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PERGAMON Vacuum 52 (1999) 491-499

Volume ratio determination in static expansion systems

by means of a spinning rotar gauge
K. Jousten*, P. R6hl, V. Aranda Contreras1
Physika/isch-Technische Bundesansta/t, Abbestr. 2-12, D-10587, Ber/in, Germany

Received 5 October 1998


Static or volurne expansion systemsare used to generateaccurately known pressuresin the high and medium vacuum range for
vacuum gauge calibrations. To determine the volume ratios in such systems,different methods can be used. We have tested the
method of using a spinning rotar gaugefor measuringpressuresbefore and after an expansionfor severalgasesand compared it with
two other independentmethods. The results of the volume ratios obtained with the spinning rotar gaugemethod were in agreement
(relative differences ~ 3 x 10-4) with the results obtained with either of the two other methods. (!;;)1999 Elsevier ScienceLtd. All
rights reserved.

1. lntroduction weight of which is measured.When each volume has

been determined in this way, the expansion ratios can
Static expansion systems(also called volume or series be calculated.
expansion systems)are used as primary standards for . In the expansion technique the pressuresbefore and
generating pressuresin the high and medium vacuum after the expansionare usedfor direct determination of
range for vacuum gaugecalibrations [1-4]. In such sys- the expansionratio. The pressureratio has to be mea-
tems, known pressures are generated by expanding sured with high accuracy. It is possible 10 use two
a known gas amount enclosedin a small volume into calibrated gauges [5J or a single uncalibrated gauge
a much larger evacuatedvolume by opening a valve in with strictly linear pressureresponse[6J.
betweenthe two volumes. Under isothermal conditions, A third method, the constant pressuretechnique [3J, is
the gas pressure is reduced by the ratio of the small rarely applied and mainly suitable for volumes < 100
volume to the sum of the small and large volume. This cm3 and is not under concern in this investigation.
ratio is called expansion ratio, its inverse,volume ratio. In 1986 Berman and Fremerey applied the expansion
In most static expansionsystemsseveraldifferent expan- technique by using a single uncalibrated spinning rotar
sion ratios are available, and expansionsare carried out gauge(SRG) [6J to measureexpansion ratios of clown to
in seriesto generatevery low pressures.The expansion 1/257. The same SRG is used to measure the pressure
ratios are the crucial parameters in all static expansion both before and after the gas expansion.The problem of
systemsand have to be determined very accurately. using a SRG for low expansion ratio measurements
Two main types of methods are used for the accurate (large pressurereductions) is that the usefullinear range
determination of expansion ratios: of the SRG is relatively small: At pressuresabove about
. In the gravimetrictechniquethe unknownvolumeis 0.1 Pa the deceleration rate of the rotar becomesnon-
filled with a suitable liquid of known density,the linear with pressure due to viscosity effects and at low
pressuresof a few roPa the accuracyof reading is affected
by the offset fluctuations of the SRG [7-9J. Berman and
* Corresponding author. E-mail: Fremerey [6J solved this problem with a linearization
IOn leave from Centro Nacional de Metrologa (CENAM), Mexico. procedure and claimed a relative total standard
0042-207X/99/$ - see front matter @ 1999 EIsevier Science Ltd. AII rights reserved.
492 K. Jouslen el al. Vacuum 52 (1999) 491-499

uncertainty of 2 x 10-4 for the determination of the ITO PISTONGAUGE

above- mentioned expansion ratio.
In ibis investigation we compared results obtained
with the SRG method after Berman and Fremerey with
resultsobtained with two independentmethods to detect
any systematicunrecognisedproblems associatedwith at
least one of the methods.
At the Physikalisch-TechnischeBundesanstalt (PTB),
two static expansion systems,SE1 and SE2,are available
[4]. At SE1 we measuredan expansion ratio of roughly
1/25 by the SRG method and by the gravimetrical
method, at SE2 we applied the SRG method and the
expansionmethod with two calibrated gauges[5] (in the
Fig. 2. Schemeof the static expansion systemSE2 usedat PTB, which
following called gas accumulation method) for a ratio of
is used as primary standard to generate pressuresin vacuum from
about 1/109. 0.1 Pi. to 1 kPa. Vo1umesare denoted with slanted 1ettersplus sub-
scribed numbers, valves with normalletters and numbers. UUT: Unit
under test.
2. Experimental set-up and measurementprocedure

