Nationality: Ugandan: Key Responsibilities/achievements

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Address: P.O Box 77 Hoima, Uganda

Email address:

Skype Address: levi.byaruhanga63
Telephone: +256-772-437813; +256-752-437813; +256-703-437813
Nationality: Ugandan

An experienced person in the field of Development and emergency response, have ability to contribute towards growth of
your organization with my knowledge and experience in program development/design, Human Resource Management;
project proposal development, strategic plan development, annual plan development, budgeting, financial management.
Have strong administrative and organization skills, experienced in problem solving both as a team and independently,
Excellent programme development and management skills; enthusiastic and Committed. As a self-motivated individual
with good communication skills and leadership qualities, I have the ability to motivate team members and help them bring
out their best. I have good understanding of rules and regulations of various donors such as; USAID, SIDA, German


1. September 2014 to date: Executive Director of Bothering Consultancy Limited

Key Responsibilities/achievements
Supervised development, review and implementation of relevant policies and guidelines and ensured that the
policies and guidelines shaped and guided the organization business.
Coordinated development of strategic plan (2016 2020), developed both funding and implementation
strategies; monitored the implementation and ensured that objectives were met within time frames and budget. .
Developed a reporting schedule with regard to Donor deadlines, supervised the development of quality narrative
and financial reports and ensured quality reports were produced and submitted on time to relevant parties.
Coordinated preparation of quality and timely concept notes, project proposals and technical reports and ensured
that all applications were relevant to contextual needs and donor requirements.
Supervised budget development and expenditures and ensured that program procurement was in line with the
organization policies, guidelines and donor regulations.
Spear headed human resource planning, supported recruitment and ensured that staff were adequately trained
and developed to efficiently and effectively perform their roles.
Built a strong relationship with donors, government ministries and stakeholders through good and transparent
projects management cycle, proposal designs, timely reporting and ensured that the programme team provided
adequate information to stakeholders
2. September 2012 to August 2014: Director, preventive Health of Uganda Red Cross Society

Key Responsibilities/achievements
Provided technical and management support to direct reports and ensured that an effective multi- sectoral M&E
system was developed and was efficiently implemented; which enabled achievements of programme goals,
objectives; documented and incorporated lesson learned into all programme plans and mechanisms.
Supervised development and implementation of programs and projects and ensured that projects were
implemented in strict conformity with donor agreements, and met the highest standards of technical quality.
Coordinated development of high quality, responsive and evidence-based concept notes and project proposals
that met donors requirements and adhered to URCS organizational project cycle management system.

Supervised budget development, grants management and budget performance and ensured that funds were
timely utilized, addressed community vulnerability and reflected value for money in every transaction.
Organized and conducted trainings for staff based on the skills gap identified from the appraisal process and
ensured that all staff had capacity to implement assignment as per their job description.
Contributed to implementation of a strategy for constructive male engagement in support of women's and
children's rights and health; and ensured that there was an increased demand in uptake and retention especially

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Organized and conducted monthly operational meetings, reviewed progress of programs and budget
performance and ensured that projects were implemented on time and the lessons learned were incorporated
into future programming.
Supervised internal and external audits and ensured that the action plan for the outcome was developed and
timely implemented.
Supported community and district level dialogues in partnership with community-based organizations and CSOs
and advocated and eliminated harmful practices such as early marriage and SGBV and inequitable social norms
that undermined youth and women's health.

Built strategic partnerships, maintained relationships with donors; international NGOs; local institutions and
government ministries and ensured that the roles and expectations of the different parties were adhered to as
spelt out in the partnership agreements.
Strengthened referral and linkage of SGBV between and within communities and health facilities that resulted
into enhanced gender and SGBV service utilization.
Contributed to the positive image and overall credibility of Uganda Red Cross Society, notably through the
application of the organizations Code of Conduct and ensured application and compliance of security protocols
and policies

Coordinated development and implementation of security Management Plans, Standard Operating Procedures
and Contingency plans and ensured that security protocols were adhered to by all staff.
Supervised security management for the project staff and volunteers and ensured that security guideline was
regularly updated and that staff were fully briefed on the updates before and after field work

