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The Mallard

Issue 310 August 2017

Amazing Village Support for Two Open Garden Events.

O n Sunday 25th June, we held our fourth annual open

garden in aid of the village Biodiversity Project. About
forty-five people, including many families, looked round
Andrew and Rosemary Bickertons multi-featured and wild-
life-friendly garden, enjoyed some excellent tea and cake and
bought numerous plants, books and greetings cards.
Over 380 was raised to help
towards the cost of buying
seeds, plants and other needs
connected with developing
the biodiversity site on Sandy
Thanks go to everyone who
came and supported us so
generously and a huge thank
you to Andrew and Rosemary
for hosting the event.
In July, our biodiversity group visited Hindringham Hall (near Little Walsingham). This
is one of the localitys outstanding gardens and the visit proved both instructive and en-
joyable. A trip is also being arranged to the Chapel Cottage Biodiversity Garden in
Rougham, later in the summer.
While much of our focus this past year has been on restoring the pond itself, our winter
work on the wild flower meadow paid handsome dividends, giving a striking show of
cornfield annuals throughout June and July; the effect being reminiscent of the 2012
Diamond Jubilee summer when seed sown by local school children made a similar im-
pact. Regular working parties have ensured that paths are clear and easily walked and
have continued to add to diversity through various plantings and sowings. If you would
like to join us for 2-3 hours enjoyable and rewarding work please come to our next
working party. You can be assured of a warm welcome. Mike Jackson
This will meet next on Saturday 19th August from about 10 am. Please join us.
BAKEHOUSE OPEN DAY SUCCESS Do you have Parkinsons Disease, or
On 13th July, Lindsey and Malcolm Tibble do you care for someone who does?
held an Open day at their home to raise Come along to our
funds for the Community Car Scheme. The Pop-up Parkinsons Cafe
day was a huge success and raised 330! on the green at Great Massingham for
Again Massingham pulled out all the stops. free tea, coffee, cake, chat & information.
Attendance was very good and it was a You will be very
very pleasant day for all. welcome!
Many thanks to all who donated in various 10am -12 noon,
forms - raffle prizes, cakes, cash and, of Saturday, 26th August
course, their time. Lindsey & Malcolm Please Join Us!