Figs. 1 and 2 show schematically the static expan- with an approximate value of 1/109 = 9.2 x 10-3 (nomi-
sion systemsSE1 and SE2. At SE1 the initial pressure nally 1/101).The notations ofthe expansionratios are the
before the first expansion is measured by a quartz usual notations in our laboratory.
Bourdon spiral (QBS), at SE2 either a QBS or a piston We compared the SRG method with the gravimetric
gaugecan be chosen.The SE1 systemis used for gener- method in the caseof /4 and with the gas accumulation
ating calibration pressuresfrom 10-6 Pa up to 1 kPa method in the caseof f,.
in volume V5, while SE2 is regularly used for generat-
ing pressures in the range 0.1 Pa up to 1 kPa in 2.1. Determinationo.f{ with the R'asaccumulationmethod
At SEl we have determined the expansion ratio For the measurementoffl with the gas accumulation
method [5] a piston gauge was used to establish the
V6 initial pressurein VI and a newly calibrated quartz Bour-
f4=~ don spiral (QBS) for measuring the pressurein V6 after
with an approximate value of 1/250 = 4 x 10- 3 (nomi- repeated expansions.To correct for temperature gradi-
ents between the vesselsand temperature changesayer
nally 1/234),at SE2 the expansion ratio time (temperature drifts), 7 calibrated PTIOO sensors
were attached to the vessels.The temperature correction
h=" V1+ V3+
(2: term was calculated in a different way as compared to
Ref. [5], as discussedin the appendix.
The measurementprocedure was the following: Before
the first expansion, with valve VI open and valve V2
-- closed,a pressureof 100.39kPa nitrogen was established
'" in VI with the piston gauge.Mter slowly closing VI (the
pressureis kept constant by the piston gauge),the temper-
'@.{ Vs
711 ature of VI was measured,and by opening of valve V2 the
\ """---""
/ gas was expandedinto the evacuatedvolumes V3 and V6.
Mter pressurerelaxation, the temperaturesof the sensors

1"'" / GAS
on V6wereread out and the readingofthe QBS taken. For
the following expansionvalve V2 was closed,the pressure
"'" INLET of 100.39kPa was re-established,the temperature of
PUMPSYSTEM VI was measuredand the amount ofgas expandedagain.
Since V3 and V6 were not evacuatedbetweenthe expan-
Fig. 1. Schemeof the static expansion systemSE1 usedat PTB, which sions,the pressurecontributions of all expansionsadd up
is used as primary standard to generate pressuresin vacuum from to the final pressure.Under isothermal conditions, the
10-6 Pa to 1 kPa. Volumes are denoted with slanted letters plus sub- pressurein V3and V6after n expansionsis [5]
scribednumbers,valveswith normalletters and numbers.QBS: Quartz
Rourdon sniral manometer. UUT: Unit under test. 1)" = 1)r (1 -fl )nl (3)
K. Jousten et al. Vacuum 52 (1999) 491-499 493

