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Review of industrial symbiosis research: Theory

and methodology

Article in Frontiers of Earth Science March 2014

DOI: 10.1007/s11707-014-0445-8


6 253

5 authors, including:

Hongmei Zheng Bin Chen

Beijing Normal University Beijing Normal University


Meirong Su Gengyuan Liu

Beijing Normal University Beijing Normal University


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Front. Earth Sci. 2015, 9(1): 91104
DOI 10.1007/s11707-014-0445-8


A review of industrial symbiosis research: theory and


Yan ZHANG (), Hongmei ZHENG, Bin CHEN (), Meirong SU, Gengyuan LIU
State Key Joint Laboratory of Environment Simulation and Pollution Control,
School of Environment, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China

Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014

Abstract The theory, methodologies, and case studies in the possibility that one enterprise may deliver its wastes to
the eld of industrial symbiosis have been developing for another industry that can use those wastes as raw materials.
nearly 30 years. In this paper, we trace the development Renner described these relationships as the industrial
history of industrial symbiosis, and review its current equivalent of the symbioses that occur in ecosystems
theoretical and methodological bases, as well as trends in (Renner, 1947), but he did not use the term industrial
current research. Based on the research gaps that we symbiosis to describe the relationships. Ayres (1988) later
identify, we provide suggestions to guide the future proposed the term industrial metabolism, and subse-
development of this approach to permit more comprehen- quently expanded the concept to describe the whole
sive analyses. Our theoretical review includes key integrated collection of physical processes that convert raw
denitions, a classication system, and a description of materials, energy, and labor into nished products and
the formation and development mechanisms. We discuss wastes under (more or less) steady-state conditions (Ayres
methodological studies from the perspective of individual and Simonis, 1994). The modern usage of industrial
industrial metabolic processes and network analysis. symbiosis can be dated to 1989, when the Danish
Analyzing specic metabolic processes can help to researcher Valdemar Christensen, a production manager
characterize the exchanges of materials and energy, and at the Asnaes Power Station, used the Danish equivalent of
to reveal the ecological performance and economic these words to describe this phenomenon in the Kalund-
benets of the symbiosis. Network analysis methods are borg eco-industrial park (Dougherty, 1997). Industrial
increasingly being used to analyze both the structural and symbiosis studies now use systematic methods that
functional characteristics of a system. Our suggestions for originated in the study of complex ecological or biological
future research focus on three aspects: how to quantita- systems to build on industrial metabolism research and
tively classify industrial symbiosis systems, monitor the study details of the exchanges of materials and energy
dynamics of a developing industrial symbiosis system, and through a network of industries. Because such analyses can
analyze its internal attributes more deeply. provide important insights, the eld has developed rapidly
for the past 30 years (Harper and Graedel, 2004;
Keywords industrial ecology, industrial symbiosis, Korhonen, 2004).
industrial metabolism, network analysis The development of industrial symbiosis theory
involved both the discussion and renement of the
underlying theory, and the development of practical
1 Background applications. Frosch and Gallopoulos (1989) proposed
the concept of an industrial ecosystem, and noted that the
In 1947, George Renner used an approach based on traditional model of industrial activity should be trans-
ecological science to describe the organic relationships formed into a more integrated model that is the industrial
among industries. Based on the production of wastes and equivalent of a natural ecosystem. In such a system, the
byproducts and their ows among industries, he described consumption of energy and materials would be optimized,
waste generation would be minimized, and the wastes and
Received July 29, 2013; accepted February 14, 2014 byproducts from one process would serve as the raw
E-mail: zhangyanyxy@126.com (Yan ZHANG), chenb@bnu.edu.cn materials for other processes. That is, materials and energy
(Bin CHEN) would be cycled in ways similar to the efcient cycling that
92 Front. Earth Sci. 2015, 9(1): 91104

occurs in a natural ecosystem. Lowe and Evans (1995) because the relationships among companies involve
described several ways in which an industrial ecosystem is physical exchanges of materials (including water), energy,
analogous to a closed-loop natural system. and by-products, and these exchanges occur more
In summary, these contributions provided a theoretical efciently over short distances. However, it is important
basis for the development of industrial symbiosis research. to note that the exchanges can also occur over long
However, this approach was recognized, though without an distances in some cases, so proximity is not a precondition
underlying theoretical framework, earlier. In the 1970s, a for the development of symbiosis. Subsequently, Mirata
cluster of companies from different industries in the city of and Emtairah (2005) noted that the relationships could also
Kalundborg (Denmark) began intensively cooperating include exchanges of knowledge and utilization of shared
with each other to reduce their costs, strengthen their infrastructure. Industrial Symbiosis, published by the
waste management, and use fresh water more efciently. Kalundborg Company in Denmark (Harper and Graedel,
During the late 1980s, some local students recognized 2004), emphasizes that the development of industrial
many connections among Kalundborgs industries. Basing symbiosis complexes improves the likelihood of survival
their description on Valdemar Christensens Danish and the protability of existing companies, which can
terminology, scholars began using the phrase industrial potentially optimize the environmental and economic
symbiosis to describe the Kalundborg system (Ehrenfeld benets that result from the symbiosis. Chertow and
and Gertler, 1997; Jacobsen, 2006; Chertow, 2007). Lombardi (2005) further dened industrial symbiosis
Kalundborg subsequently began to formally develop the according to its environmental benets. Mirata and
relationships among industries in the park, and its success Emtairah (2005) combined the insights from a series of
attracted worldwide attention and prompted many sub- studies and proposed a comprehensive framework for
sequent studies (Engberg, 1992; Gertler and Ehrenfeld, industrial symbiosis (Fig. 1).
1996; Schwarz and Steininger, 1997; Ehrenfeld and
Chertow, 2002). 2.2 Mechanisms of industrial symbiosis

