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Ronnie Carleton 2011



Jenny Snow sat at her desk aware that today; the first working day after

Christmas was going to be a bad one. She looked through the window at blowing

snow and sighed. That meant that Rebecca, her main investigator was going to

take the train and Jenny would have to pick her up. Two miles in this to the

station and then back again. She grunted and was working up a resentment

against Rebecca Shaw her Jewish Guardian Angel when her desk phone rang

making her jump.

She picked up and almost barked into it. Jenny Snow here!

Molly, with a hang over here boss. You sound pissed off?

She looked at the phone and then put it back to her ear. What?

You still sound pissed off. I can always ring back Jenny?

Jenny sighed. Ok. Tell me the worst but if it is about the snow and you cant get

here I dont want to know!

There was a very long silence then Jenny barked this time and loudly, Molly!

Talk to me!

Jenny. You know that right hand bend at the bridge coming out of Prestige and

on the road home?

Jenny hesitated just for a moment. Yes. What about it?

Well I got us some venison. Like deer meat. I tried to avoid it but there it was in

the snow just looking at me, big bright eyes and all. Dead Bambi ,bad Molly, I

stuck on the brakes but just kept on going.

Are you ok Molly?, muttered Jenny, feeling herself getting angry.

Shook up a little but the back of the car is in the ditch. Can you come and bring

the Defender with you because a car wont make it. Sorry.

Jenny sighed then asked, The deer. Where is it?


The antler end and chest end is in the passenger seat, the arse and rest is just

hanging on the bonnet.

Is it dead? A voice in Jenny's head whispered.'Stupid question Jenny.'

Very. Like no heart beat, no breath and bleeding out through the mouth.

Your car or the company car?, holding her breath and closing her eyes.

Jenny knew the answer before she was told. The yellow run a round. Sorry.

Jenny nodded. Ill be there is half an hour. Meantime try and extract the meat.

Please?,she muttered wanting to shout at Molly.

Did you have a nice break at Christmas Jenny?

No! and hung up. She picked up a large book and threw it at the wall then

screamed loudly. It was then the front door bell of the large house rang twice.

She walked down the hall fast and threw open the door looking at the large black

woman with two cases standing there her head and shoulders white.

Jennys mouth fell open and looked behind her for a car or even tracks of a car

but there was none.

The name is Calypso St. Claire. Kindly inform your boss Miss Jenny Snow I am

here as arranged. Well! Just dont stand there woman. Go! Im freezing my

black African tits off out here and I had to walk in this stuff . If this is snow I

dont like it. Now move and let me in.

Jenny moved to one side and the large woman pushed by her, one case hitting

Jenny on the left knee. Jenny slammed the door and stood with hands on her

hips glaring at Calypso St. Claire who was now shedding her black coat and hat,

snow falling on the carpet.

Are you sure you are in the right place, Miss St. Clare? This is a specialised

Legal forensics firm, well Department in fact. Im the only one here at the

moment as the rest of the staff are stuck in snow or missed a train. It was

Christmas break. Do you have a letter or anything?

Calypso glared at Jenny, sat down in a large leather chair in the hall to the main

office, snapped open a bag and took out an envelope and thrust it at Jenny.

All in there, passport ,visa, letter from Sam Deacon on the appointment, airline

ticket from South Africa to London and train ticket from London to Wales.

Sam paid for it all and I got the chits for him or Miss Snow and anything I spent

on food. The taxi driver dumped me two miles back. So where is the old


Jenny looked from the letter and official documents back at the large woman.

Sam? Hes dead. He died two months ago.

Hes dead! But he cant be dead. He was too miserable to die!

Jenny nodded. He is dead. Trust me. I buried him in the garden. This job Sam

offered you? What was it?, she asked confused.

You buried him in..? Sam had said this Miss Snow was in a muddle and needed

someone to run the main office, sort out staff and keep things in order. He said

she was a nice woman but a legal beaver not an office manager and had too

much on her plate. I am the new office manager. Now go get your boss, this

Jenny Snow and a cup of coffee for me please.

Jenny handed back the letters and nodded. Milk and sugar?

Black. Like me and strong!

Jenny nodded and rushed to the kitchen and closed the door over, leaned against

it and burst out laughing. Sam you have done it again!

She switched on the kettle and smiled. Ok Calypso. Lets see how good you

really are, she whispered to herself delighted now that the rest of her team had

not yet met the African Queen and a force it seems, to be stormy and direct.

Oh I am going to enjoy this you guys, she whispered with glee almost laughing

out loud. Oh yes!

Calypso St. Clare sat bug eyed and looked at Jenny. You trying to tell

me woman that I come all this way, took time and money to get here from South

Africa to take up at job that you knew nothing about?

Jenny nodded. Seems Sam forgot to mention it with all that was going on at the

time. We were sort of busy to say the least. Anyway youre here now and at least

you met Jenny Snow. You were an office manager before?

Twice. Once with a gold mining company called de Orff Mining and the last one

for ten years in Cape Town working for Aids Alliance. I ran that office and the

staff when and where I needed them most. The mining company paid peanuts,

the Aids Project paid a little more. How much you pay me?

Jenny coughed lightly. How did you meet Sam?

Meet? I never met him just know about him and his work. He paid money when

I was a child through a charity as I was in a Childrens Home. My father took off

and my mother died from Aids. I went to school and then collage after our great

man Nelson came into power and I got some work. I do excel, word, power-point

if you ever need a presentation and maths. I can also be trusted and I am loyal.

How many staff did you manage? Jenny was blunt and to the point.

St. Claire squinted at Jenny. In the mining company three but in the Aids

project forty plus. I ran them ragged if they did not work and more so the Aids

Project workers that were to visit the outlying villages and shanty towns. There

was corruption at times between some staff and local chemists. I put paid to that

quickly, sacked them and got people in I could trust.

Jenny stood and looked out the window. The snow had stopped. She thought of

Molly out there waiting for her with a car in the ditch and a dead deer beside it.

Without turning round she said, Of course you do know Calypso that we all

turn our hands to many different jobs here. That is what Codex Red Project is all

about and what you see and hear here stays here. It is funded mostly by the

governments in the UK, Ireland and France. We work with local police forces

and Interpol. You will have to have a police check done and in the meantime you

can start in the office tomorrow. You have a room at the end of the house. Room

7, red door and it locks both ways. Shower and bathroom also in a room beside

it. You will be required to sign the Official Secrets Act later. Now, in ten minutes I

need to pick our computer expert up who is out there freezing in her car and a

deer in a ditch. You better change into something warm and shoes to wear. Boots

if you have them?

Jenny waited for the response. It came fast. Ok. But I dont cook cant cook

policy and just what the hell do you do here Jenny Snow!

Jenny turned slowly and looked at Calypso St. Claire, her face like stone.

We hunt down paedophiles and others who kill or harm children, the ones that

the law cant touch and we operate anywhere in the EU but have been known to

go to Africa and India and we work closely with Interpol and other Agencys. In

time we will also be taking a hard look at Cold Cases of adults who died violent

deaths and not solved yet. All such cold case files will be linked to sexual murder

and the victims need to be found and the killers brought to book. Simple.

Jenny watched the large right bushy eyebrow twitch on Calypsos face, the dark

eyes for a moment blaze then a hint of a smile on her lips.

And when you find these scum what happens next?

They are eliminated, said Jenny. Sometimes like dead. A few might make

court and have a trail. Evidence presented for and against, the whole legal circus

in fact. We do go through the legal process if we can.


She watched and waited for the reaction from the black woman slumped in the

chair. Jenny would know if this woman was worth keeping or not within a few


Calypso coughed lightly then, I see. Are we legal?

Very. Very legal. We are also official but there is no record of us and we leave no

paper trail

And I won't have anything to do with know? her eyes wide.

Just the office out front with two girls, see that phones are answered and letters

written when needed and keeping in touch with all members of the Codex Red

Team, no matter where they are in the world. You any good at blocking people I

don't need to talk to or don't want to talk to?

Long as I know who and why not it won't be a problem. Can I ask another


Jenny looked at her, starting to get alarmed that she would want to get out of the

house as fast as she could. Sure.

Did you know that you have a lot of dead people around here, some of them


Jenny nodded. Been like that for a while now but we don't talk about that here.

The two girls in the office know about what we do, one an ex cop,and no one,

including you will be allowed from the office into the Complex unless I say so.

Calypso sipped the hot coffee watching Jenny, the same way a leopard watches it

prey waiting, deciding what was the best thing to do and how to do it.

How do you know you can trust me Jenny Snow?

It was direct and to the point and for a moment Jenny hesitated which was not

good news for Calypso St Claire.

Well? Calypso demanded looking frightened for a moment.


Jenny looked again at the three shapes of black children behind Calypso's chair

who were smiling as they faded away.

Seems you have friends in high places and I trust you that is all that matters.

The large black woman nodded then said. My visa is for six months only and I

have to get a work permit and not marry any white trash when I am here.

Six months and I am gone!

You came all this way from South Africa on a whim then talking about going

back again? Seems you should wait to see how things work out first and if its

good we can sort out the rest. If Sam thought you were ok for the job then that is

good enough for me. This is not like anywhere else you have worked before and

at times it will be stressful more so when we are working on cases. Everything

from your end will need to be logged, filed and sorted and you have to learn how

to use other equipment.

A mobile phone I can use as well as a computer, Excel sheets I can do, dabble a

little in accounts but could do better and make sure your dairy is up to date.

What new equipment do I need to learn about?

Jenny sighed then looked back at Calypso. Walkie talkies, in other words mobile

radio phones when people are in the field, or in the Bunker Complex working,

faxing data and getting it in from all over Europe, learning how to encrypt phone

messages and emails, letters out and in and most of all sorting out all the forensic

paper work for Dr. La as well as specimens when needed if we use an outside

agency for any forensic work.

No shit!Is that all?

Jenny could do nothing but laugh. Ok. Lets see how you go and we start with a

rescue out in the snow.



Molly Drew huddled under a fir tree as it started to snow again and except for

a dead deer lying on the ditch bank and a crow calling somewhere there was no

other sign of life or death. Her car tracks were now covered and it was if a white

sheet had been placed over the land scape. The wind had dropped and the flakes

of snow were large and fell straight down. She was on her forth cigarette when

she heard the throaty roar of the four by four coming down the road and then

she could see the headlights.

Molly stepped out of the cover of the trees and waved and Jenny slid to a stop

and wound down the window. Where is it?

You need to back up a bit. Snow is hiding it.

Jenny nodded and put the Defender into reverse and backed up to where Molly

now stood.

Calypso got out and stood looking at the car in the ditch then at the shape of the

deer under the snow. She nodded at Molly. You did good girl. Got yourself some

fine bush meat there but we need to gut it or it will spoil. You got a knife?

Molly made a face. Just who are you?

Jenny spoke first. Your new office manager Molly all the way from Africa no

less and is here to help. Goes by the name of Calypso St. Claire so let us hook the

winch up to your car.

Molly shrugged, looked at Calypso pull the wire off the winch and hooked it up

to Mollys car. She looked at Jenny. You want me to work the winch and take it

out of the hole?

You can do that? asked Jenny rubbing snow of her hair and then blowing on

her hands.

Sure. No sweat. You, whats your name? Molly, thats it. You get back in your

car and steer and mind you dont hit the meat again otherwise it wont be worth

a shit for eating.

Molly shot Jenny a glance and could see the half smile on her lips. Whats


Jenny shrugged and turned away smiling. She climbed in and started up the

winch and waited for the word from Calypso to engage.

Inside her car Molly was seething inside, a white anger because she felt so much

a fool but also other people knew and could see it.

Once the car was on the road and facing in the right direction, Calypso dragged

the deer to the back door of the Defender and with Jenny and Mollys help got it

loaded inside. She slammed the doors shut rubbed her hands hard and then

asked We go where?

Jenny spoke softly. The Rail station.Had a text from Becky. She is there with

Suzy. Just got in three hours late.

Love birds? sneered Molly unhooking the winch wire and driving off slowly.

Here. Wear these, grunted Jenny handing Calypso her black gloves and

getting into the Defender. She waited till Calypso belted up as instructed. Dont

take any notice of Molly because she is just having a bad hair day it seems and I

think she is upset because she killed the deer. She loves animals.

Calypso made a face. Except love birds I see the look she give you. Dont you

have any men working for you? That Molly needs a good.

She is fine. Trust me she is the best. No, at the moment we dont have any male

staff working for us. That a problem Calypso?

There was a great thunder of a laugh. Only when I get horny Jenny and then I

go hunting. What are the men like around here anyway?


Jenny laughed. So far nothing to write home about and Farmers mostly.

Disappointment spread across Calypsos face and she pouted. That is bad,


Jenny nodded. Never mind lets go to the station and pick up Rebecca and Suzy

then home and lunch. We all cook and it works. Except you of course but you can

clean a deer. Right?

Calypso St. Claire laughed again and nodded. I think Im going to like working

for you Jenny Snow, then laughed again. Bush meat baby and you kill them

with a car. I like that!

At the rail station Suzy and Rebecca stood waiting looking like a snow covered

couple and stamping their feet to warm them up. Jenny told them who Calypson


Suzy looked at Molly then back at Calypso and shrugged and held out her hand.

Welcome aboard Calypso. I do the lab work, Molly there is one of the best

computer people around and Rebecca standing by the car is also an investigator,

a good field worker. You already know our boss.

Calypso shook Suzy's hand, nodded at Rebecca. Seems we have a team then.

Rebecca grunted and Calypso looked at her. I say something wrong sister?

Jenny came in fast. I think we need to be getting back and we can talk around a

fire and sup coffee. Ok?

Suzy nodded and walked to Molly. Ok if Becky and I go with you?

Sure. Get in. See you back at the house Jenny.

Jenny waited then nodded at Calypso to get into the Defender. She started up

and followed Molly's car, driving slowly. It was Calypso who broke the silence.

I don't think Rebecca likes me?

Jenny laughed. You don't know that for sure. She is just wary of you I guess.

Calypso shrugged. On the face of it I can understand that. It was the look.

That sort of look a cobra back home gives a rat before striking. She seems a

tough cookie.

Jenny's smile faded and she grunted. She is tough and a good friend. Sam loved

her like a daughter. It was not sexual but they both cared about one another.

When he died she went a bit strange for a while. We all did.

Now we are all back again after the Christmas break we can get on with our

work. The office as I said is a holding place for documents and you will have a

girl called Ali Cooper, the ex cop working with you and just so you know she was

a police officer up to last year. She left the force with one leg missing from a

bomb blast in London. Good at legal stuff and the law from the police point of

view. She came recommended and I snapped her up. Then you have Lisa Walsh,

forty something, single and types fast, good phone manner and drives if and

when needed. I trust them both and they have clearance from the Home Office.

Same as you will I hope.

So what's my job besides being an office manager?, asked Calypso looking out

at the driving snow and shuddered.

You keep everything moving, sort out airline tickets when needed, order in what

office materials we need, see to the post in the mornings and keep my legal dairy

up to date. Do you have a bank account?

Calypso nodded. Sorted it out before I left Cape Town. Everything is

transferred to the UK and up and running. Pick up my plastic when I find the


You married have children?

Calypso looked sideways at Jenny. Was and did have. All dead. No comment.

Molly asked softly, What do you make of Calypso?

Suzy shrugged. Don't know yet. She will be bossy and no doubt will rub us up

the wrong way I guess for a while, but Jenny , we, need her. Rebecca?

We won't have much to do with her or her with us once we are on a case and Ok

she is new in a strange country and doing a job that I would hate so live and let


Jenny wants me to run a check on her when we get back, like the full Monty so

if she passes that then I guess she is part of the team,muttered Molly.

She is not wearing a wedding ring, said Rebecca huddled in the back of the car

and shivering.

Maybe she never married? I mean she does not look like the marrying type

Molly wished she had not spoken that last sentence then added, I think she will

be ok.

Sure, said Rebecca and almost shouted at Molly. Any heater in this damn


Busted. Meant to have it fixed. Sorry.

They still behind us?,asked Suzy trying to see out the back snow covered


Sitting on our asses almost so don't stick on the breaks too quickly, warned

Rebecca then added. Last thing we need is a Defender dropping a load of body

fat in our car.

Molly hooted with laughter. You have such a nice way with words Beccy. I'll bet

she never seen snow before, like real snow and none of that TV stuff.

You don't know that Molly, muttered Suzy getting fed up the way the

conversation was going and it was starting to get a little ugly as far as it went.

You know she was carrying a gun don't you, grumbled Calypso

getting more worried now as the windscreen wipers struggled to brush wet snow



Rebecca. Her coat opened for a moment and I seen the holster under her left

arm pit. She allowed to carry that thing?

Jenny nodded. Oh yes. Even to the bathroom.

And the rest? Calypso asked, Including Dr. Suzy Lu?

Molly only when she needs to and Suzy hates guns but will tool up when needed


What about you Jenny?, she pushed and knew she struck a nerve.

Never. I hate guns also and won't carry one because I may have to use it.

Calypso grunted harshly. Then if the team gets into a fire fight somewhere

you're the one that will let them down when it comes to the crunch!

Jenny slammed on the breaks and slid sideways hitting a snow bank and then

came out of the skid and got back control of the Defender.

No shit! Calypso's mouth hung open in shock and she licked her lips twice then

spoke in a voice full of respect. But then again you could always get them out of

a hole in a hurry if you were driving.

Jenny glanced at her. You finished!

Yo. Finished and signing off Jenny. Sorry.

Good. Thank you. Will be there is a few minutes now so lets talk later. Alone.

Calypso rolled her eyes and muttered. Your the boss.

Yes I am. Don't forget it and here I had to earn the respect of the others as you

will also. If you find fault with us then you can always leave, like tomorrow!

Chill out boss or your blow a blood vessel! I only asked!


Don't ask in that way then!

Ok. Tell your dead people to go to sleep and leave you alone for a while Jenny.

Jenny shot her a glance. Ok.

Jenny and Calypso drove the rest of the way in silence and Jenny knew that her

new office manager more than likely will rub people up the wrong way including

her in time. She was more than that of course because she knew that there were

shades of dead children around and that had shocked her in one way but pleased

her in another. At least now two of them could pick up on an apperence or feeling

if it was around. She made a mental note that once Calypso had settled in she

would have a word with her about that subject. Right now the time was not


Jenny was still puzzled and a little alarmed of how Calypso managed to get

through the gate and up the track if she did not know the button code to the gate.

She knew that it was locked last night and as she could control it from her office

and it was alarmed she also made a note to check the camera tapes later to see

how she got in.

She glanced across at the large woman next to her and was not surprised to see

that she was sleeping her chin resting on her chest and snoring lightly.

Jenny smiled. At least she is a natural, Jenny thought pulling into the gateway

and taking the hand control and pressing in the code.

She watched the gates open slowly pushing back snow on the ground as it did so

and then drove in and up the track slowly.

The beauty of the snow covered woods on her right touched her and for a

moment she thought of her daughter and husband.



The staff room in the house was in fact the living room and as Jenny

wanted a staff meeting as they started the new year she had everything ready,

informal and everyone sat where they wanted. She looked across at Calypso St.

Claire. Calypso looked moody, her face thunder like. Jenny worked it out that

because she give her a blast behind closed doors and pointed out to St. Claire

that Jenny was the Director of the project and that the team needed to work

together as that. Molly had slipped Jenny the results of the check up on Calypso

in South Africa and also her background she came back clean.

She looked at the rest of the faces pleased that everyone was on board and ready

as they could be. Jenny had also decided to now include the two office workers in

her briefing of their new project and without doubt they could both be trusted.

She coughed lightly and everyone looked up and the talking died away.

Welcome to 2011. By now you all know one another but I have something to add

first. From now on everyone who works and gets paid from The Codex Project

funds will attend staff meetings and will also have input later to questions. That

includes the office staff but the office staff will not have excess to the main

complex in the bunker. Unless I say so. What goes on in the bunker of Codex Red

is on a need to know basis. The field workers are Rebecca, Molly, and Suzy. Ali

may well become one as her experience as a police officer is useful. They have

specific jobs and classified. There will be no compromise on this but to bring

those that did not know, myself and the field workers are authorised by the UK

Home Office as well as Interpol to carry firearms, day or night.


I have also obtained permission for Ali Cooper to also carry a firearm when and

if needed. You can choose later the best firearm that would suit your needs and

you feel ok with Ali.

Ali nodded and Jenny continued. The office computers do not link up with the

Project computers so there is no need for office staff to have the project

password. However Rebecca suggests that the three computers in the office be

given high security passwords, passwords that will be controlled by Molly and

changed when and if needed. You will be notified before the change takes place

and each of your computers in the office will have a different password.

It is unlikely we will have a break in here being so far out in the sticks and up a

track but if we do not only will the person be filmed but also they will set off a

system that covers them in a dye but also closes all doors and windows in the

office area with shutters sliding into place fast.

Lisa, I have decided to put you in charge of all travel arrangements when we

need them. Ali you will do what you are good at and take orders from me and

Calypso and no one else. You will besides now have the password to the main

large safe that contains any world currency we may need on an operation. That

safe is not in the office but in the cellar. Sam Deacon used to keep much of his

archaeology artefacts there and it is fire proof. I have also arranged with Molly

to change the main gate code as Calypso was able to crack it by blowing on the

buttons and the well-used keypad came up nice and worn. I know it is a pain

about the gate so instead of numbers we now will use letters and upper case at

that. The new gate code is DELTARED.', no spacing and that is for in and out of

the gates. You will all be given a hand held decoder to get in and out before noon.

If you leave it at home you won't get in. If you leave it here then you won't get

out. If you lose it off your key ring we then have a problem.

Calypso is the office manager. By that I mean that she has to make sure that

everything but everything looks above board, no one outside gets to us and also

that she keeps on top of all events and things that need attending to.

No members of the public will be allowed in here and any one on official

business, that is Police, MOD, and MI5 or 6 can get in here without an

appointment and ID.

As Director I answer to no one here. You can discuss things with me but in the

end I carry the can and my word is final. Are there any questions?

Jenny knew there would be. It was Ali who first put up her hand.


I know about the bunker down by the woods and I have worked out that is the

main HQ for all that goes on here. What does go on there?

Jenny looked at Rebecca and nodded.

When Rebecca stood up she looked taller than she really was and her dark eyes

were much brighter now. She looked from Ali to Calypso and Lisa.

The bunker was built during the Cold War and placed here in the 1950's to

house the government and military leaders. Wales has two and this is one of the

three on the Borders of England. Thankfully it had never been used but it is in

full use now by us. It has communications to many police networks, the FBI,

Interpol and the Home Office. We also have a direct line to our UN counterparts

world wide but we do not work with the CIA though they would like us to I am

informed. We have an up to date Pathology Lab run by Suzy La who is by trade

and training a forensic pathologist of the highest calibre and who was

responsible for war criminals in Europe and Africa being brought to justice and

who stood trail. Seventy guilty convictions out of eighty five is a good record.

Suzy is also a field worker and is still attached to Interpol. Her contacts there

and in the UN we use and will use as needed.

Molly is also a field worker, trained in forensic archaeology and computer

archaeology and has set up working computers in the project that run twenty

four seven with her own back up system that only she can restore with.

She is also a tracker. In other words if a field worker is on a case her computers

track the car and the field worker. If there is a living target and is 'tagged' we

know day or night where that person is. Molly then informs us when we need to


The forensic lab also works directly with Molly's computer lab because we send

and receive data from all around the world and more so if it has any relations on

a case we are working on. There is also a kitchen, bathroom, showers and

bedrooms in the bunker.

Calypso held up her hand. Rebecca waited then nodded.

What is your job Rebecca in there and out in the field?

Rebecca was stone faced. I help out with mapping and data and outside of that I

investigate, but am also a waste disposal person when needed.

Everyone except Calypso looked at their feet or a spot on the wall including

Jenny. A waste disposal person? Meaning? asked Calypso.

Rebecca looked directly into the face and eyes of Calypso and smiled, a smile

that Jenny knew well and was not a nice smile. I kill people that need to be

killed and who escaped justice or thought they did. I do it quickly and I do it

silently and then I forget it and sleep well.

Calypso swallowed twice and nodded, lost for words and was still nodding when

Jenny again took the floor.


So that is what we do. We look hard at Cold Cases and more so when they

involved dead children, missing children and those people who are target


There was a long silence then Ali asked. Do we have a new project for the New

Year Jenny?

Jenny smiled back and switched on her laptop and her presentation that showed

on the bare white wall.

We always have a project but this one is urgent and came in over Christmas. I

have named and coded it as 'The Vatican Codex'. Molly has now downloaded

most of the information that came in from Interpol and the Home Office. We are

dealing with three major paedophile cold cases here but all linked and we will be

stretched with our own human resources. All three cases deal with dead or

missing children between 2001 and 2006 and the three main suspects are

Catholic priests. I should point out now that this case could involve everyone

here and outside agencies we can trust. The Catholic Church is involved more

than we know at the moment but shock waves have and will be felt across the

world and rebounding around the walls of the Vatican. I don't have all the details

but we may well be dealing with many hundreds of cases, a good number of

abuse cases involving children male and female, rape of women and murder.

Jenny stood and let the information sink in and she observed the change of mood

and stony faces of her team. From a legal point of view it was a minefield and not

only would they be dealing with the abuse cases but also the Church officials.

Jenny was already aware that the Banks used by the Vatican had paid out

millions in cash pay offs and silence money to some victims. She also knew that

Mafia gangs also used the banks and were on hand to deal with any 'trouble' that

church officials could not resolve with money.



In Gods name!, protested Lisa. You hear of these things and you know they

happen but you don't want to believe it. How many children are we dealing with


Molly cleared her throat. In all thirty one. Out of that we know seven are dead,

twenty four are missing. We have one victim alive who survived. Now a young

man he has talked about one of the suspects. He did many years ago but it seems

no one would listen except Help Line. They listened but it was suggested that he

gets more help and report it also to the police. He did that but the priest, one

Father John Fullerton, Irish but transferred over to the south of England in a

hurry in 2005 to a backwater parish in Cornwall. He lasted six months there and

the last thing known he was moved into the Vatican City on the orders of the

Bishop and all we know now is that he works in the Vatican City but is not

allowed to say mass, teach or contact children. The Bishop in Ireland was well

informed before this but took no action against Fullerton at the time. It was only

when it came to light that the press had got wind of it and the Bishop in question

shipped him out to Cornwall. The Church was well aware that he had preyed on

children of both sexes but they were also alarmed when it was discovered that

one of the children known at the time to have been molested vanished before the

priest was moved on, first to Cornwall then onto the Vatican City.

Molly took a breath then continued. The 'disappeared' as we call them vanish

but the Irish teenager had no reason to vanish and leave home, she was doing

well at school and also had many friends. It was only in 2005 that when the

Garda, the Irish police searched her room that a dairy was discovered and in

that were details of the priest and the girl's meetings. She vanished on Christmas

Eve 2005 after Midnight Mass. A midnight mass that Fullerton had no

connection with and who left Ireland on the 28th of December 2005.

The office staff looked grim including Calypso but the rest of the team took it in

their stride and for the moment showed no emotions.

Without looking up Rebecca asked. You have a name and address for this

missing girl?

Molly looked across at Jenny who nodded. Mary Ann McFadden 21 Shell Row

Co. Wexford. Father unknown, no brothers or sisters and mother still living in

Wexford. She became a street drinker in 2008, has had two short prison terms

and was signed into a hospital for a time under the Irish Mental Health Act.

Rebecca wrote fast in her own type of shorthand and in Hebrew.

Jenny spoke softly. The living witness is not in good shape either and in a Court

of Law it is more than likely his evidence would be disregarded. There is little

hope that it will get to Court and DPP are sitting on it warming their arses

around the fire. We need more evidence so one of you talk to the McFadden

woman in Wexford and one go see Malcolm Scott. You will find him in

Broadmoor Holding Centre. Who's taking who? demanded Jenny.

Rebecca smiled. I have never been to Ireland so I'll go to this Wexford place

first thing. If I can get a flight there and back with all this snow.

Jenny nodded. That leaves you Suzy for the hospital at Broadmoor and our

young friend Malcolm. You will need the four by four and tracking gear.

Ali. I would like you to go with Suzy if that is ok with you?

No sweat boss. ASAP?

Like you should already have your coat on and Suzy should have started up in

the yard?

Ali looked at her then smiled. Suzy does not know the lingo. Right?

Jenny smiled back. Our witness is from Cornwall, more than likely sedated

with drugs and Suzy would find it hard to follow his rantings. Let her put the

questions and you fill in the answers when you need to. I want it all taped. Full

stops and all.

Ali and Suzy left putting on their coats while Rebecca asked Calypso to see if she

could sort out any flights to Dublin and a hired car at the other end.

Lisa spoke up. Ill help you. It all comes down to charm and know how. Also we

know that 'mother' is on her deathbed.

Calypso grunted. No kidding. Let's go because I have a lot to learn. Anyone

ever tell you that everyone here is as crazy as a moon rat?

Jenny and Molly laughed; Lisa nodded then said, That could well be true.

The Great Humble One awaits your instructions O Queen, muttered Molly

looking directly Jenny who was frowning deeply.

You know what you do best Molly. Do it well because we need a hell of a lot

more intelligence than what we have right now and we are committed?

You looked worried Jenny?

I am.


The Black Witch. I don't think she will cut it within the team. Not because she is

black but there is something about her that has me scratching. Something hidden

that she will not talk about and that my dear, is a risk to us all.

Molly rolled her eyes. Here we go again. Not voices this time like in the Garth

Jones case where you heard children speaking to you and who were dead. Now

you have a bloody itch as well!


Jenny glared at Molly for a moment. She almost forgot how Molly, a barmaid

she thought at the time, helped her through some bad times, which befriended

her and put her life on the line. She was mouthy granted but she was concerned

and loyal. Jenny threw up her arms and sighed in surrender.

Ok. You win this round. You do have a point though. I can't afford to bugger

this one up and I do need all the help I can get because we may well be talking on

the might and law of the Vatican itself. Lets go over to the complex and see the

rest of what you have on the other two holy suspects.

They both walked through the house until they came to a steel grey door

that matched the wall colour. Jenny stopped and placed her eye on the camera

lens and then stood back as the door lock snapped open and began its quite slide

left in a hiss. As soon as Jenny and Molly passed through, the door slid back into

place fast. Jenny turned and looked at it. One day someone is going to get

caught in that thing!

They walked on and through another larger sliding door that led into a very

brightly lit room with seven computers arranged in a horseshoe shape with two

leather chairs in the middle, one bright red the other black.

Jenny waited until the door hissed closed and the air conditioner kicked in then

sat down in the black chair beside Molly. Molly quickly scanned each and every

screen for new data coming in. There was nothing new so she hit a button on her

arm rest and two photographs came up of men, the one on the right much older

than the one on the left. Both looked like priests to a normal person in normal

times but Jenny and Molly both knew that what they were looking at were

monsters and it is very likely they had killed one child or more.

She read of the names; Father Dominic McCracken, Irish now in Rome and

aged 60 years. Molly and Jenny saved the details and then went to the second

priest. Two parishes in the west of Ireland. Donegal and Galway. Removed.

Father James Dell aged 58 now living in Rome. Three parishes in the UK 1976 to

2008. removed. Two in Cornwall one in Bristol.

We need more Molly because all we have is faces so let us hope that Malcolm

Scott, crazy as he is , will ID them as abusers. I need background stuff on both of

these and also anything more you can get on the abuser Father Fullerton.

On it. Passports, NI numbers, Bank accounts, Holidays abroad and what they

may well be doing now in Rome. Anything I missed?

Jenny glanced sideways at Molly and smiled. Calypso?

Husband dead, three children dead all murdered on the same night. Family

murder by her brother Matthew. He was soaking up happy pills and heroin and

it seems before he hung himself, or was hung in his cell he admitted that he

abused the children. This was later confirmed by the PM's on the children the

oldest nine years old. Her husband found out what was going on called the cops

and Calypso at work. By the time they got there it was all over and the brother

was sitting in a corner of the murder room with a bloody axe.

Jenny was shocked and whispered Oh shit!

He killed them all Jenny and showed no mercy. Said he had to kill the chidren

because they were possessed by evil. At first it looked to the police like a ritual

murder and that he was crazy so they arrested him. It was only later when the

PM reports came it did they show that it was much more than ritual. He was

covering his tracks of long term abuse.

And the killers death?

Found in his cell hanging on the back of the door.

Molly shrugged, Bad Karma I guess.



It was slow moving on the motor way and Ali Cooper had to direct Suzy to

turn off roads and through roundabouts. By the time they had got to Berkshire

the winter sun was low in the sky. At least the snow was gone, thought Ali as they

headed down a road directing them to Broadmoor Hospital close to the village of

Crowthorpe. A moon was now showing in the east as they passed through

Bracknell Forest and Ali remarked on it to Suzy.

She looked at it then her eyes back to the road and muttered.

In Japan we call the first moon of the New Year 'birth' but that does not mean it

is a good moon. Sometimes it is believed depending where you are it can be an

evil moon. It is the sort of moon that shines on evil.

Ali laughed. You don't believe that do you?

Yes. I believe that. My work in medical forensics over the years has shown that

domestic murders can happen on the spur of the moment, a wrong word or

remark at the wrong time sets off the event. In 'evil' type murders such as the

murder of a child or children the moon had a part to play in the planning of such

a killing. With a killer who already has a Dangerous Severe Personality

Disorder, we call it DSPD, the moon is a trigger though most of the time such a

killer is not aware of it.

We all have choices don't we?, remarked Ali pointing to a lane turn off.

Yes. We do. Someone with DSPD knows it is wrong but still wants to kill and

there is no cure for it even after many years of treatment. Are we going to find

somewhere to stay for the night because I am tired and hungry and I need to

check the laptop and see if Molly has sent me on all the details of this young man

we are going to see in the morning.

Ali smiled in the darkness. That is why we just turned right. Small village

ahead called Stonyford and it has a village Inn that does meals and B+B, called

The Farmer's Boy. I rang them when you were in the toilet at the last service

station. Booked us in for tonight.

Suzy's face lit up and she remarked, You really are ahead of your game Ali

which puzzles me?


You could have stayed in the police force after you lost your leg.

Needed a change, needed a challenge and needed a job. I met Jenny in Court

one day just after I came out of hospital and we talked. Later she spoke to

someone and they recommended me to her. And here I am Suzy dear in the

middle of a frozen forest area with you going to interview a total dangerous head

the ball, but not before I shower, eat and have a drink.

I think we are here. Look!, muttered Suzy swinging the Defender into a frozen

car park with only four cars in it. She parked quickly and switched off.

Ali got out shivered and waited for Suzy who was grabbing her stuff including

her laptop.

God are you always this organised Suzy!

No. But this time yes. Come on. Time to pee and a time to eat.

Ali swung the small red rucksack on one shoulder and limped behind Suzy

shouting after Suzy, Should that not be a time to love and a time to die?

Suzy stopped dead and slowly turned looking at Ali and whispered loudly,

I don't fancy you Ali!


Before Ali could answer Suzy was pushing open the Inn door and left her

standing with her mouth open.

