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Journal of Food Process Engineering ISSN 1745-4530


Department of Food Processing, Uludag University Karacabey Vocational School, Bursa 16700, Turkey
Department of Biosystems Engineering, Uludag University Agricultural Faculty, Bursa 16059, Turkey
Department of Food Engineering, Uludag University Agricultural Faculty, Bursa 16059, Turkey

Corresponding author. ABSTRACT
TEL: 190 224 2942662/61653;
FAX: 190 224 6765562; In this research, the aim was to predict F value (lethality or sterilization value) of
EMAIL: canned peas by using a nonlinear auto-regressive artificial neural network model
with exogenous input (NARX-ANN). During the model testing, training,
Received for Publication March 15, 2016
validation and reliability steps were followed, respectively. It was found that the
Accepted for Publication June 28, 2016
model tested was a useful tool to predict the F value for the canned foods with
doi:10.1111/jfpe.12457 high reliability. Cross-validation rules were performed for training and testing of
the model. F value of the 5 kg canned peas could be predicted with a high degree
of accuracy (R2 5 0.9982, mean square error (MSE) 5 0.1088) using training the
data yielded from 0.5 kg canned peas despite huge mass differences between
cross-validated data sets. When the same data sets were trained and tested
inversely, a high degree of prediction accuracy (R2 5 0.9914, MSE 5 0.6262) was
also observed. The model is also significant in terms of reducing the operational
costs due to the fact that higher temperatures and longer process times lead to
increased energy costs.

In this research, it was found that nonlinear auto-regressive artificial neural
network model with exogenous input is a reliable model for the prediction of
lethality rate (F value) in canned food factories. It also provides the advantage of
estimating process time more accurately in the retort and thus, reducing
operational costs.

are used to designate the heat resistance of the target micro-
F value (Lethality) is a term or measurement for determining organisms. The D value is described as the time, at a desig-
thermal process efficiency in canned foods in order to pro- nated temperature, required to reduce a determined number
duce healthy and safe foods. It is also known as a sterilization of microorganisms by 90% or to result in a 1-log reduction.
value. Sterilization is also an unavoidable heating process in This is also called the decimal reduction time because expo-
canned foods with low acidity (pH > 4.5), mainly aimed to sure for this length of time decreases the number of counts
eradicate spore forming bacteria (especially Clostridium bot- by 90%, therefore relocating the decimal point in the num-
ulinum) and vegetative forming bacteria. ber of microorganisms remaining by one place to the left. To
The conditions of heat processing required to terminate determine the D values at certain temperatures, a Z value
microorganisms in canned foods can be determined through can be determined from the slope of the line that results
thermal death time (TDT) studies. In order to compare the from plotting the log of D values versus temperature. The Z
sterilization efficiencies of heat processes, a unit of lethality value, indicative of the change in the death rate based on
or lethality rate needs to be determined. D and Z values temperature, is the number of degrees between a 10-fold
should be defined at first to determine lethality. These values change (1 log cycle) in a microorganisms resistance. As a

