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Nonlinear Finite Elements for Continua and Structures Ted Belytschko Department of Mechanical Engineering "Northwestom Unireaiy ‘Evanston, Minos Wing Kam Lin Department of Mechaical Engineering Norhwester University ‘Eranion, Mais Brian Moran Department of Chit Engineering ‘Nordweser University ‘Evanston ins JOHN WILEY & SONS, LTD. Chichester « New York « Weinheim « Brisbane » Singapore - Toronto ar 380 a a 8 at Ear ich aa sien et ry 3, Se 8 ‘geen No plc mn Cesen tins See ey se ca i a, SS Cram ry oon rR nv Ama A Pu ol n eb Wi Sin Rea. 2 Ce a 00, sa fetal Sutton Sas em SANOLCLITS (Cd) 14 oe) ‘ae tues ey ny Kens Ce Catan, eek ee i'r rn OS. ha nna To our families Contents Lagrangian and Paerian ft elements in oe dimension Contin mechanics 34 Lagagercmenatin ie ua een casey 4st 43. Weikfonn: principe af vial power as SS Dont pepomeeed ead Q 4 pit Lagan Oe er ieintin i eee ia 1 pamatun osiee ie Sy * 5 Comatine models as 9 Deana shes @ fapaseoee 3 clase tvemmn 3 51 Bnet mos x» 31 Stara meee king ss Sto Cuincon natn 4 33. Onoyn sun amen is 6 Solution methods aod stabity a Depp a Micah ™ Ammo | Venton as 7 Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian Formulations 393 eae a ht 2 Append 3 mest shape tions a 1 Aeon s Gtosary a 76 Into Po Geen meth im eee “ 33 Peper masa msn cr c “ 2o cp ene s 21) Nema spe a pas ae ppg ben Pe Preface “The obetve of ths ok to provide «empress introduction tothe methods {nd thcoy of salina fit clone aban Wetec ot erultion nd {Phono the drt gus or varus cae of problen hte 3 nal intrest in apteation of ein eaten metodo! esa tractor Iman, The wopee the dscreizaton by feces of eon in oe “Sins and in ml-imersins he formulation of contrite eatin form finer mata lrg Sformitions produc or the sonton af he dee ‘ton dig cosieatins of oth pues and pal tai and ‘Getament farsi andontsctmyt probes The eth tpi wich ae ‘svolvans ost and resect apts and wish ar eset Yo tow {he pret, rent abd teahing of pote ate een The ook hur n canes sl arth hematite. AoW i lacus anys of te stabi meri metodo he evant pti ‘al equine he abtive to tech methods af te element anus ad the Proper ofthe stint the eos, Tepe sich spon cones sd Tremuthematz! popes sons ue not come. inte oman ofthe dace eustne rt with te soversing equations tse on the ech of he sem, develop wel for a i hist Serve the ‘haste equations, Weak forms tte dere equations te developed Tor Lag {Ben tey Lagangun, tnd Eulerian meses for inte silton of fsa frome and sir poten wt lag deformations tat cannot be ead Tngangan esis ne bacomig ore common, hte upd aragin an he foal Lapringan apres re thorousl destibed ‘Se fondue desta ote eto rogues substan fant wih cotinau meshan, Chapter 3 summers the conta cbs which Fest fo the tops ints book The chapter typi With ase desertion of ‘Bsn ni sm mpm rotnton. Stina aes mass ae Sted sons ‘rl antonio etean tem wich ener ener pskorwat and Fulleck options, Tre hae onesie dob oth soled Ele Bnland Casangian deen, Obey, en known as fame iar fnrodes “Chapt #Jesribes th formulation ofthe dre ution fr Lagrangian mis ‘we twit th desopment of he weak form of Boentum ale se {dove he dtte tuntionn Boh he tal Laan and he update Laan ‘Gon Toons ae thoveughlydeesiod, sd methods and pproacher Toe = Price 5 es ose ation th parc chai on ea {oration Soin procedures and anaes of stability re desea in Chapter 6, Bthexpic ‘ad mpc ineriton provers ae dverbd Toten process 8 soon ‘otimation poco for equim prodens te conser Newton eto nd {cielpa ta th suo of sorter probems te aby ofthe mere {drs snd of the ply proce crac Thor, the thary of aay ‘Sinmarod and aed othe dination of he sb solution and mesa Procedures oth game und mater sity ae cosets ‘Chute? dale wih arbary Lagegion Fulerian mods, Ths chapter ho proves th ot fr Huan atlas. Nels eee for Us clas of ses sth upinding ad the SUPO orl, re se tthe al yo man tad ete tes, pa ‘neal context Onep sundae shen and ovr cond are ald ‘esr ‘Chapter is devoted to eet cenents tala sas nd eas plates ae noted separtly bass hey ae spc css fl We cps cin Sd rata lions Bae ty ray ed ad mie wy ‘inward omen for bam slr are devel. Mach of thi capter ‘eisai on the peli capes, ice contin bro dente ca Be eel ‘pe fom catia ements th minor meetone. Testor, ph sch at heaton st mate ols ae rete oy ly. fate om the nosmooth charter of eontactngct andi els on son eedres and solitons “Tis book ls intended Tor begining graduate student in programs in mechan centig l npig pled teri, ad cain nti Te ‘i ape fon eiffeayendfece tc ln be to ae some ‘ckround in varitinal or sbeey metho Tnadsion, sents shod have had sone epost wo stg f mutes ap sondouim haus, Fam With [nici potuon and mati notation ewe Mod traces wilcSons net ove hence ook To dom woul require a ‘hein stent with oars achroand ening Pele embarking i he Pace = caso of teal hich vtets heats and tat of the scr “The book ss ost itil oth he lala the upste Lagrain oma. Th [trevor oor xn fos othe upsed Lagat ipo! om Chale (Coote 4 th seh topics rom Chaps 3d to mie the tet wih tna dels ad soon pore Some titers may op oii the one {Tmenonltstment in Chap sng tas phe rogue ening The oa ‘Lapangin formula an ten te nrce by snly showing the torts fa Chater A sina cure cn be denered with ut thai on the etl Lag ‘hn formalin ‘Wehaveendevored to wi ued stent notaontrougout this ook This inprant eon, for stent rast change notation afore inp lesming, Thi, atts, cates deren rn notation citar i he Fertue of park aes, bot we hope hit the conser of preston wil fei the state "We walk to hank our many ents, colleagues, nd fomer stents who ed preininry versions hs book sd who proved neous suggestions, Feedck {cron ply 1.8. Chen, Univesity town Sela oibow, Duke Uniesity ‘Tomas JR Hugh, Sanford Univesity ‘hasan Li, Notes Unies ‘Aa sid, Unity of laa at Chisago Kerns Papi, Corel Unies Paik So, Univer of tbr ‘Neary Sika, Northwestern Univer ery Sia, Univrty of Minoo We woul ho ite o thank our stadt Zager AB, Debbie Burt, Ho Chen, vont Gun, Dong Qin, Michael Singer Pepe Sigh Creory Waar, Sora ino an Lacy Zhan To bp wth prepurtion of ures ping, a eee rooted Aap rmainng ros te, core te responsi the bar "Asma hanks por to Shot sid Yong Goforth conbutns ser of the aie an worked examples. “el Beye, Wing Ka Lin Bla Moran List of Boxes Pre of viral mot or one dimen! otal Lagrangin fol ‘scree equations in tot Lagrangian formulation Deere eaton pied Lagrangian tery ‘Govern equations for Fea formu owelat for expt ine integration of Lagangan nest Definion of sre nen ‘Transomaton of street Sues dlrmatio (al) rat pis conju in power Ojasive res Goveriog equations for updated Laggan formation ‘oak form for apt Lagrangin formulation: rile of vita Dhetete uaions a itera wal foc slit or pte Governing eats for otal Lagrangian femlton Wek for fo tot! Lagrangian oemuiton pine of val work rare tions and internal orc agora Retains btn ange ml Coa rations or on diene independent icy ih combina tropa pena hadesing Cootitatve gunn foe rateependan lyin oe dimension ‘vith combined trope md ae Agematic hardening 2 a isp ae ox $3. Mypolatcplasccomtttive model (Cchy reformulation) 250 iarop ina hneing ast 1 <3 fame Introduction psu ae cee af Ree ze paste eee aI 1 NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENTS W DESIGN Bats Sinmiyof pan por en ™ Ln nn eres Beeler etched eee er ear ee ec a So are oe Se er a alc a Rc ree oT see meena mucaancmatin ia ie eres Pomme tegen u et a atest aha ant erst mun eae ae = ee ae pete ne ee pee eee Fe ean chert g ter eminem sce reeset oem ete eer se men ae ce seas et hep apm a x74 Ayres * oo eee sere eee Sees acaees c Sor sees a a naee ennag ee eee ia rae ee eaceeecrtatecaee “ ‘Srpurive ufos of ileentaporohes aad at sppecion of he Tis End Aerts bn cat = ee a ea ae penap era ar ——— ee A ee Solan ofthe eqns Toterpettios of theres co 2 pay at win hance wit amis pone for “Moda detent bs shan mare in te ps dae Uti 1980s moe evelopment empha he tact ofthe ex cements of mun beta ‘ee sewn Ml dept at whch co att ese ei now bsoming common in indy to develop sing, det melo sigh ad owe to examin al of he enone hn aro tee, The Inpets fo this aprach to modeling tha ie a re oa ea shes {ora engncering peut thin san sve hy sein meso or cach ape. {on Forename sume ints den modes app compre ts oo ‘opt sinatra aan and al aay: By sg the se Imo for ofthe ata sige amount of ctcrig tt tbe ted ‘Wie hs approuh sol coed val saons ts bconing comma inindaty Ine as future the ite lent model may Boson re rte ht can be ting ay ons es tran The cg opie ime andthe neenng ed opts ae ts approach iy coe ttfetive However er of fie den sofware tl let et he Stay of model or ptr nay and undertow, “The olathe gvening ations ant dtttions oy sy in ths hands ofthe estar evetapers Hower naa eet he Feenstra many pr esse som apres soa my be emuinti Frtirmor, oe stn tne ‘st be aware of the Se ab inset progam an By the {sperimetait who proved aul data The babe ms undead he ses ityrraoms thc aa how ose Ancttve nat a esa ete ikl snes ferro fcc forthe cron ate ie mage sed the lation and stents of ets slg The soln ofthe eee eqn ao res ny cs, An inappropriate ‘oie wl et in ver lng rn tins wha pete sat oma thers within the ie sede An dentaig he ekg nd ‘nig and the aproximae computer tans ee for uu slo proses ‘ovate inthe sono pd ate for doping sna mode ed ‘satin the test slton poste, "Theta croc inh iteration of es nan to the apyovimations inkeret even nine fn ent model: nse tos se ‘ten sete to muy factor tht can make pe aon ge lending Nonlin sih can under sabi, he rep conte csv Compete ‘oman heen ded ration rl pauctos, Unis ‘aro hse phenome nepetaon olan eli ge poste “Dane the fu ew oh wei dpa of ie ie slemet sae re ey tang a may nus sets te enc an bes ave sored dog ees tnd drama sacl the need for proto ‘Gi Silt, case of wide arty of opt they prods a te ie ‘hing "whi can nto eteadousimpeoneenso te cg deeming Of te bap ofa products hearse nde aes envionment Witt om iin Fine Emon xen ioe ey ely pene he ea of evo podem ch tTedegn on te hued ifthe produc doesnot mes tat Computer nations, 22 theca han, eve dete hits of ew and rin snd eter nt vara ‘fic i the ds «Rood ener ave va biht nto ow f een hc pro Like many Site element books, dis book press a Inge vary of mahods and rei forte slation of engine end see poblems Oy the inte een Iie, Howeer, to pcre poe urate e hie nerve Sel hemes in he Hook whch we a rea ana pore enon nay Thor inclad the fone 1. Theslosion of appre method for te probe a hn 2, ‘The seeton a sulle wes description ad kinematic and netic Ses 2. The tamination fstab of he olition apd the wlan proces 4 Anarene of he smote of he respon fhe mode nite mpiton ‘the tay ily the sltion 5. The ole of msjr aston an the Hl owes of 0 ‘Tretion ofan appropiate Socio, wheter a Lagan, Eulsan 0 {toy agringin ler es porta for ayo he re Ot ‘ation poten enounteret in roost smuston andre nas. The eft of ‘sh dtortion tee to be undertod, ag the advantages of leet types of mes ‘Espinal be booed i the ston. Sahitya utes sue in The ston of nonlose process, tn numeral silts pole to obi stations Wc ate ot ply Stable ad tee eve suite mening Many sons re rte To inperetionsofmatrlsh Tan pram ins sey tne cen sey tte mh employed ine {chia A knowledge wer of pes ite cnet sear bear | these sates adhe sod pl, here tees oad labor "compute shins can te que ising aed to oor dsgn cons. “Ti of moots ab wigs ois Neen alse Lak famotine depmdete robo of mst lg ad ean inoceundes he oe int the tltion. Tesnigucs hate een eloped whieh imgove Ue ttnots of he eons thse areal oalaranion rocederes. However, Uren procera in ot aso pal phenomena ann mance ‘Heconstante ssid Wath be eyalareton ate ito deine. Therefor an tune nan confront with thee wheter ocho eb which eae {eranothersltons to dl i. diconaus response An undestandig {heeft of epunraton partes and othe presale replat, ‘eh penalty methods in conic pata a speciation the Hees ee Ith highly desl : The asta sty of lions we portant ase in nonin asus rh aor mune hensive nny ways Por example te slcton tah 4 avai =n lent, th aml mus be sae of ably sn nkng characterises f varius ‘ements, A ulloas Seleton ofan cnt inves factors ch he ity the chet or he pce tnd, the espe seams fe ston ta he ‘got of efrmaton expel. In tn, the stat st be sare of he mpi of sont olin. Te posit of both pis spd mane Snntaales nut kept itn dete nt Shiton, “Ths the formed eo one softwar in bth tft and rene rues ‘omideabe understanding of sonar fits slement mean ine jee this took to provide this tndereanting and tose te snd wate of oe any ineraing challenges atd oppor a once met cals 12 RELATED BOOKS AND A BRIEF HISTORY OF NONLINEAR FINITE ELEMENTS ‘Scyr ene texts and monograph devoted steely pri owoninet int elementals hate sey teen poli. Bsoe Selon wil onc finite eement analisectce Ge (1972, Cratels (199), Kes 989, sod Zong (099, Odes wor sparta weeny sie planted Fl of mvlinet Soke element ans of sods and sutures Reset ton re Simo and Hoes (099) and Bonet and Wood (1997, Some the books which ae partly devote 0 Donita amass te Beach an Haphes (198), Zaki and Taylor (19), Ste (1996) and Cook, Malus and Psa (198), The Books prod ull nr stone to nonlin ite ment anal. As crpaion ktm of net nite ement amino etl The mst omens a Hughes C198) hd Zenker a Tayo (99), the fowng we recount a it histor of online fit element methods. This scons fo hae my ote ook nth it fous mov on the Sotwate hin piste works ts mtn te seat aay, sn many des ‘sn thinformain-computr gs, the stare fen rps haere Utestieoftheare than the ete Nonlinear ie element metods have many rots. Not langle the ea ie lent method be Fnown tough the wor othe Rosin a the Fanos es of Turner, Clough, Marta, sd Topp (1956), nessa sy vessel "starch aborts gu extetsins ef th meted to ong sal cplacenet ‘tle probe Is dia to convey the extent oth ey ese omminiy andthe didi aca sears orc mt. For example for ‘many yes te own of plied Mecha shen pape on the fae et ‘ethod ease conser fo soni ane, Bt Wo many. Peay gis Who hd to del wih enginaing robles, he pom of th inecanct ‘tho was: ifthe oss ding wh thecal spe fel cei “Thectstnentin he 19 was ac by Ba Wiss era station of rogrims Te fst gotten of thee progans hd wo rae. ma abstr thin he wl cpr rio apc yg ee. ing he eyed develope Hr lye etree pt an apne. ‘ngand te ween deetopmet of ie seen state, To ee pottion ee eed Boho Hit of Non Pe Bee 5 fina progrins develope at Berkey were ld SAP (StrctarlAnalsis Pro: fgam The lint nonin program whch void rom the wok at Berkley at ONEAP, wich ad consi fr suitor slaon and he lao ranean bls by mpi ieration. ‘oe he in i met he we rp 5a cat sl King 97. The nro pap soon paisa, an sar oon falomed Pou Maral ugh at Bown Unerty fora tine, bt he st wf 0 furthest sonar comma ise cen rogram 9% rogram ak SHARC Aah ene San drcping« soles te seman prog n Weringoan fr se aps fins Het Westngine 19 foarar he progr ANSYS, wh oF any ort dominated the commercial nonlinear fine dann ‘oe, although 8 foacd ‘meson a bec mina fr ther sr peri test commeel stare oe exe Did HL an! Kardon tat ne sede wth Peo Maal 17d hen Se ith a ABAQUS i pa ho wl nr ‘Sot afer obtaining tik PRD Berkley unr te atte of a Wan who ie ‘an ing MET asa ontgroth of he NONSAP code and war ced “Te conmerci fine mest rograms marks i about 1980 fl on sai sok a mame sao imps mets. Thre wee ei advan hsemethos inthe 970, generated mai by he Bere ears a tos ih Herc oo Thomas ies Robe Flor, ua Sno, og ae, Cah Fl fa tga, Ress Wi, Ekerird Rem and Mie Oi one Ge ponincat cris who hv tesa Berit, war nowy te ate ‘Rear in th sty us fie denen ‘Aoter Hose olen noniarsfwehe epist finite denet ees pl nite cent tous in tc ers wee stn fared the wrk tne Dor tuboraork parry he ale drone Wikis (360) into, Cosutinn doped via was poby he Hex te Cleat peta, tte IT Resch stn Ching sari, 2). eo fear matte sa smal dtoratos nd some The aera nc oes By ‘pings bund fom a testes mai y the nodal erent 1 wet fr ab Bh 