The man behind the counter of the hotel looked up at Suzy and Ali as they

walked over to him. He was bald, fat and was in need of a shave thought Suzy as

she stopped in front of him.

I booked in for tonight under the name of Ali Cooper. Two singles.

Singles?, muttered the man looking from Suzy to Ali and then at the open book

in front of him running his finger along a line.

When he looked up Ali was looking directly at him and he licked his lips.

Eh? There is a booking but there is also a problem.

Tell me, said Suzy her eyes not leaving the man's face and her face like stone.

He licked his lips again, swallowed hard. Well. I thought when you booked

under the names I have here that you wanted a, well, double room so that is what

I booked you under.

Wrong. Two single rooms please. Suzy muttered and glared at him.

No can do, he said looking at Ali for some sort of support but could see there

was none forthcoming. He got it wrong and was looking for a way out.

Suzy reached into her pocket and took out her ID dropped it on the counter in

front of him and said in an icy voice, No more Nice Lady. How about I close

you down and also close the kitchen as well? Possible infection if I call the Health

Inspector. Mice droppings!

His mouth fell open. You can't do that!

She can and she will, said Ali and also produced her ID card and thrust it in

his face. Preform some magic now and produce the rooms.

Two single rooms you say? It just so happens that we have two at the end of the

corridor. Small but clean. Forty pounds for both sound ok?

Suzy nodded. Keys please and then I would like to eat. That is if you are

serving food and without mice droppings on the table like what is on the deak


He nodded, reached for the keys behind him and then set them in front of Suzy

and brushed the three small pellets away then waited. His heart was racing and

he tried to work out why two cops as he took it, were staying the night.

Well?, snapped Suzy. Food? Later?

Of course! Sorry I was miles away, he stuttered and licked his lips.

Good. One hour and we will be down. One last thing. I will pay you now by

card and I need a receipt.

Yes. I can do that.

Ali was now close to the desk also and she whispered to him, As far as the world

and your Granny are concerned we are two women booked in for one night

before we go for a business meeting tomorrow. That means you don't go all

blabber mouth on us and tell the locals at the bar of what we are. I take it sir, you

understand what I mean by that?

He was lost for words and he had no intention of saying anything so he nodded.

Suzy paid for the rooms and took both sets of keys then laid the way to the stair

way stopped and slowly looked back at the man behind the desk watching them.

You have a problem sir?

He shook his head fast and went away and into the small bar area.

The rooms were clean and though a little musty would do, thought Ali as she

took her bag inside. Suzy went across the hall to her room and went inside and

Suzy locked her door that was not missed by Ali who smiled.

Ali closed her door but did not lock it yet and started to hum loudly;

Love is in the Air.


Outside somewhere in the darkness a Tawny Owl hooted as Ali turned on the

shower and undressed.

Ali and Suzy had a quick meal of everything that was once frozen in a packet

and dished up on plates with little or no style passed off on the menu as fresh.

For some reason the bar eating area was empty and only one girl on duty who

looked jaded and wished she was somewhere else.

Ali finished her small steak left the wrinkled tomato and something green that

looked like a sprig of lettuce. She looked across at Suzy who was wolfing down

prawns, the last one she sucked off her fork. Their eyes met and Ali frowned

back at her.

Any news form home Suzy?, she asked looking at her across the table.

Yes. Jenny has sent me an email with attachments that she wants you to read as

well and the Big black Mama also sent us an email demanding all receipts for

anything we spend money on in the line of duty. We never had to do that before

and Jenny knew we would not steal from her so why all the fuss?

Ali laughed. There is nothing wrong with your English. You are beginning to

sound just like us. What was the real reason why Jenny sent me along Suzy?

Suzy smiled at her and nodded. Your right. There was another reason. Seeing

you were a cop and from what I have been told a very good cop with nine years

and four days of service before the bomb went off and took your right leg with it,

Jenny thought you were wasted in the office as you made DC and would have

made DS if you stayed on. Me, I investigate but most of my work is based around

forensics and pathology which I am very good at. Doing the cop bit Im not good

at because I dont know the right questions to ask. If you really want to know the

truth, I am going to learn from you.

Well! Im flattered. You want me to lead on the questioning?


Suzy nodded. We want you to take the lead on this one. Our blue eyed boy who

we are going to see in the morning is no dumbo. When you read the attachments

later you will see what I mean. Jenny has already cleared our visit to the hospital

and before we see him we have to be interviewed by some trick cyclist called Dr

John Webster who runs the unit. Before we see him of course we will be

searched and scanned. Everywhere and everything and we dont even get to take

our phones in there or anything sharp or that could be used as a weapon.

Ali felt a warm flush come over her and Suzy noted and she laughed.

Why dont you take it off, place it under your arm and march in there to be

searched and scanned.

That means hopping. One leg?


You really mean it! One leg hopping and me with the other one under my


Suzy laughed. Gets you and I in a good mood before we meet the Wolf Man.

The smile slowly slipped from Alis face. He really that crazy, like off the wall

and out of his head crazy?

Suzy nodded and now looked grim. From what I just read and the little we

know before that I would say that he is one hundred and fifty five per cent crazy.

He is also, from what I can gather, highly dangerous to humans if he goes off.

Ali caught her breath. This was no wind up and Suzy looked concerned. Maybe

there is more to this case that she has not been told but whatever Suzy now knew

she needed to before tomorrows interview. She whispered across the table to

Suzy. So what the hell does he think he is?

He knows he is a werewolf and is controlled by the Devil. He has killed and

eaten human flesh, dug up freshly buried bodies, smashed coffins and removed

decaying flesh. All the victims were linked somehow to the Catholic Church

before death, natural or otherwise. Oh! And he does not like priests.

Ali shot a look across at the barmaid who was sitting behind the counter painting

her nails but within hearing distance.

Time to go Suzy. I think we have a passanger.We can have a drink later. Come


Ali paid the bill and ordered two large whiskeys and two cans of beer to be

brought up to her room in an hour.

The women took the money and brushed a strand of blond hair out of her eyes

then whispered to Ali. In one hour you say?

Yes. We have some business to go over before a meeting tomorrow. It is ok to

order drinks and have in our room?

Yes of course but beware of the dark stranger who followed you in here and was

asking questions from the boss. Asking questions about you and that lady by the


You heard him asking questions about my friend and I?, demanded Ali.

She nodded and did not smile when she spoke. Before you ask I will tell you. It

was some sort of priest, maybe more than a priest because he wore a silk belt of

purple under his overcoat. All you needed was the fog and the music then you

would get the full picture.

Ali was alert now and asked, Name? Did you hear his name being spoken?

She shook her head. No. But he has booked into room seven on the same floor

you and your friend are on. Then he went out and drove off.

I need his name please. Now, muttered Ali and dropped her iD on the counter.

She nodded and left Ali standing alone. Suzy came over and stood. What?

We may have a problem Suzy like a dark stranger here in the same Inn.

The woman came back and shook her head. Sorry it seems he paid in cash.

Ok. Thanks. Ali winked at the woman. Say nothing.

Suzy frowned at Ali. What?

Tell you upstairs so come on. We have work to do and a few calls to make.

She walked away fast and for a woman with one real leg and one false leg she

moved fast, thought Suzy trailing after her. Clumpy but fast.

Suzy looked at Ali, her dark eyes bright and alert and she was

now disturbed by what Ali had told her about the priest asking questions. Ok.

This man of God is asking question about us and he is a priest. We are going to

see a young man who is crazy but was sexually assaulted by a priest or priests

when he was a child. We want to see if he can point a finger at anyone in the

three photographs so that we can go after the suspect or suspects. More than a

little odd is it not that this priest turns up now when we are here?

Ali sighed. Suzy was a nice person and a good forensic pathologist but a blind

and deaf man would have worked it out quicker that it was more than odd.

Tell you what we will do first Suzy. We go over the data that you downloaded

from Jenny on this Malcolm Scott and his DSPD state of mind. Then and only

then will I have the full picture of what I, we, are going to be dealing with.

Suzy nodded. Then what do we do?

Then we pay Father what is his name and asking questions what the deal is

about him asking questions about us. He may not in fact be a real priest.

Suzy hit the button on her laptop and found the long attachment. You want to

read it or will I?

Can I? That way I can focus more on what the subject matter is.

Sure and I have no problem with that as youre the cop.

Ex-cop but still good at what I do and I may see things that you could miss.

Like what?Ali shrugged and looked at Suzy not wanting to get her in a hostile

mood so she said softly; Little details like pass history, funny friends with a

history that sort of thing.

All the information of Scotts mental history and medical history was on one

attachment. Ali began to read;

This young male has a long history of violence and self-harm. There is evidence of

sexual abuse and as a child this happened with one or more older males that he

claims he trusted. He has been convicted of murder on three accounts, two retired

priests and a nun. All the victims had their throats slashed and some organs

removed. When arrested Scott had organs in bags in his freezer, ie;

Two hearts, 1 liver, four kidneys, part of an arm believed to be female, and part of a

brain. He claimed later that he eat some of the human meat, evidence of this could

not be found. The three victims were buried close together in a wood and he showed

police where. When the forensic team recovered the remains, two males and one

female it was found that organs were missing and later linked to the victims. There

were no heads as these had been hacked off crudely with a woodsmans hedging

bill-hook. The three victims were nude at the time of their burial and though in an

advanced state of decay there was evidence of bite marks on the bodies and the bites

were matched to Scotts dental formula and records.

The heads or clothing was never recovered.

Ali stopped and looked up at Suzy. A very busy young man and not one I would

like to meet in the bathroom. He whacked them first then removed their clothing

and then their heads. Did he bite them before or after the head removal?

Suzy grunted. Don't have the PM reports but the bite marks I suggest would be

before death set in and well before the heads were cut then hacked off. Somehow

he had full control over them before death and again that suggests he knew his

victims or at least their movements including where they lived possible.

Cut, then hacked off?

Used the bill hook like a knife or saw till he hit bone then he used the hook like

an axe and struck downwards once or twice. There was no blood in any of the

homes or rooms that could link the victims. Two of the victims lived on their own,

the priests and were retired. The nun was the youngest of the three victims,

thirty three years old in fact and was what people claim as a 'do gooder' like

working with homeless people and hospital visits. I got this information from

Jenny before we left and also downloaded it. None of the victims were known to

one another, there was no evidence of sexual assault, and all had been killed

within four months of one another across Cornwall. The estimated date of their

deaths was monthly and close to a full moon. I don't have any more than that

except that Scott had worked in a number of Care Homes in Cornwall and one in

South Wales. He had a police check carried out before he started work but this

was left to Care Home Managers to seek information on him. It is unlikely they

followed it through because staff is hard to get. He stayed only a few months in

each of the four Homes he worked in and always wanted night shifts. Scott had

no girl or boyfriends that is known, lived in a single room flat, drove an old beat

up van that he would sleep in when he went 'camping' on days off, no booze or

drugs abuse known, did not smoke. He did have one offence and a court

appearance Jenny said. It seems he broke into a private zoo somewhere in in

Devon six years ago and was discovered by the night security guard nude, sitting

looking in at the three wolves behind the bars. The police were called and he was

arrested but for some reason he was only fined and bound over to keep the peace.

He left the area three days afterwards and went back to Cornwall.

Ali sighed. Now what do we do with all this information?

Suzy winked at Ali. I'm a Buddhist and youre a half-baked Christian judging

by the gold crucifix on the chain around your neck so why don't we go see the

God Man in room seven?

Why not indeed, muttered Ali standing up. He could well be linked to Scott.

Suzy closed her laptop and took her bag and Ali noted that she was wearing her

dark brown holster. It was not empty because the walnut butt of a .38 Cobra was

showing. Ali put her hand up and pointed at the hidden revolver.

Wow there Marshall! You are going to help me question this priest or are you

going to shoot him?

Suzy nodded, removed the firearm and slid it into her bag. Ok. Let's go.

Size this guy up Suzy if you can and watch his fingers and eyes because if he

starts to lie badly he will start looking to his left a lot and his fingers will be busy

playing silent tunes.

Suzy smiled and asked, This priest may love music and his head might be

buzzing with it so he wiggles his pinkies in tune?

Ali sighed deeply. No Suzy. It will be showing that he is lying through his back

teeth and I want to know why.

Suzy tried to look straight faced and said to Ali, Priests don't lie Ali.

Want to bet. They do it daily our kid and the poor buggers believe it. The first

causality of war is truth and that goes for priests as well. Come on and let us get

it over with.

Suzy laughed. You say that to all your lovers I bet?

Oh bollocks!, then had to laugh herself because Suzy from Japan would have

no idea what the slang word meant. She glared at Suzy. Don't ask right now!


Rebecca was not making much progress with Mary Ann McFadden who was

sitting in a worn armchair that had seen better days, a glass of whisky in her

right hand. The house was a mess with old newspapers scattered and there was a

smell of cat urine somewhere in the room. The cat looked balefully at Rebecca

from a corner. Rebecca was tired because she had flown into Dublin after a delay

of four hours because of snow on the runways in Dublin and Cardiff then the

long train journey down to Wexford. Rather than book into a hotel when she

arrived in Wexford town she had taken a taxi from the bus station to the address

in Shell Row. That had been half an hour ago and when she explained that she

was here in connection with her son she looked at Rebecca with glazed eyes then

at her ID and stood back and let her pass through into the room they were now

sitting in.

Like I said to you, my son is dead, Mary Ann said harshly and drank deeply

from the glass. That is the way I want it to stay.

Your son is not dead and I know this for fact. He is in a hospital at this very

moment and getting treatment, muttered Rebecca wondering why she was not

as harsh as she would normally be.

In my eyes my son is dead, has been since he did what he did and also blaming

Dominic for the way he was. He is just an evil little selfish bastard!

Rebecca took out her small note book computer and charged it up then brought

up the three photographs of the priests sent to her by Molly. She lined them up

and then turned the screen towards Mary Ann McFadden.

Do you know anyone here?

Mary Ann took another sip of her drink, her eyes on the screen. Father Dominic

is the only one I know. I was his house keeper when he was in Donegal. In the

parish of Creevy and it was all going well there for me. Then I got pregnant and

that was the end to that. Being from Donegal I had two choices, leave and have

an abortion across the water or leave and have the baby adopted in England.

There was no way I could have a priests child in Ireland and stay here. I wish

now I had had the abortion but as a Catholic that would have been wrong.

Rebecca switched off the note book and placed it back in its case. When she

looked up she could see that there were tears in Mary Ann's eyes, not drunken

feel sorry for me tears Rebecca noted but pain tears.

So you left the good Father Dominic McCracken for England and had


She tilted her head to one side and smiled sadly. Yes. I left. He did give me some

money before the trip and an understanding that I would not contact him

directly. Later I heard he went to Galway and went to see him with the boy and

he came over now and then to Cornwall in the summer. An arrangement you

might say that was poison but paid well. Later Malcolm told me things that were

not right, evil talk, the talk of the devil about Father McCracken. That is when

things went from bad to worse. McCracken then was moved overnight to Rome,

no address given and I had a few visits from the Bishop's henchmen bearing gifts

and a document I had to sign, which I did.

You signed documents?

Yes. I also took the large sum of money and left Malcolm in Cornwall in care. I

did not know that this was all going to come out about the priests and abuse

cases in Ireland until I read about it so I tried to sell my story to a local Irish

paper. They turned me down flat and later I had death threats.

So no one really wanted to help you.


Rebecca was alert now more so when she had been digging out information

because if such threats were real then they had the unofficial backing and a blind

eye from the Church.

No. No one cared enough to even listen and just threats.

From whom did these threats come from?

The smile that Ann Marie McFadden give to Rebecca was an ugly one and

reminded her for a moment of the slit belly of a fish. She waited till the other

woman drained her glass then reached for the bottle on the small table and

poured what was left into the glass.

I would offer you one but I have run out. Sorry but it is a good pain killer and

right now I need to kill the pain you brought to my door. Threats? Let me just

say that at first I thought it was some woman from around here, because I may

have made a move on her man in a bar, the sort of thing I would do if drunk

enough. Not the first one I found in my bed in the morning when I woke up over

the last few years. No. They kept coming and were typed notes, seven in the

entire last one wishing me a happy death on my Birthday, which I had two days

ago, I think. The card followed, a Sympathy Card that you send people at the

event of a death. It was unsigned posted in Galway City and addressed directly to

me.Inside the card was a photograph of Dominick's head and shoulders smiling

at the camera and he was not in uniform and smiling. He looked older of course

but sun tanned so it was not taken in Ireland.

Rebecca's heart was racing now but she tried to look calm. Did you inform the

police of these threats?

Mary Ann shook her head. No. The Gardi and I don't get on very well you see

and they would not waste time even looking into it unless of course I ended up

face down in the harbour at the bottom of the street.


Do you still have the photograph and card?

Her bright eyes took in Rebecca and she nodded. How much are they worth to


Drink money only. Two hundred Euros, she snapped back then added, Do

you want me to relay a message to your son?

She fished down the side of the chair and brought out a crumpled envelope then

thrust it into Rebecca's hand. Tell him we will meet in hell very soon.

Rebecca was shocked but dropped the Euro's on the table and checked the

contents of the envelope. One photograph and one card with a black ribbon. She

pushed them into her bag and stood up. One last question Mary Ann?

She nodded and said, Then I want you to leave never to return or contact me

again. What is your last question woman?

Did you love him, your son? Rebecca said it before thinking of what type of

reaction it would cause.

Yes. I loved them both, father and son. Once. Now I am dead or close to it and I

love no one, not even me a little. God is no longer on my side so I or my soul has

no one to care. Sad days eh?

Rebecca nodded. Very. Goodbye Mary Ann.

Mary Ann did not look at her and reached under the great chair, extracted a half

filled bottle of whisky, looked at it then at Rebecca. Happy days kid.

Outside in the snow Rebecca leaned against the fence and took deep breaths

fighting back the tears of anger and despair because the woman behind the door

was already dead but just had not the sense to lie down. Some primitive instinct

within Rebecca wanted to scream at God any God, and the frozen moon, to lash

out at someone or something to get rid of her anger because she was running on

white hot. She jumped when the cat rubbed itself against her leg and then looked

up at her.

Your fucked cat so leave home.

Rebecca was more than a little annoying when she rang Jenny with the news

about Scott's mother and that she was a dead woman walking. Jenny listened

and bit her lip. So it was a waste of time going to see her in Wexford?

Not it is all because the priest she was doing housekeeping for is or was the

father of her child. It is little wonder that this Scott is so full of hate for priests

and his mother.

True but he just did not kill them Rebecca he also removed their heads and eat

human flesh. That to me is more than hate.

What do you want me to do now Jenny? asked Rebecca and looked at the

fresh snow falling then added in despair, I am in a wilderness right now Jenny

and I need some of your wisdom. Ireland is not green but frozen white.

There are no flights in or out and all UK airports are closed for at least another

twenty four hours. You may be able to get a Ferry from Dublin but from there

the roads are bad in Wales. What is it like there right now?

Rebecca laughed harshly. White stuff falling hard and I have to find a B+B or a

hotel. I'll try and make Dublin tomorrow and see what I can do to get back. How

are Suzy and Ali getting on?, trying to remain professional.

Jenny did not want to tell her but they were a team. Seems they are on site but

they may have a shadow in the same place they are staying. Like a priest who is

asking questions and turned up an hour after they booked in. Someone informed

them of their arrival.

That Jenny is not good news. They don't even know if this guy is a real priest or

not. Are they tooled up?


Yes. The last I heard from Suzy and Ali they were just about to confront this

priest in their hotel. Suzy has her pistol. They want to confront him.

Head on? muttered Rebecca. Gee Jenny sounds like a bad gangster movie.

No. I think they will just go and ask him directly why he was asking questions

about them. It would be a normal thing to do being two women on their own.

Tomorrow they are going to the hospital and see the Doctor in charge of Malcolm

Scott then Scott himself.

Don't like it Jenny. Maybe they should back off till I get there? muttered

Rebecca grasping at straws.

Why you got a white horse Rebecca?No I'll keep them on station and see what

else there is from Scott. Molly is working on the dead priests and also the one

hidden away. It may be better if you get yourself to the Vatican City in Rome,

find a hotel on the shabby side and set up a HQ base there but it must be outside

the walls. Once youre in place scout out the area and see if you can come up

with anything. Molly will send you photographs and data tomorrow and make

sure you get recipes for any money you spend for Calypso. Also see if there is

anything we can rent for a time outside of Rome in case we need it. In the

country and a bit isolated.

A Book Keeper and a Pope and a Jew in Rome snooping around is going to

rattle the bones of all my dead family members Jenny.

Jenny laughed. Just do it. Make sure you set up the Ops outside of the Vatican

City because we can't get involved in any political rows that could explode in our

faces and we keep their cops out of it.


Jenny waited. I have a feeling what youre going to ask and will consider it but

only if we can get good evidence as well as an international arrest warrant that

will allowed us to extract any of the suspects back here to the UK to stand trial.

We cannot let feelings get in the way of law and justice.

Rebecca was disappointed for a moment but she understood Jennys logic.

Killing Garth Jones and the other men was justice in the end but killing a priest

in Rome no matter what he did to children was a different matter but Rebecca

knew that the Vatican would do its best to stop any legal action taken against a

priest there or for that matter anyone else who had strong connections to the


Ok. I will do it your way and if it does not work then we may have to go to a

plan B. She waited for a response from Jenny. Ten seconds is a long time.

If my way does not work I will insist on a plan B at once. Have no fear on that

score Rebecca because no matter what happens all suspects involved in sexual

child abuse I will take down.

Rebecca smiled, Ill keep in touch. Take care Jenny and keep me updated


Jenny had just put the phone down when Calypso St. Claire

knocked the door and walked in carrying a bunch of files then set them on her

desk and looked at her.

These are all dead case files so where do you want to keep them?

Jenny looked from the files to the moon face of her office manager and sighed

then smiled, You work fast I'll say that for you. I guess we need somewhere safe

and out of the way but where we can get them again if needed. Leave that with

me. You have settled in fast Calypso and from what I gather you will do well here

if you stay. That is something I would like you to do.

No kidding Boss lady? Good, because without me I guess you and the others

will fall back into your old ways when it comes down to basic office work. We are

three of the team down as you know and they are active so I won't see them

around here for a while. That leaves two in the office, me included and you as the

Law dog. Getting into the nearest town is not going to happen any time soon is


Jenny shook her head. Guess not. Could take you with me tomorrow of course

if you wanted to come. I need you see Molly sometime and get locations for the

field workers in case they need financial help. From the way this case is moving I

think Rebecca, Ali and Suzy will be tied up for a time in Rome. Molly will be in

the lab and I here.

Calypso rolled her eyes. That girl never sees daylight and I sometimes think she

is a vampire, dawn to dusk and all day closed up in there. What has she got in

there that keeps her so busy and anti-people?

Jenny almost smiled and then said softly, Six computers running 24/7, tracing

computer for the field workers, information coming in all the time on cases we

are working on which she sends on to the field workers if needed and a coffee pot

and milk. She is good at what she does but it is not that she is 'anti people' she

just does not know you yet.

Calypso shrugged the large shoulders and snorted, Hard for her to get to know

me if she don't show up Jenny Snow. I mean her and I having a morning coffee

and a chat might break the ice.

Jenny looked at her and frowned. Means a lot to you if that happened?

Guess so Jenny and then I could take it or leave it. She frightened off me or


Molly frightened of you! Doubt that, and she picked up her phone and pressed

a button.

Molly came on the loudspeaker almost at once. Boss?


I have Calypso here Molly and she would like to see you and have a coffee with

her. Jenny held her breath and prayed that there would be no explosion from


There was a long silence and then. Bring her over Jenny because right now I

can't leave here as there is data coming in fast. She has been checked out and

Rebecca told me that she has full clearance now so there is no problem as long

she touches nothing in here like buttons or screens. Ok?

When she is there do the iris ID. Then, if she needs to get in to see someone she

can. If you think on it she may have to get in sometime.

Molly made a sound as if she was drowning and it alarmed Jenny who almost

shouted, You choking or what!

Molly was breathless when she spoke. Swallowed my coffee the wrong way. You

set up a new policy now regarding security?

Jenny bit her lip and she knew Molly had a valid point. She looked up at the

moon face of Calypso who was scowling back at her. I need her to know the full

set up Molly if she is going to be part of this team and I am sure Rebecca and

Suzy will agree with me.

Even if I dont? Whatever, but that doesnt mean you give her a gun.

Molly disconnected and Jenny was left holding a dead phone. She slowly set it

back in its place and looked up at Calypso and smiled. There you go all done

and dusted and you heard she wants to have coffee with you.

Calypso was still scowling and muttered, And as friendly as a King Cobra!

Jenny stood up and walked to the door. Let's see how you change all that. Come


Molly was scanning her computers and three printers were rattling out

sheets of printed A4 when Jenny and Calypso came in to the bunker. Once the

door swished shut behind them she swivelled her chair to face them and stood up

hands on hips and stone faced.

Hi Boss, Calypso. Welcome to my world of technology. Just before we start the

tour I need to tell you that Rebecca is heading for Rome, the long way off a short

pier because of the snow and she is taking the Ferry then the overnight train.

Right now judging by her tracker she is heading for France and at sea.

Good. I can leave Calypso with you as I have calls to make?


Have fun. Oh one last thing Molly. She needs to see everything?

Molly raised an eyebrow in surprise. Everything like everything?

Jenny nodded. The works because I want her on board as a full team member.

Ok, I will let the computers do their work and we will start in the lab Calypso

so you won't need the overnight bag, nodding at the bright red bag slung over

Calypso's right shoulder.

It goes where I go, muttered Calypso, her eyes for a moment blazing.

Molly's lips tightened and she shrugged as she waited for Jenny to leave and

when she was gone she turned back to the large black woman in front of her.

We need to clear the air Calypso and now before you have the tour. Agreed?

Sure and me too so let me go first. Are you a racist?

Molly nodded and muttered, Have been known to be.

Calypso laughed loudly and punched the air with one hand. Shit! That is real

honest girl and makes me feel better because you did not lie and tell me some of

your best friends are black! People who say that are real ass holes and you never

could trust them if you tied. Now we are getting places Molly and that goes for

me too!

Me too what?, snapped Molly her face now flushed and anger rising within


Racist! Tell you the truth I don't have much time for white trash and even less

for educated white trash, mainly the do good types of this world who claim to be

helping black people but then add it is 'the white man's burden. Africa is in a

mess granted, governments are corrupt, murder is done in the way of progress,

people moved off their lands and companies move in and rape the land of

resources. Then again the white government here in the UK is not much better

from what I read and hear?

Molly for a moment bristled, There are Asian and black people in the UK

government and councils!

Calypso grunted back. Sure there is. Black on the outside but trying to be white

on the inside because that is what is expected of them otherwise they won't be

there. Jews, Muslims, Irish, English all trying to be one big happy family for the

media while underneath they are all doing their own thing for their own reasons

and it isnt to help the poor!

Molly was searching for an answer but failed to find one before Calypso now

went into overdrive. She failed.

I tell you this Molly I would not be here if it had not been for Sam Deacon and

his kindness seeing me funded through school and college and he may be white

trash but he was nice white trash and I am sorry I never met him.

Molly tilted her head to one side and folded her arms across her chest. He was

that. Kind, I mean and it was a sad day he died so quickly. We all, I and Rebecca

loved him. Jenny too I suspect but if you and him had met head on sparks would


Calypso smiled and nodded. Seems he was a good man and we finished now

sorting out the wrinkles in why we don't like one another?

Molly could not help it and smiled then held out her hand. What are you like?

Big, black and beautiful and proud of it, then shook Molly's hand. Lets have

the tour now and I will ask questions.

Molly laughed. I thought you might, so come on. The Dead Zone first.

Calypso walked behind Molly, bug eyed, her red bag swinging and

bumping against her massive hips and her feet beating a tattoo on the polished

floor. Molly stopped in front of two large chrome tall containers then pressed a

button and the both small doors slid left.

Calypso bumped into Molly then looked up at the Perspex viewing windows.

Jesus on a crutch those are dead people! What are we doing with a dead man

and women in there, nude as be damned as a new born child? It is no wonder

you have dead spirits all around this place. What the hell is this?

Molly smiled. Something that never worked because the man, Sam's close

friend never got around to telling us how to preserve a brain without damaging it

beyond repair. Therefore all we have is a body and the same goes for Mandy who

I should point out in case you put your foot in it, was Rebecca's partner. Sam's

friend and partner died a few years back before we ever took over this place.

Sam was against it but Cryogenics was the new life extension for the future.

The body parts, that being the organs and all are supposed to be preserved but

without a working brain it is never going to happen so we keep them here.

Calypso made the sign of the cross. And their souls? Bet they are having a great

old time romping around here in the buff gay or not!

Molly smiled and closed the shutters then walked in through swing doors and

nodded towards the stainless steel tables.


Suzy's workbench and this is where we do PM's on recovered remains of Cold

Case victims we find, or someone who was a victim of murder by troops in a war

zone that we sometimes get to have a look at it as instructed by the UN. Europe

and Africa mostly. Suzy does her digging, finds evidence if she can and then

returns the remains to country of origin.

She that good? asked Calypso with a mock look of horror on her round face.

Molly nodded. The best I am told. Sam and she did some work together in

Europe. That is why he took her on here and from what I have read and know, if

its dead she will find out how and why it got dead. That is how good she is.

Calypso Nodded then frowned as they walked on at a slower speed and which she

was glad of but asked without looking at Molly, And Rebecca? What is her

main purpose here?

Molly stopped dead and turned slowly. She once worked for Mossed, still

attached to them but also to Interpol and the UN. She works here as the main


And what else woman? demanded Calypso watching her closely.

Molly licked her lips. She kills people when and if she needs to. No questions

asked from here on about that part of her job please.

They both looked at one another and Calypso nodded. Africa was tame

compared to here. Not sure I will stay because you lot just dont have ghosts you

also make them.

Mind if I ask you something? said Molly looking at the red bag over Calypso's



Molly pointed at the bag. No one is going to steal the bag and I have noticed

that no matter where you go the bag goes with you.


Calypso slowly removed the bag and set it on the floor then unzipped it. There

was a scarf in it, its purple colour clashing with the bright white of three sealed

small jars. She took each out and set them on the floor in a line then touched the

first and looked up at Molly.

My husband, Morgan, this one is Santo my son and this one is Maria my

daughter. They were murdered and I had them cremated and everywhere I go I

keep them close. I guess once I find peace and somewhere safe I will release

them. Your right of course I do carry them with me and maybe now I should

leave them for a time in my room.

Molly was lost for words and she felt the pain of what she had been just told. For

a moment then looked at the three small jars then, I really am sorry that you

had so much pain in your life and lost your family. Someday, when you can trust

people you too might find peace.

Doubt that. Calypso put the jars back in the red bag and stood up her eyes

filled with tears. Someday girl, we may all find peace but in the business we are

in I doubt it because we are human, we care and we do what we have to do. That

is why I am here to feel useful and to be useful.

Molly nodded and bit her lip deep in thought. What Calypso just said was true

enough with wars and unrest across the world, Egypt exploding around them

and Afghanistan again in a war that the west side cannot win. Caught in the

middle of all this are the civilians and most of all the children of war, children at

risk daily and not all from bombs and bullets. They have their own war to fear

and are the victims in it.

What you thinking woman? asked Calypso her face mean looking and dark

eyes smouldering.

About men of God and other men who can hurt and kill children just for the

sheer hell of it if you must know.

Calypso snorted. Sure Molly. That's the deal here and why we are doing what

we are doing because as sure as God made little green apples he made a mistake

in giving men cocks and a limp twisted brain!

Molly looked at her and laughed. You sure have a way with words.

Calypso smiled back. Had a good teacher and that was thanks to Sam Deacon.

The tension between the two of them de-iced and they talked and walked, Molly

pointing out the equipment and what it was for.

You see the truck come caravan that Suzy drives, a smoked glass job? asked

Molly and looking closely at Calypso.

Sure I did. Would be hard to miss around here and if I may, it is more like a bus

than a caravan. Guess it is all part of this outfit and needed in the field now and


Molly laughed. We dont get to use it much but it is fully decked out and paid

for as a mobile forensic lab that Suzy is in charge of and it is like in there, her

Kingdom. It has been useful in the past and no doubt will again but it drinks a

lot of juice when moving.

Calypso snorted and made a face. She have dead people in there and leave their

ghosts inside.

Bits of dead people when she is working and brings them with her to her lab

here for a full forensic examination. As for her ghosts I doubt very much if they

would dare stay in there because she is so bad tempered and moody.

You dont say Molly? Can you tell me what she is like as a person and as you

know her so well and her being a Buddhist what should I avoid saying or doing?

Molly tried to keep a very straight face when she answered, She is Ace as a

person and friend but avoid standing on worms if you are walking around the

grounds because she has something about saving worms, souls of the dead she

said. Sort of reincarnation thing for Suzy and she does believe in it so dont take

the piss with her on that subject. A bit like you carrying the ashes of your loved

ones in that bag.

The large black woman looked down at her bag then at Molly and smiled.

Ok and message received and understood woman but if I die I dont want to

come back as some damn wiggly worm. I want to come back as a nice skinny

black woman with great tits and find a nice skinny man with the looks of a Greek

God and plenty of money.

Molly rolled her eyes and laughed. I too but not yet as I still have too much to

do in this life.

Tell me something about our Director Jenny Snow. Like what makes her tick

and how do I not blot my copy book with her?

Molly looked at her then pointed at the chairs lined up around the computer

monitors. I think you will need to sit down for this and you need to listen closely

to what I am going to say because it may well affect your whole future with us.

Both women sat down and Molly was no longer smiling. She held the woman

across from her eyeball to eyeball.

First off you need to ask Jenny herself about her past but what I will tell you is

common knowledge. She lost her husband and daughter in a RTA and both killed

outright. That she is still working on and will till the day she dies. But there is

something I will say and this is no joke and not in any way a wind up.

Ok, tell me then.


She has a two way communication with the dead, mainly children and she or no

one can explain it away. She is not mad or has a mental illness but they contact

her and more so it they are part of a case we are working on. A young girl in a

red coat is her go between.

Calypso rolled her eyes and puffed up her face more. Shit on a stick! My boss

has a go between the living and the dead and believes it as well!

Molly nodded. All I can say with our last case this happened and don't ask me

how because I don't know. They contact her not her with them.

The large woman made a face and nodded. She get much sleep with all this

going on?

Most nights she does but you will know when you see her in the morning

because she looks hung over. They come to her when they want and that can be

day or night. She is not ill or mad because I have seen her reactions when it


Calypso laughed and muttered. Well I don't want to be around when it happens

because I want the departed to stay that way. I had an aunt once who lived in a

village outside Cape Town and she was into all this Mumbo Jumbo. People would

visit her to have the bones read, see into their future and get rid of evil spirits.

Trouble was she was getting on a bit and toothless and one night she made a

mistake with the bones. Seems this all happened in front of a few of her guests

and when she threw the bones on the rug they noticed.

Molly was opened mouthed. Noticed what?

