Shadow On The Throne

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Shadow on

the Throne

A young man from the Breelands declares himself to be Aragorn, Son of Arathorn,
and heir to the Throne of Gondor. His claim is to be tested in Bree by an assembly of
Loremasters, but who is really behind the claim and what do they really desire?
Adventure Summary & The next day, the PCs are asked to a secret
Background meeting, where they are asked by Ainmire to
assist Berneen, who refuses to speak in her
A boy (Ainmire Nobwood) and his councilor own defense. The PCs speak with Berneen
and adopted family have arrived in Bree and and must persuade her to let them help her.
announced the he is Aragorn, son of She is still reluctant, but does tell the PCs go
Arathorn, and the heir of the throne of to a location east of Bree where they will
Gondor. He possesses money and a few meet the person she met the night of the
artifacts, which he claims are family murder. They must persuade that person to
heirlooms, and has extensive knowledge of give them evidence that will prove that
his family tree. An assembly of Loremasters, Ainmire is not the true heir to the throne of
armed with scrolls, genealogies, books, etc., Gondor.
meet in Bree to test the boys claim to the
throne. When the PCs reach the location, they find
themselves surrounded by Rangers and
While at The Forsaken Inn, the PCs Elves, including the two sons of Elrond.
encounter one of these Loremasters, When they relate their tale and persuade the
Berneen of Gondor, who is wounded but Elves to trust them, they are given a
resists any offers of help until she collapses. magically sealed box and told to take it to
That night, assassins, called the Shadows Berneen.
Grasp, attack Berneen and the PCs come to
the rescue. Although proud, she asks that While the PCs return to Bree and go to the
they escort her to Bree the next day. jail to get Berneen, they find under attack
again by assassins. The PCs fight the
At Bree, the PCs meet Ainmire and Ifor and assassins at the jail and rescue Berneen
are offered a job to escort the last expected before she chokes to death, hanging from a
Loremaster, Maolordha of Gondor, safely to noose.
Bree. The PCs travel south on the
Greenway and find Maolordha and escort Upon returning to the Assembly, the PCs
him to Bree, but fall under attack from more find them about to pronounce their
assassins on the way. acceptance of Ainmires claim upon the
throne of Gondor. The PCs interrupt the
When all of the Loremasters are together, proceedings and Berneen opens the box,
the assembly opens with the councilor, Ifor, inside of which are the true shards of Narsil.
relating a tale of how Aragorn came to be Berneen declares that Ifor is a fraud and that
with a simple farm family on the southern evil men intent on overthrowing Gondor
borders of the Breelands and reveals the have perpetuated the claim. Ifor becomes
family heirlooms for inspection. The enraged, reveals himself as an evil magician
assembly and the PCs inspect the heirlooms and attacks the PCs.
and begin to debate. Maolordha, who
supports the claim, and Berneen, who In the end, Berneen is freed and Ainmire
disputes it, engage in a loud argument that begins a trek to Gondor where he hopes to
comes to blows and must be separated by enlist in the army.
the PCs.
The beginning of this chain of events occurs
Later, at a feast that night, Berneen and years earlier and involves the very future of
Maolordha are conspicuously absent and Middle-earth.
when the PCs investigate, they find
Maolordha dead and his wagon ablaze. In In the year 2934 of the Third Age, Arathorn
his the folds of his clothes is found an II, Chieftain of the Dunedain, was killed by
amulet of Berneens. When the PCs find Orcs. His wife, Gilraen, feared for the safety
Berneen, she refuses to say where she has of her young son Aragorn II and took refuge
been. The outraged Loremasters demand at the last homely house of Imladris. There,
that Berneen be imprisoned. Aragorn II became known as Estel and grew
up under the guidance of Elrond. In TA collapses from her wounds and is assisted
2941, the year the adventure is set, by the PCs.
