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YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK e_e ENGLISH YEAR 2 (SK) & M4 & omecnves 8y the end of Year 2, pups snoukdbe abla to: ‘Communcate with peerscna eculs contdenty and cppropdctly formal andinferal stuations ood ard comprehend o range ef Engl txts fr information and enjoyment Wile crange of tes using appropiate ionguage ste ana farm though a vay of macs “Appreciate and demonstrate understancing of Enisn ionguoge tara of creative words or enjoyment and the comect ond appropiate wiaeat sammerin Spasch and wring 2 3 8 “CONTENT STANDARD: Pupiswilbe ob 0 Speakcontidenty wth he cere yin 2 Puptswilbe abs! 25D Inawlecge of sours ote seccotee ochre onan SI-Pupiswitbe abe tofom elon ‘ond werden neatlegbia pan! belucng custo wing. 1 Pupiswlloo cole forov ‘ond appreciate rhymes poss {hd Sonas hough perermance Pupibwil bo ableton ‘respons opprep"atoy suas tere vate purpois. 22. Rup witb oboe Semonerate undestancng of vote finer ana nonsnes tensa he fom of pit and non Piri moteiazuinearange Brotegesto cerstuel meng 32. Pupiewilbe obi fo wta ur ‘pproprote long.oge form and Sy fore range of purbouet, 422 Pupiswillbo ble To ores: pasore osporeo fo roy fxs Fupiswitbe bier ‘nator and spore 25 Fupkswibo obie orcad ‘dependont fr ifomation and 35. Pupiswit bo obi To we one Posen! Boas rough varely ot 25 Popiswifba bie To pian Gxgande ond produce ctoatve Teoroltensina vase ot | enoyment easing enoronte ‘ark ana enya onteas ‘Bnavcae, formar oaoa2018 sa0z2005 “egmenne. TT Abia fo tok about sthrabs wah gucerce, 123A00t0gve. [oysmpie rst in ‘Bhool Lit Able foliten ane: ‘response simus given ‘wih guidance {9} or! biencing onc sogmonting 14 Able fo tak about @ stimulus with guidance. 1.22 Able to son ana talow fe) simple dvections 0 places inte sen L23abletoove: (e)smple directions to placesinsenao) ‘hroierh fneor and nonneor 223 Able tore0d ondundarstond aperagaph ot Sosmpe 2.11 Abe to recognae one Frolseunds in sre bbe weds wan gen eartant {2} (68) fa 00) (0) 212abieta blend phonemasinto recognanble words and ec thom 2.13 Able fo segment worcinto phonemes espe 223 Able tore0d ondundorstond Simple sentences nee a none noo tents 225 able to opptybasc dicionayy ‘hs sng pure dictonares, SE onae! pronunciation, frtnmene intonoton, AST Abeto produce Emp crete wore wth quence bose eyez chants npee sentences wan ‘udence {hyper inbooks WORD OF ‘SORES respondto sinus gon ‘wangubionce [gl orlbendng one ‘somanine TIDAbIsto ten to ond jo stresses 1.31 Abiato ston to ond demonte undentancing ofertas: Pigunstuaraterepies 2.11 Abe toreeognie one A22AbIe wee fricust hit mesic ondiha | sme srvonces wen Frolsoundsinsinglesyilesterss | auence won gen content 15) oe) Fa fo) fo) ©) et fe tr fom) fo 212 Abieta blend phonematinto recognoblewerds ond a thm 2113 Able to segment words into Phoremes top 221 Able toveod ond apply wars recognion ond warsctac tle by [a] metening wees wihspoken wor ‘stances in near onc nen thor 224 Abie tor90d ond uncostond opeegapno! sasmoe ‘enonees 231 Able oreo simple teswan ‘uidones: (al Fein. 451 Able produce Emp crooive wore loth quence bases [el osae 4AS2Abe Io takepart wth quence n 3 Pottarnance based {e) seas oso1201s | WEATEBACK” word oF RNOWLEDGE “Dome RIGHT “ne YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK: 1.1. Abiato ten onc ‘respond sinus gen ‘wihguktance [alert bienng one someting 121 Able te partepate doyy coments [ajexchonge gesting: [al ak bout anesor 13) Abe elaten and demonsoteundestanng ‘trates by [o}answeng simple Whe 1.1 Abitolten and respond sinus gen ‘walguidonce Fe} body person, [al hyn ore mye Ig) exc enang one 2.,2AbI0 0 blond phonomasinto recognanble werd cna ea them ‘ove. 2iSAble to segment wor nto phonemes espe opeegaph ot sasmoe 2..2,Ab0 0 blond phonomas nto recognzable weeds nae them ova. 21S Able to segment wor nto Phonomes te spat 11 Able tows in reat ancioatble pt {ey sinple sentences 2.11 Able town neat oncinable pt {el simple sentences 4120010 59 Sellen songs recite au chants ath rec! pronneiatan, ‘nm ene “411 Able 0 oy feetlon songs na jac {hats ough now ‘eralespone 41. 2,A01010 319 etlensongs ne ENOWLEOGE ‘espondte sinus ahen wah guidance [al el bending and semening LIS AB} to ton t,o louse vec tyres cr Sa snes. stra oth guserce, 2111 Abie toreeogniz one Frolseundsinsingle ble eres wn gen content 1) fr tr fom ts, 2.,2Abi0 10 bond phonomes nto recognanble werd cna re ther ‘ove. 2iSAble to segment wor nto Phoneme espe phrases in inaar ond nensnaor 224 Abie tore0d onduncertond oparayaph of Sosmpe Alt Abletowitein 432 Ableto tate part neat onciegie pact: | wah gucencen @ i prreses. 32! Ableto compte oth guisenee! posers snioweoce peucious 3 WORDL OFSELE 6942015 “Homes ‘sponta sims von wth auido {o) ofl iercng ones seomentia, Tit Able fo takotout & suis wit guanee 12.1abisto poricpotain aly convention: {) mote pote requests respon io simaus von wth guidance {9} 00) eng and seomenting 21.1 Abe torecognize ane ‘testo it mada an the Fralzounesh sige able wares ‘wi given conten By et (rf) (20) 00 21.2,Abe fo bord phonemes ino recognabie words and vand them bua. fe paogenh a! Sesimple farterene 22.5 Abe to appl bat dctonary Stas usng pice dctonors 1 Abeta wets reat anlage pan [else sentences reat anlage pan (at were, fel pisos 21.1 Abe torecogrize ane ‘testo ita medal and the Fratzounesh ange lable wore ‘wanh aver canton EL fl nel) 412 Abeta ng ‘ctonsengs and staan evans wth ‘coroct pronunciation, sytem and intonaon “crowns mane fiat with guidance Ta.tabieto portcpatein aly convasoton {a} axobou! eneset 13.1 Able fotento ona demardkele iceland ‘tra texts by {e) answering srcie Whe Guostens respond testis ven wah gudence 0) 00) Bending net seomenting Tia ble fa about @ ilu with guisanee 122 Able tottenond 72-2 Abe to lena phonemes ints ‘recogrizabi words and vaodtham 2.1.3,Abe to segment wot into phonemes o spat 22:2 toreod ond ueertns pPeotosinEsear and nan tnaae ‘opaegenh of $8sirple 22.5Abe to appl bos dctonoy Sas von ict ctonodes 23:1 Ase toread smesetex vith ‘eutionce {)ron feten, 21.1 Abe torecogrize ane ‘teeta a the Inaliouncsn ingle sable wore ‘wih gen canton | (eo [oe (ue) 21-2Abe to ers phonemes ino recogyitabie woes andreas hem bua. 21.3 Abie to segment wor into eat andlecise pat [elmo sentences simple creoive works wwthguitonce sated Plier chants 412 Abeta ng ‘cteonsergs and ‘cia jazz cnn wah ‘coro! pronation. nytt and inonation onns.2015 WHEN GROW oe Te} smple wstoctors inthe losreom. ‘eipenda simu gven tah gurdones {a) ora Berna ond Meee tokobou. Ta Abe tobtentocna Staaten {ey answering rete Wir Stettons heres opt 22.3 Abietoreod ond uneertons 23.1 Ase toreas sngsetexs wih fusonce: 3) tion 21.1 able torecognae ona 20.1 Abe to wate, Siete mts meds ané me | raat onde pent Fialsounds singe stabiewerts || poses siti ven contest 322 Abi towits hoy ful te foo) Simp sentences ih S1.2he teens phenemesino. | gusance. ‘ecognuie wre ons am SY ate tosngment were ito 2a. ore ond undeotona tees 23° Ae to read sree ox wih faudance. bonito rape crest won swt