They were not human bones but chicken bones and that was the end of that and


Oh God! What happened.

Calypso smiled at Molly. They burned her as a witch.



Room seven in the Inn was not hard to find and Ali stood at the door then

placed her ear to the wood and listened. She could hear a TV or Radio on but the

sound turned down low. She stood up and whispered to Suzy, I think our bird is

at home so I'll knock, you back me up it needed but don't pull the rod unless he

is armed.

Sure. I can always shoot him later if I feel like it.

Ali wrapped hard on the door and within a few seconds the door was flung open

and both women were looking at an old man in a green dressing gown that had

seen better days. For a moment he looked startled seeing two women at the door

then sighed and stood aside.

I take it you both called to have a talk with me seeing I was asking questions

about you. Better come in then and I will explain most of it to you both.

Ali went in first and scanned the room quickly; aware of the stale smell sweat

and perfumed soap in the air. She turned and noted the TV was on but the sound

low. The BBC news was not good as Egypt then Libya were the main stories.

She looked at Suzy who raised an eyebrow and who was a bit more than

puzzled. They stood and waited for the old man to close over the door and Suzy

and Ali noted he did not lock it.

How I can I help you? He was direct and to the point, his voice had an edge on


Ali was just as direct. My name is Ali Cooper and this is Suzy La. We work for a

company called 'Forensics Legal UK' as well as with the Home Office and

Interpol. You are who?


The old man stood for a moment then grunted and pointed to the bed and a

single chair. Please. Take a seat and I will explain or at least try to.

Ali sat on the edge of the bed, Suzy stood near the door and did not move and the

old man hobbled to the chair and sat down, groaning as he did so.

I am Monseigneur Carlos du- Pont, Home in Barcelona and a room in the

Vatican for my official work for the Church. I am sorry about by state of dress as

I was about to have a bath. I was asking questions about you down stairs because

I was informed that two people or more would be arriving and were in their own

time going to see one Malcolm Scott who is a long term guest in the Broadmoor

Unit. It was Dr. John Webster who informed me you would be arriving sometime

today but he was unable to name you. As I have a vested interest in the Scott case

he thought I should also be there tomorrow. I take it you do have some ID with

you, both of you before I continue?

Ali produced hers at once and held it up but Suzy sighed, rolled her eyes and

thrust her ID card almost in his face. He almost smiled back at her.

Thank you. I suppose you are now wondering why a priest no less had an

interest in the Scott case.

Yes, you could say that, muttered Suzy then added, Seeing Mr Scott removed

a few heads of priests, buried them in shallow graves, headless, but before doing

so removed some flesh and organs for a midnight feast later.

The old man shuddered and looked away from her to Ali who was watching him

very closely. Your friend gets straight to the point does she not?

Ali kept a straight face. That she does and has been known to get right under

people's skins so to speak looking for clues or evidence. You still have not told us

why you have an interest in this man Scott.?


Carlos Du-Pont waved a hand in the air and laughed, Church Business because

of the dead priests , the missing heads in fact which need to be recovered and

buried and also what this man Scott know of other missing priests that he may

be able to throw some light on. I am also a Doctor of Psychology and allowed by

the Church to carry out Rites when and if needed. Dr. Webster is not in favour of

such Church thinking but has agreed if the patient gives his consent I can carry


Suzy almost growled at him. Mumbo Jumbo crap?

Ali came in fast and glared at Suzy. Suzy is not a believer Monsignor and does

not understand what you are talking about but I do.

The old man's eyes lit up in surprise. Youre a Catholic?

Retired, knowing she hit him a mental body blow then added, But I was and

seeing what I have seen and heard I don't think the Church is on the winning

side any more, off a lot of Christmas card lists and funding.

Du-Pont shook his head sadly. Not all those involved in my faith are monsters.

True but you have got to know from within that a good few are and here you

are right now in this room almost defending the dead priests that this Scott


He looked directly at Ali, his gravelly, Maybe I am here to defend Malcolm

Scott and see if I can help him in any way?

Suzy folded her arms across her chest and smiled at the priest, You go in there

in uniform, a cross, garlic or whatever and you will trigger him off and he will

become more than violent. I have read the reports on him, seen the damage he

has done and know that he is no run of the mill killer. He likes holy people meat,

cooked or raw and like you stated I have no doubt at all he fed well in the past.

The priest smiled back at her. I know. He thinks he is a werewolf, and the Devil

or a satanic force has taken him over. I won't be going as a priest.

You mean there is no real hope for him from what treatment he is getting if any

or from the Church directly that will help him. Is that what you really mean?,

asked Ali frowning.

The old man nodded and smiled showing yellow teeth. From the Church it is

doubtful he would get any help and in fact they wish he would just die or fade

away No.I can listen, add to what I already know and see if there is something

that can be saved. What happen to him as a child, and I don't mean just once or

twice but over his whole childhood, started at his conception. It was not just lay

people, men, but priests involved. He carries a great deal of pain, fear, anger and

hate inside of him and it was there from an early age. It is very doubtful if he

could now cry normally like most people do. He can shed tears of anger and hate

but not sorrow or loss tears. Mr Scott is beyond that now and I know he is

beyond the Pale.

Suicidal? asked Suzy who was now interested in what the priest was saying

and using her forensic mind to place the jig jaw together in her mind.

I doubt that. He is cold devoid of all feeling of self-pity now and as I see it and

from what little I know, he would kill again if ever released, said Du-Pont

grimly. He could in fact drive people to the brink and has done so.

Ali caught Suzy's eye and looked back at the old man sitting on the other side of

the bed. If this was a normal room in any house or Nursing home she would be

looking at an old man, long retired just waiting for death to catch up with him.

What is the Church's role in all this now?, asked Ali aware that she could be

going into places and through dark doorways of the Vatican, places she had little

knowledge about but needed some information to send on to Rebecca if it was


Outside the Vatican City walls very few lay people would know or have the

understanding the real workings of the Roman Catholic Church or what

happens to priests who default and are involved in child sexual abuse.

Ali nodded. Enlighten us. Please because there are a lot of children and adults

out there who have and are paying the price still.

Du-Pont coughed, Suzy picked up the noise of the rattling chest of the man and

noted that he was coughing more now. Maybe a year, maybe two at the most she

thought looking at the greyness of his skin.

I work for the Secretary of State in the Vatican City, under Cardinal Angelo

Meliy. General Affairs it is called and that takes in a lot of work worldwide but

my appointment five years ago was on orders from the Pontiff himself to seek out

and investigate priests and child sexual abuse. I was at first stunned at the

thought of it even happening but even more so when I discovered it was

worldwide and had been going on for many, many years seven before World War

Two. The main problem was not if complaints were true or false but how to

investigate them. I had to in the end, and with much opposition from within the

Church, set up a team of investigators. That was when I hit my first brick wall

because I was now put in a position of having to vet the investigators. I wanted

ten and I ended up with three. Bishops who had suspect priests or knew they

were more than suspect moved them out of parishes, the were sent to far off

places, like Africa, India, South America and a few I was to learn later, hidden

away in the deep complex of the Vatican itself or placed within a control zone.

Very few were defrocked as the lay people would say but they were not allowed

to say Mass or work with children. Then out of the woodwork came even more

complaints and that is when it started to get nasty. I'm not sure how it was done

but known paedophile priests were shipped out to dangerous zones where drug

wars and tribal wars were in progress. Many of them though not all were

reported killed by one group or another, forty one 'vanished' in South America, a

few were discovered moths later in rivers and three were shot dead.

The Bishops' Standing Committee did have members in it who knew that some

of their priests were sexual abusers of children; Ireland being a good example of

that and more than a cover up was involved. That is when I hit my second brick

wall because I could no longer trust anyone, because I knew that many of them

knew that I knew they were lying. You have to understand that when this hit the

media there was they said, a smell around the Vatican, the smell of fear and from

that time on I made little or no progress. My team, such as it was, was disbanded,

the young priests sent elsewhere and I worked from an empty office alone. It

affected my health of course and in a short time I will find out if God really


Is there nobody in the Vatican City that you could now trust?, asked Ali

alarmed of what she just heard because Rebecca was not going to get anywhere if

she did not have a contact.

He wiped his eyes and coughed again. Then he nodded. Just One. A Father

Gerry Kelly a young Irish priest who was working there in the Achieves

Department because he had an archaeology degree and a Middle East doctorate

in languages. He handled all the paperwork on cases, well his computer did, and

then he went back by request to the Holy Land, Jerusalem in fact and was still

there the last I heard. He is not stupid or naive and I know he made copies of all

case work involved to CDs as I kept my own notes. It was and is our life and

death insurance policy.


Suzy muttered. He never kept in touch with you?

Yes. Each week I would get an email from him telling me about his work in the

walled city and the scrolls and languages he worked with. A month ago all

contact stopped, three weeks before Christmas. I sent emails and even wrote to

him, contacted a few Jewish friends who knew of him but not where he was. His

family in Ireland said they expected him home for two weeks at the New Year but

he never came.

So the only person you could trust has vanished in the Holy Land?, asked Ali

who was watching the old man closely.

Yes and that was odd because he would never go off anywhere without

informing me where the Copy Discs were. He made copies of his computer discs

as I said and all the case notes for me as back up. I insisted he hold on to them in

case anything happened to me. Cardnial Groer is also a good friend and it was

him who sent me here.

Why? asked Ali, her heart beating faster as she took this information in.

He tilted his head to one side and smiled sadly. He said he needed more evidence

and Scott had it. Disease and death go hand in hand but it is not death I am

frightened off but I am not ready yet. I am still investigating these priests, still

digging but the clock is ticking.

One last question if I may, asked Suzy softly. Were you frightened when you

came here to see Mr Scott?

Very. When I heard that other people were coming here also, you, I was

frightened of who may well turn up next. Gerry vanishing like that and then this

I got a very bad feeling that someone might come after me before I had finished

with my interview with Malcolm Scott tomorrow. After that they could do what

they want. Now that I know you are both here and will continue with

investigations into the missing Father Kelly and abusive priests I am ready for

death as I know it.

Ali stood and held out her hand and Du-Pont shook it. Till tomorrow then, she

said smiling and nodded to Suzy as they headed for the door.

He closed the door over softly and then went back to the bed and set a book on it,

his note book. Walking to the bathroom he ran more hot water into the now

chilled water and as it filled he shaved slowly.

Finished, he dropped his dressing gown and stood nude then stepped into the

bath, slowly lowering himself into the water and lay there, the hot water feeling

good and he prayed to himself as he slashed both wrists then relaxed and closed

his eyes.

Back in Suzys room she closed the door over and looked at Ali puzzled by the

priests remarks. He is not crazy Ali.

No but he is frightened and it is all to do with his past and I could read him

right away. He was not making it up but what concerns me is why Dr Doolittle

up at the Funny Farm informed him that we were coming here and how did this

doctor know we would book in here?

Suzy almost smiled. Because Ali this is the only village that has open B and B in

mid-winter and only one place that being here. You made the booking for the

rooms and how many did you find open around here in winter?

Ali smiled back. Good thinking Robin and you dont have to be a great

gumshoe to work it all out as you put it. I have a feeling we are going to play our

cards close to our chest when we meet this guy because right away I dont trust

him and he wont fully cooperate with us when we get there.

And this priest Ali? What is youre feeling about this man of God in room


Ali frowned, I trust him but do not ask me why and he comes across as dead


Suzy snorted. He is already dead Ali because I can tell and he has not long to go.


Seen too much and done too much and he is old before his time. His whole life is

surrounded in pain, death and sin and his God is sitting on the fence doing


Ali felt herself getting angry. Maybe he just give up.

Who? God or the priest?

Suzy raised and eyebrown. Maybe both Ali. Maybe both.

Ali sighed deeply and rubbed her face. Maybe I came back to work too quickly

and I am knackered right now.

Knackered? asked Suzy frowning at Ali. Is that like flu or a cold?

Ali made a face. No its a sort of mental thing and makes you feel you could stay

in bed for a week and sleep.

Oh that. I call it depression but you can work through it with yoga. In your case

I would recommend yoga and a new state of the arts leg.They are out there

instead of that thing you wear right now. You need to go shopping with me when

this is all over and we will buy you a new leg.

Ali blushed. You really think so?

Yes I think so and we will do it. I have a few friends in high places who make

these newlegs and I will have a word later with them. They owe me big time.

She looked hard at Suzy and smiled. How much will this cost me?

If you were not a friend of mine around eight thousand dollars but as a friend

around five hundred.

Ok. I'll sleep on it. Thanks.



Suzy sent three emails off aware that what she sent was going to cause a storm

with Director Jenny Snow, Rebecca in Rome most of all Molly Drew and her


Jenny. Got here and had a talk with a priest who is called M. Carlos Du. Pont

and is also here to see Mr, Scott. Seems he knows what he is doing and for some

reason I trust him. Meeting him at Broadmoor Unit tomorrow morning with this

Dr. John Webster. Need a check done on him, locations Barcelona and Rome and

suggest you get Molly do it well back into his birth onwards. Will keep in touch.


Rebecca. All I have is one M. Carlos Du-Pont from within the Vatican City who

worked in the General Affairs department investigation ongoing into priests and

sexual abuse of children. Need to know more about him from your end.

Also if any of you contacts in Jerusalem could try and find a priest, a good guy'

name of Gerry Kelly, Irish and was working in the Holy City in the archaeology

and Languages fields. Needs to be moved into a safe zone along with all his

baggage and two CD's that contain vital information for our pending

investigations. This matter is urgent.


Molly. I have made a few requests to Jenny to run a line on a priest, she will fill

you in on the details but need a trace on Gerry Kelly, Irish and a priest. Not

suspect but last heard of four weeks ago in Jerusalem and he is vital as a witness

for our investigations.

You may be able to track his mobile that is if priests are allowed mobiles. Born in

Ireland, studied in Dublin I think. Please email me back on phone or computer

soon as. Ali doing well.


Suzy switched off her computer dropped into her bed and was asleep within

minutes. Seven meters away down the hall of the Inn, water was starting to drip

and pour over the sides of the bath, the foam pink coloured. A night spider left

the flood area and climbed up the side of the bath then walked across to the wall.

Ali woke with a start in a void of darkness and dreams lost. Someone was

banging hard on her door and then she remembered she was not at home. Her

first thought was fire and that she needed to get out. She hit the switch on the

bedside light as she swung her leg out of the bed and blinked. The banging was

now louder and she screamed back. I'm coming damn it!

Hurry up Ali! We have a real problem and bring your leg with you!

Bollocks!, shesnapped. What the hell is up!

She picked up her artificial leg, fitted it into the slot and twisted. It clicked home

at once and she stood up dragging on a coat and rushed to the door .

Suzy was standing and then turned to her right and nodded.

The Inn Keeper was standing by the open door looking pale, his red dressing

gown tied at the waist with a blue tie. He looked at Suzy and Ali as they

approached, his mouth open.

Suzy could see the bloody water and shouted at him. Aside!Stand aside!

She rushed into the room and stamped through water to the bathroom and could

see and hear the tap running. Steam was everywhere so she went over and looked

into the bath and was not surprised to find the dead priest. She reached for a

towel and turned off the taps then looked at Ali.

Better call the local cops I guess and we can't do much more. He's dead.

The Inn Keeper almost shouted. I have. Said they would be here fast.

Ali turned on him. How long ago?

Five or ten minutes., he spluttered looking from one woman to the other then

down at the dead priest.

She looked at her watch. It was just after two am. You never checked if he was

still alive?

No. I seen the blood and called the cops. I'm not a doctor or first aider.

How about a human being with a fucking brain! Right! Get the other side of the

door and touch nothing. Dr. La here and I will wait till the boys in blue get here

and that is official.

He backed out followed by Suzy and Ali, licking his lips and his eyes wide then

pointed back into the room. How was I to know I had a crazy priest staying!

This is bad for business once the press get it and things are bad enough here as it


Suzy trust her face close to his. It is going to get much worse. Bad for the

victim, bad for you and bad for us. So? Its all bad and shit happens!

They were interrupted as two police officers came running up the stairs followed

by a third and a large dog. All were male including the dog. The older of the

officers said loudly. Where is it?

Suzy flashed her ID her face grim. You mean where is the victim officer don't


He glared at her then nodded. The victim where is it and who are you?

Suzy nodded to the room. In there in the bath and dead. I take it you will want

us to give statements?

Yes..Later. Are you sure he is dead?

Yes I am. I work in forensics for the government here in the UK,Interpol and

when needed in Africa. The UN will confirm my status. He's dead. Suicide.

A cold dawn was breaking when Ali, Suzy and the Inn Keeper, Roy

Goodrich finished giving their statements to the officers present and a DS called


The DS was a blond women Ali noted and introduced herself to everyone as DS

Wendy Ball. Ali guessed she was a new kid on the block, not long out of uniform,

possible degree in Criminology and thought she now knew it all.

Thank you for your statements and co-operation in this matter. You will be

informed when there is an inquest.

Ali smiled. No problem there and I know you have much to write up. Not long

ago I was a Detective so I know all about the paper work. Oh! Before we go I

would advise you removing the blue protection gloves you have on as they clash

with the suit.

DS Ball flushed and peeled off the gloves then stuck them in her pocket and

turned away followed by the undertaker crew and the other officers.

Ali followed Suzy into her room then slumped on the bed and sighed.

We push him over the edge you think?

Suzy shook her head. No. He came prepared. The small knife, leaving the

notebook on the bed very neatly. Never mind what he said he was going to die

tonight and his mind was made up well before we got here.

But he said he wanted to interview this Scott.


He already knew everything about Scott. He made his peace with his God and

did what he wanted to do. That is why he left the notebook.

Pity we did not get...

We did. Suzy dropped the black notebook on the bed close to Ali. I have a

feeling he wanted us to have it rather than it end up in a plastic evidence bag.

Ali looked up at Suzy shocked. You removed it!

True. Otherwise we would never know what was in it. All for the cause I guess.

Ali protested waving the black notebook. We could be in deep trouble over this

if they ever find out!

They won't find out unless you tell them and besides, they would not

understand it. Open it and read it.

Ali flicked it open then turned the pages fast and looked up at Suzy who stood

looking down at her and was smiling. You see?

Latin? It all written in Latin!

Suzy laughed. A perfect Codex in fact and I will bet you a months wages that

the good priest also inserted his own form of codex. It starts in 2000 and ends last

night 2011. There is also some Greek words inserted as well.

Why did he not just give it to us when we were leaving his room?

Suzy shrugged. That I don't know but whatever is written in there is a copy of

records and maybe his own notes all dealing with his investigations. Only two

people might be able to decode it and one of those is missing.

Puzzled Ali looked again at the writing. We know that this Kelly man is adrift

but who is the other one that could decode it?

Miss Computer 2011, degree in archaeology and archaeology languages has a

great working knowledge of old bones and knows her archaeology plant species

and not just in English.


Ali looked at Suzy. Not Molly?

Suzy nodded. Rule out Rebecca, Jenny, you, Calypso and me. That leaves


She laid the book back on the covers and stood up. What now?

I shoot off an email to Jenny, a phone call from you direct to Molly and see if I

can also get Rebecca by phone. Then Breakfast.

Molly growled at her mobile ringing on her desk as she scanned computers

and glanced at the name. She picked it up and said, What!

We need help and in a hurry Molly. What is your Latin like?

Good to really good.

That is what I have been told. Will bring you the book when we come back

which will be later tonight.

Book? You have a book for me in Latin. Why me stupid not to think you take

the piss out of poor computer go for?, muttered Molly.

Trust me Molly. This one you will like. Have to go need breakfast.

Molly snorted, Sure I will and I look forward to late night bedtime reading.

What is the title of this book then?


You are joking of course. 'to cover up by heaping something over, to bury, of the

dead' and that is the title of this book?

Ali smiled. All yours of course and its hand written as well. Think you can

crack the codex?

Bring it on and I'll crack it. Sound exciting. How was your hotel?

Oh! Exciting. Must rush. Bye.


Molly looked at the dead phone and smiled. She looked back at the screens and

brought up the profile of Gerry Kelly Parish Priest aged 26 last birthday native

of Ireland. She quickly scanned his CV and whispered to herself, You would be

better with this guy if you wanted someone to break a Latin Codex.

As other details came up she scanned them then stopped and high lighted one

that jumped out at her. 'LEFT PRIESTHOOD DEC 2010'

Rebecca felt a little edgy as she ate breakfast in her hotel room and she

reread the information that Molly and Jenny had sent about the dead priest and

the runaway priest Gerry Kelly. She bit hard down on her toast and thought that

hunting down priests was like Van Hesking hunting down vampires. There was

too many of them and they were everywhere. She looked at the bright sunshine

and was away that for the moment she was on her own while Suzy and Ali went

to see Malcolm Scott the priest killer.

She pondered on all this as she sipped coffee now then worked out she might just

have an edge if she phone her father. Gerry Kelly was somewhere in Jerusalem

dead or alive and as her father was head of Mossad he could at least do a bit of

footwork for her. The last time they spoke was just before Christmas and that

was an event on its own because being her father he kept on about her thinking

of getting married and coming home. He even went to the trouble of bringing

suitable candidates to the many parties she had to endure, four in all, and she

was not impressed by any off them and only put up with it because she was on


She picked up her phone and rang his direct line. It was picked up on the forth


My darling daughter takes time to ring her father? You must want something.

Hi Dad. You well?


He laughed. Sure I am well. Busy but well. You do know that Egypt is in revolt,

the Muslim Brotherhood are getting a foot in the door, our gas pipeline had been

blown up, the one that we import gas from Egypt and Hamas are beating their

drums again.Oh! And the mad dog in Libya is out for blood. Otherwise I am

well. What do you want and where are you?

She bit her lip. I need help and I am in Rome.

You want to become a Christian? Well you are in the right place.

She laughed. No. I want to find a man dad.

You do. My prayers have been answered at last. You have one in mind?

A priest or was by the name of Gerry Kelly. He is somewhere in Jerusalem.

Nationality?, her father asked now more interested and that pleased Rebecca.

Irish. Family in the past from the 1920's to 2000 all republicans but none linked

directly to the IRA or splinter groups though have went on marches and to IRA

funerals in the past in Belfast, Derry and Dublin.

Her father snorted. That sets off alarm bells in my head because we know that

some Irish people even IRA members have sympathies with Hamas as well as the

whole Palestinian cause for a long time. They have in 2010 tried to purchase

arms for their own cause that have been smuggled in through tunnels from

Egypt. We notified MI6 and the British Security Services who deal with the

Middle East. You need to be careful around this man just in case he is involved


Rebecca frowned. A priest or ex priest a sleeper?

Could be an agent. Yes. Just be careful Rebecca. What else.

Have you anyone you can trust in or close to the Vatican that I could talk to?

There was a very long pause. Dad?


Yes I'm still here and there is only one man I would trust, really trust and he

lives in Rome. He is well connected to the Vatican and knows who is who.


I need to talk to him as soon as possible. Can you get in touch with him and ask

him to meet me while I am here in Rome?

That is a big request even for you my darling daughter but I will see what I can

do. He likes a good wine and good food. Consider it done.

Thankyou. Ring me as soon as you can if you find anything. Please.

He laughed loudly. What would you do without me if I was not the head of


Buy you a Zimmer frame then found him in time myself. You know that.

Indeed I do. One thing you should know. My man in Rome besides liking good

food and wine also has an eye for the ladies. You never know when you see him

there might be some form of connection made between you two!

Dad! Stop it.! What is his name?

Can't tell you but he will contact you on your phone if he wants to meet you.

What do you mean by that?, she huffed and scowled.

He might say No and if he does that is the end to it.

Tell him missing and dead children need his help. Tell him that I need his help

because without it, this case ends here in Rome.

Rebecca waited then, I will tell him. Love you.

Love you back. Bye.

Rebecca stood up and went to the window and looked out over Rome. There was

without doubt she though some progress and it was a beautiful city. She let her

eyes drift down to the street and could see it was busy, ant like people going

about their normal business on a sunny morning. A few jaded Rugby supporters,

disappointed Italians were making their way home after a night of comfort

drinking as Ireland had beaten them a by a few points. Her eyes moved and then

stopped and she focused on a man across from the hotel who was not moving but

standing by a Newspaper stand reading or pretending to be reading a newspaper.

Rebecca was calm and muttered to herself. Whoever you are you're not very

good at it. Let's do the test and see what you don't know.

She smiled at her refelction in the mirror. Now we play the game Mr.Bond.

She locked the room and went down to reception and handed over the key and

said to the man behind the counter.

I will be needing my room for a few more nights if that is ok.

No problem. I will keep room safe. Do you want to pay now or later?

She smiled at him and moved closer to the desk. If you don't mind I would like

to pay later as I have to go to a bank and will draw out cash. If I use my card I

can not give you a tip. Oh! Could you arrange for some cold beers to be left in

my room?

The young man smiled at her and bowed. Of course. Have a good day.

She smiled again at him. Very American.What part?

New York. My dad is a cop there. Where are you from?

She let the smile fade slowly and looked sad. Alas I have no country and no

roots. I travel searching for a place to really live and settle down. Someday that

will happen I hope.

He shrugged his shoulders and smiled at her then, Rome is a great place to live

and full of art and magic. Why not here?

She fluttered her eyesbrows at him. Too many Catholics. Priests and nuns

everywhere even the pigions look Catholic. I had all that as a child and I need

freedom to breath in sin and fun. Bye.



Ali and Suzy stood by Molly who was scanning the pages of the black notebook

and Jenny sat in the chair waiting for some sort of comment. She was not good at

waiting and started to become agitated. Well? What is it?

Shisssh! I'm reading and thinking.

Jenny sat and then glanced at Suzy and Ali who met her gaze and shrugged.

Molly stopped reading and looked at Jenny, her face like stone but eyes bright.

I don't believe this, she muttered then, Details of all suspect priests and those

connected to the Church who covered up going back five years. There are also a

numbered hidden meanings, codex data which I have not got around to getting

into yet but one thing is for sure the person who put in this data did not want the

book to fall into the wrong hands. Dates, names, children involved and


Jenny stood up and walked to Molly. Hot then?

Burning hot Jenny. He wrote it all in Church Latin but the hidden codex's are

in old Greek, holy land Greek at that.

Jenny sighed. You don't have old Greek?

No but I will be able to crack some of it. All the writing I said is in Latin but he

wrote it backwards and to anyone who had no Latin or Greek it is just a jumble

of words. Except for the dates the writer did not want this to fall into the wrong

hands Jenny. It is as far as I can tell, and this is just a guess at the moment, it is a

sort of Vatican Codex for your eyes only context and thought it does point to

suspects and abused children, it also points to something just as sinister.

Suzy looked at Molly. Like what?

Molly licked her lips. Whole scale murder. Assassination in fact.


Jenny's voice was almost a whisper. Mafia?

Not that it shows but within the Vatican City itself and whoever give the orders

is connected and not to the Mafia. We are dealing now with something much

larger than organised crime, may much worse than anything the Mafia could

produce and if and when it comes out there will be blood on the streets.. It seems

we are dealing with something called the Vatican Curia, powerful within the

Church and know more than they let on about the sudden death of Albino

Luciani, in other words, Pope John the First after only thirty three days as pope

Jenny was stone faced. Twenty eighth of September 1978 and linked to a

massive financial scandal uncovered within the Vatican City the covered up after

the Pope's sudden death. Whatever he knew died with him but what else is and

has been covered up behind those walls about child sexual abuse by priests and

even the princes of the Church? It stinks folks and bad news.

Ali made a face. As well as what could become an International Press Day if

that happened and I would suggest Jenny, will put us directly in the front line

now with no back up. We are a small team, a good team but we can't compete on

our own with all this. We need more bodies.

Jenny frowned and paced the room for a minute then stopped. So we give up?

We can't walk away from this because of the children and the missing ones. Just

can't be done! Not on my shift and never will I walk away from this!

Suzy nodded then said out loud. Stop! We are jumping fences before we get to

them. Right now we have the book and we have more suspects granted but till we

get it all on the board, which includes what Rebecca might turn up we don't even

have a plan B.

Jenny nodded. Molly we need to set up on one of your computers a Power Point

presentation and a folder. We need all the input of what we know now and what

we may find later. Call it the Vatican Codex File. Can you do that?

Sure. Already started and had the name in place anyway. What did you and Ali

get at Broadmoor?

Scary stuff and disturbing data because this Malcolm Scott is much more than

he seems to be and I could say one of the most dangerous people I have ever

encountered in my life.

Ali came in, What Suzy just said is true because I was chilled and even

frightened of him when we met and that is a story that needs to be told.

Jenny snapped back. Then tell it and someone make notes.

Calypso?, asked Molly.

No. Let's keep her out of it for the moment. You do it Molly then feed it all into

the folder we have and see where we go from there.

Ok. I'll use the tape recorder and that way I will have all I need.

Jenny sat down in the red chair and for a moment Molly frowned because

that chair was her chair or at least she had laid claim to it since she started

working for the CODEXRED PROJECT. She shrugged it away and switched on

the tape.

Suzy was already seated and Ali next to her, microphone between them

while Molly sat on the edge of her computer bench.

After we left the INN and had given our statements to the police with

reference to the death of the priest in the bath, Ali and I drove to the Broadmoor

Unit, less than four miles away from where we were staying so it did not take

long. Ali suggested we leave everything in the safe box including our phones and

my firearm which was good advice because before you get to the main gate you

are covered with cameras and they followed you no matter where you went.

Surrounded by razor wire it was almost like a prison, which in many ways it was

and we stated our business told to remain in the car until someone came for us.

We were taken by what I took to be a nurse, male and with a card on a chin. He

opened the door and right away we were searched and photographed for out

'VISITOR' cards then shown into Dr. John Webster's Office.

For some reason he did not come to us at once but left Ali and I sitting a good ten

minutes and Ali had warned me before we went in to be careful what we said or

did if we were left on our own. When Dr. Webster did turn up it was with a

female nurse or doctor, no uniform called Anna Redcar. It seems this Anna was

the cats whiskers in bonding with inmates.

Dr. Webster held out his hand to Suzy and Ali then asked them to be seated while

he introduced his 'assistant', Anna Redcar. She sat beside him and then Webster

got straight to the point with Suzy and Ali.

Mr. Scott is no ordinary inmate I should point out and in order to fill you in and

who you are I have photocopied some details about him but not you will see his

clinical notes. His name on the documents will only be 'X'

Suzy nodded. Ok.

Anna here was brought in two years ago to work with him as he was

unresponsive to everyone else and went for weeks without speaking and had very

violent outbursts. A few staff members were in fact injured one badly.

How badly is badly?, asked Ali watching the two people in front of her closely.

Anna Redcar said in a voice that sounded brittle to Ali. He bit off in one chunk

the nose of a member of staff.

Ali shrugged. Guess that comes with the job.


Then he swallowed it and he did this all within a few seconds, Redcar said

glaring at Ali then continued. We don't know what the trigger was for sure but

I am of the opinion from what I know of him now is that the staff member was

wearing a small gold cross on a chain and he went for him.

Ali smiled back at her. You wearing a gold cross Suzy?

No. Don't have one. I'm a Buddhist.

Me neither so I guess we are not going to set Mr. Scott off when we go to see


Webster could barely contain his anger. Your behaviour stinks if I may so and

we are not playing games here! This man is dangerous!

Ali retorted back fast. All men are dangerous doctor and more so towards

women! I have no doubt at all that Mr. Scott would remove the nose of a woman

if he was pissed off so don't tell me about my 'behaviour' doctor! Tell me what

we should expect when Suzy, Dr. La and I go in there.

Ali had the edge now and she pressed it home. Of course we don't expect to go

in there with this man alone so how about we take Anna with us to protect his

interests and our noses?

Webster tried to regain composure but failed. I don't think I can allow that.

Ali looked him straight in the eye. Yes you will and now because if you don't we

will within ten minutes of leaving this building, have you and Ms Redcar here

arrested for interfering and obstruction into an investigation of murder cases.

At best you will be locked up until you can get to a phone at worst you will be

struck off by the GMC after a quick hearing. Both of you!

That sounds like a threat, muttered Anna Redcar. What is the name of your


Jenny Snow. You want me to phone her for you and piss her off!

Redcar backed down but she was not going to lose face. Compromise?

Ali looked at her. Give her a way out and she will take it. Best for everyone she

thought then said, Shoot.

Dr. Webster was trying to protect Scott which is normal for him to do. When

we got word you were coming and told to cooperate with your organisation it

rocked the boat more than a little as you are not listed. So what I suggest is that

you and I go in to the room together and Dr La stays on the other side of the

glass mirror with Dr Webster as observers, Dr La can take notes as there is a two

way speaker. And we can wire you up with an ear piece so that she can suggest

questions to him if needed. Outside the door there will be for back up if needed

will be two members of our male staff.

Ali looked at Suzy who nodded then smiled at Dr Webster and said direct to him,

There is something puzzling me Doctor?

Which is?

A question with a question as an answer, said Suzy still smiling at him. You

were to have someone else here yet you never mentioned him. Monseigneur

Carlos Du-Pont?

Webster was ruffled and it showed. How did you know about him?

It matters little because he won't be attending our little party doctor. He is


Suzy watched the doctors face but he give little away. Dead?

Very. He slashed his wrists in the bath last night in the same place we were

staying at. Bled out fast. He too as you both are aware also had an interest in this

case but what that was I don't know. Do you?


Du Pont was sent by the Church because of what happened to Mr. Scott and I

agreed for him to sit in. Told him he could not turn up as a priest or even

mention he was one and he agreed to that arrangement. I'm sorry to hear he is

dead because he was a brilliant man and psychologist in his own right.

Suzy's smile vanished and her face took on a stony look. Yes. I am sure you are.

Would have been a bit crowded anyway as things go. Shall we proceed?

Five minutes later Ali and Anna entered the room which was bathed in a red

light and it took a while for Ali's eyes to adjust. Malcolm Scott was sitting in a

corner his clothes folded neatly in front of him and his head down. Ali noted he

was nude and was not shocked but she worked out that he did this after he was

brought to the room. She had yet to work out why.

Malcolm this is Ali and she is with me to help you get better. Is that Ok with you

that she sits in?

When he lifted his head Ali could see that he was bearded and a beard that was

badly in need of a trim. She could now smell his sweat and body smell which was

rank, an old man's smell when he has lost control of his bladder function.

He tilted his head to one side and looked at Ali through strings of matted hair.

I don't like her.

Anna spoke softly to him. Ok. that is Ok. Can she stay?

He smiled at Anna then looked back at Ali. Do you want to stay bitch!

Yes. Ali said her voice soft and her eyes alert now.

He smiled at Anna. Webster still trying to get into your knickers Anna?

Anna smiled back at him. Most days. I'm saving myself Malcolm. Maybe when

you get better and leave here we could have a drink.

Scott's smiled faded away slowly. He turned to Ali. And you? What is your job


Anna spoke first. Ali is a consultant from the Home Office. She needs to ask you

some direct questions but you only answer if you want to.

Ali could feel her heart racing because right now she did not what questions she

should be asking. Suzy came through on the earphone, Ask him about why he

killed the priests.

You know why you are in here but what I don't understand is why you killed the

priests and removed their heads which were never found?

