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1. Based only on the cluster analysis data, which preference related variables are most useful for
segment identification and evaluation? Which variables are least useful?

This qualitative research aims in identifying and evaluating the potential customers of PicDeck and
determinate a precise target. The interviewees have been asked to answer questions based on a
ranking system from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree). The questions investigate the needs:

Q 1, 6 9, and interest in this new technology service: Q 2 - 5, as well as the willingness of the
interviewees to pay for this service: Q 11 13. The cluster method divides the interviewees between
homogeneous segments, which have to be as different as possible between each others.


Q 1, 2, 6 & 10 are extremely interesting because these answers give us insights about the customers
needs for the PicDeck service. Indeed, we assume that the people saying they dont find the current
uploading method easy but who, in the same time, would like to take more phone pictures if the
uploading method was easier, would be interested in the Ontela service. In addition, we recognize in
the people looking to save their pictures, a latent need of uploading the pictures in a safety place
such as a computer or a mail box. This corresponds to the PicDeck service.

Q 11 & 13 are really important too, to study the willingness of the potential customers to actually
buy the PicDeck service.

Thanks to these answers, we get to know the real purchasing intentions of the people. The pricing
gives an idea of the perceived value of the service per the customer. We learn about their attitudes
regarding the innovations: if they will rush to get the new gadget/tech service, or if they will buy it
only if it is cheap.

3,4,5,7,8,9(Least Important)

Q 3,4 & 5 and 7, 8 & 9 are not the core questions.

Q3, 4 & 5 seem to give more insights about the customers relation to technology than to their need
of the Ontela service. Analysing the results, we noticed the rates of Q7, 8 & 9 are quite the same
whatever the cluster is. Therefore, these 3 variables (sending photos by email & putting them on the
desktop or on facebook) are not useful in differentiating clusters. Therefore, these 3 questions do
not appear to be efficient in identifying segments

Q2 :
Q4 :

Which segment(s) would you recommend as a target for PicDeck? Explain the logic behind your

From exhibit 2, I would recommend cluster number 1, 3, and 4 for targeting. Based on the
percentage of respondents for each cluster. Cluster number 1 has the highest respondent which is
24%, while 3 and 4 have 19% and 16%. The users age in these clusters are between youth and
adulthood, which are the most people who need to use this service to transfer their photos from
between devices.

Q4 & 5 -

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