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Microbeads (Ban) Act 2017 1


BILL 462


Ban the use of microbeads in cosmetic and healthcare products.

B E IT ENACTED by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of
the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled,
and by the authority of the same, as follows:

1 Definitions
(1) The term microbeads refers to manufactured solid plastic particles of less than
five millimetres in their largest dimension. They are most frequently made of
polyethylene but can be of other petrochemical plastics such as polypropylene and
polystyrene. They are used in exfoliating personal care products, toothpastes and in
biomedical health-science research.
(2) Gross profit refers to any money generated from sales, minus direct costs of
making the product.

2 Ban of use and sale

(1) The inclusion of microbeads, by manufacturers, in water-based goods, and
products tht involve the use of water, will be prohibited.
(2) The sale of water-based goods, and products that involve the use of water,
containing microbeads will be prohibited.
(3) Products which are used in use in the fields of biomedical research, health science,
or primary health care are exempted from the ban imposed by this Act.
2 Microbeads (Ban) Act 2017

3 Punishments
If a business or individual is found to be manufacturing or selling water-based
goods, and products that involve the use of water, that contain microbeads, they
will be required to pay a fine of up to seven percent of that firm's gross profit, or a
figure of no less than 3000.

4 Extent, commencement, and short title

(a) This Act shall extend to England, Wales and Scotland.
(b) This Act shall come into force six months after Royal Assent.
(c) This Act may be cited as the Microbeads (Ban) Act 2017.

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