740 sre computer, hh cont lions of ol ao ada eed fares an 1 ep (itn sing point operations per econ and 320 ors of RAML Tess tse wat ore om tape Sn the popes of ‘i ou sy ating ep ti tr te ie Data machine wth sane pation, the CDC 6400 and 60, were he machines fn wh fie het ade ee unin the 194A. CDC 640 oto 10 Slo, ha at node of memory flor slong eveything doing te pean Stem an compte) st 4s sd of toa ne mez. Tn'B0) nore tos propo Ar Forse these athor dela wba hat come tote Known a eC emer igus te compan fe val fos witout wc sn mt Th rng progam SAMSON. mst — ri on {oimensona fie eamentprgzam whch ws ued fora decade by wetpons Uaboratres in tbe US. In 1972 he progr was cxened foal hola trees mensional sient aah fst od sled WRECKER. The undoes ove bya vsonry progam manage. Lae Ove, ofthe US Dsprimet of ‘ramportatio, who resin ely 15 Wat rath esting ace cold be ele by simaation ower, itmaa ite ahead ofits tine, frst tht tine snlaton ofa ene Ime r 220 ms sma oe about 30 ope ine which ot ou ‘20,000 equiaet of the ee sly ft Asan Poo, Le Ove rogram finde several poner forts Hugher work cotati, or Netvorworkon rush athe ear TeShuprani Cary Wastontheomicog tthe human hd at Pot ener. But the Deaton of Frampton decd ‘round 197th sialon Was too expense gal funding war ee ose ‘vinings rsa efor to seectng hal, WRECKER semaine reali fo ‘tenet dade at Ford an the development fap codes by Beste wie sie te the nc ity ty Arte se th oe wan ad SADCAT aed Parle work was insted at the DOE nation iboaores I 1975, Sam Ke, woking at Sina, comple HONDO, wich ao ete sn Sanath me ‘ict method. The pop iestl th atrial hls ad eames No Tnets and was cxflly documenta: ower thi pega alee ro tc rete diseioton pls of Sen, wh i ot pt cost te eased fo secuty reasons. The peoprzs ev uta ne the mk of Dens Flan ina grate of Nochweter, who nad them PRONTO. ‘exon inthe advance of exp Tite semen cos Wa ohn Halls ‘ovat Lawrence Livermore Laat J began is wok in 13 and he is "Rose ofthe DYNA ene wt in 17 He dew on he we nich peo hs wih Scemmeat and intact csly ide many reese fom Heros. Inline ey Gate Ty Ta Ha le Sow Son ol i) emer !vasmepogrning producti nd the we dsninaton athe rl cde, DYNA-2D and DYNA. In contut to Sd, Linco peed ion np rents on he dtibton othe por, fie Wilkos ad, oh oes nee ‘on und in iets und goverment a inst orto troup the ‘ori They were nota en) tO may, ho ny new Het were Gti the DYNA ender tx alg deeopment of ete contains lois (he st os ware ae compel what aval ody they on woke ws oon pin ‘udu cements andthe hgh dep triton made pasting bel "hrouhs ia npnering simulation Vestrstin hs tec somewhat hina withthe ew eration of computer, bat was for rong lr robles ‘onthe Cray machines whieh Sominsted te (98 The one-point sate eens ‘wih Consent hours coal to be Sachin Chapter seed the pea! oF {asennad ef nage ly eid se “The DYNA ces were ist commer bya Fro i, ES in the 9805 and ‘alll PAMCRAST wich ao icoported many routings fn WHAMS. te 189 sen Nontin Jou Halu ft Liemore abd sated his on fm 10 dstibue LSDYNA, a ener eon of DYNA ue ply arenuing got Ff compeler apd the robe of exit coes ha fone! digi thc pst cde Te fat mar ser of apition ak a. fun cvcorhines, bok proicte rp, Inmore and more nes, pote {pe sre ng ep by sone inte cet Sinton: Pros uc ‘Sigtoncs ope whinge ci sn nd ny redone th Shep of mdaion of oral optim, op and her ero ain Mansicrng pcs sha ging seme forming nd exon ae tbo ated ty tne canoe For some ene sno, pik bods ae fStomingiening) powell and tc tat ocular cary. For Stein the got mtd potty Bot sed formulating et tal imine opens ithe pac ston pst mcr mre sabe “olay ips of mph hsneing erp he ha exist nto psap cry sl ve sich ong yo pet etn fre {ent o mina constant sch as cone and aon hae been neo {mend Spune enesoners vw to come much nore tive Aroha Spun oy sors svdaiy Boh cues eto, Lt NOTATION onl ts cent aaa ropes +e of thee fells (near Gite ‘Sent nahos why cred cto nat ned frst sna fear ontmiun many and Q) nathan inluig numeral ara, her srs ad Tnconal uj (ashen 199) Io sie thee 2 Star notin heed. Unlortnatl the notation ae gute ic nd Ines contadesory or overlapping. We hts tit to Bae etary of naan {anim and concn the he to sd wil he elvan erate. To {Undo who hve sme aia nthe ise on sonia mechan, Sete) sins Be ay nal sna noon Euros ng o conn mans a ten te an Indic notation. xenon peti to te ieclmest plone ate gen indal or math nose, 121d notation I inal notation te components of tensors of mass tneexpily ped Thue veto, wich ra rt order ese eed In dial ran fy sb the rng ofthe inde the amber of denon np ns Tena te ina erm ar ned crane ths rae of at otto, ‘orca in thee desc the poston tr wih mapa Poa ann ine tes =P et sn) wer th cond equation indies ha xj = 9 = ye) we wil aly we (ut th votre) and ator then eg sacs oa! onion ith sd vals. Fo a vestor such a the velo» in ee dimensions, =v ‘a nmmersal sobs are avon n wing ot ean ori ole ‘apo with node mbes, des hiker Sanpete lt bower ce Nl indies anda by wppe ce Ltn tee. ry isthe kpc of the Welty at node Upper ce hes ped wer sama aera, ick depend onthe coment. When dealing wth tn tent te ang ve feof net, hr when ding with mee ge a eo nde Tn notation at ines test pape euations, and the resting og ons a ten ony applet to Cartesian coords Far thot wo die ac elation shook be pine out that st amor enous nthe mlemenat fine cement method, fr in rogram the iit ment seatos the acs snus Se pci 132 Tenor mottion Io tnsor notation, the nds ot som, While Cee sin india putin ol ppy to Crean coed, eapreon ee ol on ae fdepenen ofthe cordate str ae ply to fer sora sch ‘onde ort crv sori, ste Pthermory, ent etn ‘ation wre mach ease o memorize Aig pat fhe cna mechan td {ate ment rate employs tor oat seo sade shoul Reson ‘in wiht Inner notation, we inde entrf eroneoraetr in oie: Lower ce ballasts arsimoat aways ied forte esr ie pet ese alice ec pe for higher nso. Far example the wy tetas ema Aotation, whe a wcondorde oe such aE ton in pes eae Te at {erie i the Cc ses fensor o whch dns yw ee sy [Eguton (3.1) writen in tenor notion at ax whee a dat dete 4 entacton othe ane nds eth ea, the emar o the RS fs ol oe Undo te contraction appli otha ns “etbor expesons ae titinpished rm matrix exons by wing dots and alos en fra nah al AB The symbol dena he ones of Sir of repent ine which para he ue oer, AB AyD. Acer ‘amps linear consitute equ gen blow is esa tan and in Cory ane 32) 133 Function The into dependence of vara il bint whereer ‘fit appears by Hsing the nsepenent aren For example) estes Se the welosty vs function ofthe sce cori X aod the ie In suscquent "pps, thee inde! arable a sal cite We il aac St ‘Word 6 some ote sy. Thi stn to lp ade wo dees no he idle ofthe ook nt hte tht sch ome ols be a in woking thresh seats Sorin coon smbols Thus (31 ate otton etn see xT A order matics ile denoted by ler ac ts sch tad wl vied cola matics. Earp oc mates i} ‘aly rectangular matrices wl denoted hy upp cae boi, sch as A, The tenspse of mari ico by a supe the atid aya ees {ow number, the scond t's sunk. Thas a2 2 mae A ad 23 fai Bare write allows de ade mais ven ih te nombro fome Fs: ass) ys aa 34 “To strate the vou otto the gud orm sit wth An then ery inthe for acai gen blow ieee 1 Len ; JeaGasy = HOTicuey 13) eps assay i ‘Noe tat in converting a ala rout witha yector lame mat to mat ‘ottin, ce anos of the am nai taken i premise te, ‘Second-order tensa se often convert to mars i Vt maton, hich Asche a Appa 14. MESH DESCRIPTIONS. ‘One ofthe hens of this book i the difren decitions for the govering ations tnd ter dscreczatin, We wl ana the sage he Sesstpon (Balch tm 1. -The me decition 2 The inti desrgon, which decried by the hoe ofthese eso and the form ofthe momentum ein 2. The Kinetic densipton, which delermind by the coi of the sain me In ths ton, we inoue te mesh deipon. Foe his purpose, i welt ‘uoduce some deftions nd ones which wil be wed hago th book w nti op Spt vos ae dened by xan eso elles Paria coordinates, sentient seis the ection pn in apes Materia coordi, lo ‘lot Lagrangan Sorat, sr desotd by X. The teal coordi bbs Taner pia ead maria pot nique mater corn, wh aly [Eke tobe Spi aor nh nal configuration of he boy. st = ‘The mato deformation of bay is dese by fin (with th nateral sorts Xd the tis Fas the opens variates Te fncton pee The pt ptions of he mai posts sanction a ae oh 4K) way ‘This sao clo a mp betwen the nti ae caren configurations The dice near wf mi ot the dfeence Betws cure pston a tal 20) 8G aay Toimauate te dette conier he eoing mtn oe denon saoota meat ta sy Inte aov, the material ad spiel eoordaates ave een changed tosses he ‘tion i one-imesion A moton shown Figure eles om 04) fe tions feral mater pts re pte space tet cit the apse ‘The vloaty of mater pin thee dete of he moon wih te mei ourdinte fad te vlcy gen by st.) vox, = 808 = ae) (say O Neue 1 Maia Pit 4 7. Noa ae Tee Ai ito --- xe Mire A Spse tin pct on deo Lagann a Flin net “The ma dsrioton depen on the choo indent variable Foe purse of ilwrtion, ls cose te vloty fa. We en dese the yea Pld Tron ofthe Lagrangian ater coownates,asin (48 of we can eee the ocky st facton ofthe Ener pat eos He HOM) aay) 1p he above we have phos «bar oer he ety sb to ind tate west Fr who expres in rs the spat oot the el a ee ‘he Fncton what ge in (44). We hve als el vee map to expres the reeling a6) ‘Sh invere mappings can gnerly othe expen in cowl form oe aby tor, bt they ream iportan conceal device Forte simple mation gee {INS} tie vere map ven sy Sutin the above into (14) ges pare eOW=D tartar de ‘ Won eT fara a uations (14.4) and (148 ie he sume physi ely Fels, but exes thea ia term olen independent as tation (cles Lagan te. 5 doeripion, fort xpos the depemies varae try of the Lagrangian {tne sooner: Egusn (148) cl Erna ai) dsiton for ITexpeos he dependent vara at ustion of the Enso (ati) omen Matematica, the vl inthe two depts are iltet func Hence forth ths bok, we wl sel se deen symbol for dilent front when they pertain to th se ek, Dut hep in mind hat el yanable expres tert f ferent independent vasa, thn the actos atte dort tht Sook asta for dependen! vars acne with he Gel ot th uncon ‘enon of he anes the meth Esein the Elen corns ef noe fae, he noes ae sinent ih pal pon the mesh Laprnaian, the ‘gris (mea) nots of oes eine ta, Ue naes ec ‘Sent wh atl pote Ti sted a Figueras Sod str are etl ne nd mater ous ps rs cement rac {Se Lagrnpan es, nodal jer se coin! wits atria pot ajeton, ‘nd nate pre ftw sknentsFathemors ements pats mu concent wil nateal pont in Lapeopen rien wera Barat tess the mati ot a ven quad po hangs with tine, We wil Iter htt comps te tea of murs fot eh estes so “Te compurtive avutages of Bulan and Lagrangian mete can besoin een ‘hs spl one-dimensional example. Sie the odes ae oncidnt with tr Doms inthe Lagrangian mes, boundary sede senain om the bony toot the evluien ofthe peoblem. Ths spite inposton sf Bounds sontons in Laganglan mas le Euean meen, on hee hin, bundy node Jo tot ean einen withthe Bounds Three, bowery conics mst fe Impose at pints wich ar nt mods, hs ene sant complains |e mul-dimeea! pcheme: Smif ane & placd on an hear ore ‘emai eas onthe neta ina Lagrangian mesh, bt et in an Elan Tn Lagragin sb sins the material oir vient wth sh poi, mens orn wile materia ‘Therfere, ements n'a Lagrangian meth tect sively dita. Ths lt appre i's oe-ineonal pole ly ine ements mFurian meses, mest ents eens a ie where ls Lagrangian meen, cent Int chrng wt ine alsin prob lems te ects a fat ote eee nd Lagann cements ery in. ‘Sine element acuacy das wih Inert, he magna of oration at esl wi Lagegion ms ie. Esertan cert, on the ote ha, ‘stounchanged the detormnton of x ati som oration asaya Feeae of terial datormaton Te state thence btween Plein and Lage ete desspons, ‘wosdinesonal expe wil be eomsee, The pl eos ane denoted by fei? andthe mater corte by X= [XY]? The motion ven by x4) 4s) where (8a ete funtion, eit ge vector Fr every pif the independent “aries Wing out the above expreon ghee SHON pe) ao) Asan tample of motion, consider pr ake sexu Y any tna Lagrangian met, tbe nods ae oid th mer (Lagrangian) pin so for Lagrangian aoe, Xy~ cotati ts orn Euan mesh the nades ae cise with patil (Eri pis 50 for Buin nd, xy = constant inne Ponts n the ges of ehaent behave smal t the nd: to-do Ligrngaa rates cient eps rain sone with eerie whan aan tee the element eps emai id i spe “oilatate his ste, Figure 1 2shoWs Livan nd Euan mets of sis defomaton pen by (1411). As cn be sue, 4 Laggan meth ie ‘sting onthe mater a he mer deormed the thing (ad the eens) . f 7 ign onion efmed onan L re 12 Tosi hag ot ak svi ad) a ie orm i iA Euan mesh i ean eign sheet sl in ont of Therm he matria eorms,teetting i unlange a the mae fuss ‘Te advantges and dinate of te to typeof meshcintnesone a sila 0 thon ne inesion In Lapangen mesh, cent boundaries two divesions sues n tre dimension) rena sisi with bondi tnd teal nec. In Fula ees, clement sds Go not rea osdent wt ound r mate tras, Hence tating thos or appounae eto, soca vohine of aid sprouse o be wed for mving Bounds ee Eran mats, Furdamore, as Eun msh mtb rae nog to cate he ‘hermit they bone dorm silatons wth eer dlormations In Haran ses clits ema fe sce, sot shapes never change “hth pe of mesh a ary Lappe Plt mes, wih he odes ar programmed to move that he sarge of oth Lagos and Elen meses ine plac, Ini ype of mek the nae cn be proprmed o mores ‘ry. Unly the node on the Roun are moved to rnin om the bound, ‘le the tro oe re rel to mime mt tort. Tie ype of me Ase in Chaps 15 CLASSIFICATION OF PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS. or an understanding ofthe apiiy of varius te dent procedure, ii Spottt know testes of solton Yo vac type of pa Sera ‘ons (PDFS) The ston of an appropiate methodology pens on Tar ‘ch the soothns othe soon. howlfoaton popes and he lets of ‘nal onder and boundary codons: te te ae sen cll called te ‘taf th problem. Conder night xs be une by Roan thee pa ‘fern cguaton one ding ih ses the soln fret SS 1. Hypertech are pie by mae ropition rolems 2 Paral, which are typi by ifision aqua x ea eonduton 3. pic; cst nd th Laplace equations ar xa, We wil sony sow wy PDE are sie in his manner, er ing th, We ey smu he major charac of tho ict a ot PDEs HpertolcPDtr sre frm wane popapton phenome, Ta hype PDFS the spots f the tion depends om the sot the dt te dat ae ‘ugh the sltion wil be rons talons sod bouary entton propnate hoop the domain. Furthermore, amin hype PDES ‘Scones ay deep i the sluon ees for smth ata emp se seks ‘ncompresble oy: Ifomation ia byperbobe mode travel fe seed aed ‘he wanespet, This stated in Figue13,whichsbo¥s aed wih oe oe) ‘pled at the et and end at tine 0-An oye at pi wil nat besa thesoure en the wate reaches him the mae om satay nea pe c= In Figure ee the wee, Elie PDEs a nse the oppose of hype PDEs. Example fic DES ae the Laplace equation andthe equations af et Tn spi PDE De ‘ols af ey smooth sey ae ani, even the dat re ough. Fuster. Too, Bounary dasa ny po tend tafe th en slton, the oman lntucce fda the ete dona, However, theft sal incl a oundiy dat tens oe oni fo the boundary ths known a8 Vena ciple. Thera n the slo of lip PDEs that eae vornern he ound leo ngulit in thesltion. For xan, teeta coe sch aba crak, the sung (ates ofthe dipacemens) i twosimensoal est ‘oto vty he 7% beer the dtr fom th rk tp Te th wel Stow ek ip nga tre mei, e== 6==>. — = awe 1. ow formation nls al byprole sano DE hic of Parle Eats as icy ay penn singular corners Ther rtm eter pis and ype equations AW example of praboe quent the est ion eavon Informatio vl tan lia pean pars ten, rar Figure 1 shows «et sot api! to oT lepers ot fanny tong ibe eter acardngto te at eonduton sation, at sour, the empties maybe vey sal In ype yt, ere raf the slation ar continous Ths ean! ocx whe x along wbch the PDEs can be rf fo ody difcatal qutons ATi stenion of PDEs is wl developed for fest adr ters a aceon onder sem canbe express itade items} Consiers