6 - SMB Azure BCDR Pre Engagement Questionnaire

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SMB Azure Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Pre-Engagement Questionnaire

Prepared for

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Version 1.0

Prepared by

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SMB Azure Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery
Prepared by [Type Author Here]
"361936332.docx", Template Version 1.0
Revision and Signoff Sheet

Change Record
Date Author Version Change Reference

2/4/2015 SMB 1.0 Initial Release

SMB Azure Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Prepared by [Type Author Here]
"", Template Version
Table of Contents

1 Introduction............................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1 Scope................................................................................................................................................................. 5

2 Questionnaire............................................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Organization Background.......................................................................................................................... 6

2.2 Licensing and Subscriptions...................................................................................................................... 7

2.3 Current Environment................................................................................................................................... 7

2.3.1 Location Details............................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Datacenter Resources.....................................................................................8
2.3.3 Virtualization Infrastructure...........................................................................9
2.3.4 Security Zones................................................................................................. 9
2.3.5 System Center Virtual Machine Manager....................................................10
2.3.6 Azure............................................................................................................... 10
2.3.7 Service Level Agreement Management.......................................................10

SMB Azure Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

Prepared by [Type Author Here]
"", Template Version
1 Introduction
This is a template questionnaire & should be modified to suit the customer situation:

1. Remove any questions that do not seem relevant to the situation (Rational: The less
unnecessary questions the better).

2. Where appropriate, please make every attempt to fill in the information prior to
sending to the customer. Leverage the TAM, ATS, Services resources who have
worked on prior engagements. It may be possible that a recent RAP or RAAS was
performed that can be leveraged.

3. Once the above steps have been performed, there are two options:

a. Fill in any blanks in during say a scoping meeting with them or having a
pre-sales workshop with the customer.

b. Send this to the customer and ask them to complete what they can.

The approach taken for step 3 should be determined on a case-by case basis and may
depend on factors such as the strength or the relationship and previous interactions with
the customer.

1.1 Scope
This questionnaire is intended to capture information pertaining to the design of the
core components and dependencies in the current datacenter environment (public and
hybrid), the critical workloads required for business continuity, and the disaster recovery
plans. This deployment consists of a Microsoft solution based on Windows Server 2012
R2, Hyper-V and Azure IaaS. The information captured will help by identifying current
practices and areas where further details will be required.

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2 Questionnaire
The goal of this questionnaire is to get the current background on your organization.
The results of the questionnaire will aid in the envisioning and planning phases of this

2.1 Organization Background

Question Response

What industry is your company in?

What are your top business critical workloads, applications, and


Please describe your mains goals and objectives for this

engagement. For example:
Develop disaster recovery process standards?
Standardize the current recovery plans?
Reduce downtime in current applications?
Maintain the current environment (public or hybrid) for
backups and disaster recovery?

Approximately how many staff does your organization employ?

What is the current business continuity and disaster recovery

strategy for your datacenter?

What type of support does your current business continuity

disaster recovery plan provide?

What is your current infrastructure construct:

Public Cloud Only

Hybrid Cloud

Are any major infrastructure changes currently occurring or

planned for the near future that might affect the progress or
success of a client deployment project? If so, describe them.
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2.2 Licensing and Subscriptions
Question Response

Are you familiar with the licensing for System Center 2012 R2?

Do you own licenses for System Center 2012 R2? If possible list
them please.

Do you have access to download the latest installation media

for the various System Center components?

Are you familiar with the subscription system for Azure IaaS?

Do you currently own an Azure subscription?

Do you have Azure Site Recovery Services enabled for your


Have you extended the default limits for your Azure

subscription? (Cores, storage, etc.)

2.3 Current Environment

2.3.1 Location Details

Site Classification Location Name Linked through # Sites # Servers

(i.e. Branch, Head Office,
Disaster Recovery)
Primary Datacenter
Secondary Datacenter
Cloud Datacenter

For numbers of sites, workstations and servers and approximate number is sufficient.

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"361936332.docx", Template Version 1.0
2.3.2 Datacenter Resources

Question Response


What make and model equipment do you use for virtual

compute resources?


What make and mode storage arrays do you use for virtual
compute resources?

Do you use replication mechanisms to duplicate data on a

storage solution?


If available, please provide physical and network infrastructure

diagrams, including link speeds between physical locations.

What core network equipment and connectivity are used?

How is connectivity between office locations achieved? (For

example, leased line, Internet connection, Virtual Private
Network, and so forth)?

Backup Management

What your backup plan or strategy?

From where are the backup agents run?

For example within the Virtual Machines (in-guest), host (host

backups), etc.

Which tools are used for servers and data backup?

Active Directory

Do you use Active Directory? If so what version?

How many Active Directory forests and domains exist in your


Are any forests/domains linked with Active Directory trusts, and

if so, please describe.

Do you use Windows Domain Name System (DNS) resolution?

If not, what type of DNS is in use?

Do you have Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

services, which is required for operating system deployment

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with Pre-boot Execution Environment (PXE)?

2.3.3 Virtualization Infrastructure

Question Response

What Server Virtualization technologies do you have deployed?

Please include version and number of servers:

Microsoft Hyper-V Server

Citrix XenServer

VMware vSphere

VMware ESXi

VMware ESX


Other Virtualization Technologies in use?

Remote Desktop Services (RDS)

Citrix XenDesktop



2.3.4 Security Zones

Question Response

Are there firewalls used to segment internal production traffic?

If so how many zones, servers/roles, and what are the policies

dictating traffic flows?

Is any internal traffic subject to NAT?

Are there servers in extranet/DMZ zones that need to be


If so how many zones, servers/roles, and what are the policies

dictating traffic flows?

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2.3.5 System Center Virtual Machine Manager

Question Response

Do you have a version of System Center Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Manager Version ____ Update Release____
Manager is installed in your organization?

Please provide version and service pack numbers where


2.3.6 Azure

Question Response

Which Azure IaaS products are currently available and used in Virtual Machines
your organization?
Cloud Services

Virtual Network(s)


Azure Automation

Cross Premises Connections (P2S, S2S, ExpressRoute)

2.3.7 Service Level Agreement Management

Question Response

Describe your service level constraints and requirements for

business continuity.

Are there service level agreements in place?

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