Solid Mechanics ENSC3004: Format of Unit Delivery - Timetable

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Solid Mechanics


Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 1

Format of unit delivery - Timetable

Lec 1 Mon 14-14.45, PHYS: CLEWS, ROSS

Lec 2 Thu 14-14.45, PHYS: CLEWS, ROSS
Lec 3 Fri 13-13.45, PHYS: CLEWS, ROSS
Tutorial 1, 2 (two hours, back to back) according to the timetable
ConsultationClass/Tutorial 3 Fri 14-14.45, PHYS: CLEWS, ROSS in wks
9-14, 16, 18-22, CHEM: TATTS in wk17
Tutorial 1, 2 starts from week 2.
Consultation class/Tutorial 3 starts in week 1.

Unit coordinator:
Professor Elena Pasternak
School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering
Consultation Mon 15.00-15.45, Rm ENCM 2.48
Appointments preferred for other times
Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 2


Prof Elena Pasternak

School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering (wks 1-6, wk 13)
Consultation Mon 15.00-15.45, ENCM 2.48
Appointments preferred for other times

Dr Igor Shufrin
School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering and School of
Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering (wks 7-13)
Consultation Tuesday 12-12.45, ENCM 2.44
Appointments preferred for other times

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 3


Dawn Feddersen <>

Iuliia Karachevtseva <>
Maxim Esin <>
Jimmy He <>
Yuan Xu <>
Sudip Agrawal <>

Tutors are PhD students in the Schools of Mechanical and

Chemical Engineering and Civil, Environmental and Mining

Consultation: second hour of each tutorial according to the

timetable and on Friday 14-14.45, PHYS: CLEWS, ROSS in wks
9-14, 16, 18-22, CHEM: TATTS in wk17

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 4

Consultation hours. Summary
Consultation time of
Elena Pasternak is on Monday 15-15.45, ENCM
Igor Shufrin is on Tuesday 12-12.45, ENCM 2.44
Tutors is second hour of each tutorial according to
the timetable and on Friday 14-14.45, PHYS:
CLEWS, ROSS in wks 9-14, 16, 18-22, CHEM:
TATTS in wk17

Due to the large class size, help outside of these

hours maybe limited.
Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 5

Admin support for the unit

Admin support for the unit is provided by the

School of Mechanical & Chemical Engineering.
Please contact the Team Leader
John Pougher

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 6

Assessment mechanism

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 7

Assessment items

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 8

Assignments to be accomplished in small
groups formed by the students from the
same tutorial group.

No late submission are accepted.

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 9

Recommended Reading and

Recommended reading
Lecture notes, visualiser notes and tutorial notes
Recommended Text
Beer, F. P. et al. Mechanics of Materials, 6th SI
edn: McGraw-Hill 2007
Gere, J. M. and Goodno, B. J. Mechanics of
Materials, 7th SI edn: Cengage Learning 2009
Meriam, J. L. and Kraige, L. G. Engineering
Mechanics: Statics, 5th SI edn: John Wiley & Sons
Fenner, R. T. Mechanics of Solids: Blackwell
Scientific Publications 1989
Unit Web Page, LMS:
Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 10

University Policies
This units marks may be scaled in line with the Faculty of
Engineering. Computing and Mathematics policy on
Assessment Practices and Procedures see

University Guidelines on Academic Misconduct see

Faculty Policy for Appeals see

Charter of Student Rights see

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 11

University policies continued

Faculty Special Consideration Policy/Procedure is at
apply for special consideration to the Faculty Student

Supplementary assessment
Faculty policy on supps

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 12

Frequently asked questions
Are lectures recorded?
The recordings of the lectures are set
automatically according to the Timetable.
However we have no control over the
recordings. Usually some of the lectures
are not recorded due to some technical
issues. It is not recommend to rely on
recordings. Recordings are good if you do
If some of the material is copyrighted (eg,
movie), this particular session containing
copyrighted material will be disabled.
Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 13

Is attendance compulsory?
Attendance of the tutorial classes and
ConsultationClass /Tutorial will be taken.
Attendance will not earn you any marks.
ConsultationClass /Tutorial is scheduled
specifically to provide support to students with all
aspects of their learning - assignments, tutorials
and of course lectures. We would strongly
recommend to take advantage of this resource to
all students.
Because the size of the class is very big, help
outside of the scheduled tutorial classes
and ConsultationClass/Tutorial may be limited.
Please aim to clear all questions during these
Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 14

Why are there two venues for the
Due to the large class size (>525), the
lectures are held in two lecture theatres
Physics Ross and Clews. Ross LT is the
Master venue. The lectures are video
linked to Clews.