aan tn “fnew unknowns Ait By + Cia + Diy = as) Ai By + Cag Doty Ba sa} nib above A 04D, ae funtion of ths independent varies x andy and ot nwo dependent atic, y)and 9) The sem ie quia bese ‘tna nthe drat. ow kr extn wither wand can hie dpommon deities ine 3-9 ane Consiers cure parsrcian by Alona th erative conus bt See ibe devas maybe diconmunn By the han rl the dra e _ pendent variables conte wrens etka ha teat te ass) Wiking (1.51153 salman geo ges fe oft) fe efES SARL) oe eo EU ihe deities are continous the sation fhe above stem of Ks alse ‘ation internat, 1th soon fe pons, whch imply dt) 8 "forcing this codton ys ater some age) tbe tod ass ee sn h2G aD, Bdy a = BC ~ BC, + AyD ~ AD we Diving (155) ad tig i y= r= wan arb 12hna ten asm SSE "Te oltion to (15.7 gen by the oot ofthe guadatiseution on cea us ‘The soltion of the above gies the es P long withthe wluons may have lscontingoas devs IF o'¢ Othe Jy agar and ach os 9 0 ‘st 1 ae O, thee his re eal so dnote can exis Hh PDE We ‘al opera Sey by (15:9 i determine bythe root goat eutin, the a8 to toot ich get se fies and shown fa Fgue 1 Ht ese fae chracteris Te caietion of PDEs saaoate in Tal 1 For ine ‘eptdentpectiens the character a ne long ach sflomanton propagate the plan the oe of fee es th stato ae ped “Aran expe, We eons he on iensnal wane ction Pan (159) ‘To rede his eatin ort er form (151-2) tf ‘uation hen becomes eto wo fist eatons fen Sant asi) oe thane by = ‘meena pote sae iinet nb =n somatic lgic sooth 1s tintin Parisi Egos ” he scan equation just estates ty = ty Weng the above nan in ri foon with 3 gee © he churacterncs are then found by setting det (A) = which gvex s3-28-0 o a2 (sig "am shrine enh POE is yp, Te i oF dancer | Siucawenty : oy ass) “Thecharacerisics ares ines with slope “in the pla ter words te | ave eqs llemation aves t he eo right by thee sp Aon th | Shatin the eratines fF = my ~ te heat) ang = {te velocity canbe dortinuoes Conse’ next the Laplce extn Csr + Gy =O. This i he goverig | equation fre east amine poten: 9) th plsemet nthe # etn ror er ee) HN) =0 ims Gist royr2=oorrhe sty 176) >O and 6, > ic theca or stab late materi) the charter ln ae then mazieny athe tom i pe. No Gc ae pol the ‘dats =n 0 f= ty. Bicones in deaves ae posible when ts ‘ter constans ya 0 hamogeneos ewe he coset he PDE ‘me dicomtinous oweve, dscotinsti in dvvates of sind th the di ‘ootnites tn Gy Tuto ile fom he wane gunn tat oth indepen | nt vaca pt cords dle ope simple examples of PDE ih i fet aan vec to show tat the equation ay —ayy it prsbe. ta arabe stem, ly one st of charac ext Tena paral to the tne $s soinfomaton aes tate pet In porabte systems dacontnties seat inspac nlite re dota nthe dat Tn bypetole sam, he soering eguone become ordinary diene oo amet craters By istpratigthoe ODErslon the charter, ey accurate suis to hypeboe PDEs ean be cba. This tod is cll the tthe of carci, Suh methods avy sppeing bene of th igh Seu. However, they argue del program for moe than one pes Sinn. on fr aeiryconttuine ve, othe mod of caters ed oan pespupoe soda. 16 EXERCISES 1. Show that he litsion equation (ht condvtion one xa ay as hare 2 Determine the lication ofthe equation Fr the panic f AN ans = Lagrangian and Eulerian finite elements in one dimension 21 INTRODUCTION mths chapter, on mensional models of moines oti ar desi hd he torresonding inte ene eqns ae decope. The development see fp dimensions tha he sen fetus of Lagann and Ves foros ca [edenonstte eisy. These dle are apple to nels ole ad ae Sinetioal poe in contin, aclaing a low, Roh agrangian sd Fae Tan meter wl econ “This ites reves sone ofthe cons of aie lament ieeization and procure The inde the coer of ek nd strong form, the operations ‘Ssemiy author and wate, nd the mpoution af seta bundy cmos td ‘nal condos. Comauty Yuen fr sokton a ite st pei tins preted, Whe hnatel maybe amir thse nv hae da freee, Wort to aint cape ef your underaingond Een te notice, ftom thecane wih which hey ands cmp ude ani ay ooo tts pins ht hisrydepeneet materi can e eed axl, te erlopnat of Lagrangian fie cles, a approaches ae cormonly ae: 1, Formos in tems ofthe Lgrangin mens of sre asin in mich lates anita a taken wth reap to the Lagrangian tet ordinates Halt Lagann omar 2. Formultions expresodn ems of Elsa mise ste and stan in which levis and merle taen ts rept ote alin (tal coda ‘or cll updo arongn otis Although the totals updated Lagranginn formulitions ze supe gute sitet tl be stows that the sderng shan ofthe to formants tne Hensal futeemor,exresnn inthe oa Lagtngan foaaton ane ‘enamel to pt Lagann exretsons and vie vera. The mir liferece ‘vec he wo formation sin te pot ww inthe oe Lagrangian frm ‘ow suite ne dated othe opal cnigtion, in the wt Lagrangian Teomaiton ith erent confgurion. Dien sts ab deformation messes tne Opealy wed i thse two formation For example, fhe Tot Lagangun ovation ctomariy rfl! mesmire estas, wheres the ped aia [a formoltn often wer ae mesure sain However, hse re al ner ‘Stats ofthe fmol, for psc to we toa murs of stn Sn sped agri fotos, an rae meanest Lagrangian formal ‘tom These sits ofthe two Lagrangan formuitions ae diced Farber ‘Uni es Flin mses have nt ben wed cha oil mechani Elian ees ae mo ppealng in pote nl ery ange deirmatons To avenge Invho problems # scone ofthe fat Harn cement dot dom With Temata. Theor regu Of the mapa of he deformation ros En clemets etn thet onal spe, Plea eats ae pata tl in moting many munulsing ross, where ey ge eermaton ar fea For ech ofthe formations wank frm of te momen eqution wich i now the pip of vital wor (or vial power wl developed Tae weak foun fede hy integrating tbe pratt faction wt the memes ts, Te ipraoeprfomed over the miei corns for he ttl ‘grams formulaon, or oe the pt eorints fr the Eulctay und pated {grams formulation Il ao be shown ow te trace ound eon ns aerated wo that he peo (a) solos na ot con Douay onions, Tis provslure i iendeal lo tat a nea He eae sala The ‘nur erent nowinea formulations he ned define the coordinates ove ‘th hein eet and spec he hice of se ap in mess "The dct oations fo fine let appoxiation wil thn be dese. For problemen which the scene gta alco tae pokes) ‘how inahing atdependent ater rsuling screen equations ‘ordinary deen gustan (ODES) The poco dream inepaceicle ‘Sninrnton soe nite omen proce ony conver het leat ‘ustorsta dre fon he destin inne are no Seat For sian ‘hhrateadependen materia te dct union ae independ fie, a8 te Trt cement oceztion reine of online ngs oyations "Eom fhe taal sd update Largan Tomas regen forte two nose near dpnconet apd tres ode quadratic mes. al (0 Sublet sen fit oe mnie problems, central erence, ep ie lean algotin i dsb. 22. GOVERNING EQUATIONS FOR TOTAL LAGRANGIAN FORMULATION 22. Nomenclature Consider the co shown in Figure 21. The intial confi: fins the forecourt abo enwer pa of he gre 1" ge 24The wore nial oars a ema (ares) anion (sisson the iho hss hel pean Sexe 028 “Thisconiguton lays porate in the age eormation nays of ois iat ele the vfeone coat, sce all guts inthe total Lagrangian Terlition eff hi coatiguaion. Tae arent defer iain shown ithe upper pst he igure Te sat Era) cori sane y= Sn the mater (Lagrangian) sorintr af dase by The saeco hol we ented hy 47) an the caret deity Hy (A) Te ini ne Seana of the od dente by 4 an inital dns by (vas Petuining othe free nial, unformed) coafgraton vl vay te id Ua suticng or superset ro. fs conenom, ne ebld dents te tera ‘odes by sce ty somepord othe tal coeds, bat hs net “he crossecto aen nthe deformed states ete by A) sine, tis ‘afin of spe a tie The spt defences o ive ad lhe ‘pred in rms ofthe tral Corde Th nay ented by os) sd Me Smt yo) Ths ary pe reece 222 Motion and strain measre ‘The atin of he boy i desi by a fine tio of he Lagrangian codes nd ie sa#0h) Ye Hn Ml ean whee (cal map betwen he nina caret doris, The mate 2 Learnin nd vii Eons Dime __ Cho. 2 F460) 222) ‘The cpacemen ¥en Wy he ieee Beles the erent positon el the igi poston 0 ate pt O19 = 60) oe wae ey The deformation gaint is dined by poi ay ‘Teemcond deftion in (2.24 can tines be miguous, fr appears to vl the tal dere of an independent vara with pc oboe indepeadet ‘ale; wich meanings Thtlore, shuld be undetod that eee Spears ina eontet hat psi function, we re ering to = 98). Tet ete cian ten eared teen cofgtatons The acon ‘etl deine by (3) = e/a for oneclinensionl mae however. to mana ene) wi nl desta formutons, we wl dele he Tsshisn the {aio ofa inintesinal volume ithe deformed ody, fo the coespondg ‘olan fhe een nthe udeorned bay 4 ff es “Te defomaton grade Fis an urs measure of strain sce its aloe sity te he body unformed. We wil herfre die te mere fein by 10,9 = FO) in Thee enor meas of sin, eth he owt consent fo hs 223. Siren measure The st snr Wh din Lagann orm its des tarpon the epg sn We wi ete hrm ct oe tno Cay me the fob fone eto fresco ental yn uae he sn non hee ‘The Cusy sos bee ty et ean ‘This meio set fe to the caret are Tn the tl Lagrangian formal tion, el ue the soca! nex The nomial sre wl fe dented by adi ean) en vein ios fr el Lain Fron a ‘ean sen that i irom the phys ste in that he forse ici the Into wnkjoomed, realy eaten oe dein of engaceng ros veto no deftonu the ning ses sale maces ‘Comparing 2.27) and (228) isan be sco tht the py and nominal eos salt oe 29) ‘Teter if one of he sess know the ah an tna he sompued ithe erent anal resection ae ae now, 224 time ering equations The vonter rd is gover by the ling ys Conservation of se Coreen of moment Coneraion of ery A measure of deformation, fe ale «rin diplasen aain ‘conte equation, wih denier teri shoal stra ‘meme of domain nad, we rae ts tration 0 be otis wih i en ll Tie folowing we wl simpy state he guations The estonia or ralenesional problems in Chapter 3. prooer wth ha oe se an The eneray equation nl wot eens, Conservation of masse eatin fo natin of mas fora Tagg fr nuit can be ten Preys oF eke) = el iO(%) 220) ar ihe ini acobin ich take o beat i cmp ha te ‘sal are nein ofthe Lagrangian enone, Conran of tir ca be ‘tpewel stan igh euation ely when expres in ems of uel coord ‘ts Ofer spurt dferentaleqtion. For tern. me can we 229 te 22.10 8 PA polo eam here me have wl Jy = 1 Conservation of momest Conservation of momento in tems of the nominal ses an the Lagrangian coordi es (Ph betta eam er te mon dt dt mili cate ane tosh fe Te seh fow com Sc prt tea th core ht rb rer aan uation 212) ica he ment pain. itl romana ae eu uta equation When th instil fn py vss orca be ah ‘shen the problem 8 stat the mona eqton Be he ibe pan CaP aydyd=0 ens) Soltis of he saute unin ae ile eqlivinm soko Some autho falthe moet equation av airs ation repr wht he nr ‘en hls etn ey on tH ot mov wi Energy comeraton The coer onsen ution fr a oof constant ae in ‘heres of et Condon heat source » e216) ich shows dat teste a nena wok tahun By th product of the rate “eration gaint Fan the oma srs The catty conservation cation ‘Shot mut er the testment otal or eat: ross ony Ppa or ‘Sisco robles nt Sie the internal power by 310, Consiatve qetlons The conse equations ge the stress eng fom the oot. They ete he sts or sto ae the messres fin anor sin ‘eat mse oi The comttave ution cn be tens in form, SFE, POM. ee, px, ts) aun) orn ite foo Pay) = srreian, A ma eam) Here an SF at tunctonl ofthe dermation hry. The sper re ppd othe conse usenet wh mesure of aes nd ah they relat. The sumed a Be oto an fs fe, 759) et ong is fr Lain orton as As nice in 2.17), the ses can depend 98 bth Fad F080 br ate rts, sch a engrafted ates ‘ocho nee theres The sro can sb depron te story of formatn, alas lsc mat hs snd (22.7) an (22 18) by eng te “Gute uneton ep on dlarmatisns fo al ne pr Pcie get oso seaman expr material etd tece i Seeds fn the Histor of oration 4 meal pon, Wh constative sation fo Histone mater writen ta futon of Farin soon anspor rst ete these ates in Chapa ramp conttative cation are 1, Lina lai mater tor form CAN = 2) = EFFEC = 1) enw) rate fome Hat) = BFK) = BPFPOR (222 2 Linear veo miter P= AUF +ah ao) or Power) (22H or sl deformations the materi parame coneipond o You's a | thecostan emits the mapa of daring 22:5 Momentum equation in terms of asplacemens A sige sneine sion fn be obey sbiting the rekon enthuse sation, © Thor 28), into te momenti etn (2212) a expen he ersn ean of ‘piconet by (2.20). For tet fro the costae equation 22 7 the resting eaiaton (oP Dar ode = pdt ‘Which ote parti iret quton (PDE) in he placement The het tl ito espe om hse th pers an te cote equ. Fora ner sai mati (229), (2229 der: (228), (222) 2m) (tox) ted ooh eam) Faro oan rss ol ito oy fs hse is ‘eaten ic nn cumin saradi view q= 8 ere th nave Spal rine othe sndeform configuration This equation Iypetotic when" S'0 ce Sesion 13) In aon he tia nei he svering auton becomes the oul equation £¥ayy 0. Teuton (e229 ‘line, Ths he ution f sl mani change fom hyperbole to lip he tine dpendencesvonove Bowmdary cones To complete the dezipion ofthe prabie, te boundary rote conte of te fo pies heeds of the dan, hich he model Probe asthe points Xz and We denote the bounty pe) BT ‘boundary eae a displace! Boundary abd dette by Ti thedsacemen is pee led tction boundary and dented by Fy tthe con 1 Fess, The reseed vals eds by superposed bar The bout) seu on ty a2) e228) where isthe wit normal tothe boy 30 = La iA? = 1a Xo. Thesiercne ‘ra ond inde ta the ation ting ve fh undone these ‘Savas exp inte om the ction coding ro the ie From telefon ofthe moet equation, (2225), cam bee ha founda conto, In mechani ond he tracon = Pm pers, ‘Sie theses rt foneton othe mesure of ei, wih intr depend othe erate ofthe ciplacemen by (220, presibing neque to preening ov the ol show in gue 2, he bounty Sonn ae aro aad POMO= MM FM aay tee mat be reverb at ach bound) pon tsi By Tyoty=0 Tur =P (e228) ‘Thus in ¢ one-dimensional mechanics problem any boundary is eer « eacion oumday or asplcement boda, But oo Bounds bal pcb ace wil endows Since te soveringcqaton forte osc onder in time no ‘tro ital condone are eed Wel express hentia condone nome i he Siplcenens ad veloc MX0}~ag08) for 3 Me 222%) G10) 902) FOF EKA) (22298) M0) =0 a(x0)=0 2m) D wcs ea Fm or a! Papa mio ero comity caidas Momsstum bance gush [url=o easy) wher [/] dosent the jump nf), i (ent=sere9 sor eo e239 “The hove ate cae jump coritons 22.6 Continuity of Function. ts te siestton af te ove equations, te ‘ity te epeent yrs st be Solera. We wil see te a Tnuly of funciona alow faction Cie nh este conte ‘non. Ths C unctonw eoptntusy lle isi daitve eat and ‘sconinaous every). Ina feta, the deri ny psn feet sh icine ne function oar a points or on deta fancon. Fo {dimensional C!fncton, doco sce ser hice meno fnction on sures AC’ fenion ification ut we nme Di Taree the points of dioatnaty the funtion t sania diene 8 Imuy ines ub wee The erative a © fantion "The nepal esc Fanconi 22.7 Fundamental Theorem of Cals. Te funda thcre of aes ns tht foray Cunt 2). th teal fe Sera ie the anton, 9 [rose ae) 2235 Pred 100-110 + Uses reer er rte point font 2.3, WEAK FORM FOR TOTAL LAGRANGIAN FORMULATION ‘Te momentum equation canst be ett ety by the ne semen mtd tn erodes hiseqaton, weak for, often ale naa form nie ‘The pense of vital Work, weak farm, wich wl be devope nxt equ {0 the momentum equon and the encom houndy Coniton, Cols the ser raed the se a fom 23.1 Strong form to weak form A. ws farm wll now be developed forthe omeatum equation (222) an the teton bounds contin. For ie purine ‘weoqure hei fons 0a cplnment ound condoned ak Fro! pag ern 2 lpi Thus the equations sd mechan hang fom hyperbole i time dependence vemoves s 7 Boundary cindtiow To compete the deseipion of the goblets hounday ondons an intial atin mist be gene boundary in ne dmenon obi const of the fo Pots a the ends he doo whi te mode Probl ae the pis ya We denote the Roundy oi yf "A boudary alla dpsconet boundary und dnote Fy he dplaeneat is prose i ciled ection houndny and dented by Fy te eocon i tress, The pcre aes del fy seep a. Te Gouny wat on Py e228) 2%) on teeth it normal othe oy 08 Nat Xo = tat Xe The pet {ew on finde ta the escton © dted oe th nord see abe ifaw expended on he easton ft nga om te ine From tet fem he morc in, (2229) sean bese that iis second rer Tero a eh So. ao sc aye mt be ped es Boundary osdon. Incanto mths taion A= P's ped ‘Sac th se unto of the meses wh arm ees he etree dplconent 9 22.0) poesbng © gue oro Forth ro showt in Put, he bundy conde no eld) ‘The tation and dilaementcanot be preset he sane poi, Da one tee mst be prserbd a each Bounty pat th net by Ron=o Kurt Higf = 0 and PRP = PA) = eam) ean ‘Thos nw one-dimensional mechs problem any bounty ister ition soto dps ery, ou) a ee ton Inia contin Sine the soering equation othe ode wa rin ine, 90 ‘tsi conditions ave ede We wl expres he nal Gna er o Splcemens and oi (0) = 968) for He] (Y0} = (8) fore Ht 2200) (222%) te body isinay uneromed and ats, tht condon on be writen ae (40) =0.