Estel/Aragorn II is 14 years old and blissfully
unaware of his true heritage. Give out Player Handout #1: The Forsaken
However, Aragorn IIs well being is not
guaranteed. Elrond is constantly vigilant for You are enjoying the quiet
any sign that the Estel has been discovered hospitality of the Forsaken Inns
and takes no risks when it comes to the Common Room, nearly a days ride from
boys safety. Although Sauron doesnt know Bree, after having spent more than two
of Aragorn IIs location, he does know the weeks away from the village. The mood
boys name, approximate age and the of the Inn is subdued, with the few
potential threat he represents to his dark visitors engaging in muted conversation.
plans and will take any opportunity to kill or The door swings open and a middle-aged
capture him. woman in a cloak enters. She looks over
your party and the other occupants of the
With this in mind, Sauron instructs one of his room, scowls, and then limps to a seat
minions, Aigen Shatha, to create a trap to near the fire.
force the true heir and his protectors to
reveal themselves. Shatha found a young If the PCs make a successful Routine (TN
man of the same approximate age who was 10) Observe: Spot test, they can determine
adopted by the Nobwood family of the the following:
Breelands. In the guise of Ifor, a supposed She rests her hand inside her cloak
old family councilor, he appeared and on the hilt of a short sword.
played on the familys greed and told them She is wounded. Heavy splotches
that the orphaned boy, Ainmire, is actually of blood mark her trail from the door
Aragorn, and the true heir of the throne of to the seat.
Gondor. He presented family heirlooms, She wears a necklace with a green
plenty of money and instructed the boy in his amulet of Elven manufacture (a
true legacy. Shatha then sent word to successful TN 10 Appraise or
notable Loremasters from around Middle- Jewelsmithing test reveals that it is
earth that the true king had returned and from Imladris (Rivendell).
would submit his claim for their scrutiny.
If the PCs approach her, she looks at them
Important Narrators Note! warily, like a trapped animal. She will offer
This scenario can be played within the her name, Berneen of Gondor, but any
time restraints of a convention (roughly 3 offers to assist her, or suggestion that she
and hours) or, if time is not important, needs help, is met with hostility and
it can be played with additional scenes. sarcasm. However, just as she really gets
Scenes 2, 4, 5, 8 and 9 are optional and into a volley of bitterness, her eyes roll back
can be skipped for conventions. in her head and she collapses to the floor.
Instructions to the Narrator for skipping
the scenes and still giving the players the If none of the PCs engage her in
pertinent information are given at the end conversation, the innkeeper, a large man
of scenes 1, 3 and 7. named Tom Ivybush, approaches her and
asks for her order. While she speaks, her
Act I eyes roll back in her head and she collapses
onto the floor. Ivybush calls for help from the
Scene 1: Blood at the PCs.
Forsaken Inn Examining the woman reveals that she is
Injured with an arrowhead embedded in her
The PCs are at The Forsaken Inn and right arm. However, the wound is worse than
encounter Berneen of Gondor, who is is it should be, appearing swollen and black,
wounded but resists any offers of help. She due to the presence of Orc-blade poison (a
Routine (TN 10) Lore: Race (Orc) or Routine
(TN 10) Healing: Treat Wounds test). directly to Berneen waking (the first dialog of
Ivybush will ask that the PCs take her to a scene 2).
room upstairs and dress and treat her
wounds as best they can (a Challenging (15)
Healing: Treat Injuries test).
Scene 2: Shadows in the
Upstairs, in a private room, Ivybush brings (Optional Scene)
all that the PCs require to heal the woman.
She will spend the night tossing and turning That night, assassins enter The Forsaken
in fever from the wounds before awaking in Inn and attempt to kill Berneen. They flee
the morning. While sleeping, the PCs hear when confronted by the PCs.
her mumbling in Sindarin (a Routine (TN 10)
Language: Sindarin test): While Berneen sleeps, the Shadows Grasp,
a group of assassins from Mordor (see
The boy is safefor now Appendix), attempts to kill her. Two of the
The claim must be false assassins, Bellir and Gurk, scale the outer
The viper is hiding in plain sight wall of The Forsaken Inn and attempt to
Get back! Get back! enter through the rooms window. (Unless
the PCs specifically lock it, it is unlocked and
If the PCs examine the womans belongings easily opened.) Once inside, the assassins
(a Simple (TN 5) Search test) they find the attempt to poison the woman.
A short sword of Elven manufacture Meanwhile, the remaining three members of
(no non-magical). the Shadows Grasp, Ishari, Hogeth, and
A letter from someone named Ifor to Markain, wait outside near the window,
a Loremaster named Gerrard of ready to flee if there is a problem. The Bellir
Minas Tirith (Player Handout #2: and Markain hope to kill Berneen without
Letter to Gerrad of Minas Tirith). witnesses and, if confronted, will fight
defensively until they can flee back out the
If the PCs examine the womans horse and window.
gear (a Simple (TN 5) Search test) they find:
A good horse that has recently been Narrators Note: Its important that the
ridden hard over a distance. Berneen survives the night to continue
A pack containing: several changes through the rest of the adventure. Make sure
of good clothes, a silver mirror, a PC is in the room w/ the woman in the
brush and comb, and a notebook night by playing up her fears of an attack.
written in Sindarin. If the PCs Failing that, an NPC, such as Tom Ivybush,
succeed at a Challenging (TN 15) may hear the assassins climbing the walls
Language: Sindarin test, they and alert the PCs.
determine that the notebook
contains copies of several entries in In the morning, the woman
various historical texts regarding the awakes. She is weak, but insists on
Stewards of Gondor and the return preparing to travel. She requests to
of the King to the throne of Gondor. speak to you.