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 15

Will lecture notes and tutorial notes be

available for the students?
Yes, lecture notes will be available on
LMS. They will be available on the day of
the lecture.
Sometimes visualiser may be used during
the lecture. The visualiser notes will be
uploaded on LMS shortly after the lecture.

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 16

Tutorial classes are spread along the week
over four days (Monday to Thursday).
Tutorial handouts will be available on LMS
early on Monday in the week in which
tutorial is held. We encourage you to print
them out or download (depending on your
learning style) and have them available in
the tutorial class with you.
The solutions to tutorial problems will be
available on LMS on Friday in the week at
which the tutorial was held, ie after the last
tutorial session in the week.

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 17

Can I email you?

Yes, sure. Please allow us a couple of
days to reply.
Please address us by our first name (eg,
Elena/Igor/name of the tutor) or formally
(Professor Pasternak/Dr Shufrin) should
you prefer it.
Also sign your email such that we know
whom we are replying to.
Do not forget to put ENSC3004 in the
subject of the email. Subjects like help go
to spam/junk by the mailer and are not
Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 18

Can I ask questions in the class?
Yes, you are welcome to ask questions
before and after the lecture.
You are welcome to ask questions during
the lecture. (However if you feel that you
have too many questions, it is better to
leave it to after the class and/or
Tutorials are less formal and you are
welcome to ask as many questions as you
like during the sessions.

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 19

I have some questions about

assignment problems (does not seem
like a big enough problem to contact the
unit coordinator/lecturer). Where do I
get help?
We encourage you to develop strong
working relationship with your tutor. They
will be the primary and most fast help
available for you.
If you find the tutor could not help you in
some instance, please contact Prof Elena
Pasternak and/or Dr Igor Shufrin.

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 20

I am struggling. Where do I get help?
We hope it will not be the case and every
effort will be made to ensure that it is not the
case. However if you feel that you are not
coping or some of the material is not clear,
contact immediately Prof Elena Pasternak
and/or Dr Igor Shufrin. We will find the best
way to help you.

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 21

Do not let the questions/any unclear

material accumulate, especially if you
planning to miss lectures and tutorials due to
other commitments. We advise you to clear
the questions as soon as you have them. If
you let unclear material accumulate, it will
impede your learning and you may not be
able to progress.
Towards the mid-semester exam and final
exam, the demand for consultations can be
higher. Please be mindful of this as not all
requests could be accommodated, eg your
preferred day/time.

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 22

Can I attend the tutorial session I am not enrolled into?
We strongly encourage you to attend the tutorial
sessions you are enrolled into. This is due to the
following reasons:
We encourage you to get to know your peers as you
are expected to work on the assignments together
and form strong working relationship with them.
We encourage you to get to know your tutor and
form strong working relationship with them. They will
be the primary and most fast help available for you,
they will mark your work and be able to provide the
feedback on your learning.
The classes are limited in size. If too many students
will come to a particular session, the class will
become crowded. It will be difficult for the tutor to
facilitate and your peers to learn.
Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 23

Iwould like to change the tutorial time.

Can you help?
Please contact John Pougher

John Pougher is the Team Leader, School

of Mechanical & Chemical Engineering and
provides admin support for the unit.

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 24

I failed the unit last year. Do I get any
credit from the assessments I passed
last year?
Sorry to hear this. No, you do not get any
The assessments changed completely
from the last year.

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 25

The constructive feedback is welcome
We aim to support your learning and
provide the best student experience
through a combination of fundamental
knowledge, practical problems and
Let us know how we can support your
learning better, improve your learning
experience such that your can enjoy your
learning journey!
Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 26

Content description
This unit focuses on the relationship between stress and strain
in solid, deformable, load-carrying structural and mechanical
elements under various loading.
The following major topics will be covered:
Concept of Stress - Tension, Compression and Shear
Axially loaded members
Shear forces and bending moments
Stresses in beams
Analysis of stress and strain
Applications of plane stress (pressure vessels, beams and
combined loadings)
Statically indeterminate beams
Column buckling and stability

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 27

Course structure - Content

through the weeks

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 28

Thank you for coming today! (Even if you chose
to watch/read it online.)

We are looking forward to teaching you Solid

Mechanics and having the great semester!

Solid Mechanics is a great unit and we hope you

will love it as much as we do!

Elena, Igor, Dawn, Iulia, Maxim, Jimmy, Yuan, Sudip

Dr Elena Pasternak Slide 29


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