In OUT case, n = 25 expansions were carried out for each gas about 40 DCR data pairs were taken in the
(P25= 20.59kPa) to improve the accuracyof the pres- pressurerange above mentioned.
SUTemeasurementand to reduce the standard deviation Since relative short-term fluctuations of the offset are
off1' typically of the order of 0.5%, we measured the offset
before the measurementsover a period of time of several
l.2. DeterminationQf{ with the SRG method hours to improve the statistical uncertainty. This proce-
dure has the advantage that the offset can be measured
The deceleration rate (-miro) (DCR-reading) of the with low uncertainty caused by random fluctuations,
rotor of an SRG correspondsto a pressurereading by [7] but the disadvantage that possible offset drifts and
short-term changesduring the measurementscannot be
-w detected.Therefore we decided to measure the offset in
p=K~ a different way at SE! (seebelow).
Before each series of measurement we checked tho-
roughly that neither leaks nor outgassing would signifi-
cantly affect the succeedingmeasurements.
K= (5)
2.3. Determinationo.f~ with the SRG method
p and d are the mass density and diameter of the rotar,
c the mean thermal velocty and (Jthe effectiveaccommo- The SRG method was applied to the determination of
daton coefficent of tangential momentum on the rotar 14 in the same manner as described in the preceding
surfaceof the gasparticles.In Eq. (4) the deceleratoncate section.The SRG was installed at the vesselV5 (cf. Fig. 1).
(-w/w) ==DCR is corrected for an pressurendependent In this casethe offset was determined separatelyfor each
offset OFF (also called residual drag) [7-9]: measuredpoint, so that the measurementswere made in
the following arder: Measurement of offset at residual
pressurebelow 10-6 Pa, expansion of gas from V6 into
w V5 to generatethe higher pressurePl to be measuredwith
the SRG (DCR), closing of valve V7 and pumping clown
where DCR' is the indicated deceleration cate including
V5 to residualpressure,taking the offsetreadingagain,
the offset.
isolating V5 from the pump system,opening valve V7 to
/ was determined with the SRG method in the follow-
generatethe lower pressureto be measuredwith the SRG
ing manner (cf. Fig. 2): An SRG was installed on vessel
(DCR2), evacuation of V6 and V5 and starting again. 10
V6 (in the position of UUT in Fig. 2). Before the measure-
data pairs were taken in each measurementserieswith
ments, its offset was measured ayer a longer period of
Pl in the rangefrom 0.4 to 4 Pa. As test gaseswe used
time (several hours) at a pressure below the resolution
helium, neon, nitrogen, argon and xenon.
limit of the SRG (10-6 Fa). For the measurements,
a pressure between 0.3 and 30 Pa was established in
2.4. Determinationof~ with the gravimetric method
volumes Vi, V3 and V6, while the valves between the
using distilled water
volumes were apenoThe deceleration cate DCRi of the
SRG was taken. Then VI was isolated by slowly closing
The large volume Vs of SE1 (Fig. 1) had been deter-
valve V2, and V3and V6were evacuatedto a level where
mined, when the systemwas commissionedin 1969.First
the DCR signal showed its typical offset fluctuations.
of all, the vesselwas weighed empty (air filled). Then the
The gas retained in VI was then expandedinto V3 and
V6, and a second reading DCRz was taken. Under iso-
vessel was filled with distilled water to about i of its
volume and evacuatedfor 48 h by a water jet pump for
thermal conditions and with a perfectly linear DCR vs.
pressure characteristic (i.e. K = consto in Eq. (4, the degassing.Finally, the volume was compJetelyfilled with
ratio DCR1/DCRz would give the volume ratio R1 = fl1.
distilled water and evacuatedagain for severalhours. All
flangeswere positioned on top of the vesseland remained
Both requirements were not fulfilled; however, We had
open to avoid air enclosures.Since the flanges were not
typical temperature differencesbetween VI (temperature
TI) and V6 (T 6) of Ti - T 6 = 0.3K. We correctedfor on the sameheight, sealedPlexiglas tubes were mounted
on the flanges,so that the water was completely filling the
isothermal conditions by
stainlesssteelvessel.The additional volume in the Plexig-
(~ ) = (~ )
DCR2 corr DCR2 ~.
meas T 1 (7)
las tubes was later subtracted from the resulto After
measuring the temperature and temperature gradient of
the water in the vessel,the weight ofthe water filled vessel
The non-linear DCR Ys. pressure characteristic was was measured.Part of the water was then used to deter-
linearised as describedin Section 3.2. Three difTerentgas mine its density. After correcting for difIerent buoyancy
species(He, N2, Ar) were usedwith the SRG method, and of the stainless steel vessel and the weights in air, the
494 K. Jousten et al. Vacuum 52 (1999) 491-499

volume could be determined with a total standard uncer- was fitted by a second order polynomial
tainty of 1 x 10-4, including the uncertainty due to vol-
ume changesof the vesselunder air pressure,when the
g(DCRJ = ao + alDCR1+ a2DCRi (11)
vesselis evacuated.These changeswere also measured. with a least-squaresformalism (Marquard-Levenberg
In a similar manner, the smaller volume V6 was mea- algorithm [11]). This function was used to extrapolate
sured three times. The results are shown in Table 4. each DCR ratio to zero pressureby

