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BSBMKG511 Analyse data from

International markets

Note to Student: You are required to complete all areas of this Assessment Cover sheet where coloured
To achieve competency in this unit you must complete the following assessment items. All tasks must be
submitted together. Tick the boxes to show that each task is attached.

Task 1. Short Answer Questions

Task 2. Project Report

Assessment cover sheet

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I agree to participate in this assessment, and I am ready to be assessed.

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Task 1 Short Answer Questions

Assessment instructions
Please read the following questions and provide a brief answer below.
You can use the workbook available in Moodle as your primary source of information when trying to
answer the questions. However, you must write your answer in your own words (otherwise, it may be
considered plagiarism).
The hardest part of it all will be to understand any new terminology or words. Your Trainer is here to
help you so please ask as many times as you like until you fully understand the wording.

1. Explain what Central Tendency is and give an example.

Central tendency refers to the common or typical value in a set of data. The following are the varying
ways of measuring the central tendency:
i. The mean the mean is the sum of all the given values divided by the total number of scores.
ii. The median is the middle value that separates the higher half from the lower half of the data set.
iii. The mode the most frequent value in a data set.
In the set of values below, find the mean, median, and mode:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 = 65
65 / 12 = 5.41
5.41 = Mean
5 + 5 = 10
10/2 = 5
5 = Median
Since 5 is the most frequent value, 5 is the mode.

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2. What is Dispersion? Give an example.
Dispersion is a way of describing how spread out a set of data is. The measures of dispersion are as follows:
i. Range range is the difference between the largest and smallest value in a date set.
ii. Interquartile or quartile ranges - is a measure of variability, based on dividing a data set into quartiles.
iii. Mean deviations is computed by taking the arithmetic mean of the absolute values of the deviations
of the functional values from some central value, usually the mean or median.
iv. Standard deviations is a measure of the dispersion of a set of data from its mean.
v. Frequencies is the number of occurrence of a value in a given set.
In the set of values below, find the range and frequency:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

10 1 = 9
9 = range
For numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 the frequency is 1.
For number 5, the frequency is 3.

3. Explain what Sampling is.

Sampling is a method of studying from a set of selected items, instead of the entire big number of units.
The selected item is called sample. The purpose of all the sampling techniques is to give the equal chance
of any item to be selected without bias. There are two types of sampling techniques: probability sampling
and non-probability sampling. It is an essential part of most research, and researchers must know how to
choose sample groups that are as free from bias as possible.

4. Explain what PEST analysis is giving a brief example of each area in the analysis.
PEST Analysis is a simple and widely used tool that helps analyse the Political, Economic, Socio-Cultural,
and Technological changes in business environment. This helps to understand the "big picture" forces of
change that businesses can get exposed to, and, from this, take advantage of the opportunities that they


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Political changes

The views on business policy of the most likely contender for power.
Pending legislation that may affect business policies or taxation.

Economic changes

The stability or growth of economy of a nation.

The shift on needs or wants of the consumers.

Social/cultural changes

The populations growth rate and age profile.

Religious consideration of consumers depending on the target region of market.
Technological changes

Access of competitors to new technologies that may affect the quality of products or services.
Technologies that may be applied to your business or services.

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5. Give three examples of what Cultural Aspects mean when analysing international data.
From an international marketing perspective, you need to be aware of the culture of the country or region
that the organisation is targeting and recognise how this culture will potentially influence marketing
activities. Cultural aspect describes a people's religion, spirituality, economic, family and community life,
government, sports, foods, art, and other parts of their culture.

6. Create a Quantitative question

6. Create a Quantitative question

A quantitative question refers to the amount, value, or anything that may be answered by a number
from a set of given data.