guisence aed sranguaancein @ petermorne bares (eisone 2 wor.D oF scans AND ‘spond to stinaua ven wath guidance: 1a) orl ending ona seomenting Viable fo takotout & miu with gulsonee 12.tabie to poricbatein Say eorvensiin 0) mote pote ewes [e) espe opatages 13.1 Able to ten o one emanate wcentending fora fxs by {e) ansasing Smee he Guostens 21.1 Abe torecogrize ane fina sounds single stable words winn gen conte 2) you fe) (60) 21.206 t ard phonemes ino recogyitabie wor andreas hem ‘bua. 21.3 Abie fo segment wor into pheremes opel entencat naar ond ron-nacr 22.4 Abe toreod ond ues fe paragenh of Simple 23.1 Ase toread ipl texs with puidonce: (a) neon, a1iabetowien | 431 Abe peduce reat andlegie pot: | snple creative works [climoesontences | wn guidance bared ‘wth uisance [0] smpie messages B 15042015 osora0s 7 6072015 sioweoce worn oF sniomeDce oN THE FARM" ‘sponta sims von wth auido [9) 90 ening and seomenting Tit Able fotakotout & suis wit guanee 12.1abisto poricpotain aly convention: 1b) moto pata eaves respon io simaus von wth auido {o) aevronmentolsouncs [p) ramet scores 21.1 Abe torecognize ane 1 Abeta wets ftesiote ita meaciond the | neat andiagte pn Fratzoundsh shige lablewares | (} posse ‘wath gun conto 9)(o) ee 8) oe] (2) 21.2,Abe to blend phonemes ito recognabie words and vand them bua. 213 ie to segment wor ito Phenom 0 spa pPeotornEsaar ant non inaae 22.3 toread ond ueenions 21.1 Abe torecogrize ane 20.1 Able tow ts ftestote ita meactond the | neot andiege pn Fratzounesh ange wlabiewores | (| worse ‘wann gun canton fel pisos Ly fe) fo 431 abet peduce {ele creative wok sw guiionce aed leystones AN 2 Abeta ng ‘ctonsengs and staan evans wth ‘coroct pronunciation, sytem and intonaon wor. oF RHOMEDGE 2 -Gooo pens” ano72016 {e) Boar pacxsson {a} 0 Bending ad seomenting VS Able fo stonto.s0y oud anarecte tyes or sinasongs shoatir with guidenee, reipon asin oven ‘a guonce {ol eitaendog ond Treat abou stil with guidance ZI-2ABe tobiena phonemes Ws ‘recogrizabi words and vaodtham 2.1.3,Abe to segment wot into heres ospet 22:3 abe toreod ond undertone Pacgronh of 5smpe sentences. 23.) Abe toreo8 soo toxs wih usance {o) ne fotion 21.1 Abe torecognze ane a2zAbietowite Detain medaiond ine | ample seriences wh Tnalsouncs singe slabiewares | gueance, sinh oven canton £1 fo fem! (00) ou) 2.2 Ase tobens phonemes its recogrizabie words and vand them inp creative won withguience bated (estes wor. oF mecious tors 1.1.1 Able to eten ond ‘spn oss gon ‘wah guaence “ah orl ending one seaming TRE tak otout @ sfimuuswih gucance, denandte ncentondg fora text by {o}arsaring spi wh Suestene 213A to segment wxcinto prenemes spat So abo toreod and undstond Seawgeon st s8arpe 23 ae ore sre et th forton 21.1 Abe to recogrizo ond Stestote into med and the Thalyouncth singe syabie wars writin gen cone 1 for ow) (on) 0) 21 2Abe to ord phonemes ino recognizabi woes ondraoa them 213 Abie to segment wort into Phones 0 spt. EP ae toread ond undertones 231 Ase toread umes tes vith eulsance {oy oton 422Abotowite Simple sentences ih Saisie cate dnplensn nar tes tengo vioh ot masa wih guidance: ierpater 431) Abioo produce Simos creota wos wth guience bated DBlisecnane Faz Above foo par ‘wtnguonce in & peddrmorce bases Plioz- chants 2 = 24082016 4092015 onnoans worvor | onjoysinpo teres HHOMEDGE | 1-tabe olotkotout e ‘Ril gutsonee SSAVEMHESEA | 131 Abe lottlonta one ‘CREATURE | domomtote uncentonsing Stara feb {o) answering Scie Whe Guestens 1.1 Able fo fiten ana responds tendut Sven wih guidance {) Ort blencng