Mallard News
This parish magazine is
published every month for the
Histry Bits.... Dont Mention the War
When I first began these Histry Bits, back in 2014, one of my
residents of Great and Little
Massingham with the support ofprincipal aims was to take Basil Fawltys advice and not men-
the Great Massingham Parish
Council, the Parochial Churchtion the War. I felt that Sister Lawrences meticulous and de-
Council and Massingham voted research, over so many years, into the crews and aircraft
Village Hall Trustees. that called Massingham their home, needed no additional input
e-mail: from me. It was almost too good - as if nothing else important had ever happened in the village before or since.
Editorial Committee However, there was one major incident she failed to cover. It
Editor: Bev. Randall. concerns a Canadian Airforce Lancaster bomber returning from
6 Abbeyfields
Great Massingham
a raid on Berlin on the night of the 23rd of November 1943.
01485 520 899 Heading for its home base at RAF Warboys in Cambridgeshire,
Treasurer: David Baines the huge aircraft lost height and crashed into the rear of High
01485 520 966 Acre House in Harpley which was at the time the home of my
Website : Caroline Boyden godmother, Miss Marjorie Morton.
01485 521 816 Reggie Tipple, a Home Guard sergeant who lived nearby,
Deadline for the heard the crash and rushed out of his cottage to help. Showing
next issue incredible bravery, he smashed his way into the blazing air-
20 August craft, rescuing its navigator trapped in the nose and another
survivor, his clothes on fire, pinned to the ground under one of
the wings. After putting out the flames, Mr Tipple went to
In this issue help another crew member who had been flung from the plane
Biodiversity Open Gdn and its rear gunner trapped in the aircrafts broken tail.
Bakehouse Open Gdn Then, he turned his attention to the occupants of the house.
Histry Bits Incredibly, both women were rescued unharmed. According to
Historical Society family legend, Aunt Marjories aged and deaf mother slept
Village Yard Sale
Baby & Toddler soundly throughout the whole thing! David Miller
Support Your Website
Crashed Canadian Airforce Lancaster Bomber
Village Hall Events
Poker Event
Hall Hire Charges
West Norfolk Folk
Gert & Daisy
Yoga With a Chair
Craft & Chat
Grassroots Malawi
Church Summer Fete
Ducklings Pre - School Great Massingham Historical Society
School News
Health Visitor Clinic The societys current project is to record all the wells and
Parish Council pumps which existed in the village as the main source of fresh
Hall Refurbishment water to houses before the advent of a mains water supply. We
Go To Town Bus already have the locations of nine of these but we are sure that
Church News there were many more.
Church Services To aid us with this project, if you know of a well or pump
Summer Tennis Camp which either exists or used to exist on your property,
Praising Dandelions
Film Club could you please let us know so that we can then record them.
Snooker Award Please contact the Chairman, Peter James - Tel: 521706
Dates for your Diary or e-mail:
Mallard News
Great Massingham Support Your Village Website
9 Annual Village Yard Sale
Sunday 20th August from 9am -1pm Since the relaunch 3 years ago, our website
It is almost a decade of Gt Massingham now has over 100 hits a week with 56%
Yard sales. Amazing! Last year was a from overseas including Canada,
great success with many people taking USA and New Zealand.
part. Join in and earn some extra cash 37% are from the UK with 7% being local.
plus help support the Parish Church and We are always looking for new ideas to
other worthwhile causes. promote our village and, with unlimited
The pitch price remains at 5. pages, we can feature your club, hobby,
If you are a tax payer, you can gift aid your sport, event etc. Please get in touch.
5 fee to ensure the church receives an extra Did you know that all back issues of the
1.25. Envelopes will be available from the Mallard are held on the website?
church or direct from me. They just need Items are normally added within 24 hours of
your name, address and signature. receipt in word format plus jpeg images.
Contact: Carly Ilott, Mayfield House, Take a look! If you have any ideas or want
46A Station Road, Great Massingham to promote your event, send details to:
Telephone:- 01485 520053 Caroline -
E mail: Support your website and lets get
Dont Delay! Get in touch & book now. that 7% local user increased!

Great Massingham Baby and Toddler MACMILLAN COFFEE MORNING

EVERY THURSDAY Great Massingham Village Hall
Including all of August Friday 29th September, 10am - midday
From 10 - 11.30am Offers of prizes, new items, items to auction
at the Village Hall or promises will be much appreciated.
1.50 with snack and tea & Cake Contact: Chrissie Warnes 520173

Shop window

Based in and around Great Massingham
07766223438 or email
Call/Text: 07825 234293
Leanne Elton

Mark Large
DSA Approved Driving Instructor

Local Instructor
Dual Controlled Citroen DS3
Auto Smart FourFour
Tel: Pass Plus Registered
07795 958639 Weekly or intensive courses

Mallard News Village Hall
Keep Fit Mon.12.30 to 1.30pm The Club will be holding a
Yoga with a Chair Tuesday 10am to 11am Poker Night for Members on
Bingo Fridays at 7.30pm Saturday 5th August. Free to Club
Auction Sundays Members & 2 for guests. Starts at 5 pm.
Coronation Club (4th Wed.) 2pm - 4pm
New Hall Hire Charges From 1st August
Baby &Toddler Thurs. 10am - 11.30am
First Increase since 2010
W/Norfolk Radio Sundays 7pm -10pm 1. Private Hire Rate 15 per hour. Minimum
Craft & Chat (1st & 3rd Mon) 2 - 4pm 2hrs. (Includes childrens parties etc when
Trefoil Guild 2nd Thursday, each month bar is not open.)
Film Club 3rd Thursday, each month 2. Private Hire Rate, including bar, 25 per
Quiz Nights 4th Thursday, each month hour. Min. 3hrs. (Includes christenings,
engagement, birthday parties and funeral
Bowls Sessions Mondays 2 - 4pm. (2) receptions when the bar is open.
Historical Society 2nd Monday 7.30pm 3. Wedding Hire Rate (Village residents) 100
per day.
West Norfolk Folk Live Shows 4. Wedding Hire Rate (Non-village residents)
Village Hall Bar 7-10pm, free entry. 150 per day.
20th & 27th August 5. Affiliated Clubs Hire Rate 10 per hour.
Awaiting confirmation of guests 6. Christmas Eve & New Years Eve 50 per hr.
Rates are open to negotiation for regular,
REGULAR EVENTS UPDATE - AUGUST repeat bookings & charity events.
Quiz Night, Keep Fit and Youth Club Each application to be judged on its merits &
are taking a break for August. approval by the Management Committee.
They will resume in September. Hall hire includes 1hr either side of the book-
However, Baby & Toddler will be ing, free of charge for setting up and clearing
continuing throughout August. up afterwards, UNTIL 12 MIDNIGHT.
Poker Night on 5th August. See right. All hours after midnight Private Hire Rate