(X.0)=0 e230) conti canans Momentum ale equi that [url=0 2a sigs the um nf, Lonl=s0r19-70r-9 e0 (2m CCoatiity of Functions fo ie sieization of the ove xnations te iy ofthe depen vars mst be conalte, We wl deste theo of fant a allows function "i them eave contin fon. ThorsC!fnctoncottuoul iret (et eae xsd us everett ® fugctn, be deratve sol cee ee iconinsaneone at pins oe dnersga anton. Foe msn oncton disomic eceron ins, fora the dimen jn on sare A.C" fonion i lf docotnouy but we me ht the pine of conn te uncon conidial as Tine twee The dara oa "funtion The nepal oa fone coh 22.7 Fundamental Theorem of Calas. Th fundamental theo of alas Gates he or any ° funciona the dave ges he anton, 0 foes deinte oer a2) “AP the funtion bs C-! then [pcre = 10-19 E70) (2234 here athe pins of dont 2.4 WEAK FORM FOR TOTAL LAGRANGIAN FORMULATION “The momentum equation ann be dirt il by the fie semen ttn | rte tibeyntons wat fm ate aa ation ome. ‘The prinpleof vital work, or nak form, which wil be developed est gules | tote momcatum sation andthe tation Bound eondstons Cavey Ce Tuer area the cs sung fom 231. Strong form to weak form Awe fom wll ow be desoped forthe ‘omeotum equation (222) andthe taco boundary contions. Foe his papas ‘erie bel none) esa t dapisrent baad conto and » esr nd i Paton Dinan _ Cae 2 {0 snout eno so that erties he mmentameuiton te Wel ein ‘Thess incons Su) ar sued to be smth enough so hat lo te low sets ae wl dein indo vanish o he peepee fonda Ti 3 ‘he sur, dasa may of developing wen form, Ahough td contin "Sqlfenenistha ae mae esc thaa thant hy ie een pont, ‘evil through ts procedure tlre ooking inthe cman oe ee “The wea orm otic aking the prof te momentum equation with dhe ot fiction and inating over the domi, Ths pee [sai rover misty =0 ea) In theabove te noi tet i foto of sil ogacenents.Expaning he rte othe od ne en (21) ad renrnging es [Bacuncar [SiiaPix—memrar 232) Appling the fender fc othe vbove pes [stare (wat) fosuanar >(st) |, — natn he the second ie flows See the ft ton Su vais onthe reser Spices Bounds, empmentity onions on oe enn 222) ta the ton boundary codons Subst (23.3) st the iat et (3) Bree ‘vin ache i) [Binder not eodrolex— (outst), =0 234 ‘The above i the we frm ofthe momeatum elation andthe ttn bundy ‘ondton for the al Lagrangian formu. Sots of test aed raft; Knai dilly Wes pin ips te athe eqeent more cel In i esas ofthe Weak feel fnctonin the sng form re sme oh cotinuous or he amet a uation 2212). well eed seta, the prof tenia ste Sd the iia ree tut be cantina tate CoC teri het ‘svat would hve dominates theses moth fenton ofthe eatin ‘th dpcomet sn (2.17 ote strobe Cy th ta otis ma We {CF th iets 2.3.2) tobe seo the et anion be) at eC awe, the weak om sl defines for ea til ons hie re ess seat an indo thet i Sanson ad fate ements mo tt thee smoot tyuement The wek frm (214 neler oly the ine Weak Fit tag Fain » veo the tes nin an ony the st deat of he al fnton appear pats wen for he oma ses ony acto othe Jtomatiog ead F he we orn (24) gre the est tel aneons ae The a i be develop i tha ls rote smennassnon we a the oe sontiny cons (2231) ote tons fem Bf vil now tine thet ax rte contniycondion on the te ad ti jon more pect We th al fancton 1) becoming anton wth eis cotnaous evans whch stated sme y WX, De CX) wee the pentose oovig Cdk ht K peta wo the cont a ha thi into pits dontnles of he eva of a ete Mi iio, the wal ction st dpc! boundary cond “Thee conten nh il dghacamente ad baal Oy cars} 35) | Diptcent fis which sty the above contin. dpacomet Fils which ‘nei ts caled Kemal diel The tt Fnctone ae dened by (thy are Fens of tims The et Iuntons ar rauredt be Can to wath om placement banda, Le, Mx whee = [aX INK CC, Sx) ey whe crit eta, =aonre} 239 ‘We wll the pois for ll virile mich ttt aston sd or varias wich | hs fincone ofthe et fantons, Thi notation erigaes vate metho, ‘ere the tt fneion eng arly a the dleeace Paws adsl fe tons Although its wot ues to KDW atonal mato to understand weak | Toons ipso let ramevork. For example in arta eth, tet | arton Se) =F) 8X where uX) and ¥) me ay te fein ‘Se any fiction in lhe placement boda onan, he rue i236) duct) 0.0 Ty flows ines 22. Weak fom tostrong fom We wil nw develop the gations hat ean fiom the weak Form wih ther oo taal ation ica by 2.0) and (2515, rapetaly The wes Frm hen by [Pxaae -surrdad vedas — (sus) <0 You) E ty 237) ‘Tet caplacement se te ned tote Kinematic adi, ‘The ave weak form i expen ote f the nomial sos Pt ae Ut tists can Beceem er othe ft erative the dicen fel Tough hein mnie sd consti eunton Since) Cl th sas ‘mete ime fst erates of Nt spect To. we expt PX) 0 Be Cini the contttive equation continuous. The ses OX) wl te dicot ‘ows wherever te deave of mt, aeonneds ” agi nn Pt Pino 1a en ome ene 8) mt hit a inten "ars aca a ye tee ‘reese Tag hedonic pat igor te Seis [iocarar [auncaePBatunvse — eas Theis tombe RUS ca be cant pt al by he enamel orem gael La the ewe cots fncon(fPey be continuo ial [xR'xE1E = om Then by he undamentl tor o as [tour = ty (Ou a9) hyn hy ht ett = yl. a en ain 239) nt tdi ge [esarra = oP, Soler, 19 hee ae thenomalso the segments: (44) = 14) = Fat the points adicontnoity. Only te action bounty Ty appein the above ne bu on Ty Ghd yo F fe @.36)and (2228) Sbeeing 2310) ne 233) Bes JPometdornar —— [8 sadoPrcatt + (dot), Yosaerl, 2319 Subst the above in (2.7 es ar cans os) [ibsicaeia roedab— potian - suay(aPh 7p, “Silat, <0 Vuln to ean rom the rian of he vital pice! 3X) follows hat lorie pede psd for HE (KG) easy eB =vonl, 319%) [url=oonr (23.1%) (adel deroton ofthis ep ge in Seton 4.2) The abo are respcve, the momentum quan, de acon bundy condone nro conn ‘onions Ths ar el the strong foe Ths en we ude es seth et Sd wi futons we have a anal quan inthe song To he air nay conion 23130. I the tet Ftons a th anctons eye ea Fo tt apron atin ” J smooths culiions, the interior contin condos ae ot pr fe al fons ae only Chey ate ao ned ode wth contin nthe ectiona ae and mates popes. A alent the ag isnot apcatesie sues that he second decir unguly Sie ee, However materi irfaces ein an He he divs of the Shplnsent fells, are Ucotnuos. Wik he roghr tad fens, te | condone wc hd thw interface (210), cers sara nthe wea fer re ol Lagrangian oon ne ae ver mia | domains tthe arenes conigution, Se fe tal Laggan flats, tvs ae taken wih resort fo the maternal coordinate ingation by bats ‘not convient perfonel oe the tei dma 233. Physeat names of virtua work tems For the pupae of obs & | ets prcedre or developing the Hints clement ests the val enerse | eden’ ncoding co he pe of work they repent the corpo noe oe wil subsequent ery eta ame ch ofthe inthe ek form rpresnts il wk de to the vi Aiplconet The te dplcement ut viene ita dle Inte that its no the seta plement toon to Weber dnary al Fens" enene reflec natin fat, Th ahr ay ae po he ae {et dpincamen, bt we ae th ae The ritual work ofthe body forces (9 andthe reset ation , which ‘responds othe eon al fourth ems) cal he ial exe work Sie ress om he esters ae The extra work eStats ete ad ie by owe fi untotr + (us), ay) “The ft em in (2:34 the ile the vit tral won, for ia from th _ srs inte mate can be wit a vo eau orm so | sua Pat = [38 Paya eas) ‘her th at fa follows rm (23) be 160) o Su (0) HO) HY. e25 Noe tht 34 = Ohesnse fea indent arial, ‘Thi dfntion € eral work (2315) 1 consent With the fatal work ‘armen inthe ener conservation yuan, (2216) i we eng the rl 5 (22.16) 10 vial ements, the pi" = BFP The ala nek 3 ‘en oe the etre dma so we have sm [Senygar=[orrgse ary sneha mht pu eh ek rm in 23.0) "totam actos ny se ion ope soheneattin te gz oe Me Snipa ern a Son ysnt anal ea al wt wad a wins Pury (238) 2.34 Principle of etal ware The peice of vita work snow sven interns toe pal tated sates By ting 2.3.12 2315) @.h8}cen be mite 89 (an) =H — A BHA =O YOu — 29) “Treabove auton isthe weak form ofthe omentum equto. the tection bony ‘anda a the sts jmp conto Te weak fom imps the to oe nd the tong for ip th wk or Thn the wen for ad the song fm te ‘shiv. Tei equane of the sean and we for forte moment extn Ite he rnp of val work. The pail of vl wrk forthe oneine. sonal tal Lagrange formula soma a Bou? ‘lo the ean the pane of vata work SP ae visemes. Tha the ter are eerie imme appret om SIF cep fore pw ‘l,i odie withthe ial acme! u gis a itl wor po wit “hsv of the weak frm asa vital work expen provide ning perp sich tefl for constcting neal Tors for other coeratesptemsand ee pe ‘robles ony nes to rite aneqaton forte ital ene obi the ‘team, Ths thet we hates gome ough mulling th equation by the {tIuscton se peterming varus munpunons ome wid The i ote ‘Shea nao wil or memorng the mek orm, Howe, rom 2 mthent ‘Senpin, trot neoary to think of he fet fannie alse Ire thy ae snp test ction wah satsy conn endons asd Yash on the dslueneot boundaries a speed by (236. Ths second Wewpon beac ‘sel for fine eloment dices of yinons whee te rade i 8 tt ection doc no ae psi means “Ako tpi he development ofthe nak form he neraton by ra (2:32 235} TielminatstederatcomthesreP Without these, Pod bes 0 {Cand wou be Tobe C"- Furtmore the trton Pound conten would ave fo belmposed on he wi fations, uation 2.1) 8 pst eae ek fm, tis ore cones 1 tert pars i ees he stn ‘ox 21 Prine of vital wok fo one-dimersonl ota Lagrangian “rma ktm nem mndH= erie HBA pe etn (22125 (UP Aah vA wn) ‘res ent omon 2235, F=f on 0213) ‘ew otto 235 = mia ones aw = on™" _ swe yw (was) sin Posuarigar=firraar aie fsa min swe [sabes (oti, 10 24 FINITE ELEMENT DISCRETIZATION IN TOTAL LAGRANGIAN FORMULATION 2.1. Finite element approximations The dirt guns for 3 Gite cant vel ae obtained fom th pe fal work By ag finite lame it Polos forthe tan ral fancaThe osu [yl sobs so ements Tomy ts Tesoro f= ny and enn fens tent by 471 Yom whee m te umber tos pe ent. The cui ach ent [XX whch dented yy. Fr imply, We conser ‘ode problema wich aa resided plceeat boundary aod deny rei acon boundary Hower oder he governing equine we st eat the mods if there mene ao pei dapacnent oopdaries. We Spose he ‘hplcomon ound sondern he as St oe nt cement in fnction 1) wx Sacra aan In the abo, W(X) ae Citerpelit fen ctl shape factions inthe ie ‘loon esa, 7 Yom ate nodal pacomet whith are ots ‘fing, andre tobe snine, The nodal dapbcment ae commit fustins ot a Lagann nd Bio HK insin Chap 2 time even ia sac qui problems sine in noir probems we mst flo the ‘olton a he roe: in miny ene, Fray spl bet moot ecg ante The shape fncone eal inept tal the oon Nn) = bur 243) ere ys the Kromher dela or iti: iy = 147 = yy — 04814, We oe te hat we et} =f. rou del role in Fig then te ha Fungion (0) ee ts Kenatelly ass ince has te rue con ‘ouiy so tes the excl ountary condos. Equation (21 epee ‘epration of arabs te pt dependens of te saation enh) pened by Iie sape ncn, whereas he ine depen red tothe nal rable. “thet tos or vital plc) ae 24x) = Sn uy a) ‘her uy are he oda alae of the tt ton hy ae ot anton of kine. 242 Nadal frees To povle a tomatic rosatere for developing the finite tlenent equation, nda oes ae dfn for ach of tev work tn These lores ar pen names which arespod othenanes othe vital eee Ps 90 Stone ee 0 She ea 08 Suit ea aT = [uy dy Big Hh he Soy) (24d) wh an th intra nda ores, Fare the eterno ores and te the ini or kelp orcs The names ein poy ain a he na Fores te incl pd Toes arespond tothe ewe i the at thera al frescmespond tothe exter app fond, Whe the Kise o ert al faces coresond to he inet, ‘Nl oes are araye define so ta they ate conte to he nodal laces Jn th sns work Le otha the scl pd an inet of ope ‘ments ih te pda foes pies an nrenet of wr. Thine shoul! be oben the constrain ofthe discos eatin or wn sited many fe pret ‘set sh abt he mas nd tie mati at |Next we develop expressions forthe vaso nda res In developing the a ne expresso, we canis 1 ioe the dopceent Douay eons aad feos uy abcery aa nen, The expen for oa oe ae bi by Senin (218-2316) ith be dint pen (240d) sod the intel pprovimatins oh ial ed at Tnction. Ths eine hiner ol fres (re 24a), (215) andthe een pprosimatin of the es fenton (243), Tutt [Ranoraoare Saw oars 045) | Since the above bok for arbitrary buy it follows that sit [maraar te) “The oes ff ae lite iter nol fore. They he nlf ig “he exes and intra nol oes fe develope sn. The extemal otal fore arcane hy 2448) and 23.1 008 a= [Muah (Set, San anesa(ate} ean “whose inthe lst step (24.2) has Bsn wed. The above gives t= [nanan (ast), eas) Sc Nj(¥)) =u the las term conte nly to hos nds which are on the ‘ced acon anda "Te tine nodal Tres ao otal rom the Knievel work (2446) and ay Si eas) sanity Using te fie element approximation fr thet fons (243) and the wal Fenton 241 ee, Sata [Sw Cntr ‘Theinerin nda oc rulers a rode of asain the al scalrations Therefore we defi sme mats by ea tone [miner ox m= [Pua — cans) IM i henna mi nem td cerns eat san — Ya ff = Yuh = eM “Te dein of he etal ada ares en ye teflon expen BS Mes oe Me ea ‘Noe tt te ms matt as sven by 4.11) wil ot change wt tine 6 it mele eam only athe being othe sean 243 Seairee equations We now dsp tht kee eto fre ‘mod, Ati pont we also conse thea of the dacs Bony ‘Ondo. The aa be ae forthe model pain y fing ai) =m) and bn =0 cay) 1 soul be ote that definons (2.440) re ns for do woe stute the Bite clement equations Subttuing he Stns Ct) a 281) pee Seou(ie eg Sneha at al poe ker te dasa! Sound nde, sade foes that meee fap si, 120m a1) Subsitting (24.1) into 4.16 gon dion ean) Theat of node ets kon nhs model probe sins noe na esol dpicenet nae. The aalerton of he perp dope nd te okaned by fentatig the preted nol dpacenent twice Tie vio, te peste dsacemet tte cl soa otha th soe ‘Sve an te ken thre ito hen Canton fie ‘the mis matt ot dag, then he acseuon othe preted apa reat noe, node I wall entibte a (241, Ts ae cnet eons een Dom (ais) | notin Those squats seca emidrte esuse Ma= Ft og Ma, whee Fete" a9) tate maison, moditeatons du to pete dplacont Ponda) conditions (a tor be deat wh simpy, so the nl orm (2417 2-818)sal fe | Fated to for tee pups ution (2410) te emir mente, which lt eguaion are dcrtin ace at ominous in tine. Sometinestey ar singly called the dacetesqaton, Bt It Soule remembered hat the ton dete in spc. Tats of motion ae [prem my condone ary frei spo (OED ndepenet Sarhble sth ie. These uations cn ely be omer y the son orn (2419) fMa Newtons sco nw of motion. The sai fe cement | csezations i often not dag so the cguaton fmt ie om Newtons Seon i thats made can rr sera nde My 208 ‘Eegnal eprosnation 1 the mse tin fn wed hat cae the dete ‘quaton: of motion are ideal fo Nevo’ equation, fra stem of partes Intconmeed by deformable depen. The ace f= Jf the et oe on parle Te np sgn apes on the tera nd foresee thet mal Fes are dete stn o the cet by Newton's hdl the ao the odes ar al and opposite sos meme sgn hd. Views the see tons tion er Newt ec provide nn el ote 2444 nial comians Sac the equation of mation ae sod or ind intial condos onthe placenta wesc ae ned. Te conto fre ‘tein conor is gen by 2229) In mary ey, the ial oman