He snorted. Because I was told to stupid! The Master told me to kill them and

make sure they did not come back so I took their heads. That way they could not

see how to get back to me or the others.

Ali waited then Yes I suppose that is right. Six heads you took?

He laughed harshly. Nine.

It was Ali nodding that give her time to think where to go with this and alert

Suzy that she needed feedback from her.

Tell him direct that he is mistaken because only three bodies without heads have

been recovered.

Three bodies only have been found at least that is what the records say. All male

and all adult no females or children.

Scott's eyes went wild and he snarled back at her. I don't hurt children! Never

hurt children because they did. The one's I killed!

Anna nodded and then smiled at him. Ali meant no harm because she does not

know you like I do and you never told me before there were more than three

people who hurt you.

Didn't want to. Not then. Nine in all, nine priests and one Saxon of the Church.

They never found him or the others or the stupid nun.


Ali came in softly. You said you did not kill women Malcolm yet you just said a

nun died. Which church did the Saxon belong to Malcolm?

St. Mary's in Aber. He was in the boiler room when I did him. Coke fired and

roaring hot it was. Winter and he was stoking up his boilers after he had finished

with me. He burned well and no one ever did discover any remains when he was

reported missing, not even the teeth.

Ali smiled and nodded. This man what was his name?


Clive what? demanded Ali not sure how far to push him now

He sneered at Ali. They don't give second names stupid! I'm not answering any

more questions unless you give me something back.

Like what Malcolm?, she asked knowing it would be something off the wall.

He tilted his head. Show me your tits and I'll tell you more.

Ok but you must tell me the nuns name that you said you killed. Deal?

Malcolm nodded was shocked and pleased of what he seen for five seconds.

He tilted his head to one side and looked at Ali from under hooded eyebrows.

Mary Magdalene was her name. Sister Mary Magdalene and she ended up in

the Bristol Chanel during a flood. Priests doll and throw away and very dead.

Jenny gasped loudly. Ali you didn't!

Ali nodded and smiled. Just a quickie. I showed, he looked, and he told me what

I wanted to know.

I don't know how we stand in law on that one, muttered Jenny then added,

What had Dr Webster say to all this?

He laughed it seems or so Suzy said then said that, well Suzy can fill you in.

Suzy was sombre. He said that Mr Scott was regressing for a moment to make

Ali the mother figure that was never in his life and he also got his reward.

Seems that Mr Scott tried to get a response from Anna the same way and she

held back. I think he was playing games and Ali took it to be a weakness in him.

Ali grunted at Suzy. What would you have done if it had been in that room?

She looked down at her flat chest looked up and smiled. I would have been a

disappointment to him.

Everyone laughed then Jenny tapped the table. What else did we find out with

this man's Scott interview?

Ali frowned. That it is possible he killed more men than we will ever know and

that those that are recovered probably never will. As for the heads, providing he

removed all the heads as well as some organs we have one possible location for

them. That is except for the nun who he dumped in a tidal river.

Molly looked at Ali. Where?

Under platform A1 at Bristol Railway Station he said. He knows the area well

and he also knew where he was going.

Jenny was quick in and whispered, That place is crawling with passengers

during the day.

Yes but after the last train goes at night, it is empty. Scott said that is when he

disposed of them. In a shopping bag, one at a time and slung them under the gap

then went back to his van and drove off.

Rebecca left the hotel and walked up the street, mingling with other

people. Now and then she would stop and look in a clothes shop window and

checked reflections but the man who was outside the hotel was not there.

She found a calf and went in and ordered coffee watching the door but no one

came in though a few people left. She was sipping the last of her coffee when her

phone went off. She looked for the caller but it was just a number.


Is that Rebecca Hofi?

Yes. Who is this?

Your father told me to contact you. My name is Roberto Sindona. I can suggest

a meeting place where we can talk.

When and where?

The Metro. I will be in a black coat and hat, and carrying a bag of fruit. Meet

me at the entrance at midday. It is less than a mile away from the hotel you

stayed at last night and tonight I presume. Your father said you would buy me

lunch and a bottle of red wine.

Rebecca smiled. Ok. Mid-day. Goodbye.

She looked again at the window and frowned. Was Sindona the same man she

thought she had seen outside the hotel or was she just getting paranoid? She

sipped her coffee pondering on the meeting she would have, the stranger she had

seen or at least thought she had seen outside the hotel. If there was a man then

how did he know she was in that hotel and if he was not this Roberto Sindona

then who was he and what did he want?

She soon found out because when she looked up he was standing beside her table

a small wrapped parcel in his hand and she almost jumped but eyed him and

said softly, Why are you following me and who are you?

He was young, much younger than Rebecca and he smiled. May I?, nodding

and the seat next to her.

Not till you tell me what you want.

He sighed and held out the parcel then spoke in Hebrew, Your father and my

boss, said I should get this for you and make sure you get it. He also said that you

are to be careful in the Wolfs Den and not use your mobile as much. That is how

he knew that you were at the hotel it seems, tracking your phone and gives a

location. My name, for what it is worth is Simon Jaffa and I work for the same firm

but based here in Rome for the last five years. It seems we have something in


You have ID?

Slowly he reached into his pocket and took it out then set it down in front of her

and she looked at it closely then at him and nodded. Sit!

He sat down and for a moment looked like a scolded schoolboy then Rebecca as

him in Hebrew directly. And besides working for the same firm what do you and I

have in common?

He shrugged and forced a smile. I run a bookshop here and have done so for a

few years. It seems you also have one in the UK, Wales I think. Your father did

mention it when he was speaking to me. I sell religious books and it is a good cover

for me.

Not so good that you stood out like a sore thumb outside the hotel!

He flushed red for a moment then shrugged. Guess I need more practice with the

cloak and dagger stuff. Here. Take this it burns my fingers and there could well be

cops anywhere.

She looked at the small parcel then across the table at him frowning. You open


His mouth fell open and he looked around him in alarm. Here?

Rebecca smiled at him and nodded. Open it now!

She watched him closely and he liked his lips and then reached for the small

package. He split the seal and slowly removed the paper and Rebecca could see it

was a plain box. He lifted the lid and let her see the .22 Brenardelli Model Pistol

with two side by side ten round magazines. Rebecca noted that they were full.

She nodded at him and he replaced the lid, re-wrapped the parcel and pushed it

across the table to her fingers. This is an older model and by the look of it well

used. Where did you get it?

You dont trust people do you?

No. That is why I am still alive or not maimed by a small device that goes off in

your face when opened. The .22 where did you get it?

He shrugged. It was given to me as a present many years ago and this is the first

time I have really looked at it. The ammo clips came with it. A customer now dead

wanted me to have it for protection.

Ten minutes later she left him sitting knowing that he would follow her so

she stood at the corner smoking until he turned it and almost bumped into him.

Not very good at this are you Simon are you? she said blowing smoke in his

face then hissed at him. Speak English not Hebrew!

His face coloured and he coughed as smoke hung around his head and he tried to

waft it away then spluttered, You know that smoking is bad for your health?

She leaned against the corner wall and took a deep drag of smoke into her lungs

then blew it out and laughed. So is sex if you do it wrong!

His face was much redder now and he struggled to find words but before he

could speak she asked him straight out. How come my father made you a field

Agent Simon?

He looked at her then sighed. I know I don't come across as the James Bond

type of agent or even close to your standards Miss Hofi but I did my time in the

army and while I was in there a bomb went off in a bus and my mother was

killed. There was nothing left of her or the other three people, two of them

children. We don't know who we in fact buried and no doubt bits of flesh got

mixed up like children's with my mothers.


Rebecca eyed him closely and could see tears in his eyes but she did not soften.

Shit happens Simon and it could have been worse!

How worse could it have been? My mother and other people died in that bomb


She sighed and met his eyes. At least they were all Jewish and not Arab.

Meaning what? he said his voice icy.

Muslim and Jewish blood mixed Simon and bits of bodies gathered in the same

body bags, placed in the same freezer. You know our law about burial and how

fast it has to be so what happens sometimes is bits get mixed up in the rush.

He went pale and almost hissed at her. That could not happen.

She nodded, It has and it does because no one is going to waste time sorting out

lumps of flesh, a finger or arm here and there and say, There you go, all in


He glared at her and she could see that she had rattled him because she knew

what she said was true and that a human terrorist bomb, that wanted to become

a remembered as part of the holy war against Israel had also the psychological

advantage over the victims and their families when he or she set off the bomb in

a crowded place.

Do you have any family here in Rome Simon?

No. I live alone in a flat above the shop and I am straight, have a few

girlfriends, have good male friends who love books and art, dabble in water

colours, like good wine and food and have a rubber sex doll for wet weekends!

If Simon expected a reaction from Rebecca he did not get one. She just looked at

him and shrugged.



Gerry Kelly was sweating in Israel and it was not with heat or exercise it

was with a deep fear within him, the sort of fear that sets your mind racing to

fight or flee. He looked at the symbol again and shivered.

He was well aware now what it meant and that it was much more than a threat

because a four pointed star like this is cruciform and carried with it a grave and

very solemn event. His death and soon because it had been drawn in blood, not

with a pen or was it neat and there were no markings on the envelope and none

except the cross.

He looked out the window at the gathering dusk across the city of Jerusalem, a

few bats already hawking for moths and black kites hanging on the light breeze

ready to roost on the taller buildings for the night. Panic seized him, he could

hear his heart racing and his mouth was now dry. His brain screamed at him,

Run! but the logic part of his brain asked where to?

He now knew that they were after him and he also knew that they also knew

where he lived and what he did.

His rucksack lay packed, his passport and money beside it and the two CD discs

wrapped well and addressed but could he risk posting it he pondered.

Where too and when?


A late flight back home to Ireland but he knew they would have thought of that

and the airport covered. If he could get to a port he may be able to get to Cyprus

or Turkey but that too was risky. How did they find me he thought then looked at

his mobile phone and then knew. Quickly he placed it on the floor and smashed it

with his foot and brushed up the shattered bits and dumped them in the trash

can. He took out his small laptop from the rucksack and removed the hard-drive

after he restored the computer to when it first left the factory. There was nothing

now on the computer that was of any use to anyone even if they got it. He placed

it under the single bed, picked up the rucksack and headed for the door his

money and passport in his pants pocket.

Kelly headed for the old city walls, now and then going down narrow alleyways

and checking he was not being followed. By the time he reached a taxi rank he

was sweating even more. There was no taxis there at the moment so he stood in

the shadows hidden to wait for one to arrive. He noticed across from a lit up shop

that sold music CDs and ran across and into it. Inside a few people were

smoking and a few more looking at the music CDs. He made it look like he was

browsing and picked the first he could find, both singers women. After paying

for them he made his way back to his hiding place and took his two data CDs

and exchanged them for the music ones, packing them back in the rucksack. The

addressed wrapper and the two music CDs he now dumped in a litter bin just as

a black car pulled up and stopped. He moved towards it only to discover too late

that it was not a taxi and three men got out one pointing a pistol at his chest.

Into the car Mr Kelly and in the back now because I will shoot you where you


He knew it was pointless to run and he also knew that the man who was pointing

the gun at him more than likely good at what he did best.

If this is robbery I have.

In the car, Now! barked the man with the fire arm and he did as he was told

but not before his rucksack was tugged off his shoulder. In the back seat when

his eyes got used to the gloom he realised too late that he was sitting beside a

priest. The man was wearing a black hat and coat and wore glasses. Gerry Kelly

sat stunned as the gunman got in beside him and he was between the two.

As the car drove off at speed the priest said in a voice that was educated but

spoke softly to him.

Father Kelly or Gerry Kelly I guess I should say is that we have been looking

for you for a long time. Leaving Rome and coming here was not a good idea

because in the end we would have found you. My name does neither matter nor

the names of my companions but I think you know why we wanted to speak to


Kelly tried to stay calm. The Church sent you from Rome to take me back into

the fold?

The priest laughed harshly and Gerry Kelly could smell garlic on his breath that

almost made him gag.

Thanks but no thanks. You have as you know become a major embarrassment

to the Church so much so that we have to make you vanish on a more relocation

basis. But first I need your computer, your phone and any notebooks you have in

your room or about your person.

Computer is a laptop and under the bed in my room which I am sure you know

already before you picked me up and as for my mobile it got broken early on

today. It is in the trashcan under the sink. All I have in the rucksack are a few

clothes and some music CDs.

He nodded to the man in the passenger seat. Anything?


Like he says and his underwear smells. A Rosary and a book on birds, the

feathered kind. Two music CDs by some Jewish women and a packed of mints.

The priest nodded and turned and looked out into the darkness frowning.

An hour later the car pulled off the main road and up a sandy track then


Gerry Kelly was ordered to get out and stood waiting, his rucksack emptied of its

contents and scattered around him. A bright torch was in his face and he could

feel himself shaking.

The priests voice came from behind the light. Passport and money please.

Kelly took his money and passport out of his pocket which was snatched off him

by a man on his right. The passport was then thrown on the ground by his feet.

You know Mr Kelly is not a good idea walking the roads at night around here

because there are a number of gangs who are only too glad to stop and rob you.

Take of your shoes, pants, underwear and shirt. Place then at your feet and walk

to your right then turn after six steps and face me.

Gerry Kelly did as he was told and stood facing the men.

The priest was chuckling when he asked from behind the bright light of the

torch, Would you like to make your last confession?

Kelly shook his head and his bladder opened then began to cry. He lifted his head

but was unable to find words.

Thank you for your cooperation in this matter Mr Kelly, said the priest and

walked away. The last thing Gerry Kelly heard was the pistol being cocked.

It was late the next day that the border police along with three members of the

Israeli army seen the black kites and a few vultures circling over the remains and

drove in close and very alert in case of an ambush or a mine.


The young officer seen the passport and picked it out of the sand and flicked it

open, read the name then made a call. He turned his eyes away from the body as

he spoke. Could be your man sir and very dead at that.

Cause of death then?

Small calibre single shot to the head and dead centre which means sir he was

shot less than four feet away and I suggest the victim knew that it was coming.

Tracks of a car in and out from the killing site, no empty shell casings found as

yet and also track of four people, one set I suspect that of the victim. His shoes

were taken after the killing but seemed to have been removed before it took


There was a pause then, Could it have been the Arabs and robbery the motive

do you think?

No sir because after he was dead someone took a knife to his chest and carved a

four pointed star on it, deep and that is a symbol so it could be a ritual murder.

Letting the press know by a public phone is not robbery and we have had to

block off the road because the Rubber Neckers are turning up in cars. The last

thing we need now is being overrun at a crime scene.

Thank you and please keep me updated. I will contact the Irish Embassy once

the PM is finished but not until then.

He set the phone down and thought deeply not as an agent but as a father and

right now no matter how good at her job Rebecca was he had to contact her.

Jaffa came into his mind and he muttered to himself as he picked up the phone

and dailed his number, one eye on the TV screen with the sound turned down but

the pictures said it all. Libya was burning.

Just what I need right now, he thought as he listened to the dail tone on the other

end of the line.



Simon Jaffa jumped when his mobile went off and he looked at the number then

swallow hard. He looked at Rebecca and swallowed again.

Hallo. Yes sir. Yes I have met her and in fact we are having coffee together.

Hold on sir Ill put you on.

He reached across and handed Rebecca the mobile. Its your father.

She sighed and rolled her eyes. Dad and how nice to hear from you.

You wont think that when I tell you what we found, he muttered.

She felt something go hard inside her then, Tell me.

That man you were looking for, a Mr Kelly? A border patrol discovered him

fifty miles SE of Jerusalem eating sand.

Rebecca was stone faced. How? she whispered not looking at the man across

the table from her.

Head job and one shot. Pistol but no powder burns on the skin. He was nude

when discovered and if it had not been for his passport photograph we would not

have known who he was. The kites and vultures changed his looks.

She thought fast and asked, His clothes, bags or laptop?

No laptop, no phone and his clothes scattered around the body. No money on

him but there was two music CDs thrown aside. His watch, ring on right finger

and shoes were missing. Im looking at him now in the morgue and there is no

mistake about his ID. Something also you should know because his chest has had

a four pointed cross carved into it.


Not a normal robbery or murder then?

Far from it Rebecca because it was an assassination from start to finish and the

killer or killers even went as far to inform the press in Jerusalem at least an hour

after they did the job. I did tell you that you could be going into a Wolfs Den

and I was right. Anything else I can do?

Can you get those CDs to me as fast as possible via one of our people. Ill pick

them up at the Jaffa Bookshop later.

Her father snorted down the phone. Dont I get to listen to the music?

No. Not your sort and knowing you are already making copies of what is on

them so please Dad get them to me because other lives may be at risk now.

There was a long pause. You sound rattled darling.

Yes a little but I know if you do as I ask I will be ok. I got the pea shooter and I

am now thinking I may need something with a bit more power to it. I am sure if

you spoke to Mr Jaffa here it could be arranged. My UK team will need to come

out here also because there is no way I can do this on my own now.

She heard him sigh as fathers do when a conversation with a daughter is almost

at an end. Ok. Put Jaffa back on.

She pushed the phone at him stood up and took out a packet of cigarettes then

nodded to the door and left him.

Rebecca looked at her watch and could see it was almost mid-day. She had to

meet Roberto Sindona at the Metro.

Simon Jaffa finished the call looking flustered and found Rebecca smoking at the

corner. Still. He stopped in front of her and said in a whisper. I have been

ordered to stay with you. Where are you going now?


She dropped the butt on the pavement and trampled it with her foot then looked

hard at him. I have someone to meet at noon at the Metro and I am going to be

late. How far is it from here please?

Two blocks away going down that street but I cant let you go in there alone. I

have orders, your father said.

You have new orders now Jaffa and I am giving them because the man I am

meeting my father trusts and if he sees you then he may bolt so say well away

from me in the background and do not stand out like a spare dick at a Gypsy

wedding. Get me a taxi and lets go Comrade!

She left Simon Jaffa to pay the taxi driver when it pulled up at the Metro and she

rushed inside. It was packed full with people coming and going, a few people

standing reading the timetables and a few others watching passengers closely

who they could get close and pick their pocket or bag. A young man bumped into

her and she looked at the alarm cross his face as his fingers touched the pistol in

her bag. You want to die now or live for another day, she sneered at him then

stepped around him fast.

She eyeballed Simon Jaffa as he came in behind her then stopped and stood next

a timetable watching her. For some reason she felt better for that when she

spotted Roberto Sindona in dark coat and hat, a small bag of fruit in his hand.

He looked up as she approached then kissed her on both cheeks and handed her

the fruit. Welcome to Rome Miss Hofi.

Thank you and I am sorry I am late. You want lunch and please call me


Of course I want lunch, wine and beautiful young women on my arm. I know of

a little place around the corner and the food is good. The wine is ok but it is a

quiet place and I know the owner well, too well in fact and we only have ten

tables. At night you would not get a seat unless you book this time of day it is the

way I like it. Come.


He laughed loudly and took her arm. My wife owns the place and I just eat in


Roberto Sindona stopped and looked back where Simon Jaffa was standing then

whispered in Rebeccas ear. He is not very good at this is he? nodding towards


She sighed then smiled. Not good at all but he is not used to this part of it but he

has his orders and they came down the line from my father.

Sindona made a mock face of surprise then said directly to Rebecca. I suppose

my wife could feed him while we talk. That way he wont get in the way and he

will be safe?

Ok then and lets eat. I will of course pay the bill and will not take no for an

answer. Rebecca took the old mans arm and let herself be laid out of the Metro

followed by Simon Jaffa at a respectable distance.

Five minutes later they were sitting at a table, Jaffa having been ushered into a

back room and food place before him and a bottle of wine and glass. Then Mrs

Sindona went to the door and put the closed sign up, winked at her husband as

she passed and went into the kitchen.

My wife does the cooking during the lunch time, the cook we have comes on at

six in the evening and we will not be disturbed. You need help I believe with an

important matter so your father said.

Rebecca nodded and told him as much she knew and updated him on events

about Gerry Kelly until the food was brought out and placed in front of them

with a bottle of red wine. Mrs Sindona smiled and nodded then retreated back

into her kitchen and closed over the door.

She has no English or Hebrew I am afraid so let us eat and drink and as we do

so I will ponder on this massive and very dangerous project.

Ok but I need to make a phone call to the UK and it is urgent.

He smiled and pointed at her plate. Eat first then phone and by doing that it

will give you time to think what you are going to say to your boss.

Rebecca stabbed a piece of herbal chicken on her plate then placed it in her

mouth and chewed then smiled with pleasure. She nodded and smiled across at

the old man.

You are a very wise man Roberto Sindona and your wife is a great cook. You

have the best of both worlds.

He laughed and said fast, Coming from a Jew to a Christian that is praise

indeed my dear.

Rebecca did not answer and smiled into her plate as she picked out the next tasty

morsel of chicken and thought, there is good things and bad things today and

then more good things.

Behind the closed door Simon Jaffa was on his third glass of red wine after

eating a massive meal. He thought little of what to do next because right now he

had no worries. He toasted Mrs Sindona for the third time and she smiled back

at him delighted that this strange young man liked her cooking and the house


Simons head began to nod and very soon he was snoring loudly with not a care

in the world. Mrs Sindona stood up smiled and nodded then went to the large

kitchen sink and pulled out a large knife. She sharpened it in slow movements as

she watched the sleeping man. Then she went to the fridge and took out a large

slab of beef and began to slice it into small pieces. The smell of oregano and

garlic filled the kitchen as she mixed the beef slices with the herbs in a hot pot

and poured her own stock over it. Satisfied she turned up the cooker and sipped

her wine.


Jenny listened to Rebecca and her requests then said in her official

tone. Who do you need and when?

Send me Suzy and Ali as field workers as soon as you can. I also need you here

Jenny because things have unravelled a bit and I need your legal wisdom, you at

the helm in other words. Molly could hold the fort along with Calypso in the

Project building and that leaves Lisa Walsh to hold the front office.

Gerry Kelly is dead but I got the CDs or will have later. You said Suzy and Ali

recovered a notebook written in Latin so send it with the troops as I have a man

here who speaks it on a daily bases.

Jenny nodded and made notes. This Kelly man and I have to ask Rebecca, how

did he die and why?

Someone in Jerusalem plugged him up close and rearranged his brain wiring

then the border patrol found him with kites and vultures having launch. Dad is

involved in the investigation and Kelly was a main key in the investigation for us.

I have also been introduced to a man called Roberto Sindona thanks to my father

and this man can come and go into the Vatican when he likes, knows people and

has worked there for fifty years. Dad trusts him and so do I. I do need you with

your legal mind.


Ok and we will come in official but we wont be doing any cloak and dagger

stuff said Jenny than added as an afterthought, Yet.

Good I will sort out the accommodation and any transport. Getting tools for the

job if needed is not a problem, a bell book and candle process.

Jenny scowled at the phone as she set it down and whispered to herself, Now

what the hell is she up to?

Roberto Sindona smiled as Rebecca came back into the room and sat

down. She noticed right away that the table had been cleared except for the wine

and two glasses.

Your young friend is sleeping so let him sleep as we have much to talk about but

please let me start with what I know about the workings and what I know about

the Vatican within.

She nodded but added, Agreed but please understand I am not here to cause

trouble for the Church because I am here to run down and bring to justice with

help, men who abuse children even murder them. I understand with the little I

now know that this is and could be dangerous not just for my team but also if

known , for you and your wife. It would seem Roberto, that the Church throws a

long dark shadow and will do anything to see that many of these men are never

caught. I need to know as much as possible about what goes on and why because

right now all I know is that the Vatican City is a void of secrets.

The old man sighed deeply and nodded. The Church secrets and then those

people who want to protect the Church are complex but the real problem is not

the Church but some people high up who knew all this was going on and did

nothing about it. Some are known or suspected but there are a few who are not

and that my dear is where we must be careful and who we, I, talk to.

Such people of whom I speak off have connections outside of the Vatican City

and the Church. Dangerous people both male and female who have been and are

called on when needed. There is no paper trail and any money spent is in cash.

Rebecca raised an eyebrow. Money from within the Church banks?

He nodded. Yes. A slush fund so to speak and hidden away. More than thirty

pieces of silver and close to a few million if the truth be known.

She nodded and sipped her wine then looked at him, concern on her face.

Kelly knew about this of course and that is why he left the Church and then


Roberto Sindona nodded. He was a bright young man and once he discovered

what had went on and what was going on he made copies of all documents that

give him concern. However there may be more information in the dairy that your

people have that can match up to Kelly's information and beyond. I can only tell

you that no matter what happens I will find out what I can and keep you



This afternoon because I have to go there at three to finish some work in the

meantime you can stay here and I will see you at seven tonight.

She thought fast because Simon was out of it and the last thing she needed right

now was to baby sit him. Not here. I don't want to place you or your wife at risk

Roberto so pick another place where we can meet.

She could see him frowning and then his face brightened. You like art?

Depends on what you call art. I bore easy said Rebecca and smiled. What did

you have in mind Roberto?

His eyes twinkled. I will drop you off there and go onto work. Later you can

visit the bookshops as well and I will meet you back at the wine bar next to the

Sistine Chapel. There you will see the works of the great Michelando and if you

get hungry there are a few select places to eat.

What about Jaffa? asked Rebecca looking at the closed door,

The old man smiled. He is safe from my wife and my wife is safe from him.

Rebecca laughed. Ok. I'll come with you and meet you as requested.

Ten minutes later they pulled into a parking space and both got out. Roberto

placed his ID Disc inside the window on the dashboard and winked at Rebecca.

The Vatican cops are always looking for business and try and get at least four

parking tickets issued and makes them look good. They are not real policemen of

course and if a real crime was committed inside the walls they would panic.

The hard cops are much different because they may worry about a parked car

but they also know who uses it and they check it in with the Guards. That is why

I display my ticket because if I dont, I get one.

Rebecca laughed. You remind me of my father Roberto and he thinks all traffic

cops are some sinister organization trying to take over the world.

The old waved and headed off, his worn laptop bag slapping against his leg black

coat flapping in the wind.

She walked up the steps and looked at the large doors then stepped into a world

of beauty and magic looking at the overhead artwork.



Cardinal Jaime Groer stood by the window and looked down into the

square smoking his pipe. His greenish eyes picked out the slower walk of the old

man Roberto Sindona as he made his way through throngs of ant like people and

feeding pigeons. He glanced at his watch and noted that it was two fifty five then

picked up the phone and punched in four numbers.

Hallo Paul. Yes when Roberto Sindona come in through the door I would like

you to bring him directly to my office and once he gets here I have no wish to be

disturbed by anyone and that includes phone calls. Do you understand?

Good. As soon as possible please.

He set the phone down and walked to his desk and took off the red ribbon on a

thick file and opened it. The Cardinal read what he could before the door was

knocked twice.


As the door opened he stood up and waited, pushing his glasses in place on his

nose. Roberto was shown in by a young priest who nodded towards the Cardinal

and left closing the door over quietly.

Roberto stood looking at Cardinal Groer then smiled. I have never been up here

before and I must say I am impressed. You wanted to see me?

Yes. Please sit.

Roberto went to the chair in front of the desk and sat down then looked across at

the possible next Pope.

How long have we been friends Roberto?

The old man frowned thinking. Twenty one years and two months I think.

The Cardinal nodded and relit his pipe and then laughed.

A long time Roberto is it not?


Roberto shrugged now feeling uneasy. I guess so. Is there something wrong with

my work?

The green eyes held his gaze and when the Cardinal spoke it was almost a

whisper. No. Your work is first class and in fact outstanding. As you are well

aware Roberto I am close to the Holy Father and I hear and see things that no

one else does in here. I also read very well and am well versed in Vatican and

Church business. I have some bad news for you Roberto and it is to do with your

young friend, the past Father Gerry Kelly.

Roberto's heart beat faster and he waited watching the younger man across the

desk, his friend for many years and now was telling him about Kelly.

I am sorry to inform you Roberto; your young friend was murdered and

dumped in the desert. He had been shot but not before he went through a lot of

pain and fear. Though he gives up his calling he was well respected.

Roberto nodded and watched the blue smoke curling around the red cap on the

Cardinal's head.

But then Roberto you already knew this before I told you and you also knew

what he was working on while here and the main reason why he left the


The old man licked his lips and the Cardinal's eyes narrowed. Would you like a

drink, some wine, something much stronger perhaps?

Yes. Please. A whiskey if you have it?

Cardinal Groer pushed back the chair and went to a cabinet and opened it.

Roberto watched as he poured a large whisky into a shining crystal glass then

walked back and set it before him.

How much do you know about all this Jaime, asked the old man and taking a

gulp of his whiskey.


The Cardinal slumped into his chair again and sighed. A good deal Roberto and

after we got word that Monseigneur Carlos Du-Pont is also dead the trusted in

the Vatican city who are trying to do something about the sex child abuse scandal

people are becoming very frightened including myself if you want to know the

truth. The Holy Father is also frightened though he will not admit it but I know

him and I know when he is jumpy. Right now he is frightened also as you should


Roberto took a smaller sip of his drink and looked at his close friend across the

table. He had never seen him rattled like this before in all the years he had

known him.

Do you think that is because many of these cases that were reported and have

been reported are in fact true? asked the old man watching the Cardinal


Is the Pope a Christian! snapped back the Cardinal then added, At least

eighty present of the cases are true and from all over the world from Europe, the

UK, Ireland, Africa, India and North and South America. The Bishops of those

countries have been informed to do something about it, the Church Banks are

paying out millions of dollars to shut the mouths of victims and offenders, the

thirty pieces of silver in fact as in the Bible. The Church is also paying out vast

amounts of money to Catholic Officials and that includes high ranking police

officers and politicians. We have a great cancer Roberto and it is spreading.

Here inside the Vatican I trust very few people with what I know and what

should be known. Two of these trusted people are now dead.

Roberto nodded then said in a quiet voice. What is to be done then?

Cardinal Jaime Groer slammed his hand hard on the desk top his face red and

he stood up, removed his glasses then wiped his face with a handkerchief.

Roberto watched him as he walked to the window that looked down over the


He spoke to Roberto with his back to him. They have to be stopped and pay the

price for the pain and distress they have caused the victims and their families

and without doubt removed from the Church and all Church business. None of

this sexual abuse is new Roberto because it has been going on for many, many

years. In many ways if you take the numbers of lives destroyed, the murders of

children and adults, the rape of women including young nuns worldwide by

priests and Bishops, by officials of the Church who were trusted, then my dear

friend it is on the same scale at what happened to the Jews in the Second World

War. It is in its own right a crime against humanity.

Roberto coughed lightly and said, At lease we, you, know some of the victims

my friend. Names times dates of the abuse and also the names of the people

involved. Gerry Kelly and your friend, Carlos Du-Pont was working on these

together, made files I am told but even with that there will be major gaps in what

information they gained.

The Cardinal turned and wiped his eyes and looked across the room at his friend

Roberto. Not any more Roberto.

Meaning what my friend?

There is a copy of a folder of all this nasty business which I have called

'WHISPERS' and I obtained by means which I will not say but all the

information to date in this folder is true. It has a red ribbon on it and I keep it in

my own safe. My memory is not as it used to be Roberto and I have it seems

mislaid it. Of course if it fell into the wrong hands then I am a dead man walking

but if it fell into the right hands and it kicked started a major investigation

outside of this office and the Vatican? If you would excuse me for a moment I

need to go to the wash room.

Roberto was stunned as he watched his friend go across the room and open a

small door and go inside. He looked at the desk and stood up then walked slowly

around it and looked down at the brown folder marked Whispers'

Without opening it he took it back to his chair and slipped it into his computer

bag and finished his drink just as the Cardinal came back into his office.

I have another appointment Roberto so if you could excuse me. Give my best

wishes to your wife and maybe soon we will be able to talk about something more

pleasant the next time we meet.

Roberto knew the interview was over, stood up, shook hands and walked to the

door. It opened and the same young priest was standing there smiling at him.

Oh! Roberto?

The old man turned and looked at the Cardinal. Yes?

It would be a good idea to continue with the Greek text of course and tell your

young friend that the Holy Father and I would like to meet her someday. Her

views on old Hebrew text may be of use.

Roberto smiled sadly and nodded. Thank you. God go with you.

And with you Roberto.

As the door closed behind him Roberto felt a great sadness descend over him as

he followed the young priest to the lift.

Inside the lift the young man smiled at Roberto. He is a good man.

I know. Always has been. Can you direct me from here to the Manuscript

department as I was supposed to start work at three?

The priest nodded. I will take you back to where I met you at the front door.

Roberto smiled. You look after him well I see. Make sure he gets some rest and

please be careful.

The young man frowned and stopped looking at Roberto. Careful?

Yes my boy, for in this place, the wolves are always watching and waiting as

they have done for over a thousand years, the children of dark places and darker

thoughts. What is your name?

Father Paul McCloskey. You are known to me sir and I know of your work here

and elsewhere.

Roberto shot him a sharp glance and then smiled. McCloskey? Irish?

Bit of both in fact as my father was Irish and my mother from Scotland. I was

born in Edinburgh .My own father died many years ago and then when I became

a priest for some reason I was sent here which I like. I studied Greek and Latin

so they thought I would be useful and Gods will I guess.

Of course and thank you. You know of course what has happened to Gerry


Yes. I know. Gerry and I were good friends and worked together here at times.

Roberto stopped and looked at the young man. Indeed what did you work on


Paul McCloskey smiled sadly. How to rid the Church of vermin, sir.

Roberto grunted, I know my way from here. Goodbye.

Father McCloskey nodded and turned away, his footsteps making echoes of the

walls and as Roberto stepped out into the sunlight he felt fear and excitement as

he passed through the gates and back into the square.

Work could wait, he thought hurrying towards the direction of the Sistine

Chapel, Viale Vaticano, glad it was not summer because even now he was

rubbing shoulders with tourists of all kinds, many of them sporting cameras like

pressmen and women. It would be much worse in the summer he thought

bumping into a large woman with glasses. She glared at him and as he went by

and he thought if looks could kill he would be a dead man. He stopped as he felt

dizzy and then grunted as pain hit him, his left arm tingling and he staggered

towards the doorway of the chapel, his vision coming and going. Roberto made

the steps and darkness closed around him.

Rebecca came out of the Sistine Chapel and blinked in the sunlight and

was now aware of a small group of people coming towards a prone man on the

steps. She blinked again and icy fear closed around her because she now could

see the face of Roberto, his eyes closed and face twisted in pain. She rushed down

the steps and pushed through. Get out of my way Im a medic and this is my

friend!. She bent over Roberto and knew that he had either had a heart attack

or a stroke. Roberto! Come you must stay with me!

He opened his eyes and smiled up at her then grunted in pain. Grasping her right

arm he said in a whisper as she bent over him. Take my bag and dont let it out

of your sight Rebecca because I got what you needed. Tell my wife that I

His body went into shuddering spasms and Rebecca clung to him looking around

the faces for some sort of help. Ring for an ambulance or Emergency services!

Two young police officers pushed through the crowd and one said softly to

Rebecca in English, They are on their way. Please trust me and I know he is

your friend but I need to work on him. Here, take his bag and hold it. Quickly!