3. Evaluation of data

3.1. Gas accumulationmethodfor determinationoff

Eq. (3) gives the correct expansion ratio only under

ideal conditions (ideal gas, isothermal conditions). The = ("DC"R:;
DCR1 ) lin'

measureddata, however,have to be correctedfor temper- (13)

ature differences between the vesselsand temperature
drift (seethe appendix) and for deviations from the ideal As already mentioned, a reason for erroneous results
gaslaw. This latter correction was carried out according could be that the offset of the SRG changed during the
to measurementsor was not measuredcorrectly. We mea-
sured the offset, but found during evaluation of the data

Icorr (1 -~), (8)

of SE2 that more accurate results can be achievedif the
offsetitselfis taken as variable to be fitted. Sincethe offset
affectsonly the DCR2 value significantly (DCR1 is hun-
where B is the second virial coeflicient [10] and Vmthe dred times larger) it is sufficient to adjust the offset for
molar volume before expansion. For B we used - 4.7 DCR2 and to usethe measuredvaluefor DCR1.There-
cm3jmol, which is the recommendedvalue [10] for nitro- fore the following function was fitted instead of the one in
gen at the measurementtemperature of 25C. Eq. (11):
For easy comparison of the different methods, the
expansion ratio f1 was calculated for V6 without the h(DCRJ = o= ao + alDCR1 + a2DCRi - DCR1
additional volume Vgofthe different test gaugesin differ- DCR-OFF
ent methods. Vg was either measuredby gas expansions (14)
[2] or determined geometrically.f1 was calculated by
Here DCR2 is the measureddeceleration cate including
the offset (seeEq. (6)).

from the expansion ratio ; (alreadycorrected)including 4. Results

all additional volumes.The variable volume in valve V2
has not to be considered,becausethe valve is in the same In Table 1 the result ofthe recentdetermination offl at
state during the expansion ratio determination and dur- SE2with the gasaccumulation method is compared with
ing its use in the generation of standard pressuresfor the results of previous determinations. The measure-
calibrations. ments until 1988 lacked of an appropriate temperature

3.2. SRGmethodfor determinationoffI and~

Table 1
Above 0.1 Pa the deceleration rate DCR of the SRG Expansion factor h (Eq. (2 in the static expansion system SE2 as
becomesincreasinglynon-linear in pressure,so that K in determined in this and previous investigation with the gas accumula-
Eq. (4) is no longer a constant. As a result,I-1 is not tion method
simply given by the measured(and temperature correc-
h Year
ted) ratio (DCR1/DCR2)corr'However, up to 1 Pa, K (or
0",respectively)can be approximated by linear functions (9.188:t 0.005)x 10-3 This investigation
of p, and above 1 Pa up to 30 Pa by a polynomial of (9.183:t 0.005)x 10-3 1993
second order. Therefore, as suggestedby Berman and (9.184:t 0.005)x 10-3 1992
(9.176:t 0.011)x 10-3 1988
Fremerey [6], the temperature corrected DCR ratio (9.168:t 0.011)x 10- 3 1987
(9.192:t 0.011)x 10-3 1985
a(DCR,) = (DCR,/DCR").nrr (10)
K. Jousten et al. / Vacuum 52 (1999) 491-499 495

Table 2 Table 3
Uncertainty budget of the determination off = 9.188x 10-3 with the Expansion factor h (Eq. (2)) in the static expansionsystemSE2 as
gas accumulation method (this investigation) determined with the SRG and the gas accumulation method.
R' = <111)' is the value including the additional volumes during the
Uncertaintv due to Standard Relative measurementsand is therefore identical to the mean linearised DCR
uncertainty standard ratio (Eqs. (12) and (13)). The uncertainty given is the experimental
uncertaintv standard deviation of the mean for all gases

