RNchat August 6, 2010

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rnchat: Tonight is #RNchat - 9pm ET. The role of sexism in the perception of Nursing.

8/6/2010 15:17

rnchat: Welcome, friends, to #RNchat. We'll get started in a few, but let's begin with introductions!
Give 140 of yourself. :)
8/6/2010 21:00

jtknowles007: Good evening all. John Knowles here. I'm a student nurse in Indiana. #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:03

rnchat: @jtknowles007 Good evening! #RNchat

8/6/2010 21:04

rnchat: OK, we'll have one topic tonight - I'll break it into subtopics. Coming up in one minute!
8/6/2010 21:06

rnchat: T1 The role of sexism in the perception of nursing. Do people (consciously/unconsciously)

still enframe Nursing as a "female" field? #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:08

joniwatson: Hola! Joni Watson, Austin, oncology nurse, director of @NurseOEP providing continuing
nursing education #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:12

jtknowles007: KNOCK KNOCK - Hello? Is this thing on? T1 I'd say yes-it is, and will be perceived as a
female field for quite some time. !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:13

rnchat: @joniwatson Hola! We have one topic tonight - I'll break into subtopics if we need to.
Welcome! #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:13

joniwatson: T1 despite our best efforts, I think many still view nursing as a female profession. Proud
to work alongside my male colleagues, tho #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:15

suzishepherd: Sorry I'm late. Suzishepherd (Suzanne Tietjen) Neonatal NP at Children's Hospital of
Illinois. Post-call & stupid, but present. #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:15

bobfine: Lurking a bit tonight #rnchat Hi all.

8/6/2010 21:16

rnchat: @suzishepherd Welcome Suzanne! Here's our topic -

http://twitter.com/RNchat/status/20513165506 #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:16

jtknowles007: T1 I know my family supports my decision to be a nurse, but I know several people who
think I'm aiming low by entering nursing !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:17

joniwatson: T1 RWJF has done a fabulous job highlighting male nursing and increasing nursing
diversity #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:18

suzishepherd: Is it sexist of me to notice, but it seems there are more guys in ER and critical care?
8/6/2010 21:18

jtknowles007: T1 It's as if they think I should be ashamed to be a man who is also a nurse! !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:19

joniwatson: @suzishepherd lol! Welcome...post-call brain and all. :) #rnchat

8/6/2010 21:19

rnchat: @suzishepherd lol - well, I was ICU - but I think that's because I'm a control freak, not a
guy ;) #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:20

joniwatson: T1 this topic reminds me of @redhourben in "Meet the Parents" #malenurse #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:21

jtknowles007: @suzishepherd - I don't think it's sexist to notice male vs female in a particular area. It
becomes sexist (cont) !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:22

rnchat: T1 As an example, are Police strikes perceived differently than Nursing strikes? If so,
might sexism partially explain? #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:22

jtknowles007: @suzishepherd when we start to believe only a man or a woman belongs in a particular
place. !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:22

joniwatson: @jtknowles007 any clue what specialty you're leaning towards? #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:23

jtknowles007: @joniwatson - undecided at this time. I'm keeping my mind open at this point and waiting
to see what I find interesting. !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:24

holisticnurses: Working, but i will say male nurses rock! RT @PhilBaumann: Where oh where are the
#nurses tonight on #RNchat?
8/6/2010 21:25

joniwatson: @jtknowles007 good plan! #rnchat

8/6/2010 21:25

joniwatson: @rnchat hmmm. Police vs. Nursing strikes. I perceive them the same. I have a pretty
strong opinion abt public servant strikes anyway #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:27

suzishepherd: @jtknowles007 Sorry, didn't read back enough. Got it. Enjoy my male colleagues and try
to be inclusive when I write about nurses. #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:28

rnchat: @joniwatson ok - then you're fair about it ;) ...still might there be a larger population that
reacts differently b/w the two? #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:29

jtknowles007: T1 as for the example - here in middle America, cop=man, nurse=woman, and since
man=breadwinner it is ok for them to strike !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:29
jtknowles007: @suzishepherd No problem. Obviously I didn't mean you specifically, I meant people's
perceptions in general. !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:30

joniwatson: @rnchat ha! Yes. Agree the public likely sees them differently; I do think sexism may play
a role in that. #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:31

suzishepherd: Lot of NICU parents (young) assume the men are doctors and the women are nurses (so
not true). I'd have thought we'd be past that. #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:32

joniwatson: T1 and don't forget the media plays a large role in our views of "who" nurses are. I feel a
rant coming on....#rnchat
8/6/2010 21:33