Studies of the mechanisms that underlie an industrial

2 Theoretical discussion of industrial symbiosis have mainly analyzed the factors, including
symbiosis internal industrial metabolic processes that inuence the
systems formation and future development. The
2.1 Denitions of the term industrial symbiosis exchanges and ows of resources within the system are
the key aspects that dene the symbiosis.
The term symbiosis was introduced into biology from There are three factors to consider when analyzing these
the Greek language (living together) by Anton de Bary mechanisms. First, its necessary to understand the driving
in 1879 (Darlington, 1951). Symbiosis is a biological term force that is responsible for the economic benets.
referring to a close, sustained coexistence of two species Symbiotic relationships among different industries or
or kinds of organisms (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1992). different companies decrease the cost of raw materials
With the development of industrial ecology in the 20th and the disposal cost for wastes because the raw materials
century, the symbiosis in natural systems was adopted as of one industry or company can be replaced to some extent
an analogy for how industries interact, and soon became its by the byproducts and wastes of another, and this helps to
own eld of research (Lowe and Evans, 1995; Harper and improve the economics of each participants operations
Graedel, 2004; Korhonen, 2004). (Golev and Corder, 2012). Economic benet was the core
Scholars have studied industrial symbiosis from three driving force in the development of the Kalundborg
main perspectives: characterization of the conditions under industrial symbiosis complex. Many companies exchanged
which industrial symbiosis complexes form, the exchange resources spontaneously because this reduced their
relationships that sustain their development, and the resource consumption, especially for nonrenewable
benets that accrue to industries that participate in them. resources, and decreased their production of wastes that
The precondition for an industrial symbiosis complex is would otherwise require expensive treatment (Venta and
cooperation among the companies, and these companies Nisbet, 1997; Pedersen, 1999; Wolf et al., 2007).
form a network as a result of that cooperation (Chertow, The second factor relates to the legislation and
2000; Harper and Graedel, 2004; Chertow and Lombardi, regulations that shape the development of a symbiosis.
2005). The denitions proposed by Chertow (2000) have Many industrial symbioses develop as eco-industrial parks
been accepted by many subsequent scholars (e.g., Yang when the managers of the park are asked to comply with
and Feng, 2008; Costa and Ferro, 2010). Chertow (2000) environmental regulations, and use this as an opportunity
described the keys to industrial symbiosis as cooperation in to examine their economic requirements. Therefore, many
taking advantage of the synergistic possibilities offered by eco-industrial parks were established intentionally rather
the geographic proximity of the companies. This is than evolving, and were built to meet the need for
Yan ZHANG et al. A review of industrial symbiosis research 93

Fig. 1 The connotation of industrial symbiosis.

improved environmental protection and sustainable devel- a) The ow of materials can be represented by the inputs
opment (Desrochers, 2004; Gibbs and Deutz, 2007). For (raw materials) and outputs (industrial products, bypro-
example, the Korea National Cleaner Production Center ducts, and wastes) per unit of input.
developed in response to national policies to convert b) The ow of information can be represented by the
existing industrial parks into eco-industrial parks (Park et transfer of information from a variable x to a variable y
al., 2008). The United States government also formulated within a given process. For example, changes in the market
policies to promote the development of eco-industrial demand for a given product (x) can lead to decreased
parks (Cohen-Rosenthal et al., 1997; Schlarb, 2001). demand for an input material (y) that is used to
The third factor relates to technological improvements manufacture that product.
and innovations, which have stimulated the development c) The ow of value can be represented in monetary
of industrial symbiosis complexes. This driving force terms by calculating a value per unit of a given ow or by
includes improvements in material utilization and reuse measuring the number of turnovers (rotations) of stock in
technologies, and the adjustment of industrial production an accounting period.
structures (Ehrenfeld and Gertler, 1997; Ohnishi et al., d) The ow of energy can be described based on the
2012). These innovations improve waste management and quantity of energy consumed or generated as a byproduct,
the efciency of resource utilization (Yang and Feng, and transferred either directly or indirectly among the
2008; van Berkel et al., 2009). components of the system.
These three factors all inuence the formation and e) The ow of technology includes technological
development of industrial symbiosis complexes, although innovation, technology transfer, and technology diffusion.
in different ways and possibly at different times, and each Although some researchers have proposed equations to
can lead participants to comprehensively improve the express the relationships among these factors, these
complexs structure and functions. equations have generally been qualitative. Clearly, it
Analyzing the interactions among these factors provides would be more meaningful to quantify the relationships
a more systematic approach to studying the principles that among these factors, and analyze their respective degrees
govern these interactions. Yuan et al. (2004) summarized of inuence. Although the choice among the various
the factors that inuenced the structure and function of quantitative metrics that are available is somewhat
industrial symbiosis complexes, and established equations subjective, any attempt to quantify the ows and relation-
to represent their relationships. In this representation, they ships permits a more objective analysis of the system.
divided structure into four sub-systems (environment,
economy, society, and resources) and divided functions 2.3 Types of industrial symbiosis
into ve categories: the ows of materials, information,
value, energy, and technology (including know-how). The different types of industrial symbiosis have been
These functions can be quantied in various ways: dened primarily based on the study of eco-industrial
94 Front. Earth Sci. 2015, 9(1): 91104