and reuse necyeie’|se2mentoa worn oF 21:1 Abe torecogrize ane 20.1 Able owt tedote ital msdotondine | naot nde pn Tralsoundsn singe sable wares | [¢ ane sonences wrthn gen canoe SaRble comencte 1 inh ew (or) ov) wih quennce Bios) feoltra)iest ve) | (a) smpiamassogos ZI\2Abe tobiend phonemesino | £31 Abela ceate {ecognablewerds and rand hem | simple nondtwar tests ud. Gnge vena ames 22 Satie tareod end undentenet | writin: Eentencetinaor and non inaor | fo sre 21.1 Abe forecogrize and a22Abe townie fice medctend tne | srplesentnces wh Tnalsouncs singe slabiewares | gueance, sinh gen canton! 9)(=-8) er) oe] (ve) 421 Abele preduce Sime creota wank wihguionce based [eh stoses 1 2Abiato sng ‘aclonsenas and recite jazz enon wan ‘conect prnuneiation, ‘nytt and intonation, ‘Liable tolakebou'@2.2Abe te Bend phonemes inte Sfimuluswith guidance. | recogrzablo words and rand thom emonsrata meestonding | 22.3 Able tread ond undentn tra txts by Sentences n naot ang ransnece {o}answoing spo wns | tos fe pangenh al SEsimple (CUM PERTENG AHAN PENGGAL? (05.09.2015 -27.072019) witnguidonce in o pedcemorce based telson LMT Able tottenand — [21.1 abe to recngriae cnet an.tAbletowiten [421 Able to produce 8 wortor |rovpondiosimiusgven | onsale intial medi and the__| root andlegtia print | snp rect works » ‘stones | wih guaance Tralsomndsn singe sabeware: | (clanele:owences | wingudionce based 2 [ortiumartalsounes | wanevgven cone & srs |{glowibenangard | g(a) eel al el (ve) [eh stoses ao20rs segmenting 2I:2 Abe totsera phonemes ino ‘ Tizabe fobtentoond | recogaable wards and readin sas02015 Srioysimol Soros Sous. mucswithgusanee | paragraph 515 €simpie T3TAbe foftentoond | sontencer amorsrare udosiondng |21 Ab tread smoot wih Stara tes by puance: a) answering mesa Wns | fa) Pion. “ WorDor |1.12Ab oltentoons | 223.Abw torood oxdundestond | 4.1 Ablotownion | 432 Abioto tke part 2 | xNOmebGe | anoysmola sores, foriencos ninoor anon iow | rect ondiegkio eit: | wth gueonceln © 3 Tape toltentoan | ten [elimpiemasgar | pedarmonce bases sfeeuncuarry, | demansate nciestonding |25 Abe toreas srsetex wih on eaniaois | “THLNG saa" | Sal tony eulsance (2 Str. onan {olonavrna'smei wn. | fa) Fton ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORKYEAR TWO 12.3 Able te buster 242 Able te blend 324 Able write 422 Able te ung snoiao1s | worse oF | anavesponcttor Phenamey inte recomicable | inant andsugibie | cctiensonsy and ssoiaois | KNOWLEPCE | immutupgiven wit | worévanderend them | pint Festa jn chante tone © simple sentences | with correct raotans [HOORAKH we | BAAN: || 255 able toeament wordy pronunciations ‘18 | ane acter |@) oral blendingand |i. prememey i spel roathow and zaois segmenting, 224 Able toread andl etonation 42.3 Ablete ndeviandl a pawsspap of participateindaity | 5-2 simple sentences comuersations: ©) exchange grectingy (a) fabkcabout oneself 1.3.2 Ale to lisienio: anddemonsirat® understanding of erat textos (answering simple Wh- Questions a La Abletotisien | 252 Able fe blend 343 Able towrite [42 Able teeny inna and legible actomosomsy and “Sshnefwo Year/205/ say SEIOSN ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO WORLD OF eNowueras ‘D0 THE racer THING" WoRDL oF SELF WHERE AM a — a ae Mnattgien wit | oot Gwen ' SS at gent wot (2 wna percsitions | ila read CO aigtenen mea pnee @ oral blending and | ra onenting SS aaeninane see Ae tote Seaton wooo Se Nie tose (umpc tine Abd Abletotisien | 23.2 Able te recogniat ane | 52.2 Able fo write ancl respenelten fartenlate inital, medial | samale sentences An the Rona sennas im | wath suidence, aeopaie Sense syllable wera guidance: ? within gore content @ ora ending ond | 85 cai (60) Gah) (oo) (on) ass chants Thao now-verbal Peyponste 432 Able sing aehowssoniy nde recta jaas chante ithe covvect Pronunciation, Phat and intonation. 