KPNurseRecruit: @philbaumann I'm sorry I'm unable to tune in--or even lurk tonight. I'm at OVO! #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:33

holisticnurses: RT @joniwatson: T1 and don't forget the media plays a large role in our views of "who"
nurses are. I feel a rant coming on....#rnchat
8/6/2010 21:33

rnchat: @joniwatson And so, regardless of the inherent ethics of N striking, might then sexism
add an extra emotional layer to the debate? #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:34

rnchat: @KPNurseRecruit No worries. Cheers! #RNchat

8/6/2010 21:34

joniwatson: @rnchat definitely. Great point, Phil. #rnchat

8/6/2010 21:36

rnchat: T1 What do you think about this claim?: "Modern nursing was forged as a female-
dominated profession w/in a male-dominated society." #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:41

hoyce: RT @cerner: Healthcare providers, insurers lay out plans to boost EHR use:
http://bit.ly/bmIm0w #HCIT #HCSM #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:44

joniwatson: T1 great ? I must agree with it. Females *really* stood up to make nursing a true
profession. #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:45

joniwatson: T1 for example, the ANA & most state nsg associations were started by groups of women
b4 they even had the right 2 vote. *a-maz-ing* #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:47

jtknowles007: @joniwatson T1 RE: ANA & nrsg assocs. hmm...I'd never considered that before. Great
point. !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:50

rnchat: RT @joniwatson: T1 for example, the ANA & most state nsg associations were started by
groups of women b4 they even had the right 2 vote. *a-maz-ing* #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:51
joniwatson: T1 men have had and continue to have an unquestionable impact within the nsg
profession. #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:51

rnchat: So, what can be done to address any sexism out there? How to raise awareness if some
of this is latent? #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:53

suzishepherd: Are men still being discouraged from some fields? It's been done in the past. #rnchat
8/6/2010 21:54

jtknowles007: What can be done to address sexism? Didn't someone mention the media before?
Changing media stereotypes would do wonders. !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:55

joniwatson: I keep going back to it, but I really believe the TV media can help. 5 seconds of
discussion here, a strong male nurse role there...#rnchat
8/6/2010 21:57

jtknowles007: It wouldn't hurt if men would be vocal about their contributions to nrsg and let everyone
know its ok for a man provide care. !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:58

joniwatson: Male nurse bloggers are also helpful, I think. Telling it like it is. In their own voices.
8/6/2010 21:58

rnchat: @suzishepherd I haven't seen much, but once in Nsg school, an instructor said in a quiet
voice that men shouldn't go into Maternity. #RNchat
8/6/2010 21:59

rnchat: @suzishepherd ...I asked her how she felt about male obstetricians. Her answer: "that's
different". #RNchat
8/6/2010 22:00

suzishepherd: @jtknowles007 Lot of residents R surprised at the kind of care MDs provide. Grey's
Anatomy let them think their work was like ours. #rnchat
8/6/2010 22:01

joniwatson: Our society certainly discourages. RT @suzishepherd: Are men still being discouraged
from some fields? It's been done in the past. #rnchat
8/6/2010 22:01

rnchat: Well, this was a small but very cozy group tonight! Let's wrap up in a few. Any final
thoughts on nursing's perception in 2010? #RNchat
8/6/2010 22:02

suzishepherd: People's perceptions are changed when they see us at work OR when we tell our stories.
8/6/2010 22:04

rnchat: RT @suzishepherd: Peoples perceptions are changed when they see us at work OR
when we tell our stories. #RNchat
8/6/2010 22:06

joniwatson: Agreed! RT @suzishepherd: People's perceptions are changed when they see us at work
OR when we tell our stories. #rnchat
8/6/2010 22:06
jtknowles007: Educate the patients: doesn't matter if an RN is a male or female, as long as he/she can
provide competent, compassionate care. !fb #RNchat
8/6/2010 22:07

rnchat: OK, everyone - a great time. I'll revisit this in another chat sometime. Transcript will be up
later. Thank you!!! #RNchat
8/6/2010 22:07

joniwatson: It was fun y'all! Stay cool. #rnchat

8/6/2010 22:07

jtknowles007: Good night everyone! !fb #RNchat

8/6/2010 22:08

rnchat: @jtknowles007 @joniwatson @suzishepherd Good night! :) #RNchat

8/6/2010 22:10

Geek2Nurse: Reading through tonight's #rnchat tweets. Interestingly, I'm a female RN who is often
mistaken for a doctor.
8/6/2010 22:50

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