Vacen he high denst molenbe csilt move in a downward, advection . This vpward moment £ healeal mnoleates and downward moment of Cooled molecules fj Called ay Convection Curvent - YE Bmez Of dhe moment of Fre melcculey Can bé Seon call hurmen eye the Con Vection heat Ranifec fy conticlered ay macwscopic form ob eneds frnipe yeThe Convection heal hesfers ating ple to tui, arc goiies ony Recon Here ne molecule mmomentin In AE Sold and np molecule Ove pref in the Soltd es Zk out of the two. i ion gitorstdeed a Volymehic phenomenes “heat beinifer Specific heals “the contee fey fhe Convection heat -feansfor “fee 'temp . diffemnce Compeltony- ee Convection heat -trarsfer = bp (t3=Te hc heat hans fey coeff Ae Suface:area tar bo the dveckon of heat fags Sand Ta = fluid temperate due te. Hye Convection t more preclomenent in hiidy Leouyeof hagher “iG =" sufate -te S. Ractiodion, heat hansfar— > : Racighon heat borifer ty tating place bheowgh the elechomagn “Lmatio’ and fatitatien. Reackation Iyent bansfer beloven the two Surfaces & tare placain 2g 1% conveysion oft “heat eneigy ln te elechromagnele cwoaves Bik Tfortfertakion of élechomagnetic vdo%e 3. Corvension of elechn magnetic HOE, indoheat eredgy. Joos 28 tohen Grek the svbstence i) ata temponrtwe above abiclule 7] , ero. wil allaiys ens a Clerhomag net OV. Once the elechoirag nth Doves ave genexatecl, tthe with be automa hall TransPortina ‘for one phew to a ee < flee © Anetey Plate-.cohen’ they ongoi ‘ 3H Hag ing. ancl \MPIging 6 fh “ oe ey f ping fo the athey body the, ete ee wove enevau iy automatial ered to he. “nay Gg S Sutomattally converted in 4 reat eer K Trall the metals. csih: Cincecose ia Nedusces, Gre pt aluminium and Oraniom, bo temal Gabel al Bac Cankipete B= Femp> Coeff of “thermal Grchetivity ple’ Hedhpaallinn “of qe: Bakebacte, A leuk of on rte Siomanch wilt haverthe, higlea® Herma c © cnluetiy {Vali ey chen, the Fong of Sbtlinay i, grea than (ore op the Fenp fen thay 5K, Copper wit have highett Penna ot cut Pat the Substances 4 CTA cate off veariom with Treease of -ternp, sjhermal canlachity ao ¢ c TAO) Tr caye ef altumirum aj the feenp- Cesthag ~* € Te 80%) THT kr ¢ 7 =Biipa Setid substance i having «aller higher ttesmal corey will ayo) Fe taser € atostan tl have higher “ptecti 271 Bee PEEL of nove pe ate ndetty Gay hori ‘ he Gven theagh cliamend th tas He hides thermal Srbdiviy bot the elec tricags Gonductity of diamond coil! “be very tows Bo ae A the valio of Hewral Conductivily te ite Clechical conductive fy Lo the te tecre- Pepin fo he tempeatine KD . k = c - 7 SES = eqntant : & tha Solid body of a : = leven te for c = = @xusxio”? c Jubstonce is aroaligts of heat “bansfer Called -cy Tey wmaitetiah They is ll es ave” of two i ‘ D low temp. Insulghi material high fog. riulating wradetiok § * cthan rsulotiny material Can. alle “withshand only oy treo ken. | Gatted ay Lao fomp Tawa tir mabtiaLy | : SS Bly sebbeh, themmplastic plastic, thermocal wood, Gotten, hunen! ee olen G4 mic ore-time, igneseop’ Me ig 0) ee woreleng tn s tating Ayo sobs lao + The vacliction het bransfey dite Reagan = Corshant . sersfer i tang ba a Speer Pace in all the four substances ti. cash EO 5 aes : tee ti ; = 8g liquid, pss ond vaccuny and iti move |r mend jn Predemenent in Vacceum, the vadiaton re =) hee i bic of + bransfer Is Volumetsic Phenomenon in se. off eons pevert Subshan see peren” Suptianty and Surface then i Sunface « ‘re Heras Planmatten in an of yn irda % fur the Vediction beat Hransfer te takes place he temp. clifferance fy mt Gonpaletns o oslog os c&. the lemp- of Substances ig Tate tan ok iy at amity he the chro che WON) ivvespective he othe eee fe ealy are opel Remplguaed alan ae ort magne F lechomagmefic toavey feavelle from Mt +e © & alioaus equal tothe @ iy te © ence vp Erctyy xchange =O, bat the heat handler till be present Goncluction heal tanger’ fevsier Equation) tet Q =vale of heal Menor gu tace aven dar tothe gudrt clvectont heat transfer af dae ~~ Kadr : Ae ite Se ay | re EY oo | rw He The teat trans fey is aliens faking place towards the low temp | pore , We (Comet the nega five jest hrantler into positive, vegptive Sogo Gan be Uke Fo Determine the Vode OF proper Honabity Contant , the fourie hey Corducted (ot of Experiments, duving the Experimentation, ina Subsiance I 7 Vos S409 ov abo Called aj f | { y ny effect ‘ Firtke Feaked “rmoleculy wwitgcl Felued Hy demi Ue low c clenstly melenbs, are clunys enove 0 upned direction god to ‘ pat “the yar) dhe fish density molenber caill move in 5 € lounioord chivectih « Ts vpeardmoment # Realect moleatey anc dewnemrd — ¢. moment of Cooled molecules J) Called oy comection Current : Ye Bat of she mement of the meleculy Can be Seen salt hurnan Gye ithe ¢ Con Vection heak honifer fy coniiclered ay macroscopic orm of enedyy frp ae The Convection heat fansfer is faving place fn ligui andl goss onl Beco there. no melecdlaL momentum In HME Sald and no molecules are preyit : € {nthe Solid ' . . Hout of the two tne Convection & more preclomonent in higids Leonel higher Specific heat- the convection ittonstdeed Volumebic phenomenen heat hunsheg fov the Pp ereckcat) heat tonsfey the - diffemnec I Compulsory ; Comection heat hnsfer ow bh Cate) | ( nc heat beans fer coef Ae sunbace area tar te the diveckion of heat tran face temp and Tx = fluid temperature ¢ &. Roctterhion heat fans fe - Radiation heat bansPer iy fag place teowah te elechomagnehe wane \ tion: termation aad trans fortes ; feovoion oe leat bransfer Lefocen the “hwo SavPace & tori place fa eee |b ® conversion of heat eregy in te eleclomagnelic woaves Oo & | Qi THrantferfatien of €lecho magne He voores 2 3. — Comeniony of electro magnet. OS indoheat Enetay. 