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B.Tech IV Year I Semester Suppl.

Exams April 2017

Mobile Application Development using Android

Branch CSE and IT



1. What is the difference between the android:versionCode and android:versionName

attributes in the AndroidManifest.xml file?
android:versionCode An integer value that represents the version of the application
code, relative to other versions.
The value is an integer so that other applications can programmatically evaluate it, for
example to check an upgrade or downgrade relationship.
android:versionName A string value that represents the release version of the
application code, as it should be shown to users.
The value is a string so that you can describe the application version as a .. string, or as
any other type of absolute or relative version identifier.

2. How to display alerts to the user in android?

Different types of dialog boxes can be discussed in this. (Alert Dialog, Progress Dialog,

3. Name the three events you can override to save an activity state.
onSaveInstanceState(), onRestoreInstanceState() and discuss about how they are called in

4. How do you access the string resource stored in the strings.xml file?
<string name=myString>abc</string>
String str = getString(R.string.myString);

5. What are shared preferences?

Shared Preferences is one of the data storage mechanism in android. It stores the
information with the local application in the form of key value pair.

6. How do you register a content provider in your AndroidManifest.xml file?

<provider android:name=ContactsProvider
android:authority=com.example.myapplication.contactsprovider />
7. What is the difference between geocoding and reverse geocoding?
Geocoding is the process of finding geographic location from location name, zip codes,
etc. Reverse Geocoding is the process of finding location name and other information
from geographic location.

8. Why is it important to put long running code in a service on a separate thread?

So that it does not tie up the application that is calling it

9. What is the purpose of the ImageSwitcher?

Sometimes you don't want an image to appear abruptly on the screen, rather you want to
apply some kind of animation to the image when it transitions from one image to another.
This is supported by android in the form of ImageSwitcher.

10. How do you generate a self sign certificate for signing your android application?
Keytool getkey v keystore my-release-key.jks keyalg RSA keysize 2048 validity
10000 alias my-alias


11. a. Explain Android architecture with neat diagram?

Diagram 4 marks
Explanation of component 3 marks
b. What is the purpose of Android Manifest file in application development?
Example 2 marks
Explanation of the components 2 marks
12. a. Explain the life cycle of an activity with neat block diagram.
Diagram 4 marks
Explanation of component 3 marks

b. Discuss about startActivity() and StartActivityForResult() methods in Android.

Example 2 marks

Explanation of the components 2 marks

13. a. What are different layouts? Explain them?
Listing different Layouts (RelativeLayout, Table Layout, Linear Layout, Absolute
Layout, etc) 2 Marks
Explain any two 3 Marks
b. Explain how data persisting is achieved when the orientation of activity changes.
Example explaining onSaveInstateState(), onRestoreInstanceState() 6 Marks
14. a. Explain the following a view and listeners associated with each
i)Date Picker 3 marks
ii) Time Picker 3 Marks
b. Explain how to create custom ListView in android.
Example 5 marks

15. a. How to read from and write to files in internal and external storage in android.
Internal Storage Explanation and Example 4 marks
External Storage Explanation and Example 4 Marks.
b. Explain how to choose best storage option for persisting data in android.
List all data storage mechanisms and explain criteria to choose a good mechanism
for storing the data persistently.-3 marks

16. a. Explain predefined Query String contants.

Browser.Bookmarks_URI - 6 Marks
b. Explain Downloading Binary Data from the Web.
Example and Explanation 5 Marks

17. a. Develop an android application to demonstrate adding markers at a specific location on

Example 5 Marks
Explanation 2 Marks
b. How to display maps and add zoom controls in android.
Example 4 Marks

18. a. Explain Invoking Activity from a Service?

Example Service Creating and updating Manifest 4 Marks
Making a call to activity 1 Mark
b. Explain how to prepare android applications for publishing.
Application, you can start selling or distributing free using Google Play (A famous
Android marketplace). You can also release your applications by sending them directly to
users or by letting users download them from your own website.You can check a detailed
publishing process at Android official website, but this tutorial will take you through
simple steps to launch your application on Google Play. 6 Marks.


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