No. of Exported Apple from 2010 to 2016

Based on the table above, answer the following questions:

1) What is the amount of apple exported in the year 2011?

a. 95,000,000 apple

2) What year has the most number of exported apples?

a. 2016

3) What is the highest number of exported apple from any given year?

a. 135,000,000.00

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7. Create a Qualitative question
A qualitative question refers to the description, type, sort, or anything that can be observed but not
1) Describe the visual difference of the apples from 2011 and 2016?
2) What kind of apple that has the most number of demands?

8. Describe what Best Practice is.

Best practice is simply a set of standard, principle, parameter or ideas that proves to be the most effective
and most efficient course of action in any given situation. Best practices may be derived from experience
or knowledge of specialists that has already undergone a certain situation. In businesses, the best practices
are usually constantly being developed by the managers or the higher management to ensure that the
company is growing and is always in track to prosperity. While best practices generally dictate the
recommended course of action, some situations require that industry best practices be followed.

9. Explain what Benchmarking is.

Benchmarking is the process of comparing the cost, cycle time, productivity, or quality of a specific process
or method to another that is widely considered to be an industry standard or best practice.
Comparing benchmarks assesses how companies compare to industry, regional and/or national norms.
Whether it's measuring financial performance, employee benefits, product pricing, or other key metrics,
competitive benchmarking can directly impact corporate performance, reputation and brand image. With
the right information, business practices can be adjusted or maximized to increase productivity and
customer confidence.

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10. Give an example that explains what Strategic Alliance is?
A Strategic alliance is an agreement between two parties that pursues a common objective.
The general idea of a strategic alliance is that it is a partnership between two entities which allow them to
increase their value more than their value if they are on their own. It is proven that strategic alliances gives
competitive advantage if the partnered companies works effectively and harmoniously. Moreover, a
strategic alliance agreement could help a company develop a more effective process, expand into a new
market or develop an advantage over a competitor, among other possibilities.
A good example of a strategic alliance is the Snapchat & Squares Snapcashs partnership. Square adds the
credibility of secure money transfers and also a young, hip, complementary brand image for the target
audience of this service. For Square, it adds significant incremental revenue and a further boost to its
cutting edge, hip brand image through the association with Snapchat.

Task 2 Project Report

Assessment instructions
Summary: In this task you need to conduct research regarding the export of Australian Food to various
countries. Using statistical analysis, you will need to explain the variance in data across a period of 5 years.
You will need to explain the strong growth and/or decline of various commodities over this period of time.

Step 1 - you will collect data.

Step 2 - you will create a report which provides data and an analysis of the data, and

Step 3 - you will need to deliver your interpretation of the data in a visual format, which can be
PowerPoint or similar.

1. Select a specific commodity or product (refer to the resource materials)
2. Identify two sets of data:
a. 5 years of data for the export of that specific product to a specific country
b. 5 years of data for that specific product to other at least three (3) other countries:
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3. Using measures of central tendency demonstrate forecasting:
a. For both sets of data
b. Forecasting for two years from today
c. Analysing the data, identify potential opportunities or threats to the market
4. Prepare, plot and interpret the data from the statistics for visual presentation. Select and use tools that
are appropriate, for example, Excel spreadsheet or similar.

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5. Write a report on your findings.
a. What happened to the amount of exports of that product?
b. Why do some countries want more or less of this product?
6. The report needs to contain the following:
a. All data in a table format and properly labelled
b. Line graphs to demonstrate increases, stabilization or decreases in past years
c. Line graphs to demonstrate increases, stabilization or decreases in forecasting
d. Pie graphs demonstrating the market breakdown of different countries
e. References & Appendixes

You may upload your report as a second file to Moodle or include it at the end of this document.
Please follow your trainers final directions on this.

Report format guidelines (refer to template provided):

1. Use Microsoft Word/PDF or a similar program

2. Include the following:
Title page
Contents page
Your report
3. Follow these general report rules as well:
Use the same font throughout the document
Use the same font size throughout the document, except for headings which are a larger font
Use both a Header and a Footer in your document

Please note: ILSC can use third party software to detect plagiarism.

Please see your trainer for final instructions on this.

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