Shop window
Gill and Dave would like to welcome you to T.J.H. Boiler & Heating Services
Fault Diagnostics
Unvented Hot Water Systems Call Tony on
B&B and Self Catering Cottages Landlord Certificates 07446 075677
Traditional Norfolk Barns Oil Boiler Servicing & Repairs
Gas Boiler Installations & Upgrades 01553 636004
Less than 1 mile outside Gt Massingham Power Flushing Based in Gayton
Emergency Plumbing
Contact: or
Email :
No Call Out Fees. FREE Estimates Energy expert installer

Carol Walker MCFHP MAFHP

Registered Member of the British
Association of Foot Health Professionals
Dress Making Alterations Foot Health Practitioner
Foot Healthcare in Your Home
Loose Covers Curtains Contact:
Tel: 07714192521 or 01485 520 187

Shop window

All building work undertaken

Quality assured. Renovation & newbuild
Guitar Tuition - Acoustic, Electric & Bass Vocal Coaching
Drum Tuition Ukulele
Music Workshops Mandolin
15, Cross Street, Harpley, Kings Lynn PE31 6TJ
Tel: 01553 630747 - 07720 888978 - Ashwicken, Kings Lynn Email:

Tel: 01485 520 142 Mobile: 07745 163149
Covering an area within a 15 mile radius of Harpley, Norfolk PE31

Approved coal and

solid fuel merchant Carpet Fitting and Supplying
For Quality Fuels at the For All Your Carpet Needs
Best Prices Call Colin or See our Website for More
Phone: 01485 520637
Mobile: 07780 776576 07464619007

H. I. S. Lynn Road
West Rudham Oyster


General Building Work Tim Margereson
PE31 8RW House
Barn Conversions
3 Weasenham Rd
Extensions Bed & Breakfast
Conservatories Gt.Massingham PE32 2EY
Hard Landscaping Mrs. Veronica Prentice
Floor & Wall Tiling Call 07786 618787 or Phone O1485 528327
Decking 01485 520745

TERRY DOWNING TV, Video, DVD & Satellite Sales, Set-up & Repairs
WALL & FLOOR TILING SPECIALIST Free Estimates 30 Years Experience
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All Makes & Models Work Guaranteed
Kitchens, Bathrooms, Conservatories etc Qualified Engineer Discount for OAPs
FREE measure and quotation Sales, Repairs, Installations & Tuning Services
Home: 01328 701911
Mobile: 07976 222287 White Cottage, School Road, Necton (opp Rectory

