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Modelling dynamic hysteresis hysteresis loops
loops in steel sheets in steel sheets
Krzysztof Chwastek and Jan Szczygowski
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czestochowa University of Technology, 603
Czestochowa, Poland, and
Wiesaw Wilczynski
Institute of Electrical Engineering, Warsaw, Poland

Purpose The aim of the paper is to present a simple approach to modelling minor hysteresis loops
in grain-oriented steel sheets under quasi-static and dynamic conditions. The hysteresis phenomenon
is described with a recently developed hybrid model, which combines ideas inherent in the product
Preisach model and the Jiles-Atherton description. The dynamic effects due to eddy currents are taken
into account in the description using a lagged response with respect to the input.
Design/methodology/approach It is assumed that some model parameters might be dependent
on the level of relative magnetization within the material. Their dependencies could be given as power
laws. The values of scaling coefficients in power laws are determined.
Findings A satisfactory agreement of experimental and modelled quasi-static and dynamic
hysteresis loops is obtained.
Research limitations/implications The present study provides a starting point for further
verification of the approach for other classes of soft magnetic materials, which could be described with
the developed model. At present, the approach to model minor loops by the update of model
parameters is verified for the B-sine excitation case.
Practical implications The branch-and-bound optimization algorithm is a useful tool for
recovery of the values of both model parameters and scaling coefficients as well.
Originality/value The recently developed hybrid description of hysteresis phenomenon
can be successfully extended to take into account symmetric minor loops. The developed approach
could be a framework to develop a comprehensive description of magnetization phenomena in the
Keywords Modelling, Steel, Electromagnetism
Paper type Research paper

The Jiles-Atherton description of ferromagnetic hysteresis (Jiles and Atherton, 1986) has
been the subject of intensive research in the last 20 years (Szczygowski, 2001; Benabou
et al., 2003, 2005). Recently, some improvements, aimed at better representation of
anhysteretic and reversible magnetization processes, have been introduced (Chwastek,
2008). The modified Langevin function describing the anhysteretic has been replaced
with a more realistic Brillouin function like in the recent work (Boukhtache et al., 2006).
COMPEL: The International Journal
The reversible magnetization processes have been described with the use of a new for Computation and Mathematics in
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Vol. 28 No. 3, 2009
Stalprodukt S.A. is thanked for supplying the steel sheet samples. Thanks are due to Dr D.E. pp. 603-612
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Finkel from North Carolina State University (currently with MIT) for making his Matlab 0332-1649
implementation of the branch-and-bound algorithm freely available on the web. DOI 10.1108/03321640910940873
COMPEL parameter b, in a manner similar to the product Preisach model (Kadar, 1987, 2005).
28,3 Moreover, in the equation for the total susceptibility a modulation factor dependent on
the actual magnetization, has been introduced. The approach, originally introduced in
Kadar (1987) in order to remove the congruency property of the classical Preisach model,
made it possible to obtain the dependencies of the reversible magnetization component
on magnetic field, which are in qualitative accordance with the experimental data
604 (Atherton and Schonbachler, 1988).
It was also helpful to correct the ambiguities in up-to-date model equations,
remarked by Jiles (1991, p. 167) himself and discussed in the context of Preisach model
elsewhere (Benda and Bydzovsky, 1996).

Model equations
dM dM irr M
Rm b ; where Rm 1 2
dH dH Ms
dM irr dM M an 2 M irr
; where H e H aM 1
dH e kd
2J 1 2J 1 H e 1 1 He
M an M s coth 2 coth
2J 2J a 2J 2J a
J is the angular momentum of atoms in the examined material. We assume J 0.5 for
anisotropic 3.2 Si wt% steel sheets (Boukhtache et al., 2006). a, b, a, k, Ms are the model
parameters, whose values may be easily recovered using the efficient branch and
bound procedure, described in detail in Chwastek and Szczygowski (2007). The initial
estimate value for b is obtained from a symmetric minor loop in the Rayleigh range,
where the irreversible processes may be neglected.
The model equations may be transformed to yield the following expression for the
B-entry case, which is important due to IEC norm requirements and in FE calculations:
dM Rmbkd dM M an 2 M irr 
dB m0 kd1 Rmb 1 2 aRmdM M an 2 M irr 
The equation was obtained in a similar manner as the equation for the rigorously
derived classic Jiles-Atherton model (Sadowski et al., 2002; Benabou et al., 2003; Bastos
and Sadowski, 2003).
The dynamic hysteresis loops were modelled using a phenomenological damping
model similar to approaches presented in Raulet et al. (2004), Maloberti et al. (2006) and
Zirka et al. (2006). In the method, the dynamic effects are included in the description by
the introduction of the lagged response with respect to the input:

