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Correct the mistakes

Have you ever be to London?

They havent got dinner at 7 oclock.
I dont never drink coffee in the morning.
What your telephone number?
We going to play chess this afternoon.
This computer was made by Japan.
She is a bank manager, doesnt she?
They come in Italy.
Im preferring to buy clothes in boutiques.
How many cheese you add in this dish?
We talked when the telephone rang.
Do you ever tried weird food?
She has finished cooking before we came.
How much dollars you spend a week?
Who does play the violin?
I was going to fly to NY next month.
They doesnt enjoy loud parties.
It gets dark.
What you mean?
Im not understanding the plan.
The soup smell really good.
She has win the prize.
How many it costs?
Im thinking he is a very intelligent boy.
It often raining in Autumn.
Look! The children play outdoors.
Im a busy teacher, am Int.
She is wanting to improve her pronunciation.
Ive be waiting you at the station.
Letter Writing

The trees in the place where you live are

being cut down. The land will be used for
construction. You dont agree with that

Write a letter to the editor of your local


Follow the layout and the ideas given




Your address

The date

The name and address

you are writing to

Dear Sir / Madam, (if you dont know the persons name)
Dear Mr. Smith / Dear Mrs. Harris, (if you know the persons name)

Give some information about you.

Give reasons for writing the letter.
Describe the situation.
Mention the importance of trees for people and the environment.
Say you disagree.
Ask the local authorities to stop cutting down the trees.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully, (if you begin Dear Sir or Dear Madam)
Your sincerely (if you begin with a name)

Your signature
Your name - printed

Put the verbs in brackets in either the Present Perfect Simple or the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. I ________________ (take) a French course for 5 months and the teacher says I am a fast learner.
2. A) Someone ____________ (leave) the ladder outside, look.
3. B) I expect thats Brain. He _______________ (clean) windows. And I dont think he __________
(finish) yet.
4. Ayse________________ (take) driving lessons and next week she is going to take a driving test.
5. I________________ (live) in Sues flat and when I find a new house, I will move.
6. Please dont go in. I _______ just________ (sweep) the flour.
7. I ________________ (eat) 8 chocolates up to now.
8. A- Are you hungry?
B- No, Im not. I _______________ (eat) chocolates all day.

9. The young children _________________ (make) a snowman all morning.

10. I __________________ (break) my arms twice within 2 years.
11. Im tired. I _____________________ (play) tennis all afternoon.

Look at the news extracts below and change the verbs in brackets to the simple or continuous form of
the Present, Present Perfect or Past. In some cases, the order of the words can change.

Here is the summary of the news:

a) The Prime Minister (just announce) has just announced that there will not be a January election. He
(speak) . at the opening of parliament a few minutes ago. His speech (still go on)
b) Police (find) the toddler who (disappear) .. from her home a
week ago. Detectives in Oxford (question).people all week in connection with the
abduction but so far no one (charge)..
c) The economic situation (finally begin) . To improve, according to figures which
(release) . yesterday. Unemployment has also (fall) .
gradually over the last few months and export figures (reach) ..their highest level
last month.
Life experience

Form : to have + past participle

Use: A past action that happened / didnt happen at some point in our lives.

Exact time is not mentioned

past Simple is used when the details are given

Ive never been to Brazil.

I have been to Brazil many times.

A Complete using the Present perfect or the Past simple.

1. _______________________you ever _______________________(lose) something valuable?

Yes, I have.
What _______________________you _______________________(lose)?
I _______________________(lose) my laptop computer.
2. He _______________________never _______________________(be) to the opera but he
_______________________(be) to the theatre a couple of times.
3. _______________________you ever _______________________(eat) snails?
No, but I _______________________(eat) snake meat!
Really? _______________________ you _______________________(like) it?
No, it _______________________(taste) horrible
4. _______________________you _______________________(be) to Spain?
Yes, I _______________________(be) there a few times
When _______________________ you last _______________________(go)there?
We _______________________(go) to Barcelona last year.
5. They are so lucky! They _______________________(do) so many exciting things.
Oh yes? What _______________________they _______________________(do)?
They _______________________(travel) all over the Europe, they
_______________________(swim) with dolphins in the Caribbean and last year they
_______________________(go) on a safari in Africa.
6. I feel sorry for her. She _______________________(have) a lot of problems all her life.
She _______________________(never have) any luck at all. for instance, last year she almost
_______________________(die) in a car crash and last month her house
_______________________(burn) down to the ground.
7. _______________________ your brother ever _______________________(have a job?
yes, in fact he _______________________(have) two or three.

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