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Plagiarism Scan Report

Report Genrated Date 23 Jul, 2017
Plagiarism Status 95% Unique
Total Words 997
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Teacher quality is o ten mentioned as the most important variable a fecting student
achievement. In Barber and Moursheds words, the quality o a school system cannot
exceed the quality o its teachers. It is true that without teachers, the best school system

or curriculum would merely be a well-designed idea without any execution or value.
According to Marsh and Willis, curriculum is all the experiences in the classroom that are
planned and enacted. There ore, the implementation o curriculum includes design,

enactment to evaluation o a planned school system. According to the Malaysia Education
Blueprint 2013-2025, the second shi t in the trans ormation o the education system is to
ensure each child to be pro icient in the Malay and English languages. The brings to light
the multiple roles a teacher play in the implementation o our primary school English

education in Malaysia include being a decision maker, acilitator, and re lective


Teachers spend a large amount o time in schools, having direct interaction with the pupils.
This is why teachers are o ten regarded as the people who know their pupils best. While
the curriculum in Malaysia prescribes ive modules in the English language teaching,

teachers are given the liberty as decision makers to develop individually unique lessons or
their respective classrooms. Teachers make decisions about what their pupils will learn
according to their di fering pro iciency levels. In this, teachers also decide how their pupils

will learn actively rom the ive modules, namely listening and speaking, reading, writing,
grammar and language arts. Several teachers can work together collaboratively to arrange

and compose material, and design activities or language classrooms. A ter that, teachers
also have to make decisions about the types o assessment o learning to be carried out. In
the DSKP, assessment is required to be ongoing or ormative, as well as summative. The

teacher can make decide on the use o di ferent approaches to evaluate the pupils
learning. That said, being directly a teachers direct involvement the decision making o
each lesson is important to align the content o curriculum with students needs in the
On top o that, teachers are acilitators in implementing the school curriculum. A acilitator
is the person who assists a group o people in grasping at their common targets and in
achieving them . Higher order thinking skills, being one o the 21st century learning skills is
emphasised in the DSKP. This is in line with the Malaysia Education Blueprint that states to
revamp national examinations and school-based assessments to gradually increase
percentage o questions that test higher-order thinking. In order to develop critical thinking
among pupils, teachers should play the role o acilitating classroom discussions that
provide pupils with opportunities to voice their opinions and encourage the exchange o
in ormation among peers. Additionally, teachers as acilitators should provide the pupils
with space or creativity and innovation. In order to encourage creative and innovative
participation, responses di fering rom the expected answers should be accepted i
justi ied. Mistakes should be also allowed in the English classroom so that no child eels
threatened by the need to give a correct answer. In other words, teachers should
acilitate active participation in teamwork activities that encourage thinking skills so that
the process o learning can become un, meaning ul and purpose ul.
Teachers also need to be re lective practitioners in the implementation o curriculum.
Every teacher has a pro essional responsibility to be re lective and evaluative about their
practice. There are two types o re lection, namely re lection in action and re lection on
action. Re lection in action is action present; which Schon describes as re lecting on an
incident whilst it can still bene it the situation. This re ers to re lective thinking that is
happening within the classroom and during the lesson. It also means the teacher needs to
be constantly alert in playing the role o a practitioner. Any miss that may occur

throughout the lesson must be identi ied and re lected upon quickly. Only then, immediate
change can be done to make right the situation so as to ensure an e fective teaching and

learning experience. For example, a teacher who notices a hand ul o pupils absent in her
class due to a marching competition may quickly re lect on her planned activities or the
day and modi y the groups arrangement to enable the objectives o the lesson to be

achieved. Thus, practicing re lection in action requires teachers to be always on their eet
to prepare or any un oreseen circumstances that may need their immediate attention.
Alternatively, re lection-on-action involves re lecting on how practice can be changed a ter

the event This means a teacher needs to care ully evaluate her teaching a ter each lesson.
This is to identi y the strengths o the lesson or admirable skills that she possesses that
may be urther practiced to maximise pupils learning. It also helps the teacher discover
her weaknesses whether rom the angle o lesson preparation or instruction. In this

manner, re lective partnerships between teachers are particularly e fective. Peer

mentoring partnerships will support individual teachers in re lecting on and describing their

Based on the importance o the teachers in curriculum implementation, it is also crucial or
the country to recruit quality teachers who can play the roles as decision makers,

acilitators and re lective practitioners e fectively in order to upgrade the quality o our
school systems. There ore, the ourth shi t mentioned in the Malaysia Education Blueprint
is to trans orm teaching into the pro ession o choice by raising the entry bar or teachers

rom 2013 to be amongst top 30% o graduates. Recruited teachers also constantly
upgrade themselves through continuous pro essional development rom 2013. By ensuring

the quality o the teachers in our nation, the quality o our education can be raised to be at
par at a global scale.
In conclusion, teachers are nation builders since the mass o society passes through their

hands in education. There ore, it can be said that the level o development a nation and its
education system is a true re lection o the quality o its teachers in executing their roles
in implementing curriculum.

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