I Will Show My Highest Potential While Being Challenged in The 3 Grade

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My 3rd Grade Mission

I will show my highest potential while being challenged in the 3rd Grade.

My Vision

1. I will always do my BEST. I will have a positive attitude and work harder
when things get tough. 3rd Grade is tough but you are smart and you can be
successful with good behavior choices.
2. I will come to school rested, prepared, and ready-to-learn. (ie. Bedtime,
breakfast, homework complete, necessary school supplies, respectful
attitude, ready-to-accept challenges & ready to work) I will listen to learn
every day in class. I am responsible for my attitude and being prepared for
school. I will work to be successful.
3. I will be responsible for my personal care. (breakfast/lunch money, lunch
box, jackets, etc.) Your things are your responsibility.
4. I will be responsible for communicating with my teacher & my parent(s).
5. I will be responsible for bringing my homework papers, notes to my teacher,
& any other paperwork to and from school as instructed.
6. I will be responsible for keeping my desk area/notebooks organized. I will
clean out my desk/cubby daily.
7. I will respect ___________________. (my teacher)
8. I will respect my classmates. If I have difficulty, I will _________
________________________. I will take a friend-break when needed.

10.I am responsible for my OWN behavior. (Hitting/rough horseplay,

disrupting the learning environment, being disrespectful is NOT PERMITTED
for any reason.)

___________ ___________________________________
Parents Initials Student Signed Understanding & Accepting
My Teacher promises to me.

1. I will provide you with a safe learning environment.

2. I will introduce & challenge you with the 3rd Grade Common Core Standards.
3. I will teach you various learning strategies and show you how to use
resources to gain knowledge.
4. I will provide you with opportunities to practice skills learned.
5. I will academically challenge you and expect you to do your BEST.
6. I will listen to you and provide you with choices.
7. I will support you when you are seeking your Mission.
8. I will celebrate successes with you.
9. I will partner with you to help you improve in areas of weakness.

My Teacher

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