Embezzlement by Federal Reserve ??

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How does the Federal Reserve rape the United States ?? you ask. Lets keep it simple. They can use
the same scheme the Rothschild banks 1 developed centuries ago but the methods of concealment are
now much improved. 2

The medieval Rothschild Bank would establish a line of credit for the King provided the King would
issue a written promise to pay gold, with interest, to the bank at a time in the future. The book-entry
Rothschild credit would be used to pay for obligations incurred by the king which could then circulate
in the kingdom between merchants into perpetuity. The bank would sell the kings promise of gold
which would be held by purchasers as an interest bearing investment. The promise would be renewed
on its maturing date and continue to be rolled-over.

VOILA !!! The king made the suppliers of services happy with Rothschild credit; the bankers had the
gold; the public had a promise that the king would eventually pay them in goldwhich would probably
never happen. Everything went smoothly as long as the bank could sell the promise and the people did
not demand the gold. 3 As Benjamin Ginsburg has lamented in FATAL EMBRACE; (bankers) AND
THE STATE 4, eventually the schemes, which stole the wealth from the people, would come to a
catastrophic climax. 5

1 European origin of the Federal Reserve is well known. Ref. http://www.apfn.org/apfn/reserve.htm

2 http://www.barefootsworld.net/fs_m_ch_08.html
3 After the hook was set, the bankers would clandestinely demand token payments of gold from the king until his coffers
were emptied and he was bankrupt. After the king was bankrupt and the people resisted increased taxes, bankers (who
controlled the roll-over of prior debt and the paying of interest) would demand the king sell his assets to the bankers
(for the bankers make-believe book entry credit) at fire-sale prices (as in Greece) so interest on the kings promises
could be paid. Consider the irony of it. For the king to have a bit of purchasing power to advance the kingdom, the
kingdom was lost. The people finally wised up and revolted.
4 The Magna Carta as a rebellion against the war-mongering of London financiers is an interesting observation by Ben. It
has been omitted from history books. 1000 years hasnt changed financiers war-mongering obsession. Ref. Douglas
Valentine, CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME ; https://www.commondreams.org/views/2017/07/08/us-state-war-july-
2017; http://farmwars.info/?p=15338 A FACE FOR THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT.
5 A debt-based national economy without specie backing is a Ponzi scheme inherently destined for bankruptcy but that
is another story. Ref. https://www.scribd.com/doc/99860711/rip-off-by-the-fed-5-rtf. p4.

The Federal Reserve 6 does the same thing for the U.S. governments deficit spending. Their wizard is
hiding behind Frank Baums curtain to obscurant any public inquiry.7

The Federal Reserve bank of New York will grant credit (not create money) in an account of the US
government with an amount that the government will pledge. 8 The government will expend the book-
entry-credit account (deficit spending) to pay for goods and services consumed by the government.
The suppliers are content. Evidence that the supplier has received a credit voucher is obvious. The
heading of the currency given to the supplier by the local commercial bank is Federal Reserve Note;
i.e., a debt obligation of the Federal Reserve identified as a tender (substitute) required by law to be
accepted for an imprinted number of dollars. 9

To sell the pledge from the government (the Treasury security) at the highest price, the Federal
Reserve will hold an auction but will camouflage it as an auction by the government. Acceptance of
bids, determining the interest rate, and the amount of deficit spending permitted is controlled by the
BOG.10 Government regulations clearly establish the funds from the auctions are controlled exclusively
by the FRBNY. 11

6 The Federal Reserve name is a first camouflage to disguise the bank with a facade of government agency for
sovereign immunity and to mitigate public animosity from bankers exposure. The claim of agency status does not
appear to comply with Supreme Court adjudication of parameters for agencies. Nor is status of agency available for the
economic benefit of private entities. The status of the BOG is not known to have been adjudicated. Ref.
7 A favorite line is the government borrows money. It is impossible to see that what was not there before the event could
be borrowed. It would appear that the Fed put up no legal consideration for the agreement. A contract without legal
consideration by both parties is void from its inception. Nor can it be rational that the Federal Reserve had $20 trillion
a century ago while they purchase $100 Ben Franklins for 15 cents each from the US government. [The Fed does not
print money (sic); it buys it from the government.] Another inane concept is that the government borrows from the
public. If there is any logic to this concept, how is the public then in debt ? Dr. Daniel R. Sanches, a frequent
economics writer for the Philadelphia FRB, recently circulated such a perfidious writing---but not on the FRB website.
8 A Treasury Bill, Bond, or Note backed by the taxing power of the U.S. President Nixon removed the pledge of gold.
Cynics might conclude the banks had confiscated the governments gold by that time.
9 These FR Notes were at one time identified as commercial paper (a legal identification denoting no asset backing by
the issuer). Then they carried a covenant of redeemable for gold or silver, then the promise was redeemable for lawful
money, now identified as a legal tender (a substitute for money) for public or private debts. What you have is what you
10 To the surprise of President Clinton. Appointees to the BOG are alleged to be made from a short list submitted to the
government by the Wall Street owners of the corporate Board of Governors.
11 Ref. 31 CFR 375.3.

In addition to the approximate $1 trillion annually auctioned for deficit spending (new cash), the roll-
over of approximate $10 trillion debt from prior years (publicly held maturing) is annually auctioned
and disbursed by the FRBNY.

