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7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

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Shafeaa' Labadi
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I have 10 years of
experience in providing
consulting, implementation and support
services for ERP solutions to clients in the
Industrial, Trade, and Services fields. I have
provided functional, technical consulting and
This post illustrate how to import Assets using the data import framework in training to clients on ERP solutions for
different modules
Dynamics AX 2012 R3. We are going to import some of the asset info you
can add or remove fields as needed View my complete profile 1/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

1- Go to Data import export framework --> Setup --> Data import / export
framework Parameters.

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2- Click browse to select shared working directory then click Validate button
then close the form.



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3- Go to Data import export framework --> Setup --> Source Data format, framework AX 20... 2/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

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4- Go to Data import export framework --> Common --> Processing Group,

Create New Group then Click the Entities Button. POPULAR POSTS

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Until recently, I thought there
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ModelYear (Model Year)
then click Generate sample file.

07-Save the file in the shared folder you specified in step 2. 4/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

08-Open the file using MS Excel, fill the data then save the file.

09-Go back to the processing group --> entities---> Select the Sample file
path then click the generate source mapping button. 5/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

10- if the mapping done successfully Click the Preview source file button to
preview the data note that the asset name is not exists.

11- To fix this issue click the modify Source mapping button

12- Map the the field name manually ( just drag the field from source to the
name field in the staging) then save and close the form. 6/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

13- Click preview again to make sure that asset names have been added
and mapped. then close the form

14- in the processing group select the group name then click the Get staging
data button to copy the file data to staging table. 7/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

15-Click OK to create job.

16-Click Run in the staging data execution form. 8/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

17-Click OK.

18-The records will be inserted in the staging.

19-In the processing group select the group name then click Copy Data to
target button. 9/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

20-Select the Job ID that we created in step 15 then click OK.

21- Click Run to import data. 10/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

22-Click OK.

23-The data will be written to target. 11/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

24-Go to the Assets list form you will found that the Assets was imported

See Also




2012 R3 12/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3



Import Vendor Groups using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3

To get new posts and updates, please follow the blog by clicking the Join this
site Button in the top-right side under my personal information

Labels: DIXF, Fixed Assets


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Shafeaa' Labadi via Google+ 2 years ago - Shared publicly

#Dynamics #Microsoft #MicrosoftDynamics #MSDynERP
#MSDynamics #ERP #AX2012R3 #HowTo #ERPSoftware

1 Reply

nour Desoki 1 year ago - Shared publicly

Hello I tried to import Asset name but still can't be imported

1 Reply

Shafeaa' Labadi 1 year ago

you need to map the asset name manually as describe in step 12

Jim Laidley 1 year ago - Shared publicly

been told that populating the Acquisition Date with the actual past
acquisition date will have adverse consequences on ongoing depreciation (or
during setup), even if we populate the LastDepreciationDate. Any experience
with this?

1 Reply

View all 3 replies

Jim Laidley 11 months ago

Not yet. Project has had delays but we should know soon. Our consultant
has since backed off their original statement which always seemed like it
was designed to minimize their work..

Shafeaa' Labadi 11 months ago (edited)

Hi, I assume that you are uploading the xed assets as part of upload
opening balances for new project. if this is the case you need to take the
following steps in your consideration:
Read more (20 lines)

Nazim Lalji 3 weeks ago - Shared publicly 13/15
7/28/2017 Dynamics AX Tips: Import Assets using Data Import framework | AX 2012 R3
Nazim Lalji -

Thanks for the DIEF process for FA
FA assets are uploaded while running the depreciation, period depreciated
appears in negative like -1 or -6
thats scary and creating a issue when we have to review the life of asset.
please can you assist in this regards, "Am I missing anything in upload"
thanks and regards

1 Reply

Marianna Smith 4 weeks ago - Shared publicly

Hello! Thank you so much for sharing this very interesting informational video
about Microsoft Dynamics AX and describing its features and functionality.
Please visit this webpage for detalical information anegis https://ax-

1 Reply

Founar Fernando 7 months ago (edited) - Shared publicly

I am facing a trick issue when do it in France, as i must have some new eld
called Derogatory, and this one is making the upload via my current
Processing group impossible.
The scenario is basically having 2 co-related Value Models per asset.... does
anyone faced such issue before?

thanks in advance

1 Reply

Umesh Kumar 1 year ago - Shared publicly

Shafeaa, Please let me how to upload FA Financial dimensions.
InDMF i found there is no Default Dimension eld in Staging.

Thanks in advance.
Umesh Kumar H

+1 1 Reply

hoang du 1 year ago - Shared publicly

Hello! How to import eldWORKERRESPONSIBLE, Thank very much!

1 Reply

Sajjad Ahmed 1 year ago - Shared publicly

I uploaded without any issue but after upload I am not able to modify any
eld. what will be the reason?

1 Reply

afonso lenzi 1 year ago - Shared publicly

Hi Shafeaa,

How are you planning to upload "AssetBook" details and "AssetTrans"?

If i dont discover how to do it by this module ill use "Excel Add-in".

Best regards,

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