Repeatability 1.4x 10-7 1.6xl0-5 Method R' h

Initial pressure 7 X 10-7 7.6 x 10-5
Final pressure 1.1X 10-6 1.2X 10-4 SRG mean 108.924 :t 0.014 (9.187 :t 0.001) x 10-3
Temperature correction 1.4X 10-6 5.1 X 10-4 Gas accumul. 9.188 X 10-3
Additional volume 5.5x10-7 6.0 X 10-5
Total 4.4 X 10-6 5.3 X 10-4

Table 3 lists the mean values of the corrected and

linearised DCR ratios according to Eqs. (11) and (12),the
experimental standard deviation of the mean, the result-
ing expansion ratio without additional volumes, and the
value obtained here with the gas accumulation method
for comparison. The relative differenceof the expansion
ratios obtained with the two different methods is
1 x 10-4 and smaller than the combined statistical uncer-
tainties of the two methods let alone their total uncer-
tainties (seeDiscussion).
The good agreementcould only be achieved because
the offset OFF could be accurately fitted in Eq. (14).The
- fitted offset values were (1.964:!: 0.001)x 10-6 S-1 for
10-4 10-3 s-1 10-2
(DCR,)oorr-+ helium, (1.961:!:0.002)x10-6S-1 for nitrogen, and
(1.962:!: 0.002)x 10- 6S- 1 for argaDoBefore the expan-

Fig. 3. Measured temperature-correctedDCR/DCR2 ratios for three sion measurements,we measured an offset value of
(1.969:!: 0.003)x 10- 6S-1 (unfortunately a rather high
gasesin dependenceof DCR with the offset value fitted. The measure-
ments were made to determine the expansion ratio J (Eq. (2)) at SE2. value). The typical short-term variations were 0.015x
10-6S-1. No frequency dependenceof the offset was
found between 405 and 415 Hz within the statistical
uncertainties. At the end of the measurementseries,we
measurementand haveconsiderablehigher uncertainties. determined an offset of (1.961:!:0.003)x10-6S-1,
Table 2 shows the uncertainty budget of the present so that all fitted offset data lie within the range of the
determination according to the ISO guideline [12]. two measured values. If the offset in these measure-
Fig. 3 shows the corrected DCR ratios according to ments is deliberately changed by + 1 x 10- 8 S-1 (a
Eq. (7) for helium, nitrogen and argaDoThe curves could relatively change of 0.5%) the ao value of the fit poly-
be fitted with the following polynomials of secondarder: nomial changesby +0.9 (0.8%). This shows the import-
g(He) = (108.90 ::t0.09) - (4343 ::t 70)DCR1 ance of a correct offset value determination. It should be
noted that the offset value is about equal to the measure-
- (8.49 ::t 0.12)x 105DCRf, ment signal DCR2 for the lower starting pressures at
0.3 Pa. A presupposition of the determination of the
g(N2) = (108.99::t 0:11)- (4902 ::t 95)DCR1
offset value by the fit is that the offset does not change
- (1.089::t 0.018)x 106DCRf, significantly during the measurement series, so that it
must not have any significant frequency dependenceand
g(Ar) = (108.88::t 0.14) - (3724 ::t 99)DCR1
no temperature drift on the rotar.
- (6.86 ::t 0.15)x 105DCRf. (15) For the secondexperiment at SE1 we had decided to
measure the offset after each measured pressure point
The first, constant terms (ao) of the polynomials agree and to subtract it from the signal.
within their statistical uncertainties.Therefore, the DCR Since the expansion ratio 14 in SE1 was lower valued
ratios extrapolated to zero pressureare not significantly than h in SE2, the range of suitable starting pressures
different betweenthe gasesand it is justified to calculate before expansion to be measured with the SRG was
the mean from all data. reduced. In the case of SE1 we used two SRa..;
496 K. Jousten et al. Vacuum 52 (1999) 491-499