40 oa ; tghen Grek the Substence § ota tempertuve above absolute 7| Y Zero wiy} alioayy ems the electromagnetic. V4 - Once the elector . pont fea ethoinga Wo ave genevatecl, he waitt be ovlomattally Aransforbna fom one bee do ing. ancl pinging Cr-40 he abbey body the. wnabially converted in ty heat enemy . | anethey plave cohen they arn J Rlechorragredit conve energy i HAP ao -towslertng aerial can ate fo gsitnslarcl for h benp wit . Oy: fey temp» Tasu “4 motertaly. a . gy tnica, Asvelas, Thermo selfing plastics, Redbvick . ete Thermal conductithy of Haside ig tment bated on Viscosity of the liquid ey water ; pelsl’, diesel) SAE-25) shee eine aie of tepid, eoith cTreveane of he aot is *Pedacing 1s ermal Gonclty ts geht [The Vky) Grates Kars cc pas mde ot of the gas: Lower thenmoleculaa awl - higher the, thermal Goncluctivihy Gexhich of the fotewing having highest thermal cordactity @ Re G0. Os ON By the moleutar et: of Hepphogen iy loco, Thy themal candachivily K high. a CIncate off gore the temp ic Increasing, the scot of a ty Tred freren “Herad Gracy of ppg esi Toe: [TERJET ETI dt ; fouoier €- Qe ~ kA gt oe > temporetare prodent wet / GB Aesorcling —to “the ohms [ain btoe of Gikisteined “oft ee Li fferancec: bekcacen the hoo, ends ofa Gnduclot, the Garveat ‘7's pave dheoghy fie Conductor hak the veuistence'yy lp offered bj “Hoe Condichet for ‘fleeofhat Garr fourier pation, boot of -Gistarce ef temp-differnce. Letowen kos endef He Gerdes, IE heak bansfer tel i tatig Ploce trough 0 Grducter for hich “the Hewnad veribeance R4narol 4 Fr —~ 2 dhe Corduchos: Ri ae} a ig cfferd Hy TEL as = : 3 Tap @,Verdr, RP en =e Goemples problenns of heat banifer if - [lepace Saat: (eS Te ithou —— x re eit t heat qonevahion, sfead., stake ae Varcation of femp fore fy [as Garey = Yoel Simp Plane wae et _ x Caz.C2 ace the Trleqral Gonstorsty whichas yes barcleleoaned by sug Bowring Cinckliory ofthe coal a Th Se Gkdter CS Gee Ta HG. S40,. G= Bia ya, lees & ro a Ve a s a cy A fred Fre oteve equation gh Ihe Sinple plate coatlis linens of stling) => Qir-kndt dip ‘ ee ae fhe 7. Se G).+n) J I | an a ae se : Sac = Ae AaT & | : e a. Katie h) => = € Composite Plane woll Fy plane soall Comstuclcl Ly astigy move than ove ayn. of fff Yroderioly 1p cated y Composite “plank! al] x GBeoe of heal: heesfewconchction, 162 heat Slead tote Of: Ki = Steady stale at BF @ Due to sleds stale Q = h=aQ Q- Se 7 t Th = Qi%R, &,-%) > BBs axe © TTy = xR + OER = A Che) = Tet | he en ee nudhien ver the eo (on move Substances Ove bept Ea ogethet Sele Secle olong the divection of heat © foansfey the thexens al vers tancy Can be token o4 in, series .. Qe TB TT TT . xy RAR = 4 a le, ie K when too layeq ave kept fogethen Hhe femp cleoph acsnjeg. atthe. CnlerPhase , Meany lhe, tHheve mast be Some “ouirfand \ offered af By dpe Taterphase This vesistance poset +t IETS layers @ i calledag ctrermal Coobett evslonee (RO) oR oe 26 Ttheymal contact veais tance: is rn aren yen the yaistance: offered by “the aiv prevent at the To ley phase of too layers of materia én a Composite platnwall: A= are € sj for moximising font frontfer do the Gomposcle welll i. be minimise Gatack vesistance present at fhe Dovleyphaye mut : { \ Methods of decuci \, ces highly polishes | ( By triakiog” Cora 4 Ses 4 . bo Gan ag Goat, qiettnd, 2 BEU nob plese 2 cH areeging high thermal eee Geese aw 3 Bese oft he Greases the aly Ot Re Inferphase coil be ccepiecd “the geese ttself- Sothatat te tnlexfhes. 5 UX lnatead'ap Convethen Hat Ranger tokees, He Conduetien haat trenfer ” % fabig place, anc veristance due fo.Corduehinn 'y,alenify < Comiid 9 Silicon bared gree se- cat be thecl a « “high ‘thermal Concha ale aay methed ved fw oy (ow, temp. digplicatin,” erauhd-at hogy Joing Abersemi Salqeeay. & carverked ta AS Bges ancl ack ‘ . rig rin, Soft and. high Hhermal conclactiihy. f caotaltte sheab ot the “cinler phases. * Eaok sheely ane, Coppel atuminion, silver abe | el pocot ok std gig, It OP be ond for -higis . Lemp. caghrcatioy, olde - 7 Peg 5th { | y at kee Combination of Both: pamtlel and " Serves, neboove Le pa, Ra = Rat Roe the fe Ree ests Qe Ty RprRe Peg, Roe so [rime | oT wes hn ee eae ar I Ro = “Eh i AL uty Tt k eS fant. [Xe weer Po Goalining @rdicliony MAT Sad madin eat ont ds ab ey le 3 “ean heating 26 gebog nei oe Qe Ke 1) ae — rot ke ke(tepr) &2 kA gE =~ (i461) Mar 4 TA phe = po Ue ey) Adt 1 . is | i goes Qe ba A Ce) § : aa ee = mean thermal Conc = Klitptm) 4 C The Te (= ke (iter2)} d L Nextable Surface, Axea' d Ay= Toe, mee ‘ | 2i- A qe C € of pee a fem tte ot tenet = Pil => Py m2%, dono = ay « ¢ c a Sea he dt. ‘ 5 xo PR Eat : ( Ree g a. : ve" Z A Q ot (T-Te) “K . 