The difference in handling of the two accounts is the supreme camouflage. Funds for roll-over
securities are credited by the FRBNY to a government account. The FRBNY then pays the Primary
Dealers (from the government account) for their task in collecting the maturing securities from the
public. There is no increase in the National Debt nor is there any inflationary pressure..

If the funds from deficit spending securities were to be used in redeeming Treasury securities in the
market (i.e., paid by the FRBNY to the government), it would eliminate any increase in the National
Debt. It would also eliminate any increase in money in circulation (inflation). That clearly does not


The only viable dispersal of funds identifiable to this writer is the funds are commingled with funds to
select Primary Dealers. If the Primary Dealers include shareholders of a privately held incorporated
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, they would not have to reveal corporate records,13 The
profit could be completely hidden from view. 14 The deficit spending amount 15 would be clear profit
for the owners of the BOG.

12 Ref. https://www.treasurydirect.gov/instit/annceresult/press/press_cashpydwn.htm The tabulated entries do not

include government account holdings. The public holds 72.41% of total government debt.
13 NOTE: The 12 Federal Reserve banks have been adjudicated as privately owned corporations each with a board of
directors of nine members (also identified as franchisees). Administrative and regulatory control is vested in the Board
of Governors. The BOG can remove any director of any FR bank without cause or recourse. This should not be
confused with the privately owned closely held corporate ownership of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve
alleged herein. A query of Who owns the Fed ? allows an evasion of the allegation.
The gold hoard at IMF is 2,814 metric tons. The IMF, controlled by Wall Street, want $64 billion from the U.S.
14 Audit reports (by professional accounting firms) of the Federal Reserve are conducted in accordance with guidelines
established by the BOG. The relevant accounts are private client accounts, not operational accounts, and have never
been audited.
15 The funds exceed $4.4 billion daily. [ $1.6 trillion deficit divided by 365 days is $4.4 billion.]

The statutory charter of the Federal Reserve stipulates profit of the operation belongs to the
government. Concealment of funds that belong to the government appear to be embezzlement, among
other crimes.

Various theories abound on how the purloined funds have been utilized to the detriment of society. 16

If the scheme is not exposed, Wall Street internal memos identify collection of the $20 trillion debt is
the ultimate goal and would reduce the United States to the status of Greece. 17 Wall Streets
objective in Greece 18 is not to exploit, but is to destroy the nation. 19 Indeed, national sovereignty has
been acquiesced by Greece to the Troika (financiers) as the terminal end of Goldman Sachs shitty
three billion Euro debt. 20

The proposed Goldman Sachs government budget (whoops, Trumps budget) includes huge deficit
spending increases (increased military spending with cuts in social programs) with unrealistic increases
in national productive/tax base.21 This is the same scheme Wall Street and the CIA have used to
bankrupt other nations for four decades. 22 A humongous military budget is essential for psychopathic
war-mongering. 23 The people will submit to anything if they are induced to fear a foreign threat,

Get ready to kiss your 401(k), your government benefits, your pension, and your
bank accounts goodbye, with strikes prohibited, health care costs escalated,
perpetual war, mass layoffs (including government personnel), and economic chaos

16 Ref. http://farmwars.info/?p=15338 A FACE FOR THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT ; GLOBALIZATION OF

POVERTY and GLOBALIZATION OF WAR, both by Michel Chossudovsky;
17 http://www.gregpalast.com/larry-summers-and-the-secret-end-game-m emo ;. http://farmwars.info/?p=12078 NEW WORLD
18 It was started with a mere $2.8 billion loan foisted by Goldman Sachs and known to be unpayable.
19 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/47023.htm . It is the pound of flesh from the Merchant of Venice.
20 http://99getsmart.com/life-in-a-modern-day-debt-colony-the-truth-about-greece/ Smedley Butler declined an offer
from Wall Street to be the leader of a U.S. coup in the 1930s. Ref. WAR IS A RACKET by Smedley Butler.
21 http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/mark-sanford-trump-budget_us_5925b607e4b00c8df2a10b40 ;
http://www.cbsnews.com/news/trumps-budget-is-unrealistic-economists-say/ Robert K. Wilcox alleges in TARGET PATTON that
Patton was assassinated by the U.S. government because of his planned crusade against U.S. war mongering.
23 https://consortiumnews.com/2016/08/15/us-war-crimes-or-normalized-deviance/

among other things. 24 This is the Utopian government, controlled by bankers, that
David Rockefeller so proudly promised for the world in his autobiography MEMOIRS.25

We can rest assured the same scheme is used by the ECB with the Euro.

The U.S. has two options: They can ignore the situation and meekly submit to Wall Streets collection
of the $20 trillion National Debt and accept the fate of Greece [Greece has surrendered national
sovereignty control to Goldman Sachs/Troika],

They can pressure congress-critters to audit relevant accounts and indict Wall Street.

PS: How can banks with (deficit spending) liquidity that borrowers will not accept for loans laundry
the money? Well, they can buy stocks (and watch the price go up and say the corporations are buying
their own stock) or they can buy bonds (and watch the yield go down as demand increases). Have you
seen any evidence of this happening ?


24 http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article42782.htm Bankers have successfully lobbied for bankers to

receive super priority, including for derivatives, in the event of government default.
25 David is the grandson of Nelson Aldrich, the godfather of the Federal Reserve. Did David inherit Nelsons stake in
creating the Fed? Ref. http://farmwars.info/?p=12078 FUNDING THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

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