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1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

THD Comparison for Power Quality

(MATLAB Simulation & Hardware)
l 2 3
Anand Panchbhai , Shreya Parmar and Charmi Vaghasiya
Enggenius & SVIT, Electrical Department
Enggenius & VIER, Electrical Department

Abstract-Power quality shows the fitness of electrical II. TOPOLOGY TO GET MUL TIPULSES
power system. In recent years, efforts are made to upgrade
power quality. Multi pulse converters are used to achieve To get phase displacement,
good quality of electrical power. Phase shift transformer is Phase shifting angle=360/no of pulses
used to obtain 12 and 24 pulses as outputs. The quality of The 12 pulse rectifier acquires the two 3-phase system
power mainly depends on some parameters like, variation in with a characterized phase shift between them using the
voltage magnitude, transients in voltage/current, harmonic interconnection of three single-phase transformers.
content in waveforms etc. So in this paper, improvement in So to get 12 pulses, 30 degree phase shift is needed
power quality is shown by comparing the THD (total
and it is obtained by combination of star-star and star-delta
harmonic distortion) of 6, 12 & 24 pulses. In this paper, the
with common primary.
results of MATLAB are verified with the hardware results.
The Fig. 1 shows vector diagram for star-star and star
Keywords-Power Quality; Harmonic Reduction; Phase
Shift Transformer; MATLAB Simulation; Hardware delta connection. So, here the phase displacement between
line voltage of primary and secondary is 30 degree. [1]
I. INTRODUCTION Similarly, The 24 pulse rectifier requires the four 3-
phase transformer-rectifier unit with a characterized phase
In power system, the equipment's require pure ac
shift between them using the interconnection of three
current. But now a days, due to the use of power
phase transformers. To get 24 pulses, 15 degree phase
electronics converter, distortion in input side also
displacement is required. Zig zag connection provides the
increases. Here, the main converter used is AC to DC
phase displacement between 0-30 degrees.[I]
converter. To get multi pulse,phase shifting transformer is
used. In this paper, it is presented that as the number of
pulses increases the distortion in input current decreases.
The multi-pulse rectifier provides more than six pulse
of de output voltage per cycle. Harmonic current can
cause many problems in electrical installations including
the heating of instruments, power loss and reduced
efficiency. It causes the core losses due to increase in iron
losses such as eddy current loss and hysteresis loss.
Hysteresis loss is directly proportional to the frequency
whereas eddy current loss is proportional to the square of Fig. I: Vector Diagram for Star-star and Star-delta
the frequency. Hence, harmonic content increases the
frequency which leads to the increase in the iron losses.
In this paper, it is represented that, Lower order
harmonics has more effect on the load as the higher order
harmonics can be easily removed. In case of 6 pulse
rectifier, the dominant harmonics will be of 5th and 7th
order, which are eradicated using the 12 pulse rectifier,
where the most dominant hannonics will be of 11 th and
13th order which reduces the THD. In case of 24 pulse
rectifiers, the most dominant harmonics are of the order of
23r and 25th, which will further reduce the THD as even
11 and 13th order harmonics are also eliminated from the

supply. So, on increasing the number of pulses, more no.

of steps are introduced in the supply current which will
make waveform closer to the sinusoidal shape. Fig. 2: Winding and Vector Diagram for Zigzag Connection

978-1-4673-8587-9/16/$31.00 2016 IEEE [1]

1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

The Fig. 2 shows the winding and vector diagram for

zig zag connection. Here a +15 phase shift is obtained 1.

........... ..... \..... . .. : ............ ..... ..... . : j ...... ........... : ........... .... +.... ..........
. . . . ,
00 ........ .......... ............ .

and is called Y/Z-l. Interchanging the terminals for delta

connection, we can get -15 phase shift and is called Y/Z-
2. This way we will get required phase displacement of
30,15,0,_15 at the output. [1] 75 0.755 016 0.165 O.n om 0.18 01115 0.19


, . . . , , ,

3 phase supply is given to primary winding of phase

shifting transformer. Secondary winding is connected in
Y-!:J. for 12 pulses and zig zag for 24 pulses. -drs 0755 016 0165 on om 078 0;15 019

Here, o/p voltage for 6 pulses is kept constant which
is 75V. So it will be 150 V approx for 12 pulses and Fig. 5: olp Voltage and ilp Current for 6 Pulses
approx 300V for 24 pulses. And load current is also kept
For 12 pulses
constant for all configurations.
Input voltage =415V
For 6 pulses
Output Voltage = 147.5 V DC
Input voltage =415V
Output current =4.1 A
Output Voltage = 73 V DC
Output current =4.1 A Load = 3611

Load = 17.5511 Inductance = OH

Inductance = OH Actualload = 18.811

Actualload = 18.811

Fig. 6: 12 Pulse Circuit Diagram

Fig. 3: 6 Pulse Circuit Diagram
- FFT analysis -------
- FFT analysis --------;
Funda mental (50Hz) = 1.392. THD= 10.64%
Fundamental (50Hz ) = 0.523. THD= 25.50%