2. e Xgee- Baim, + Bourclany’ condition. Ye ae own de “pickeey fee = | ee hee Ja mae voluc Sa ste ter = Ards QLD WT Frroagh = = eRe dv» @ =" et all the Sercouncings of, @ pond ae heat to he yemoved foy the formation of dx ice, lo the exiting s faugr only ge -O =. ® _ (he a (Teo) = RL faz ab) biel pap = GREE ae a (#=# 2 @ f a sere ) ccthis the Varloble wall thidtned Ina cartetion Gordinating Sepleng-- Greneiral Heat: Concution ]- for (-Pjsteady Shee, coi Priaut Head geneva) Cylindrical Co-orctinates t- BE be fomsfued ‘a . ‘ 12 (09T)\_ 2 Fereral Woit Coidecdin'oy. 22, (12) 25. Blora)eo On Endepostion. Satie werner, [@< Bree CCN) a= ath TD] eee Ls [eo : ~ “dep : TANS a, Sep teat tensfet from Sethe fe th ede Ces ep . eae} pera Crone, and ari ave angle Me ; KAttotel af OO Oeletad = : Bret = Brot Ses usp, a aD Ae, total = 2 labibeven J] : oth heat fentferforr corny act Claes Fi ng Fab z ? Crises RX Scone OF € ee § ‘inne, OF BE S = canchiislasis Shafe factor Rerna8 c c ; Pledges = #4 (Bacay # Bredge + Gey.) | ‘ Qa ed ek. Saclye AT cesyea - Soaks = ‘O-Suag, q Ge o =k Sbedge AT Spechp = O-Stk & ‘ th heat’ bansfer equatiy otherthen tu. Wand Seat, if- i © Geerishic Peartlety and Constanly ave made ine ssiegles | parce Coiteel ay Concliction mee 2 factor « A Qus= a E-Spo fotos plana “Sax = AL : Ray, 2 St a ye EIEIO Sep = Be soe fo on 2a, : “ee A a | ‘ 6 -& ny. 4 fees — P= etnar | Soy OT Ss - WO ‘ a ide Fey “See Sine Ts Se OPC come tastde and ised temp -y Semne fabrication nes and. Same amour | | of madetiod oped foe fabrrahin Oi trove the yall, et . | Of heat Transfer of Cube cylinder 1 Spheve “| Vi cube = Vy Calin, = Vj sphae Menke = Mm oped = gy kobe = Kegiinder, = Kegphete (=n) Rie (i-n) pe GT) sphate. Qeghe $ Regpacr + Qoprete =p 110-4394 OW ingilation — 5 cee ial Previ ding Lplaio wall: gg Qe Ta-Th No ey hel aS the acldifion of lesulahion maternal. : 7 07 plane call will alioags yecluces the heat’ fransfor. 4 Cylindrical walt: uy yen % fe Ws) AK Due +o the Theewe of “ickners of Praag matenioS;' Whe G@nduchon @ Vesisfance duets Tasalalicn increas beget lgranvthonical, when. oy the Coewection wesiotonce dhe do outa Pusid i men n linewe, “f with Trereay of Tricknep of sdrsulahiy OT a Cylindrical Locy jhe net vesitane | Bo vedusing fash onck thenitiereantag—t hence the heat ransfey § Teroatiag fast and Heri weds 2 IN the Pron of Therauing deel then e ) a Neducing the heat fansfey, en an heat teangper berms moxie om; He. coivegpond ree is, led critical = Nadi os aculortiony, and thick 7S FEN UC Collec! sthicknen of Trsulation . 7 He cFicad >for mor, heat tanger ditierealtle Hy wet pont cpaldteyt || - sg od LZ) aed @ oo when da She ©. 7 -—~ R” 4; thermal conductivi of “afutating watetod se io U the €o heat Goafftegent af oulside fur. to=%e- a} tec. Critical chia thicknen of ansulatien and jd sane de =. criltal kamela of, Tnialohion, oe The critical vaclios, Gd: Critical thickney of Trsulaction, CamJog” * Veiiect by a: ditfeceit Trsulating malerialy having fret: | f renal conduetviieg—> Hap thie” cnsulabngh qeooe> Qn material ts “Steck ‘such tak Reza He addition of istoling fraterdal isi alseup edeces the heak, tansfo. FD She. cylincey, he Sa}! Faith athe provision of Tasilation cohen he beat tomifer iy hota paarieatsed, the Tnselatig matertel & fo be Sdecked such dat a oh am Clectsical wires gyre isulation ig provide 4 4o Avo etectrtcal shock Cireuit, Leog etectetally tnsdatirg mataial & abo acting a) ~ a —thernally mevloteg “matertil gy cthe Same (sulting rralens can be od for mostinising the heat heunffer fer the! cholsico$ vive, So twat the Carfent Cap. Comgirg Copacity of He wsiye On be_ ST encaton ot heat transfer( Ae EM)! = 3 srs thet harel Covcheltiye tadatg ene & Slates feak “bi B'eo oP the addition, of cruel conta he SB. spherical walt a Ae a (eh Gy Rear dirk \UTBIMAO ee ue lo: the Theeaw of Hhicknes.of qpryulation on a | i hg = et Sif apretied body, fhe Conduction verisance ie te Be : “Goby 1s “Drereaning hyterbaboly and Conduction, revsiance do otra Plath 5 eck totth linens... The pet farce i Yeduc ing fist ard then tEncrea Sing: ce The heat transfer k is there oing Hit aad then. veducin, the prscey of. Thoeaing Gnd Hen reducing, Some thet. tre Keak hanserts be lonnsig waar: nd The Cer poncling — yadios Lh DvGbdiay, | | > Called cviflecl itm Suledion and dlicknex i called 6 » Per cri beod “thier dae de Nery <> moximiahien, yaoe|zed- “TRANSIENT Heat CONDUCTION) Cun steady state) TON coith ouf heat encration 5 the heat transfer ig ang place thee a wall” the temperarhurey of the tal} ale charg ith vewpect fo diene Cale 4 ‘3 Un Shes shale heat con duction, wo ansient reat. Conduction - Whe thonsient heat Conduction, problem ss divided = 0 Moe Ae = DK : he Ne Koy =e Mini safivy vb hao IS Periodic! transiend heat Conduchin Dertoalic, ftunsien! “isc? the variation co} 2Noa.period'c bensient H-c Aetip. Sf solid bed i5 repeatable Yh certain amount of time Period is Called periodic we sey the Yeoh oh the baletng Gfabrne . “a ; Varintisn of femp- io the wally of, Te Gane. Sle, alon: peice tyethitvent oot the temp. ee na * th ig the Solid bedi ic mot vepentable ard is ferry sy) time. called aj fen=peribdic “THe ( C & ‘ Heating “and Guenching of Steel “Gorponent for hercleing Cie & G Pertodie transient Hc L a feeBe, | Take one Who i, Trdkealigg, fhe, e ee of. temp, crit pect to coal] Hines fa gn pert of Hine ancl One columa i “5 clicding. of @ gen locohion , the vastetion of ‘mip cont time. SO- Sea ir (SIE @ AM 1h, 82 been = Om. Bin = “KM Se) pag 2 Glog = — ka (8), = 4 =0 Ae tod: Tac = ROD peek me 1 fa sre, Kelty ole OQstoed = Beara = tec - @) at. ae Gh. «(Ses (3) ITa=0-6 (SI -<) 2(eae) fe ; Saar (Banc ™ * (SEheoss N. eviodic THE : Ercna Fealed Compent, quenched. ina {iquid.mecka, the heat:bansfer from Solid bed to He fluid & taking place |e from Bhatele to: fe Surfoce of a Solid body tral fect foster’, 4 Chncluchion’ for this Hhethlrel welts 8 Reond = Be. . te foce fealty 6 elt efi ne Bede by Govection proces far tehich Reon = FA / =" Based on the vélattvel’ Vali of. Conduchive, and: Convection Yaheres fre N01 periodie., THE prolslery Gan be divided in +o. three ‘ype . @ Rend ccciece: Reon ® Reond —“ Reony © Rend poo Pr > Ree ' Reond 7 Bone ARN RRNA ann Aaa | { \ { Se: fe dhe Second Can of the problery Gt is necessary to one AP $e aphs Gafiom the ply ot of Hive Values if Ane laos ave giro) Ae thd Value Can be delermined . _ tu | 2 | @ Reon S227 Reenut ys N fs Le we th Any, Reand. ah large O potsitole, ~~ 387 the “Ste Goll ~thickneyy of tre Solid bo ynugt be mace a lage as fossiole, 1 “AS problen iy ako called af Difinate cori] ca L Price on a Sie are oe ee atic Rand = ae ae whee eyf — exter fnckon, oes ate didence, Jet ~ freemal ot Slbasivcy. cinta hed fons ‘ T= boo, ye axes, x n Tele ge ag ° ) | emo _ emer sss 2 Gs . hone Gonay = eo Fp) = re BL (hp) =o: mac. Boon, ee var = el Eal ve — Bet [oe 0 geg Problemy © Caleulake the B; tf Bicol ayume that the given problem ig a Eoore prtdom z ® TH nok chulete 8 ap bs ease tagien Min Ges Srramed ———— Bf. nob take te Gren picblm a «Scand Gy pata e O 30 BY wes >i Le 8D T =u50 ee 4 \e Tem ante A sauna hous uke Vin goo =r (eos) . gg ee Ase pe meue ie 13330 To AT GO BT Comey TH? [SO-90 rene (use gO smers Ls ann a © Cube > %. a . — woe ba imped * x Brot, get ° Fe lumped “analysis. to be valied Sol, Breet, ho fi . 0 cheat e de SMR wv ( © otek es ete heal ae oy Tx 5° : \ 6 Lr Oi Yinr. hey so Pl O18 kxG { at a 6 a (Pipero\ SQit = @; - . “Huds stales'sé : anal dein the, heat haste preten, Apia, Daberesef: Ama? the Bashan tented) heat leanster frei He Sarfoue f Can. ee verdes yp He, Sey SHANE” R Rent demttor femtte : —lea (TH- Te) a = OK (=) en ae ie KE Lint = ta in Cee: L : : 7 5 \ AD pe \are” —-f. ae . Uy Gpeee = EE po WG sec] shoe = ree 1 C cxy oo “WA SS AAD RT Tob he Ne Gg * Felt) =p BSS por tol Resor” | Y NN % hansfer € fo 1 pm Is fegzon: “hae local heal kensfey ‘Galpin B soy ert temesfer Coch Pictent = — heat Plax = ute Per unitarea R d= be OE aie das “ten ae cet “ Ss DEP = Seas hel Ge) Bk: BA (ls Tx) ear |S ot pe Si walt ayfedeoe T als~Te) a6 “ea: ade T= fltd somp- ae Ty —Surfsce kemp. & | 4 Brom ‘Are ative tt iS budeigteod hates cseltcent along Nhe lenath the Seface If verging hence tt § sepsbrecl clefivad load heat branfer: codtiiend “es influencing. ent te hank transher co ostient - |v Vairta Hon ‘of “feenp. of. - fhid ean = HABE)... a Canbinccrs tas hae ON ap ee J ites ti ) OF— seg Lit clising Cakabhon op WT: eect Cone a uidit & axame Hat hounsfier do-heat Fiarsfor: es efhiient B tatanas Ana foanshir Cooftictent es a Surface Youghen | A= haa ene a el Pec peclt We fas: BS Smooth Cracrtticall,) & = The Achial serface Orca expiud for Het beg othe Suvfence (alum, Greate tan tte theodiftal Surface aren Yed foe caleutahien bleg tl! pesence of Yeughney of Sus face Bul i ts cbfimodt fo meabire actual Surface ved opal for UT the variation Hor clue fo tha Vatation of. Suef ate be aytumed to te fransfered onbihe. HT coeffitten L d taken 24 UT coefP. ts Vong « 3 eae PGrientahion of Surfaces! meh Te oR byt beee of — variotion of geomely the wat Te se foe the Wer by the Surface is Eiffeveak bey ge pene enpocd theo’, due to Change lo Geomely hence HT hy Dh The Vasia tien of WT che do vidtalign oF Jom geomaly ray be | absume to be Foansforeed” ofis) HT Cacfficien taken oe a SS Hep Col bG . : : 7 7 t 5 OD cen Heigths 28 acer a! hat y) Sime. Shoxpen shswfen | =, Gree bat ble of chenge in ovlertatlén =fhe actu . d “SaVYJace | Brea Orpen el “Fe WT iL Vanying. TH afsumed 43 = to be. teangpertadion to bie ye! Coneficten f° oY | thermo ple Plvica. Properties of flute. It Te cae He Cp Ey eb. E ¢ ee ne ere if theortcal Calelalel,valieg Pactual values of WT 7 “the exmoptiyicad propor, of fuel ove saben at ® ry ~tmear febia Lenny TEATS eth cake Of fms ovat Safed, © Tobi mean emp. = = = = PR th coe cat Plo thing piped E Nakwe of fleet Meus _ 7 Nahue ef ihest qlew: . ; ae Pree @ rechwal Conevedion.. b. forced convection (@ Tp the moment of fur porticles i taken Plece O71 27) due cto venlation of clensily of fll pacticky . dotted af free 9 natural Convection. ae CD LP the fluid padile ave moiig chet applcatiog af cetaiinl Called a forced Convection « ee ere die oat fos velocity of Pull parties, o few ner of fluid partidey are Geming ty Contact with Surface hence §'T from Sagface to fluid is len J Ket Coffee is len erhere ay dye for of ea fexnal velest of eb Hav Porkidey J vary hy free ee more. ho of. Petes’ f paw Ficley- ace. {9 Contech local the. Surface , henee War Het. oedh.. Give “chigheAse : So, Oe & “Type of Earley lier Lowiwlion!