dB 1=n
H t H st B d 3
KRm dt
where K, n are constants, whereas Hst(B) is determined on the basis of the static model
equation (2).
In the paper for simplicity of numerical implementation, the dynamic hysteresis loops
were modelled using the thin sheet approximation ( Jiles, 1994; Philips et al., 1995;
Zirka et al., 2006), taking into account the gauges of the examined sheets and the
frequencies of the magnetizing field. The method bears resemblance to that presented in
Dupre et al. (2001) for the Preisach model and Bertottis theory. In general case, however, Dynamic
the incorporation of the JA model in FE or FD framework is a common practice (Bastos hysteresis loops
and Sadowski, 2003; Gyselink et al., 2004a, b; Raulet et al., 2004; Dlala et al., 2008).
in steel sheets
Minor loops
One of the drawbacks of the classic JA description is a poor representation of minor loops
even in the quasi-static case for constant values of model parameters (Benabou et al., 2003, 605
2008). In the paper, the modelled minor loops are obtained from the modelled major loop by
the introduction of variations in the values of two model parameters a and k upon the level
of magnetization. Such parameter update could be justified on physical grounds.
The model parameters a and k in JA description are directly related to these material
properties, which are influenced by domain processes during magnetization. Parameter k
corresponds to the distribution of pinning sites, which hamper the domain wall movement
in the material, whereas parameter a has already been interpreted by the author of the
description (Jiles, 1994) as related to domain size. Our previous research results
(Najgebauer et al., 2003) have revealed, that taking into account the size of domains aligned
with the applied field could result in an improved description of power loss in
ferromagnetic materials. Power loss is directly related to the shape of hysteresis loop.
It was assumed, that the functional dependencies of a and k versus b B=Bs for
minor loops were power laws in the form:

kminor kkmajor b g aminor lamajor b 1 4

Such choice of the expected functional dependency allows to consider a relatively wide
class of possible dependencies k(b) and a(b). The bounds for the estimated values of
exponents g, 1 were set to k24,4l, so no assumptions on the respective trends were
made. The branch-and-bound procedure was used again in order to recover the
values of kminor and aminor for minor loops at different levels of excitation, keeping
values of other model parameters fixed. The representation of the obtained values of
kminor and aminor versus relative magnetization in log-log scale allowed to verify,
whether the expected power laws do hold.
It was found that the dependency a a(b) exhibits deviations from the assumed
power law for higher levels of excitations. This phenomenon may be explained as the
effect of dissipation mechanisms different from domain wall movement, i.e. domain
annihilation and nucleation above the knee of hysteresis loop (Landgraf et al., 2000).
The necessity to distinguish the low- and high-induction regions was also postulated
by other researchers in Moses and Pluta (2005).