parks, as these are the most obvious example of industrial small number of material- and energy-intensive production
symbiosis complexes. As the study of industrial symbiosis processes, whereas the latter describes more diverse
has developed, it has progressed from studying the industrial activities with a lower level of coupling of the
exchanges that occur within companies to include the production processes.
exchanges among companies, and nally to include Improvement of the systems environmental perfor-
regional exchanges of resources and information sharing mance, and of the economic and social benets, will
(Chertow, 1999, 2000). Researchers have therefore studied interact with the regulations imposed by local or national
the types of symbioses from different perspectives. First, governments to inuence the evolution of a complex.
researchers have examined external factors, such as the Thus, Chertow (2007) analyzed the formation and
location of the eco-industrial park (Lowe, 1997), the developmental histories of eco-industrial parks, and
factors that are inuencing its formation, its development proposed two additional categories: planned eco-industrial
history (Chertow, 2007), and its current status (Yuan et al., parks and self-organizing parks. The self-organizing parks
2004). Second, scholars have divided parks into types emerge from existing private actors who are motivated to
based on the characteristics of their members and the exchange their resources in response to these inuences.
systems structure. Examples include studies of the The economic benets then come in the form of cost
industrial structure (Ministry of Environmental Protection reductions, increased revenues, and business expansion. In
of the Peoples Republic of China, 2006a, b, 2009), of the contrast, planned eco-industrial parks start from conscious
relationships among its members (Wang and Yin, 2005), efforts (often promoted by a government) to identify
and of how these aspects can be understood better by companies from different industries that could potentially
applying the theoretical insights gained from natural work together, and to promote sharing of resources among
systems (Guo and Zhong, 2005). these companies.
Based on the location of a park, eco-industrial parks can Based on the status of a complex, Chinese scholars have
be divided into co-located eco-industrial parks and virtual divided the parks into newly planned parks and existing
eco-industrial parks (Lowe, 1997). The co-located parks industrial groups (Yuan et al., 2004). A newly planned eco-
are comprised of groups of companies at the same site or in industrial park is built from scratch, based on careful
the same small region. Virtual eco-industrial parks can be analysis of the design requirements and planning of how to
spread over a much wider area, and may be based on meet these requirements. The primary goal is to unite
exchanges of by-products and wastes among companies companies through the adoption of green manufacturing
separated by long distances. Their structure is sparse technologies. This approach asks the members of the park
compared with co-located parks (Cohen-Rosenthal et al., to decrease their impact on the environment through the
1996; Lowe et al., 1998; Lambert and Boons, 2002). construction of shared infrastructure such as sewage
Virtual parks can eliminate the cost of constructing a park treatment facilities. The Tianjin Economic Development
from scratch, and greatly improve the efciency by Area is a typical example (Shi et al., 2010). In parks that
exchanging resources within or between large regions, have been created by the transformation of existing groups
particularly when the resources are not available in close of companies, the goal is to revise or transform the existing
proximity to the industry or enterprise that requires them technologies by constructing waste- and energy-exchange
(Martin et al., 1996; Schwarz and Steininger, 1997; Ct centers, and to promote greatly increased exchanges of
and Cohen-Rosenthal, 1998). A typical virtual park is the materials and energy among the companies. The Guangxi
Brownsville industrial symbiosis complex in the United Guigang eco-industrial park is a typical example (Zhu
States (Martin et al., 1996). Although it was only proposed et al., 2007).
in the literature and did not come to fruition, it still Researchers can also use internal characteristics of the
possesses the key characteristics of such a park and system, such as the relationships between members and the
undoubtedly inuenced the thinking of researchers. structural distribution of a system, to categorize different
In contrast, co-located eco-industrial parks are com- types of complexes. According to the Chinese standard for
prised of a group of companies located in close proximity. eco-industrial parks that was proposed in 2006, the
In that context, transportation costs and risks (e.g., Ministry of Environmental Protection of the Peoples
chemical spills during transport) are minimized, allowing Republic of China categorized eco-industrial parks into
members to pursue optimization of their environmental sector-integrated, sector-specic, and reuse and recycling
and economic benets (Martin et al., 1996; Heeres et al., parks, with the classication based on their different
2004; Elabras Veiga and Magrini, 2009). The Kalundborg industrial compositions (Ministry of Environmental Pro-
eco-industrial park is a typical example. Lambert and tection of the Peoples Republic of China, 2006a, b, 2009).
Boons (2002) further divided co-located eco-industrial Sector-integrated eco-industrial parks are composed of
parks into industrial symbiosis parks and mixed industrial enterprises from different industrial sectors, and most have
parks. The former describes geographically concentrated developed from high-tech industrial development zones or
industrial activities with tight couplings among a relatively economic and technical development zones. Sector-
Yan ZHANG et al. A review of industrial symbiosis research 95