3. April 2011 to August 2012: Assistant Director, Youth, Gender; Volunteer management, Disaster Risk
Reduction and Membership Development of Uganda Red Cross Society

Key Responsibilities/achievements
Supervised development of training manuals and organizations visibility materials and ensured that all
programs/sectors participated and that manuals addressed the identified skill gap and visibility materials
promoted the image of the organization.
Developed and reviewed annual operation plans and budgets of projects and programs and ensured that the
plans were in line with donors guidelines
Supervised project/program managers and ensured that projects addressed beneficiary needs and also ensured
that projects were implemented according to URCS strategy, approved plans and budgets.
Coordinated preparation of all necessary reports (internally and externally) including monthly and quarterly
progress programmes reports and ensured that they were on time and in the right formats with the correct
Contributed to implementation of the project Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Plan including identification,
documentation and sharing of best practices on SGBV prevention and management
Spearheaded the development and implementation of fundraising strategy and ensured that the strategy was
built on the organization and donors interests and focus.
Developed Branch Capacity Assessment (BOCA) tools, Coordinated BOCA trainings in Uganda and Malawi
countries (as a lead trainer). Spearheaded the process of Branch decentralization in Uganda Red Cross Society,
supervised and monitored the progress and ensured that staff had the capacity to plan, implement and monitor
programs and projects with minimal supervision.
Supervised Development of children and Youth clubs and ensured that all clubs had leadership and action plan
Supported the program staff in assessments, planning and implementation of emergency preparedness, relief
and recovery projects/activities
Contributed to development of technically sound program work plan and activities and ensured that gender and
SGBV issues were addressed consistently with the goals, objectives and expected deliverables of the program.

Coordinated annual planning cycle and ensured approaches such as sustainability, gender sensitivity, women
and child rights; Equality, capacity building were integrated, mainstreamed and incorporated in the organization
program design and implementation and also ensured that team members were conversant with and adapted the
principles within their work.
Developed and implemented strategies/approaches that increased accessibility to quality health services by
women, girls and children, while also addressing the low uptake of health services by men, either for themselves
or on behalf of their families and partners.
Provided timely technical support to programme staff/ volunteers on identified areas for improvement in areas
of grant management, reporting, proposal development and evaluation of programmes/projects.
Organized and conducted volunteer motivational events such as annual volunteer awards ceremony, annual
sports/gala, international volunteer exchange programme and inter-branch events and ensured that staff
managed the events professionally and that volunteers are motivated retained and support implementation of
Provided technical and program support to Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) which strengthened their capacity
to identify, manage and refer SGBV cases.

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Supervised development and Implementation of realistic budgets and ensured that changes in project spending
and changes in budgets or implementation periods were timely communicated to donors and also ensured that
appropriate administrative and financial guidelines and procedures are established, maintained / updated
regularly and adhered to by all staff.
Supported and facilitated Africa volunteering study commissioned by Swedish Red Cross and ensured African
Red Cross National Societies reviewed their volunteer policies for better management of volunteers.
Guided and supported program staff in designing and preparing project concept notes and proposals for new
projects including initial assessments, baseline data collection, establishing targets and SMART indicators and
ensured that all applications were relevant to contextual needs, donor requirements and as well as
organizations operational capacity and strategy.
Developed and implemented community Risk reduction and Climate Change Adaptation interventions for rural
risk communities in Uganda and ensured that high risk communities were empowered through vulnerability
reduction and social economic enhancement
Developed resource development plans for the effective delivery of the strategy (emergence response) and
ensured that the strategy included relevant humanitarian issues and promoted coherence and integration.
Supervised and conducted regular monitoring and support supervision to the finance and logistics
(procurements, transport, ware housing and asset management) functions and ensured that the staff within the
programs adhered to the policies and guidelines and had capacity to handle the assignments in the most
effective and efficient manner.
Developed and implemented a comprehensive capacity building plan on core gender and SGBV concepts
targeting CSOs, health workers, VHTs and other stakeholders which led to improved identification and
management of GBV and SGBV cases in the targeted communities.