Mallard News
Gert & Daisy.... .... Well, how are yew awl gitting on tergether?
The school holidays are here now and, as the children are gawn ter be hum fer six and a
harf weeks, we hev decided to go away on holiday! The furthest we cud git (cos Sid hed
ter be perswaded ter fly) wus Ireland. We will visit the Guiness place and if we ken git
ow tagin we will travel around. We hope ter see sum lepracorns but we ownt be kissing
the Blarney Stone cos we hev bad backs.
We were very sorry to hear that Joan Green had passed away. She was a lovely woman
and when Gert was little she always wanted to be part of that family. She could remem-
ber the wonderful dinners with huge batter puddings. We send our love to all her family.
On a brighter note, we went ter a Renewal of Wedding Vows fer Michele and Craig
Whittred. That wus a noice dew but we int planning to renew our vows any day soon.
We looked at our licences to see what the expry date wus but there int wun!
Daisy and Sid went on a Murder Mystery Train ride from Holt ter Sheringham. That wus
very gud but they dint guess whodunnit. There wus a three-course meal served during
the trip and the actors walked through the train acting owt the plot. The train stopped
three times and there wus two murders but only wun murderer. That wus gud fun and
theyd loike ter thank their children as it was a present fer Sids 70th birthday.
Daisy hev got a nasty cough so she went ter the doctors. Instead of asking her who she
wanted ter see thay asked her what colour she wanted Black, Green or Brown. We
reckon if we ken git a Dr White (remember them?), a Doctor Scarlet and perhaps Miss
Plum ter be the receptionist we cud hev a game of Massingham Cluedo.
What abowt the thunderstorm thother noight? Daisy thort thered bin an explosion, Gert
thort that wus World War Three but Sid and Bert slept through the whole thing. And the
rain! All the waterbutts were full so not much watering to be done fer a couple of days.
Dont look fer us in next months Mallard cos we ownt be here! We will hev too much
ter do on holiday ter be able to think of squit. Hopefully, by October, we will hev plenty
ter tell yew awl.
Good luck ter Timmy and Tommy on starting big school in September. Tommy cant
wait and Timmy dont want ter go. Dew yew keep atroshing. Gert and Daisy.
Thought of the month:
I'm supposed to respect my elders, but its getting harder & harder for me to find one now.
Norfolk words:
Clip - A quick cuff of the hand: My Mar dint harf clip my lug.
Clout - A heavier blow: I gev my thumb a clout with the hammer & that dint harf smart!.


ER STILLNESS DEPTH FOCUS Village Hall Bar from 2pm to 4.30pm
Yoga with a Chair
.is for those with less mobility who find it 1.50 includes refreshments.
difficult to get up and down from the floor. Next dates: 31st July, 14th August
The support of the chair enables you to get the NOT August 28th, then September 11th .
full benefits of yoga practice.
Tuesdays from 12th September 2017 GRASSROOTS MALAWI
10am to 1130am. Cost 5 per session Stalls On The Green, Near the Well,
Great Massingham Village Hall Next stall, Sat. August 19th, from 9am
Contact Vanessa Brumby on 07786 030 984 Our stall on 24th June raised 210
email: Cancelled if wet. Many thanks.
Shop window
Harpley Village Hall Mon. 7 - 8 pm
Wed. 9.30 - 10.30 am
Leziate Village Hall Thurs. 6.30 - 7.30 pm
Classes 4 each. For further information
please contact Julie Austin on
07721 774 198
Meadowvale Bed & Breakfast
Gayton PE32 1QT

Stunning location.
Luxury accommodation. Suit any occasion.

Boarding for dogs in the comfort of our home

Your dogs will be treated as one of the family for
the duration of their stay. Daily walks & spacious
grounds for your dog to play in.
Love and cuddles guaranteed! The Dabbling Duck
The Paddocks, Station Road, A warm welcome guaranteed from
Little Massingham
Contact Donna on 07793 737 312
all the staff at the Dabbling Duck.
Open all day every day
Bar 12-11pm Mon.-Sat. & to 10.30pm Sun.
Ducklings Preschool
Great Massingham Morning Coffee & Tea 10am to noon
Afternoon Tea & Cake 3 - 5.30pm
Breakfast 8 -10am Lunch 12 - 2.30pm
Dinner 6.30 - 9.00pm Mon. to Thurs
Childcare and Education Dinner 6pm - 9.30pm Fri. & Sat.
for 2-4 year olds Sunday Service - midday to 8pm
Real ales and full wine list. Great Food.
07807 185 746 To Book Phone: 01485 520827

City and Guilds Qualified
Friendly Professional Service
Local - in Congham
Please call Julie on
0 7 8 6 7 7 7 3 3 4 0 or 0 1 4 8 5 6 0 1 4 0 9