From what Ive been told, you
If the PCs go outside of the Inn or look out helped me. I thank you for that, but I
the upper floor windows (a Routine (TN 10) havent any money, if that is what youre
Observe: Spot test) they can barely make looking for.
out dark riders on the road watching the Inn. I must get to Bree as soon as
During the night, the dark riders leave, possible. I have business there that must
heading west toward Bree. be attended to. Since youve deemed
yourselves my personal bodyguards,
Narrators Note: If the scenario is being then I guess youd better escort me
played at a convention, skip the attack by there.
The Shadows Grasp in Scene 2 and go
If the PCs are reluctant to help her, Berneen cut wildflowers decorate doorframes and
will actually ask for assistance, an act that fence posts. Images of the White Tree of
requires just about all her willpower. If asked Minas Tirith seem to garnish every
what her business is in Bree, she will say available surface. Even the old
that she is a Loremaster on her way to an gatekeeper at watch on the South Gate
Assembly to debate a claim to the throne of has dusted off a set of chain mail armor
Gondor, but that is all. She doesnt know her and stands a little taller at his post.
attackers (she was set upon by the Finding the Loremasters
assassins a few leagues east of The assembly isnt difficult, as everyone in
Forsaken Inn) but assumes they are simple the town seems to be buzzing about the
bandits. She will say nothing regarding activity at the Prancing Pony. Outside the
where she set out from or her relationship venerable old inn, musicians, acrobats
with the Elves. and jugglers entertain a large crowd of
locals and visitors.
Berneen insists on dressing and leaving for
Bree as soon as possible. The trip to Bree The PCs have no difficulty gathering
from The Forsaken Inn takes most of a day information about Ainmire and the Nobwood
and is uneventful. family, as its just about all the village talks
about. If the PCs ask people in the crowd
about what is going on (a successful Simple
(TN 5) Inquire test) they gather the following
Scene 3: The Would-be information:
Marginal Success (=TN): The claimant to
The PCs enter Bree, where the the throne is Ainmire Nobwood, the
Loremasters are assembling. At the youngest son of the Nobwood family.
Prancing Pony, they meet the pretender to Complete Success (1-5 above TN), 1-2 on
the throne- Ainmire - and his councilor, Ifor, d6: The Nobwood family are successful
and are asked by them to escort another farmers who own land about 3 leagues
Loremaster, Maolordha of Gondor, to Bree. southeast of Bree. They sell wheat, barely,
and vegetables at the village festivals and
The village of Bree is bustling with activity. are known to have cattle, sheep and horses.
Not for many years has so large and austere Complete Success (1-5 above TN), 3-4 on
a group lodged within its hedgerow walls. d6: The Nobwood family came to Bree about
The villagers practically buzz with 7 days ago, announced the claim on the
excitement, as much over the wealth the throne and the coming assembly of
travelers have brought into the village as the Loremasters and then went on a spending
prospect of a return of the King of Gondor, spree. They now act like royalty.
and a festival atmosphere permeates the air. Complete Success (1-5 above TN), 5-6 on
d6: Loremasters have been arriving for
Ainmire and his family have taken residence several days from many different kingdoms,
in the Prancing Pony, as have many of the some with large entourages. The assembly
assembling Loremasters, and the Inn is now has turned into a festival even before it has
filled to capacity. Some of the Loremasters begun and drawn people from all over the
have had to find lodging among the region.
townsfolk or even camping under the stars. Superior Success (6-10 above TN), 1-3 on
Even long-time local customers have been d6: Ainmire is an adopted son. He was left
turned away by Rhymen Butterbur for lack of as a baby on the family doorstop about 15
space, and the other inns in Bree are doing years ago.
brisk business as well.