Developed performance objectives for the supervised staff and ensured those supervised by my direct reports
also had performance objectives, regularly monitored their performance and evaluated them at the end of the
performance period.
Regularly met with programme coordinators and managers and kept myself in the know on the progress against
implementation plan and identified areas that needed support. Conducted specific pieces of work, focusing on
identified gaps from programme evaluation, review, learning and assessment
Supported development and dissemination of district Gender and youth responsive action plans
Established result based system and follow up and ensured that staff development strategies and the
performance management Systems were incorporated into team building processes
Developed and mantained effective working relationships with all stakeholders at all levels and ensured that
organizations learning and profile increased opportunities for future funding.
Developed strong supportive relationships and mentorship systems for service providers on gender responsive
services and was able to provide regular program and technical advice, information, support, and assistance to
program programs, CSOs and service providers

Reviewed and updated risk register on monthly basis and ensured that an action plan for identified risk was
developed and implemented.
4. March 2010 to March 2011: Senior Programme Officer - Youth, Gender; Volunteer management, Disaster
Risk Reduction and Membership Development of Uganda Red Cross Society.

Key Responsibilities/achievements
Supervised program development and ensured that program interventions contributed to an enabling
environment that reduced risks of children vulnerability, and provided children with opportunities to develop and
Organized monthly staff operational meetings and ensured that organizations relevant information (timely and
quality reporting, compliance with policies and guidelines; value for money, transparency and accountability) was
on top of the agenda and was ably discussed and understood.
Worked with the M&E team to orient all relevant district and health facility staff; and CSOs on the use of M&E
tools, which increased their usage in the mainstreaming of gender and youth issues in Local Governments.
Established M&E framework, developed M&E tools for each project/program and ensured that the M&E system
was clear and that field staff understood their role in M&E and received feedback on the overall programme
Prepared and updated program work plans, monitored and supported staff in the implementation of activities and
ensured that program objectives were achieved on time
Supervised project implementation and ensured that projects goals were achieved within the set timeframe and
allocated resources
Strengthened early warning systems and early Action in high risk communities and ensured that community
knowledge on DRR/CCA/EMR/ Hygiene and sanitation increased.
Strengthened communication structures in the organization and coordinated information flow between
programmes and senior management and ensured that learning meetings and reviews were professionally
Supervised formation and the management of youth and children friendly corners and ensured that youth corners
promoted child rights and developed the wellbeing of children and youth.
Developed and operationalized accountability and quality management systems and ensured that complaint
handling mechanisms were developed in all programs/projects.
Promoted the generation and use of gender and youth disaggregated data and information in planning and
budgeting at health facility level as well as district level

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Spearheaded the recruitment, development of volunteers in Uganda Red Cross Society and ensured that the
directorate had enough and capable volunteers to support all programmes in the organization.

Supervised budget development, implementation and review of programme budget and ensured that they were
realistic and in line with donor regulations.
Attended regular management meetings to share information and lessons learnt and make joint decisions and
ensured harmonization of tools and approaches across programs
Supervised finance and logistics functions and ensured logistics procedures were being followed across
procurement, warehousing and vehicle management and that all programmes followed procurement plans for
timely implementation of programme activities.

Coordinated performance management - appraisal and exit management - strengthened performance

management systems and ensured that clear job feedback and performance development system were in place
that led to improved performance in the organization.
Worked with communities to increase awareness about GBV and engaged community leaders to work with
CSOs and ensured that they advocated for services and implementation of laws and policies.
Updated security management plan, jointly with other security organizations consistently monitored and analyzed
security environment and ensured that security guidelines were observed by all staff and urgently reported
security issues to the headquarters.