e ‘pet by sip sein the nl as oh arb the a aes (0) =m) v0 10) =a) Vd oa ‘Thus the nat conionfrs hey wich intl a res and fred re (0) 0 and (O09 ¥E ean 24S. Least-square tt intl conditions For more cms nt ondns ‘hea vale of tena dpscerents and nda eos can be bane by 2 Ieacsque fi then dat. Theesesquze to eta placement ete fiom mining the square of te diene fetes the nite semen merit SEAM a th ia ata (0) tet ran od Ein ite les nave Dinenion __ Cn? YS (Gawmon-min maar ea “The density is mot moyen bt ade o eats n fms the rmnss tra, wick ie conenct Tf the mismo the abr Set 3 eat wit pe the ntl dal glacsmentto e [ivco|xwomer—wanfomar — @a29 ‘Using te deikon ofthe mass ma (21) cam he en tha he above san be rwo)—e whew ex [aatntrinmer aay ‘he league 10 the intl Vly data ie obtained sini, Ts method of tinge ment approximations a fretan fen le as jest see 246. Digoal mass matrix The iss sass wich res fo a eonsisen = yy ten node? he ment ‘Se ater a the ment lea om ode then eg (ay) at Fost" From (225) te cab en by Jobe fooy =A ssn) ‘oti ao vaish By (210 hsp thatthe caret deny eco ini at tat paint. Ar nse’ moves closer ona, the Jasin hoses neste inp the clone, hich imps a gv desi and vain ofthe one-one Sond tion, This vats ms conse. These Stuns ae ten ase by ume ‘hae eee te dtortion mst be more seve or Ue Jaan be nase Gaus gist poa The faire to met hr neo-con cam slo lead to dng the rate of etrmaton, Dy = Bry From (E235) we cae he pole or diets whee {io denominator hg vanish or toames gepte, When m= [isn 3h) et ley -Oat{ =I, the rito-olfortion tomes iinet ode 1 Thi pp funda dilicrt lst as ee expe in tre mec delop ‘monet agar eictip seer eal quatrpim ements bt in ange Ssplcemet anal hs beste can be ube ulinentoral poten. Infact the este of mesh dnorton an be evo ‘ncubat inthis oman y ning Fat a mesure of oration, wee (223) The ‘Erorimon wait F never Domes singin fhe e-toe eens he aa Poston 09 at he aol Example 2.6 Axiymmetic worn clement As an example whee the con ep of the pri of itu poe or work trom ul ee eons he tly of tn alyuaie two-dimen dak of contact ikon which ‘in opted oe ons, og 0 (Faure 23) Te only mee slaty ‘ie i show, ony anton he rail sori un simatic robion. The momar Cuthy aren apd rates of deformation Me rie it ‘finial conics xing Voi ntton re 28, Schematic of asym he sda coment w{B} ={%) cea ‘eter ono ey Dene Dt cess ens Bes yoo (e263) mtg ie he mem nai on the rnc vita perth wea fom 8 BF = OWE, ©, Their at per abaine rm the e-odelomion andes [lade vineet=[,uoviews ay where f= adr case # on ada spent i the cinerea tion tas seventy ef, suntan arty, 308 |, sypian——(e285) “he rtf formation i evaluated by (E262) sng the above velo Fld ant inmediney pa ito ate fer (268) o rio Ei Pte is ne Denson Chan 2 o{8)-[28 #]fash-m 28 ary = ry. Th intra ac are ire ya exroioniena to (250) except hat theta replaced y he cals mae off] A alow cess) “The een na ari igen by mee PEGE e ena neem oe] cas) ‘agonal mans marx an be compute bythe ows tengo by ming faire man at ach node whch ahs repel memilnge 8 (2619 Fanaa eae |Ascan be san the two dagonatiton proud esl diferent rl een 2.9, GOVERNING EQUATIONS FOR EULERIAN FORMULATION nan tc maton hen tin ce anh pend ese (Cc phi see es, tbe mesa of eration inthe rato-Sefomaton Dats ana the moto wl De desi ty the vl v1. Eula fore tion, th mation bot eure a unto a the erence coors sae a Udo, al oaiguraon aot Bessel and no coumerpt of 221) alate ox 24 Governing equation entity egution (a beatin: ae 0 nan) aaa) 20 Heat Fm fr alr Me Bains “ Simin nt te-ormatioa Pa est) aul dMs) = SEDy «#815 ay) near nstenorty | 1. The mas conerton equation snow wren a pa ier equtn ‘bs frm ed Latent ape De 2, Te meri tine derivative forthe veloc themomestum ogi bas been ten out ne of be pt tine deat ad anspor tm 4 The nundiy condone imposed on tl spat point In the peace, toundaycondons are sated forthe densi, voy aad ‘sures, As beseen Cte the ound conto for he dens and ten “Eulerian me depend on wheter he mater i Dawing in ort ste Boundary. ‘In tsnrodcyexposion, wecoasler ely Doulas whee there to The eudary pints at thn Lagrangian td Uden apd ses an be dtr at ___ spy te Langa nan amet ton 2210 atc ‘eich ofer) and he ste eth The cottons an csly be lsd | Tom the mreotum equations by sbsting (2-43) ino the consaneeaton (8243). Thre, ne wl hel fests of dsc equtions. Weak frm ofthe ‘moat austin, thems oesevaion equation ad the costa | bedeeope function forthe density te s/h, andthe et stones) rianen = [pete ee} awn “« eng od Ein ite lets ie Dien 2 Sein) eDy my Stns) cn} aio) “Tae weak form ofthe conti onion i absne by mulpying it bythe es fagction Sys) and nesting oe the dom Ts es [Pomovsionoe=0 Viren omy ‘Only fst derives wih pet othe pain aie of the desta vlc appear in te weak form. o tee 9 ea or neato by pate "The weak form ofthe cnatate oan ned a hema ay, We expres ‘nae desatve in term of patil rates anor et BME eb oay~ SP re) =O e108) wre 5°? i dined in (2668). The tet an losin, es) an of), ‘pee, me sje tothe same cenit for fhe dst in the cody Seon, 16, we leg 2, deep. The weak frm of the costae equation them obtsbed b tipi ty th tt anton un ineatng oe th ma [ ‘Asin the cominity equation, ht no bit in interatng by pacts The wea for ofthe ooestum equation baie hy inept thee hoe ton f(s) over the spatial dori Te pacar ta ott te aed ‘Lageanginn formulation i Secon 27. The ot and tal ucts dined by 21) sed 22 The ring we oom + 1ur=S7Plnu ee)sts=0 Vee ay (2105) [elerade—an(eab—raBe)jar— orang] =0 106) seinen by pars The above ges JE lbrtessna(Snor-8)}te—(ans] 0 ean) wen se total ime dstve i weten a. Noe thatthe ii ofthe ntsgrton are “The nc onside the pice of viral power or te ated Lar ian ‘oration excep thatthe domain Ifa i spe andthe material ine ‘eae is expr tr Eso for Thu te wea orm of he momen 250450 0 Vine my evs) aa — Panoads~ [* spends [,s%n ain 9 ae, aman 1m “Allotetems ae Mental to te oresponng rine rin of vn power | forts upd Lagrangian formulation, xp tat he ts of teaton a ad Inspec andthe rte ne drat ener ital poner sen exes inter ofthe ta ine Jatin the anspor ter Soares Ut 1 gener Eun Gite element forauaon, sproximiton are nested for the ‘os ses and velo. For each Spenentvaruble to and ti ions se Uecase wire the domain n= =F. Anmentonl sor hed pnt te ad [apace snd he vl on thse pot vis. The se the a brandy ea toot the density or ses andthe boundary codons on the velo re a) = ONE “The pong beincen pul and comet parent cordinae sien by a= Sano em In contra the Lagan formulations, hs mapoing i contat in tine sins the ‘dal coordinates emt fnton ine Te al dt atone Bn ea = Sateen) tn) ena) oui) = Seaport) So ens) oe ena) vise) 5 nicsntd 5 ‘Te velar tions have Bon consrcta 0the velcy bode onion i | atonal ste. . ee eee : m hte oc Bas ‘ Se a et hey in Hk iy Se SE SSoe [tater ations)aeno easy ieee uy Sac ier ay ir nde, eo uepentnes emf Ntmetse emis roolemtasacs EMtonads=0 110m (116) ‘Wein he lowing mre: Ce sim [atloractss eof, Tne ens “Te srt somtniy equation thn be wren a Mor taf 0 ford = 110M, o¢ Mere =o aus) “The marks MP can be ambled foe ome mus ot ike he as mati ‘The ohn mate retained by cater. The mn MP oe variant nd Closely resembles thems rats Hower he tats var wth in nd “Te rete fom of the constitutive quant bined snl. The ea i Seber iM Gort ti0m, ortega Gta a= fbarapan, w= any [inven sift ef, pom ann ‘where the mass elton om height hve been tie ro he inl Forms 2.111 Momentum equation The dicztemomentamsquton dsl to at fo the upstad Lara formulation exe or the ii et The eis al ‘oes othe Euler formultion te obtind in the alow oa tm net We fine he ei nol for by (210.1), which shoe a ! en r[yeowenonte |The wansport nal for hve not bea ite oat in ems f sap tos. Thi ie nsdn the Eleva formulation tant bode ae ie a ps0 he denies ofthe nel Yelosescoseysod Wo pi dervativer The mise isa yimcion of nea the Jey othe elent ange the at at il i corpo Example 2.7. ‘Two-vae Balan ite clemest The nie comet equations iv deveoyed for aonedimetsonl, twee cet wih ear vey: dey Shs fs The ment shows Figure 29, lengthy ad et finesse Eero deren. The mp tne cleat wk pata noise some aff} Nem eens) ‘Thedensiy. elo andstes eat aerate by the same icrshape Functions PR)-Ndle MONE off) =NiOe, (E222) Sepencips ae not append 10 the ship fnstions esse al vara te ‘erp the ame shape enctons ‘ena equion Technet mace th dre conti ain ae gen byt pana a1 4] 1] (e273) v= finrna EE pS]te ate Fore 29 kane Sea Soe Lengo olin ie Eos ine Dineen __ ha. 2 [Psroeee-[[ GE] care ‘Thee orc ented by nus uate Forfar ipo Senet = bios 0020.5} hte wo 221) © ‘Theahove mate ansehen th desta voy re constant in thee (e279 ‘Siess cqution The deneat matt (or the ares ie gen by (E273 sae 'M= ME The tre by = [ENTmade= [font nie ent 2) ons quan te fst-oner aay dierent uation, We are sy ‘eveloped the drt etn oe he ae whee thee a ed, er6) 2.2 SOLUTION METHODS Wee sco thatthe momentum gunn cn be drt or Lagrangian eho Ma ‘These ae onary feet ection in ne To se some nofinetpoblens a ths oi we doribe he snp sition metho, espict te tegation. The mst wily wd ep nod the cata Aience ed wi agonal or ng mas at ‘Westar atime = Ousng tae tee Br tht tne sep ade, The vale of ‘finetion sini dente byw apes ne = enh ath et ie ‘method the vlc an approximated Oy we enn wes a) a eon np) ena) hr he ond equa included to ar the otto, Haleimestp vale ae ol forthe veloc Theatr ae sent Sun Moti z= oe Manet aay te equation on th sights bain by combing the gution othe with 1). The ale ofthe deri a he ets oi intra ote fo the othe fc vals the eds of titra, ene the ae ced erence formulas. The wx To next propa x gen by Bok 2, _Mipsan fo the lcs by 2.123} does at aque my tno ogee “gaits. Thus fo a sense exp stration ir simple thn tt teat rs abi As can be on te ochars, mort af thea program basta elution a the overeingegeaton andthe tn nteption forma The gr bits withthe enforcement the iil sions poses Tr ME erent tl ons hve edly ee dec The fa ine sip some h erent rom teers ease nal ake. Tis eal roe iy acount fore nal condos te steer ad ves Mot fhe propane und computation tin comping te element a = fos parcsty the ner wal oes, The nodal fos arecompae een et. Prio to sarig the cme! compton th mst nal wee ad | Seplacnet are gue rm th ltl rays Ase be sen fom ee omc | be conpulation of the tral pda oss vl the apleaion of he ets | ick are tn tre form, thes oust a the coneciesavaton Ths | lowed yin evaation of th eral eal fre om the ey lop __shch emanates om the weak foe a he moment squton, When th coapate = on of te ment naa fore rape, the ae ate Yo th iba aay © seording he nade eunter. Box 25. Mowchrt for exp tne lagaton of Lagrangian me 1. ta contin einai: tf 2 Gat fe ttow) 4 Update ol ees = 98 ae a V2 inno penton) ‘Update nl plese w= a +A Update som and ine nat D118 5. Outpt simalati ot pee, to 1. OATH ment nda poor ad eli 2 itn=Oe0105 ET 4, Compote ses bcos eatin 5. Comte ner ol fay seven euton 6, Compote oa so eet and = 7. sere snes orf ol mice, “The eat boudaryconitons ae area can ax ow, By ing th nodal veloc equ othe prsibo Rol Yeo a oder 98 peti ‘city boundaries, he core dapacemets rea sce the wel ae sub Steyn ia eT placement ths opts Donat see at fcovet eos ae sae othe moa fre comput, The niece most be ome wit the boundary sodomy th nt checked the fw tut wuld bechecke ie production propa Ths acon fsa be baad by ‘tpt the al pod foes ate pec elsty ae ean be en fom the Mower tha the eles of ton bounty sonons sppear though the externa fo Fora ctf boundary ang ned Ye ‘one the erogenous tection Boundary sodtonm efret atraly weak Sete by the fate sme soon However, the acon binary soa ‘Sti oly approximately ‘Stbliy crterion The dss of expt ntertion that he ie sep mst below rice rte lution ‘ows ada tos namerca ait. ‘Scie inde in Chapter 6 Here we inoue pong out hat hal tine wep fo the wore ements wh agonal masse 0) ai = ans isthe ii egth of the semen and oy i the wave sped ven by = HPT py where Bs ine in (220) 2U3 SUMMARY ‘The foe cement equations ave bees develope for one-nensons cnt ‘ung cosraecion. Two ma depo ae ben dob 1. Laeangn mets, hee he nodes mss move with th mesa 2 Fulerin mess, n wih odes tl mene az in pase, “Two formulations hve bee developed or Lagranin meshes |. An updated Lagrangian formulation, in whi the Hong frm i expres in ‘Spt seria eth Plein coordinates I Te toetagrngun coos. fas toon stow thatthe ype aod wo Lagann foemulations ate wo tations ofthe suse dren, an ach ea be sone to the ce. sito the bined by he pate fermen the hoe mulation fier of eomvenence “Te asus of oto comepon to the momerium squton and ae obtained ir mk fom. Fr of xp une nition, te other ents, hemeasre oF orton wo the conta equa, ie we athe oe forms. The weak Td dinate sjnins hve eo satura 40 tat to Fahy £0 th crs ems eae eet eal spent the ral Fees Mike neta oes canbe spate, Mas mite om the dirt equations, The = ling equtons seca quit equtons Teyare cer noninaralgcbsie uations o oriary desta eqns, depen on teeta fhe ent ‘hen Grand ing he eanservaion of tus ae uansfomtion or the ese (ot tats ino snc the day coon onthe oo se et aod {tal Tipoon pus ar eich 2 Comer a tps ono cent with tiner dips! Sl in Example were the roses ae to = yl) ae, whee dy and Age a Tie nl resco et nas {an 2, Ame tat the nominal tsi ho marin the cements P™=Py(t~C) 1 Pa (@) Using te total Lagrangian formation, deep expos for the itera oval foros, Fors sonrnt boy fr, Sop the eter al oes Comte tener and evens tad Tres Tor the ee. whet Mor d= ad Py = Py the osm Example 2 (@) Delp the comin as ae Then obtain agonal form of he mass ‘ur by th row aum tact Find he eens sng eet ih onsitent mat andthe diagonal sb sbi tv eleale robe Kyat wine gant =H) 2. Comer a tapre ro-tde nent ih a pee ld he pated Tgringinformalaton se Example 24. Le the caret osama are be bneaby tlt 8) tasks 4 fy are ecarent rss seco es ara odd oe vs oe Dies at nodes and 2, Devel the teal oda fore in terms ofthe Cac sr oe theupsud Laggan formulation asaiegs (08) Fe where oy and athe Caney ste atthe two nos. Devlop te nodal ctrl fos for & Ssostant boa Tre 4. Conse a 2eloneet mat coming flames of lth£ wih constant coe ‘ecto ac .Asembles content mst mart anda sh and ob {einen forth tre clanet mesh whl os se beer probes ‘33 The fouany ua ses uli spose so the nal eure comer ar iden, Reyeat he be ebm ith ped mas, Compete the urns rte unped nd cosine asain tothe eat rue for fee fdas =wf, here #=U, Observe ta the consitet mas ec Shs are above the exc where the dagonal mas rien ae loth nt. Repeat ample 26 or sper symm, whte fehl items of the sess the eonestent rae mate Me. For stan bode, ep an expen or the nad entra re Jp eros tata odo 3 Continuum mechanics ie cement This caper nimmars the nonlinear comnnem mechanics hai ede or nnlien Fate emt mathade Ie, however, infin for hor odge (1970) prea etl oe aig il notin and the amen topic Mine sd Mase (192) gies a cons inoduction mith ottion amet ‘ena that sed be. Fang (195) ia intresting bok with may scsns _ of bow coninuum means raped The test by Nave (169) hs boone _ las for vids Yer aid ad comprehensive spon af he Gls Cae ter aoatin Theol tpi trentel br ich no presntdin rat deh | Sith teste tone of objetne ste aes, whch covered ony Maen "Monogr ofa mre advan crater are Marsn aod Hoghes (P83 and Open _ (385, Prager (96), whl ance book, provides eel desipaon of coaneaun Iss for ihe rede wih an intrmatate backround THe chase Wet an onteuum wecsnis "True abd Nol (1968) which dices Ue fade usr ery general viwpoint "This chaps bein with 2 erin of deformation and motion. Rigid boy itn it ocr wth an eats on rtaton, Rotation pays cn tle Soatinee contiavun mechs, and many of the more dik aed completed ‘spect monies contin mba ste om tation, ‘Ne. ihe concep of ses apd stain Ie Nota coat means ar acted. Suse and rin canbe dfn in any wya in oats Contnat ‘tt eet employed soles nse deme! puns te Gee sai not {nl the tcf formation, The ase meanres ne tated ae the pyecal ‘Cayehy ses tbe nominal sre ae hemo Polit 6, whith