Sun Tzu (The Art of War) : Strategic Philosopher and Thought Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ranjit Singh A/l Darshan Singh

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Sun Tzu (The Art of War)

Strategic Philosopher and Thought

Prof. Emeritus Dr. Ranjit Singh a/l Darshan Singh

Muhammad Syukhri bin Shafee


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Sun Tzu was lived in China (400 B.C-330 B.C.).
The period Warring State which period have high
demand for strategists to make sure the survival of every
state are secure.
He served for Chi (Qi) state as Military Strategist.
His famous book named Ping Fa or The Art of War
on 1772, his book were brought to Western world
Map of Warring States period in China before Qin fully conquer all of states on 221 B.C. from
Samuel B. Griffith commentaries about The Art of War written by Sun
Chapter IV
Griffith comment about situation and condition war for Ancient China
until 500 B.C.
Previously, the war were conduct in good manner for example the
children, senior citizen and injured soldier even enemy are banned to
The social System also fix but later on it change after Sun Tzu came.
More discipline and well-trained troops age around sixteen to sixty and
also more loyalty
Individual power and strange only are not important anymore compare
to strategist of the soldier overall.
The concept of general staff such as These staffs from various
specialists such as weather forecasters, map makers, commissary
officers and engineers to plan tunneling, mining operation, experts on
river crossing and operation like amphibious operation, inundating and
attack by fire and the use of smoke
Technical improvements lead to revolution of Chinese warfare.
the introduction of the crossbow and high-quality of cutting weapon
Chinese possessed weapons and were master of attacking and defending
tactics that become legacy and reference for future leader
Chapter V

Sun Tzu said that War is a grave concern of the state and must studied
this matter carefully.
national unity become important condition to win the battle
The five matter also been mention by Sun Tzu to discuss in councils,
there are human (morale and generalship), physical (terrain and
weather) and doctrinal
The writer also make some critique on ancient writer including Sun Tzu
such as did not contained the goal of military action to destroy the
opponent army and their cities and wastage of their countryside
Sun Tzu aware that the war must started with attack the mind of enemy
with directly
The more time taken for war, more suffer the state and people
Sun Tzu knew the advantage and disadvantage of weather during the
Chapter IV

Very high class of behavior among the Chinese people including the
military officers during war period, same like what practice by Islam if
conduct war.
The feudal system were practice by Chinese on that era, same like what
were practiced by Europe, Pre-Arab civilization and almost all kingdom
in world. But later on the talent of person started recognize.
Before Sun Tzu came, the military train not conduct very well and not
systematic. The ages of recruit for military also introduced (from age
sixteen to sixty only)
The light troop emerged during this era. Much more easy to carry.
Many expertise are appeared such as weather forecasters, map makers, commissary
officers and engineers to plan tunneling and mining operation (General staff).
Doctrine of collective responsibility in battle. The punishment will officer whose did
not listen the order.
Technical improvements made to the revolution of Chinese warfare. Such as
appearance of crossbow and high-quality iron to cutting weapons.
mounted men riding without saddles were used as scouts and messengers
The formation were described by Sun Tzu also allowed flexibility in attacking
Chapter V

War is a grave concern of the state and must studied it carefully.

Sun Tzu also believed that moral strength and intellectual are important
that can give effect in war
He also mention about the role of spies and agents.
The enemies army will conquered without battle, but if this strategies
did not work, the option is used armed force.
Time to conduct the war must in as short as possible, least possible cost
in lives and efforts and fewest possible casualties
They need to make sure that their national unity in strong condition
Mental moral, physical and situation factors can make huge effect
during war
He discuss about the five matter to discuss on high level of authority,
which is human (moral and generalship), physical (terrain and weather)
and finally doctrinal.
The economic will effected because of war.
all warfare is based on deception deceit (surprise)
good general do not be manipulated by enemies
general must produce a quick decision get victory in war but must
wisely conducted
Siege just waste time, energy and cost.
He also mention about the action of generals tactical instruments
which is normal or direct force (cheng) and extraordinary or indirect
force (chi), both of it are reciprocal. Used by wise general.
Calculating the risk in war.
Theory of adaptability to existing situations (like water).
Sun Tzu were lived in the Warring States and become one of the
profession have high demand among the states in war.
His work and his thinking bring a new phenomena and condition in
But later on, his book become one of the main reference especially in
business field which is The Art of War.
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