Secours Islamique France: Levi Byaruhanga Tunurra (PHD Candidate, Ma, Ba)

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(PhD candidate, MA, BA)

P.O. Box 77, Hoima - UGANDA
256-772-437813; +256-752-437813; +256-703-437813
Skype: levi.byaruhanga63
Cover letter

Date: 31st July 2017

The Head of Human Resources

Secours Islamique France

Re: Motivation for the position Head of Mission Kenya/Somalia

Have been motivated to apply for the position Head of Mission Kenya/Somalia because Secours Islamique
France is a reputable organization with a vision and values which are in line with what I believe in. I have proven
track record of experiences in designing, implementing and monitoring humanitarian and development projects for
more than 23 years. I coordinated development and implementation of Youth, Children, Gender Development and
Preventive Health projects for Uganda Red Cross Society; Built capacity of staff and volunteers through training,
Coaching and delegation; supervised budget development and implementation; Spearheaded development of
strategic plan and aligned the old programs to the new plan and ensured that objectives were achieved within time
frame and budget. Supervised development of quality narrative and financial reports and ensured that timely, factual
and right format reports were submitted to donors and other stakeholders. Have got 23 years experience in program
development and grant management where I spearheaded the planning and implementation of: Water, Sanitation and
hygiene projects; Youth and Children development projects; Disaster Risk Reduction projects; emergence response
food and non food distribution to displaced persons; Youth mobilization, development and retention; Life Skills
development projects; Youth and Women economic empowerment projects; projects on Education in Emergencies;
Livelihood promotion and Food Security programs. Coordinated development and implementation of; Maternal and
Child Health projects; Sexual and Gender based violence projects and child protection projects.

I worked in different positions and implemented roles including: Developed and utilized clear M&E framework -
developed data collection tools and programme management systems and ensured quality information was collected
for all projects to inform the monthly and quarterly reporting. Organized and conducted monthly operational meetings
and ensured that lessons learned were incorporated into future programming and that organizations relevant
information (timely and quality reporting, compliance with policies and guidelines; value for money, transparency and
accountability) was in centre of all discussions. Provided leadership in program coordination and ensured that
consistent quality, including the incorporation of cross-cutting themes, lesson learned and best practices supported
programming. Managed a team of programme managers, head of programmes and other technical staff and ensured
that proposals were developed in a cohesive and professional manner and in line with Uganda Red Cross Society
country strategy and donor requirements. Developed and implemented Project through usage of Project cycle
management guide, including tools and procedures and ensured that staffs were trained in the usage of the PCM
guide and related tools and procedures. Coordinated the annual planning cycle and ensured that approaches such as
sustainability, gender sensitivity, women and child rights programming; capacity building were integrated,
mainstreamed and incorporated in the organization program design and implementation. Coordinated all necessary
reporting (internally and externally) including monthly and quarterly progress programmes reports and ensured that
they were on time and in the right formats and with the correct information. Maintained open and professional
relations with team members, promoted a strong team spirit and provided oversight and guidance to staff to
successfully perform in their positions; Supervised the implementation of projects and ensured that needs
assessments, baseline survey, proposal of actions were thoroughly conducted. Trained and coached staff on
development of project proposal and M&E frames work.
Gave technical support and on-the-job training and coaching to staff, including a thorough induction at the start of
contract and ensured that all positions had accurate job descriptions and that each member of the team worked
towards achieving the outcomes which were expected of them. Monitored and reviewed performance and held staff
accountable for meeting the success criteria; gave corrective feedback where required and took decisive action.
Planned and organized team work in a way that met the organizations needs, in the cost effective manner possible
and ensured that team members were given appropriate workloads and worked efficiently. I managed a direct report
(workforce) of 9 people spread over the directorates and ensured that appropriate professional development
opportunities were available for staff. Managed and ensured that staff had the right skills needed for the roles;
managed staff performance using 360 degree appraisal systems, set and monitored their performance targets and
ensured that staff had motivation for work. Developed training needs based on appraisal staff development was
through on-job training, mentoring and coaching. Supervised, trained and built capacity of program staff and ensured
that staff had clear plans Procurement, Workplan, Recruitment plan and Phased Budgets; Supervised development
and implementation of financial and operational policies and ensured that policies and systems were regularly
reviewed and that they supported strategic growth of the organization; Engaged appropriately with the Media and
ensured that organizations values, vision and programmes were well highlighted among the communities.