Table 4 were not very stable at SE1. Unfortunately, we had not

The results of the gravimetric measurements of volumes V5 and V6 at checked,whether the offset of the two SRGs usedat SEl
SEl. The volumes are given for a temperature of 23C had a frequency dependence.
Year V3 (cm3) 14 = V6/V3 + V6
We do not think that the differences between the
measurementserieswith different gasesat SEl are caused
This investigation 930.94:t 0.28 (3.9760:t 0.0015) x 10-3 directly by any physical property of the gas species.
(3.9767 :t 0.0015) x 10- 3
1984 931.01:t 0.28 Rather, since the measurements were carried out at
1979 931.29 :t 0.29 (3.9775 :t 0.0015) x 10-3 the same nominal pressures,the influence of the gas
1969 233207:t55 independent offset changed due to the variation of the
deceleration rate which depends on the molecular
mass of the gas species. In addition, the probably
Table5 erroneous offset measurementsare apparently randomly
The expansionratiof4 (Eq. (1))asmeasuredwith the SRG method. Two distributed, since the mean value of all data agrees
SRG (SRG1 and SRG2) were used at the sametime. Each value is the
reasonably well with the value obtained by the gravi-
mean of 10 data pairs. The experimental standard deviations are in the
range of 4 x 10-7 to 1.2X 10-6 and corresponding relative deviations metric measurement.Therefore, it is expected that even
range from 1 x 10-4 to 3 X 10-4. The weighted mean of SRG1 and repeatedmeasurementswith the samegas specieswould
SRG2 is (3.9750:t 0.0034)x 10-3 have led to significant differencesbetween the measure-
Gas species SRGl 'c." ,
"'c"'c' c' ..
SRG2 ment series.

He 3.9675X 10-3 3.9514 x 10-3

Ne 3.9751 X 10-3 3.9748 X 10-3 5. Discussion
Nz 3.9680 X 10-3 3.9675 X 10-3
Ar 3.9839 X 10-3 3.9772 X 10-3 The mean value of the expansion ratio 11obtained with
3.9891 X 10- 3
Xe 3.9868 X 10-3
the SRG method at SE2 was lower than the value ob-
Mean (3.9763 :!: 0.0040) x 10-3 (3.9720 :t 0.0062) x 10-3
tained with the gas accumulation method by a relative
amount of only 1 x 10-4. The mean value of the expan-
sion ratio 14 obtained with the SRG method at SE1 was
simultaneously and five gases(helium, neon, nitrogen, lower than the value obtained with the gravimetric
argon, and xenon). method by a relative amount of 3 x 10-4. Although the
The results ofthe gravimetric measurementsare shown results of the different methods agreewithin their statist-
in Table 4. Table 5 presents the results obtained for ically determined uncertainties in both cases,we discuss
14 with the SRG method. the uncertainties associated with the SRG method in
Table 5 shows that there are significant differences detail. For the gas accumulation method and the gravi-
between the values obtained with different gases,the metric method this has already been done in Section 4
largest difference existing between the lightest (He) and (Table 2), respectively,Section 2.4 (Table 5).
the heaviest(Xe) gas,which differ by a relative amount of The following uncertainties are associated with the
1% for SRG2. On the other hand, the mean values of all SRG method:
gasesof 3.9763x 10-3 for SRGl and 3.9720x 10-3 for (i) The experimentalstandarddeviationof DCR1 and
SRG2 are in good agreement with the gravimetric DCR2, which include the standard deviation of the offset,
method (3.9760x 10- 3). The value obtained with SRG1 sincethe offset is subtracted from the signal. Its effect on
is relatively higher by 8 x 10 - 5 than the value obtained
the mean value can be estimated by the experimental
with the gravimetric method, the value of SRG2 by standard deviation ofthe mean (DCR1/DCR2)linas given
1 x 10-3 lower. in Tables 3 and 5. The typical relative standard deviation
Unfortunately, the data obtained at SE1 did not allow of the mean for the DCR ratio or 1 of all data at SE2 was
to fit the offset and to use the fit function of Eq. (14), as 1 x 10-4, similar to the value found by Berman and
the Marquardt-Levenberg algorithm did not converge Fremerey (2 x 10-4), but was 8.5 x 10-4 in the case of
for these data. Several reasons mar be responsible SE1.
for this: At SE1 only 10 data pairs were taken in each (ii) The standard deviation of the mean also includes
measurementseriesinstead of 40 at SE2, so that for 4 fit uncertainties due to an insufficient tit polynomial. We
parametersthe numbers of redundant points is toa small. have checkedthat the residuals are normally distributed
The pressurerange at which the DCR2 valueswere taken (Fig. 4) in dependenceon DCR1 and that the use of
was lower and covered only one arder of magnitude (1,6 higher-order polynomials does not lead to further
mPa ... 16 mPa) instead of two (SE2: 3 mPa ... 300 improvement in the tit, respectively,linearization proce-
mPa).At higher pressuresthe offset plays a less dominant dure. Accordingly, uncertainties due to insufficient lin-
role and the coefficients ao ... a2 of the fit polynomial earization are smaller than the experimental standard
can be fitted more accuratelv. Finallv. the offset values deviations.
K. Jousten et al. Vacuum 52 (1999) 491-499 497