specic eco-industrial parks contain one or more core (Wright et al., 2009). Parks that combine aspects of both of
enterprises from the same industrial sector, as well as some these categories are referred to as nested eco-industrial
other enterprises from related industries. Most of these parks, and include the Styria industrial symbiosis (Schwarz
parks have developed through increasing the integration of and Steininger, 1997). By analogy with the relationships
the ows of materials and energy. Reuse and recycling among species in natural systems, the companies in these
parks are a special type in which the enterprises are mainly parks can be divided into categories based on whether they
engaged in reuse, recycling, and resource recovery. These are dominated by parasitism, in which one or more of the
parks are designed to protect the environment by companies benet at the expense of one or more of the
preventing potentially useful resources from becoming other companies; by commensalism, in which one or more
wastes, and by using these resources to replace the companies benet from belonging to the system but
consumption of natural raw materials. By using advanced without harming other companies; or mutualism, in which
technology, they can transform the wastes generated by most relationships among companies are benecial to both
industrial production and consumption processes into companies (Kronenberg, 2007). By analogy with the food
recycled or reused resources and products (Potts Carr, chains or food webs that exist in natural systems, Song et
1998; Sato et al., 2004). al. (2008) categorized the companies in eco-industrial
Based on the nature of the relationships among members parks as symbiotic (the members have equal status),
in a complex, Wang and Yin (2005) divided eco-industrial parasitic (core companies exploit peripheral companies), or
parks into dependency-oriented, equality-oriented, and saprophytic (the members engage primarily in reuse and
nested categories. Dependency-oriented parks develop recycling).
around one or more core companies, as in the cases of Table 1 summarizes the various theories that have been
the Kalundborg, Guangxi Guigang, and Shandong Lubei proposed, the types of parks that can be dened based on
eco-industrial parks (Chertow, 2007; Zhu et al., 2007; each theory, and typical examples of each type of industrial
Chen et al., 2010). Based on the key species theory from symbiosis from around the world.
ecology (Paine, 1969), Guo and Zhong (2005) divided the In summary, the different types of industrial symbiosis
parks into categories based on whether there is a single have mainly been categorized based on subjective and
core company or several dominant companies. Based on qualitative judgments. In the future, it will be necessary to
this division, Wang (2009) further divided the dependency- divide the parks into categories based on more objective
oriented parks into single-dependency parks (with a single and quantitative criteria, such as quantitative analyses of
key member) and multiple-dependency parks (with two or their internal structural characteristics. This will help to
more key members). In equality-oriented parks, the reveal how different structural attributes inuence the
companies have equal status and do not rely exclusively exchanges of materials, energy, by-products, and wastes,
on each other, as in the case of the Burnside Industrial Park thereby providing managers with a way to identify

Table 1 Examples of industrial symbiosis complexes

Theoretical foundation Types of park based on that theory Typical examples from around the world
Location, history of formation and Planned eco-industrial parks Tianjin (TEDA) (Shi et al., 2010)
development (Chertow, 2007)
Self-organizing eco-industrial parks Kalundborg (Chertow, 2007)
Development process (Yuan et al., 2004) Newly planned eco-industrial parks Choctaw (Potts Carr, 1998), Tianjin (TEDA)
(Shi et al., 2010)
Transformed from existing groups of Guangxi Guigang (Zhu et al., 2007), Shandong Lubei
companies (Chen et al., 2010)
Virtual eco-industrial parks Brownsville (Martin et al., 1996)
Industrial structure (Ministry of Envir- Sector-integrated park Tianjin (TEDA) (Shi et al., 2010)
onmental Protection of the Peoples
Sector-specic park Shandong Lubei (Chen et al., 2010), Guangxi Guigang
Republic of China, 2006a, b, 2009)
(Zhu et al., 2007)
Reuse and recycling park Choctaw (Potts Carr, 1998)
Relationships among members (Wang Equality-oriented parks Burnside (Wright et al., 2009)
and Yin, 2005; Wang, 2009)
Single-dependency parks Guangxi Guigang (Zhu et al., 2007)
Multiple-dependency parks Kalundborg (Chertow, 2007)
Nested parks Styria (Schwarz and Steininger, 1997)
Use of the key species theory from Single dominant company in the park Guangxi Guigang (Zhu et al., 2007)
research on natural systems
Two or more dominant companies in the park Kalundborg (Chertow, 2007)
96 Front. Earth Sci. 2015, 9(1): 91104