5. April 2007 to February 2010: Program Officer Youth, Gender; Volunteer management, Disaster Risk
Reduction and Membership Development of Uganda Red Cross Society

Key Responsibilities/achievements
Supported program staff in project design and established high quality performance targets and ensured that
technical standards, best practices and donor guidelines were reference points during the planning sessions.
Supervised project phases through the usage of project cycle management guide including tools and procedures
and ensured that project implementation and achievement of expected results were on time.
Coordinated the implementation of youth friendly services in the country and ensured that parents and Child
communication improved in communities
Contributed to development of M&E tools and indicators which increased and enhanced Gender and SGBV
program monitoring and evaluation.
Developed and utilized clear M&E framework - developed data collection tools and programme management
systems and ensured that quality information was collected from all projects to inform the monthly and quarterly
Took a lead in development of Volunteer policy ensured that the different stakeholders (in and outside the
organization) participate and their contribution respected.
Coordinated community sensitization events on effects of human activities on ecosystem and climate
(DRR/CCA/EMR) and ensured that community action plans were developed and implemented and addressed
community priotised risks.
Conducted staff appraisal and provided timely feedback to all direct reports and ensured that program managers
followed the same process for performance management of their direct reports.
Coordinated the planning and implementation of Life Skills Development projects and ensured that vocational
training for the out of school were implemented for economic empowerment of the youth.
Worked with the program team to examine performance of programs including gender, youth and SGBV services
during the regional and district level performance reviews.
Coordinated organization and implementation of DRR/CCA Exchange Learning Visits for Project implementing
Team and CBDRR Groups which enabled CBDRR members learn and replicate best practices. Also visits
enhanced teamwork spirit, networking and collaboration with partners
Developed training and capacity building plan based on job descriptions and identified need for all program staff
particularly the direct reports and ensured timely monthly and annual staff performance reviews

Organized and conducted donors/partnership meeting, negotiated funding levels; new funding opportunities;
prepared documentations for cooperate agreements and ensured that the meetings attracted institutional donors,
new potential donors, Government ministries and local organizations and that invited participants had enough
time to internalize documents before presentations.
Supported and guided development of programs and activities following the youth 4 part programs ( promote
health and life, Promote community service, promote friendship and understanding and dissemination of IHL,
Red Cross principles and Ideals) that priotised youth as a vulnerable target group and youth as a volunteer force
to support development of the organization.
Coordinated the Planning, implementation of Youth and HIV/AIDS project that was implemented by the big six
(big youth based organization in Uganda - Uganda Red Cross Society (URCS); Uganda Girl Guides Association
(UGGA); Uganda Scout Association (USA); Source of the Nile Award (SONA); Young Womens Christian
Association (YWCA) and Young Men Christian Association (YMCA) funded by IYF.
Prepared and submitted timely comprehensive monthly, quarterly reports and annual reports on Gender and
SGBV service provision
Conducted security analysis; mitigated risks to staff, volunteers, beneficiaries and assets. Updated and
disseminated security policies and guideline and ensured that optimal security management procedures and
practices were in place and continuously monitored the security situation, adapting staff safety procedures

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Organized and facilitated trainings to develop capacity of GBV staff and other partner organizations and ensured
that staff responded effectively to cases of GBV.
Coordinated Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (VCA) trainings and ensured that selected persons and
volunteers were equipped with knowledge and skills on Climate-smart VCA participatory methodology and tools.
And were able to: conduct Vulnerability Capacity Assessment (VCA; conducted awareness sessions on CCA
through music, dance & drama and Formed CBDRR Groups & coordinated Community Action plans
Coordinated the implementation of Youth Programmes URCS for the period 1993 2014, developed and
reviewed implementation tools, guidelines and operational procedures, supported youth mobilization,
development and retention (the programmes were financially supported by Danish Red Cross Society and
Danish Red Cross Youth)
6. January 1991 to March 2007: Branch Coordinator of Uganda Red Cross Society

Key Responsibilities/achievements
Developed and utilized clear M&E framework - developed data collection tools and programme management
systems and ensured that the M&E system provided adequate feedback and informed program development and
the necessary course correction.
Developed work plan and budgets, provided direction for implementation and ensured that the teams had the
necessary tools to deliver their assignments in terms of computers, communication tools, vehicles.

Developed quality concept notes and project proposals and ensured that applications met donors requirements
and they adhered to URCS organizational project cycle management system.

