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A Survey of Data Management Issues &

Frameworks for Mobile Ad hoc Networks

Noman Islam Zubair A. Shaikh
Center for Research in Ubiquitous Computing Center for Research in Ubiquitous Computing
National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences
Karachi, Pakistan Karachi, Pakistan

AbstractData Management is the execution of a pool of interaction among the nodes. Hence, a number of proposals
activities on a set of data to conform to the end user data have been submitted in recent years targeting the individual
requisitions. MANET is an emerging discipline of computer issues of data management like knowledge discovery,
networks in which a group of roaming hosts spontaneously caching and query processing etc. Additionally, a number of
establishes the network among themselves. The employment of data management frameworks have appeared for MANET
data management in MANET can engender a number of useful during last few years, that include MoGATU [1, 2],
applications. However, data management in MANET is a DRIVE[3] and CHaMeLeoN [4] etc.
taxing job as it requires deliberation on a number of research
issues (e.g. knowledge representation, knowledge discovery,
Despite the significance of the data management problem
caching, and security etc.). This paper provides a detailed
and the massive volume of research work in this area, we
account of the data management problem and its issues, which
is lacking in current literature. Along with highlighting the feel the famine of a comprehensive survey reporting the data
current solutions available for various issues of data management problem and its issues. This paper discuses the
management, it also presents a comparative analysis of existing problem of data management in detail. Along with an
data management frameworks and also points out future abridgment of various issues of data management, it provides
research directions a comparative analysis of the existing for data management.
It also mentions the current status of data management
Keywords- Data Management, Mobile Ad hoc Network, problem and future research avenues.
Knowledge Representation, Knowledge Discovery, Caching,
Problem Challenges Existing Solutions
I. INTRODUCTION Knowledge diverse data sources, ontology (RDF, OWL),
Mobile Ad hoc Network is defined as an improvised and Representation limited resources, lack attributes
infrastructure-less network G that is created between a of uniform data
representation standards
number of mobile hosts N={n1,n2,n3,} that are connected Knowledge lack of global catalog, P2P and centralized
via wireless links E={e1,e2,e3,}. Because of their special Discovery spatial and temporal solutions, cross layer
properties, such networks can engender a number of useful variations solutions
applications. This includes vehicular ad hoc networks, Caching limited resources, profile driven,
disaster management and ubiquitous computing etc. diversity of data sources cooperative, semantic,
However, the viability of these applications demand proper correlation-based
addressing of a number of issues that are collectively termed Replication network partitioning, correlation based / data
as data management issues. If represents an alphabet and power, mobility, link access frequency based
D={d1,d2,d3,} signifies a set of data. We define data failures replication
management as the activities 1, 2, 3... applied on data to Query context awareness, profile Driven querying,
ascertain that end users can access their desired information. Processing and resource limitations location based querying
Formally we can write:
Security open nature, lack of intrusion detection,
(1) security infrastructure cryptography and secure
Even though data management has been studied
extensively for traditional systems, it demands fresh
mechanisms to cope with the unique challenges of MANET. II. DATA MANAGEMENT ISSUES IN MANET
For example, the unreliable nodes of MANET make it very Data Management is not an atomic activity but comprises
difficult to maintain a consistent picture of currently of a number of sub-activities. This sections talk about these
available data on the network. Similarly, the open nature of sub-activities along with literature that addresses the
the network engenders privacy and integrity issues during
challenges associated with these sub-activities. Table I MANET to work with their local data during network
provides a summary of these issues. failures or due to the absence of owner of foreign data.
Caching is an important step towards enabling the offline
A. Knowledge Representation Issue mode of operation. It allows the nodes to cache the likely to
The heterogeneous temperament of MANET grounds the be useful information locally, such that end user can work
knowledge representation activity as one of the core issues of with this information in case of any exigent situation. If f is
any data management systems. If fR:D D represents the the function and c1,c2,c3, are the cache slots, then caching
knowledge representation operation, then: process can be mathematically represented as:

fR(D) = {D | f :f (D) = D} (2) caching(d) ={cd : f (cd) = min (f(c1),f(c2), f(c3) , ) (4)