— 2 gaithtn ‘He Lamina ass “pe tosh x cRumbeR ly tecrensy the Velo: ¥ ‘ped - _ Partita: “esti the 'sarface yy rales hee! Fee heats Absorbed by 2 Ae ; ' Plt He: fluldepactide iy vediiaivg Her coekficent q Soe Par he i ye SGP) transi tis be, partdes, alsays colt pa gt Hef veainckan rman ef fl she Sadace éxeq thowgh eS 7 1m] Spenel “by Plu > chee te loge. alifferenti I bf, vee ad Particle is ry bof ced Convection He i i 2 surface 4. won Cncventes Se Te Coette Sin whe Galea flow Le of Vent high velocity of Particle the time Spend by the. Platcl particle toith the Suvface. * % very very ley. tence Ht bp Het Coeff awe reduced - he ont 25 > tree air od gee gp = aster —9 forcecl conv. in aif - Gatey = Sb -fo low —a free Conv. in Uiquidy. = So te leecc—3 Forced Comy. ger lign'dy = 5,000 to 02,006 > bei ling —P Conden gation ermal leourdliny ey ayaa. ee Se ye ad fof Ud yy 20 7 aby a oe ——— - ea + OS aa > thermal eu ok aa = 7 “+ ~ ana Tec + ava a ames Tp Te 2M ley Tee Ty Ait lope - Ts oT ee Te — fo temp, of ae pacheley Typ tre & Monin 4omep. Sk = thicknew, ah, sthe fiemial Let. bavige (her “fhe. Plaid Js Prausteg anrat: Se Gorfucg i of ina particles i vedideag jq dhe lar chtechion He He Surfs Ble aS we ale movie fav the, eivfa.g. th pecan elbeeliey Velocity of fluted whites ore INC: os, “to Cendétter feel) are. veduoiry lon: ebheck at thy On Seme tion temp. of pital Parielg par. ie Sree Stream Plutd emp eohtahy iy Sepavataing Us fen. oe hy tern p flaicd, Parlidey, collect os 4lermal leowrabng (a an e > hy od Using giver dheta frist cat dhicbness of haprostate comity layer, oa F £m panciplaae mg dhickney of hg dhvotd date. Voundary layer ProndHe num bet thicknew of FEL can be colasbily \ Te Tee tty to. _othereare not deck’ direct metlod artis s availeble for a) tiecknens of Thermal “Py Leva Layer £. 60% TE { ; Coit Numba ondin Convectay » ODE heat franifey |. OD Reysolels numbetl= Ree YP Gy PVE tnderlid force a ao ake Teh of ei ‘ oe Visca Poca 0 enolels merbee. § Trcheatng the Yebtive Vals of ¢ foray of & Howes Plarl 4o"Yhe cess - ; eR 4 Flowing fut, Re Ay uted only “forect Conveibiog fee identif yee ab few in te” Spler Wee “Lemtcan fiitiog, erbide a 2+, Grastaft’s cumber',, hy . 7 7 Gur = Begg force of fail gp? Gv =*ebative. vebes oh on force ve ofa Plated Gr wip POTS SEs flied tonite Parga wee = RTE 69 AT Le chawmelershe lenajy BO Te aRpensh on geal 2 Orentatins of: he Sefmen d acceleration, die che, pend PSU mse : Ba eme Codk of fuitd exensimn, oa Tp S mean Bim temp in bry “Gy he f Th Pale menin-demp « inp. DT temp cadifp pa + i ; na Pe “tte (Gras) , D— Rinemaihle Vojens't Gr Sat only in free Conv. Per Tleak tiing te type & i { i t keg Places Po= Hop Po Ale Q pe eee Py Dumber trdteates that fre Yelote abitty Of Hut te. AthPuse momento enaty Dd interred enevqy +hrougin Yioleadas reehaniwn: Pe dunbe it ured in bot, frox forced Gmvectioy for Corvela Heng hadreclynarnic X themed toounde Sah 4 lagers: £ py Yao) Ss Bt 8 ez =" on 1 Rt S>Se for coi Vquid molten metals Pn 7 Pa el ger Pa VO alte Poe tt te Bs wot paarde 2500 eis e Pre 3e00 tc Sd/o00 — Feysenne 5 i ® Nu Sult number |. . ; } Na = RO hd Part No: @rechd es} Nos doe Beottd. | Nus ht & thea Regn Alurd | TERT Ay | Reoww [ | | Nu bs ache “the avelrtelre ValuccoL Can Auchion vegistance of a flrd te the Conv | ok a vfluid - a i (9 beh at Gosek PM Bee & fevced Conv foccl fond WT Coetficent, fb Maek the Nu fe Seq. for iat wer Cocke: canbe. chtaired, M4 musing the: emperical elections’ So Res Pet leigh No (cepencket no.) < Gin * Pr 6 et < Stanton No- = Neate = _htU/k if RYE, hep “eve. evita) fe cee : the ages Local qe Coafficenty ae. aitined to leayal bh Sh i 2A 4 T subgeck: on ony 2 types ofthe os Gan consicauchi-e laminae } durbulert te laminad 2 transition cornbitied Ager: 1G tonidecad 9. laminar tur blen Es Conigitte'ved ous Lien k ~ Obree Cony iv! Ver teal 1 Sutfase» (plats: 2 5 hs TH ; Rac fo laminad Plo I We ose (ea? 2S Ra S tot) trecbulemk Ploes ye =o Lae (ea) °°? Le L= Cena o} plein Cfircder, : Us it 4 al plates @aGy © feagceee ©/ aS TS Te © Upper Surface Cooled & le (Oy opped Sucface healed © te SAAR RRR DA Sirf. tu OR SP Sur Lace hen lect ¢ 2 Foy opret suiface heated &° tecsct Sunfa edt ] te Cooled. Ce om ee ha Sle y Lanntnod ici : gag Ne mo sy oo og. Fae tot 5 gad WT = or 1s ROS 257 | “, 7 o aed. Th Ra = PHOT [Smo — Dygroat lta) = TP Rae Fete ® tewkulent;, Wy = glo Cad 9. —Chave lets tre tangy As Et oe dhteendyy todaentel ailinders sid presen | . ae tel deny a ee : bo CEesh Rictebtenint fap Ny cosa Ree J a or a Wty tadoulente Re ots RO Ws Waetine st Surdace ¢1- Ray = Raj ¥cose Ra < tot 2 Lamina, We = on eles e. Rae (ts turbulert Ny soles roe Leleose- ye Laminar ——— turbulent Truvlelent Wy 0. poss Fra Ra Le L—> Verklal ) L= Ha U. plates pa dat egiiades, Jeleoes Trdlinnd Emperical relation for ee forced Convection! — The. Percival conve Can bee tater oy foc 3. Catto Ls the flow! ret the Surfaces oe flere Uerongyh PtP @Plee evet the Surfaces! oe ' Resexi— larva Ra Sor a rtarbulent . ‘for cx ally “Ebiclapedt” tarvinac flaw ovat: Heese Nay = hes 9.230 a h, elecal heat farsfor Coc Picrent - eee Id§ number Nu = eat ra sbalfine Caabl. heat’ trent fers are.diff™ ee, ole “EPS vt k vay Ys ene | he Se 50-83 eal (Py) : ee, o= EP = a be Wy = URN HOCH (ees) Pa foe a fatty: developed. laminar loo. eer the, Saftey yee: Pls ss Stn Ch sleca Ste- pS = =e Cp wav. skin fecten