He thrust the bag at Rebecca and went on to carry out compressions while his

partner helped. Rebecca slung the bag over her shoulder and stood back waiting

while in the distance she could hear the Claxton alarms of the Emergency

Services approaching.

Robertos face was grey now and the lips were purple and in horror Rebecca

watching a priest move into the area and kneel beside him and started to prey,

his words in Latin reaching her ears. She looked around her for someone to

explain what the priest was doing but all eyes were on the body of Roberto and

the two police officers working on him.

Rebecca stood outside the Emergency Room of the San Camillo Hospital

smoking her third cigarette waiting for Robertos wife and Simon Jaffa to arrive.

She was grateful to the two police officers who found her number on his phone

and dialled her informing her that her husband had been taken to the hospital.

While they were doing that from the hospital Rebecca had slipped into the toilet

in the waiting area and looked in Robertos bag leaving the laptop but removing

the large file and placing it in her own bag then went back outside again and

handed the laptop to the two police officers.

She had seen many dead people in her time on earth but seeing Roberto dead

and relaxed un-nerved her and she had to face his wife now. Jaffa would be a

better go between she thought, flicking away the butt end into the bushes.

She knew the Emergency doctors would tell her everything and then there would

first be shock then tears then anger and she did not want to be around when that

happened. Heart attacks happen and some of them fatal, she thought planning

her next move.

She watched the taxi pull in and Jaffa get out, nod towards her then open the

back door of the car and helped Robertos wife out who then rushed through the

doors and was lost from site. He came over looking grim and spluttered out, the

smell of wine on his breath. What happened?

She lit another cigarette and blew smoke in the air before answering. God

pulled the plug on him Simon and I need you to stay with her as long as she

needs you then see she gets home and get some sleep because right now you look

like shit.

Simon Jaffa looked angry now and his face was ugly. You really are a cold

hearted bitch Rebecca because right now that woman in there needs another

woman to talk to and you want to fuck off and do your Laura Croft bit and leave

me to pick up the pieces. Your father and my boss is going to have my balls when

he finds out you pissed off without me and I was lying drunk back there!

She looked at him and nodded. True but he wont find out from me and I got

what I needed from Roberto so I move on and that means without you.

My team is flying in right now and I will meet them at the airport so I need to go

and go now. Your job is finished with me but not with Robertos wife so sort it

otherwise I will ring home and youre in deep shit boy!

And I tell your father what if he asks? That I am looking after the window of

his best friend and you are gone?

Correct and give him my love. I must go so I will take a taxi to the airport and

sort out our transport there for the team. I have your number if I need you.

She walked away from him feeling guilty and angry at the same time because she

had left Simon Jaffa holding the emotional can.

One moment Rebecca! he shouted after her and walking towards her his face

like stone. He held up a small package in his right hand.


This came to my bookshop today and my assistant rang me about it. Told me it

had come from Israel, had your name on it and had been delivered in person.

Thought you might need them.



She took the small package and looked at him frowning and puzzled. When I

left you at Robertos place his wife said you were sleeping, drunk or both so how

come you got the package?

He smiled back at her. My assistant brought them to the restaurant an hour

before we got the bad news and here I am. Anything else Rebecca?

She was about to walk away then stopped and looked at him. Thank you and I

mean that. Look after her and pay any bills that need paying in there.

Ok. Who tells your dad about this financial arrangement Rebecca?

She studied him for a moment and softened a little. Do you need some money


No and I will take care of it as I am sure your father will understand. Maybe

someday we can meet and have a drink together and start again?

Maybe. Take care. she muttered and turned away wishing he was not looking

like a puppy that has just been told off.

She slipped the package into her bag next the folder she had taken from

Robertos bag and muttered to herself. No we have the missing pieces and all we

have to do is fit them together if we can.

She took the paper and sighed it paid by card and then looked at the

man in behind the desk and said, I think that will be in order and a months rent

in advance. Is it far out of Rome.

The man shook his head and smiled placing the money in the drawer and the

sighed document in a folder. Half and an hour from the airport, and hour from

the city centre and on its own with wooded hills. If you decide to stay longer

please let me known as soon as possible as I may be able to rent it to others for

the summer.

He pushed two sets of keys over to her, his long fingers lingering over the keys

and she reached out and took them looking him in the eyes. Thank you and

please can you tell me where I can now get a taxi to get to the airport?

Across the road in the Rank and they are lined up for business because at the

moment it not many tourists here. Later you might have to wait if it was


She was about to leave then asked him, Can I have a receipt please for the cash

as my firm insists on it?

Where you go? asked the fat taxi driver with a daffodil stuck in his cap

taking Rebeccas small rucksack and reaching for her shoulder bag.

Ciampino Airport please and I will hold onto my bad thank you, she said

slipping the strap of the bag over her head. How far is it?

He placed the rucksack in the boot and took off his cap and rubbed his bald head

frowning. Lady, I would say between twenty to twenty five kilometres and the

way I drive you will be there within one hour but I drive safe not kill you

otherwise I dont get paid.

She nodded and got into the back of the taxi and he slammed the door. She

waited till he got in and started up then took the ipod out of her bag and slipped

the earphones on and closed her eyes.

The taxi driver looked at her in his rear view mirror, shrugged and took off at

speed into the traffic horn pumping at other drivers to let him into the moving


By the time the taxi reached the airport drop off the sun was sinking into the

west and Rebecca was awakened by the roar of an aircraft taking off over her

head. She blinked and reached for the earphones tugging them off and almost

reached under her coat for the small pistol but seen the look on the taxi mans

face and stopped.

You pay me now please, he said then I release latch on the door and you get

out but must be quick as I allowed only two minutes stop.

Rebecca paid him and give him a tip then looked him in the eyes. Now please

get out and open the boot and I will get my other bag.

For a moment he hesitated then shrugged and got out went to the back of his car

and took out her bag setting it on the footpath.

Thanks. You have a nice day ya hear, she said in the best New York accent she

could muster, reached down and lifted the rucksack and walked off smiling to


Jenny, Suzy, and Ali were all inside the Arrivals Lounge sitting on seats their

bags at their feet and Rebecca looked at her watch and muttered to them.

Youre early and sorry about that. Have a good trip?

Jenny stood up and looked at Rebecca her face like stone. Is that all you got to


Welcome to Rome better?

How about Welcome to Rome Jenny and the rest and I have the transport all

ready and waiting, a nice place to stay and a shower and food waiting for us

when we get there?, Jenny snapped back.

Sure. Whatever so lets go. I hired a five seat car and the villa is at a place called

Lago Di Cava and at the edge of a lake and booked for a month, up a private

lane and no other houses in site.

Jenny nodded and looked at Suzy and Ali, You heard her so which one of you

two are driving?


Suzy looked at Ali and Ali looked at Molly. Better let Suzy drive I guess as my

foot wont feel the pedals but I will navigate if that is ok. Where do we pick up

the car because we brought all the gear?

Rebecca looked at the bags and sighed. Molly, where is she?

Molly? Ah yes now I remember, said Jenny looking at Suzy and Ali. She is

the one that is the tramp, too much make up and loves to play with computers.

Someone you thought should stay back in HQ?

Rebeccas eyes went wide in shock. Dont, please dont tell me she did not


Right behind you bright eyes and rearing to go

Rebecca swung around there was Molly standing with her rucksack and a large

pull bag smiling.Everyone laughed except Rebecca who took from her bag and

thrust the wrapped CDs at her then took out the folder and pushed it into her


You have the jig saw puzzle now and all three parts so put it together when we

get to the villa. Come on lets find the car.

Ali studied the map they had bought at the airport and sighed. All the areas

towns and cities are written in Italian. We are going to have to work with land

marks to map.

Jenny almost laughed out loud. Ali the moon is out as are the stars but it dark

out there. You dont speak or read Italian do you?

Nope but I know Birmingham talk and language so it cant be all that hard.

Anyone here know the lingo? asked Jenny hopefully looking at the faces in the

car. Everyone shook their heads and looked at her waiting.

We did not think of that did we? she hissed at them then added, Lets use the

map and the stars as a compass. The moon comes up in the east like the sun and

has been by the look of it up an hour now so behind us is east and we need to

move SW to S to reach the road that will take us to Ciampino. That will be on the

drivers right so that is what we do. Somewhere there has to be a place to stop for

food and a pee and that is when we will sort it out. Someone there will be able to

speak English.

Maybe we will meet some Japanese tourists and I can ask them for directions,

mumbled Suzy trying to look hopeful. After all I am Japanese so I speak their


Ali laughed and slapped her wooden leg. Japanese tourists who speak and read

Italian, can read a map that is written in Italian and know the country like the

back of their hands in the dark! That is a Wow!

Jenny smiled and then laughed. Maybe we should just stop at some village and

ask at priest the way and as Molly has Latin, close to everyday Italian we will get


What if the so called priest is? said Molly and was interrupted by Jenny.

Dont go there Molly as I want one good nights sleep then we go to work bright

and early tomorrow!

Molly coughed loudly and every one turned and looked at her. Hate to say this

folks but as I was rushed at the last moment I never got a chance to bring you all

up to par because Interpol has been in touch and were are now in the wrong


Wrong place and so what the hell are you saying Molly? snapped Jenny, her

face like a thundercloud. Where should we be right now if we are to continue

our investigation in to these priests?

Florence, Italy like north of here and a long drive because up there we have a

nest of vipers and I got a red and yellow notice on a few of them. Not all but it

seems that a good number are sent away and some are no longer priests but they

have been placed around the foothills and live there.

Jenny rubbed her face, Suzy rolled her eyes and Rebecca grunted. Ali said

meekly, making a face. Maybe we should just find a hotel, any hotel, have food,

a shower then a sleep and sort it out in the morning?

How long have you had this information Molly? whispered Jenny her voice ice

cold and sounding dangerous.

Seven minutes in all because it came in on my mobile when I switched it on.

Internet message was it?said Ali trying to take the heat out of the conversation

between Jenny and Molly.

Yes. It flashed up and I read it but it came from Interpol here in Italy. Someone

called Tony Fusco who is with the Childrens Department. I had put in a request

two days ago for any knowledge within Interpol of priests on the run or suspect

in sexual abuse. Also any males or females from the UK and Ireland that are not

clergy who are suspect. Here the list is not long but there are a few.

Ok so we first go to the Villa that Rebecca set up, if we can find it, then we eat if

we can find anywhere to eat, shower and go to bed. Tomorrow we cancel the

villa, have a morning meeting and fly up to Florence and meet this Fusco

chappie. Jenny waited and then said, Time to speak up now or forever hold

your peace.

No one said anything and then all jumped as the side window was knocked hard

and the face of Simon Jaffa was showing concern.

Rebecca whispered under her breath, Oh no not him!

You know this strange person Rebecca?asked Suzy staring at Simon face to


Yes. He works for my dad and he has been of help in a roundabout way so lets

see what he wants.

They got out of the car and stood looking hard at Simon Jaffa, Rebecca with her

hands on her hips and eying the long bag he was holding. Well Simon what can

I, we do for you because we are in a hurry to get to a place called Lago Di Cava.

Oh! Is that right. Your father said that you might need some tools and ordered

me directly to make sure you had them. As for driving to Lago Di Cava you need

to go out the airport gates, turn right till you come to the second roundabout,

turn left again and you are on the main road for it. Ten kilometres down the


Rebecca held out her hand for the bag and almost dropped it because of the

weight then staggered to the car and opened the boot dropping the bag in and

slamming it shut. She turned back to Simon. Thank my father and thank you

for coming with the tools as you say. You can go now.

Simon flushed red then licked his lips and nodded. He was about to walk off

when Jenny stopped him. Do you speak Italian?

Of course I speak Italian, Hebrew, Spanish and English.

Good so get in the car and the rest of you. To the villa and food.

Simon tried to protest but Rebecca almost shouted at him. Do as my Director

said Simon and after all you were told to protect me so protect me.

Jenny looked at Rebecca open mouthed. Protect you?

But I dont have an overnight bag! muttered Simon holding up both hands.

Sleep nude and I will buy you a toothbrush and a razor so get in the car now! ,

snapped Rebecca opening the back door and nodding towards it.

They all got in and Jenny nodded at Rebecca and smiled. Good call that.

With the enforced help from Simon they drove for an hour and stopped in the

village for a quick meal and some wine. The villa was less than a mile away and

remote so Jenny was pleased with it when they got there. Once inside no one

wasted much time with a shower then bed and Jenny was the last to go.

Outside somewhere in the darkness a dog howled as she turned off the lights

except for the one in the hallway.

Her room was sparse and the way she liked it with a bed, built in wardrobe,

small bedside table with a lamp and a bamboo chair.

She laid back in the bed her eyes open, mind racing of all the events that had

unfolded in the last thirty six hours and was concerned that maybe the time had

come to recruit more field staff and a backup in the UK to keep things moving.

She knew that as far as the office staff was concerned Calypso was on top of that

but she lacked field knowledge and right now the CODEX COMPLEX LABS

were empty though the computers would be running on auto that they could tap

into if needed.

Jenny was churning up inside because though there was plenty of funding from a

black slush fund she needed to match results to money spent if it ever came up.

Back in the UK the cut backs across the board from Government sources was

biting hard and she did not know if the Codex Project would die a financial

death in the future. So far there were no hints to her that funding would be cut

because as she knew the Codex Project was not on record on any Governmental

Department and liked to Interpol as a front and much needed cooperation from


Her thoughts tuned into the children missing and dead and for a moment she

almost went into panic mode because victims and suspects were still out there.


Jenny tossed and turned, dreams coming and going and suddenly she was wide

awake sweat running off her and she sat up with a start then switched on the

light. She glanced at her watch, her heart beating a tattoo in her chest and could

see it was the hour of the wolf, 4.00am. Quickly she climbed out of the bed and

shuffled to the toilet then ambled into the kitchen, surprised the light was on.

Ali was standing with both hands on each side of the sink and her head down

sobbing. She looked up at Jenny and wiped the tears away then forced a smile.

Time of the month she muttered and looked out into the darkness turning her

back on Jenny who now closed the door over gently and folded her arms across

her chest.

What else is it Ali?

She looked at Jenny and fought back tears then shook her head and smiled.

Im fucked up Jenny real and truly because besides feeling useful here and

doing my job I have this dream that was not a dream and here I am in the

kitchen trying to work it out, like my head has bats or birds inside it!

Jenny smiled and went to the chair and sat down looking at Ali.

Was it the bomb flashback or just a dream?

Not the bomb Jenny, something I feel is a bit worse like as if I am slowly losing

my head, scrambled brain and seeing things.

Like what?, Jenny demanded but already knowing what was coming.

A child in a red coat and a girl and she was outside the bedroom window just

standing there smiling at me when I looked out!

Jenny froze then nodded. Shes back so I guess we will have company for a

time. Dont worry because whoever she is or was she wont harm you.

Alis mouth fell open in surprise. You know about her and you know off her?

And the others who also turn up from time to time, missing and dead children

though they tend to appear near a crime scene, like in a wood or field.

When it first happened to me I was sure that I was losing the plot and was ready

to sign myself into a mental ward but thanks to Sam Deacon that did not


Ali came away from the kitchen sink and flopped into a chair across from Jenny,

her good leg bent and the other out straight at an angle. This girl, ghost call it

what you may what did she look like?

Jenny laughed harshly, Small, thin, dark hair and eyes, a red coat with a hood

and a smile that would light up a room.

Her eyes Jenny what colour were they?, Ali demanded

Jenny frowned then said, Brown of course and a dark brown at that. Why?

Ali bit her lip. She did not have eyes Jenny when she looked at me and that is

what set me on the crazy road and thinking. No eyes, just holes where they

should have been and smiling in at me.

Oh shit Ali! Are you sure that you were not mistaken about the any eyes bit?

Ali rubbed her face then looked across at Jenny. Observation is one of my very

strong points Jenny and it is what I am good at. She had no eyes and except for

that it seems it is the same girl in red that you know.

Jenny stood up and went to the half bottle of red wine, found two glasses and

filled each of them, handing one to Ali.

Cheers and get that down you Ali. At least you know now that youre not crazy.

More to the point I know I am not crazy. But it does not help much.

True but what does this girl, ghost got to do with what we are doing here


Jenny walked to the kitchen window and looked out into the darkness then

turned and looked hard at Ali.

At the moment I dont know but I do know that when she turns up she always

does when there are dead children telling her to do so and she asks for help.

That is what happen in the Jones case in Wales and in many ways she sort of

guided us to a deserted farm that the killer used to hide bodies. Suzy was on that

case and she found the remains and this Garth Jones was also involved with a

local clergyman who was an abuser. All I know that she would at times come in

the night but not always showing herself but whispered words, half sentences

that helped us. I cant explain why it happen and why only a few of us see her.

That is creepy Jenny because seeing her was bad enough but her whispering in

my ear would have sent me over the top of the cuckoos nest into the arms of men

in white coats and a strait jacket.

You may get used to it Ali. It still startles me but once the shock is over the

heart does not race and in time the fear goes. Like I said not everyone on the

team can see her and in many ways that is good.

Her got a name Jenny?

Jenny shot Ali a look and nodded. Not knowing who she really is I have called

her Swami G because she comes from another life, another time and another age.

Maybe in time she will have peace if we find the remains. Her remains that is

Ali stood and walked passed jenny patting her on the shoulder and said in a

whisper. Thanks. I dont feel better but I do feel that as you know about her as

well I can live with her, it.

Jenny smiled then sighed and waited till the door closed over. Swami G it seems

for reasons unknown to me and only you know you are part of my team. No pay

of course but I can use you.


I know and I will be in touch. Why has she only one leg?

It was not a whisper just an implanted thought and Jenny jumped and looked

around the kitchen. Youre here arent you?

Yes I am standing at the back door but you have not answered my question?

Bad people left a bomb and it went off and Ali lost her leg. Others were killed

and two were children. That is all I can tell you. What is your real name because

at the moment I call you Swami G?

Real name? I dont really know because I have four but I think my last one was

Alice. What does Swami G mean?

It is a Hindi name from India I think and my old yoga teacher was called that so

I thought you would like it.

Except for the light dripping of the tap there was silence and then Jenny

whispered, Are you there still?

Yes but not for long as I fading. Swamiis nice. Look in the olive grove, the old

onebig stone in middlegreybonesmany boneshidden bones of children

and the bad man. The Monster is part of a Rose

Silence again then Jenny walked back to her bedroom and felt drained. What did

Monster mean and part of a Rose? How can I sleep, she thought climbing back

into the warm bed and how can I dream nice dreams again?

She was dragged into sleep quickly and when dawn did come it was bright and

cheerful with early spring sunshine and birds singing. Jenny turned her head

away from the brightness of the window and the door was knocked. Come in.

Molly came in with a mug of coffee and smiled. Better drink it fast boss because

we have incoming satellite mail from Calypso and that guy with the ice cream

name sent another email with another attachment. It is not all good news. He is

English it seems born in Oxford, joined the Met then went to Interpol.

Jenny took a sip of her coffee and looked up at Molly. And what else?

And he is blind or shall we say, partially sighted to use the right PC Process. His

main job is profiler and from what I can gather he is good at it but he cant see

colours or faces because everything is black and white and blurred.

Jenny grunted her, voice tight. Just what we need, another lame duck That is

just great!

Molly glared at her and snapped back, How can you say that Jenny or are you

forgetting that Ali almost got killed doing her duty to the ungrateful public and

when I first met you in the pub and afterwards, Sam Deacon and I had to be

there for you getting you back into shape because your fucking head had gone

for a walk!

Jenny felt anger welling up and looked at Mollys contorted face then took in

what Molly just said and sighed. Sorry about that remark and your right, I

forgot what you and Sam did for me and also what Ali lost. Going to be a shit

day right?

Only if you let it, so get professional Lady Boss and get your knickers on as we

are all ready to eat and have the meeting.

Before Jenny could rise to the bait Molly had gone out of the bedroom slamming

the door hard behind her.

Jenny winced at the noise and took a long drink of her coffee then slipped out of

bed and headed for the shower dropping clothes behind her as she walked and

muttered to herself, So you want me to be professional do you well lets see if

you all can take. Sometimes Molly you cross the line.

She snapped on the shower tap and steeped under it and gasped as cold water hit

her warm skin, fiddled with the nob and tried to find hot water flow but all she

got was colder. So its cold water, she gasped then added breathlessly,

Frankly I dont give a damn Scarlet!

She stepped out fast grabbed the towel and wrapped it around, smiling.

They were all waiting sitting around the long table and Jenny sat down feeling

refreshed casting a look at Molly who was sitting with her computer on and

munching on cheese. In front of her to her right were bread and cheese and a

mug of coffee.

Ok Molly so what do we have that came in? she asked with more confidence

than she felt right now and her stomach was full of butterflies.

Molly looked up at her, the sky blue eyes large and bright. You want Fusco or

the long one from Calypso first?

Calypso please and cut to the chase because we have a busy day ahead.

Molly grunted, This is the attachment so I will read it off.

Ref; taking care of business.

There are number of points that came up since you were away and feel may need

you attention Director. First off I have had someone from the Coroners Office in

Shrewsbury, a Mr Thomas Black who wants to inform you that the skulls and bone

remains were not all male that were discovered under the railway platform in

plastic bags. One was a female aged around twenty to thirty years of age and had

not showed signs of death like the others. Youre Dr. Suzy La did in fact pass all the

details onto the State Pathologist however she did not do the PM and there was no

way of her knowing that inside the female skull there were fragments of a .22 long

rifle bullet discovered later. The ballistics database could not shed any light on the

bullet fragments therefore it is not known if it was fired from a handgun or a small

bore rifle.

It took some time to discover a name for the female victim from known dental

records and she has now been formally ID as Marie De Sol, Spanish and worked

with a priest named Father James Dell. We have no trace of him now and he may

well be dead. We have notified the girls family in Barcelona in Spain.

As for the other skulls it seems your suspect one Malcolm Scott was lying about

them being dead priests because all the dental records come back with street people,

homeless people two who were ex-service men and had seen action only to end up

homeless and jobless. Local police are trying to find out more about them and any

family they have.

This man Scott may well have killed all of the victims and in his mental condition

may have thought that they were in fact priests. I would like Dr. Suzy La to forward

on her report on anything she has about the victims or knowledge that may bring

this to a close.

Molly stopped and looked at everyone then added. We have been sold a bum

deal it seems because none of the remains discovered under the railway platform

are linked to priests. End off.

Suzy looked paler than normal. So this Scott man went looking for homeless

people made friends with them one way or the other then murdered them is the

way I see it now. I should point out that there may well be others still

undiscovered but that does not explain the death of the young woman Marie de


Ali rubbed her nose. Depends if he knew her or not and also knew she worked

for a priest then that would be the trigger he needed. Bristol homeless and at

night is a jungle for anyone like Scott. Suggest you pass it onto the Bristol CID

and let us take a step back and get on with the business in hand.

Jenny nodded. I agree with Ali because we have no need to be involved as our

job is cold cases involved in missing and dead children where there may be links

to sexual or other abuse. What else is there Molly?

A PS which reads Lisa and I are doing ok here have paid all the incoming bills,

have answered a few letters on your behalf and fed the cat.

Lets have Tony Fusco from Interpol Molly, muttered Jenny then added, I

suspect we may get updated here on the missing priests.

Oh yes because he too has sent an attachment with his mobile number and

office number on it and he want us to make sure we are aware of what has went

on there and what is going on there.

Which is what? said Jenny making notes and looking at Simon Jaffa

pondering what to do with him now.

Fuscos attachment read thus; Ref your suspects. It would seem that you and

your organization Director Snow have kicked hard a hornets nest in Rome and in

the UK and this has caused some alarm here in Florence and surrounding areas

with officials. Your missing suspects I believe are here as well as ones that are not

on your list but have been posted here over the years up to 2010 due to their

behaviour in the past with children and women. They have been placed in many

villages but your suspects are all in one area, a mountain area twenty kilometres

outside the city in three small villas. I am aware that they are not allowed to

perform any Church duties but the bad news is that some of the local cops are more

than a little friendly with at least two if not more of them, for a price that demands

silence. The State Police however are ok for the most and will stay clear of your

suspects unless there is evidence that they are involved here in sexual abuse of local

children or women.

I should point out that as your team is part of the Interpol family worldwide I

suggest that if you have evidence or get evidence that will stand up in court that you

let myself and others here get and issue the search and arrest warrants

As we have knowledge of the law and police here it might there be advisable for us

all to work together and pool resources in order to build a case.

Except for UK or Irish citizens it will be doubtful you will get much cooperation

from the local police on this matter and there may well be a language barrier as

well as tribal ones as many of the people here are Sicilian family linked, not Mafia,

but have their own code of rules and a strong code of silence when needed. Police

corruption is rife in in the police and with some of the Judges and

I found this out the hard way myself when I first came here and was working as

part of a team investigation the Monster of Florence who shot dead couples at night

in isolated and remote lanes. In the end we had so many suspects, so many arrests

and people locked up that we dont really know who the killer was and is.

On another matter which concerns your own investigation there is some evidence

that street kids have been abused and a number have gone missing in Tuscany in

and around Florence but street kids it seems does not rare high priority from the

local cops thought is a concern to us. At the time of writing I have now on record of

nine missing but there may be more. All are between the ages of ten to fifteen years

old, all female and all from poor families or backgrounds. Two have no known

family links in the area. There may be more than this number and have not been

reported or logged by the local cops which are also a concern. All the girls missing

are of mixed religions or none at all and a good few are from immigrant families. A

major concern to me and my department that deals with child issues is that it has

come to light that foreign male tourists from Germany, Denmark and the UK are

suspected of seeking out and preying on such children though there is no direct

evidence that this is still happening in the last two years.

We all must be aware that evidence of such abuse must be gathered and processed

and if it comes down to UK or Irish citizens and you are here any help you care to

give will be acknowledge fully. Because child abuse is not recorded does not mean it

is not happening and more so against children from poor backgrounds.

There was a long silence in the room and around the table then Rebecca

spoke. It seems folks that we are going to have our work cut out and not going

to get much help doing it.

Ali shot a look across the table at Jenny who met her gaze and then said, We

will I am sure get help in some form from someone or somewhere but yes, I

agree, it is not going to be easy. But we do have options that Interpol dont have

when it comes down to Irish or UK citizens and dealing with them no matter how

much protection they have around them from bent police officers, other officials

and the Church. As Director I direct this team and where it is necessary I will

issue the order in any case that there is evidence of child sexual abuse in any

form to use extreme prejudiced to dealing with this issue should officially anyone

tries to block us in any way.

Simon Jaffa slowly raised his hand and looked balefully at Jenny then asked

meekly, Will I be needed any more here Director Snow?

Jenny looked at Rebecca and shrugged then Rebecca grunted and looked at

Jaffa. You speak and understand Italian dont you?

YesI have..

Then we need you so ring home, ring the bookshop and make arrangement

because you are going to be busy for a while. Tell them you are on an extended

break. Got that and before you answer Jaffa, I outrank you.

Jaffa licked his lips and nodded. Of course and I take it you will inform your

father of my whereabouts?

She smiled sweetly at him. Already have done that Simon this morning at six

am when you were sleepy byes. You snore do you know that? You also talk in

your sleep and some of the words refer to female parts.

No one laughed and all eyes were on Simon Jaffa and they waited.

He shrugged, So I snore and I sleep well and not a big deal Rebecca. As for

talking in my sleep I dont know.

Everyone laughed and even Simon smiled then Jenny said directly to everyone,

One hour from now we move out so be ready and Rebecca you had better

cancel the villa and tell him or her you will leave the keys under a stone or mat to

collect. We drive there and we share the driving and we all need to look in

Simons tool bag to see what goodies are in there, thanks to Rebeccas father.

Take what you need and can use, make sure you have your ID, Passport and

anything on paper that would be of use if we get stopped by police or army.

How are we fixed here by law in carrying firearms?

Simon spoke up. As you are Interpol while you are here you are covered to

carry a personal firearm for protection. Your Interpol ID will be as the law

stands your firearms certificate. As I am not Interpol I cannot therefore carry a


Thinks you! snapped Rebecca and tossed him the small .22 pistol and the two

full magazines. Stick it in your underpants and keep it to the front. Dont have a

round up the spout because if you make a mistake and it goes off at the wrong

time youre dickless my friend.

He glared at her across the table and almost shouted back, Then you will miss

out Miss Hofi wont you?


Rebeccas face was ugly. In your dreams pretty boy and please remember who I


Jenny held up her hands and shouted. Children please!

Everyone stopped and looked at Jenny because they knew she meant business

and the look on her face was stern. This bickering between you has to stop here

and now and for some reason you two are like two wet cats in a bag so get it

sorted. This is a team and we need everyone right now to work as that.

If you dont feel you want to be here to help us in this Mr Jaffa then leave now

and I will pay for the taxi back to the city. Whatever is going on between you two

stops now!

Simon looked at Rebecca who had folded her arms across the ample breasts and

looked straight ahead.

Ill stay and I will help in any way I can Director Snow, said Simon Jaffa.

Good. Right Molly when we get to Florence is there anything else we should

know that is good news?

Two offices have been set aside for us and I am informed in a Memo from Mr

Fusco that it has full communications on site. We also have the use for their

forensic unit if Suzy needs it with full staff and lab facilities. Mr Fusco has also

arranged for us to stay across the road from his office in the hotel Del Tara at the

expense of Interpol as part of a working field team. The news is good about the

communications unit in our offices because I can set up, sort out the data on the

two CDs, import the Vatican Codex data from home and add to it via a laptop or

through their internet. Rebecca has also given me the large file named

Whispers and contains all the info that will link into the Kelly CDs I hope.

On top of that we have the dead priests notebook which I have been working on

but it is slow and time consuming. Unless I have help we are looking at three to

four days at least before I can make any sense of it all.

Jenny looked hard at Simon Jaffa. Can you help Molly, Simon?

He nodded and smiled, the first smile in a long time and then said softly, I will

make arrangements at the bookshop on our way to Florence if that is ok?

Great then we are ready to go. Molly when we get there, an email to Calypso

and keep her up to par. She will also need to check emails twice a day because if

all goes tits up for some reason she is the only one along with Lisa who can help


It was as if new life had been injected into the team and everyone started to get

ready. Jenny had surprised herself and was pleased. The relationship between

Jaffa and Rebecca Hofi still caused her concern.

The Interpol office block was on a corner and shaped like a triangle

with windows looking over two streets and had four stories with sunlight on both

sides throughout the day. While the rest of the team settled in at the hotel Jenny

had walked across the street and in through the doors of the Interpol Area


Two well-armed guards stood inside the doorway, their small sub machine guns

slung on shoulders but with the muzzles pointing in her direction and one of the

men, the older one held out his hand and said in good English, Pass please


He took it and looked at her then nodded to a small area with leather bound

chairs and a large sofa surrounded by real plants that had been cared for.

Please Director Snow take a seat and I will inform Mr Fusco that you are here.

Jenny walked over to the sofa and sunk into it, the smell of leather around her.

She was very aware of the two cameras that had followed her one in the front

and one at the side. There were three glossy magazines on a small table and she

picked one up and though it was in Italian the pictures looked good.

She was on the third page of the magazine when she sensed rather than heard

someone beside her and she looked up at a youngish man with sunglasses on and

dressed in a grey business suit. To Jenny right at that moment he was the most

handsome man she had ever met.

Director Stone I take it?

Jenny stood and took the outstretched hand and it felt warm and hard.

We just got in and I thought before I settle in I thought I should call and let you

know we are on site Mr Fusco.

He smiled and Jenny noted that it was a real and not a stage smile.

May I call you Jenny if I may and you called me Tony please?

Yes I would like that and it breaks the ice. By the way it is Director Snow not

Stone Tony.

He laughed and shook his head. Put my foot in it again. Sorry.

She shrugged and smiled. It happens at times. I have been called worse in the

past. Look Tony lets cut to the chase as we say and right now, tomorrow

morning I will have the first names for you and I will need arrest warrants for

the people listed. Can you arrange that?

He nodded his face grim. You dont waste much time do you?

It is something I dont have much off and right now all my main field workers

are here with me so I will need some help and somewhere to hold the people

concerned before we take them back to the UK.


Tony held up his hand. Wow! Hold on there because you have forgotten that

they may not want to go back to the UK to stand trial and to get extradition

warrants here may take months to get and more so if the Church is protecting

any of the suspects. A few of them might even be citizens of Italy now for all we


Jenny frowned and looked hard at Tony Fusco, head of the Interpol Childrens

Division and muttered softy, We can try and if we cant get them out then they

can stay here, undiscovered for all time, but no longer a danger to children here

or anywhere else.

Meaning what Jenny?

She stood up her face like stone. As fertilizer for an olive grove or a vine yard if

need be.

You cant do!

Yes I can, I will and I will take them down one way or the other Tony and you

or no one else except God will stop me.

Tony Fusco sighed deeply and rubbed his face then, Jenny this is not the Wild

West. It is Florence and the police here and the courts will not stand for it so I

should warn you that if anything comes unstuck and your team is linked to it,

we, I will back away from it. By that I dont mean arrests by us or you but dead

bodies I dont want on my patch!

Jenny nodded. That is fair enough and I will respect that but we must be able to

protect ourselves if we feel our lives are at risk and that may mean we will have

to draw out firearms to do so.

That is correct and if you draw your firearms you must declare yourself and

shout a warning to a suspect and its not Draw! or pull a Dirty Harry on me.

Jenny laughed. Ok. Guess you have made your point and I will see you in the

morning all being well. Thank you for pointing out the finer details of law and

disorder here and I will pass it onto my team.

Tony Fusco looked grim then said, Why do I get a bad feeling about this entire

operation Jenny?

She shrugged. Just a bad feeling thats all so we will see you tomorrow Tony.

He nodded then, I was going to offer you coffee or maybe a glass of wine?

Jenny stopped and looked at him. When this is all over Tony then maybe but

right now I have to work late and need a clear head as does all my team. Thank

you all the same and I am sure you will understand.

He bowed from the waist and said. Of course Jenny. Till tomorrow then.

Outside she sucked in fresh air and walked across the street aware that Tony was

watching her and for a moment she almost smiled. Her mind raced and she

pushed open the door and into the hotel lobby. As she was about to get into the

lift she looked to her left and could see a man in a suit sitting reading a local

newspaper but became alert when she noticed it was upside down. She made a

mental note of his appearance and stepped into the lift and pressed her floor

button. Whoever he was he was not very good at it, she thought as the doors slid


She met Rebecca walking back from her room and stopped her. Man

downstairs, Arab looking dark suit and no hat reading a newspaper. He might be

one of Fuscos boys or he might just be a hotel lobby fly. Check it out.

Sure. On my way boss.

Rebecca stepped into the lift and Jenny looked around her because right now she

was not feeling very safe.



Simon Jaffa looked at the dawn, his body still damp from the shower and he felt

concern as he looked across the street at the Interpol office where he and the

others would be working from. The word from Israel was not good and he was

aware that Rebecca and he could be called back due to the political unrest in

Syria, Libya and rumblings from other Gulf States.