Mallard News

St Marys Church Traditional Summer Fete,

12th August
Great Massingham Village Green
Starting at 1pm
Dont Miss This Great Event
Years ago, a visiting fair came to the village
green every year and brought with it great excitement.
Returning our Fete to the green last year was very
successful. Let's hope this year will be the same and
that everyone will turn out to have a good time.
What sort of things will be there, you might ask?
There will of course be tombola, raffle, cakes & refreshments.
We will be reviving Splat the Rat and
you will be able to Chuck a Duck!
There will also be Hoop-la,
50/50, Darts Games,
Is your bottle half full or empty?
together with a few more traditional games.
A fun dog show will start at 3pm.
The fun fair rides
will also be returning.
There will be craft stalls and
if anyone is interested they can call
Anna on 520196.
The Historical Society's Exhibition
will also be on display in the church.
From around 6.30pm local musicians, Will Harman & friends,
will be playing for us on the green to help finish the day in style!

Any offers of help or donations of prizes will be very much

appreciated. Call Anna if you are able to help.
Praying for a dry and fun packed afternoon.
See you all on the 12th August at 1pm.
Anna Burpitt

Mallard News
Ducklings Pre-school Class of 2017

Jessica Poppy Alfie Henry Evangeline Florence

Goodliffe-Johnson Matthews Darlow Lockwood Feary-Tooze Doherty

Timmy Oscar Eden Joshua Frankie Abigail

Howlett Molyneux Coe Howell McAuley Goodliffe-Johnson


1st & 29th August from 11am Health Visitor Clinic
Make the most of this clinic
Fitness Mobility Next visits are August 22nd & Sept. 26th
Thursdays, Docking Surgery, 11.30 - 12.30. Gt Massingham Village Hall, 10 -11 am.


Sadly, we say goodbye to our year six as they Class of 2017
move on to high school. (picture right) We wish
them all the best and thank them for being such
excellent pupils.
Special thanks also to Julian, Joyce and Barbara
for helping class 1 with the school garden, to all
who have helped on trips and with swimming,
to Chris Davison for running the library and to
Nancy Kellogg for running the Y6 Book Club.
We are fortunate to have such good support and Hannah, Tegan, Jake, Danny Ieuan,
really appreciate it. Charlie, George, Ruby and Aimee.
Parent & Friends Association.
The schools PFA, with the help of many, raises funds to provide extra equip-
ment, activities & opportunities for the children. Last year the money raised
went to fund some iPads for the children, which have been hugely appreciated
by the staff & pupils. We are asking for your help this year again with the
Pennies to Pounds Challenge.
Every family, with children at the school, has taken home a bottle to collect as
much loose change in as can be spared. Also, Lings, The Dabbling Duck, the
Post Office, the Village Hall and the Surgery have generously allowed us to
leave collecting bottles on their counters, for your use.
Please give as much as you can spare and support our village school.
Mallard News.. Parish Council and Village Hall
PARISH COUNCIL NEWS and more recently assisting on the bar
June & July Meetings at the Social Club.
Main items to note are: 2.Good news concerning problem foot-
Parish Councillor vacancy (see below) paths...The stretch of footpath be-
tween Mill Lane and the Rudham Road
An application from the Dabbling Duck
junction that has proved so problemat-
to build four additional bedrooms, a
staff shower room and two new store ic over the past few years, is now clos-
rooms was discussed and generally sup- er to being resolved. Despite numerous
complaints from the Parish Council the
ported but concern was expressed to the
Norfolk County Council Highways
Borough Council regarding car parking
problems that could result from the loss Department budget constraints pre-
of spaces for the building. There are vented the work being carried out.
However, newly elected County Coun-
problems of congestion and cars parking
cillor Stuart Dark looked into the mat-
on the pavements every day. In the past,
staff members did not appear to use the ter on our behalf. To this end he has
parking facilities but, following a re- agreed to release 1000 from his lim-
ited Annual budget. This funding,
quest, it has been noted that they have
matched with a contribution of 1000
now started to do so.
from the Parish Council and a further
There is continuing concern over the
500 from the Highways Department
pavement from Mill Road northwards. means that the work will now be done
(Please see below.) by the autumn. The Parish Council,
It is hoped the Fishing Warden vacancy although not responsible for financing
will be filled shortly. Highways works, enters into this
Update From the Chair - Vic Cross agreement without prejudice and with-
1.At its meeting on Monday 17th July the out setting a precedent for future occa-
Parish Council co-opted Mrs Caroline sions but in the interests of residents
Boydon to fill the Vacancy following a safety. We would wish to express our
recent resignation. Caroline will already thanks to Councillor Dark for under-
be known to many of you through her standing that we had a problem and
involvement with the Historical Society, coming up with a workable solution.
running the Great Massingham Website Next Meeting: 21st August