Berman and Fremerey [6] have claimed a total relative

standard uncertainty of 2 x 10-4 not discussingthe influ-
enceof the accuracyof offset measurementand the influ-
enceof temperature gradients betweenthe vessels.Their
data show that similar differences occurred between
the expansion ratios obtained with different gasesor in
different measurementseriesas in our results (cf. Eq. (15)
and Table 5).

6. Conclusions

Measurementsofthe expansionratio with the so called

SRG method [6J were found to be in full agreementwith
the gas accumulation method [5J developedat NPL and
Fig. 4. Residuals of the measured and temperature-corrected
the gravimetric methodo In the SRG method, a single
DCR/DCRz ratios of Fig. 3 to the valuespredicted by the fit (Eq. (15))
in dependenceof DCR. The Gaussian distribution indicates that the spinning rotar gauge is used to measure the pressures
second-orderpolynomial is sufficient as fit curve. both before and after an expansionoIn the gas accumula-
tion method, two different gauges are being used to
measure pressures before and after expansion, where
(iii) The temperatures of the two vessels(seeEq. (6)) expansions are repeated without intermediate pumping
can be determined only with a standard uncertainty of to obtain higher pressures which can accurately be
about 0.1 K. This givesan additional relative uncertainty measuredo
of 5 x 10-4 off In the SRG method, most accurate results can be
(iv) The uncertainties related to the offset determina- achievedusing a rotar with stable offset, where the offset
tion have already beendescribedin the previous sections. should have no frequency dependenceoIn this caseit is
The importance of the uncertainty of the offset can also possible to determine the offset as variable in a fit func-
be seenfrom Fig. 4, where the residuals at lower DCR tion, when many data points ayer about two decadesof
values (lower pressures)are clearly larger than at higher pressure(003Pa ooo 30 Fa) are takenoThe higher pressure
values.However, when there is no frequencydependence rangeis necessaryto accurately fit the coefficientsoffirst-
of the offset and no temperature drift on the rotar, the and second-order of a second-order polynomial to the
uncertainty of the offset determination is purely random data points, the lower pressure range is required to
and due to the evaluation (Eqs. (6) and (7)) procedure accurately fit the offset and the pressure-independentfit
already consideredin the standard deviation of the mean variable of the polynomialo
of (DCR1/DCR2hin(Eq. (12)).Therefore, by fulfilling the
requirements of temperature stability and frequency in-
dependenceof the offset, the uncertainty can be strongly Appendix
reduced by taking many data points.
(v) Other uncertainties resulting, for example, from The NPL report [5] describing the gas accumulation
deviations from the ideal gas law, gas impurities, leaks, method propases an inaccurate correction for temper-
adsorption on the walls of the chambers or outgassing ature drift. For the calculation of the correction term for
could be neglectedin the considered range of pressures. drift, the report (p. 10) assumesthat no temperature
AIso, sincethe fit curve is determined for each individual differences between the vesselsexist initially and that
gasand measurementseries,gas specificaccommodation after each expansion the vesseIs' temperatures are con-
effects (e.g. a change of surface roughness of the rotar tinuously changed by dT. After the second expansion,
with gas and pressure)cannot falsify the results. approximately half of the mass of the gas (the amount
In summary, a total relative standard uncertainty of injected during the first expansion), has changed its
5 x 10-4 and 1 x 10-3 for the results obtained with the temperature by dT and the observed pressure shows
SRG method at SE2,respectively,SE1 can be estimated. a relative change of dT/2T as compared to constant
The differencesof the results obtained with the different temperature conditions. This is correcto
methods were considerably smaller, so that it can be In the following, however, the report states that the
concluded that the different methods are in full agree- pressure changes by (n - 1)dT/2T after the nth expan-
mentoThis holds true, even if it is considered that the sion. According to this expression,the pressurechanges
temperature measurementsin the gas accumulation and by d T /T after the third expansion.What really happens,
SRG method were highly correlated, as the sametempe- however, is that half of the mass of gas changes its
rature sensorsat the samepositions were used. temperature by dT betweenthe 1st and 2nd expansionj
498 K. Jousten et al. Vacuum 52 (1999) 491-499

