BRM 504E Home Work-2 Ertiza Akando 1610515

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Independent University,

MBA 504E: Business Research
Spring- 2017
Home Work - 2 (Week 2)
Submitted to:
Faiz Chowdhury

Independent University, Bangladesh

Submitted By:
Ertiza Akando
ID: 1610515

Date of submission (02-02-2017)

IUB: EMBA: Spring 2017
Business Research Methods: 504E
Topic: Designing Survey Questionnaire
Name of the Student: Ertiza Aakando

DATA Table
Years Export Price of Jute (X) Annual export from Jute from Bangladesh (Y) X^2 Y^2 XY
2004 1600 7.5 2560000 56.25 12000
2005 1500 8 2250000 64 12000
2006 1450 8.5 2102500 72.25 12325
2007 1300 11 1690000 121 14300
2008 1275 12 1625625 144 15300
2009 1225 14 1500625 196 17150
2010 1200 15 1440000 225 18000
2011 1100 17 1210000 289 18700
2012 1050 18 1102500 324 18900
2013 1000 19 1000000 361 19000
SUM 12700 130 16481250 1852.5 157675
2014 900 20.798

1. The slope (b) is 0.021, the value is negative because the relation between the Export
price of the Jute (X) is negatively related to the annual export report of Jute from
Bangladesh (Y). This means when the price will increase the export will decrease and
when the price will decrease the export will increase.
From the intercept formula, the amount of (a) is 39.77, which means when the price will
be zero; there will be minimum $39.77 billion of export.

2. Y=a+bx, using regression analysis formula where a=39.77 and b=0.021 the export for
2014 is $ 20.798 billion.

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