43a Abe te Produce mpl Creative works with (puldance. based om (as chant 423 Aner respon to (Wh ietres ine ‘So war /205/ sey ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO LIA Able total | phonime inte vecoginsbie about a stimulus withe| wordvandriacthem as02200 soa . Daur 255 ate tenet wot 3802202 Boi, 22.3 Able te read and = siawple directions | dari simple Prplacerintne Jenfencey in tinser ane sehoot, nowtinton fate E23 Abletege: | 22.7 Able trapply base 7 434 Able te nea arfieuate intial, medal produce vimele tot the fina son tm Erative woreswithe sn cams ingle wllable worde piace bast on wethigver cond (series 2 2) 0} Co) Gah) (08) (00) 52 Able tr tebe xonaois Boe) on ar od (09) prt with piconce a perorenence ‘So we Faro sae 7 ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO oa z015 WORLD OF eNOWLEPGE “aM SPECIAL wadlerstandiong of oral textyby: (0) dering Tred False replies 4.3.3 Abletotisten andbrespondiio amas grt wide gidance (9 crak blending ane segmenting, 43.3 Able to Uistento, say alowdand recite rhage or song Song Baa Able te read and apply word recognition ane word attacks kill bye (2 matching word with ipokan word. 22.3 Able te read and enderiendynteneey ine linear and-nontineae tests 224 Able to read and rdleetend 5 parogoph oe Fs sentence 23.1 Able to read sinaple: ey with guidances (2) fictions 23.4 Able te recognise and farkoula initial, medial an the fin jeundy ine Binge lable wordy snk by (ae) (or) (ur) (ov) (2) 25.2 Able to Wendl PPhoncmey info recogrizable word ancl ead ten aloud, 35.3 Able towrite ie near and egible print ©) phrases 323 Able te complete ithe prldance ©) posters 43.2 Able to take Part with guidance tee a peejormance based on 0) storis “Soho wok Yeor2/205/ say SRIDN ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO CaaS Tad Alle totaly [225 Able te mpwend words pean 201s about a imudluy with. | be phonemes te spel guidance, 22.2 Able read and lenders phensts ine Uneae andenonclineae foots 22.4 Able te readand edlertends « paeaspapheof 5-8 simple sentences “Seo wok Yor 7205) ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO ‘Seo wok Tar 205 Me SITON é ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO B54 Abletwtitewand | 24.5 Able trrecopnize and | 54.2 Able toute [4.12 Able trsing rupond jo vimilay — | arkeulate intial, medial | iv acat and leble | action sony and ” Wore oF | given with guidance: andthe final seundbin | print: recite joss chenty seonans | KNOWLEDGE | (@ oval blending and | single wblable word (8 simple sentences | with correct é sepreriing: thin givens content Pronunciations ceow2ors | pericious | 11-4 Able totale about | 6} far) (or) (ue) (ow) (02) Phaphaw onde ‘a Fooo | wstmala with 242 Able fo blend intonation: guidance, Phonenty ine recegnizable, soe 2015, A 2Ablote participate | wordy and read then eases indaily conversations | alow, (B) make polite requests | 22.8 Able to-read ands landeritand wentencty ine near and nonlinear teats 224 Able trread ant Uindersiand a pavearaph of 5-8 sawp sentoncese 225 Able tragply base Mictowairy ills osing B54 Abletwlitewand | 24.5 Able trrecomnize and | 344 Abletorumite. [4.12 Able trsing rupend to wimuley — | articulate initial, medial | inneat and legible | setion segy ancl 13 | worot oF | gue with guidance > | andl the finalsoundy inr | print: recite jane chants ‘Shem Year /205/ sae SION 7 ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO seou20i5 zak 2015, SELF “Hossies” 2) (ene (aie) (ued) (67) 24.2 Able te lene Phonewey info recoanizable works ao read tan dowd 2.4.3 Able to stament wordy ndorphomeans to-seel, 222 Able tread and landerstand phaser ow Unter andi nomclineer ‘Soh wok Yor /205/ san SION ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO 16 90042015 6 405 2015, ” WORLD OF KNOWLEDGE: "GROWING PLANT WoRLp oF SELF Tai Able new an rejpons to srs given with guidance @ oral blending ant amentiong 14 Able totale about esos ithe guidance, 222 Ablete lite and fallow (0) septa instrsctions nthe cleneceons 114 Able te liken andl rupend to Hire given with guidance (9 erat blenaling onct Baa Able b vecopnize andl aetcedate inifiak, medio nd the final soundly ine inde wplable words within givens contend 0} (ear) (aie) (oe) (07) 23.2 Able te blenel Phonemay uno recoanizable, wore and raat theme aloud. 2.23 Able te segment wordy nterphomemts fo yetll 223 Able trread and tenderitand sentences ine near and non-linear sent BE Able to-read simple Ponts wile guidances (P) momcfitions 211 Able fe vecoqnise and lerfcadete initial, mediod and the inal soundly ine singe wplable very aa Abe wie ieencat and legible rine: (0 simple sentences, 524 Able fo write ievntat and legible rine: (0 phrases Faz Ale sng Beton ensyand recite joss chants with correct hyp anh 451 Able produce siete creatine works nthe guidance bese ow “Smo wok Yar /205/ sae SRIEN ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO TORS | WHEN) | anendina Witkin given contend Sia Aba wie [eg 7 Gow UP" | 55.4 Able te talk about | a (ay) (on) Ge) (ea) simple wntenery | 4.32 Abe trios nue ithe 2.2 Able t blend with guidance, — | part with guidance 7052018 guidances Phonemes inte recoaniaable in performance, sien 15a Able te Liden fo | wordy and read then baud sods damosivate oud. (emg endentonding of oral | 23:3 Able testament wordy texte nto phonemes fo spel, (@)ansiering imple | 22.5 Able tread ants Whe Questions tendered pence ine ince and non-linear sents BB Able tread simple dente with guidance: (0) mom fickions 19 353 Abdetelitewand | 23.4 Able trrecomnige and | 33.2 Able te write [4.23 Able te eohaons ie * Ce Sa. zaoi2os | WorLe oF | given with guidance: |endthe final seundlrin | print: creative works with: oo STORES | (@ oval blending and | sinde wblable words (O sinple sentences | guidance based on +405 2015, eamentiong, iti gems content 324 Ablite (optoriay "CARING AND | 14-4 Able to felts atout | A) (x) (ow) (2) ca) comet with raoe 2015 | Suara” | astimalan with 2.2 Able tr blend guidance fuibance. phonemes inte recegnizable | (0) sienple mean gee “Soho wk Yor 2/205/ san SEIEN 0 ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO 2 Tai Ablete pariaipare indaily conversations (8) make polite requests © ewpresvapetogies 5.1 Able fo Lien fo sods damosivate vendentamaing of oral texte by: (0) ansuering mete Whe Questions wor and read heme Hovde 2.438 Able tr stgment word ndorphomeans to-seel, 22% Able foread and anderen sent ine Unter andi nonlinear Henle 224 Able tread and Understand « paragraph of 5-8 spl sentences: BS Able tread sire Fonts with guidances © fetions 111 Able te lidewand | 23.1 Able tevecognize and | 51-2 Able fo wie [453 Able fo 20.205 rupondtoskimtes — | arcnlate initial, wedial | inent and legible | produce simple ap | WORDL OF | sivenish-guidence: [andthe finalioundyine | print creatine works with aeotdors | KNOWLEDGE |) oval blanding and | single wllable word. (© pheases guidance based ow: een! uamenting writin givens content (storey tooKING | 11.4 Mote to talk abour | 4) (amt) (0) (ie) (0-8 (um 2 aor" | estima with 8 507-2015 fidence 24.2 Able fo blend oxor2ms 22.2 AbLete participate | phonemey info recogriaebte ‘Shem Year 2/205/ san SION 7 ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO 207.2018 907.2015 2% WORLD oF kNOWLEDGE “oN THE Fanon” Today converinfone (P) maki pote requests 124 Able te Lidew andl usps tosses given ithe guidance ¢ (2) courvonasendal soundly (0) adromenal soundly © bony percussion, oval blending and wamenting ES Able fo liden fo, ay aloud and recite cheat or sing Song wor and read heme Hovde 2.438 Able tr stgment word ndorphomeans toseel, 2.22 Able fo read and landersand pasts in Unter andi nomclineer lente 2.2.3 Able tread and tendered pence ine ince and non-linear sets 211 Able fe vecoqnise and arkadale initial, medial end the final soundly ine Sande wjlable words within givens content ©) (ou) (i) (ue) (2) 23.2 Able to blenel Phonemay info recoantzable wordy aod real them aloud 2.43 Able to stament word inte phemerts fest 524 Able to write ievneat ands legible (2) words (8 phrases “Soho wok Year 2/205/ san SRIDN 7 ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO WORLD oF KNOWLEDGE: PEED" a4 Able lb aboot esimulay with fuidance, 244 Able te Lidew andl rejpons to sims ‘given with guidance @ oral blending ant 14 Able to fale about thou ithe Bas Able read an londerstand sentences ine linea and nonlinear dente 224 Able fo vead and tendered 5 peeogrephsof 5-8 snuple: oben BBS Able to read simple Heads wile guidances (0) meme fitions BS ABE reenizt ak efculan nikal, medial and he final svn single lab word within Btn conta Prt) (oo (a 2.3.2 ABU fe Mal phoneme ndorezagnincble wardsend. ead oem aloud 2.13 Able toseqment words nde phomtets te pel 22 Able read an nderhan 32.2 Able to waite sinwple sentences, ee 454 Able be produce simple creatine works witty guidance beset ow ©) stories “Seo wok Yor 7205) a ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO » aa 2015 2708 2015, 002015, WORLD oF KNOWLEDGE: “PRECIOUS aor” Poraaray hop S-8 ple fees 233 Able feta simple tnt et guidance (efchon BA Able tr recoanize and aetieudate initial, medial andl the final soundly Hinde wilable wordy rin givens contend D wh) (0h) (eu (0) (ue) 242 Able to lene Phonemay inte recoanieable wordy and real them owe 2.2.3 Able to segment wordy indo phones to spel, 223 Able toreed ant: landertand went in Unter and nominee Heats 25.1 Able fread simple, dents with guidances (0) fetions 32.2 Abi to-write Bwple endenets with guidance, 332 Ablete crate imple nomelinear tty wing & veriety oF mala wide pridance: (9 posters 434 Able te produce simple. creative works with: guidance beset ow (0 jane chants 422 Able to take, pen with guidance on performance: beste om (0) jaa chats “Seo wok Yor 7205) ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO 2 70.205 pron 20s catoz015 osyn.205 WORLD OF kNOWLEDCE: “SAVE THE SEA CREATURE” WORLD OF 124 Able te Liden andl usps tosis given with guidance 23.3 Able tortecgniat and erkcadale initial, medial andthe final soundly ine Sande wjlable word: within givers content Gok) (oh Ce) (oe) (au) 2) 0-8) (68) (4) (0-2) (Um 8 2.3.2 Able tr blind Phonenty int recepnizable, wordy and read then dowd, 22.3 Able fread and londerstand sentence ine inser andi nonlinear teats 52.2 Able to write Sinwple sentences ee 423 Able te produce vile ertatie works with guidance bosed ow: (0) stories 42.2 Alpe tosing aetiow sens and recite jane chant ‘Sch f wokYeor2/205/ san SRION ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO KNOWLEDGE | @) oval blending andh | sndle nflable word with correct 6 pamenting within givers content pronunciation, sssaams | “reuse, [12-4 Aple to tale-about |g) (2-0) (0-0) (08) (0-8) (ur Phat an tsroans | RECELE* | estima with 8 infomation. guddance. 