operational problems and increase the systems resource- processes include identifying a source for inputs (raw
utilization efciency. materials, which are analogous to nutrients), transportation
Based on this review of the literature, we have identied of these inputs to where they will be used, use and reuse of
several common themes and useful insights from previous the inputs, and recycling and disposal of all byproducts and
classication systems. To integrate these insights, we wastes generated by use and reuse of these materials
propose the classication system shown in Fig. 2. (Allenby and Richards, 1994; Marinova et al., 2006).
Although this system is not nal, we believe that it Some researchers have combined these different phases
represents a useful starting point for developing future into two sub-processes: product metabolism and waste
systems, particularly if the decision at each branching point metabolism (Dolginow, 2011; Giacomo and Maria, 2011).
in the owchart can be based on quantitative rather than Product metabolism accounts for the sourcing, transporta-
qualitative criteria. tion, and utilization of raw materials, whereas waste
metabolism accounts for the disposal and reuse of
byproducts and wastes generated by the product metabo-
3 Methods of analysis for industrial lism. Waste metabolism is a particularly important process
symbiosis complexes in industrial symbiotic systems. In such systems, the
members exchange byproducts and wastes in order to
3.1 Industrial metabolism analysis decrease the production of wastes and reduce the cost of
obtaining inputs (raw materials) and the cost of treating
Because industrial systems must obtain resources from and disposing of outputs (wastes).
their external environment and emit wastes or transfer To describe these processes, scholars have mostly used
byproducts and products to their environment, these inputs the methods of material-ow analysis or substance-ow
and outputs resemble those of a giant organism (Zhang, analysis to quantify the ows throughout eco-industrial
2013). The cycling mechanisms of an organism living parks or between the external environment and companies
within a natural ecosystem can then be used as an analogy in the park. Material-ow analysis represents eco-indus-
to simulate the mechanisms in an industrial symbiosis. trial parks as black boxes (i.e., does not consider the
Based on this analogy, the insights from research on internal ows). By analyzing the inputs of resources into
natural ecosystems can be used to better understand the the black box and the resulting outputs of wastes,
metabolic processes of socioeconomic systems such as researchers can evaluate the overall resource consumption
industrial symbiosis complexes. efciencies, production of products, and emission of
Industrial metabolism analyzes the total use of materials wastes using various metrics. For example, Goto et al.
and energy throughout an entire industrial process. These (2005) analyzed the material ows and waste emissions of

Fig. 2 A classication system including theories and the names of different types.
Yan ZHANG et al. A review of industrial symbiosis research 97