Supervised budget preparation and implementation and ensured that programme expenditures were monitored
and tracked through monthly management and quarterly financial accounts prepared by finance department
Promoted coordination and teamwork between programs and operations staff through joint meetings and
ensured that programme staffs were kept abreast of policy developments, specifically pertaining to new and
existing programme areas or initiatives.
Coordinated staff appraisals and ensured that all program heads appraised their project staff in time. And also
staff continuously developed their ability to fulfilled their individual job descriptions and as well as organizational
requirements. And that program heads had the capacity building action plan for their direct reports as one of the
key goals to address performance
Managed the team and ensured that the expectations were defined, leadership was provided and direct reports
were regularly evaluated.
Maintained internal and external contacts with relevant parties and authorities related to security, monitored the
security context of the country and ensured that regular communication to different stakeholders for updates on
security risks was key.
LANGUAGES: English (Excellent), Lunyakitara (mother tongue): French (Fair), Swahili (Good). Willing and
interested to learn other languages.

COMPUTER SKILLS: excellent in MS Word, Excel, Power point, MS Access, email, outlook explorer, Internet
explorer and Navision accounting system


a) February 2014 October 2017: PhD Candidate (Development Studies): Atlantic International University (online)
Research Papers written so far:
Strategic Human Resources Management

Ethics and decision making in health care environments

Health care program and Project management

b) August 2005 April 2008: Master of Arts Degree in Development Studies: Nkumba University, Uganda

Relevant Course Units: NGO roles in Development, Human rights, Community and Rural Development,
Sustainable Development

Research Topic: Effects of Monitoring & Evaluation on the Performance of Non-Governmental Organizations: A
Case Study on Distribution of Mosquito Nets in Uganda.

c) May 2002 April 2005: Bachelor of Arts Degree in Public Administration & Management: Nkumba University

03/2013-04/2013: International Humanitarian Law course for humanitarian workers ( IFRC)

04/2012-04/2012: Capacity Building of National Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies in Asia and Africa
11/2012-11/2012: Financial Management and Accounting for non-finance managers (UMI)
10/2005/10/2005: Strategic plan Development and Facilitation (UYANET)
04/2009-04/2009: Camp Management- coordination workshop ( URCS/UNHCR)

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03/2007-04/2007: Emergence response, National Action Team (URCS)
11/2006-11/2006: Volunteer development & Management (URCS)
09/2006-09/2006: Programme Quality Search, workshop (IFRC)
06/2006-06/2006: HIV/AIDS prevention, Management, Care & Support course (URCS)
02/2006-02/2006: Participatory monitoring and Evaluation Course (IFRC)
03/2004-03/2004: Disaster Management and Response (URCS) 2000
06/2002-06/2002: Water and Sanitation management in emergency situation (USIP)
03/2001-03/2001: Conflict management and transformation course (GRCS)
Watching and Playing Football am a good football referee
Playing local instruments ( dungu and drums)
Manual work, especially home work ( compound cleaning), community work ( water source cleaning)


Good Interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines
Have ability to cope with challenging situations and highly adaptive to new environment and culture.
Self - guided, strong organizational, prioritization and planning skills in both remote and urban areas
Highly analytical, assertive, self motivated and detail minded
Have ability to coordinate, build and work in teams and interact with communities across different programs
Excellent negotiating, creative and critical thinking plus conflict resolution skills
Have ability to provide analytical information, recommendations in clear written and oral format in English, with
good sense of responsibility and flexibility.
Am good at delegating and giving an opportunity to staff to develop their skills and talents
Good presentational skills
Strong planning and budget management skills
Have ability to write quality reports, MoU, Policy statements, concept papers, project proposals
High experience in networking with INGOs, CBOs, Government.


Dr. Bildard Baguma Dr. Wilson Muyinda Monday Richard Amadro

Executive Director Academic Registrar, Director, STAR Education Centre
Joint Medical Stores Nkumba University Tel: +256-779-334418
+256-772-517840 Tel: +256- 772- 361351

Levi T Byaruhanga Resume 2017 6

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