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What makes a good trampoline safety enclosure? A trampoline safely enclosure is a must have. In the decade since trampoline safety enclosures have been available in the market, the trampoline injury rate has steadily deciined, Today, 90 percent of naw trampolines aro sold with safety enclosures, showing thal they have become an acceptad and required safely precaution, just lke bike helmets and seat bolls. ‘As a responsible parent, itis important to know how to buy a trampoline safely enclosure and what technology end features are present in the best ones. Tho best trampoline safely enclosures aro enginoored for safely—they are structurally sound, durable, and provide safely features specifically designed with kids in mind. ‘What makes a good trampoline safety enclosure? Here are four things to look for: ‘+ Make sure the not systom wraps outside the supporting poles ‘This is a key design element that enables Impact force to be absorbed by all ofthe enclosure’s surrounding structural poles at once, distributing impact energy and creating a unified syste many timos stronger than those with nota ‘suspended inside the poles. This design, part of Triple-Safe™ Fall Protection, also provides for 25 percent mora play space, and rest zones where kids can wait their turns safely—off the jumping surface but securely inside the ‘enclosure, ‘+ Make sure the supporting poles aro strong and securely attached fo the trampoline frame Eight foam-cushioned stee! poles are UV-resistant, heavy guage steal, designed and tested to flex on impact, Each ie altached securely tothe trampoline frame with three U-boll assemblles. Cheap imitation systems attach the nel to the poles with weak elastic bands cr, in the case of free-standing designs, vith no attachments at al ‘+ Make sure the net is attached to the poles securely Triple-FallSafe™ Suspension System altaches the net securely to the polos and provides added protection to jumpers at each pole location. This design aids in gently re-recting jumpers back to the cantor of the trampoline. ‘whenever they impact the net. First, a heavy-duty strap with over 1500 Ibsvinch of burst strength weaves through the top ofthe netting, ‘Second, the net wraps around the outside of the poles. Finelly the net is secured to each pole using interwoven shock cords held in place by a high strength strap, Triple-Fall-Safe Suspension System decreases the likelihood of contact with the springs or the frame pad, and keeps jumpers safely inside. + Make sure the enclosure has an overlapping doorway Its a fact oflfe that kids forget {0 close doors, so itis very important that your trampoline safely enclosure always remains closed 60 kids can't possibly fll out. unique design allows for easy, safe entry and exit, but doos not require. Kids to Velero, zip or button anything, ‘Trampolines and Trampoline Safety This Position Statement was devefoped as an educational too! based on the opinion of the authors. Its not @ product of a systematic review. Readers are encouraged to consider the Information presented and reach thelr own conclusions, ‘The number and severity of Injuries resulting from the use of trampolines Is significant and Increasing, Hospal emergency rooms, doctors’ offices and clinics treated 211,646 trampoline Injuries sustained by children under age 19 in 2003. the estimated cost of medical, legal, insurance and disability costs and other expenses in 2001 was ‘more than $4 bilion, ‘Young children ages 5 to 10 are particularly at risk; 102,017 Injuries related to trampolines for this group were treated In emergency rooms, doctors’ offices and clintes at a cost of more than $2 billon annually, The most ‘common injuries are sprains and fractures, often severe, which usually result from a fall on the trampoline, Severe Injuries are not common, but they do occur and can result In paraiysis or, rarely, death. Use of the trampoline by more then one child further increases the risk of injury through collsions among jumpers or the catapulting of jumpers off the trampoline, In an effort to reduce the number and severity of injurles resulting from tho usa of trampolines, the ‘American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) recommends routine observation of the following ‘guidelines: + ___ Use of trampolines for physical education, competitive gymnastics, diving training and other similar ‘activities requires careful adult supervision and proper safety measures. ‘+ _Trampotines should not be used for unsupervised recreational activity. ‘+ Competent adult supervision and instruction Is needed for eildren at all times. © Only one participant should use 2 trampoline at any time, + Spotters should be present when participants are jumping, Somersauits or high-risk maneuvers should be ‘voided without proper supervision and Instruction; these maneuvers should be done only with proper use of protective equipment, such as a harness. + The rampoline-jumping surface should be placed at ground level + The supporting bars strings and surrounding landing surfaces should have adequate protective padding. + Equipment should be checked regularly for safety conditions. + Safety net enclosures may give a false sense of security ~ most injurles occur on the trampoline surface. + Trampotines are not recommended for children under 6 years of age. + Make sure trampoline ladders are removed after use to prevent unsupervised access by young children, References: ‘Trampolines at Home, School, and Recreational Centers, American Academy of Pediatrics Policy Statement 1999, Avallable online at; hitp://www.aap.orafpallcy/rese4a.html, Accessed October 14, 2004, 2. Trampoline Safety Alert, Consumor Product Safety Alert, US Consumer Product Safety Commission, 2001, Avallable online at; http://www .cpse.aov/CPSCPUB/PUBS/08S,pd? Accessed October 14, 2004. 3. _ Black GB, Amadeo R: Orthopaedic Injuries assoclated with backyard trampoline use In children. Can J, Surg. 2003 Jun;46(3):199-201) 4, Larson BI, Davis 2W: Trampoline-related injuries. 2 Bone Joint Surg Am 1995 Aug;77(8):1174-8, 5. Consumer Product Safety Commission, NEISS 2002 and 2003 data. © September 1996, Revised June 2005 American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons ‘This material may not be modified without the express written permission of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons®. Position Statement 1135 For additional information, contact Public Education and Media Relations Department at 847-384-4031. TRAMPOLINE ADDENDUM In consideration of the following conditions, Balfour Beatty will grant permission for the use of a trampoline to the undersigned resident: 1, Trampoline located in an approved Balfour Beatty fenced backyard, 2. Resident agrees to install trampoline equipment according to the manufactures reconditions and specifications: «Padding for springs and side railing, © Trampoline net enclosure. © Securing trampoline properly to ground. 3. Resident is responsible for mowing the grass under and around the trampoline, 4, Upon vacating quarters, the resident will be responsible for repairs to the turf areas that were damaged by the use of the trampoline Resident will be held responsible for any injuries to person or persons which is a direct result of trampoline activities at their residence. Resident will also be held responsible for any property damage to their or any other property caused by trampoline. Balfour Beatty reserves the right to terminate or modify this agreement af any time during the term of your lease. Resident Date Agent aa Date received additional Safety tips pamphlet: “What makes a good trampoline safety enclosure?” Resident Date Agent Date

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