Model verification
Quasi-static and dynamic hysteresis loops have been measured in rolling direction
with a single sheet tester for chosen anisotropic steel sheets: grade ET 120-27 (0.27 mm
thick), ET 130-35 (0.35 mm thick) from Stalprodukt S.A., Bochnia, Poland. The
laboratory stand fulfilled all the requirements of IEC 60404 standards.
Table I presents the estimated values of quasi-static model parameters obtained
with the branch-and-bound algorithm, whereas Figure 1 shows the measured and
modelled quasi-static hysteresis loops for the grade ET120-27 steel sample. The dashed
line at 1.3 T separates symbolically the low- and high-induction regions.
COMPEL Table II includes the estimated values of parameters k, g as well as the values of
28,3 standard deviation (SD) and Pearson R-coefficient obtained from fitting for the
examined steel samples. It follows that the values of g for both samples are similar.
In Figures 2 and 3, the fittings of dependencies k k(b) and a a(b) are shown.
From Figure 2, it can be noticed that the expected power law dependency for k k(b) is
fulfilled. In Figure 3, the aforementioned deviation from power law scaling for the
606 parameter a is clearly visible. The JA description assumes domain wall displacement
as the main process contributing to hysteresis ( Jiles and Atherton, 1986; Pasquale et al.,
1998), whereas in the high-induction region (Figure 1) this is not the predominant
phenomenon. We assume that deviations from power law for a can be smeared out by a
compensating effect of change in k: more important are the trends of changes in the
respective parameters for minor loops.
From the obtained results, a conclusion may be drawn, that the classical iterative
estimation procedure (Jiles et al., 1992), which assumes constant values of model
parameters for any values of magnetization level, is not completely correct.

Table I. Grade a (2) a (A/m) b (H/m) k (A/m) Ms (A/m)

Estimated values of
26 23
quasi-static model ET120-27 8.03 10 14.72 2.29 10 13.74 1.74 106
parameters ET130-35 9.22 102 6 22.05 1.47 102 4 10.62 1.81 106


high field region

M 106 [A/m]

Bm = 1.7 T
quasi-static loop
Figure 1. measurement
Measured and modelled model
quasi-static hysteresis
loops for the ET 120-27
25 0 25 50 75
steel sample
H [A/m]

Table II. Grade log k g SD R-coefficient

Estimated values of
parameters for updating ET120-27 2 0.074 ^ 0.006 0.750 ^ 0.015 0.01486 0.99752
parameter k ET130-35 2 0.036 ^ 0.004 0.747 ^ 0.009 0.00896 0.99906
1 Dynamic
ET 120-27 hysteresis loops
variation of parameter k
for minor loops
in steel sheets
linear fit
Parameter k []

log(k) = log(k ) + g log(b)
log(k ) = 0.074 0.006
g = 0.750 0.015
R = 0.99752
SD = 0.01486
1 Figure 2.
b [] A fitting for the k k(b)
Note: Grade ET120-27

ET 120-27 log(a) = log(l) + e log(1/b)
variation of parameter a
for minor loops
linear fit
Parameter a []

log(l) = 0.152 0.017

e = 0.594 0.040
R = 0.97167
SD = 0.04053

1 10
1/b [] Figure 3.
A fitting for the a a(1/b)
Note: Grade ET120-27

Another conclusion is that the points on the major hysteresis loop should be assigned
weights in the fitness function in dependence on their magnetization the points around
coercivity should have the largest weights, as the magnetization processes correspond to
domain wall movement to the largest extent there. This approach requires re-writing the
existing estimation procedures from the scratch. The issue, whether this approach
should yield better modeling results, which might possibly make the corrections for a
and k unnecessary, shall be the subject of forthcoming research.
In Table III, the estimated values of parameters l, 1 as well as the values of SD and
Pearson R-coefficient obtained from the fitting for the examined steels are given.
COMPEL The values of parameters K and n were obtained from a fit of DH c H dyn c 2 Hc

28,3 versus f dependency (Sakaki and Imagi, 1981; Fujiwara and Tahara, 1995). The fitting
results are shown in Figure 4 and Table IV.
Examination of the obtained results allows to draw a conclusion, that in the
examined samples the dynamic effect is due mostly to eddy currents in the whole bulk
material. The value of 1/n varies from 0.5 for eddy currents around domain walls
608 (excess eddy currents in Bertottis (1998) description) to 1 (classical eddy currents). The
values of 1/n for the examined samples are closer to 1.
On the basis of the obtained dependencies, the quasi-static and dynamic
symmetrical minor loops could be modelled. Offsetting the respective slopes of
quasi-static loops by modulated values of magnetic field yields the dynamic loops. The
deficiency of this simplified approach is the indeterminate shape of initial
magnetization curve.
Exemplary modelling results are shown in Figures 5-7. Minor discrepancies
between the measured and the modelled loops can be explained as the result of
assumed simplifications in the description. Equation (3) accounting for the averaged
dynamic effects disregards the term related to domain wall acceleration, i.e. constant