Hamas would side with Syria and without doubt if that happened then Israel

would be on a major war footing with some fingers twitching to push buttons

and out of fear rather than defence. What came out of Damascus two hours ago

was not good which would panic many Jews once they knew. Those that did

know were sweating blood and making arrangements along Israels borders.

He jumped when he felt a warm breath on his right shoulder and turned around

fast seeing very close up, the face of Rebecca.

She smiled at him and clapped softly looking at his body. Your reactions are

good Simon I will say that but you left the bedroom door unlocked so it was easy

to get in.

He shrugged. So you are here and what do you want now?

Maybe your body if I was that way inclined because I can see your wellin

good shape but I just thought we could have breakfast together. I take it you had

a posting from Israel and the Syrian unrest?

Yes and we might be called back in a hurry or had you forgot that?

Rebeccas eyes blazed for a second and then she smiled a sad smile back at him

nodding. Yes I knew that and would not be looking forward to it because there

would be a war and as far as Israel is concerned we can no longer count on the

USA, the UK or Europe backing us up on a war. We would lose Israel for good.

Simon picked up a towel and put it around him. The Crying Game again, he

muttered walking to the bed and started to get dressed not looking at Rebecca.

He could hear her walking to the window that he had been at before and knew

she was thinking hard. When he stood up dressed she was still there, but her

head out of the open window blowing smoke into the morning air.

Im ready Rebecca, muttered Simon from the doorway slipping on a coat.

She did not turn but he could now see that she was sobbing quietly and he tuned

and left the room, closing the door softly but not locking it.

On his way to the lift he found something out about his Directors daughter, she

was human after all.

The lift door opened and he stepped into it only becoming aware of the two men

inside as the doors closed over and he nodded just as a small pistol was placed to

his head by one of them.

He froze and the lift went up rather than down and he fought panic looking at

one man but aware of the other with the pistol on his right side.

What do you want? he asked licking his lips and keeping his eyes on the small

man in front of him.

The man he could see smiled showing bad teeth. You, very dead my friend

then nodded once and the last thing Simon Jaffa seen and heard was a blinding

flash then blackness and a ping as the lift stopped on the tenth floor.


Rebecca pressed the lift button and stood watching as the lift passed

floor numbers and then it stopped and with a hiss the door slid open. She just

stood in shock as what she had just seen did not look like the face of Simon Jaffa

because of the blood. Rebecca swallowed and went in, pressed the button for the

ground floor and as the lift started up she felt for a pulse. There was none but she

was not surprised at that but she was surprised at seeing the smell bullet hole in

the elevator wall where his head would have been. If he had been shot, then at

this range it would have been fatal but a bullet in the head does not splatter

blood all around the crime scene unless a shotgun was used. Someone bashed in

his face and head because of the way his features had collapsed inwards.

She stood, wiped the button panel with her scarf then prayed that no one else

would be waiting on the lift until she got to the floor and out of the lift.

It stopped on the ground floor and Rebecca stepped out and looked around. No

one was about and she waited till the door closed behind her then walked to the

breakfast room looking for Jenny.

Jenny was sitting at the table with Suzy and Ali having breakfast and she sat

down and poured coffee then looked at Jenny.

We have a problem and it is a big one.

Jenny stopped her coffee cup midway to her mouth when she seen the look on

Rebeccas face.

How bad Rebecca? she whispered and felt her stomach heave as she waited.

Simon Jaffa is in the lift and dead. It seems he has been shot then someone went

to work on him with a blunt object and caved in his face and head. I just found

him, check he was in fact dead then came here. That was three minutes ago.

Ali stood and nodded at Suzy to follow and headed straight for the lift in the

lobby. An old man with a Zimmer frame had just pushed the button and the

doors slid open just as Suzy and Ali came to it.

Ali moved forward and got between the old man and the door and muttered,

Police! Move back place! flashing her ID quickly and then closing it in case the

old man could see it was not local police but much more.

Suzy took him gently by the arm and guided him and his frame out of view of the

lift door to a nearby chair. Just sit there sir please. I will get the manager and

also inform the local police.

Stunned the old man just nodded and Suzy joined Ali and looked into the lift her

eyes darting around while Ali stood guarding the door. She turned and said to


By the look of it shot once in the temple then someone mashed his head for

reasons yet unknown. We cant get involved Ali. Lets find the manager or


Ali was shocked at what Suzy said. But he was working with us!

Suzy dragged Ali by the arm. Not officially so lets go.

We need to call the cops then.

Rebecca needs to handle this not us. She is part of it and will know how to

handle it.

You think so Suzy because what I seen at the breakfast table was like someone

who was in shock and that is not like Rebecca.

Suzy looked at Ali. Hate to say this Ali but there was bad blood between them

and that might mean she becomes the number one suspect in his murder as far as

local police are concerned. They will want to talk to her big time.

Ali almost shouted at her. Rebecca is not a killer!


Suzys gaze was free of emotion and her voice more so. Wrong Ali because

Rebecca is a natural killer and good at it. She knows how to cover her tracks and

she knows how to lie and lie well. The CTV cameras will of course show what

happened from the time Simon left his room and went into the lift and in the lift I

suspect there will be a well hidden camera so if she did it then her duck is


Ali grunted. It is her Goose is cooked not duck Suzy!

Duck, fuck who cares! Right now she is in trouble and we are witnesses to that

trouble. The bad news is that they took or she took his entire ID, his pistol and

his money to make it look like a robbery gone wrong. Hate to say this Ali but you

need to get to his room and check it if you can because if he left anything in there

then we need to know.

Ali nodded. Ok. Where are you going now?

She nodded towards the breakfast room and muttered, Let the boss know how

bad it is and set the wheels in motion and get Jenny to bring in Fusco fast.

Ali headed for the lift then stopped when she seen Jaffas feet and the blood

slowly forming a puddle under them. She looked to her left and seen four police

officers heading fast towards the lift with what she took as one of the hotel

employers. She walked to the old man who was still in shock in the seat and sat

down beside him then waited because there was no way she would get to the

room Simon Jaffa spent the night now.

The police officers skidded to a halt and looked into the lift then one spoke fast

into his radio, his eyes darting around the lounge then coming to rest on Ali and

the old man. He nodded and tucked his radio back into his belt and left his

comrades by the lift door then walked quickly and with purpose to where Ali



Three hours later Rebecca Hofi was sitting in a police HQ office in the square of

Florence at a table with a chair on each side of it and a single ashtray on top of

now half filled with butts smoked down to the filter. In one corner high up was a

camera and Rebecca was sure that from the time she came in here till the time

she would leave, if at all, the camera would be active.

Across from her was Captain Vino Meli from CID of the Guardia di Finanza, a

thin man with dark eyes and a shallow face. Standing by the door was an

overweight female police officer from the Polizia di Stato, the local civilian police

and looked bored for the last three hours.

Capt.; Meli snorted across the table and picked up Rebeccas passport waving it

in the air. Tell me again Miss Hofi. What is someone who is Jewish and has a

passport from Israel doing in Florence, in the same hotel that a countryman of

yours was found murdered in a lift and what your relationship was to him?

Rebecca sighed again because she was trained on how to play the game.

I have told the local police from the Polizia di Stato who are not too bright it

seems and I have told you five times who is, that I came here as part of a team

investigation crimes against children, am part of the Interpol group and Director

Snow and Director Tony Fusco will confirm if they have not done already.

I did not kill Simon Jaffa.

Melis dark eyes flashed and he slapped down the passport and lifted up a see

through evidence bag and held it in front of Rebeccas eyes, And this Miss Hofi?

Why was he carrying this under his clothes, stuck down in his underwear and

has a few of your fingerprints on it as well as two magazines that we found in his

hotel room?

Rebecca stiffened because this was the first time the pistol had been presented as

evidence and she had no idea that they had found it.

It was his and he lent it to me in Rome for my own personal protection so when

we got to Florence we, I give it to him back as well as the magazines. Why he had

hidden it in his underwear I dont know because a .22 pistol like that could be

easy concealed in a pocket.

Or a bra Miss Hofi?, he sneered across at her letting his eyes drift for a

moment to her chest.

She nodded, Of course but though your English is very good I dont understand

where you are going with this Captain unless you are grabbing straws and

wasting time.

He set the pistol down and picked up a pink form and read it again then looked

across at Rebecca.

This pistol and the bullets with it are known to us for well over twenty years

Miss Hofi and this ballistics forensic report confirms it is the same firearm used

in a number of murders in and around Florence carried out by a group or one

person known as the Monster of Florence. Same type of .22 bullets, same out of

line indent on the cartridge case, same groves in the fired bullets that we tested

today and which matched bullets we found, as well as cartridge cases at murder

sites and in victims. How do you explain all that Miss Hofi?

Rebecca had trouble getting her head around that one but she forced herself to

stay calm. They never really did find the killer of those young couples though

they did arrest many people, men, and sent them to prison on the charge of

murder, only to find out that the killer struck again while they were in prison

and they had to be let go on orders from your High Courts. Nor did they ever

find the .22 pistol, this one you say, though it was thought that it was passed on to

other men or groups. Now you have it Captain but no killer.

He glared at her and tapped the table top with his fingers then, You are well

informed Miss Hofi of the killings, the weapon used and even have knowledge of

suspects that were wrongly sent to prison for murder. I find that more than

interesting seeing we also found a few of your fingerprints on the gun, video

footage of you going to Mr Jaffas room, going inside, him nude and you standing

by the window weeping. We have him leaving, walking to the lift, pressing the lift

button, going in and then hes dead. Bang! He falls, this we dont have Miss Hofi

because there is no camera in the lift, then you come along a few minutes later,

press the button, the lift and the body comes up and you go into the lift, shocked,

press the button and then descend. Am I correct Miss Hofi?

Rebecca swallowed and nodded. More or less Captain that is what happened.

More or Less Miss Hofi but I find that I need to know more as there are a few

problems with you statement, your account of the events if I may be blunt and to

the point!

Rebeccas mind raced and she knew that he had something against her that she

somehow had over looked in the last few minutes. Like what Captain?

He took out a packet of cigarettes took one out and offered her one which she

took and then waited. Your fingerprints, a few I will admit, but not strangely on

the lift buttons inside the lift but on the side of the victims neck, one that you left

there in blood when you took his pulse. Would you like a light Miss

Hofi? clicked the lighter and holding it across the table so that she could light

her cigarette. He could see that there was a slight tremble in her fingers and lit

his own blowing smoke above his head. He sat now watching and waiting for her


When I found him he was on the floor, blood everywhere and I took his pulse

then went down with him in the lift and informed my Director as at the time he

was working for us. The police were called and you know the rest.

He smiled at her across the table. And the missing fingerprints on the button

panel inside the lift Miss Hofi?

I wiped it clean because I panicked Captain.

His laugh was harsh and he slapped the table hard making her jump. You

panicked you say, an agent of Israels Security Service as was brother Jaffa, and

wiped you fingerprints of the button panel and for what reason Miss Hofi?

Play dumb. Training and I guess that kicked in. You will note also that his face

and head were caved in yet when I met my director I had no blood on me except

on one shoe, no weapon, no hammer or rock. There is nothing that can tie me

into his murder Captain!

He shrugged then blew more smoke in rings over his head frowning then looked

at her. I have two problems now Agent Hofi. The first is why a .22 pistol and

ammo that is linked to the Monster killings was passed onto your Simon Jaffa

sometime in the last five years and who in turn give it to you along with the

magazines in Rome for protection? That suggests to me that whoever passed on

the gun was one of a group of people who carried on killing, a copycat killing if

you like but who all were linked. Maybe more than one in fact.

Rebecca was stone faced and more than a little alarmed. I dont know how he

got this weapon, who from or why and that is the truth. I never met the man

until a few days ago and to be honest I did not like him

The Captain nodded, stood up and nodded to the woman police officer and said

something in Italian and she went out and closed the door behind her.

He leaned on the table his face close to Rebeccas and whispered.


I believe you Agent Hofi and that is my second problem because after speaking

to your Director Snow as well as Tony Fusco in Interpol and the main reasons

why you are here. The pink folder in front of you is about my niece Maria Meli

who vanished 5 years ago thirty miles north of this city and was never found.

The last photograph of her is in the folder and then she was ten years old and it

was on her birthday that she vanished from the village. I am not allowed to work

on her case because I am family but I want you word and your team to try and

find her or her remains. If you find the killer or killers I leave it with you and

your team the best way to deal with it. In the meantime, I will continue my

investigation into the murder of Agent Jaffa because this is what your father feels

is the best way to proceed. You are free to go and take your belongings except for

the firearm and the ammo clips. Your bag is under the table Agent Hofi.

He picked up his own paperwork, the pistol and clips in the bags and left the

room leaving the door open as he left.

Rebecca found her bag, stuffed in her belongings along with the pink file and

followed him out where Jenny was waiting in the reception area of the police


Jenny walked to meet her and asked, Are you ok Rebecca?

Am now but come on lets get out of here and start work because I have a lead

and I hope this will start pin pointing victims but we need Molly like we never

needed her before Jenny

She brushed pass Jenny, nodded at Captain Meli at the desk and he almost

smiled back. Jenny was not slow in picking up the exchange between them but

said nothing.

Outside Rebecca walked fast leaving Jenny trailing behind her trying to keep up

until reached the hired car. She stopped and looked at Jenny then smiled.


They sat in a half circle around a very wide screen computer that was

mounted on the wall above their heads. To the right of the screen but lower down

were sixteen photographs of children, some in Holy Communion dresses all

smiling at the camera. Molly and Jenny had the floor and Tony Fusco sat in an

easy chair to Jennys right, his head slightly cocked so that he could hear better

when she spoke.

You are all aware of the events in the last twelve hours and that Agent Jaffa is

dead, murdered in the hotel lift. The killer or killers it seems took the lift down to

the basement floor, left by a staff exit but not before sending the lift with his body

in it back up. It was all done in less than three minutes and Rebecca was the first

to discover his body. She came to me and informed me and the hotel called in the

local police who in turn called in a Captain Meli of the Guardia di Finanza the

CID who interviewed Rebecca. She was released three hours later and no

charges against her are pending. A firearm, a .22 pistol and ammo clips were

found on Agent Jaffa that has links to other killings around Florence over twenty

years and Director Fusco feels strongly that it would be better to let the police

handle that end of it and for us to stay as far away from the case of the Monster

of Florence because he knows that that case is a political minefield and we have

no remit to be part of it.

Molly has with Director Fuscos small staff, have located five ex priests and one

still active in a small village in the mountains. All six are in our target area as far

as CODEX is concerned. The photographs of the children you see have all gone

missing in the last ten years and all around areas where also, strangely enough

are targets are located though at the moment there is no direct evidence linking

them to the above missing children but we know there is evidence linking them to

child sexual abuse over the years in the UK and Ireland, we may later find links

to them here in Italy.

From here on we work as the team and we dont get waylaid by any other events

that are not linked to our investigations of child abuse. Once we confirm that the

suspects are still living in the villages where they are located we move in, dont

involve the local police but will get some help here from Interpol and Director

Fusco. Molly will now take you through the village locations.

Molly moved to the photographs and then beside them she put up photographs

of all the six suspects. She used her red light pointer on each face as she read out

the names and locations. The map of the area was displayed and Molly had put

place names on it.

This is the area of Mosciano Del and it is a mixture of forest and vast vineyards

and olive trees. Inside the red triangle I have marked out or if you like, pyramid

there is three main pointers for locations. These are the Mosciano area,

Agriturismo-callorir and in the NW, Grotto Di Sanzanobi and are linked by

three lakes close by each of the locations. Inside the Pyramid is where our

suspects are and live but never close to one another. Thanks to Director Fusco

and his team of researchers we know who is living and where within the marked

area. These are our main UK and Irish Suspects with photographs of them

behind me but I warn you the men here may look much older now and only

Father Dell is a working priest now, here on the hilly region of Mosciano in a

village that if you blinked you would miss.

Suspects now named are; Frank Fullerton, Belfast Irish and helps manage a

vineyard here. James Morris lives here and works now as a potter for local

markets and it seems he took up with a local widow named as Lorna Vialossa,

ten years younger than Morris. Dominic McCracken is not dead as Malcolm

Scott thought but lives here on his on in this village and does not work but has a

private income, enough to buy and run the Villa Truso 700 acres of vine yard and

olive trees. He employs ten full time staff and students during the picking station.

He too is Irish born but from the south of Ireland.

Anthony John Willis and Joseph Kincaid both UK citizens live seven miles apart

but close to the Grotto di Sanzanobi and close to the lake. Each has a small house

or small holding, here and here, small olive and vineyard business.

Molly stopped and looked around the room at each and every one of them then

turned to the childrens photographs.

We have to keep an open mind but all the children behind me have vanished in

the last ten years, two of them within one month and the rub is that if I expand

this pyramid 30 miles in each direction, all the victims still fall in reach of our

investigations. We keep that fact in mind when we gather evidence against our

main suspects and if we find any leads we inform Director Fusco for his team to

work on.

Jenny stood up and walked up to the board and screen then took out a coloured

photograph of a young smiling girl and placed it on the board. Her name is

Maria Meli, aged ten and she too is missing in the area. Details of all the other

girls and her are in their files and I would ask you to study them well.

Alis mouth fell open as she looked at the coloured photograph of the smiling girl

and then looked at Jenny who gently shook her head. It was a close up of the girl

in red and Jenny and Ali knew right away that there was a vital connection.

Jenny came over and sat beside Ali and whispered in her ear. The world is not

such a large place is it?

Jenny which world are we talking about there?, asked Ali.


Tony Fusco walked over and sat down and Ali made her excuses to go and look at

the photographs leaving Jenny and Tony alone and out of earshot of the others

who were going through the suspect folders with Molly.

You on top of this entire thing Jenny? he asked kindly.

She looked at him and felt sad for a moment that he could not see her and she

could see him. Sure because I know I have a good team and I have your help so

thank you for that Tony. Warrants I need first thing tomorrow and Rebecca said

we need some communications gear for us all. I take it Captain Meli still on the

case of Simon Jaffa?

Tony nodded. Yes they got two suspects and one of them is talking which now

seems to be a robbery that went wrong. The pistol they used was in the lift well

along with a small lump hammer with prints all over it. Meli also recovered

Jaffas ID and his empty wallet. They used little money they got off him for drugs

and shot up just before they were arrested for another crime. Stealing fruit from

a market would you believe?

Rebecca will be pleased because they need to get the body back to his family.

Tony shook his head and frowned, Wont be this side of Christmas because as it

is murder the defendants when they get their heads together might want another

PM and if there is no body the case could be dismissed. It is the way they do

things here Jenny, very slow or not at all.

Jenny looked hard at him then asked softly. Thank you for all you are doing

and what you have already done. Youre a good man.

He smiled and it was a nice smile. Maybe you could tell me that over dinner

sometime when we get this sorted?

She laughed. Sure but only when we finish the job Tony and not before and

right now I have to plan our next move.



Jenny was happy they found another hired car which meant she could have two

teams on the road and in contact with one another. She stood in the large sun

washed car park and looked at the Codex Team smiling.

Nice morning for it folks so lets get sorted and now. Rebecca, Ali youre with

me. Molly, Suzy you stay close and as back up. Did you let Calypso know what is

needed if we need it.?

Molly laughed and nodded her blond head. She thinks we are all crazy and she

also says that her basic instinct tells her to go back to South Africa and work on a

game reserve that would not be as dangerous. Said give the word and it will


Rebecca held up handcuffs that caught the sun and she said loudly. Six pairs

Jenny so that means we take them in and no gun play?

That is what Tony the man said he wants and that is what we will try and do so

lets be cool and does our jobs of arrest and detain then bring them back to be

processed in the office.

Molly muttered, What if they dont want to come and it gets nasty Jenny?

She looked at each face and was stern when she spoke. Then we will not want as

many sets of handcuffs will we? We go in when it is dark, take them out one at a

time and dont let them get near a phone or a computer and that will be

tomorrow night. Tony already has his teams up there keeping an eye on each and

every one of them. Our cover is, if anyone should ask, is that we are doing a

study of spring migrant birds. We will be met by a Lt. Lucinda Copa who is in

charge of Fuscos teams. Their cover is the same as ours. Are there any


It was Suzy who put up her hand and smiled at Jenny. I dont suppose your

Tony Fusco will be coming with us Jenny and that would be such a pity seeing

you are making eyes at him since we got here.

Jenny flushed pink and opened the car door and shouted, Just get in the cars

and lets go!

Three hours later they arrived in the Mosciano area, the sun warm and

went to the small hotel that had been booked for them by Fusco and Jenny was

surprised at the beauty of the setting. In front a wide expanse of neat vine yards

as far as the eye could see and behind the hotel olive groves that ran up to forests

and mountains in the background. She looked at her team unloading their bags

and smiled thinking that at least they were happy they were pro-active and now

in the field.

A young dark haired woman approached them, a striped top and blue hip

hugging jeans that somehow made her look taller than she was.

Looking for Jenny Snow as I expect youre the party Tony Fusco sent up here to

look for birds of prey?

Jenny stepped forward and held out her hand and smiled. Im Jenny. You must

be Lucinda Copa and I am glad you speak English.

Lucinda smiled and shook hands. Jenny noted that the teeth were well looked

after, her skin olive and not a mark on it and hair the colour of a ravens wing.

The eyes were amber coloured in the sunlight and were alert as she took in the

rest of Jennys team.

Welcome to the Tristan Hotel, a family hotel and the food is good.

Jenny introduced her team and then they followed Lucinda inside and booked in.

Why dont you all get yourselves settled and we will meet by the pool in an hour

and have a working lunch. That way you can meet my team, four in all and get to

know one another? They all speak English in a rough sort of way.

Rebecca smiled. Thank you and that would be nice.

You said this is a family hotel Lucinda? asked Jenny as they walked to the lift.

Tony owns it and not Interpol but he rents it out for Interpol field workers.

Owns it! said Jenny and looking around her opened mouthed then Suzy came

in fast. Wow! Tony owns this entire joint Jenny and a nice little hideaway it is.

Jenny flushed and it did not go un-noticed by Lucinda Copa who smiled then

added, Yes but he gets paid for renting it out to our special guests when needed

and it is private as well so you wont have outsiders dropping in on us. All the

staff who works here have been vetted and cleared and they are on the payroll.

Jenny and the rest were impressed because not only was the hotel safe and the

security good it was hidden from the road by a line of poplar trees that scraped

the sky.

Upstairs they picked their rooms and Jenny took a small one at the back that

overlooked the olive groves and mountains. She noted also it was in the west so

would get the afternoon and evening sunlight. She turned to Lucinda and smiled.

Our place in Wales is not like this and what space and light. No rain or cold and

believe me it may well be a busmans holiday but it will boast the moral no end.

Lucinda smiled then frowned. Jenny we need to work out which one of us in

charge of this operation and as soon as possible if you could then once we have

that out of the way we can go to work.

It was blunt and to the point and for a moment Jenny was thrown of what to say

or do.

I agree and as it is your patch you call the shots setting it up and we all take

part in making the arrests. All I ask is that we work together, all of us and get the

job done. In and out and gone with our job well done.

Lt. Lucinda Copa held out her hand and smiled. Ok. Its a deal and we work

hand in hand. Tony will be pleased at least with that outcome as he was a little

worried that there could be conflict between the teams.

Jenny nodded and set her bag on the bed then looked at Lucinda and smiled.

How come someone as young as you makes officer grade and is still so young

because you know your way around and have a good head on your shoulders?

Police trained, then two years with the FBI Behaviour Unit in the States then

back here eighteen months ago working for Interpol.

Jenny laughed. Guess that was a very stupid question that was. Thanks.

Lucinda waved her hand in the air and laughed. We are all good at what we do

Jenny and except for Ali I know all your team on paper, Suzy with her forensics,

Molly with her computers and brilliant mind, Rebecca who wears two hats and is

good at what she did and does and then you, a legal mind that is well known

across the UK and now Director of a special unit. Not bad for you is it?

Jenny nodded and made a face. Yes they are a good team but tend to stray of

the path sometimes and I have to lean on them a little. What is your team like


Oh! You will get to meet them soon but for the most a mixed bag but a mixed

bag I can trust and depend on. Except for myself they never used real names and

when on operations first names only because of their families back home and the

shadow of the Mafia always around. I am told that the burn out rate for them is

four years and after that they go back into an office for a time.

Jenny thought on it. Good idea. Right now, a shower and a drink then lunch.

Rebecca lay on her bed, hot sun closed out by a shade pulled and set up

her laptop and inserted her dongle then went on line, typed in her password for

excess to the Israeli Security Service and waited the thirty seconds required then

typed in her date of birth and within seconds she was in.

Her message box had three mails and all internal.

She opened the first. Gadhafis son dead in NATO bombing raid AND I thought

you should know.

One down and five to go, she whispered to herself and punched the air.

The second mail was even more surprising. Bin Laden dead and was taken out

by US navy seals and now feeding the fish at sea. Be alert over the next few days

and weeks because there will be reprisals in many parts. Security gathering still

in progress but suicide bombers now more of a threat. Stay away from Rome if

you can and Paris.

Rebecca almost smiled until she opened the last mail.


Simon Jaffa now high risk to you so you need to take extreme action at once and

remove the problem as he has been running with the Church and hunting with

the hounds and could well be linked to a cult known as the Order of the Rose in

Florence. Our sources show that your targets and Jaffa may be linked as he has

already passed on information about your Codex team to some people within the

Vatican City as well as to the Cult in Florence. His bank account here and in

Rome is well above the average for an agent of this status and runs into many

thousands of US dollars. It would seem that he has also upset the local Sicilian

family, Mafioso, headed by a man called Salvatore Pitera who has put out the

word on him and a price. Jaffa got greedy and was dealing in anything and

everything that had a price including drugs, firearms and children, mainly street

children. The hit men were dumb and needed drugs or money so were used.

It was the selling of children or at least being involved that upset Salvatore

Pitera and for all his faults and crimes, he is a family man, both in the mafia and

with his and the family children. It seems that this part of Jaffa came to light

when it was discovered he and two priests and an unknown man removed two

street children at night and then went to Florence on an overnight trip. He came

back on his own.

Note; His bookshop is being turned over now and anything we find that is of

interest to your team will let you know. Please advise us if help is needed your


Rebecca gasped and re-read the mail again and then typed back fast.

Jaffa problem seems to be solved but news alarming all the same. Would request

his computer hard drives if possible and urgent. In Florence now on a bird

watching holiday with the team and who can I trust up here now?

She waited and thirty seconds later a reply came through in bold letters;


Director Hofi.

Oh shit on a stick! I always knew there was something odd about that

sonofabitch and I should have killed him myself! she muttered loudly closing

down her computer and standing up her mind racing. She dressed quickly and

went out the door in search of Jenny and found her sitting on the porch on her

own while the rest of the teams were down at the pool in the gardens below them.

Jenny looked up and smiled then waved a glass towards the laughter coming

from the pool area. She smiled and said, Makes me feel old watching them at


Then Jenny youre going to get much older in the next thirty seconds and wish

this was not your worst nightmare.

Jenny waited and Rebecca told her all about Jaffa and how he was connected.

We have been compromised Rebecca and it is not going to go down well with

Lucinda and her team or ours. Also from that you tell me the local Mafia are

involved and were out to get him and more than likely did. How much he passed

on from Rome to Florence we dont know but what I do know Rebecca this

changes things. Your father says to trust only the Codex Team but I trust Tony

and Lucinda and they will have to know what has happened. We cant move

forward without them and if we cut them out then we are up the bloody creek

without a bloody paddle!

Rebecca frowned and bit her lip then looking at Jenny directly she said, Then

you need to call a meeting and within the hour because that way the cards will be

on the table the good and the bad and we can at least do what we came here to do

or abort the whole operation.

You saying that if we get kickback from Lucinda and her team we just dump

the operation and go home empty handed?, muttered Jenny standing up and

slamming her glass on the table glaring at Rebecca.

Both women looked at one another and Rebecca shrugged. That is the only two

choices we have Jenny and to be fair if it was me anywhere else but here I would

pull out because the risk is too great. We dont really know how deep Jaffa was

into all of this but he was in and until we get his hard drives from Rome up to

here and Molly gets into it we dont know what else is going to crawl out of the

woodwork and bite us.

Jenny looked down at the two teams by the pool laughing and splashing and as

she did so Lucinda Copa looked up and caught her eye. Jenny waved her to her

and watched as the young woman walked towards her, her eyes never leaving

Jennys face.

Rebecca flopped into a chair and waited until Lucinda came to Jenny.

Lucinda looked from Jenny to Rebecca then back at Jenny again and muttered,

You two had a fight?

Jenny poured a glass of wine for Lucinda and Rebecca and a larger one for


What? asked Lucinda not touching the wine but sat down because she knew

what she was going to hear she did not think it was good news or a weather


Jenny raised an eyebrow at Rebecca who took a long drink of the wine then

looked at Lucinda. This investigation could be well and truly fucked!

Tell me then of how and why?

Rebecca told it all and to the point watching Lucindas face get harder and more

angry looking as she progressed with the story. When she had finished she folded

her arms across her chest and waited.

Lucinda took her phone out of the shoulder bag and pressed buttons then it very

rapid Italian she almost shouted not looking at Rebecca or Jenny. She replaced

the mobile in the bag and sat down again.

From an Interpol point of view I have taken the decision on what you told me to

abort and pull out my troops. Sorry and I have just informed my Director and

Tony agrees with this.

Cant say I blame you for that and maybe I would have done the same,

muttered Jenny finishing the wine.

Rebecca looked at the floor wishing she could be anywhere else but here right

now. Jenny is losing the plot, she thought sipping her wine and looking at her.


Everyone was in the room and all had been told of Jaffas betrayal and of

Lucindas decision to back out of the operation and a silence settled over the


It was Lou the Limp who shook his head and muttered something in Italian that

Jenny could only guess at. Lucindas team of four men were not called by their

own names but given nick names. She looked at Lucinda and shrugged.

Lou said that ok it was over as far as Interpol here was concerned but as he had

some leave he would take it here in Florence and go freelancewith you, if you

could use him?

Jennys mouth fell open and she looked at Lou, a well-built but small man with

half an unlit cigar sticking out the side of his mouth. Thank you but I dont

Larry the Lamb laughed. Me too, because if I go home my Lisa just get

pregnant again and my head wont take that at the moment. Four great kids I

have and I dont need anymore. I just need to look at her, and puff she has a


Jenny sat hope raising in her then the Shoemaker spoke in his slow deep voice

that reminded her of the old black and white American gangster movies.

Guess Im in for the long haul and I cant walk away from these punks because

if I did my street credibility would vanish so I go too, two weeks and no more

then I pick up my badge and be Mr Nice Guy again.

Lucinda and three of her team looked at the fourth member who looked back at

them and shrugged. I cant go because I have a date this weekend with that

beautiful Margo in the Dolphin Club and I just cant let her down.

Gino you already let her down! snapped the Lamb then added, I see her and

know her and she who sniffs white powder has balls like you and me!

No kidding then where did she get those lovely bigHow do you know she is a

man woman Larry Lamb?

The Lamb smiled sweetly at Gino. Two years ago I had a one night stand with

her that lasted all of thirty five seconds once he, she undressed and I was out of

there real fast. Thats how. Now are you coming on vacation with us or not?

Gino squinted at the Lamb and hissed, Ok. If your lying and she is a woman

youre a dead man walking, a lamb to the slaughter. I go but I go under great

protest and sorrow of what she, he, would have missed.

Everyone laughed then Lucinda rapped the table and it fell silent. My team I

need your Interpol ID on the table now.

The four men sighed and dropped the ID in front of her and she took out her ID

as well and added it to the pile and smiled at Jenny.

It seems you have a much larger team than you knew and you are in charge

Director Snow as from here on in. What do you want to do now?

She looked around the faces, We have a drink, a feed then bed. Thank you all.

Gino smiled at Jenny and said with a twinkle in his eye, It could be a cold night

Director in your room and maybe I could come and keep your warm?

Jenny laughed, I dont think so Gino because it may take you a little time

working out I am a woman if it every got that far.

The room erupted in laughter and even Gino laughed.

My team keep their ID and we go an hour before dawn and check things out.

Molly youre not going to get much sleep or are you Agent Hofi because youre

on computers and I want everything there is to know about Jaffa and this Order

of the Rose.

Lucindas smile vanished. The Rose around here is linked to witchcraft Jenny.

Jenny nodded. The Order of the Rose is linked to my case. Do it!


Molly shook her head, slightly hung over but more to shake the sleep webs

away and clear her thoughts. She looked at the Crew and grunted and worked

out they were for the most, in worse shape than she was.

Her eyes shot to the window and the darkness outside but she heard a cockerel

crow and shivered.

Pay attention everyone because I have a quick announcement that will keep you

all up to date and that includes you Director Snow if you can spare the time?

Jenny blinked awake and looked at Molly. Sorry, I nodded off.

Molly grunted not looking at her then continued, Simon Jaffa it turns out was a

serial abuser both on and off the www. That means folks that he was a real nasty

piece of work judging by some of the reported child images on his hard drive

some of which were sent to me less than an hour ago from Rome. He had

contacts with others here in Italy, the UK, Germany, and Israel over the internet

and downloaded and uploaded child photographs, none of them pleasant and at

least one a snuff video made in Germany which you dont want to see.

We now have all his contacts what were into this web abuse and Interpol agents

are going through them with a very fine tooth comb. It will not surprise you that

all our suspects are part of that long list nor will it surprise you that he came

here to Florence and stayed within a small Jewish community when he wanted to

be a good Jew Boy and with one of the suspects when he wanted to be active.

In other words, at some time he stayed overnight with all of the suspects on our

list and his emails confirm this as well as the replies he got. One last point the

PM report found the cause of death, and that was a bullet rattling around inside

his skull turning his brain to mush. He was dead before he hit the deck.

Just above his public hair it was discovered a small red rose tattoo.

I didnt see that!, blurted out Rebecca and went read when she realised what

she had just said. I mean he was nude but had a towel around his

Dick? muttered Larry the Lamb making a face and holding out his hands in

front of him palms upwards.

Someone laughed and Molly glared at Lou and his smile vanished like melting

snow off his face but he was fighting laughter as his face got redder because he

was holding his breath.

It is far from funny folks because this Order of the Rose from my research and

what I have been told likes to collect body parts from females and not all grown

women at that. I should also inform you that these collections of tissue or organs

are later used in a form of witchcraft and has been going on for years across

parts of Italy and into Europe.

The room went silent and no one made a noise or muttered but looked at Molly.

She looked back then walked to Jenny Snow. All yours now boss.

She nodded and spoke softly, Ok. Lets go folks.

Lucinda did the driving in the first car with Jenny beside her and Lou

and Larry the Lamb in the back followed by Shoemaker, Rebecca, Molly and

Gino with Gino driving. Jenny could not see what was on her right side of the

road but she knew they were climbing hills and taking snake like bends that

almost left her breathless and instinct made her search for the brakes as

passengers sometimes do.

We in a hurry Lucinda to get there or are you in a race, growled Jenny and

Lou and Larry laughed in the back.