212 Able te blena 4252 Alpe fo fake, 432 Ableto listen te | phonemes inte rtcconizable, par with guidance nds demonstrate wordy and real them in a performance: indentanding of ovat | aloud aed tout 223 Able tread ants (song (2) answering simple — | undersfands sentences i Wh Questions ince and non-linear sents 224 Able toread ant understands persereph ef “Seo wok Yor 205s Te ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO ‘GOT PERTENGATAN PENGEATE (ieopanis 25.9 2015) sak 242 Able foresognize and | 22.2 Abe fo write - ertcedate inifak, matiat | vuneat andl legole eso.ans a land the final ound ins | print song phate vera (0 simple sentences: a on ie thin giner content : DOO (eo) (0-8 sasoans i a » i 212 Able blend onstams phonemes inte resppinable exams imal wi rove ant read the How. 224 Able toreed and Understand a parsaraple of 5 spe sentences. 2ST Able to-read simple ent withe goilanee (© fictions ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO 10 | wom of [112 Ablow tenia (223 Able brreadent (322 Able write [432 Able totale crinang | ENOMLEDGE | ant enjoy simple Hovis | understands sentencevine | uvneat and egile | part with guidance u 152 Abele lutewte | near and nenrtinear | print bu a performance seryams | peeuna | and demonstrate wate Hwee managin | bad om: Haver, | undertanaling of crak | 25: Able te read viele (0) sovies tsriamis | FEELING SAB" | xs by ents with idan: se.tams (9) ansnering mele | (0) fictions Whe guustions Sd Able tr tale above sana ithe gridance By the end of Year 2, puns should be able to ‘Communicate wth peors and adits confident anc appropriately Informal are! normal sustions ‘Seo wok Tar 205 Me SITON rr ENGLISH YEARLY SCHEME OF WORK YEAR TWO 2. Road and comprohenda range of English ens for information and enjoymant 3. Wee a range of texts using appropiate language, syle and farm though a varity of media 4. Appreciate and demanetrato understanding of English language literary or erative word for enjoyment and 5. Use comectand appropiate rues of grammar'n speech and witing (CONTENT STANDARD YEAR THO. LISTENING” AW SPEARW READ: TANGUNGE ART Up be we 13 pwonounce wor ene sped orbdony wth he cones, Stross rythm and TPR be 161A rowlage of sours of lta 0 teeogies osm nen ro Theat tose ZI PUBIS we able oa TIES ‘2nd word inne egl pn ireludng ens wg ET PUBS wilBe ae fspereciete mynes, poor ong treugt perorrarce Puple wi be ab Tan and resoend spuoortey in ‘ern and not ba shusiors tr awwiey of purposes 2 Pap ib ala Gononarale Unerstandn fe vray et naw fe no net teste mo km fro ad srr ears ing a fogs fsa ocak "3. Paple wil bo able Te wa vag ‘soptcotale language, rm and sy terengo of posse 32. Pupis wile aia press pewensl spore itera tod PapIEWT BE BET ingest a respond 10 ‘al texemna woraly 3 Papi wi aN TO aT Insepaneniy or omaton an stoyent PIS RIB SST are presen eas though avers oh fod uerg apopra Lrgogs ‘fom ad sy EE PUPS HBS aE TSB fgarze and peduce cresne vas fans nore “Seo wok Yor 7205) "

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