In research literature, different schemes for knowledge Traditional algorithms (like LRU, MFU and FIFO) prove
representation have been proposed based on identifiers [18], to be naive in MANET because of the diversity of data
attributes [19] and interfaces [20]. However, ontology can sources that makes these simple heuristics ineffective. Also,
be regarded as one of the most effective way of knowledge the resource limitation of MANET poses a significant
representation as it addresses the issues of syntactic and challenge during cache management. Hence, numerous
semantic interoperability very well. In ontology based ingenious caching schemes have appeared during last few
solutions, original data is represented by expressing the data years.
and corresponding semantic information in the form of an
ontology document encoded using any formal language like In cooperative caching[29],[30],[31], the neighbors of the
RDF, DAML and OWL etc. Solutions that propose ontology caching node work together with the node to determine the
for knowledge representation include [21] and [22]. contents to be cached. A semantic caching scheme considers
the semantics of the data during the cache replacement stage.
[32] presents a semantic scheme based on Bayesian
B. Knowledge Discovery Issue probability for caching of images. In [33], a caching scheme
To enable the true potential of MANET, it is very vital to based on correlation among data items have been proposed
discover the information available across other hosts on the that prioritizes the cache contents based on the relationship
network. We can define the knowledge discovery process as with the item to be replaced. The slot with lowest priority
follows: content is selected as the victim slot.

discovery(d) = {i | niN and

D. Replication Issue
j: (dijD and d.Desc dij.Desc } (3)
Besides caching, another strategy to optimize the data
Knowledge Discovery in MANET is a taxing job due to management process is to replicate the likely useful content
the absence of prior infrastructure for directory management. at a site nearer to the data consumer. Among the challenges
Similarly, the frequent link and node failures leads to that are encountered during replication include power
continuous changes in the availability information related to management, mobility, network partitioning and frequent
data providers. As a result, a great amount of work is being disconnection.
done in this domain for last few decades. Classical
approaches to discovery in MANET includes: SLP[23], In literature, a number of replication schemes have been
Salutation[24], JINI[20], DReggie[22] Microsoft UPnP[25], proposed. [34] presents a quorum based strategy for
IBM DeapSpace[26], Ninja[19] and Konark[27]. maintaining the integrity of replicas. [35] proposes three
strategy for replication SAF, DAFN and DCG that considers
Recently, the researchers have put their efforts towards data access frequency for replication. [36] considers
designing cross layer schemes for knowledge discovery as it correlation among data items for data replication. REDMAN
gives rise to increased robustness and efficiency. In this [37] performs the replication process based on region
regard, [28] extends the AODV protocol resulting in an density.
integrated network layer discovery scheme that discovers the
route and service provider simultaneously. [17] extends this E. Query Processing and Optimization
approach further by suggesting a proactive advertisement
module on top of this protocol. The author also exploits the Query processing and optimization is an important task
correlation among data items to predict possible future in MANET because of the context aware and heterogeneous
requests and appends this information with the current nature of application. The nodes are required to compose a
request. This gives rise to improved hit ratio of the process. context-aware along with relevant details like ontology and
users preferences etc. [38, 39] presents an OWL based
query processing system along with a join component based
C. Caching Issue on Contract Net protocol[46]. TinyDB[9] is a query
One of the crucial properties of MANET is their processing system for sensor networks that optimizes the
disconnected mode of operation. This allows the nodes in the querying tasks based on querying location, time and the
accessed data item etc. To ensure the autonomy of the hosts TinyDB[9] is an efficient query processing system comprises
in MANET, [40] proposes a query translation system of modules for querying and schema management. The
enabling users to pose their queries in their natural way. system improves the query execution time based on
parameters like querying location, querying time and the data
access count etc. Cougar[10] proposes a fault tolerant data
F. SecurityIssue management solution based on cross layer techniques. Data
MANET is characterized by hostile settings, Furnace Project [11] employs probabilistic models for data
unavailability of security infrastructure and non- management in sensor networks. The hardware layer
acquaintance with other nodes of the network. Hence, it manages physical resources of the network, the metadata
becomes very challenging in MANET to maintain the layer deals with the keeping the contextual data and service
integrity and privacy of hosts in the network. layer performs the actual data management.