Dont worry boss lady, Lucinda good driver and has never killed anyone yet,

well almost, when a wild boar came onto the road and she had to swing around it

and hit a wall. Now that was something that night, said Lou in his husky voice.

Larry had to add to it and nodded in the dawn light. Yes and do you remember

that time close to the border and we were chasing the Ovettie brothers, over took

them and they tried to run us off the mountain track? You and I were almost


Jenny had to ask because it was the way Larry had said it. And the bad guys

they got away right?

Lou laughed loudly. Yes they go away and fast, over the edge and all the way

down into the river. We stopped the car less than a few metres from the border

barrier. Those guards looked scared and were like the chicken with no head but

they could do nothing because we stayed on our side of the road.

They were killed!

Very, said Lou then added. Minced up as the car tumbled and hit trees and

rocks and then cooked when the car went on fire and if they were not dead by the

time they hit the river surface they were sucking water soon afterwards.

Jenny shot a look across at Lucinda who kept a straight face and looked straight

ahead taking a right hand bend fast and not touching the brakes.

How are we going to handle the arrests and who is first on the list?, asked

Jenny feeling her mouth go dry.

Joseph Kincaid lives three miles away down a track. We stop the cars after

pulling off the road and walk in. You stay here with me and let your team handle

the arrest. My men will be there for back up just in case.

Why cant I go with the team? Jenny demanded then added, I should be

there with them.

Trust me Jenny you or I dont want to be there when they go in and besides we

need to turn the cars once they go in facing the right way.

Jenny bit her lip and wondered what the hell she meant by that comment.

Lucinda took a sharp left into a track then pulled in off the road followed by

Ginos car and they stopped, switched off the engines and lights then waited.

Ginos voice came through on Jennys head phone and she jumped at the sound

of her voice. Director Snow what are your orders.

Go get him!

Will do boss lady. Lucinda the blackbird is flying and you need to light it up.

Ok. Place picked and beside me. Good luck.

Jenny heard they get out of the cars and shadows moving into the dawn light and

vanish. She looked across at Lucinda grim faced. What did Gino mean by the

blackbird flying and you need to light it up because I dont remember that part

of the plan being discussed at the briefing?

Lucinda sighed deeply and looked at her. If we get them one by one we have to

get them out of here and as you can see we only have two cars. Even if we had a

third car we run the risk of being hit by some gang or minders on the way back

so I arranged through a friend that he flies them out in his helicopter to a secure

holding area and guarded. Its the way we do things here without the local cops

sticking their noses in.

Jenny nodded then said softly. This friend of yours Lucinda must like you a lot

to use his aircraft and all the risks involved?

She laughed and slapped Jenny on the shoulder. Come on I need you to turn the

other car and follow me.

Jenny got out and climbed into the other car then followed Lucinda slowly back

down the track and into a large hayfield with woods running around the edges of


They stopped and got out of the cars and Lucinda spoke into her head mike.

You on site yet?, She asked softly and looked at Jenny.


Rebeccas voice came through cold and calm. Good to go.

Jenny nodded and Lucinda smiled and spoke into the head mike. Director Snow

said do it now!

She turned to Jenny and pointed upwards and touched her ears. Listen for the

chopper and speak to me as I have to go out there with smoke so that he knows

where to land. Dont tell me until we have Kincaid cuffed and on his face beside

the cars.

Jenny nodded. This person who does the flying you can really trust him?

With the job in hand I would stake my life and the life of my team on him but

alone with another woman I would not trust him. My husband still flirts.

Jenny almost laughed but nodded instead. Lucinda reached out and readjusted

Jennys head mike and smiled, I need to hear you out there so speak into the

mike and not at it.

For a moment Jenny flushed then smiled and stood back as Lucinda took off

across the grass in a sprint leaving a trail in the dew.

Rebecca was crouched and waited until Lou and Larry went around

the back of the small villa while Gino and Shoemaker took cover near the fence

their hand guns aimed at the front door.

She nodded to Molly and Suzy. Lets go in fast and no calling out until we are

inside. Ali you come too but back us at the front door in case he gets past us.

Any questions on any of this? she snapped and headed for the front door and

put her foot to it hard with pistol drawn and the door crashed open and she was

inside followed by Molly and Suzy.

Police! Armed Police coming in now so get on the floor hands on your head!

They heard the back door smash open and the sound of glass breaking as Larry

came crashing in shouting in Italian, his pistol moving side to side as he came.

Rebecca hit the light switch and almost fired her pistol at the shape above her

hanging on a rope from a kitchen beam still swinging gently, the face of Joseph

Kincaid purple and bloated.

Molly, Rebecca and Suzy all stood then holstered their pistols and Rebecca

pulled a chair over, stood on it and taking a knife out of her boot cut the rope

dropping the body in a heap.

Ali came in and looked at the body followed by Lou and Shoemaker. Now what

do we do Rebecca?, asked Ali but before Rebecca could respond the four men

grabbed Kincaid and dragged him out of the house by the feet and arms and

started to run back down the name.

Stupid question!, muttered Ali following Rebecca and Suzy out of the house

and down the track while Rebecca spoke into her head mike.

Team coming back with suspect one.

Jenny muttered, Good head down to the field and drag him if you have to if he

gives you any trouble.

Jenny could hear the blades of the helicopter getting closer and said into the

mike. Lucinda, he is coming over the trees so make smoke.

She watched as a column of purple smoke rose upwards and then a change in

engine noise as the pilot did a sweeping turn and then come in low into the field.

Jenny watched as the team came into view panting and dragging a body. She

looked at the face on the ground then at Rebecca and she shrugged at Jenny,

Self-inflicted boss so the good priest wont see heaven.

Load him up then back to the cars and we can debrief there, she shouted

above the whine of the rotors.

It was all over in less than three minutes and the helicopter lifted off the ground

fast and headed back the way it had come. Jenny waited on Lucinda and ran

back to the cars with her panting. They stopped as the others climbed in and

Jenny said in between breaths, Where is he takingKincaid?

Lucinda was breathing hard but not breathless. Fish food Jenny and he is going

to be dropped into the sea and that should keep the sharks and crabs busy for a


She was speechless for a moment. You told your husband to dump him at sea?

Sure because he is no good to us dead and what would we do with him at the

holding stage. Stop worrying it will all be sorted and by the time he washes up, if

ever you will be long gone from here. He has someone with him so he wont do it


Jenny nodded and got into the car and asked, Who is next and how long do we


Six miles that way to Anthony Willis farm by the lake and we can do it quickly

because from the bend it is straight road all the way. This time, because it is now

light, we drive up and your team go in and make the arrest. We will wait here as

back up and I will call in the chopper when he is in the bag.

Anthony Willis blinked in the sunlight protesting as he was laid down

the steps and towards the cars, the handcuffs catching the light and flashing. He

walked now like an old man as he was taken by the cars to the field where the

helicopter had already landed and pushed in through the door by Rebecca and


Jenny looked at her watch and then at Lucinda, Two in the bag in forty five

minutes and four to go. Not bad is it?

Lucinda nodded and whispered in Jennys ear, You have a good team there

Jenny and they work well together. I watched Rebecca and Ali and they know the

score, Molly is good but not a field worker and Suzy could be dangerous if in a


Jenny smiled and looked at her team then nodded. Lets go again!

Rebecca nodded. Pick a target Lucinda living close to the last one.

Lucinda looked at the map and touched the red ink spot, John Morris lives here

in small farm and plenty of cover around it.

Jenny nodded at Rebecca. Take Ali and get him. Cuffed and in the boot of your

car and we meet you at the next target area which is here, John Fullerton four

miles away across the lake. Lucinda tell your pilot pick up location. I will go in

with Molly and Suzy and take down Fullerton.

No! said Lucinda looking hard at Jenny then added, Youre the director not a

field worker and I suggest you stay with me. We can send Lou and the Lamb

with Molly and Suzy and Gino and the Shoemaker go with Rebecca and Ali.

Makes sense boss, said Molly smiling then added, Besides youre not a

gunslinger and you hate guns.

Jenny glared at Molly. And you know all about guns as well as computers!

Before Molly could answer it was Gino stepped between then. I suggest Director

Snow that Lou and the Lamb go in first and then Molly and Suzy. Suzy is a field

worker, knows firearms and wont shoot us. That way we, the good guys, will

stay healthy and we need to go.

Molly was about to protest and Suzy caught her eye and shook her head then

turned to the car. Are we going or not Molly?

Molly turned away from Jenny muttering and Jenny shouted after her, I heard


Molly stopped and turned then smiled at Jenny. Molly will be a good girl boss

and not do bang, bangs!


Everyone laughed except Jenny, whose face was like a thunder cloud but was

able to get out before Molly got in the car, Smart ass!

Rebeccas team moved forward in thick cover of black pines and found the

house. They could see from where they now lay the back door which was open

and that told Rebecca and the rest of the team that James Morris was already

awake and up. To confirm this Rebecca also noted smoke and could smell pine

wood burning while outside a few hens scratched at the red earth near the door

being guarded by a massive white rooster.

We are fucked! muttered Shoemaker nodding towards the hens then

whispered, Once we get up and walk into the back yard those birds are going to

start cackling real loud.

Rebecca nodded then spoke softly, Suggestions?

Give me two minutes and I will work my way back to the main track then Ill

walk to the front door and knock. When he comes to the door you move in fast,

said Ali and checking her automatic pistol.

Shoemaker nodded but raised an eyebrow, Ok it might work but what if he

comes to the door armed?

He is a defrocked priest and it is highly unlikely he would meet someone at the

door with a gun. muttered Rebecca and nodded at Ali who slid away and limped

back through the trees and downhill towards the dirt track.

Rebecca looked at her watch counting off seconds as the others watched the back

door in case their target made a run for it and into the woods beyond.

Gino whispered, Back door in my sights so if he does bolt I stop him.

Suzy glanced at Gino and the short barrel rifle he held, his eye connect to the

rifle scope.

Dont miss! she hissed at him and slowly stood up and waited in the shadows.

Alis heart was pounding as she limped up the track to the front door and went

up two steps and knocked hard, her ID in one hand and her pistol tucked in her

belt but covered by the small coat she was wearing.

She stood back from the door and waited but she could hear movement inside

then the sound of footsteps approaching the door.

The footsteps stopped and the white linen curtain pulled back a little as Morris

looked out. Ali let out a breath and then could hear the hens cackling just as her

world exploded in her face and swift darkness engulfed her.

Rebecca was though the back door first followed by Gino and Shoemaker ran

around to the front fast his pistol drawn and cocked.

Morris turned in the narrow hallway his shotgun coming up as Gino fired

followed by Rebecca who emptied her magazine into him. He was dead before he

hit the ground. brain and organ tissue splattering the walls and glass door panel

behind him.

Rebecca ran to the door and pulled it open, seeing the crumpled body of Ali lying

in a large pool of blood. Oh no! Please not Ali!

Rebecca knew she was dead because as a Agent dealing with the dead over many

years she knew there was no chance that she could have survived shotgun

wounds at close range to the head.

Rebecca stepped out and looked at the rag doll shape lying in the dirt then

looked at Shoemaker and Gino who shrugged and shook their heads.

Get a clean sheet, wrap her in it and put her in the boot of the car and do it

now, snapped Rebecca.

Gino came out with a white sheet and Shoemaker helped him spread it out then

roll the remains of Ali onto it. Gino looked up at Rebecca.

Torch it!

Rebecca went back inside and found cooking oil and olive oil then spread it

around the small house. She dragged the body of Morris into the living room and

covered him with oil as well. There were stacks of old newspapers so she spread

these as much as she could and sweating she found matches and a lighter in the

kitchen. She let the newspapers covering the body and stood up as they caught

then went out into the bedroom and did the same there. Rebecca finished in the

hallway and as it took hold she shouted, See you in hell you bastard!

By the time she reached the car, the body of Ali was already in the boot and the

lid closed. Shoemaker dragged Rebecca to the car and pushed her inside then

Gino and he got in and drove off at speed down the track and swinging right into

the main road in a cloud of dust.

Inform your Director Agent Hofi and now! shouted Gino turning and looking

at her in the back seat and sat stiff looking straight ahead, her eyes full of tears.

Rebecca nodded and pressed her send button.

Codex one to Codex 2.

All that came back was static and she tried three times as the car sped towards

the pick up point. She muttered to herself. Good job we dont need backup in a


Its a blind spot in the mountains, said Shoemaker and shrugged. Guess in

five minutes you will have to tell your director face to face the bad news.

Rebecca scowled at him, I am not looking forward to that and she will have to

decide what we do about her body, not me.

Shoemaker sighed, She will have to stay until we can send her home looking at

Rebecca in his rear view mirror.

Stay where? demanded Rebecca looking at both men who said nothing and

looked straight ahead.


Jenny looked at John Fullerton as he stood in front of her and she

read the conditions on the warrant and informed him of his rights.

Do you understand the warrant and your rights?

His face twisted in fury and he glared at her. No comment.

She nodded at Suzy and Molly. Get him in the boot and lets get ready for the

pick up. How long before our transport gets here with the pilot and why has the

other team not made contact?

Lucinda placed her hand over her earphone and nodded. She spoke into her

microphone, Land in the field next the house and there are no overhead cables

or trees close by. We have two suspects now and the other team is close by. Over

and out.

She turned to Jenny and whispered, Three minutes to landing and he spotted

Rebeccas car and team below him. He also said that the house is on fire and that

it was impossible now for anyone to put out.

Molly looked glum. Why did they set the house on fire because in time that will

draw attention to the area?

Shes right Jenny so something has gone wrong down there, said the Lamb his

face showing concern then adding. Place will be crawling with cops and fire

service within half an hour and we dont want to be here when they arrive or run

into them at a police check point. Then there will be rubber Necker' s in their

cars followed by the news dogs

Jenny looked at Lucinda. We get to our next target once we load him up

without going back the way we come?

Lucinda studied the map tracing her finger along roads, side roads and tracks

then looked up. We dont have much time to do it in but if we leave here and

head north we come to a forestry track that will take us through the forest, a

good six miles of track and we come out at the Grotto di San Zanobi the

Irishman lives close by, this McCracken man and he has help so it is not going to

be a question of hanging around. We need to go in fast and hard on him.

Jenny nodded then looked at Lucinda. Could your people go and get Dell and I

know that means splitting us up but it might be best and one car wont draw too

much attention to it where two just might at any police check point?

They looked up just as Rebecca and her crew came into the area, burning rubber

and a cloud of Dust. Rebecca was out of the car, slamming the door behind her

her face pale and like stone. Jenny walked to her and looked behind her then at

Rebecca. Where is Ali?

Rebecca bit her lip then curtly said, In the car boot.

Car boot?

She's dead Jenny and we are taking her home! You got that Director Snow? We

are taking Ali home and someone will have to go with her!

There was a long silence and shock then Lucinda said in a quite voice. Get her

ready and wrap her up well. She can go in the chopper and we will sort out the

paper work fast.

Jenny fought back the tears and nodded. I want Dell in the bag one way or the


Lou came in fast and smiled, a false smile and Jenny knew it.Sure we will go

and get this rat Dell and meet you later back in the Grotto di Sanzanobi area and

you stay with Director Snow in case she runs into a language problem with the

local cops? winking at Lucinda.

You will need the map and I already know the area and where McCrackens

house is but be careful because right now we are cutting it very fine of not being

detected, handing the map to Lou and added. If you need to take evasive

action and cant get Dell to us lose him and make your way to the River Arno

Pontealle Grazi Bridge. Go north till you come to Borgo Santa Croce, hotel

Zapain and wait there.

Molly came in and her face flushed. Where do I fit in here Jenny.

Jenny looked at Lucinda who nodded slightly. I want you back home today

Molly into the Codex Bunker because I need you and Calypso to make

arrangements to bring Ali home and find any close friends and family so that

they know she died in the line of duty. Also you are the only one that can work

your computers in the Bunker. That way you can keep your finger on the pause

of all this and field any questions that may come in.

But..., Molly protested and was cut short by Jenny who was ice cold.

Just do it Molly because I need you there and you can go in the chopper which

will drop you off at the airport or close to it. Just go!

She is right Molly, said Lucinda then added. You will be on board before we

can sort out Ali here and then you make arrangements when we fly her in with

the paper work.

Fuck the paper work! She is more to me than fucking paper work!

Jenny was about to go to Molly when Rebecca spoke harshly that shocked

everyone. Get this folks and get it first time. We have an agent down and very

dead. Right now we do not have time to shed tears and get angry, we do that

later and we have a fucking job to finish so lets finish it!

They all looked at Rebecca as she was some Alien creature with two heads but

slowly it sunk in and they nodded. Ok. Let's move on this and now, said Jenny

walking past Rebecca without looking at her followed by Molly who glared at

her. Rebecca bit her lip and swallowed hard but the lump in her throat or the

white anger would not go.



Molly was dropped off at the Airport gates and two men in suits flashed their ID

and nodded at the car sitting by the roadside. She knew they worked for Interpol

and both had English.

This way Miss Drew if you please and we will take you in by our special lounge

so that you can board the jet which will fly you to Cardiff. I am sorry to hear

about your friend Ali but we will get her home as soon as she has been


Molly stopped and turned glaring at the short man who had spoken and said in

an icy voice, By processing I take it you mean she is lying in a hospital morgue

right now on an aluminium table bloody and nude with two guys looking at her

and in her!

The short man held us his hands. In this country we have to go through the

processing before a body, any body has met with a violent death. In this case it

will be done fast I can assure you and the paper work will go with her on release

so that your Corner's Office have all the facts and no need for a second PM.

This I am informed by our Guardia di Finanza will be done within forty eight

hours. Again we are all sorry about the death of Ali Cooper in the line of duty.

The tall thin man with the dark glasses spoke softly to Molly, She like you was

one of us and we do not forget that. I will assure you now that all respect will be

given to her remains and that we will take care of everything. We will still be

hunting down those men and women who are involved in her death and the

death of many children. You have my word on that.

Molly sighed and went to the car and got in the back in wiping away tears as she

did so.

The jet was small and bright white and there was no one else boarding

when Molly went up the stairs and sat down. Except for the two man crew there

was no one else. On the seat beside her was a tray with sandwiches and a bottle

of red wine uncorked. The single glass was polished with a small blue flower

placed in it. By the time the Jet was over France ,Molly had drunk half the bottle

not using the glass then burst out in tears as the jet droned on at twenty five

thousand feet.

She wiped her face and looked at the large clouds, lifted the bottle to the window

and whispered out loud, Here is looking at you Ali. then drained the remains

of the bottle.

Two hours later the Jet landed and she walked off it, blinked in the sunlight and

made her way into the arrivals lounge only to be met by Calypso the Codex office

manager. They hugged, Molly almost smothered in the large breasts but she felt

childlike and just stayed there sobbing, while Calypso patted her back and

mumbled in her ear, Ok Girl you are home now and I have a car waiting for us

so hustle your ass and lets go.

Molly lifted her face and looked up at Calypso. But you don't drive?

True but I have two men from CID who do and they have been ordered with no

questions asked to take you and I back to the Codex Project. The black cop looks

good and he is the driver so lets go.

The two police officers were standing by the car waiting and one opened the back

door to let both women in, Calypso with great difficulty. She sat there puffing

then when both men were also in the car she said loudly, Onward James and


Molly slept for four hours after Calypso run her a hot bath, took a half bottle of

her in protest and then tucked her in.

Calypso kissed her on the head and then left the bedroom, closing over the door

and headed for her office walking with purpose and stone faced.

Lisa Walsh looked up as the door was thrown open. How about you wee girl?

How about me! Well I will tell you. I have a half crazy woman in there with

grief and shock, half pissed into the bargain and loads of data coming in for her

and she can't even piss straight!

Lisa Walsh smiled sadly and said, I hate to say this Calypso but she just lost a

friend in a gun battle and being from Belfast I know what that is like big time.

Over there in the bad old days someone died each night or the victim was a

distant family member . In time you take it as it comes, go to the funerals and

curse the bastards who did it but in time you become numb to it all. Forty years

of bloodshed is enough to numb anyone and this is Molly's first in your face

death of the worse kind. She might not get over it for a while but when she is up

and about keep her busy.

Calypso raised an eyebrow then smiled, Youre more than just a pretty face

Lisa and wisdom with it for such a young head.

Yeah Sure I am. Lisa Ann Walsh and full of Celtic wisdom. What needs to be


You sure?

I'm sure. No point sitting here looking at a blank screen.

Calypso dropped two sheets of A4 on her desk. Get emails of to the people

listed and head them off at the pass till Molly is on her feet.

Will do boss.

Calypso turned and walked to the door and turned, Thanks.

Lisa nodded and started a new folder then typed in. 'URGENT' and read the

first name and email address. ''

She went into the main computer with her password and opened the inbox and

found Cross's email.

Dear Jenny, The target you were looking for is back in Wales and he left

Florence in a hurry. Get back to me as soon as you can if your back from there.

Dan x

Lisa typed back, Jenny not back yet but will be in touch as soon as she gets

here. If urgent let me know and will forward on your email to her phone.

Lisa Walsh. Codex Forensics.

The second email was also from Dan Cross and a day later.

Jenny can you get Molly to run an in depth check on one Geoff Body in Walsall

his date of birth 03/04 1946 born in the East End and his twin brother Aaron

Body born same day but five minutes before Geoff. Need the full scope on these


Dan x

Lisa typed a reply. Molly will be on it tomorrow because down with a stomach


Lisa Walsh Codex Forensics.

She scanned the rest of the emails but none were urgent but she sent one off to

Jenny's phone giving her details of Dan Cross's emails. Outside it began to rain

and Lisa knew that it was going to do so all day and tomorrow. She looked at the

clock and it was only 10.32 am.


Dan Cross looked at the clock and it was 10.34am It was going to be a bad day

because he could hear the rain beating a tattoo on the windows and roof and the

cat, Rosie was snuggled up at his feet, and somewhere she knows where she

should not be. Then that is cats for you and all cats seem to get their own way he

thought. He lay there in the darkness with eyes closed and counted to sixty,

wiggled his toes and then sat up on the edge of the bed. At seventy he did not

need to rush to work though he did work when he was wanting extra cash or

when his writing was sluggish or not at all like it had been for the last three days

and a waste paper basket full of crumpled A4 paper under his desk downstairs

there as proof of it. Anyone tells you there is such a thing as writers block dont

know real writers of course, those of us who write fiction that is because it is

called black depression not block,he thought ,looked at his watch and then

switched on the bedside light and padded to the bathroom for the long dribble

and a shake. A wash and shave while Rosie sat at the door and looked in at him

with baleful eyes because like always she wanted out and her breakfast in that

order. Dan finished and headed downstairs with the cat trying hard to trip him

up on the stairs and kill him but he knew all her tricks. He opened the back door

and she waddled out not in in any hurry now letting in cold damp air and

vanished into the darkness. Bitch you are!, Dan muttered after her.

The red light was blinking like a far off lighthouse demanding his attention on

the answer machine but I left it because at ten forty three am., he was in no mood

for chit chat unless his two ex wives had cashed in their chips and left him a great

wad of cash. Frying pan on, eggs, bacon, mushrooms and a slice of fatty bread all

in the one pan cooking away while the BBC news told him that the rag heads of

the Middle and Near east were killing off one another across the North of Africa.

And London was burning big time. Like I care, I thought as he let a wet cat in

who headed straight for her food dish and gulped down the mush.

Dan turned down the TV sound and dished up his breakfast then sat at the table

and ate, not really tasting the food because he was deep in thought about what

Velda Komiskey said before she left his study late in the afternoon on Monday.

and whats more I have typed up the few pages you left for me, checked the

bank account and so far you are OK and can pay me this month, if you in fact

write. Someone called Nobody wants to have a meeting with you tomorrow at two

outside Walsall Library. In case youre thinking I am setting you up Danny Boy

that is what he said his name is. Unless at your old age you are still working for the

MOD I would stay in and write. Bye.

Old age indeed and made a mental note to have a word about that and also to

remind Velda that ten years ago she was standing by a church yard in deep snow

trying to sell here body to ghosts as no other human being was out that night

until he came down the street and Dan was far from human because in those

days he took a drink or three.

Rosie waddled over and sat by his feet and went through the business of a clean

up as only cats do and know. Hate to say this cat but you have seen better days.

In cat years you are as old as me and I am no spring chicken. Who the hell is this

Mr Nobody Rosie?

Rosie did not look up and so did Dan glared at the demanding red blinking light.

He swallowed high fat bread and went over and pressed play and at first all he

got was silence, then deep breathing and then;

Someone told me that you used to be some kind of cop, or private dick whatever

but you are also a writer of sorts and I need you to hear my story then write it. I

already talked to some bird there and she said she would pass the message on and I

would meet you at Walsall Liberty at two. I will wait till three and if you are not

there I will know you are not interested. I am aware Dan Cross that you love

mystery so I will take the gamble and see you then. Oh! My name for the moment is

Geoff Nobody but when we meet please dont call me Geoffrey because I dont use

that name or like it. Bye.

Dan Cross hit the erase button and reset it after making a note of his name and

the time of his choice. His voice did not sound foreign so he ruled out quickly he

was not Arab, Asian, African, or from one of those European tomato growing

countries or that he was a yank or a yank with a Canadian voice. Irish, Scots,

Welsh and Cornish would have jumped out at him so that left him to be English

and London, like someone out of East Enders chewing a marble. He thought

about this and smiled, Dan Cross you have a great way with words and

surprised your not dead yet.

Rosie looked up sneezed and walked away shaking her head or seemed too but

maybe she had another ear infection. Maybe she thought he was going crazy

talking to himself again but then as there is no other life form living here in the

house except her, a few spiders and a stuffed Barn Owl that does not count as

live if she has nine lives then she would understand it was her.

Dan switched off the TV just as a busty and beautiful weather reader came on,

Carole something or other and started to tell me that there was a depression low

over the UK and heavy rain all day. He knew there was a depression and the

wind was coming from the SW, across Paddy Land, dumping wet stuff and dead

skin cells on Birmingham all day. Cross shook his head and pondered what a

wee girl like that was doing out of her warm bed on a morning like this when she

should be snuggled down in the warm, with a man.


This Mr Nobody kept rattling around in his head until he switched on his

computer in the bomb shelter that he use as an office and pulled up his dairy

for the day. Velda of course had access to this PC for her work and for his

writing corrections she made. He used an up to date Laptop with up to date

Windows on it. What he thought he needed really was an AppleMac.

She had filled in times with a note beside it as a reminder to me which he had to

check each morning. Today a wet Wednesday was no different;







IS BACK FROM ROME. (Could be she wants your body Dano!)





5 00 EAT!



Velda. X

Dan stood up and went to the window and looked out on a grey wet dawn and

then my watch. Two hours before I went to Doctor Helen Madden for my check

up, he thought.

Dan Cross knew his doctor was tall, has the nick name as 'Dark Vader' with

some members of staff, is Irish and straight to the point talking with no or little

medical jargon thrown in because she calls lungs, lungs and infected lungs as

chest infection. On top of that she is death on smoking but as he smoke the pipe

he worked out that he will only get throat or oral cancer unlucky. She always

give him a full MOT once a year and sorts out what he have to take in the way of

pills. Sometimes he thought she is a little disappointed that she has not

discovered some mass hidden away in my tissue or that my brain does not start


He smiled at that and says to her ' I do a lot of walking', which he did and Velda

is always on his case when she does his shopping. Like no fatty meat or bacon,

small amounts of cheese and watered down milk! Then he would go shopping!

Dan found Jenny Snows number on his mobile and rang her. It was picked up

almost at once. Hi, Dan. Know what time it is? She had her sleepy voice on.

Gone past seven and got your message. What do you want?

She snorted, Now is not a good time but Hallo would nice and I hope you are

well for a start. Thanks for sending on the info about our target that left Rome in

a hurry and will arrange a warrant and the team will go get him. He was the last

one for now but we could not leave Rome until their police tied up the loose end

even though we work along side Interpol. Ali, an ex police officer went down.

Dan took a deep breath and though he did not know the woman he felt sad

because when a member of your team is killed it hits hard. Sorry to hear that

Jenny. Really am sorry and I guess that is the sort of business you are in and I

used to be in. What about your main operation in Florence and the Vatican


Messy but we did well and all targets met Dan. I can only tell you that the team

worked well together and that the targets all having a chance to study marine

biology first hand of the coast of Italy. This as you know is an on going thing and

right now I am looking at a new cold case so we wont stop for a while. Jenny

said noted had her hard assed voice on now and icy with it.

I could feel myself tense up with anger and said, More kids Jenny?

Yes. I won't be home yet because I have to check out a vineyard here.

Dan Cross frowned. More suspect bodies?

Yes and this time home grown and missing for four years so I may be calling on

your services in the next few weeks with your normal over the top fees which as

Director, I have to pay you.

He made a face at the phone then muttered, Of course and you know I am

worth it Jenny but I would waver the fees if we can put the bad guys and girls

away, one way or the other.

There was he noted, a long pause and then Jenny said in a soft voice, Your

health and your book writing, how is that going?

At least she really cares but then she always did and he was glad of that over the

years. But she was fishing and Dan Cross knew her well enough that she was

plotting something.

Writing is quicksand at the moment and my health is good so far but I am

working on both. Velda is doing the office part of it and I just write. Ten years

ago that kid was going down a long hard road.

Yes I know and maybe we should meet sometime soon but not work just a chat,

a meal and a laugh. Are you up for it Dan?

Dan knew she was lying that only Jenny could do and she would want something

and it was not his body but as she was and always would be a workaholic with

two mobile phones, a laptop with wireless and no doubt something hidden away

in her box of tricks she would not have time for bed hopping with him or anyone

else for that matter.

Sure am but when is the last time you really laughed Jenny Snow and it is has

been four years now since your husband and daughter were killed in that smash

up. Sam Deacon said later that you were more than raw around the edges and he

thought you were going to go somewhere that you would not come back from in

your head. Sam died not knowing if he was right or wrong.

He was wrong thankfully but close Dan and I mean real close because for a time

I thought I was losing the plot. Now I throw myself into work, have a good team

around me and a hell of a lot of anger that I now use.

That he knew, the anger bit because he have been there and done that so Dan put

on his best Private Dick voice, Ok. Send me my dough Jenny and Ill come back

to you soon. If you need anything else let me know.

She said quickly. Ok but one thing Dan? Do you love this Velda woman and are

you both in a relationship?

She was fishing again of course because there was no ice now in her voice and she

needed the truth. I love you more Jenny and we are not in anyway involved in a

relationship, you I or Velda, just real friends. Bye.

Dan knew he had been abrupt when he hung up and stood there thinking what

she just said. Dr Madden and Jenny Snow must be half sisters he thought as he

had his first pipe of the day and sucked in loads of cancer triggers and heart

blocking chemicals with glee.

Dan Cross had met Jenny Snow many years ago in London when she was an

upcoming Criminal Defence Lawyer and worked for Goldberg and Partners and

though he was on the other side of the fence during the trail of a well known

Irish terrorist he had to admire her. As Dan was known only as solider A during

that trail his real name never came out but his evidence did and she tried her

best to blast a hole in it. In the end she got her client a lighter prison sentence

even though it was murder of a RUC police officer he had been charged with and

his three comrades who were also there at the killing, were dead before they got

to court and for a while Dan thought at the time she was going to ask me how

they died before the Irish police went to get them. She had looked across the

court room that day as she packed her bag on leaving their eyes met and she give

Dan Cross a little nod and the hint of a smile. She knew what he knew and had

said nothing.

After Dan left the Marines and Lisburn HQ Command he left Ireland and went

on a rampage of anger around the UK and Dan was to meet Jenny Snow again

this time as she became his defence lawyer in a Birmingham Court. It seems the

charge against him was GBH and through the three punks who attacked Dan

when he was drunk made the complaint that they got cut up by Dan when he

used a button Italian job on them once he was on the ground and they were

playing football with my head. The truth of the matter is that he did but as a last

resort and as Cross was on the ground he somehow managed to hamstrung one

of them, stab the middle one in the groin and took a finger of the tall one with a

swipe, a drunken swipe at that. Anyway, Jenny read out his service records, his

field action record, his mental state at the time and before and then she said was

what I did was in fear of my life then the case against Dan was dismissed on

condition he got his head sorted and fast. Dan became friends with her after that

but always business friends and when she left London after the death of her

family and the drunken driver got off, then he got hit by someone who was never

caught or not looked for then he had a bond and all non sexual. Life and death

are like that, brothers and sisters of our universe.

Dan did not know how long he had been sitting there thinking about the past but

jumped when the key went in the door and Velda walked in rain splattered and

dripping. She glared at him when she passed. You need to shave old man.

That is what a man gets when he picks up strays in the snow many years ago, he

thought glaring back at her.

Hi Velda I hear your happy voice on so I take it you had a good sleep and

looking forward to working for me this day of days?

She stopped and shook rain everywhere then glared at me. Youre dressed?

He nodded and smiled at her. Yes, so how do I look Velda?

Like a dead man wearing another dead mans clothes and that jacket is dated

just so that you know, by twenty years in fact, so whoever owned was real old,

older than you when he died and his family bagged his clothes for that charity

shop you go to.

Sometimes Velda could be a real bitch and nasty with it he thought looking at the

empty space where she had been a few seconds ago. Maybe I should just sack her

and get her out of my life and head for good. Tell her to go now, leave the key and

just go. She works for me, I pay her wages and I look after her and have over the

years and now she thinks she can talk to me anyway she likes!

Maybe it might be better to say nothing ,though Dan.

The other Dan Cross, my shadow self started to whisper back; She did not care

about you she would not speak to you like that and another thing you seemed to

have forgotten is you pay her little and not enough for all the extras she does, sex

excluded of course.

Dan? Her nice voice now called from the study where Dan's office was.

What? he muttered letting the anger drain away and glanced at his reflection

in the glass fronted bookcase as he passed it. The jacket looked ok and that was

all that matters. She was sitting at her desk powering up her computer and

looked back at him through a cloud of smoke.

Dan hated it when she did that, amber eyes playing games with his head and a

slight smile on her lips.

Luv you Dan, and blew him a kiss that made his heart go ping.

Sometimes it gets you like that, just a look a kind word a smile and it does not

happen often but when it does the day is worth facing.

Me too kid, he whispered under his breath and went back into his own

thoughts about a man he was going to meet who he did not know and wanted

Dan Cross to write something for him. Little did he know that this was going to

be more than just a page or two and Dan had already two of his own books on

the boil and was still doing his own research on those.

He took the bus into Walsall, that is because he has a bus pass and with his eyes

the way they are driving now was a' no, no' and the public feel safe once again.

He liked to people watch ,observe more on a bus and more so on a wet morning

like this because not only did you see you also smell things hear more.

This bus trip was no exception with the smell of warm bodies and rain mingling

with that of sweat and spices. Bus trips in Walsall tend to get Dan's grey matter

up and running and he make mental notes of people and how they behave for use

in future fiction that he may write.

All shapes and sizes packed in and by the time the bus pulled into the main bus

station it was jam packed. Dan could have got off outside the library two stops

back but wanted time to walk and think because he came early for that purpose.