Cock ficrsnt [Skin Prckian Coethisten t bh ce ha Che dx vecp ever. tx pets Be SR d - Tarbuleat Pte: Lteio : “Way, = a zo-bracke,”* py og Nu = 0-036 Re > py shu “BE. 7 : - anand el ie ea a ey at for cline Combirech Cate fixs{ orume the qn prollan a on a quien Convection Problem, cleterenine Aha muatt niente doe free Comeekion, attume he aicn problem) a3 a fered convection and determine the mmuiult num bey for ered convection, cee UR Nu combed 9 qe 4 3 fox the Vertical Surfaces 3 for the horizontal Surfaces « Head teanstov through tended Suerfraces paces (Fins If Heat bansfer fom Suvface fom Serrouad ‘pla bal a-r) Te keep the speott ve a sthe Surface, ay (oud a4 pies he hat trantfer eurface must be ar cE) Possible. Q= abe. se maximising the HT, the enly besten » Cheapest forsible method IS Ly cadenedn the] Surface alee Exposed Vreat teant fox, whith % achieved fanaa enSteny ‘ea tke Suacet- Conditions the mat levial Used -for manu facturivig of 4 the FIN rast Facing | rthermal Conductivity, [00 density “and tower. cost | 2) “the tonly best preferable maitertal-cfor maleleg tee fing Aeminoony 20 preferatts method) for attechingte tte 3 to the. mot is Solcleting meen Revd @-sthe -Shape-of she FIN &- Gleoled. “ane. te heak frantfered fo the tueight vetio must be a man os Si bla! AE — Moy, Ih Gx» of Tagnate a bese the Lis fending fon0 (en large, the lpciency, beoares Vety Seatt 2 fer tie ¢ Shot flay the efficionay woill be lage. Hfectivenety "= TO Ven A ae “with Sins eee ee : ar jong 9 infinite an BOS chen Lao, Tels, O= Toole =& Yad, TeTe , O=0 dt. de au > de =° Ba cemagem, ae [B= BE L Re Uh (t-te) oO L a= @ =a) he ede ‘Tngulatiog ! Bec's | then 4=0, T©To, O- & , xeL,dr= 49 ! east = | Substrdute this Leundary Condition and Find i othe temp - Uisbetlua | | QE Op- Coshtml(-») coh pC) : x — = ie fnpeck = IipER: € coe teoh (env) aaa —4 Case-T Short ow Gini te fin wottheak 4pinsul Hen Goss see eigen oO O8 ] TE Me Peanet. He =Reonv. HP pene dt dr _— he | eS ehac&tx) She i O= 6s Z COR Cm) + Be sinh (rm) Q= Sh pads. = Jhpeae =o. Terhlod +e ss le - Teak (oe) = t+ be = FE veclange (9 “tetarqul og perakolic, 2 Lad —> pio Ains- 24 B= 8. Cosh (m (Le~+)) _. Goh(mc) * | [a= * Jnpk Ae: Oo = Tan htm te) } Sus cass g IZ Ba with a—temp. Sources - ed tae LoL = tle Boundory Goncttions 150/28) 42 Oo. * Sere = ie Ge =O; einGs E-y) aE te Hay oo co “awa h(t) “ft axe { y Ae. € ay 1 == _ TPH dk wm A Yd — 57° sel: \e— a be - —— | K O= Oh(mew) EF Cah Crnty) cel B= & chim (e-¥) eA cooh(mt,) MA etAshes Qrolal = Q, + OL =) bpk Ac (9,120h (ml) 4 stank (rte)) AK a a fo with eo ctemp. Sources , fhe lo chin i adhere the. minimony temp Js oxtusing Can be Teirbfie 04 19 r/—, = Coo tor) - co Hm t-)) cmt (ont 29) ~ coah (ov ath Ose,» SI = re ya (t+) = ™m% | Perfonance of fra. wh a Performance of the fin Gan be evalveted ning Hest povametery 5 Efficleney of. the. fin. 2 Seas of tte fn. [iPioncy opie fan Saf = Het pow ee | | : : oe max. y-T: of fon — = [RPER 6. tata 30. = vtpetc “oe hA% (lo Ta) | ¥ (To - Te ' | SOS TO SES A Ie 1 . ~S = SRPERE *% hyexC XG TA Con of Tapnate fin Ler etre LIS tending tose (A larga, the “aificleney beeseres “eo grat 8 fer fue Sher t Ba, the efficeny woill be lage. ee fee) yt [Ee irate] [ES O| Co QO + aii [OS S cae OE — 5a Fea, = Os hpERe * G+ hla nije s— Saunt +h (ho omnis Sma ee be fra bee Dad ° tho he&s | =?h bpene % cee coho Ram Be - ~ Se > Song a (ee. Teoh) ae SRNR NR RNR Rm RRR RRA Pes Rec rons lewis R clxcloped laminar foc Arch Ware Peeleale ® wrth clack heat flux the Nusutt number Conant and AS. equal te a =U.BeY Nu = “Be 4sey ® wrth audtert Sat chemp. Gi) Beethermal, «sall ithe, Alusull Ho. & ogetn Gnrtant = 3°64 Spe APA the lid 's flung Hag site ase = fhe fire, the cheng of nace! wlll be _STstfo_Atetto artdo cinoe 4 $0, that lo have “the Gonshant heat flux, the temp: clifference must be Constant -Huenghout the pipe. fer his the Sexcface temp of the pipe” mist be Prevented from 19 let tekeabbes} theetit- Called ay Contant heat Pact Conclihion - eter o fat Crea thesgh the clemp-of ud \y Theveating ool “ait & “echoing the temp of eoalles Surfaces Rept Coban a Sau || deer’ Taleb to the exit cated gether ef Gostant onal temp GA / fully developed turbulent Plow, usa rea Rs : Yeo, Wty ST and 3 Surface Com teckay Hine healed Coen (emlcn ae lanters seejene herbs puch al. Sa Surfaces | ots Me ATS Laminar. lows , Ny ec Re cyghod al eter ors, Neca naz Mutat, PEPE ith content heat lux Mus $8 Laminay 2 glow (F Placa flucd 8 Pk A - Tre Fy fa 2S FER oy Sykes, for moninngi Vee heat ona Ii : sfev, S olesays wale to Provick the fing ne Sicle ‘there the heact bans for Coelte is 5 erinionny. == pe SP 7 Qs 2 Qsip with tip ins Jhpenc 8 = Jhpene- @o--Tanh (me) Ten hifme) =i =p mb= TOA CI=B yy | ge ee EN I ORO C@ a OF Ob OFAbOd Od ®o Oo GL ® ©. @.O ® © © © @ © @@ amo De ae Bb Noe _ (at spe (bon cincules pahag 2; ogee (at [ye y Us Gan be Converted ip Na = yet Tod = SY anche Clreulet Pattage, # CD We oe Re? 9 @ Gyivalint cain Pavsagey ai i: Pex Wie CG _— TEE el Peivala cl OT yysles aden; | Fae EB eaash | paws aon, hegre ablock Re > 2o0a: y-hubulate Leody fhe emai ssivity €! Nu seez ee? ah ¢ 8 rely of ave ant s— =the 6 - Le “ES € Y Onan —E> Xe, ot — : \ a T TheTeic Bae doses hee ‘ ighen the ferip. ore" Z hy nextXbrd K b ‘gual ei ilude + Aft Foden oy Ss a, : movirg from Bleck. fe pe non Hees Non buck io whe Bleck. ave Capel: . athe net one aot Of yprHlack body blacttod | - ‘5 wee t. “Pwo? Quenet =O on a a Co ep 2 ELE) = © Ti= 3” : i fet “de pning tee rad ain) me wor temp >) Encregy vied a bine bo dy i R, ~~ ved Ke = =o <2000 laminae —? Constant heal flor i= content = we W864 Nu = $2 2 ja teree rots & ous ee & bond = 30 mie Volx3 = n>! Sy 2S Q =hAAT shi abst «xl , ro 2D Ge 18>] aaa Ny aus GexS = mep Ce—-T) = velx P= ar Acrvel x P= © xv lang = hAar SAX TOO 1x20 2 ak (te-Tj )= LER3 . ™ 25K 90 0°8F e f Os. paid. €e bh oe Pvp axes Ce he ERECT au, C Ax Qe F 20: coy feos poe 8 ERS Vigo kk 0108S” Cpe tool fon = a Wel ea tony = Form » | free Comanvecht larrinorHene, | Ng od eft rye v QD re Sey : m (o& Jon Circular potas 55 i Gan be Gaverled jg aa hee Pvt aoe ee Acorns, to thls Bora tron block | eee ne chutalet ke te erisenil oes \ Ny tors re® ait albsor bi Hivtly of ave eqval | . ss 5 - € — = ae ¥ Anant -E-Me, Bek | TES ae FEE | we Bess || QL haar when te erpore

Based on the ot, FP ~D vs Jy oF AM the whe coloured Bodies Gil be have like. B white debe dies -p ali the shite bedi ab foney _ toate tn toleuy. ™ Shape see face. This defied. oy ther fraction of Yadatve enotg, fats Afiaed from One sivface “elomen Land; t Shtbay a athe other Surface element divert without oA iotormediate. « ofleation . TE ig: knoe Shape Behe OS c View factor ot ff le € Fi, = shape “factor of a Cart body ‘ 1p 7 M_¢ ke Vetucot shape me Vola “fen ode | cad “hoya bh We Nalueof Shape cis Mpetinly deperdy 00 “te Geament ot’ # ounces fate Fel d % ME ven Atorigh, Surface aren of. bodliey Temains Same, —(/ » oi boak: bee of. @ han 40 Geomnches ofthe. Sfaces, He, Shope factors. eoill be Vahied even sthoilghy oll, the fou Seorfocas. coil have. ¢ Tf fee ame. Slate alka Onc Sane gemesnf | iY 1B A prec Lab ees. Shope "Pauley are cliff. “a iG tae he priendation of Seerfaces ‘ne ven Sn oe, Tite = = Ay Fay) : : Qe fa eh rt AG = A y UW chape Packer of a Fy Shape Jaclet of the Bods(od) Sam af tie Shope facta Kia bey with vospert to yo sarmundteg Sadly dy ey Acz pete mC Arole clependen.t -yeflectten bods : JG Diffusive becky Diffusive lees 7 . . Tp the voy a chraduation Suvface L “AS focident on fre Surface, IIE R Yeplecting radiate one Ya all the divec Heo respective of Heargte made by Heck eam > diffusive body: oes 1 © Guvlaces are be having ke a LS Pps ye dian wou } é "J Yelepenctent vefplection wy. sonnet of adie oreRY a Lawx acted 7 Radiation. be weins (au Aceardng this “He protect of Hesmeleafe a : bocky aye tate placoat {ff abtebbe Ab bach te vadiation an the ty i cer Lemp wateagp Gul: BU opal te aera otk (Arecdl of the mechanical Ledigy Re ternp Bh te bats is ahids fle vodiatiory ae faking place Le clalexmined. mest a teagth at on Be bey ON 2 Stephen bolt @aan (aw) Acosrding fo. oo a me a ree =p tS Stephen ~ Bolb aman conpe = ©. brx04 thats diftrd fron pane elewenk aiclit shtiy 3 the other Sarface- element dives withoal ang intermediate. woplestion: Zhis boon shape Pele View factor ot Oy Fonte vito} thope factor Vatufiog fom : Se The Vatue of Shape floc iy iy Sep eee ‘ Onenmtodlen 3K “Gren though Surface area of bodies remaiy Same, t eB of change i of the. Ssface, ‘ tH Lat Be0% of ch ge org be cofacces, the \ i Shope factor csill bee Vatied c oo troagh all the four Sarfoca) sill have. tex seme. Susfate aka and Same geen q \ bbe Shope Pettey are Att. eorel, 2 By | € a tee evtentationes Sorfacey Ce Pa= ty b Recgecity # Hreever|_ fa! a pg ¢ Tob +! < Sea sat fee Qe 2 ge Mes Fee, = Base Be ahi, l [ato aa Fan, Qe he v PLE F Abyss yf . si us Shape Sack of the bedi Sar af ahie” shee ck Ria body woth fajper! ov io Surerundtes Sadler ds oly Br 2 WM tM+Qat a Oy = shafe ute oh epson bidsdf 4 le Qabetln t--—) behotge eet tue fr ef anf ed Ceara fuso > Plat dd Conve Set facey fy om Creloswes. -§. OO Suc Paco Gi Feo #-° i | e fike i | 1 x 8 > Bet ig : lath Adee 0 Kas Kes a oS Bg aa = Pits Wea Pi he . eae . fie abc the o> i fo=Rya hie Que = Sy Que Ava - 1 = At Fe coor Fa thust ote, Alf = Py far Aha. ore parks thes9 ah the Yecieving body i is div ‘Q cote Me deed shone, OP the Trdlividual, che Bache pabouys Andy clivided * the fant faster, where uate a _ He | ade __ 2 ej oe oe Lol ji ie | f, . Usttsd — (turk) Ree fay = wo HD) = bet) Bei , Lyste, Gs (RS by = Jae SN Rohe 2 rs) ~ Ce) EE pylon a lobe, = Fae Cee Tree fy FE detewonene w-e- : body Ay fae fey fe feet Oot he shape fact: ot mek Suwface of Semi chrelad dae vet ESP chen the ay fron the ads & nagteded - Fy tf at fu =G)-, fees BA fio = AP ~ — text, = Aaa ‘ — ORAL 7 Secret 7 = fq cabbital body pj Petenrine he Spb shape fachor of Tasick Sarhoce of 4 ay Lor k TEAR Usha whe Logeat Soi sphere dngide inscribed ins oh A tr? ‘de Ane cutee? eee Fata at, Pat Ql, fac) j 2 q By fa eats fee Se ‘ G ure aa ae 7 ca Las @® . iT Bh tee Sides anctd af pe etna Srrewn 17 Bg ae : s AG! BE eqial width ond sede @ Wy arewoles “ae Sith centee ato finds athe “pies fecter fy : \ : “og 1 “\ Soh G+ feats ol 5 wee | taaahet oe Fa whe bg] 7 Lele. hye fy Sra sie & 21 sino fis ee he ¢ fog nin Fa , i fig ® As Fay Ee Ay fig A | | : eqievAa: fp. E Artis 2 As fas fae AS Pa =8 fay et- BC Pee) = os) Ke vadiotion heat nay Awided in fo oie Radiation heak teatregy baluce) the becies! 