"E E


l.L '0 4


10 15 20
2 4 6 10
Harmonic order
Harmonic order

Fig. 7: THD for 12 Pulses

Fig. 4: THD for 6 Pulses

1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

1!.O __ ____ ____ L ____ ____

_ ___ ____ ____ :
_ ___ ____ ____ L_ ____ _____ L_ ____ ____ : ___ ____ ____ _ : IV. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATlON

f': The Fig. shows hardware of 24 pulses. Two prototype

transformer of 12 pulses each are used, one is in Y-!:J.
875 om 076 0765 on
0115 018 0735 079 configuration and other one is in zig zag configuration.
Secondary of transformer is connected to bridge rectifier.
: : . : : : .
Load is connected across the bridge rectifier and voltage is
l.: measured using Multimeter. Ohmmeter is used to measure
winding resistance.THD measurement is done by using kit
1! om 076 076S D11
0715 018 0785 019 of YOKOGAWA (power analyzer) . All the testing is done
in an industry named 'transpower electronics, GIDC
Fig. 8: olp Voltage and ilp Current for 12 Pulses
Makarpura, Vadodara'. Digital oscilloscope is used for
For 24 pulses waveform analysis. All results are obtained at 415V
Input voltage =415V approx.
Output Voltage =29 5 V DC DSO rectifier
Output current =4.1 A
Load =7211
Inductance = OH
Actualload = 3611

Power analyser transformer

Fig. 12

Fig. 9: 24 Pulse Circuit Diagram

FFT an alysis

Fundamental (50Hz ) = 2.829 THD= 3.46%

2. 5



i 0_5

I Fig. 13: Actual olp Voltage for 12 Pulses

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Harmonic order

Fig. 10: THD for 24 Pulses

------- -------
:./ " ./ '"'l
, "'-
./ . " '-------' ./
I. , .. .., ... ,.
,., ,. .." ,.
Fig. II: olp Voltage and ilp Current for 24 Pulses Fig. 14: Actual ilp Current for 12 Pulses

1s IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics. Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES-2016)

Here,the load current is kept constant.

The graph shows comparative analysis of multi pulses
and their THD.

No of Pulses 6 I2 24
THD ("/0) Hardware 25.68 12.1 4.79
Simulated 25.50 10.64 3.46
olp voltage(v) Hardware 68 133 262
Simulated 73 148 294
olp current (A) Hardware 3.20 4.6 4.7
Fig. IS: Actual THD for 6 Pulses
Simulated 3.20 4.6 4.7
Load(O) Hardware 18.8 18.8 36
Simulated 23 32 62


The main objective of this paper is to carry out the

THD comparison of the multipulse converter. 12 pulse
uncontrolled rectifier and 24 pulse uncontrolled rectifiers
are modeled and simulated in MATLAB/simulink.
The results obtained are further analysed and it has
been proved that by utilizing the 24 pulse uncontrolled
rectifier the power quality has been considerably
increased. With the increase in number of pulses, the
Fig. 16: Actual THD for 12 Pulses harmonic content in the input quantities is further reduced.
Comparing the 24-pulse rectifier with the 12-pulse
rectifier, it has been observed that:
Output ripple is reduced.
Output voltage is increased.
Total harmonic reduction ( THD) in supply
current is reduced.


[I] AP. Panchbhai, H. Shah, N. Nizami "line regulation in 24 pulse

controlled rectifier"20 16 61h IEEE international conference on
power system(ICPS 2016),llT delhi (march 2016)
Fig. 17: Actual THD for 24 Pulses
[2] AP. Panchbhai, H. Shah, N. Nizami "24 pulse uncontrolled
VI. COMPARISON rectifier",IRNet international conference on Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science held in GOA (April-2012)
The Table 1 shows comparison between results of [3] AP. Panchbhai, H. Shah, N. Nizami," Simulation and hardware of
simulation and practical. The table contains results of 24 pulse controlled rectifier using primary control" International
conference on various facets of energy technologies and its
THD, output voltage,Output current and load. From table,
management for sustainable development held in New Delhi
it is understood that as number of pulses increase value of (March-2013)
THD decreases and output voltage increases. [4] AP. Panchbhai, H. Shah, N. Nizami, " Analog Control of Closed
Loop 24 Pulse Rectifier (Simulation and Hardware)" 2015 IEEE
THD conference on energy conversion (CENCON) Johar Bahru,
Malaysia (October-20IS)
[5] B. Singh, S. Gairola, A Chandra and K. Alhaddad, "Zig zag
_6 pulse
connected autotransformer based controlled ac - dc converter with
pulse multiplication," Vigo, Spain, Jun4-7, 2007, pp.889-894
_12 pulse

_24 pulse

Fig. 18


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