the Eco-town in Japans Aichi Prefecture, and showed that ships within such networks. In this approach, the industrial
this system was still in an early stage of its development, symbiosis system can be abstracted as a network and the
and that its facilities and information systems should be methods of network analysis can be used to analyze the
improved to promote sustainable development. Sendra et internal characteristics of the industrial symbiosis complex
al. (2007) analyzed the processes that transformed the (Mirata and Emtairah, 2005; Behera et al., 2012). Social
Catalonia (Spain) industrial park into an eco-industrial network analysis and ecological network analysis are the
park. Although the industrial symbiosis complex is seen as two main methods used by this approach. Whereas social
a black box in this approach, the method can be used to network analysis derives from studies of how humans
describe resource utilization efciency, and this can reveal communicate within social networks, ecological network
whether and how this efciency should be improved to analysis derives from studies of the ows within ecological
transform an industrial park into an eco-industrial park. networks (Domnech and Davies, 2009; Li et al., 2012).
During the development of industrial metabolism In Industrial Ecology, Graedel and Allenby (1995)
research, the quantitative analysis of industrial metabolism described two metrics that are used in the analysis of
was not limited to the black-box studies. Scholars also natural ecosystems, and noted that they could be used to
studied specic metabolic processes. Fath and Patten analyze industrial systems: species richness (the number or
(1999) performed such a study using the terminology variety of the companies in the system) and species
environ analysis. This framework included three parts: correlation (the relationships among the companies).
the inputs, the industrial system, and the outputs. The Subsequently, researchers used these metrics to study the
industrial system represents the inputs and outputs that structural attributes of industrial networks. Dai (2010) used
result from the ows among the systems member species correlation to analyze the ecological relationships
companies. By combining metrics and accounting for the among companies and the utilization rates of their
inputs and outputs of materials, the ecological efciencies byproducts and wastes. They compared the Kalundborg
of the system and of water utilization can be calculated. As eco-industrial park with eight eco-industrial parks in China
another example, Tian et al. (2013) dened the boundary of for relationships based on the exchanges of byproducts and
such a system and identied its material ow processes, wastes.
then establish a material-ow analysis framework for However, these studies were limited because the two
industrial parks. metrics were simplistic and primarily reected the number
However, due to deciencies of data and in the method, of companies rather than the structure of their relation-
it is difcult to account for ows of multiple materials ships. To provide more useful insights into the relation-
using a single method, so some scholars have instead ships among members, researchers adopted the metrics in
studied industrial metabolic processes by focusing on a social network analysis and ecological network analysis,
single substance. To support this research, substance-ow and used them to evaluate the sustainability of industrial
analysis can be used to analyze the different directions of parks as ecosystems on a quantitative basis (Wright et al.,
the ows and geographical distributions of the elements. 2009).
This approach has been used to study carbon (Tian et al., Social network analysis is an effective method used to
2013; Zhang et al., 2013a) and sulfur (Chen, 2003; Tian et describe the structural characteristics of a system (Ashton,
al., 2012). It can also be used to study the utilization 2008; Domnech and Davies, 2009, 2011a, b; Paquin and
efciencies for these and other elements in industrial Howard-Grenville, 2009). By examining the exchanges
symbiosis complexes. This method is now widely used in among members of a network, social network analysis
the analysis of ows in chemical industrial parks, such as provides a framework for understanding the human aspects
the Shandong Lubei eco-industrial park (Chen, 2003). of the system, and how social relationships drive the
exchanges of materials, energy, and information (Dom-
3.2 Network analysis methods nech and Davies, 2009). Ashton (2008) analyzed the
relationships among companies and their managers in the
The previous section focused on providing an overview of Barceloneta Industrial Park in Puerto Rico, including the
a symbiosis complex based on its industrial metabolic relationships among supply chains, interpersonal relation-
processes, which provides only an external understanding ships, trust and organizational relationships, and the
of the system. To fully understand the system, it is associated relationships within the industrial symbiotic
necessary to analyze the internal structural and functional network. She found that this approach was an effective tool
attributes of the system. Because the ows among for analyzing these relationships. Soon afterwards, Dom-
companies form a network, the techniques of network nech and Davies (2009, 2011a, b) used this approach in an
analysis can be introduced to provide new insights into empirical study of industrial symbiosis that focused on
these ows (Fath and Patten, 1998, 1999). trust relationships in production or business networks.
Using natural systems as an analogy for socioeconomic Many metrics used in social network analysis can also
systems provides an easy way to understand the relation- be used to quantify the resource exchanges among
98 Front. Earth Sci. 2015, 9(1): 91104

members of the network. For example, coreperiphery network (Patten, 1982; Szyrmer and Ulanowicz, 1987).
analysis can be used to determine whether a company This method has been widely applied to the study of
plays a core or peripheral role in exchanging resources natural systems such as bays (Christian and Luczkovich,
(Ashton and Bain, 2012; Zhang et al., 2013b). To further 1999; Baird et al., 2009), estuaries (Whipple et al., 2007;
clarify the characteristics of companies (which are Christian et al., 2009), and saline ponds (Dame and
represented by nodes in the network), researchers can Christian, 2008). It has also been used to study the sectors
use the nodal degree, betweenness, or closeness, to reect of socioeconomic systems, such as industries (Chen,
the status of each node in terms of its ability to control 2003), sheries (Walters et al., 1997; Pauly et al., 1998),
ows and share information within the network (Dom- energy (Zhang et al., 2010b), and water (Bodini and
nech and Davies, 2011b). The nodal degree represents the Bondavalli, 2002; Zhang et al., 2010a). However, there
number of paths that connect to a node. Betweenness have been few studies of industrial parks based on
represents the number of times a node lies on the shortest ecological network analysis (e.g., Chen, 2003; Lu et al.,
path between two other nodes (Scott, 2000). Closeness 2012). Although ecological network analysis can be used
represents the shortest linkage between two nodes (Ashton, to analyze the functional attributes of a system, data for the
2008; Ashton and Bain, 2012). To analyze the overall ows of materials, energy, and information are difcult to
characteristics of a network, density assessment has also obtain. It is also difcult to integrate these ows, because
been widely used (Zhang et al., 2013b). This method is they have different units, and some accounting methods
similar to correlation analysis, because it can reect the cannot effectively unify ows measured in different units.
tightness of the connections among the companies. Chen (2003) used this approach to analyze the average
Domnech and Davies (2011b) used the Kalundborg eco- path length and cycling index of sulfur utilization in the
industrial park as an example and studied its structure to Shandong Lubei eco-industrial park. These two metrics
understand the density of exchanges of material and energy revealed the systems structure and material utilization
and the roles of each member. efciency. Chen (2003) also developed a new metric, the
Ecological network analysis is based on obtaining data coupling degree, to characterize the degree to which
on the storage and ows of resources represented by the network nodes were connected to each other via ows of
ecological relationships among enterprises at the level of materials. These metrics also represented the degree of
the whole eco-industrial park, thereby revealing the integration of the system, and could be used to monitor its
structural distribution and functional attributes of the evolution over time.