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function of D and Z values, F value can be calculated. F value (broken bell-shaped curve) and has three phases; heating,
(lethality) can be defined as an equivalent heating of 1 min sterilization at a target temperature for a certain time and
at a reference temperature, which is generally 121.18C (250 cool-down. Therefore, we used a nonlinear modeling (non-
F) for sterilization of low acid foods (Radrigan and Ca~
numir linear auto-regressive artificial neural network model with
2009). exogenous input (NARX-ANN)) for prediction of the lethal-
On the other hand, it is not possible to heat canned foods ity in this study. From the literature survey, it was found that
in high temperatures and long times without avoiding nutri- ANN modeling, which directly focused on lethality concept
tional and sensorial losses (such as off-flavor) in terms of during sterilization of particulate foods, was very rarely
consumer preferences. In addition, higher temperatures and investigated (Chen and Ramaswamy 2003) according to
longer process times lead to increased energy costs. There- authors knowledge. On the other hand, simulation of ther-
fore, F value determinations and temperature-time optimi- mal sterilization parameters by the NARX version of ANN
zations have been done and sterilization parameters have modeling was also applied for the first time.
been checked periodically in can plants at least once in every The purpose of this study is (1) the determination of actu-
production season. There are many parameters to be consid- al F values (integrated sterility value/lethality) by using inner
ered such as container size and shape, thermophysical prop- temperatures at the coldest spot of the canned peas, (2) the
erties of foods, heating conditions, etc. But in practice, can modeling of inner temperatures and F values of the cans
size and the food type to be canned are the most significant using the NARX-ANN model to obtain simulated data, (3)
factors which influence F value. These controls and experi- comparing the outputs of the NARX-ANN model with the
ments are time consuming and costly processes for canned actual values and (4) predicting F values with the simulated
food plants (Guldas et al. 2008). On the other hand, during data obtained from the ANN model (NARX-ANN). There-
thermal sterilization of canned liquid foods, time and tem- fore, determining the reliability of the current model was
perature data are generally used to evaluate process efficien- tested in this study.
cy. For this reason, theoretical models can be applied for the
process design, optimization and validation (Dwivedi and
Ramaswamy 2010). An advanced prediction model for F val- MATERIALS AND METHODS
ue prediction can reduce the costs and time involved in F This study was established in a private canned food factory
value evaluation. (Tat Canned Foods Co.) in the Karacabey Town of Bursa
Recent developments observed in the computer program- Province in Turkey, during the pea harvest season in May
ming technologies have led to the development of new
2014. Three different can sizes (0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 kg) were cho-
computer-based prediction models instead of complex
sen for modeling and canned peas, as the investigated food
mathematical models. In this context, artificial intelligence
material, were used to predict F value by the NARX-ANN
has been developed for prediction by using various process
parameters and called as an artificial neural network (ANN).
To predict F value by NARX-ANN method, at first the
It has been widely acknowledged effective alternative tool
model was established with actual temperature and F values
compared to conventional mathematical models, especially
which were measured for each can size. After conditioning
for the nonlinear systems based on regression, differential
the model with the actual values, predicted F values were
and analytical concepts (Chen and Ramaswamy 2003).
produced considering the can sizes. The predicted values
ANN is a mathematical modeling approach which simu-
were compared to actual ones by the selected ANN method
lates functions of the biological neurons which have a great
capacity to adopt nonlinear mechanisms. Therefore, ANN
modeling has a significant potential for prediction on com- Production
plex nonlinear systems (Lacroix et al. 1995; Ghazanfari
2014) and has been used for numerous food applications For the canned pea production, peas with 8.08.5 mm aver-
(Afaghi et al. 2000; Chen and Ramaswamy, 2000; Chen and age diameter were graded by means of a cylindrical sieve.
Ramaswamy, 2002a, 2002b, 2000c; Chen and Ramaswamy, Graded peas were boiled in hot water at 90958C by rotary
2003; Sablani et al. 2006; Kannan and Gourisankar Sandaka, blancher for 1.01.5 min. After blanching, the peas were
2008; Sliwinska et al. 2014). cooled by dipping into cold water, drained and placed into
It has been stated that prediction performance of ANN the empty tin cans. Brine was poured into the tin cans at
modeling was more versatile (Park et al. 2005) and has high 85908C. The brine solution contained 2% NaCl and 0.1%
computational speed, fault tolerance, robustness and poten- citric acid. The pH of the brine solution was 4.64.9. The
tial for online use (Chen and Ramaswamy 2003) when com- filled tin cans were then thermally exhausted in a tunnel at
pared to a classical regression modeling approach. The heat 858C. The head space was between 5 and 10 mm after filling.
sterilization during retort cycle follows a nonlinear plot The filled cans were immediately seamed with a COMACO,