mec PD for brevity Thre re any oe, Bat any evn thw e s a or as Devine stadt. The prfson af se and tn ens one te ces, ToUdtsaoing sonizarconincam mecha, Once ne undstansthe fl oe elas hat the many mesor 8 nothing funds dare pea ot ‘mansion of sade ees. Nona coaunaum mca cole at ‘th jt one sere of are andra ut ane ones ed oe covered So {Bat be terre and sft can bueno. “The sonieralion eqs wich ae etn called Dla equation ae deed et These ins se Wena a slid od Tid msi Thy Soe ensriton of mass momentum aod ener. The eu ssn ape ce ‘th momatum sation wich app hen th sclera vant The sonar ‘ion equations are deed in both the spi abd the mtr dann. tft ‘ing rine corse the Sans an esha, bt tection shld ‘ethorwahiy andes instanton arm. "The cpl costs il futher study of the role of oan in cotnuun mic. The par ecompostion theorem x Shed nod expe. Then objec Tate a cle frimesonran sof he Cay sto er ns tind I Shown ty rate type connate gunn eure cytine ites several abst ‘ses ejay ne in nonce ene e pent 432. DEFORMATION AND MOTION 321 Delaons Comiowim mechs const with made of sis and ids in wai the prope and rep can be sharutrid by sath fants ‘Copter ith atmos ntl umber of dco Ignores be Imogncio such os mols, pai or cyst sects esters sa tc "acta sometimes pen ia Sotnuun sod hough ie sone aon, ‘ut the response snl proper re sumed to be anon witht fe nm ‘Snir ‘Toe eave of contnaum mechanics to provite mail fore ‘macroscopic, “Consiera bod ian nia ste ine = Ds sown a Fags. the domain sf the ody ine nal ate deoted by fy and alte hal eosin In ‘dserhing the motion of the bod and dloration, we sha eed congration {0 me 24 Unstrt (iia andere ‘me “Swine Demand Matin 2 hich ou guns eee hit incl the seen coe. we sy her, he nial onion ul th reeence conga How he cnfigrtions in ala bus ae erence configuration sod we wl do in sme deans. The siniaer ofthe reece conguation le othe fat tn fn ih expt wo ticle Ufeutvornel cotinine tote tl cetiguton. Tae oon eat “Nndctormad’cetiation shoul be viewed tay ation, ne unformed ht ete changed y deformations! a meta pipe as oe st Ig ect fone Housing was oe «vt of Ii ple: an port tay as ons mae fictouds of concrete. So the tt undormed afin oly ive tnd Adseats he configura with rep ow We metre loreain The domain ofthe rare cafigoratio of the bf dent by 1: ta wil es hoe ill the soon efron The dain canbe oe to" ee n,n eu vlume, espe. The Downy and correspoods tthe tro en plns ofs epmen t ee dancin, euve to dinesions nde sac in ee dieesions. The _Govopmets whch alow bold fora mode of a) diesen fom one oth, The xo Bae 20) ser Xr the compen fhe oso vector the reference onfigtion ae | ete unit tase vcs of etapa Crean corte sien ne notation {Soest a Scion 1 hus Ben We the son expion and wl Be wed Trowghout ts bok. Some subs, sath at Mars (199, ao die mata | uth and carly ng between aia pits a pesisn oti ‘Fe notin of purity ins continu vortat coming, forthe Somer of ‘ris to mos of rs dro rath han cmtinass Therefore we wl fer only {omer points of the comunuun, "The yor nace X Tor gen mate pot Goes not change wih tine; the te X areal teria cavanater or Lagrangian eats a oie ies Feet pointe Thur we want to uk he fncton Qe mae Fein we top tck th aio at coon ae fh poo post The caret coogratin ges by = Sve 23) ‘nse re the component he postin wearin the current coniguaon. ‘323° Motion Th min of te ody x ied by X=8K9 OF = 860) 023) where is the postion of te materia point X at ine The ori x te he Sp poston and ae elle poi be Bulan orate The futon 8 pe reeone calgon into the caret confit st tinea cl png or map fom the nal eofigrton to te suen soto. "When ie eferens confipuntion eta then configuration, th poon vector of ny point tine = cides wih the mates oot | %0) oF 45 ‘Thus she muping(X.0 she identity spn Line of nut an fhe mati corte, Xi, when lhe imo the mate ete sce Lagrangian mat ty elem wth he mei and, wen views {edfome configuration, thea ine are sober Cartan, Viewed in tsa he ‘nae cordnats are fn clo comet connate In purest, for cap {hey become akowed snore uw Ihe & Lagrange eres sce ee pure 12} However, whee we i the materi courinaes ote enc coi t,he iain he athe eguen toe developed hr th mer corse ate yond nthe referee conpuration they ae ene ss ie ‘Camas coorinate sem Tue sata coordente sem, one ce ba Joes ot ‘hangs wi ine earn of how ow. XoXo) HiK0)=460) (24) 324 Eulerian and Lagrangian descriptions Two proshow dete ite dormatin st espa of cot a the ft approach he inpenset ‘aribls re he mil eoordate andthe ine 0 (3.23) hi deseo filed & yea dx Lagrangian description Tn the econ appro, 1 independent varies arte pat coorintsx nd the ine. Thiel pata (rE eer The daly ar ota ns eps, Tsai mechanics inten moras ws dose ne matin Wi repeat toa reference configuration, For xa, we Sana the fw noun {iro an andeoredconguation ot ted cet ste and bebe oF {Netcom ld ae sodpenent ots hry. Om fhe she han athe Suess generally depend onthe formation snd ihr man unde ce ation mit bees! osntar ofthebisry denen of nw Lagan scion ae pen in sod shane nthe mattis a contin mechs Mature (- Mardn a He 198} ferent symtolare often we fer tne ad when expendi ems of siren independent are, when Us eerpon i Ferin or Lagnp In {hs contin, the uncon whch in an Enernndecopion at) dente By FFX) ina Lagrangian description The wo funtion te led PK = fO% 040) oF P=fob o29 This calle compart offen the ntton on he gh ys we in the mathematics Hata sfor example, Sp (16S 1) The nota For Be Ds iain nt Maton _ » "The contention of fring t feet fnctions by fen symbol arcing and iten asc. However in ie ent thd ben fhe ce to ele {pute or mre ses of ndepedent vial hs xeventon comes ite ww ‘Teor ths book, he soca sal with Dal, a he spe faction htt by speciyng te lndependct arabes. Ts fx) ibe Tuco wich fsb he lt ore dependent vals Xd weeds (Xf) ee faneon which dnrbr the sme fl! i terms ofthe mera coeiates. Tae Inlosndet vrais ae indicated nen he Heng econ o hp a thang of ndcpendent vrs mad, the nw independent Yarn nol 328 Displacement, velocity and aceeraton ‘The dscement of» mai iti gs by te diference Detwcn scent poston amd i og poston fee gur 30 WK) BRO) =BHI-K, w= OOH—M 2H) er.) = wey and we have wel (324 The dalceent fen writen a NOX wok ean, ere (123) a een sed in (226) to replace s(X} by x, Eguton C27) Tomentat ambguois sins i exes te daplcenet a Ue dileece of feo Sarl, rane X, both of wich un be ndependet vrales, The fender must Kp Invmind that in eprenions ruck at (3.27) the shel X epesas De moton Ai = 8%). The elo A. ithe rat of change of he poston vector fra mate point ie ths tin dating with X hl constant Time drain with X bel cotta ‘Sed mrad tne derives, emis terial ders, trl ine det ‘ste sa cal otal deer The Woy ease waite vars Tras so PO I oan In the sve the moto i epic bythe apacnent wi thet term By wine (025) and eae that Xr ingen of time Te superponlJtdootr a ata ‘ime drat though aso we for nr ine erate when th rae ony snc af ae "The sean (1) she ae of change of velo of «matron, ctr woth ater ine devvatie othe vest, an an Be writen ft rms Ad 5,9 = Pay aan Tee sbre aso sl te atl frm f sso Wien hc wly expen erro pal corr and eis sn eno phen ts) etal meres ba wn, tn Saas nn.3 The spatial coordinates in) av fist exes» Fnctin of te material ordinates a ie ying (3.23), ing VIX ff Th tral ine dative is then bined Wy the cai le: (210) Pug en 8 ay ier the second ety Follows fom (128) The seo ro the RBS of (2.10) ithe convective te which aso ale the enspt es cal the pata fine drone Ws tail sted thoughout ts book tht when naher the indeeeot variables or thee varie ar cx’ incatl in pata Ser ‘eth apc ten the pti cord end wee ering he Sata tine dervatve. On the ther de he indepen vaca epi ‘hin (328 329) paral deat wi apt ie nate ie deat yun (5210 write nemo aoton ts Pa Moy sy any cam where Wand gr ae het rains ofa et ill dee in Maer 15 59) The mati ofthe et ran ive by oan) ‘he aren inde nthe ef rin of » vector the ow numb, Tis can te Fememberd by weg thet gran Vin ns nttion ts, We wl oly the et grace hs ok, at to aan some) wth te ation tt ‘Sek ler (189), we llow tha oaventon Noe a ris) _ 8) 20) ‘The mate ine derivate of an anton ofthe tia vara xan tine sion be obi bythe chain rate Th or sl ton 1) an Tucson oa the aerial me detentves re ge by ML yt yvcy Lor ens p24) Pee 8 ME tn vein ends 215 er the Fiat rm othe RH echt the pi ine detain the ‘A‘capete dein of the mation i 2 seeded o develop he materi ine dna m an Busan desciton. The motion ca intend be deb wt Sch 4 With ropect a vefrenccontgurain tat cine ith he configation at acd tie For ths purpose the cofiguraon ats Ted ine? ete Cgecoscotgiasion and te postion von of te mata pote at tet tine x= 4KK9) (25 | We wean une ese X fr the poston vstos a ie + sine We wish t clay Hei tas anter ference copie the supe digest eee | Sond rom the il eens corns The mation cm be done ns Stren cortnat see) oerze 2mm Now the anguments ied 10 develop 3.2.10) can be repeated, noting ht ar) =O" Ar, We can tan an expen fo the mean WH ren cniguaion the ete confiarton amy e eens cour ihr he ni conigration ila mle | 326 Deformation gradient ‘The dowsption of deformation ad the meas of Bein are ell yr of coals Contin scan, An nportat verte ft ny Meas or reieRea" aa) {tba gi) Nee se he tno re oe mtn ‘Sint tepid. Topo Up te fr att wap oe ‘te ra toe one an initia een Xia te ete confntn, eit toh tom G21) that he cating ae eet sh beret oe ton ven RAPA oe ay Flt, 229 1a th ore exon the dot old hae ee aia between the Fad se oventin fay expel indtngcntracow tne eps nwo dimetsion, be deformation grades int cng corte tm i wiven by BEE om {eatin fo te row number an th ss aes forthe clurn nue, Note tht isthe anon of the etepadat, ‘Toe dotrminnt of Fi denote by Jad ced the Jian deri oF te stein ofthe deformation rane Jae) (22%) “Te Jacobian determinant cm be ae eat ing he cuenta eee ‘nitions fypwotne | reannsany o fyran=f, sm 0239 rin to diners fjpesonty pu nynaar am ‘emt oe shi ri en by Beda J avy ast e225 ‘The deton of thi formula et amen. 32.7 Coats om motion The mapping 44%.) which deri he motion sd nai they ann sa the wigs on ie 1. The tion (8) ction denial 2 The unton 1%, ooto-one 4. The Jacobian Stina the somdion J > 0. ‘The colton ese tht (1) sly smooths thst corp satisfies te nosso Seraph orm The ton ta ‘devatescon beens par donde mst mer sre \eeSectoa 15) soi poe contin ifr. The ovis nein os measure sal oso for he poss ck oration, On sacs ‘ich eve to eas the above condos ae ot et St of etse ee ins in one dimen, ines in wo dinnsons nd planer inthe ete, ae "point has gh alin as eo ae, esr hs 20 le, ‘Toe deformation gradients general dicontinyus om ines etna ea, [some phenoment chat # rowing cick, the moton ie dicminous We | fee te number of Gacontnuts nt oon ad erate te eee | hasten oud ht some noe solaton may pou fe mana 9 | dentin se for example Heche (88), Homer, the soto ae | jueunasaal wa cana he ested fet y Brite 0 we wl once Sines with he The secnd conden nthe abo li that he moto be one-one, aie tat foreach pin in the een contigo My te wig pit a a ise | seas Thie a necessary and slat condi fo the feu fF ha be | Frveribe When the dlocnation aiet Fis ce the Joh Seria J mst enon seth vere of Feit apd oly edema he | fonda tnd conto etd, Wetted isons comin tate rte rather an jst nonzr,wch wl e sonn Stn 3 elm rom is Eenervton Thircondtian can ano bended an ses of mente oo, Forex fare which comes ack, ech pl come Wo pos 328 Rig body rotation and coordinate transformations Ril toy zlaon ‘ulsics wich pres te eld mre fon rigid bo) Totaen, Faremore, the tehion ato whcher Ine or nonlinear sofa i apyopent fo parte Une tera peblm hinges onthe mupnitude of roaone. hen the ations se [ge eough oer sar slp mess veil oar ste must be ‘Agi body notion comtang ofa tndann x7 ead urvaton sbee Ue oh AOR Kar) AOI R(M EK) 228) were Rye the rotation tensor ako all 2 rotation mars. Any sid dy motion in be expres nthe nbove fom “The otatan mata sam orthogonal mai, wih means hat ts aes en tyson Tica be shown by tin tht id bd eon pecs eh Bete (RTR) AR d= Ry Ra de ~ AYA RNG Sl he eh snd lay ion, low at = AN, (2 “The above hows hat thane of Rx ite by is spe wiar!, taap =a Gam “ on Meco nn.3 ead A idtdyoatonot A igi tay sotnon f Lagrangian mick of rectanglar kent shown gue 2 Asean teen ther bey Futon tbe cee es ae rotated ut ‘nel even heeds ema ight anes The eet ees eles of eons "and: s0 when wot the deonmed eoniguratin, the mae oolbats ae ‘inher showninie . ‘oft vector ino diferent course stra The wo corte spies a eid ehogonal bse vets ean rept. The othoponaity ofthe tase vector exes as Wy HR hy 22) Figure 33 shows the vector and te ase sete te road ad uted frurdane sions Scr he vcr independ the oat see, a) o20) “Tuking the salar rot fhe above with ges Neg aFag 90 ry =7ieg = Ri wwe Ry E% (230) The end equation fotos rom the orthogonality of the base ers (8.229). We can et the RES of 231 08, Boe = RyF eam) sot mao ont aoe s ‘On th fr RIS we ue pt heh ote nde we wllsometne tha notion ‘Pe send inde ale peri to the hate? coordinate gen ofthe owson ‘ni this consent hls ia eerie frm ofthe sfrmtion equation. remain bo ses te aboe by und sing the etbognaty coin G22 shee ARTs oe Han Rn Ryn eam ‘Theaboveare murs eres as inde by the nen dts eee the ems ‘Tscomponet ot sdf, brand eerie same Yeo. Tis datos {ever he sonnet of stor a th vstor tl somata ery ng irene stl forms sd ear, bt fe ation we hae on oer ot © rm tie dtncton tel-De lls}-lok SEE nthe sho, an Been that he ubaipsonR orepono the eer compor ‘he wh elt for exam nthe apron for he rcomponent in oe it -et](3) ose Tey dthecoson othe omponet of helt form ofthe asfrmation be ‘ie lobe by erasing he wear rods from Fue: "The equator rotting the Ver Fs gite Sm. Let the rose weir be der ys The conn 9 ate te 3 lh coreg n e239) ‘Foran cumple of he oatin ofa veto ee Figure 3.3. Aplyng (2.2.33) 109 gv FeRTe on = Rly, e239) Premaliying the above by Rand wing he orthogonality codon (22.27) es Se Re or n= Ris 6237) “The ove he stand expreion fo he oan of weston witht rans, uation (3.229 bane combining (32.37) wi a aston. Note the ile ‘poebtwsen 6.258 and (3.2175 te compet te ete vor ae ota by tay wn hone oft ae Yt tlre ‘pre around ymin y Franky ey fal toby sah, in erking with oatons often hello Keep pcireHke Figure han, “The sumponent of soondoner oor Dare tawtrmed by D= ROR, y= Radu cas) ‘Theimvencothe howto by reulininghy RY, poling hy Rand ‘hing the onbopomlty of R.27) ax) “ Commas Mes Angular vlcty ‘The welt frail toy main ne obtain by taking the ‘ime dete of (3220, Ths es A0.9=RUNXHATID oF KEK wx +n) ——(.240) An Euesan docripon of gil boy sontion cn be obi by expen the ‘ner cownaterin (3.24) tert of thesia cordate 8 (22.2), gg FORT (oar O Geese 2a) kee (aaa “he esr fy call the nel tear oe angola ey mare (Dike Isiy aD). esa sewssmmetc tener, sew-syance esas tee sell ‘nents tena, To demons the skews of the ang vlc {enor mea he ine ati of (3.2.29 ck pee OR RT RAT 0.a aT 2a) Any skeet eon er te can be expr inter of the compo- att vstor cle teal eta an te masa rc beeps the cro pote withthe sl vector Ts Mra wxr oF hyena 2a) For any tnt above i the atenaar mars peat sb dfn by =I for an 08 permutation of ous) 1 for an even permutation off 0 any index is repeat “The retions betwen the skev-symeti eor Mandi axial wctr wate Sethe 2) ‘The fet ie btn by ingen frm (3.2.48, th eon fos om he is | soliphing By ad wing te Went ye By ~ Sy, ce Maer, 185 £5, Ino densa skews bth le dpendent component ‘nds ail ete perpen tothe toes pine ofthe modelo 8, 8)-(8 2] oan) In ice dancin. sewer asthe ndependent components wish ‘crete othe the components fr ui vestor by O20) ne mi een # a ee 512 Myla) +m = eeylsn sn) Fm neste oan ier @28) "yh we ve chun and jin the wed om dg = Thich _ Teton ors anton ven ham Te ec he RS {fests ute tsromion ste tn ane xm erm lt fro. Te velo i any gl body mobon canbe expres (3.2). "Th conch formal son tation ntsc, Howeve te topic of station wil appr in any ee prs ofthis cpr and th