Progress with Funding the Village Hall Rejuvenation

The story so far. We are seeking to refurbish the Village Hall to improve the kitchen,
the drive, the entrance and provide a Community Room and a Community Cars office.
In brief :
We have applied to the Big Lottery Fund with the promise of a significant contribution
from the Parish Council to match the lottery funding, if we get it.
We are applying for a WREN grant for fixtures and fittings.
We applied in June for a grant from Sport England to improve the sporting facilities at
the Hall. This grant had a one-week deadline. Our submission was for funds to build a
MUGA - a Multi-Use Games Area. More about this in the next issue.
Many thanks to Arthur Allen, Vic Cross and Robin Arbenz who have put in a lot of time
and effort to produce the applications, particularly the one for the Big Lottery Fund.
It is now a waiting game and, while we hope we are successful with all our applications,
we are well aware of the worst case scenario of not succeeding with any. In this event it
will be back to the drawing board. Phil Ward on behalf of the Hall Trustees
GOOD NEWS ABOUT THE Go To Town Bus Service
Great Massingham & Kipton Wood area to Kings Lynn and Fakenham
The Go to Town bus service has been running for about a year now and West Norfolk Community
Transport is pleased to announce, with the support of Great Massingham Parish Council, an in-
crease and improvements to the bus service for the village from:
Monday 4th September 2017
Features of the new timetable include:
Buses to Lynn routed via Gayton instead of to Harpley to join the Stagecoach service.
The morning College Bus will leave earlier & go to Gayton and connect with Lynxs 48 to
Lynn - through tickets available. Similar arrangements on last bus back home.
Buses in the middle of the day will go straight through to and from Lynn (also serving the Hos-
pital) with no need to change on route.
Two shopping buses to Lynn a day during the week - one morning, one afternoon - both giving
almost three hours in town.
Three buses a day during the week to Fakenham.
New Saturday link from Kipton Wood to Lynn. Please see new timetables below..
Buses to Kings Lynn
Dep: Gt Massingham Arr. Kings Lynn Notes
Mon to Fri 07.36 08.20 Connect to Lynx 48 at Gayton
Mon to Fri 10.16 10.51
Mon to Fri 13.16 13.51
Mon to Fri 15.37 16.15
Saturday 10.53 11.27
Saturday 15.20 15.52
Buses to Fakenham Town Centre & Morrisons/Health Centre
Dep: Gt Massingham Arr. Fakenham Oak St Notes
Mon to Fri 09.00 09.27 Connects to Norwich & Wells @ Morrisons
Mon to Fri 10.16 10.50 Continues to Morrisons/Health Centre
Mon to Fri 13.56 14.30 Connects to Norwich & Wells @ Morrisons
Buses Home From Kings Lynn
Dep: Kings Lynn Arr. Gt. Massingham Notes
Mon to Fri 09.45 10.16 Connect to Lynx 48 at Gayton
Mon to Fri 13.25 13.56
Mon to Fri 16.35 17.11 Leaves 16.40 when college closed.
Mon to Fri 17.45 18.15 Catch Lynx 48 to Gayton & connect with GTT
Saturday 10.00 10.31
Saturday 14.25 14.56
Buses Home from Fakenham Town Centre / Oak St
Dep: Fakenham Oak St Arr. Gt. Massingham Notes
Mon to Fri 09.45 10.18 From Morrisons 09.35 to connect Oak St.