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AIM 4R (Italy) can seamer. The net weights for 0.5, 1.0 and four baskets and an automatic steam heating and cooling
5.0 kg sizes of cans were 420 6 5, 830 6 5 and 4,250 6 5 g, control system. The retort was used in static mode to pro-
respectively. The container sizes were 0.5 kg (73 3 110 mm), vide convective heating. While the experiments were per-
1 kg (99 3 119 mm) and 5 kg (154 3 242 mm). formed, the normal operation at the factory was disrupted.
Convection-heated foods exhibit a broken heating curve
Data Measurement between the heating and cooling periods of the sterilization
The thermocouples (copper-constant, type A/S, Ellab, cycle. Liquid foods containing loosely packed particulates,
Copenhagen, Denmark) were calibrated against a quartz like canned peas in brine, reflect a semilogarithmic curve
thermometer in an oil bath at 908C before being mounted after a relatively short lag and reveal a much more perpen-
into the cans. Rounded needle-type thermocouple probes dicular slope (Ramaswamy and Marcotte 2006).
(GKM 13009 CO52) were used to measure the temperatures
F Value Determination
at the vertical axis of the cans. Measurements were recorded
at 30 s intervals during programmed retort cycles of the ther- In this study, at first, the inner temperature of the canned
mal sterilizations process. Therefore, each time period of peas was measured to determine the integrated sterility value
30 s was equal to 1 time index for the evaluation. Canned (lethality) at the coldest spot of the cans. Then, we trained
peas in brine are liquid-solid mixtures; therefore, the heat the model with the actual data to predict the sterility values
transfer inside of the can mainly occurs by convective heat- of other cans. To increase model reliability, we statistically
ing. The thermocouple is generally assembled at a point 1/10 compared predicted values with actual and measured values.
along the vertical axis from the bottom of the can for cold The actual and integrated F values were determined accord-
spot measurement of canned convection-heated foods. ing to the formula below before the NARX-ANN model was
The needles of the thermocouples were placed into the used:
empty cans along the vertical axis at first, and then the grad-
2t 3
ed peas and the brine solution (2% NaCl) were poured slow-
ly into the cans. Thus, temperature measurements were F0 54 10 z dt5 (1)
obtained from the liquid phase. 0
The dimension of the retort baskets was 70 3 70 3 81 cm
for the sterilization cycle. The measurements were carried where F0 5 lethality/sterilization value; Tr 5 reference tem-
out over five runs with nine thermocouples. The retort has a perature (121.1C); Z 5 108C (temperature sensitivity indica-
capacity to accommodate four baskets in each cycle. But, for tor, which represents the temperature range between which
this study, three baskets were used for the experimental the D value (decimal reduction time) curve passes through
cycles. The cans mounted with thermocouple were carefully one logarithmic cycle); T 5 current temperature.
spaced into the retort to ensure good circulation of steam The pH value of brine in the canned peas was between 4.6
and were placed into the retort at the top, middle and bot- and 4.9. Therefore, considering the pH value, the targeted
tom to ensure accurate measurement. The position of the microorganism was C. botulinum and the sterilization tem-
baskets in every run was also changed. An Ellab CTF 9008 perature for the target microorganism was 121.18C.
(Ellab, Roedovre, Denmark) digital recorder with a track
sense data logging system (TS version 4.01) was used to Artificial Neural Network Modeling
record temperatures in the retort. This system was calibrated ANNs are a subset of machine learning methods. They are
prior to the experimental setup to kill the most harmful used for solving many complex problems such as function
microorganisms in canned peas. After the system attained approximation, classification and regression. Contrary to
the set retort temperature, it automatically began to cool. many machine learning methods, ANNs try to use hidden
relationships between the features for modeling. In terms of
Retort Cycle
a supervised learning approach, they learn by using a series
During the sterilization cycle, the set temperature of the of parameters or category variables which can be observed
retort was 1228C and the inner pressure was about 2.0 or actually known in advance and make predictions with
bars, adjusted for each batch. The cycle periods were 1 h : 41 unseen data based on this learning process. With this
min : 30 s. Data were recorded during the whole cycle at approach, ANNs imitate central nervous systems of animals
30 s. intervals. The whole retort was reloaded for each batch/ consisting of tremendous biological neurons (Smith 1996).
run, ensuring all the batches were true replicates. The retort ANNs are constructed by layers, including many computa-
used for the sterilization cycles was Lubeca LW 3003 ROS tional elements called neurons or nodes. The input layer has
(Germany) with 1.000 kg capacity. It was a water-cascading, neurons which correspond to features. Each output value is
automatically controlled horizontal retort, equipped with represented with a neuron in the output layer. There is