bok. Rota, “Gres when contin wih deformation, fendumentl to onlin conta, chased should be troup understood bya stent his example 3 Rottn ae strech oa tanga elemen Conte the {ode tuna fn amen show igure Lt ton othe ods tent slp =0 0120 taneos, t= 200 sansi® e344) ax) = E14 0)sin, yl) = (1+ ook aie deformation pase and the aban determinants funtion of ime Find vals of to ih that the abun tern eminent. ; ad 45 Fre 34 Moc ected by (E11) wh the iil confine Wt en te ‘Seemed ona at = we ee ihe = amin Mechs tan 3 | ners ofthe angular lament cords the confront angle ‘teed, near dplncnent cant sf yt ane ton flows ae ‘Append 3 yo nen amo wih eng Soria Koy = 06+ ala a Oks = aes + la tas, 1 the ini oniguration, i at 0 Xe MEO= ete Ya MEO) = Yi +s + 1s odin te nade in he worm configuration ino the 2.7) WoO Y= tye 6 (es) Subse howe y= {i tis cs, the reons ston the inguar corner and the mail ‘Stoner canbe vty iopaton to ge o-by or fous ‘Subang (3.1) 4p (31.3) no (12) ge the allowing oxen ibe AD= MU once so HX HU Fain UL oot ‘cman sin by 20 = [RSE UY] wen ‘The formation gratin sa function of neon, and at ny tne its constant in the dement bei the dapat i thr semen int et font he ‘rl corte The Icoban dtrminant ven) JH tee) = (14a san oP Ha (sant) (E18) When a ~0 te Jacobian determina oman constant, J ~ Tis mation ronton without dfomaton, The Jacobian termini so fea sont then d= nat a), ich comeponds toa sere dformnin and to Inwhich tea ofthe cement remsnsconstn: Tip of dfn la ‘ctor he delomaton a compres mites hace (en (ea wy | en Demin ont Moto » “gBeample 32. Conse un emewt whkh rtatg at oats ange easy bo the org Obtan the sclrtions wing bath the aera an spi Sesrpon. Find the deformation grat aod erate Then fra pure rtstion south rin ota fa 3.2.26) ing te ation ati in two ims (325 wom (}-[a tSI{A) en Uf tere we have sad =a to expres te tin 8 anton of tine: ws he | ff seeser sc of tena. Tae eo obnned by tinge dese ie ton whet one which aes (Ghee 221) © ~~ {S}-th}-e[ser Sa]{F} ean ‘To oan patil despin for the vay, the materi pra ¥and Yin (232.2) eft erased rs he pal cordate by sng (32th {i}--[ Sm ea]L-Se Salts} welt Chol 2) gp w(t} a oll io) norte ol S]=e-% 1 Af we ten cap te ely ln 325 in tems fhe pil nr x fod by 08) web (s}-G) on ‘This i the weno ral for cent acest; the aceention vor us oad the eter ton and mgd a 1 P 29 (e325) “To compar the above with he miter form of he seston (E323), We we (ARI) to expen the apt corintr In (EAR) ferme th at Soordinaes hich es {i}-o[ S]iker -Seal{F}-<(ser al (7} hic grees with (63.2. "Te deformation ada is bua om ts fein (3219) and (3.21 xample 33 Consider « ul sq oud denen wt tree of he ner aed sown in Figure Fad helo poston a ede 3 wick alan aningBcoban, “Te plement Sel forthe retngr ment wih as bt ne 3 is gen by the lone ld ssn) Snce this dementia square, an opcumsce mapping isnt nese This ds Phcoeat il vaio slong ges Stine by nose ad 2 nd nod at notion en by Yhay 332) “The deformation gaat is bined om the bore and (3.219 Voy sat) (33) gee 3S, Onl confer ofa ure emt te bo ir wih = 1 Somes sntewstm eth <0 soe fer ag) Lee ae) wan | efumaton nd Matin a “The obian determinant hen Fateh) = a bao a9 Werow examine whe the acbin deena wil vanish We ns! only onside he cosas detest for mater pris nthe unre cman the lone, th tne Xe fll Y€f From (23.33) apparent uJ nina when va Dans <0, The he mous vale oocyst yey F205 LhagY tat 204 Leng Hay 20 (39) “Te loes of pins along which J = Oe sven by sina fection of the ml ‘Gplsnents as abowe on te et in Figure 3, Te le gr io shoe ‘orm cograton othe cen! or which =. Asc bese, the Jabs Becomes nee when node eros the diagonal the waeonbed een round sowing cick fo al deform n= scn(e4 209 ean sw =Mren(o~26029) aol Pe(rcat ee, = tetra), 6€ (oma) for x ter (E34) here oe and Kare pam deeine by te sution of Ue gvering ‘Satan Tis placetent eld corres to crack opening lng the ‘acc ely th il otra of th bay a mo en in the dion inh daphasnent alg te ie ¥ = 0, <1. Does his placement fd conform wit He sooty fequvenents on moton gen ‘Ssoion 327 e346 Thinits urate ongutin nd wo bgt congution or acoh ‘Powe soa ee 2 int Sahn mp3 ‘The mation = ¥ +m) ¥ buy The dcontinuty nthe placement ed isthe diernce in E84) ford = aad 8 Ah Ome m =O the jumps or dicominates, i the dosent ae Belanten min =% Goliad = avin (44) "rehash dpacmeat fll i continuous “This motion meets the eed pea inSain 32.7 ease the dicot xc ony el ite, wh sta str ero nt dense. From Frau 6 tcan beset it ton thee hid the cock point ‘nes It sao posable deve motos whe ten dec ot sept Dt seams i tne depos fl Hh ot ow 43. STRAIN MEASURES cost inlay, many deren mena of sin nd sin rate ewe inlet cata mech, Onl two of thee meu cone ee 1. he Gren (Gren -Lagans) stain, 2. The rate-oormation tr, . nthe foloming, these means ae defines sn some ey popstar given Many ties measres strana sin ate appear ia the contin mcs ere lower the shove arth mot dey a in nite semen nthe I sont dvatagaou to ae ther meas in dsr consttv equim dase a {Gupte and the other rain metres wl be modu ect ‘Nsteuin mene ms vaio ay igh dy otin, df pata or gd ‘vay roti Ista meas asta et hegre on Stas st tra ona sry, oi ay roto. This the ey reson hy ‘testa ine sri dplacment equation ae sbandones in nome hry, "ample 361 beshonn inthe owing tht Ean Dwain id body ton. ‘Astin ease should ats her etera, eit should eres a the oration incest (HN 1978) Hower bt to rer ody toda cata nd indicts ben apelin teary mt Be ed SBA Green steala tensor The Gree strain nor Ks dfn by Pas = UK BAX 8 ainda ak = 2H 8,1) sot este change in the agua of he gh fhe teil wr 4X, Res he ‘eco aK pvt 10 the undeformed coaguaion, "These te Cree ain ion (343) ret he dies of he wre of the length a a iii segment in hs ot (ere configuration andthe lrees(aefermed) congestion. 3 une he Gro sun tno, we ae (3:2) fo rote toe LHS of O31) 8 de (aX) aX) = (OT PAN) = INP RIN=AK (EB AK (38) “yc inthe sod ie we ive mth o marx notation nti the ast step The Tove incre i ind notation ed de = Fy Fg aN Rhy = aX.) Ung the above with 1.3.1) a AX = AX ge ARPT BAX AN AA ARE AK =O eas) tring ou th camo tees the yl ARB 12) K=O 39) Sec th above st ld fe all Xi fon that BHT R= oe B= HAE a) ons |The Gres nin eso can alo be expres ines of dace grat by EAH (ou? + von vo (Gon), By <4 23%) 000 nets sng nda ation: By = Fahy = 2823 toon of esp. an (321) (20 +288)(S24282) oy 0.2m ~ FR) “6 Substing the above into (2.3.9) ges (2.18 "To show tat the Green ain vans nid by motion, we conser he ri ody mation 3.2362 = RA. The deformation pen Faeoring to 82) ‘then gen by -*R:Usng te epreion forthe Green in, 033) goo Batre where the sco egal os fom the orogeny the cotation tensor (622, Tha demons tha he Gros sts lanham 6d boy ot, Soltmeat a ioportan requirement of stacy mesure 332 Raleofdeformation The cond kissmate mst conse eis ‘te rneaeaorman Dts eal he rey sam 1 oat ote Gre To deiop a8 exreon for the riot dfomation, me ft dfn the weliy wrest ty BaP tems” oe tye 379) dreds or dn = ly, (3m) We hae shown sever tensor forme of the ion, but ne wil pinay we the nil form. Tn the stove, the sel Sa te abo id” pring te fnction dente the it pl pra! ofthe fens na spa aes ‘vats ae taken th espe othe spatial lr) Gordes Te ysl ‘es the pata eaten Vp te mtr padi. Tot at mor nbd syne aa wnt be duanl JOU oe ty hlyte) tego) 038) “This isa sundatd deompostion of» seondonder tenor or agate mati: any score ere be expand a he of yamine Paria the above mer “The tatefdeformution is defied asthe Syme pt of ye the ist on ‘he RHS of 0.35, ad he spin W the shewsymmer part L. the sc ee (nthe RIS of (38), Usig tne detnas mean we La(OYT = DAW oF y= ny = By My a9) Hv) oe myH(MeB) aio aay ‘Therateofdefomaton a mesure of teat change he gue oh th infntesinal materi ine Sgn 2a) (ae) 4408.0) <2 Doa Ye) ‘Thecquivnceaf (3.10) 4nd (3.3.12) now sown, The expression rhe ref Asotin obtained rom the sho flows at) de} = eng 8:28) aie Bde (oyein ale H2itde (wing 8.17) nae (LAT VLE) te nae (Ln) ae ean) | ns he i ip flows fom the ante a 1. 8.3.10) follows om te “tin (331) de othe ain oe nthe ares a detoemin, the pis emo apd angular vlc tenor ar ota “Wl Ths ahowe allow In rit body maton DO, 30 1-=W soy Inepting (3.70) webave ween) irr eam whe spand vy te contuns of iteration. Compan with (5249) hese at the opin and nga velosty temo ena ngi oy otton, When the bey shoes deformation aio rotation, the pin eso early ier om he bear eocy ter. 333. Rateodcformation i ems of rat of Green strain. The ates inca beets to teat ofthe Gren sia nso To obits elton, et ‘inthe mates grant ofthe wet ld interes the pt ade! bye ty Bape eas) Recl the definition ofthe deformation sae, 32:19), y= 8/9, Taking he tl ine bale be ctaatos pads er, ic ee wrth at ep Flos fr (28), Using he cain ef xpd the Mest Buy = yo PM rats org MB oe FIM oxi ing shove (8215 an een Ler, by = Fat! oan “To obtain single expesion relating hte 9 mane fin ae, We ote hat From (S.310}and G18) we ne S(ceur) “Tekin he tine deat of Ore sti 0.3.5) ge (rr orrya(l& a Sb 16 SIG SDAP at When thx X and. othe ups of eluting the at-€ deformation, west btn tov, rlaeT it) ou) | (ess) S(T ee) sam | Premiing 19) by FP an oti by Fes 4 FDR ALT RIT), wo BIT DP oe by FEDohy (0320) hr the st eu ftows rom 3.1.2, The abo san ely be ire oye Der E! o@ Dyn tg ige! 032 4 wich ie mn ine ee (250 Aswan Chapter 58.329 tan caplet pk ord prt 3.321) = (fae (orga) ssp {hal ict grr Th oo meres tw way ae pest tt of Green sin expres in be acon coniguton wht he ese, y= (webs (oe Ea)r (ess, ‘express inte caret confiprton, However the prope th Se fara omerhat deren. For instance, ia Extnple 37 ne lta he nga the ‘Gre strain atin time pt independent, Whee the iar f the rte kormatin input indepen Seeuretre tre th els eran at = Dis ee eel Ba] es XI) = (1 atone (bln ras To dtemine te tne history ofthe ete-feloration, we it eshte the ine gL ea | a eae of he detonation grt steno he oration ead WK = Caran (1469 Ye (es) ‘Reclaim in(83.54, rom nich eon where aun are poste constants. alte the dfrmuton git the Gece Sin Ed rateoF-demation emo fone ane adenine os f= 8 sede (ite aetna rind [4 a (359) Lahr. a ne ya) alta) ae saa) +3 ‘ne enone is eternity pt the veloc grad, we the sod te he paw shewymanet, The ‘nteotdebnmatiog 11 pe by ¢ 3] ess Mis (Lt, =A 8 Su ssute asa) ‘The deormation gaint Pi erly (2.22) wing (E25. “Ths whe ode nemesis, he shear way stain are monet, 2 ‘calgon at ot the elongation veloststais ae non, Fees sen, om (E35) the ate of te Cee rin a= Tiga [4 3]-[47 te] essa) “Tae above dfommtion const fhe snusneousseching ofthe mats ins slong the an ¥ ser nd the roation the nent. The ination rain onstnt inthe een at any ine td the ther sae sa wl ao be onstnt at any tie. The Gro states ae rom 3.3) ih en 3.8, ch eer 0 awl" 0" a ten nina Mao 3 Example 36 Aa clement rot by an gle @ abot te orn, Brat the Fors pre rotation, the motion gen y (3.226, x= | in as Bon Gropp bd en 0.2 9850 {r}- [8 Sale} (Sh-[aet oe (F} ean nthe definition of he nae stints, the spi oon with eset to X, whee the ttl whic he derivates ar taken st not specie, We ke thm wth spe oie SISSRNS GS OAT ine ets ea ESWIEaaa went tay MMos nna end io 9 Tt a ntl ta he a et sm 4 ste teh fefle fle hfe |] ree 32 Ancleent saat inte eto lowe yan eso i he eon ‘cn sac drm hat tn al soon aX) Hea, KIS OSes em te eevee te elormation, ve wil we (3.18, LBA 50 we Bt ‘gto fe ais owe can he ton ie nie ett e[e ey ssa begat Te pow eae prove ae pada oi con ‘hess eer Aue on coe oe “Te ky gn ad termina hen sey (2.15 ‘asin smn Top moreso srr seen is Tajr seers ts eb 2), ah pee venete[f gs f]-[8 gh oefernn-sf2 g] eam a) Ths how at hoot ee ew as ee i ti Th era cnt es a mend le aT Sra reenter meee cee gre ae Peter aero cena tere Sasi tora are ee SEES Sap erence aa inst ee eT hccseneae Paceet See ns gli cene tices pane cbt Tih RE aime oeetermar acne mat poems ame one Rekareenioonanta! cpm cost 1 1-24 0) 1 —! _ iF ‘Ths the ateotformation i pare sha, ath cnetona comport ‘Te Gren sam aed by 3) oleh pone oa] asa) ale an aa} Note that Eis noneo whereas Dy =0. Howeve, ysl we the constat tne iso dformaton ad rac san oma forthe been sags Configuration 2 confit ART, 30% e79) soy, Vere ata xample 3.7 An leneats defo rough he tag sown in Figure 27. The ‘motions eon these sages are ina faetions of tne, Eva the too korn tesor D i each of thaw ses an on ie tne inter the ‘ateotdfomatoa for thecomplte se of deformation zing ne shdefotiond ‘onion ac tage of te deformation Iason to ez ove unit tie iral-The time sing elvan tothe so and we opr this prc sco fo simply the alga The fess wold be eto thax) ht sing The ‘oon ea aes sae Isat 3 Fe [o ata) Pe [e Bh tarda [oT] cae tail 3] neprtagta[e t,o! (ear) fe ateatiee B-$[p anaes n] 750 Confgaion 31 coniwraton& AOA all =, K=O, 2<7S2, bh ek ea706) 2G] wa Confiewation 410 snfistion 5 ARAN, K=O IY, 957 carn crealt Bj me oan) ‘ere nnn sation Sy 7 = te enti pon Moet nan #21 tos nope newer el Powe slt al Lo wa'en] atl] *[o ta sa) oe [0 1) alt 0] cea) ‘Thus the nega of the rato fomaton oer «lending in he nil ong ato dos at sais Wie the final ctu in th bic soesponds the udefomes configuration sot u neste of sin soul vate te ot tie rateodfornation mons. Thi inact repens hypo ters desea in Chapter. ao ps hat he tga of eae -lonm ons not a goo msi to strat sol be noted ta he alo De thee sand ode th constants that hater he Slaton, ote sor Ise ae lang as tha constnts ae wl Te ga fe ice sn ate ‘es ay onal eye, snes in dat ofthe Gam sta noe ‘ord the tga he Gren sta rate pth aden The Cauhy ste 2 The nail stro esr, fine Pole Kirche 2. The son Pl Kibo (PK) ts tna Which t decid blow ils ltd othe ox AL Deion of res menses Couey tre asa = d= et ss) Nomina sen my Pay == ty esi) ‘eon Poli-Kit te tS sas) ws) nari oan ere ithe action In the frac conan he count of (341) ¢ we Pally = tay oan, te normal amy 1 thee. The PC srs ied by Sat) tyaty as) wo tna Neches p.3 ‘The espresion fo the tation in terme of fe Cay se, (8.0, ele ‘Cais hr sometins he Canc bypass noes th noel tte Surface nd ihe ato leper en ar) on tee sre Fo th season the ‘Cavett fen eae he pyc soo ss, For tlie te ot The cauely ss, Yee fo) ay) es the te posure p commonly ase in ai mechani The tase ofthe ee ‘meses P and 8 do toe te Gov posure feat ty at kre tte ‘deformed are. We Wil the the cooenon tha he oral composes of te hy ares ae pon tension, ani by (4. he esse poste a compe ‘Son. The Cay sre tensor mmmetis e@? —,whch we sal c llows {rom the caren of snus momento “The dint fee nominal tes Pinar ota te Cauchy ses xcept tha it expres i tems ft te normal of there ete Undeforedsrice wil be shows sn Sean 3.63 tht the nal se et ‘mai, The etspse of te amin sre cal he ist Po Rss {he nomsalate ue by eileen setors for nomial stn i Pl Kich ‘ares coor, Tacel and Nol (63), Ode (1980) and Maren ond Hues (1985) use the dtniton gen bere tse Maen (1903) sult fist Pl Rico sires) Since isnot sane important to note ha a he dion ea in (342), the noma the et of theese “The cond Poa ic se tind by (83.12) Tis rm Pin that he fore watfvel by FT weafomaton bt eine purposes the second Pi-Kichol se symm nl conga to the te oF ‘Gree stn in theese of poner. The second Pla Rilal ase ely ve fo Dlstnepenent materi ach a uber We nl a heaton PRL. ad PRS ts for the int a scond Pi Kisl sen reget) 342 Transformation between esses The diese sis enor intr by finest te deformation The elation hese heater angen ox 2. ‘These reltons can fe aban by wing (341) (43) sane ith Nan lon (Mater, 188 16) which reste theca nal ote tee no Mey te 4s) Ju Paty mat ‘Noe the 20 pl where itiscoveiet and have speci vatian ‘mening in ths ook abd ean apenas suas or supers “oiltstrte how the ranonmutinns stn dere ses meats ar ob, weil develop an cxprein forthe nomial seein tos te Cay Se To tin, weequate i writen ens ofthe Cac sre nd th ntl as 11) sod 33h ine toma Paty 48) Satting he expression or normal gen by Nason sation (49 no (48) Jy Fh aay =m Paty ean) xs shoe hoe oral fon tat as) Ja B-P or Jey Faby 49) ox 