I have a wide experience in proposal development including formal training and on the job experience having written
proposals to a range of partners including EU, USAID, DANIDA, German Government; UNHCR, UNICEF, DFID and
Global fund. My day-to-day role as a Director at URCS was to make proposals, develop implementation plans and
ensure timely and quality reporting which roles and experience I possess. I have also wide experience in budgeting,
budget control and tools development for this purpose. I have been for over 15years in a managerial position
managing a budget of over 11 million USD; worked with multi-cultural teams and ensured that the teams had the
necessary tools to deliver their assignments in terms of computers, communication tools, vehicles, security protocols,
developing and enforcing policies and guidelines as well as standard operating procedures for staff. I have
experience also in ensuring proper disbursement, utilization and accountability for funds and ensuring the linkage
between funds use and accountability and results delivered in conjunction with the finance colleagues.

Coordinated the planning and implementation of emergence humanitarian response and ensured that risk
Assessment was conducted, response plans, developed and implemented (including application for Disaster Relief
Emergency Fund DREF and contingency planning) and ensured that Disaster Risk Reduction and Preparedness for
Effective Emergency Response were integral part of all projects. Trained staff and volunteers in psychosocial first aid
skills and monitored the psychosocial first aid session in vulnerable communities. Conducted community dialogue
meetings and ensured that stigma was reduced within the communities. Coordinated development and
implementation of Adolescent and Sexual Reproductive Health project in Rhino refugee Camp in Uganda and
ensured that there was increased access to family planning, sexuality information and youth friendly services for the
sexually active population. Supervised development and implementation of Development Assistance to Refugees and
refugee Hosting Communities (DAR) program for Kyangwali and Kiryandongo refugee camps in Uganda and ensured
that proper implementation strategies were developed and challenges of Malaria infections, lack of safe and
adequate Water; poor Sanitation; poor personal hygiene; Lack of skills for sustainable livelihood; HIV/AIDS infection;
lack of school scholastic materials and uniform for school going children (Education) and food insecurity were
addressed. Coordinated the development and implementation of HIV/AIDS interventions; Reproductive Health
projects; Sexual and Gender project Based violence programs; and Economic empowerment to Women and youth.

Created and maintained networks within communities, government and other NGOs; developed and conducted
training and coaching to staff and volunteers; designed development and humanitarian response programs/projects;
coped with challenging situations and am highly adaptive to new environment and culture; created and provided clear
standards and expectations; coordinated teams and coordinated partners/built strategic partnerships; delegated
and gave an opportunity to staff to develop their skills and talents; planned and managed budgets. I have good
Interpersonal and communication skills with the ability to work under pressure and meet deadlines. Im fluent in
English language, basic Swahili and still learning French.

As part of my project/program, management experience, I gained competence and experience in making

presentations to various stakeholders both internally within the organization and to external stakeholders including
donors, government, other NGOs and beneficiaries of the projects. I contributed variously to different journals both
local and regional; made contributions to the website content and interactive social media fora. Also, i gained
experience teaching a number of volunteers and staff on various aspects of program management as well as other
topical issues
I have a Master of Arts degree in Development Studies and a Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Adminstration and
Management. I took short training courses in Financial Management and accounting; Project Planning and
Management; Strategic plan Development and Facilitation; Management of Harm reduction and Disaster
Management and Response

With my experiences, skills and interest to serve, I believe, when given an opportunity to join your organization I will
make a tremendous contribution towards alleviating human suffering. I hope that this experience and background
which I have listed here, provides the skills that are required for the Head of Mission Kenya/Somalia position.

I look forward to hearing a more positive response from you in the near future.


Levi Byaruhanga

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