Fig. 3 Diagrams of the theoretical framework, methods, indicators, and examples of typical case studies in (a) industrial metabolism and
(b) network analysis methods.
Yan ZHANG et al. A review of industrial symbiosis research 99

Unfortunately, most studies focused on the use of wastes, recycle the heavy metals, and extend the industrial
metrics to analyze only a single case study or used a single chains to improve the value of the smelters products. They
metric to compare several case studies. Scholars rarely helped to reduce the complexs operating cost and decrease
used multiple quantitative metrics from network analysis its impact on the environment.
or have combined these metrics to compare typical parks In the development of industrial symbiosis complexes,
throughout the world. Zhang et al. (2013b) performed one challenges may arise from instabilities of the complexs
of the few studies that used multiple metrics to compare structure (Domnech and Davies, 2011a). If there are
multiple case studies. changes in the core member companies, such as process
Figure 3 illustrates the theoretical framework, methods, adjustments, changes in the materials used or scales of
indicators, and examples of typical case studies from the production, or changes in the management environment,
industrial metabolism and network analysis methods. these can all affect the stability of the relationships between
core and peripheral members (Domnech and Davies,
2011a). These adverse impacts can be avoided by
4 Planning and redesign of industrial introducing new nodes, or changing existing nodes or the
symbiosis complexes linkages among them. Wang et al. (2009) redesigned the
Anyang High-tech Industrial Symbiosis Complex using a
The development or operation of eco-industrial parks may scenario-analysis method. They proposed the introduction
be affected by changes in the processes or the relationships of new companies to strengthen the relationships among
among the companies. Therefore, it is necessary to plan or the existing companies, and that these alterations would
redesign industrial symbiosis complexes to mitigate the help the complex to utilize its resources more fully.
risks created by these changes. However, simply adding new nodes or linkages cannot
By analyzing the exchanges of materials and energy, or ensure the sustainable development of an industrial
the inputs from and outputs to the external environment, symbiosis complex. It is necessary to quantitatively
studies of an industrial symbiosis complex can identify analyze where and how to add the new nodes or linkages
resources that are not being fully recycled, including water so that the complex can be developed most efciently.
and energy. Consequently, industrial metabolism research If a manager needs to judge the effect of implementing
can be used to provide suitable suggestions to guide a newly planned paths between members of the network or
complexs future sustainable development (Lowe, 1997). redesigned existing paths, it is reasonable to focus on
Suggestions include promoting the reuse of some unuti- evaluating the benets for each enterprise within the
lized or underutilized resources, and recycling wastes and complex. The exchanges among the companies in an
increasing their utilization efciency (Yuan and Shi, 2009; industrial symbiosis complex can decrease the effects of
Dong et al., 2013; Zheng et al., 2013). Suggestions can byproducts, emissions, and wastes on the environment.
also focus on improving the technologies used by the Downstream companies can utilize these outputs from
parks enterprises, and promoting the development of a upstream companies as raw materials, thereby increasing
more optimal conguration (Meneghetti and Nardin, 2012; the reuse or recycling of these resources. For example, the
Gonela and Zhang, 2014). Researchers have also com- sugar production enterprise in the Guigang eco-industrial
pared different industrial symbiosis complexes to identify park produces bagasse, bagasse pith, and waste molasses
the shortcomings in some parks and propose improve- that can be delivered to downstream companies such as a
ments based on the advantages of other parks (Dong et al., paper mill, thermal power plant, and alcohol plant that can
2013, 2014). use these materials as raw materials or fuel (Zhu et al.,
In China, there have been some studies of the future 2007).
development of symbiotic complexes. Xia et al. (2006) Understanding the benets of an industrial symbiosis
analyzed the existing product metabolism chains in complex is an important reason to analyze its industrial
Chinas Baotou eco-industrial park, and identied unuti- metabolic processes. The evaluation of metabolic pro-
lized useful resources in the metal processing system and cesses compares the resources (such as water and energy)
some associated high-technology systems. Based on this that are consumed before and after the exchanges of
discovery, they proposed the development of three resources. Chertow and Lombardi (2005) analyzed the
industrial metabolism chains that would effectively recycle environmental and economic benets from the exchanges
these resources. Feng and Sun (2009) examined the of steam and water among a coal-red power plant, an oil
Xinjiang Shihezi eco-industrial park, which is located in renery, and a pharmaceutical plant, and found signicant
an arid region. They introduced a multi-objective fuzzy reductions in waste gas emissions. Jacobsen (2006) studied
optimization model to improve the recycling rate of fresh the utilization of water resources such as surface water,
water within the industrial symbiosis complex. Yuan and cooling water, reused water, and boiler water, and of
Shi (2009) analyzed the unutilized byproducts and wastes energy resources such as steam and waste heat, and noted
in a state-owned smelter and found ways to reuse the that the exchanges of water and energy were all based on
100 Front. Earth Sci. 2015, 9(1): 91104

