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How to write an opinion essay?

1. Introduction
what are you going to say next?
what is the topic about?
1-2 sentences
2. Positive opinions
Illustrate with examples
4 sentences
3. Gave examples to include pros & cons
4-5 sentences
4. Negative opinions oppose the example
4-5 sentences
5. Conclusion
Final opinion
Sum up
1-2 sentences

How to write a pros & cons essay?

1. Introduction
1-2 sentences
2. Pros arguments
4 sentences
3. Cons arguments
4 sentences
4. Give real examples
4-5 sentences
5. Conclusion
1-2 sentences
Writing a for and against assay
We usually write a for and against essay in a formal style. When we write the
essay, we need to discuss both sides of argument to give a balanced view.
In the introduction we present the topic, but do not give our opinion.
Main body
In the second paragraph we give the arguments for the topic together
with justifications and examples.
In the third paragraph we give the argument against the topic. We start
each paragraph with appropriate topic sentences.
In the last paragraph we write a balanced personal opinion, or
summarize the main arguments for and against.
We also need to use appropriate linkers to connect similar ideas and introduce
opposing ideas.
Writing an opinion assay
An opinion essay presents our personal opinion on a particular topic. We need
to state our opinion clearly and support it with examples or reasons.
In the first paragraph we present the topic and state our opinion clearly.
Main body
In the second and third paragraph we present our viewpoints and give
reasons/examples. We present each viewpoint, with reasons/examples, in a
separate paragraph. In the fourth paragraph we present the opposing viewpoint
and give examples/reasons.
In the last paragraph we restate our opinion using different words.

We usually use present tenses in kind of writing and avoid using informal
language such as contractions (Ive, shes) and colloquialisms (Whats up?) etc.
We can use phrases like: In my opinion; I (strongly) believe that; It seems to me
that; to introduce our opinion. We can find opinion essays in newspapers and
magazines as articles or letters to the editor, etc.
People do many different things to stay healthy. What do you do for good
health? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Eat good for healthy good.

To everyone healthy is very important. Each one must to take care about his health.
In fact, factors for different disease and very dangerous are too many. Some factors
are: hormones in different foods, alcohols, narcotics drugs, nature factors, etc.
maybe we cant avoid from all these factors but must care in each moment when
we are cooking in the kitchen.
I like to cook different things, for me cooking is ant stress. I pay special attention
to hygiene during cooking, so this is the first for me, also I dont like cooks with
very grease or fried foods because increase cholesterol in blood and are dangerous
for your healthy. Another special cook for me are different sweets. I like sweets
with chocolate and during cook dont use much sugar, this is another factor that
bring many diseases to in death.
This are some foods and ways how to be healthy.
Healthy is an expensive element that not all can have it. So, we must care in
maximum before we lose it. Healthy is a great gift and no one cant buy it.

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