ICross walked back through thongs of grey people on a grey day past the post

office scattering a few pigeons that were looking for invisible food on the wet foot

paths. These flying rats as they are called by the locals and seem to be getting

less and less each year either because the Council is killing them off at night, the

local population is growing too quickly and they now are a food source or the

pair of falcons in the town are doing a good job,he thought.

Dan came to the corner building of the swimming baths and looked a few yards

up the street to the main door of the liberty and observed the few human animals

that were out and about. Old habits die hard and it was something he picked up

in the marines in Belfast and Derry. Time taken to observe is never time wasted.

Most of the people were coming and going fast in and out of the door except for a

small man in black leather and dressed in silver. Dan could see that he was well

built and kept looking at the clock and then across the road at the bus stop Dan

would got off at if he came that way. Mr. Nobody carried a small bag and wore a

leather hat and Dan worked out quickly that this was Geoff if in fact that was

his real name which at that moment in time, Dan doubted.

No one else was standing close by so I walked towards him. He looked at me and

I at him then he smiled, Dan Cross?, and held out his hand and I shook it. His

grip was firm and he had working hands.

I take it your Geoff?

Yes. Thank you for coming but it is a bit wet to stand here so would you like a


I nodded and pleased that I was right because he did speak with an East End

London accent but somewhere in there was also a hint that he had been around.

Great. Where do we go?

He nodded across the road where there was a small shop with steamed up

windows and I followed him across the busy road and into the shop glad to be in

out of the rain. We found a corner table and I sat down while he went to the

counter where a washed out blond stood serving and who seemed to know him.

She looked across at me with pale eyes, almost smiled and then turned back to


He came back with two large mugs of coffee and sat down but before I could take

a sip he blurted out, Right what I need is you to write a story.

Just like that. I looked at him and my brain raced because he was either well out

of his tree on was playing with my head.

About what Geoff? puzzled what he was talking about. His answer took me by

surprise because he had it all mapped out for him and it seems me.

Me. My story and it might make a good book and there might even be a second

book if the first one goes well!

Just like that. I set my mug down and smiled at him. You are going too fast

Geoff and what is more to the point writing your story might be a waste of your

time and my time. If there is enough there then I can write it but I write it my

way and that will take time and research so you wont get it next week or the

week after because books, even articles take time.

He almost pouted then smiled.

But you could do it if you had all the information and you write it in your name

but not mine?


Warning bells went off in my head because that is the way my head works and

gut reaction to such statements. Everyone has an agenda in life and more so

when they want you to write something and keep them out of it. When that

happens it always smells of law courts, claims made for cash and someone, like

me, sued for Libel. That was not going to happen, not now and not ever. Besides I

dont have any money and the house I live in is falling down and I have no


I took a tape recorder out of my pocket and set it in front of him and he looked at

it as it was a coiled cobra about to strike. He jabbed a finger at it and whispered,

Whats that!

Tape recorder and when you talk I press the red button and record what you

say so I dont have to make loads of notes.

It was also my insurance back up as well, that what he said was on record in case

there was any come back in the future. It saves the courts, the cops and me a lot

of time sorting it out.

He looked at me, back to the recorded and then back at me licked his lips and

nodded. Ok. Where do you want me to start?he muttered in his East End

accent, the dark eyes watching me closely.

Give me the bones of your story first and I will look at it then we can have

another meeting and I will decide if it is worth going ahead with it but I want you

to be up front and no leaving bits out that you dont like or making up micky

mouse bits just to add colour to the story. Give it to me straight to the point and


He nodded again and I pressed the red button aware that the tattered blond was

straining her ears from behind the counter with a radio on louder than she would

have wished. Good news for me but bad news for her and if she turned down the

sound I stop the interview and we leave. Simple as that. The next hour with Mr

Nobody, with me asking questions, would give me some idea later if he and I had

anything to work with and that meant when I got back to my office I would have

to sit down and go through the recordings and make notes. I left him with a hand

shake and told him I would meet him same time same place next week.

Velda was still there when I got back, her black hair hanging down her back,

bright red lipstick shinning and in a red dress as bright as her lipstick. I did not

miss the long legs under the desk as I walked in and looked at her sitting at her


Hi Velda and I know you had a good day.

She looked up her brown eyes smoky and she looked like the actress Jane Russell

of old, the one in the black and white film in the early fifties called The

Outlaw. Velda also pouted like her I noticed.

You see this Mr Nobody? She asked in that husky voice with just the hint of a

European accent and watching me closely.

Yes and he seems ok Velda. Nice guy and works in leather. After I said that I

knew she would have taken it the wrong way and the wrong meaning.

Velda raised her right eyebrow in a question mark.

No he works in doing things with leather Velda like belts and things.

She smiled one of her evil smiles, Leather handcuffs and shorts?

I did not rise to the bait but told her everything about the meeting and when she

finished she lit a cigarette and glared at me. How much for this book you may

write or not write Dan?

I shrugged and made a face. We did not talk money Velda because like me I

dont think he has much and besides I have not yet decided to do it yet. You got a

beef with me kid? I said the last bit of the question like Humphrey Bogart

would have ,just for impact.


No, your bank manager has and he rang twice and I told him you were out

looking for work. Said he wanted you to call in and see him this week to discuss

your account and added that it was urgent. Like tomorrow at noon.

That bad is it? Guns or knives or weapons of choice?, knowing my face was

on the ugly side now because it always went that way when bank robbers who

pass themselves off as bank managers and extract money from me.

Seems so and everything goes. I have not been paid yet for last month so I guess

I will have to go without. Unless of course I do a one night

No! Dont even joke about going back to your old life! Jenny Snow is sending

me my fees and they should be in the bank tomorrow and straight into the

account Velda, so stop worrying.

How much Dan? she asked watching me closely and not smiling.

I coughed and mumbled, Three grand and fifty quid.

The cigarette in her lips started to dance and the brown eyes got larger then she

smiled her nice smile. Who did you kill for that Dan?

Funny Ha-ha. For services rendered my dear. Not writing but hard work and

hard time all the same. That week in Wales when you thought I was on holiday I

was grafting. So we are in the black again and you get paid. Fatso at the bank

will be happy for a while and I can write.

She pouted, the red lips making a round O then nodded. And this Mr Nobody?

What is his real name Dan, for the record?

He said Geoff Body then it was Geoff Brody but I am not sure. I got his

address though and he did not know I followed him there. We said goodbye and I

made look I was going across the road but went around the Library and he

walked past. Give him twenty feet in front of me in a crowd and just sat on his

trail. He bought a burger at a stall and up though the markets and then home.

She hit the key board of her computer and looked at me. His Address Dan.

I told her and asked what she was doing. She smiled at me muttering, Checking

he is on the Electoral Voting list. Ha! Five houses in a row and all names given.

No name of 'body' but we do have a Geoff Brody so it seems that was true. What

do you want to do about him?

I thought quickly and looked at my watch. How about you work your magic

witchcraft and try and get his work record around Walsall or anywhere else if

you can. He comes across as not the sort of man that would leave a paper trail

but you might strike gold.

While Im doing this what will you be doing boss?

I smiled at her. Research my love. In my study and I dont want disturbed


She smiled and nodded. Ok then. No sex on offer and no phone calls and no

callers on speck?

I walked away from her smiling and closed over my study door, flopped into the

large chair in front of an even larger desk with a computer almost hidden by a

stack of books. I took a long hard look at the photographs on the wall above my

desk of Jane Russell in 1947 and then went on line and downloaded two pictures

of another actor

same time and who looked like Mr Nobody.


Jane Russell still looked better but Orson Wells still looked good in the Third

Man and give me focus on my Mr. Nobody.

I took out the small tape recorder and reversed the tape then pressed play and

made notes of important points as Mr Nobody spoke. In all it took two hours and

I made a mental note that if this was a money client today already I would have

made seventy quid straight with no outlays except time.

The door knocked and Velda came in and dumped a shrimp carry out on my

desk then nodded at it. Eat oh master because I am now off home and I want

you alive in the morning.

I looked at the box, could smell the warm food and I looked up at her but she

blurted out, Dont look at me like that Dan because you remind me of a dog I

used to know and had big sad eyes just like you.

After she had left and the front door had closed I went for the food, no plate,

and ate out of the box and now and then looking at the framed photograph of

Velda tucked in between Tribes of the Holy Land BC and Archaeology

Concepts on the bookcase.

I saluted her with a chip speared on a plastic fork.Thanks. Heres looking at

you kid.

In the photograph she looked like she had the hint of a smile crossing her lips

and I sighed wondering why she did part time work for me as well as teaching

Russian, Spanish or French when she could have a full time job at Walsall

collage where she worked, her main job so to speak. Maybe she thought she

owned me something because all those years ago I helped her get on her feet and

even paid her fees to Nottingham University where she got a very good degree in

Languages. I did know that her own parents and her two brothers were

murdered in Kosovo or some place that was in the old country and the Serbs

came like mad wolves and slaughtered a whole village in the dead of night.

Another mass grave of Muslims and somehow Velda ran into the night and

through pine forests and mud until she could run no more. A UN patrol found

her half in and out of a muddy water filled ditch, almost dead and she was taken

to a first aid station on the UN camp.


In time, and sleeping with many faceless men, she made enough cash to get to the

UK and arrived in Nottingham where she set herself up in a business she knew

all too well and where I met the skinny girl on a snowy night and took her home

and fed her. The rest is history and it was a father come daughter relationship

from that day to this. Still is, I thought looking at the tape recorder. I pressed

play and made notes.

Mr Nobodys voice rasped out and I listened.

I was born in 1946, four minutes behind my brother Aaron, my twin brother so

there were two of us. As much as I can remember we were farmed off to different

places then we came back to our parents and we all lived in a Prefab. Things went

on pretty normal for a time until one day my mother had a relapse, in my mind a

bad one. She said that she saw someone in the middle of the night who told her my

dad was dead, like dead, dead. She said to Aaron, you heard it too Aaron didnt

you? The bugger for some reason said yes and I dont know why he said that but

I was in the same room as him and I heard nothing so I told them both to leave it at

that. She would not let it go that my dad was dead and even demanded I go to the

hospital and find out that she was telling the truth.

We went to school and after a time there I was farmed off to a place called South

End to a foster carer. My brother stayed in London and I lived in South End for two

years so I thought this was it and I had no contact with them at that time and had

very little contact with my father in the first place so I was on my Todd it seemed. I

went to school there of course, tried to be independent and just as I was getting it

together I was shipped back to London where I had to go to school there and had to

drop down three classes for some reason which I thought was unfair. Dropped to

these lower grades the same as my brother because he could not read and I could

and I ended up with a class full of what was backward children. I was not too

pleased about this I can tell you but I kept my mouth shut and my mother kept on

and on and me about me having to learn and I could already read where my

brother could not and I told her this. She then tried to get a private tutor for my

brother for some reason and I had resentment because she was doing all this for

him, not me. Why she did not ask me did I want this extra teaching and also a

chance to let her see what I knew. My mother was a very dominating woman but a

good business woman but she had no respect for my brother and less for me. That is

the way she came across to me at the time. I guess in her thinking and education

she had two dumb bells on her hands and all this came as a shock because I now

had to go to night classes at the old CCT or Tech as it was better known. This did

not work and before my brother and I knew it we were sent to a Childrens Home,

both of us. Aaron and I had to have an interview there so I said to him let me do the

talking and keep your mouth shut. So I did all the answering of the questions and

they said what do you think of this and that. For some reason we were sent to

another home two weeks later and when we got there I said to my brother, This is it

and we are on our own really, which we were in fact. Our mother just dumped us

like fast and we were both eight years old at this time. It was Aaron and I against

the rest of the older boys there and we had to play smart, foxy like in order to

survive. The older boys had their own agendas and I told my brother to keep his

head down and mouth shut. In all the home we were now in held twenty boys, all

older than us so right away we were up against it from all sides. We wangled our

way into sports there and did well with football and running so at least we had been

noticed and got sports gear for our trouble and at times hidden protection from one

or two of the teachers. I was good at football and in order to get a football kit

including boots you had to be noticed and outstanding no matter what age group

you were in. Thankfully I got noticed and got the gear which give me a great lift

moral wise. However I had to play against a guy called Chopper and chop he did

like taking the legs from underneath me when I had the ball and running with it.

He was not playing football with the ball he was playing it with me as the ball and

do after about five minutes I took him out with a chopping kick and he went down

hard. When he recovered he did not say a word or tried the chopper stunts again

and it taught me then and there you have to fight back but on your terms, your

rules and do it hard.

The Home was a strange place because just after the war ended there were a lot of

kids in the East End were dumped fast either because the father was killed in the

war or was a run away dad. Sometimes both parents had been killed so there was no

choice but to place them in care. Mums who lost a husband or was up the spout

wanted to start a new life as they called it so a child or children were a millstone

around their necks.

My mother was a real good looking woman, dressed well and somehow made

money, in some cases a lot of dosh. She once told me she had Barbara Windsor as a

friend, the film actress and had also met the Kray Twins, two real bad hats it seems.

As you may know these twins did not mess about because if you were a friend you

were ok but if you were an enemy then you ended up dead or got an acid face. You

ever seen a man or woman with an acid burned face?

The East End of London was a tough place in those days, it was a world apart and

up to the beginning of the Second World war and into the early 1950s it was a

slum, a place of disease, hunger, gangsters and prostitution, the ghosts of Jack The

Ripper and his victims walked the streets after dark but to me as a child it was

home. People who never lived there dont know the real East Enders, the good and

the bad. By the 1870s at least close to one million people lived, worked and died

here, three square miles of a cess pit and colour. There had been villages like

Hoxton, Haggerston and real cottages around Bethnal Green, a rural setting almost

in those far off days with the River Thames not far away. The pavements were said

to be paved with gold and of course large families moved in fact to seek work and

homes. When I was a child it was no more that of a jigsaw of old buildings, narrow

and dark alley-ways, always a potential danger and killing ground. Immigration

like today took hold and they came from Europe, Ireland and far off the lands and

of course they were all thrown together and it did not work and does not work now

and never will.

The Ghetto in those early days was the East End and as I remember it only three

classes of people; the poor, the very poor and a group of people who were more like

starving animals rather than humans. The animals lived hand to mouth on an

hourly bases.

The house or flat were of the tenement kind and only rented out to those who could

earn money by any means and if it was a room no larger than a small box a whole

family lived, eat and bred there. There was also a class of wildlife in such houses

and rooms mainly cockroaches, fleas, mice and rats and the shared toilet was at the

bottom of the garden with a water standpipe for drinking and washing in the yard.

My brother and I of course had an extended family not blood family but were

always there keeping an eye out for you or telling you off if you got into trouble,

which we did.

Somewhere in there was the Kray family and very few people knew or know today

that the family were real Romanies, Gypsies in fact and in their wanderings they

arrived in London as horse dealers.

Our hunting areas for coal and fruit was around Brick Lane or Hoxton Market and

like all kids there if anything was left lying around and useful we nicked it. In those

most if not all of the small shops displayed their goods outside and all the kids that

could run grabbed something and ran, most of it food. We had no TV could not

afford the cinema , known as the pictures but we had our heros in the community

and all the men there were real fighters, bare knuckle fighting at that and money

won or lost in bets.

We did in time get a chance to go to the Theatre and that first time someone nicked

the stage money and for some reason they thought it was us when in fact it was one

of the Kray twins. As I tell you this place names come back to me like Dumbridge

Road , Daneford School, Wood Close School, Regal billiard Hall at Mill End Road,

Billingsgate Fish Market, Fenchurch Street Station and Victoria Park close to the

Roman road. Things of course went downhill and our mother did not seem to have

much time for us and in time, the only way I can put it we were dumped on other

people and places.

Aaron and I were on our own and there is no doubt about that and a visit from my

mother was a very rare event so in time I forgot what her face was like. Aaron of

course seemed to have spent more time with her than me and he never forgot her.

To cut a long story short, I needed to get away and could not wait till I was fourteen

and once I was I was off doing odd jobs around the east end while my mother

sometimes stayed with our mother and sometimes with friends. He was into art and

was good at it and if he had not died I feel he could have had his own art gallery

and making money.


Anyway I worked in a number of low paid jobs, mainly as a kitchen boy and later as

a waiter serving tables to posh people who sometimes give you a tip. You got to

know your customers by name, always their second name and you also got to know

who would tip if you give the right service on the night. A few were famous faces,

some gangsters and some film stars but now and then a well know footballer would

come in with some bird on his arm. The football stars always tipped as long as you

supported their team and said you did. You lied of course but that was the way it was

and no hard cheese. I missed National Service by a month and by that time I was

ready to leave England anyway with some money and headed on my first

adventures to France.

When I arrived I started hitching and passed through bomb and war torn sites,

sometimes when I could not get a lift I lay up in some ruin or cemetery for the

night and I eat bread and cheese and drank wine, not great wine but what I could

afford. I was to learn fast that a past war zone is not a happy place because when I

passed through France the village people had grey faces and never smiled. Now

and then I would come to a mound of earth in the countryside and knew it was a

grave but did not know if it was French, German, American or British grave

because in the more remote areas there were no markers on the wooden cross. One

night as I lay in a wood I heard chanting away in the distance and to me sitting

around a camp-fire it sounded beautiful and I got to thinking of my brother and

mother back in England, sad feelings coming and going. By the time I reached

Paris I had lost a few stone and found somewhere to wash and change into clean

clothes then went looking for a job because I needed to top up my funds though I

had enough stashed away for a few weeks I knew it would not last.

Lying of course came easy to a street kid from the East End but not having any

French was a handicap but in the end I got a job picking grapes in a vineyard in

the country east of Paris. There were other young people there as well all students

and we picked grapes from seven oclock to seven at night, had lunch of cheese and

wine at midday and the great supper back at the farm then fell asleep fast

knackered. Most of the students were from France, Switzerland, a few from Spain

and England but it was worth noting no Germans. German students it seems were

not welcome in France.

For two weeks I had Julie an English student as my workmate and she was much

older than me by four years but we worked hard together and laughed a lot. In that

short time we became close and as I was still a virgin at sixteen and knew nothing

except street talk I had not a clue how to proceed. Two nights before we were to

move away as the work was finished Julie suggested we meet down in the vine yard

and she would bring more wine. A moon came up in the east and we sat down on

the ground between the rows od vines and she looked at me and started to undress. I

wanted to run because I had never seen a woman, any woman nude before under a

moon and on a warm night but more wine and I was soon being taught how to have

sex and kiss well. For some reason Julie had left the farm by dawn, drawn her pay

and said goodbye to the farmer and his wife. I looked across the large breakfast

table at her empty chair and almost burst out in tears because I could not swallow

that hard lump in your throat that we all get in a great moment of sadness.

Getting small jobs here and there was hard but I did it and nearly always got one

where food was also there. I moved around a lot because I worked hard when I

could get it so my funds built up, all cash in those days and changing it into another

countrys cash was not much of a problem. For almost a year I travelled around

middle Europe and into Turkey and Iran. There was always the problem with visas

of course but in the end I sorted it. I found the people of Iran and Turkey friendlier

to the Brits than the people of Germany but that is understandable seeing what

happened to their cities during the war and the millions killed.

Lifts with people in trucks who had no or little English was always a risk but I did

not have any trouble and I enjoyed the travel almost free and the adventure around

it. A young man abroad and on his own was a risk but it is much worse today

because if the local cops dont get you the bad guys will somehow. Women of course

were fair game for both and some women were dead stupid when it meant mixing

with local people because they were from the west they thought they knew better

much to their cost. Rape, murder or going missing is just as bad as it was then as it

is today, in fact I would go on to say that today it is a high risk venture for women

on their own.

In time I got fed up bumming around the hot spots of Europe and for some reason

unknown to me I moved on this time deep into Sweden not just for a holiday and

see the sights but also to get some work, any work as funds now were worse than

low. I took a train, a bus and hitched till I got as far north there as I wanted to

know and it was here that I found a job as a leather worker and was taken on,

though most of the Swedish men when they had a drink could be worse than racist

but if they choose to also violent. I kept my nose clean, my head down and worked

hard then I men a girl and we moved in together as a couple. Like I said, her father

was against the whole idea and we had to put up with that. Time took its toll of

course and we splint up and I moved into south Sweden then took the Ferry back to

England with a banged up car which was to become my home for a good few

months. I went to see my brother and he was in bad shape mentally and health wise

and was talking the last train to Gun Hill and the bone yard. He was dying in front

of me and there was nothing I could do so I could not stay with him and just slept in

the car, ate in the car and that was my home. A few days before he died I went to see

him and I could see he had lost a lot of weight but he still looked like me but the

house was the pits and the smell terrible. When I asked him would he go to hospital

and what could I do to help him he smiled sadly he said, It ends here and I dont

want to live any more. I don't want your help or anyone elses.

All I could do was nod, went over and kissed him, said goodbye and left.'

I thought on that because I had a brother that went the same way so Geoff was

not the only one that went through that for of rejection.

Shit happens I thought getting pictures in my head about part of the life my Mr.

Nobody lived in the past but I also knew deep down that he was telling me only

what he wanted me to hear. He had left out his dark side and people forget when

you do an interview the person who is doing the interview knows this if he or she

are any good at their job.

I tossed this around in my head making notes of points I needed to bring up with

him when I met him again. The first was a simple one and to do with passports;

i.e.; How many passports did he have and was he or had he used his dead

brothers passport in the past seeing they were like two peas in a pod as they were


The second question was a simple one to ask myself, If he used his brother's

passport to go abroad then Why?

Question three was not as simple. Had he any crime history abroad or in the UK

and if so what?

Only he could answer that and if he said no to all my questions then to protect

myself I would have to run him through a very special computer that Jenny

Snow had down at the Codex Red Project.


Jenny Snow set the Government funded Project up a few years back and was

allowed to hire and fire her own team which she did and they worked on missing

and dead children cold cases from the UK and Ireland across Europe and into

Asia. They also had a vested interest in parts of Africa and India where UK and

Irish citizens went to seek out children and not for the right reasons. Interpol

was linked to the set up and therefore no matter where they went they had back

up like cops with guns and computer resources. All very useful and pro active

but at times I needed some information on bad guys connected with drugs or gun

running so I put a call in and I then get a call back. In return I do some old fancy

footwork for Jenny on someone she had lost and I call her and she pays me via


Because of the little information he had given me it was starting to look like a

railway junction on a busy day and I did not know right now where the trains

were coming from, where they were going or why? Yet.

I did know that no one, and that includes Mr. Nobody goes anywhere in this

world without leaving a paper trail and tracks of where they have been, how long

and why. Fact as I know is sometimes stranger than fiction but everyone no

matter who they are and if adult, have a past.

In that past are keys to the being and lead to places sometimes the person does

not want to go any more. Mr Nobody is no exception I thought unless of course

there is more to this than meets the eye, something much darker perhaps?

I knew I needed to dig much deeper into his past, get him later to go over old

ground and see if it matches the latest version of events he told me, word for

word then if there was something else there as him more questions. After all I

have all the tape records and also text written on them, even dates and times so if

he comes up with something new this will help in the research and the book.

I sat and played the tape again hearing the sadness in Mr Nobodys voice and

then left a note on the tape and placed it on Veldas desk then sent Jenny Snow

an email and all the gory details knowing she would get back to me in time. I also

wondered how Velda would react when she heard the first tape.

I picked up the second tape looked at it then placed it in the recorder and

pressed play.

'Like I said Dan, I loved my football as a teenager and small kid and when I was

playing I never stood still, never stopped moving and that is the way I have been

most of my life. As I said before I wanted an education but wanted a 'posh'

education and to have that you had to have a mammy or daddy with loads of dosh

and they paid up. Most of the kinds who went to such places were in fact twats, no

real breeding but pretended they had.

It was at this stage I wanted out of school and well out of the system and could not

wait. I did not want any papers of anything else because to me at that time it was all

a total waste of time for a kid on the move.

Being with foster carers in those days is not like today because they got paid and

paid well for having me but they never did anything for me and just as long as they

got the money that was it. All they cared about really was money.

By the times I was seventeen I had made plans to get out of the country and some of

these plans were crazy when I look back at it now talking with you. My brother went

his way, I think I told you that, and I was going my way because though we were

twins we had nothing in common, no bond in fact as brothers should have. It might

have been better between us if we had not been split up at an early age but later as I

said when we did get back together there was a distance between us.

There are a couple of people I want to mention but I won't mention this time

because I will be wanting to write another book and...'

I pressed stop and drew a deep breath amazed that he was talking about another

book and this one, if it ever was written, not even started yet. Geoff was climbing

mountains and he had not yet learned to walk up hills. He had no idea that even

if the first book was finished by yours truly he still had to find a publisher or pay

over the odds to have it published. Not only that if I was not careful I would end

up seeking out a publisher and paying the stamps on the finished Mms. There

was also a time factor like I was now seventy years old and my body clock was

ticking with two books of my own on the boil, grandchildren to play with,bills to

pay including paying Velda her cut for work done and a life that did not include

long term book writing for someone else just to make them happy. No sir and no

way. One book only if at that.

I glared at the tape recorder on my desk and it reminded me of Pandora's Box

because what was coming out of it was hairy, confusing and eating up my life

time on this crap planet.

I shuddered and took another deep breath, a sort of do it yourself yoga practice

and pressed 'PLAY'

'...write another book, two people that will read that. Anyway I went to work and

became a junior hair stylist, a bit of a con if you want to know the truth and I was

living on Chalk Farm at the time and working also in a caf as a dishwasher, a sort

of upgraded place if you get what I mean.


One day I was off as a dishwasher I met this guy in the street who asked me for a

few pence for a cup of tea and I funded him for a few pence. The old sixpence silver

bit and a week later I met him again and he paid me back the sixpence. Somehow

he found me to pay me back and that is the truth. He then said 'do you know who I

am?' I looked at him as if he was mad and replied , 'No. Never seen you before.'

Then he really surprised me and said, 'I'm a writer and my name is Jack La Dell ' .

That happened the week I was on the skids, like lost my job and was now sleeping

rough, skippering we call it and homeless people do it every day. Anyway, I told

Jack this and he said he would put me up for a while so I went with him and Jack

put me in his cupboard so to speak because as far as I was concerned that was what

it was. It was in fact a box room with a single mattress on the floor and he said,

'you can sleep there but the only problem is you are going to have to share it.'

I could see the problem right away but it was not sharing with him or someone else

on the mattress but that I could have it at night and a friend of his who was a

heroin addict had it during the day. So it turns out I would sleep at night and then

get up and this addict would come in and get into a nice warm bed and dream the

day away. I did this for five weeks and one night I came back to sleep and this guy

was in the bed out of it with a needle sticking out of his arm. There was something

about the way Jock lay on the mattress, like just a heap of rubbish dumped in a

hedgerow, only this was not rubbish but a human being or was.

The trouble is when you want to go to bed and you have a stiff in it, like he was

dead, gone and there I am in a box room with a dead man on my part of the

mattress. Then there was the smell, that smell I guess of a body in a warm room for

a while, not too heavy but there all the same.

I turned him over and could see he was really dead with eyes open that could not

see and mucus running out of his nose and mouth, his lips purple. I went and

opened a window for some reason and I guess that was a part of me that was saying

set his soul free as they do in Celtic countries then found a phone and rang Jack

and told him about the dead body and I was getting out fast and he was going to

have to ring the cops. Of course he was not pleased at the news but it was not like

he was running a house for illegal immigrants and I thought it would be worse if it

was a Chinaman lying there with no useful papers to say he could stay in the UK.

Or some woman I did not know with her throat cut I thought. That would mean I

had to be involved like big time seeing I discovered the stiff and Jock was no angel

from the little I knew of him because he kept to himself but then everyone has a

past and I did not want to know about his past as I had one of my own to deal with.

Jack therefore would have to sort it somehow with the cops and no doubt later with

the Coroners Court and after the post mortem I suspected it would go down as

something like a drugs overdose.

Jack said he would so I took off clubbing all night long till dawn then went direct

to my new job working for a hairdresser. I was knackered by noon and had bad

thoughts about going back there to sleep but not on that mattress, no way, it would

have to be the floor or nowhere and not in the room'.

I put the recorder on pause and brought up the post mortem report on one

Duncan McDonald found dead in the box room. Thanks to Molly at the Codex

Project and one of Director Snows Team she sent me the hospital report. It made

sad reading;






The remains of the above male was discovered by a friend, Mr Jack La-Dell on the

night of the 20th day of March 1993 at 11.55pm who reported this to his local police.

His call was logged at 12.09am and the police arrived at 12.19am. Officers then

informed the police forensics team and a scene of crime officer, Margo Dunlap,

number 2219, and she arrived at 12.34am as logged. The Forensics Team arrived a

few minutes later, 12.36am along with police surgeon Matthew Ford who carried

out a primary examination of the deceased. From a rectal temperature reading and

a room environmental reading Dr Ford estimated the time of death to be around

10.00am in the morning. The body was clothed only in underpants and a vest, no

socks. Rigor mortis was well advanced but had peaked and rigour in most cases is

gone in 36 hours after death takes place. The remains were examined and

photographed on site and Dr. Ford states that a syringe was found in the left arm

and that there were needle marks in both arms and in the groin area suggesting

drug abuse.

The deceased was then removed to the mortuary at 02.00am and a post mortem

carried out at 02.30am by Dr Matthew Ford. His findings are listed below.

The body is that of a young male around 27 years to thirty years old and was in a

state of poor nourishment, his last mean was that of a type of meat and chips but

was in an advanced state of digestion. Blood alcohol levels were not high but he

had been drinking, the substance detected was cider. Liver damage was advanced,

lungs normal, brain normal, kidneys normal. Heart much enlarged and clots


There was a few tattoos on the arms, no rings, not other jewellery found on the

body. No watch was discovered but his ID was in a small bag along with a small

packet of heroin and needles. His ID was confirmed by Glasgow CID this morning

and his family notified. Mr La Dell ID the body as that being of Duncan McDonald.


There is no evidence of foul play and death was due to massive cardiac arrest due to

an OD (Overdose of drugs) administrated by the said victim. Death is therefore

recorded as mis-adventure and Corner notified who will decide on the release of the

body for legal disposal.

Another Mr Nobody in a few years time and not remembered by family or

friends, I thought as I lit up my pipe. It would have been a small funeral, quick

and out of the way. Done and dusted as such deaths are.

I opened the police report on Mr McDonalds past life and that made interesting


Mr Duncan McDonald is known to us and the police in Goa, India.

Served a years prison sentence in Goa,India for drug use and possession of

drugs. Did his time and came back to the UK. No prison record in the UK or

Ireland but did have a number of Court appearances in London and one in

South Wales and all drug related. Finds outstanding now amounts to 278.98

with last find of fifty pounds for urinating in a shop doorway in Camden Tube

Station in January 1994.No other history recorded.


Not a member of the criminal under-world or a terrorist that was for sure, just

another sad sap who made the choice to die earlier than would be expected. I

mulled this around in my head then got to thinking on the brother of Mr Nobody,

Aaron. Like it could not be said he died a natural death either and again Mr.

Nobody was there the night before his death but Aaron did not want help and his

body was whacked in disease and pain. Heavy smoker, lungs bad already because

he had Asthma, not eating right, a brilliant artist when he worked at it and a

really fucked up brain that he tried to control with medication. A friend found

him slumped in his wheelchair and got in touch with Geoff. Death put down in

layman's terms as fucked up head, lungs and neglect. Simple as that.

Aaron no longer had the will to live, did not want help and refused any help

Geoff had to offer.

I put in a call direct to Geoff as there were a number of points I wanted to clear

up. I had made a numbered list list.

His home line rang out so I tried his mobile which for some reason was switched

off then a few minutes he rang me back.

Hi Dan. You rang me?

In the background I could hear a woman's voice and muffled talking so where

ever he was it was not in front of his own fireside because he lived alone.

Have some questions for you Geoff. Just a few loose ends that I need to tie into

the story or dismiss?

There was a long pause and I knew I had caught him on the hop.

Right now is not a good time, he rasped and then added, Look Dan could you

ring me tonight at nine at home?

At least he had confirmed he was somewhere else but that is no big deal I

thought. No sweat Geoff. Just after nine ok?


I put the phone down pondering on what to do next. Rosy the cat jumped on the

desk and rubbed herself against me then sat and looked at me directly, that

unblinking look only cats you know well can do.

Lets just day Rosy, that Geoff is only telling me what he wants me to hear and

leaving a lot out. Question is how do I write a book on his life if he only gives me

titbits of information and most of what I now know about him has been through


Question two is why is it that he does not want names mentioned when in fact

most of the people are bad guys and girls?

Question four is simple, who really is Mr. Nobody?

Rosy the cat was still sitting there staring. She knew something that I missed and

somehow I would have to tie up loose ends and fast because there was little point

in me writing 200 pages plus of a book on one Geoff Mr. Nobody as fact when I

could write a much better book in fiction mode and add his bits in?

The main problem with Geoff seems to be the injustice of it all, the brothers

death, his mother not really wanting any part of him, the family money wizard

come businessman, come crook, who did him and his brother out of their

mother's inheritance, seeing he was the one and only executive of the mother's


At two minutes past nine the phone rang on my desk. Hi.

Dan. Its me. You said you were going to ring me at nine?

Geoff, it is two minutes past nine, looking at the clock over my desk.

Yes..Ok. What can I do for you Dan?

How about payment for the work I have already done like cash, nice blue notes

and ten of them, I thought but instead said, I need a few more answers to

questions I have for you Geoff?


Ok. Shoot.

The dead guy that you shared a mattress with was in Chalk Farm?

Well almost it was in King Henry Walk number 61 I think

You find someone dead in your bed with a needle sticking out of them and you

'think' the house number was '61'?

You told me your brother's name was Aaron in our first interview and I asked

you was it a Jewish name and you said no, English. That still right Geoff?

He paused just for a moment. Maybe he was just tired after working all day, then

visiting a friend. Geoff?

Yes I am still here. No I said 'Alan' not Aaron and we, he was not Jewish. If you

have to use Alan's first name in the book could you spell it 'Allan' instead?

I checked my tape recorder notes and I had wrote Aaron. Not 'Alan'

Ok Geoff have sorted the name bit. How long did you spend In Sweden?

Another pause and I could hear him thinking. Juggling dates and years.

Happens to us all when you get older I thought,waiting.

Let me see. Went first in 72 or 73 and left 1990. Been all over Sweden but

mostly in the North but I did go to arts school in Gteborg for a time.

Had that relationship with that woman I met and when I went looking for work

down south she would stake me, money wise. I always paid her back of course

but it did not work out so I took my car and came back to England like I told

you. Slept in the car for weeks because did not want to stay with my brother.

I made notes on places I needed to check out in Sweden as he spoke.

That is where I first got into working with leather, small stuff only at first and I

met a few people who showed me how to be more artistic and making stuff that

would sell.

It was my turn to pause then,

Ok. We can meet as arranged

nest week, 2.00 pm at the coffee

house in Walsall.

Great. See you then. Bye.

I sighed and looked up at Jane

Russell then muttered, You

going to help me or not seeing

your now on the other side?

She was still smiling and for a moment I thought she winked at me as I switched

off the computer.


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