Professional Development Plan

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No. #6- Professional Development Plan


Attend Continuing Studies with University of the Arts-The Complete Band
Program, Jazz Studies, Instrument repair, and music technology classes yearly.

Attend New York State Summer Music Conference yearly

Attend Integrating technology in the Classroom classes offered through the
school district yearly

Take private lessons on low brass, flute, clarinet and saxophone with
colleagues to work on instrumental techniques and solo literature from the
NYSSMA manual yearly.

Spend time with repair technician, John Camerdello, to learn techniques for
instrument repair every other year

Go to Mid West website and print materials from clinics to read-yearly

Read research journals, Music Education journal, Instrumentalist-yearly


Attend Mid-West Conference yearly

Attend the New York State Fall Music Conference yearly

Meetings with Bill Pomares, Middle School Band director in order to align
curriculum all year

Attend concert and jazz performances of area high schools with quality
programs-all year

Attend professional music performances-all year

Perform in Central Winds, Music Educators Wind Ensemble and jazz combo or
jazz band-every season

Attend technology classes offered by the school district-yearly

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