Journal of Food Process Engineering 00 (2016) 0000 V

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hidden layer (or layers) between input and output layers. Ft5f Ft21; Ft22; . . . ; Ft2ny ;
Neurons transmit information to the next interconnected Tt21; Tt22; . . . ; Tt2nu
neurons through transfer or activation functions (Omid
et al. 2009). For each training iteration that provides this For training, validating and testing NARX-ANN models,
information flow, neuron connection weights are updated the data corresponding to each configuration (can size) was
according to a learning rule and a structure of hidden rela- randomly split into three subsets: training (70%), validating
tionships is established inside the network. (15%) and testing (15%) according to cross-validation rules.
During training iterations, neuron weights were updated by
Nonlinear Auto-Regressive With Exogenous
the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. Maximum iteration
Input Model
value was limited to 1,000. To eliminate the drawback of dif-
A typical ANN has no connection from output to input neu- ferent ranges between the variables, normalization was also
rons. However, dynamic systems such as food processes applied in the range between 21 and 1 before training and
involved in timed periods require feedback information testing the models. In the beginning of training models, net-
from the output of the network (Lertworasirikul and Tipsu- work weights were initialized randomly. A hyperbolic tan-
wan 2008; Beale et al. 2014). These types of ANNs are called gent sigmoid transfer function and a linear transfer function
recurrent neural networks. A type of recurrent ANN, nonlin- were used for hidden layer and output layer, respectively.
ear auto-regressive with exogenous input model (NARX- Equations of the transfer functions used in hidden layer and
ANN) was used to model the thermal sterilization process output layer are given in Eqs. (4) and (5).
and to estimate F values for canned peas in this study. The
NARX-ANN model uses two types of inputs, namely, state 2
tan sigx5 21 (4)
and exogenous variables. Feedback information is fed to 11e22x
ANN with stated variables. Both inputs are time series. purelinx5x (5)
Tapped delay lines (TDL) hold previous values of the input
(Lertworasirikul and Tipsuwan 2008; Oko et al. 2015). In An ANN can be built with various numbers of the neurons
Eq. (2), a general NARX model is defined: in the hidden layer. This study focused on predicting F value
by using an actual F value obtained from the inner tempera-
yt5f yt21; yt22; . . . ; yt2ny ; tures of the can sizes reciprocally, so we used a fixed number
ut21; ut22; . . . ; ut2nu of neurons in the hidden layer for all NARX-ANN models
investigated. Thus, a total of 10 neurons were used in the
where y(t) is the signal of dependent variables to be hidden layer as the default network parameter of Matlab.
predicted. And it is regressed on previous values of y(t) MSE was used as a performance function of the models, and
itself (yt21; jt22; . . . ; yt2ny ) and previous values of the error value was set to 0.001. Training processes were
an independent or exogenous input signal (ut21; stopped when the desired MSE was reached, validation error
ut22; . . . ; ut2nu ) (Beale et al. 2014; Oko et al. 2015). did not reduce for five training iterations, or when the
The NARX-ANN model uses a feed-forward neural network desired goal was reached. Thus, over-fitting the network was
to approximate the function f with the previous values of the prevented. When a NARX-ANN model was trained, the net-
data which are held using TDL. A simple representation of work with updated weights and biases was stored for the
the NARX-ANN structure used in this study is illustrated in experiments. In this study, data belonging to each can size
Fig. 1. In this study, F values were state variable to predict was used as training data at least once and experiments were
and temperature values T correspond to exogenous input. conducted on data from other can sizes. The best NARX-
Thus, Eq. (3) can be rewritten as follows: ANN model was determined by considering the highest R2

4 Journal of Food Process Engineering 00 (2016) 0000 V

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and the lowest MSE values to predict F value. The MSE and
R2 values were computed by using Eqs. (6) and (7) (Lertwor-
asirikul and Tipsuwan 2008).
m51 zm 2tm 2
MSE5 (6)
zm 2tm 2
R2 512 Pm51
M 2 (7)
m51 tm 2ta

In Eqs. (6) and (7), M denotes the number of time index m,

zm is predicted output of the mth F value, tm is the ground-
truth (actually measured/observed data from sterilization
experiment) of the mth F value, ta is the mean value of all


