PH 101: A Short Course Reference Brief: Acronyms

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PH 101: A Short Course

Reference Brief
Acronym Meaning
AFC Administration for Children
AOHC Association of Ohio Health Commissioners
APHA American Public Health Association
ASTHO Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CMS Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
DHHS Department of Health & Human Services
DNA Department of Natural Resources
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
FDA Food & Drug Administration
HPIO Health Policy Institute of Ohio
HRSA Health Resources & Services Administration
LHD Local Health Department
NACCHO National Association of County & City Health Officials
NALBOH National Association of Local Boards of Health
NEHA National Environmental Health Association
NCI National Cancer Institute
NIH National Institute of Health
OABH Ohio Association of Boards of Health
ODH Ohio Department of Health
OEHA Ohio Environmental Health Association
OPHA Ohio Public Health Association
ORC Ohio Revised Code
OSOPHE Ohio Society for Public Health Association
PCMH Patient Centered Medical Home
PHAB Public Health Accreditation Board
SOPHE Society for Public Health Association
WHO World Health Organization
Reference Brief PH 101: A Short Course

Term(s) Definition
Assessment We assess the health of the public by collecting, analyzing, and sharing
information on community health, analyzing statistics on health
epidemiology, and assessing health needs and community resources
Assurance We ensure that needed services are provided by collaborating, enforcing
through regulations, and providing services directly
Built Environment Ones constructed environment and surroundings that impacts health and
healthy lifestyles
Common Law Law based on prior to court decisions and control activities not addressed by
other laws
Epidemiology The study of the distribution of and the factors determining health-related
states or events (including disease), and the application of this study to the
control of diseases and other health problems
Genomics The study of all the genes in a person, as well as the interactions of those
genes with each other and a person's environment
Health Disparity Population-specific differences in the presence of disease, health outcomes,
quality of health care and access to health care services that exist across racial
and ethnic groups
Healthy People 2020 The Department of Health and Human Services latest publication that sets
forth national objectives for improving health over the next 10 years.
Home rule Cities, municipalities, and/or counties have the ability to pass laws to govern
themselves, so long as they obey state and federal constitutions; Ohio is a
home rule state
Incidence How many new cases of a disease there are in a given population
Ordinance A law enacted by local government to carry out legislation and regulation at
the local level
Patient Centered Model of medical care focusing on collaboration between provider and
Medical Home patient and on a payment system that is linked to health outcomes rather
than number of patients seen
Policy development We use scientific knowledge and decision-making to develop laws,
regulations, and funding policies that support health
Prevalence How many people have a disease in a given population
Quarantine A period of detention used to separate and restrict the movement of well
persons who may have been exposed to a communicable disease to see if
they become ill
Regulation Similar to statute, but can be implemented and amended more quickly; often
deal with highly technical aspects of issues
Social determinants of Interrelated factors that impact health; there are five general categories:
health biology/genetics, behavior, society/environment, access to care, & legislation
Statute A law enacted by Congress or state legislatures may implement policies,
establish programs and authority of officials, or appropriate funds for
research, education or prevention
Winnable Battles Areas of likely public health success identified by the CDC, and determined to
be public health priorities in the near future
Reference Brief PH 101: A Short Course

PH 101: A Short Course is sponsored by the Center for Public Health Practice, located in The Ohio State University College of
Public Health. The course and associated materials are made possible, in part, by the Ohio Public Health Training Center, grant
number UB6HP20203, from the Health Resources and Services Administration, DHHS, Public Health Training Center Program.
Contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HRSA.

Dated 4-1-2013
This Reference Brief may be periodically updated. Check back to the learning content management system course site for
updated versions ( For questions or suggestions, please contact the Center for Public Health
Practice, located in The Ohio State University College of Public Health at 614-292-2291. Visit the Centers website at

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