82. Trasormation of stress synthe ml ses can he relied othe PK stres by mlyiog 43) 89 at Fy: S "The above it somevht confusing in tenor nttion, ot eeten Belo nina (om)teP satya = Fal Ss) to Fas at amy “etc in he avis itn tems ft nmi tes wg (43 Atom PatyaPl ny FSTomih CAN) nthe hove the a slit a (.410) epee. Sine he above lor al ay me ve PHS or My = Sue an oan) “Taking he inves esirmaton of (48 an abt int (4.1) ives RSAT op oy =F Mast (G4 “Te ove wlan eam be averted to expres the PK ses i tems of he Cay riety? aes) ‘The above relations betwen the PAD sss and the Cae se, ke (43), pend oly on the deformation gradet Bao the Iota detest J de) “Tho hs Sfrmaton i tnown the tatcl tron canals heap iets ot ‘ter the Cauchy sire the noo sre Porth PRD stear t {Giiby tat the Cashy stresses ten $a symmetries S = 8 343. Cootaonal stress and rat-ofdformaton Ia thestatonappcosh a scorns stem costco ech pot in the boy Wit base vectors This itseevotatnal components Dy, which ca obtained am the bal components by (6239 The componente be obaned crt rm tev ld y-4(4%) =om(2) 2a, ate he components of the lot fein the eortatonl system, The Cerotational stem canbe obtained fom the pair decomposition thereto Be ‘dre tro by oer chiquet se Secon 46 “The aoltonlupreac oles cfs to epecnend mechanics base be interpret a evince cordate yt ih se ys whch ae ane ‘ions of Then he rain ofa ets Fi wuld been by 6 1. Hower, ‘hisimerpretiton wot core The corotaonl tema rtd goal tom and ilytrssteexpesedin his bs so theo grade of heel ¥ Fach ont may havea iio concational stem Neverthe hsepproah provides He ‘ins dining eth Caan irc apoyo tw conse specif mots in Chapters and. Fo the psn, asta at ‘ca fd acoogiae ss a tates wit he mata Te eovotonal Cauchy ses abd he oval -fformtion ae defined wy nd (ais) B= RTO oF 35 = Rhowhy (4) DART DR oF y= RED Ry (068) ‘The corotatonal Cauchy ses esis the sume esas the Cay stress, but iti oven ens of somponets ina coorinte sytem ht rotates wh the tr. Stic speaking tenor doesnot depend onthe cordate sen in which Hs ‘Tee conan! Cauchy 6, ako calla te rotate fm. Toe ‘Example 28. Consier the motion shen in Fame 3.2, (E32, Lathe Cathy rsh itl ate be pen by welt 3 ‘Cont ste ot ne into the meri a8 the by ot the ini "Ti crrespone tothe hr of am ni ste of sn oan i ih ile explore te in Seton vate the PR ste, he nomi ‘Sees adie sorouonl sts i the il congestion ss the eaigsraton (os) wan be ado conan = ¥/ he rat pu gon by ve(iaee ~eata]=[? (eis) Sir hese coi zen mae he sto ste ia te tet cmignnsa gy a 9 4 3 3] oe I rove 3 [2 SJL g] oss i (iz ff ‘apelin traf th ania ses P hy Ha 12 a fw srer-[% 3] a)-[ 3] eo allt d- (8s = ‘Example 3.8 used the notion that an initial state of stress can be considered frozen is ml ae Meet aaa cniaed aaa oeee ise ween ot or ‘resi unchangd; hue Pz srs hue ti were fn nt te ath er TT (28) Se ee rene ene eel re [ ale a) 99 ie Relate oe ce eat crea en nih expe wae mage i mre racecourse raisers =r Tepes’ womnne ato e [Fg] 95) ‘anbevcea thatthe PK sett const ad thre uni he PK3 ste done otrott ihte mateva ns th nono sess beome the he stress Tae abtig Fo en by Bex 32 ming (129-5-(859:) then gmt is eterna cena areata aT enn sige eanucege eee stems era ae [48 1G 897] ey pe eee ie BeT ae BESS [F oe The erent coupon. Te le ey secs th the normal he ference ‘igurtion the rpt x with ators on suse clement in ecu cnt, seen om nts detinton, 88. 12) Forth ean and because ofthe ase of ‘pom te mona sre Pt edom we in conutve ution eat ‘ren let ine simpy ofthe momentum and fae element eas wen ‘pecan termofP ‘Ts the ony nonzero componet of he wom ses it Pmt ay = AB (399) sir nt gyal ern cn me ee sa tae masscin easrnosthas ese ty te a ec ra NNT a Saat sm (4e) cn vice pny apt gid nin SEASChts aseiaaeeaete sample 39 Uniaxial stress and associated strain Cosi «bina stateot ‘insistent shore fo Figure 9, Reith hail sto ae PK2 Stes 10 “Teil dines (he denis ofthe hr in he cence confuzton) al, aynd hy a the creat cameos are 88, (e390) ‘ue cnn Macnee uns | ss Corti Bain Gust thre sates that when) plow contin diferente, ew = Gfancton then coe hols fr any domi indling the reference damn wher for « C° ction), we have Psst theo. ice yell uncon mtb doerbal i terme of pea Seon te snp tt of aoa and Pr “fe Gc in ral by C035) [sina o [orem [arma say 28 p eg PA 4 Bee, ey PH esa0y eS me (e399) aa: [rem o |, veo “The essing stun components vai, ,myonaty 35a) "The ove there olor a toro any der xml in) pled by 45 CONSERVATION EQUATIONS Teor ft oder ts 381. Comer yom soe nis nin [:22an=frncam or f,oresun= Levee as Se ae a ae era ae ed I ee ‘omer ere ‘bi is oren known as the divergence thor, The toi ako hos for grains | ithe estore 1, Conservation fase [,ittlan=[rainar or cxtnen~[voeinar 4 +2. Conservation of linear momentut, often called conservation of momentum . " = feo entered Nh heh nts omni _ esa spn tse ce Paton) ey ier, i ato ae “eng th i emo a ae _ Gremio inutesn ahs een a _ Seino Douce dae coe Frei bem nme Gu hn oped i a Sin ind ming eo ete org he sania faba [mar f, tie, [,240- | mars steer eto liens eth hoe a] fee ‘the jumps defined by uo) 7 Linnea tet [palent opto ose) ‘Thecomervton a also kom bale ws, for xp te conservation of oer ten cle the tales ene The nea eae ly egree prt eel eutions (PDE ‘The PD a dest by ain te conervation los fo domino he Boy sich Kade tan integral ren The fling eutih sed to eta PDI rom he integra elton fim) 8 and f/x dN =O fran bdo 8 of TE ad time (7) Tele 055) Jia!) 0800 fer 16.3) easy | ‘rio tbansigysdomin Wor to ing tele oqnion seen res ‘Soler ie pp rede allen) =a vateh = (ct -ef)at=(@f-ad)of sam | wes Aan 8 ae it shri wich ork on hence a {rete ot nor re mo seoming aaa ae eon as ‘ie pans aii othe nice nena and rere Al oe tai) ae equa nd ake te the Ta oe ne The no eo tee io one ce ome 352 Gaus’ theorem to te dessaton ofthe cnsertion equation, Gas ‘eon ego une. Thi ten tera vera domain tous ntepal ‘here bunary ofthe domain, Ici bse ote le egal toe sure {nepal oranarer ter to contour gr. The ne menstonl for of Ges ‘Seam the fandamentl theorem of clus, hen a Cape ve ed 2/01 = 4%) as inden (2.213). The hove soe of Rens tempat ron Pinata form of Rey reaper thon can be oti by he deiton trl ine date, (21) a 3.12) Ta ges Blt (Gorton (CAB) ox 353 Matera ime dsioative ofan integra and Reynok's transport theorem The ‘ae ne driv o ing eth at of nage fa talon sea ‘oman, tral drain mower ihe ates st he mtr oi ote oun vena a the bouary and a0 mass Mk sus ars he Bean al sae amo agg Laan cme oe {igen etaent a ize cramps oft material domain. The sro for fo ‘male tine deste negra called Rejoks tsp thee “The mara ie Sate ot nepal dtd Bll gece (lo,,a/er an, som) asm) wher is the spac domai tine + an the spatial domain cape by {ese mati osu tine «i. The plo on te hand le ‘enfig toate apes to flr tong eptal oman, Hower, thy Sotto, which stundad emul dete on the itera pin tt he ‘lain et mater domain, We now taser both neta he RIS oe ‘Sen oon ing 02297 ne inn ter Bilal J, (Lraeion)an asus) ion (3.1) can be pat it note army ing Ga’ ioc oe vec ofthe RHS, which ses fans [oma ov Bi rane Lane [sea sis rte prod sme to be C® in. Rejolt'strigpr thre, which in 1/40 fpr ans ey bowen es ie or a saa spp tno oa nd Tho ap a noes eso Facey 3513), bch oe With his change inte domain of iegation, bao anc of he mate OF gana | (28 MD an n Soran e7(gae yay oe. Bilan [Ge 8 ose ‘Sic the domino nerton now dependet of tne, we eam pal he it prion fie th ata ake he nt, ich kl 2 4 Mass conservation The mss nf) mri domain isin by ae ven. an eam : 0) = [0 asin They dvine wit rept oie eines matali eae Tat ge ee la en: Wee me Poa dele oe sone Bl,yan= |, Sy ooro0m=[, (Loran say 0%) the desi. Mas comertion equ ha te ms of any mater it be conta, wnct no mtr ows trough the Soares Of 8 ae ana we area considering nas to energy conversion. Phe cern thrice fms consecatn the material me deraect mf) iis bap Ree ee eS eee PB pao osm wens oct Apnlying Reynolds theorem, (3.5.12), t the above ye Biro |, (reams eosin > Li J, Ge earo))an=0 Bay) eas fr he RSet theca ay (223 an cage ‘he nin ran oan Pn Spon, hh ge Bi foun — [M20 Sete above os for ny sts i flows rom (35.1 that Pept =O osm ‘Jan (si) Dor pt pn =0 52 ‘Tae above she euro fra cansraron, fe calle becom ean i ‘sot yrta ica gin ‘Seal spool for of the mse conservation aan ae of inet, When x rate naps, the watt ine date he dest nse, ‘i bese fom (3520 hat he mass conservation eguaon Soames iv ln ther words, mse contervaton equi the divergence of th vost Fld of an ‘Hoopes mero ash ke ino fs mtr ine deve, (32.14) vod ia (5.20), tbe te 2. “Tis is cal he comers form of he ms comsertion equation. Is oe Peed io camputona at yeas ewan retains of the ave se Towa tocar mins comsertion more ascric "or Lagrangian dessins, th as conservation equation, (3.18), cn bent tated ia tine obtain an algebraic equation forthe esi Ippon, tt say | “Teapforing the than nara inthe above to the freee damn by (3.228) [r-matyoe on “Tae voting the soot ofthe grand and (4.51) ge eon auton 08.00%) =X) oF p= np sas) \Wehav extn the independ: vase on the ef tempi tat hi ton hls onl Yor rate ons this olows om the fat athe dma of inepaton in 29 mist be «mater domi, "Te set ction (3.525) wl ao cfc mast conservation in Lagrangian meson Ia Eulerian mesber, the agra rm of ma commer, (3225, cannot te ut and re cosevation i tnposed by the pal dite sation (3.3.20) or 8.22) ete comity equation ASS Coaervaton of Hear momenta The eqstion emanating fom the pin Si flier momentum conservation isa Key eqn fa woe eet Proved Liga momcotu conservatn iequrat to Newons ood law of Moon, nc elites th fre ating 0 boy to accra. The bape Stila the momenta eamsrvaion pence, or te Slee of moment rinse or ad (san egnead say | as omer Bie uy ‘We wl nr stat the pine in intel orm an then drive an eae pt jer equation, We conser an arbray domain wth as see forces ano mace trations whe oe pe nt as ama on nares Te otal ore en Dy fy [rns [ee sa n= [,mosnan os) _ lero the near momento per ai volume ‘Newton's sound law of motion for sotnutm, the weeentum coservatina prince, sates thu the mtr ine derive of the nck moment eq the toe Use (3'25) and 8.827), ths es Peo B| man=[ aan faur 08a “We now conve the fst and third integrin the abo oobi sgl dma Jeu so (3.1) ca be apple. Reyoolstanspt teas pl to the LAS otra the above ges Blea [ (ion rain = [ome roann)jn Ft te ofthe integrand and reurangig terme "The tem mutpyng the ven inthe RIS ofthe above an he oped he 6520 ‘To covet he mond erm on the RHS of (35.28) to domain inal we invoke Cees retin and Gauss theorem in sequen, ing ear=[moar=[, owen or [yar =[ nape ‘Nott sinc the normal he if on the boundary trl the deren the [et and contract wth itn on th so tense When he ears operate ts. teint inet ofthe steer calle he tegen opeson an colt the eft Whe tts on te sod de, ti placed tthe ghee Ses dea So Cyst te ng ee [ Ztan 090 ‘tine cominwun mechan itis important wo heme ascot plaig the Serpnce operator whee belner bran soe ee a te ia ‘rant symete Wiese ies not mete lad gt diverge ‘errs endo ent ruts nts we tae he caenton ta fe ergs ‘andra operators ar pled he fa he rma perso he te Inte erate ‘Stisiutng G.8.0) and 9.531 iat (35.28 ve Jo -a-e- ean =0 esa) ‘Thereof the integrand is ice (3.532) holo am abscy dma, plying Stn iis ‘hissed the momenta eu ao all he ns a omen ston. The LHS term epee hang oom sneer fe ‘clration phe denny tral cle tena or Kite, Tht enon the RIS ite et estat ital fs pun wae da tote derpnc he ra “Ths for ofthe moment equation apse ohh Lagrangian ad Eran sco, In Lagangandeerpin the dependent varbls ae sumed oe Tinos ofthe Ligeia coors Xan tte 00 the men cguton wold loot) barennKn 53H ‘Note tat he seem epi aio te erin orto though the invere of te mation da) 30a the spat vergence othe ts i et ‘eval, ts conared function of X and tne aX Te a dst ofthe weloty al spect to tne i (3.533) omnes pt derane ‘ih espe oie when tended arb eng onto "Toeabove wuld at become re agrangan Jeronimo ex 09| ‘oatnuum mechanss esse the appaane oft deat wih espe WO Enhran cowinas, However, the esta fants of Laprnpan desi thatthe indepen vals he Lagrangian mater) porns. Ti ue ‘met ismet byte tov abd we wile ie develope of th ute grag Fine eat me dt the above orm te momenta esti ea ede wi Lagapar me 1 tn Fakta dito, the mates dtatve the vel i writen out by (6210 anal waver conse cons tc Elen oon Egon 8535 became 0 28620 dre) =e stem) 0889 =e the dive ob or pO =I sa) | BA py (say Hn) A Pie 8 patyn) =cve+ ss seat the conser form of he momenta eaton: In he omer fo, est er ut Volume ys dependent vale Thi variant a the monet jt counton sid eee mentum conservation mote ete uliteum equation many poems he ade reaps andthe fs ar ry al od cane epee. tat an healers nthe _mentar eqution (335) ante opp ad we he Gotha d of Es phmo sm “The above equation is called the equim equation. Problems to which the ei mcuntion i appabl ae fen eld wat probinsTo equim equton = ou carl sings om the momenta equation: equim prow be tt pa do et lode eration. The moment a livin eons {tear guns, and (3.533) apd (537) he epee ms al eto | 3ST Reyols theorem fora demity-nighed integrand gation 3.5.30) 8 Spoval ceo ger el th mse ire drat oan integra whch he Imran is rode fhe det ad union is ge By Boren [ ofan oa) ‘This ode fo «eso of any onder an it comsoqene of Reynold hore ad ‘muss conerton Its aothes vasa of Reyl theorem ea be vee By paige in (329) and (3... 58 Comersaton of angular momentum Th integral for ofthe conservation ‘tanga momentum is oban! by lkig the ere rot ach tine evra tu pipe mt he poston Weta x Bing Blysxmn [xmanefxcur assy We wil ae the deivation ofthe conde whic allow om (5.9) aa eer snd ony ste hems ent oe ay=oy 6500) | Incite words, onseratin of gular momentum eis tht he Cay ae ea Same tense Teor the Cavey ss noe rept thc dint Send {varias in two-dimensional probes abd i tweens pater Te ‘orton of anlar momestun dos ot ol aan onions Whe the Gracy res 359 Conservation of energy We somsidertersioneshanisl procs wha the ‘nl sou of energy ar mesanicl wok and est The pipe of comsenion of ety ite ee bles ptspe sats tht theft change ttl ra {ul ote work done by the bod ores and sac actions pis the het egy ‘ered othe body the et Mx a ote Soren heat. Thema ery Ye ti volume ented bp wh seiner Mun pe wi ae denoted by x vector in units of power pe ae nd the Het source po nt tam The ae of change th otal esa the tay. bh bona ney ‘nd netic nergy egal the pow ofthe apd other ae ou by he conduction and ty he sere "The nt of change the ttl nergy in he Body gven by aman at, aleB| paitan, oh BL Lyvan sat) where i dena the rte of cans intemal esr and dhe te cage oF {bent energy The te wor by th ody fr te domain ad the cod ‘on heuer sia [emans [ener [omhanrf nd es) ‘Te pws ye od et a i a a ee a ee) ig te ih fe et a tem ete sc te a ow ot he i Test fe comet et erty sun tee of hn he al yn a ont he nl and [Et ees cult th ate of or hy the exter fos an ate work ove by eu att ene suey, Ths known the ola af te ye nits Toe eat dente by a The comeraton oer th requir th The ssostion of he tral ener deen on the mate. a an ei feria iis ove stint energy sd uly ecveale up wooing asst ner some fhe intra nergy conte thst ar es pied cases th oa sce of the mat. (oom odorants | ra ass ill ao dst the equation which eras rom the above negra teen! sng sie prooedre as bore: wee Rey teoten tng te ta erate ie hein oer alsuace meals to oman nel Using Reyeos User (2558), on he fo nepal a 345) pee, By ove dovsjan =|, (Pat 9) a sas) Jjrvar [never [geome =, yan = [yo Mae nen) (oss 3.9) se rena = [leven rnenu)e (oy om. of wand sew 9m of W) = [s0e e990 sey Inserting the abowe ito 49, apltion of Gauss theorem to te bet fs Intra und eerangemsnt of ems yes I ‘hela min the iter can be ecopnines as themomentum equation 0.5.33}. ‘aie. Then stain e ebtrnes ofthe Joma ges Coe er ee) =D Vater 650) whic he paral dteential equation of esr conservation

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