Mon to Fri 12.45 13.18 From Morrisons 12.42 to connect Oak St

Mon to Fri 14.55 15.39 From Morrisons 14.42 to connect Oak St

Church Services
Date Time Service Location
Wed. 2 August 9.00 am Holy Communion Harpley
Sunday 6th 8.30 am Holy Communion Ashwicken
August 9.30 am Family Service Harpley
10.30 am Holy Communion Grimston
10.30 am Morning Praise Gayton
11.00 am Holy Communion Great Massingham
Sunday 13th 10.30 am Group Holy Communion Gayton
August 4.00 pm The Gap Pott Row
Songs of Praise
Wed. 16th August 9.00 am Holy Communion Grimston
Sunday 20 8.30 am Holy Communion Roydon
August 9.30 am Holy Communion Little Massingham
10.30 am Holy Communion Gayton
10.30 am Morning Praise Grimston
11.00 am Family Service Great Massingham
11.15 am Sung Holy Communion Harpley
Sunday 27th 8.30 am Holy Communion Congham
August 10.30 am Family Service Gayton
11.00 am Holy Communion Great Massingham
Sunday 3rd 8.30 am Holy Communion Walton
September 9.30 am Family Service Harpley
10.30 am Holy Communion Grimston
10.30 am Morning Praise Gayton
11.00 am Holy Communion Great Massingham
Benefice Prayer Meetings, Sunday 6th August at Roydon & 3rd September at Harpley
For more news please visit our benefice website at


Gt Massingham Tennis & Multi Sports Club Wednesday Teas - Every Wednesday at St
Tues. 8th to Thurs. 10th August Marys from 3pm to 4.30pm. Please come.
School Yrs School Yrs School Yrs Summer Fair - 12th August. See page 8.
1,2 & 3 4,5,6 7 to 11
10.30 - 12.00 12.30 - 2pm 2.30 - 4pm Your local
Children should bring a snack & drink each HANDYWOMAN
day & be dressed for the weather. Costs are: NAOMI LITTLEWOOD
20 for members for 3days, 15 for 2days
and 8 for one day. Booking is essential. Mobile: 07557790226
Tel: 07940 428002 NO JOB TOO SMALL
Shop window

Ofsted Registered Childminding Service

Great Massingham
PE32 2HT
01485 520091
07778 500780


Over 25 years experience,

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OF WOODBURNERS Wood Floor Sanding & Fitting Specialist
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Moisture Issues, Floor levelling
Free advice & Quotes, Contact Chris on
01945 780166 or 01485 521707 or 07894791723

The Window Doctor

Trust The Window Doctor for your NEW
Windows - Doors - Conservatories
Fascia, Soffit & Guttering.
01945 585999 or
sales @
Misted or broken glass sealed units replaced
Jammed or failed windows & doors fixed
Hinges, handles, letterboxes, locks etc replaced.

All aspects of Domestic Tree and Garden Care
Pruning, reductions, felling, hedge trimming,
climbers, shrub pruning, fruit trees and more.
Small Local Company - Qualified & Insured
Free no obligation quotes and advice

Shop window

est 1990
Call 01485 542576
Or 07818 602258
Boiler Servicing, New Heating Systems,
Bathrooms, Breakdowns, Repairs,
Upgrades, All Plumbing Covered.


Level 3 Advanced Personal Trainer, A Warm Welcome Awaits
Children's Fitness Instructor, GP Exercise Referral Instructor
Nutrition and Weight Management,
Level 2 ASA Swimming Teacher, First Aid Qualified. Heath Farm, Lynn Lane, Great Massingham
01485 520828

Welcomes old & new members

High quality fitted and free-standing

furniture. Individually designed,
Excellent facilities and
a friendly atmosphere. personally installed by experts from
Good beer, real ale, wines and spirits
all at competitive prices. our Great Massingham workshops.
Separate snooker room.
Satellite, large screen TV.
Outside drinking area.
Entertainment throughout the year.
Membership applications can be obtained CALL TODAY
from the club bar 01485 521888