cascading utilization and a shared infrastructure. The study situations, and this evaluation can lead to the development
also evaluated the decreased use of fresh water and of suggestions for planning new paths within the complex
increased use of wastewater that resulted from this or redesigning existing paths within the complex.
structure. In eco-industrial parks dominated by a power
plant or renery, the cascading re-use of water and energy
may form the main linkages among the companies. Thus, 5 Suggestions for future research
tracing their metabolic processes can quantify the main
symbiotic exchanges. 5.1 Improve classication of the systems
However, just as biodiversity improves the functioning
and stability of a natural ecosystem, incorporating plants Currently, the categorization studies for symbiosis com-
engaged in different industries in a symbiosis complex can plexes mainly focus on subjective and qualitative judg-
help to enrich the types and frequencies of symbiotic ments. In the future, it will be necessary to classify parks
linkages. By accounting for some key resources, scholars more objectively and quantitatively according to their
have examined the use of multiple resources in typical inner structural characteristics, as this analysis will help
industrial symbiosis complexes in Denmark, Japan, and researchers to understand how different structural attri-
the United States. The Symbiosis Institute (2012)1) butes inuence the exchanges of by-products and wastes,
analyzed several resources used in the Kalundborg eco- identify operational problems using tools such as social
industrial park, such as petroleum and gypsum, and network analysis, and analyze the advantages and
evaluated the potential reduction in waste emissions. van disadvantages of a given network. This kind of analysis
Berkel et al. (2009) documented 14 symbiosis linkages that will also help to improve planning or redesigning an
connected steel, cement, chemical, and paper rms and the industrial symbiosis complexs future development, such
associated recycling businesses in Kawasaki, Japan. The as by establishing new nodes or linkages, or by identifying
linkages included exchanges of fuel, mixed plastics, the nodes and linkages that should be added at specic
organic matter, and mixed paper wastes. Chertow and locations or positions within a sequence of ows to
Miyata (2011) used a method based on that of Chertow and improve the cycling efciency. The owchart we have
Lombardi (2005) to analyze six exchanges among eight provided in Fig. 2 provides a good starting point for a
companies in the Campbell eco-industrial park. These classication system, but each decision point in the chart
companies were a power plant, an oil renery, a city water should be supported by one or more quantitative metrics.
recycling plant, a concrete production company, a quarry, a
landll for construction and demolition wastes, a city water 5.2 Study changes in the system over time
agency, and a recycling company. The environmental
benets included decreased landlling and increased Currently, studies of the benets of an industrial symbiosis
conservation of primary materials. complex tend to focus on a single point in time that was
Comparing the benets of different eco-industrial parks chosen from among the several stages of a systems
is a good way to reveal the advantages and disadvantages development. However, an industrial symbiosis complex
that result from the current situations in these parks. For can generate benets throughout its life cycle, and the
example, Heeres et al. (2004) compared six eco-industrial benets may change over time. Therefore, it will be
parks (INES, RiVu, Moerdijk, Faireld, Brownsville, and necessary to nd ways to monitor these changes, such as
Cape Charles) in the Netherlands and the United States in identifying key points in time, describing the changes that
terms of their construction costs and their economic and occur between these points, and accounting for the changes
environmental inuences. However, due to the different in the environmental, economic, and social benets
characteristics of their formation mechanisms and subse- separately before comparing their effects. This type of
quent development, some data could not be obtained with analysis can help to reveal whether a complex is
sufcient accuracy, so it was difcult to effectively analyze developing positively or whether remedial measures
the advantages and disadvantages of these parks. Scholars should be taken.
have also studied the different operational stages of a
single eco-industrial park. For instance, Kurup et al. (2005) 5.3 Improve analyses of the relationships among members
evaluated the benets of an industrial symbiosis through- of the network
out its life cycle, including the construction, operation,
renovation, and abandonment phases. The work of Kurup A ow analysis for a single element in an industrial
et al. (2005) provides a good starting point for dynamic symbiosis complex can describe the ow and the
analyses of symbiosis complexes over time. utilization efciency of this element. But because many
Evaluating the benets of industrial symbiosis com- elements and substances ow through complexes, the
plexes can help us to understand their operational analysis cannot fully reect the relationships among the

1) Symbiosis Institute (2012). Available at: http://www.symbiosis.dk/en (Accessed in November 2012).

Yan ZHANG et al. A review of industrial symbiosis research 101

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