The retort cycle during the sterilization of canned peas in
our research consisted of three main stages: (1) heating
(come-up) stage in which steam enters the sterilization retort
and air is removed from the sterilization chamber, (2) sterili-
zation stage in which cans are exposed to steam at a set tem-
perature for a predefined time and (3) cool-down stage in
which high pressure steam is removed gradually to reach
normal atmospheric pressure by air entering the chamber.
During the sterilization with real time, changes monitored
regarding cold spot temperatures and F values versus time
for 0.5, 1.0 and 5.0 kg canned peas were illustrated in Fig.
2ac, respectively. In these three plots, each time index repre-
sented a time period of 30 s. This is a typical slope for
convection-heated canned foods. It can be distinguished eas-
ily with a perpendicular ascending slope compared to con-
duction heated canned foods.
In this study, modeling performance of configurations
(training and testing couples) with different can sizes were
investigated to reveal which sterilization configuration mod-
els F values were better in order to predict other sterilization
processes having different can sizes than the one used for
training. In Table 1, rows represent training configurations
and columns represent prediction performances on corre-
sponding test data. According to Table 1, most R2 values
were higher than 0.99. This shows the accuracy of the mod-
els used for predicting F values. Chen and Ramaswamy
FIG. 2. (a) THREE-DIMENSIONAL VARIATION PLOT OF TEMPERATURE (2003) have obtained similar high correlation coefficient
(R2 > 0.99) from their ANN model used to evaluate critical
control points based on the retort parameters.
PERATURE (8C) AND F VALUE VERSUS TIME INDEX DURING RETORT The best cross-validation performance (R2 5 0.9993;
CYCLE FOR 1 KG CANS (1 TIME INDEX 5 30 S AND TOTAL NUMBER MSE 5 0.0492) was obtained when the data set belonging to
OF TIME INDICES 5 204). (c) THREE-DIMENSIONAL VARIATION PLOT the 1 kg can size was used for training of the NARX-ANN
OF TEMPERATURE (8C) AND F VALUE VERSUS TIME INDEX DURING model, and the data belonging to the 0.5 kg can size was
RETORT CYCLE FOR 5 KG CANS (1 TIME INDEX 5 30 S AND TOTAL used for testing. During the sterilization process, as inferred
from Table 1, the findings obtained from 1 kg can size were

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Test performance

0.5 kg 1 kg 5 kg
2 2
Training configuration R MSE R MSE R2 MSE

0.5 kg 0.9921 0.5845 0.9982 0.1088

1.0 kg 0.9993 0.0492 0.9974 0.1724
5.0 kg 0.9914 0.6262 0.9972 0.1761

quite similar to the data obtained from 0.5 kg can size.

Another remarkable result obtained from this study, it was
found that the prediction of F value for 5 kg can size was
able to predict with a high accuracy (R2 5 0.9982, MSE 5
0.1088) using training data yielded from 0.5 kg can size
despite the huge mass difference between cross-validated
data sets. When these the same data sets were trained and
tested inversely, a high prediction accuracy (R2 5 0.9914,
MSE 5 0.6262) was also obtained. Therefore, this finding
confirmed that the NARX-ANN model was suitable for
modeling and prediction of different can sizes during the
sterilization process.
Despite successful results given in Table 1, it is important
to check whether there was an over-fitting of the data. For
evaluation of the trained model in terms of over-fitting, the
training record was calculated and investigated as illustrated FIG. 4. THE TIME SERIES RESPONSE OF NARX-ANN MODEL FOR
in Fig. 3. According to the training record, MSE values of PREDICTING F VALUES FOR 1 KG
validation and testing followed similar vectorial behavior
during training iterations of the model belonging to 1.0 kg unchanged. The F value slope reflected a similar ascending
can size as shown in Fig. 3. This situation proved that there line with the cold spot temperatures until the end of the
was no over-fitting in the model used. heating period as given in Fig. 2ac. In Fig. 6, the blue line
The relationship between F value versus time during the and red line represent actual F value and predicted F values
retort cycle was given in Fig. 6. The F value slops ascend by the model, respectively. As it can be understood from
steeply until reaching the set temperature, and then remain Fig. 6, the predicted and actual values followed quite similar
time series.
In this study, for training and testing of the models, a
cross-validation procedure was performed and data were
randomly split into training, validation and testing. Thus,



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T time
Tr reference temperature (121.18C)
X variable
Y dependent variable
D decimal reduction time (min); time at 121.18C to
destroy 90% of the cells in a population
Z 108C (temperature sensitivity indicator which repre-
sents the temperature range between which the D
value (decimal reduction time) curve passes through
one logarithmic cycle)
MSE mean squared error
y(t) signal of dependent variables
u(t) independent or exogenous input signal
F function
TDL tapped delay line
ny lag of the model output
DURING THE RETORT CYCLE FOR 1 KG CAN nu lag of the model input
M time index
we could assure reliability of the current models. The retort zm predicted output of the mth F value
cycle data obtained from the sterilization process was 1 h : tm ground-truth (actually measured/observed data)
41 min : 30 s. The time series data of F values regarding ta mean value of all outputs
retort cycle during the sterilization was modeled with the TDH thermal death time
NARX-ANN model as illustrated in Fig. 4. During the train-
ing iterations of the models, stopping rules were designated REFERENCES
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