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TLED 430

Laura Suders
Overall the class is not doing too well with the classroom average being at 68%. Besides doing the
required calculations for the assignment, I also looked to see what the average addition rate and
subtraction rate was. It appears that the class struggles more with subtraction as a whole than addition.
Thus more time should be given towards subtraction problems in class. When looking at individual
questions, as the teacher I should examine #5 and #11 since they had the lowest passing rate.
Examination should be done to determine is the low percentage is due to it being an A level question,
poor wording, or if the problem was not covered correctly. Questions #2, #6, #7, #12, and #13 all had a
high passing rate. This most likely means that the class has mastered these concepts.

Hugh did very well on the exam. Obtaining an 80% average. Hugh aced the addition questions, yet only
got 75% of the subtraction questions correct. More focus should be given to subtraction to help him
improve. Juan aced this exam getting a 100%! Focus should be given to him to ensure he does not get
bored and fall behind with the subject. As the teacher I should try and find more difficult problems for
him to complete during silent class work. Jack did well on the exam, receiving an 80%. Comparing
addition to subtraction, it is noted that he is getting them equally correct. This shows that overall Jack
needs to practice both types of problems to further improve his score.

Nathan is not doing well with this unit receiving a 47% on the exam. Comparing addition to subtraction
we see that he is 25% better in addition. Individual focus needs to be given in both subjects but with a
higher focus on subtraction. Sarah is not doing well with an average of 53% for the exam. Comparing
addition to subtraction, it is noted that she is getting them equally correct. This shows that overall Sarah
needs more math practice, currently with no set concentration. Patrick is not doing well with an average
of 53% for the exam. Comparing addition to subtraction, it is noted that he does well with addition
averaging at 75%, yet struggles greatly with subtraction. Thus more focus needs to be given towards

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