Useful Numbers
Organisation Contact Phone No.
Allotment Association Gill Goold 0750 824 2223
Biodiversity Project Mike Jackson 520 056
Borough Council Tim Tilbrook 01485 601413
British Legion & Bell Ringing Denys Winner 520 598
Bowls Club Peter Wadham 520 796
Church Contacts Revd Judith Pollard 01485 601 251
or Revd Jane Holmes 01553 636227
Community Car Scheme Office 520 823
Coronation Club Jill Whitmore 520 609
County Council Stuart Graham Dark 07450 679 355
Doctors Massingham Surgery 520 521

The Film Club Arthur Allen/Barry Talbot 520628/07818 807 738

Fishing Warden Currently Vacant
Football Club Barry Talbot (seniors) 520 653
Guide Trefoil Guild Shirley Rae 520 259
Massingham Historical Society Anthony Robinson 520 455
Tennis and Multi-Sports Club Arthur Allen 520 628
Parish Council Kevin Webb (Clerk) 01328 855 046
Vic Cross (Chair) 520 387
Pre-School Pip Armitage 07807 185 746
Police Non-emergency 101
School Ann Beardall 520 362
Village Hall Hall & Bar & Vic Cross 520 588/520 387

The Village Store & Post Office OVEN CLEANING

Local Free Range Eggs
Twice Weekly Dry Cleaning Service SOFA CLEANING
Holiday Insurance & Foreign Currency
Euros on demand Call the local experts now

Clean Tech
Ray and staff
FREE local deliveries
welcome you to
your local shop,
7days a week.
every Thursday ! 01485 609223
Mon. to Sat. Village Store Card, cheque and cash
8am to 5.30pm Great Massingham
Sun. 9.30 -12.30 payments accepted
Tel: 520 272

The name comes from the French dent de lion mean-
ing lions tooth with reference to the jagged green Dandelions in flower on the
leaves. Some say the name refers to the golden ruff of a Weasenham Road green before
lions mane. Either way, the dandelion provides bright the mowers & strimmers arrived.
yellow splashes in the grass of our verges, fields and
The flower is called Pissy beds and wet-the-bed from
its use as a herbal diuretic and laxative.
The dandelion contains high levels of potassium which
is beneficial for treating urinary deficiencies. Dandelions are also used in salads with
both the leaves and flowers being added. Dandelion wine is made from the flowers and
the roots have been used as a coffee substitute when roasted. Dandelion & Burdock pop
was a favourite amongst us boys as it resembled a dark beer in appearance.
Dandelions are also known as Peasants Clock and Parachutes referring to their seed
globe heads, which disperse their seeds on little parachutes. It was said that you told the
time by how many blows it took to blow away all the seeds.
The dandelion is an important nectar source for many insects, particularly bees. So, in-
stead of treating dandelions as a weed and cutting them down with our strimmers or kill-
ing them with weed killer, we should value these flowers which are a beautiful and valu-
able part of the English countryside. Andrew Bickerton

First Winner of Mike Tilbury Snooker Award

th A snooker competition was held at the Village
Thursday August17
Hall in May to contest the Mike Tilbury Snooker
7pm for 7.30pm, 4 entry.
Shield. This is the first time the competition has
Massingham Village Hall
run and John Harris
Viceroys House (pictured left) was the
The final Viceroy of India, Lord first to win the shield.
Mountbatten, is tasked In the picture Isabel
with overseeing the transi- Tilbury, Mike Tilburys
tion of British India to
independence, but meets widow, is delighted to
with conflict as different present the trophy to
sides clash.. John.

Dates for your Diary August

Date Event Time Place
1 & 29 Aug. Mobile Library As timetabled Village
5 August Poker Night 5pm onwards Village Hall
8,10 Aug. Summer tennis Camp various Hall Tennis Courts
12 August Church Summer Fete 1pm -7pm Village Green
14 August Craft & Chat 2pm - 4.30 Village Hall Bar
14 August Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm Village Hall
17 August Film Club 7 for 7.30pm Village Hall
19 August Stall on The Green From 9am Near The Well
20 August Village Yard Sale 9am to 1pm Village
20 & 27 Aug. West Norfolk Folk 7-10pm Village Hall Bar
26 August Parkinsons Popup Cafe 10am - 12 Village Green

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