Table III. Grade log l 21 SD R-coefficient

Estimated values of
parameters for updating ET120-27 0.1525 ^ 0.0173 0.5941 ^ 0.0401 0.04053 0.97167
parameter a ET130-35 0.0607 ^ 0.013 0.4510 ^ 0.0305 0.02918 0.97365

ET 120-27

20 Bm = 1.7 T
D Hc = Hcac Hcdc [A/m]


D Hc = (2 p Bm f/K)1/
c2 = 0.41383
K = 33.34623 4.5897
= 1.08343 0.04789

Figure 4. 0 20 40 60 80 100
A fitting for the f [Hz]
DHc DHc( f ) dependence
Note: Grade ET120-27

Grade K n x2
Table IV.
Estimated values of ET120-27 33.34623 ^ 4.5897 1.08343 ^ 0.04789 0.41383
parameters K and n ET130-35 22.15605 ^ 4.1193 1.11441 ^ 0.06022 0.95774
1.5 Dynamic
B = 1.5 T
hysteresis loops
in steel sheets
M 106 [A/m]

0.0 609
model 5 Hz
model 50 Hz
meas. 5 Hz Figure 5.
meas. 50 Hz Quasi-static and dynamic
1.5 hysteresis loops for grade
50 25 0 25 50 ET120-27
H [A/m]

ET 120-27
Bm = 0.5 T
M 106 [A/m]


Figure 6.
Measured quasi-static
0.50 (5 Hz solid circle) and
40 20 0 20 40 dynamic (400 Hz open
H [A/m] circle) minor hysteresis
loops for grade ET120-27
Note: Corresponding modelled hysteresis loops denoted with lines

domain wall velocity at given dB/dt is assumed (Varga et al., 2005). The effect of
magnetostatic wall-position restoring forces (Pust et al., 1996) is also neglected.

In the paper, an approach to modelling symmetric minor hysteresis loops using the
modified Jiles-Atherton description, both in quasi-static and dynamic conditions, was
presented. Two of model parameters were made dependent on the magnetization level.
The obtained scaling relationships allowed for an accurate representation of minor
loops in quasi-static conditions.
The dynamic effects were taken into account in the description by the introduction
of the lagged response with respect to the input. The obtained modeling results are in
an acceptable agreement with the experiment.
The results might be of interest to the designers of magnetic circuits.
28,3 ET 130-35
Bm = 1 T


M 106 [A/m]


Figure 7.
Measured quasi-static
(5 Hz solid circle) and 1.0
dynamic (50 Hz open 30 20 10 0 10 20 30
circle) minor hysteresis H [A/m]
loops for grade ET130-35
Note: Corresponding modelled hysteresis loops denoted with lines

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About the authors

Krzysztof Chwastek obtained his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Czestochowa
University of Technology, Poland in 2007. Since 2000, he is with Faculty of Electrical
Engineering, Czestochowa University of Technology, at present employed as a Research
Associate. His research interests include optimization methods and numerical modelling of
electromagnetic systems. Krzysztof Chwastek is the corresponding author and can be contacted
Jan Szczygowski obtained his PhD degree in Electrical Engineering from Technical
University of Wrocaw, Poland in 1985 and DSc degree (habilitation) from Institute of Electrical
Engineering, Warsaw, Poland in 2001. He is currently an Associate Professor of Electrical
Engineering with Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czestochowa University of Technology. His
research interests include modelling and characterization of magnetic and dielectric materials.
Wiesaw Wilczynski is an Associate Professor and Head of Institute of Electrical
Engineering, Warsaw. His main research concern is measurement of properties of soft magnetic
materials and examination of the impact of processing technologies on these properties.

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