Security solutions for MANET include link layer

solutions[41], secure routing solutions [42], cryptographic C. Data management in Dynamic P2P and MANET
solutions[43] and intrusion detection systems [44, 45]. [44] Unlike the P2P file sharing systems and sensor networks
presents an IDS based on mobile agents to perform intruders that are characterized by relatively stable environments, data
identification, topology management and isolation of management in dynamic P2P and MANET systems is a
malicious nodes from the network. [45] utilizes the cumbersome job, due to the instability and scarcity of links
correlation among data items to establish the integrity of as well as hosts of the network[12]. Any data management
session and ultimately identifying the temperament of the solution must keep into account these limitations while
nodes. The malicious nodes are isolated from the network employing different types of data management operations.
using intrusion response module.
[13] presents a knowledge management system for
rescue scenarios where information exchanges among the
G. Miscellaneious Issues hosts are done in a seamless fashion. The project presents a
Besides the issues pointed out above, a data management number of components related to knowledge management
framework must also keep into consideration a number of i.e. data dictionary, profiling, ontology, context management
miscellaneous issues including consistency management, and query processing etc. AmbientDB project [14] provides
QoS and transaction management etc. Due to the space the relational database abstractions over MANET nodes.
limitations, these issues are not discussed in detail. Interested Three level RDBMs query translations are performed. To
readers are advised [46] and [47]. further address the issues of heterogeneity, the project
provides the flexibly to define the mapping between global
III. A SURVEY OF DATA MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORKS and local schema. MoGATU [1, 2] is a cross layer data
Having discussed the individual issues of data management solution that defines various components for
management, this section talks about the data management knowledge discovery, ontology based schema management,
solutions proposed in literature. The existing solutions for of profile driven caching, replication, neighborhood consistent
data management can be divided as proposals for traditional transaction management and security etc. DRIVE[3] is a
P2P systems and sensor networks as well as frameworks for framework for vehicular environment based on opportunistic
contemporary systems. Lets discuss them in detail. sharing of information among the nodes. The project
proposes a model for resource representation, costing and
transaction management. CHaMeLeoN[4] is a framework
A. Data management solutions for P2P file sharing proposed for exchange of continuous media information in
systems MANET, considering the heterogeneity of resources and the
The noteworthy solutions for P2P file sharing includes: end user requirements. CDMAN[15] is a collaborative data
Gnutella[5], Gridella [6] and Chord[7] etc. The Gnutella management framework and exploits a tree based structure
system makes use of hashing and a query routing protocol to address the scarcity of resources in the network. It
based on flooding for data management. It was pulled out proposes various consistency management models. The
further by Gridella via techniques for optimizing bandwidth pessimistic model is applicable where sequential consistency
and latency etc. Chord is a robust P2P system that proposes a management is desired. For extremely dynamic settings, an
hashing scheme to look up the desired files on the network. optimistic model is proposed. A hybrid model is also
[8] attempts to modularize various operations of data proposed for small and stable groups. [16, 17] present a data
management by proposing a layered framework for data management framework for MANET that integrates the
management. application and network layer for various data management
operations i.e. knowledge discovery and consistency
management. The project exploits the associations among
B. Data management solutions for Sensor Networks
data items for discovery, caching, replication and security
Sensor network is a special type of MANET constituted management etc.
among a set of static hosts. There has been numerous data
management solutions proposed for sensor networks.

Framework Discovery Caching Replication Security Consistency/ Ontology Query Query Cross
Transaction Processing Optimization Layering
Ambient DB
[16, 17]
* represents a sketchy solution for the said issue

[10] Y. Yao and J. Gehrke, "Query processing in sensor networks,"

IV. CONCLUSION in proceedings of, 2003.
[11] M. Garofalakis, K. P. Brown, M. J. Franklin, J. M. Hellerstein,
This paper presents a blanket survey of data management D. Z. Wang, E. Michelakis, L. Tancau, E. Wu, S. R. Jeffery, and R.
issues and solutions for MANET. Table II provides a Aipperspach, "Probabilistic data management for pervasive computing:
comparison of various data management solutions. It can be The data furnace project," IEEE Data Eng. Bull, vol. 29, pp. 57-63, 2006.
concluded that problem of data management requires further [12] P. A. Bernstein, F. Giunchiglia, A. Kementsietsidis, J.
deliberation, as no framework covers all the issues of data Mylopoulos, L. Serafini, and I. Zaihrayeu, "Data management for peer-to-
management. A novel framework is desirable that considers peer computing: A vision," in proceedings of Fifth International Workshop
on the Web and Databases(WebDB 2002), Madison, Wisconsin, 2002.
all the issues of data management in panoptic fashion.
[13] N. Sanderson, V. Goebel, and E. Munthe-Kaas, "Knowledge
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Management in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks for Rescue Scenarios," in
proceedings of, 2004.
[14] W. Fontijn and P. Boncz, "AmbientDB: P2P data management
We would like to acknowledge Higher Education middleware for ambient intelligence," in proceedings of, 2004.
Commission (HEC), Pakistan and Center for Research in [15] L. Martin and I. Demeure, "Using structured and segmented
Ubiquitous Computing (CRUC), National University of data for improving data sharing on MANETs," in proceedings of IEEE
Computer and Emerging Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan for 19th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications (PIMRC 2008), 2008.
their support in this research work.
[16] N. Islam, "A Data Management Framework for Mobile Ad hoc
Networks (MANET)," in proceedings of Doctorol Symposium on
Research in Computer Science, University of Central Punjab, Lahore,
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