(not 1) of the gas changesby an additional d T between Basically, the sameequation is found on p. 8 of the NPL
the 2nd and 3rd expansion. This sums up to l' d T jT + report [5], but in Eq. (A.8) each term in the brackets has
'dTjT = i dTjT, which is different from dTjT. The an additional temperature correction term due to tem-
more expansionsare done, the larger the error becomes. perature differencesbetween the small and large vessel
In the following, we deduce a temperature correction and due to temperature drift.
which includes both gradients betweenvesselsand drift: Sincethe two temperaturesT o and T 1 are very similar
As in the NPL report, we assume that the initial (both gradients and total drift over a dar are not larger
pressurePois constant. After the first expansionwe have than 1 or 2 K), their ratios are always close to 1. There-
fore, we expressthe temperature ratios as
= (PJ1(TJ1
(V1+ yo) (A.1)
~ = 1 + (T Jn - (T o); = 1 + ~ . (A.9)

AII quantities indexed with O refer to the initial small (T o) (T o); (T o)

volume, all quantities indexed with 1 to the large volume. If we insert this into Eq. (A.8), the result is
(T0)1denotesthe temperature ofthe small vesselbefore
expansion 1 when Po is determined, (T J1 the temper-
ature of the large vesselafter the first expansion when
P1is measuredas (PJ1'
From Eq. (A.1) we find
Vo 'T1" -.
(PJl = (A.2)
T .,

1 ,.,.;:,


The 2nd expansion results in:

(PJ1V1 (PJ2(V1+
T ) + (T ) =
(T )
' fA.3)
' c'i "

Solving for (PJ2 we obtain

(PJ2 ~
= Po y;iv;
(i/2T '1
v, (T,
+ (PJ1~~-v; ~ )?

Insertion of Eq. (A.2) into Eq. (A.4) yields:

(PJ2 = Po 1/- .J.. V.
Vn I (~" + V..
"'- J
Vo + Vi
{A. 12)
'v,..~TO/2 -v;;~
- (Toh
For the 3rd expansion we find -= -f (A.!3)
Vn+ VI
PoYo (P1hV1 (PJ3(V1 + yo)
-+= (A.6) From Eq. (A.1O)(and the geometric series):
(TO)3 (TJ2 (TJ3'
(PJn - (1 - f)" + (X)
and if Eq. (A.S) is inserted becomes = - (1 - f)" + f(X (A.14)
= Po Vo+ Vi -
) +
V,~ (T.)~
3 Vo+ V1(To)2 (PJn'
+ (tl - (A.15)
\2 (T J3 f=
V1 \~. Po}
\"V;;~/ ~-" Ir cx= O,this simplifies to
Ifthis procedureis continued until the nth expansion,the l'1 - (PJn\ l/n
result for (PJn, the pressurein the large volume after the f= ~ \ Po) (A.16)
nth expansion is
which is basically Eq. (1) for R = f-1 on p. 8 of the NPL
The easiestway t{) solve Eq. (A.15) forfis to carry out
2 (T Jn the following algorithm:
I (~ Calculate f without the temperature correction term
V;) (IX= O)according to Eq. (A.16).
Use this approximate value offto calculate IXaccord-
] ing to Eqs. (A.11) and (A.13).
K. Jouslen el al. / Vacuum 52 (1999) 491-499 499

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