7 Ort antics rallet bodeny CL. -proeo infin) Paratle Va ©. Me i fet bey _— Boaee =r -[% (se + 4 ladtngte, 4 of, Cia Gace ata) Sleds : } = Gam Goaea[te( (a4) toe Eb Pees; Ce ua) = 4 ele “ey 2 Boe Gethanga boy eae y Oreck. Beret i : oe SE Ge EtG -ae, es See Te = habe Qtr+a-ae tee - Ete cohote. fir igeatacl Axpivateat emntstriby ar Interchange. faces { fee a . 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Diving force. | HAE the Geen frag bag 8 nye, R= Sages ey aynmed ay Slack bec whak-eyer_ Rey | Be diatlon Enetay Emission Copactty of He by Big. mrorimum Aackaton 07] ernssion Pom te voc Onl ts taken af a diva force: . "Qe Cori > coe eee) Sa EHS) pe fetes = @. efnt-n) Ants: AR kee - ERY es fares Wace) eee i, ch ae Sj L ers) bho hwo: Gat} qey bo diej ‘alion enoey emitted - fa): Slolal vad. a by body eh ace, a as + te eS ke pete! a tteq Pret ores Le Sg . Swall Leaoy: ° 3 boda. 2" tnetdentga Sl fe ee = fr Qe fo he, %7 Ti | shear) a “ediahon nary emitted [fips kia | 3a pind dent- on' et and | Oy} forked by ty! = Qi X Le | By, = @inhh | 7 Oy Key = & fo fh ae Ty ce Se ar = Qyp net me x ee vecletten enerqy ercitted 4 ay incident on"//a d ed he yi a wi (hu (hon BY) () = fhe nh c! 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FEM Arey | 2. the vel Aepeaciation (a) > The total Yadution ancient oq ee sca BD vunit oven per ort Hime —5 Dera dation, os per onit om ei a _ earner eee Qu net = Snot ee “— Gem RE Ret: Co ) SA Ng toe BS, 8 Ge Bath, Ba OR = Qunet = Snir ae 4 og a Ray “ee Rp ij > ea Prelging Evccho tft lew te 449 ‘ the het mealing ot any Punelion =O ay ee wd. ~ SJ at yy. : : a) ~ Sb) OD Psp D4, Ebimh , Boe 4 Yer (aaa) API pa Pge —O_, : ah ee Boh 4 Tide Gtx - py Bsee Sha er, AC Yes eB gy . _ 3 hie KER WK e ae, = =9 7 Ray “esr Bry 2 @ Py Solving above @aas Sr @ (ra dixtatic) be clea” oe a ae petrol of vebveing edison heal crchang. 4 Jee at e0 Seb key mdilhe = Py tlic ts, ee : As ‘hep vn eR ates “SS || waby as 6, HR bien balan Gris fain 6p te bod she 4 Ane remairyy Sarre the MSpace vesivhance aye sqme. Henée Cha, i SY of Fp Sort nok Pesscble ~ Le v4 the P a4 YA fal) aars) ..e1he] * for Sedkci dhe ‘adisticg HE in the Surfaces Hedrly pessinilily & “by 4 Surface Yesdance of the body which ig posible by echicing, rte emissivity (€) of. the vackia hiny -f Hhis Gon ve achieved by f yeftectivily of He Mae Suxpace guface 5 : iF By. ag highly reflective Coa hing on be vadiohwys Surpass, 14 (8 reltedvily ) prpetho BN. (Tirer Lawyer of outer. fube ) outer a ‘ Mop inned.dube,.S ceateia ') 2) by providing vey thin, ht 14 led netallic “gheely laced. ta bla the We dia biogiicanfaes Madtabien: sheelel) Radtalies shit Wie Te a Hin malic Jrecki havoog Ath vraptectivly is. placed bly 2 rodtatiry Sugfaces uch Peak” He can be. / HR ne a Souvaley” the heab, morass’ fo B of fre heat’ Lak abshuck the: Plois. of ; c ntadtaben Eretgy estng Hhe Principle of fretlechon. New e en ae eo lp —NVILWAL NOAM Big Rsy Rips, 8S Ry te BSS ; Qian =a & a eos \ See ge Crit 54) | (&+ Ste) Rs . Req = Lee REARS. 4 Raps tees i ia Soot + 2xyles ( oat AR ee Sm pA Ce tb 4 8 2) fer Q- fes_y-shielels! : Nd-of a! ore P + Rs, Dae =2(ne1) No a (Cg3s = At] [Qn net 2 OE \ ie vette (nt D> | Eisok 2 BL. by Gol, G = Ht corthoutshieldy Ex =03) Ssioiine? — Qla wr coith Shields Qe a aoe - - QE (ode det hr (ney =OLQ, Chat) tx CHE mB) werk = —(n+1) . “Ee oe +h oe hike Lo eo nee = O89, O94 fs fai =} uw = HR Ox 2 > xO 4 “A og od bay apg : bhq =o8 = | Shield { ~ is = &, = Qa nel ' = (3"_ ay) erty lL ae ete] = 2 Hon) dheot belo qegiten:” AEE conv, = Qyad cotth shielf. h Abe (ta=Te) = Abe we Cresta) arene Ba as ny booty . J 9 back boty I éz) | bh (re-ney 2 <8 (rete) ar ! i | Lae Ea & 3 2) [/exbeld = sonar te | | Tarte = wee Tn) o.oo nik BEAN) AB melalitc sheet made. ty cal cu, Bg ele oaks. ted 4 2 Nadtahey shield they 0g Sha of. 6-601 to Cowal ford te ate) ig T) a i Problems- Pg Mende © FZ =S6 ee cs } Qpeork, GEO 6 Teh > =|- Sin (22 © fe _ are ) : Taste & i = 0183 . ote ry dlapee teelviry ory | © Base ecco) el i ee -) © Qed =. Gprerpd geet Q! = (lH0-a5)9 6 Prtetine Sp -& =o.05 09 bethsidy C) oujee. in tion net : Captures ley Sols Yadahion , ay {Ical. Ceshangers 24/6] n-{ecmg teat Exchanger ica Pro cey “equiptneat- le gigned foe : Exchorgiede the heat belween 2. dlilferent fluids £580 t.looo —s mf ee Uee + looo—> mpl ; ce 5 §00 + . ° -to| hap! He 4 Cold fluid temp BS hot fluid temp Sel PPR Th & the Uepte A most efpectie —N Method of transfering’ of heat bla o Paid Mf both Hae Paddy) “vous be Made Ly ost Same ub. tipo Sleam_f to } hot & cold water. dh. 1D Regenerator type of heat OF changed |. St Ais the hot eld flatgowe | | ae pags” . + | parsing trestigh te allel 3 ae ae te, then hat aes Seal eee poe " pete hark & Ceniferntag mn Plutd : ho hedt cxchanget, 0 pet” gent Hap the flees of fath Bud 9 poss he eld Plu» So that: cheat 5 Aranifeniy eee Exchoigs te tre Cola flard. (D> Recuperetor type af teak exchenge’ cbr’ ths het 2 Caid flurdy ee posing, throws eo HE Smulfaneauyly 4 Sepavated Ly Usng a thin wall babe Cohen aa) sae spaya 4 3g a 1 ~ > ‘fcc I os Thin cll tube fh esed te minimge | the Condition veststante. af te pipe th iso mast Commonly upd ype Eh teday, Tn duh e4 (

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