Superior Success (6-10 above TN), 4-6 on
As you enter Bree, you are struck
d6: The Nobwoods have poor relations with
with the festival atmosphere that has
their neighbors, who have accused them of
permeated the village. Colored banners
breaking fences, redirecting streams and
and bunting hang from windows and on
sheep rustling.
twine on the streets overhead. Freshly
Extraordinary Success (11+ TN): An old friends are without food and drink. Come
man claiming to know Ainmires true forward and tell us about what has
heritage came to the Nobwood family and happened while you enjoy our
has been counseling them. Much of the hospitality.
Nobwoods spending money comes from his
purse. The PCs are served bread and bowls of
mutton stew and tankards of ale by Rhymen
Once at the prancing pony, Berneen enters Butterbur and his young son, Oatden, and
the inn without waiting for the PCs. invited to tell their tale (the Narrator may call
for a Perform: Story test with success being
Give out Player Handout #7: The Prancing a round of applause from the crowd). For
Pony once, Berneen lets the PCs talk and doesnt
interrupt them. Narrators Note: she wont
Inside the Prancing Pony, the Nobwoods say from where she started her journey, only
have set up a small court in the packed that she traveled the East Road.
Common Room. Movement within the room
is difficult and anyone moving about must When the PCs have told their story,
make a Simple (TN 5) Nimbleness check to Ainmire/Aragorn quietly consults with
avoid stepping on anyones toes (Berneen Ifor/Shatha and then the old man address
doesnt bother, scowling at those who yelp the PCs.
and calling those that complain clumsy
cows). It would seem that the roads are
not as safe and we had supposed, Ifor
The Common Room of the says to you. We are all assembled but
Prancing Pony is packed with people and one, Maolordha of Pelargir, who was last
miserably hot, despite all the windows seen on the South Road. He is late, and
being open. The tables have been now Lord Aragorn grows concerned.
pushed to the sides of the room and Would you do us the service of traveling
people jostle to squeeze onto the the South Road to find our missing
remaining benches. In a small clearing of Loremaster?
bodies in the center of the room sits a
tall, thin, blonde boy in a high-backed Ifor/Shatha will offer no reward for this
wooden chair. He chats easily with a service, and will attempt to play on their
Loremaster while a gray-bearded elderly honor as heroes. If the PCs resist or fish for
man stands behind him, looking on with a reward, he offers a fee of 2 Silver Pieces
approval. Also behind the chair is a per person, and takes note of who asked for
brooding man with a sword. He watches money first.
your entrance to the room with obvious
distaste. The PCs may notice (a Routine (TN 10)
Berneen forces her way to the Observe: Spot test), when Ifor mentions
chair and interjects herself into the Maolordhas name, Berneen scowls.
conversation, to the shock of everyone.
I am Berneen of Gondor. You When the PCs agree to search for
must be the boy-child that wants the Maolordha of Pelagir, Ifor/Shatha gives them
throne, she snaps. the following advice:
The elderly man steps from
behind the chair and bows slightly. Maolordha is an old man and
I am Ifor, councilor to his moves with an overabundance of
highness Aragorn, son of Arathorn, he patience. He was last seen slowly making
says serenely and points to the boy. his way north from the river crossing at
Your arrival is welcome, Mistress Tharbad on his wagon. Even as his lazy
Berneen, although unexpected since you pace, he should be near Bree, if
were not invited to this assembly. something bad hasnt happened to him.
The crowd breaks out into He loves easy living and will not be far
laughter but the boy raises his hand and from the road. I suggest you check any
it ceases. She is wounded and her inns or saloons you may happen upon.
full of vegetables sold a dozen eggs to an
When the PCs leave, Berneen acquires old man in a wagon that morning about 1
lodging with a local family. days ride south of Bree.

Narrators Note: If the PCs ask a Loremaster Maolordha is only about 17 miles
or Ifor about the brooding man with the (approximately 6 leagues) from Bree, almost
sword, they say that he is Markain, Ifors within sight of Bree Hill. He has traveled
assistant and protoctor. through the pass of the haunted Barrow
Downs at Andrath and has foolishly stopped
Important Narrators Note: If the scenario for a meal. His wagon is a few dozen feet
is being played at a convention, skip from the road and the smell of his frying
scenes 4 and 5 entirely. Instead, have the bacon carries for nearly a mile (A Routine
PCs encounter Maoloradhas wagon just (TN 10) Observe: Smell test once within
outside the gates of Bree. The Assembly range).
of Loremasters will convene the
following day. When the PCs encounter Maolordhas
wagon, he is eating a large meal prepared
by his servant and student, a young boy
Scene 4: Finding named Benen. The wagon is brightly
decorated with banners and heralds from
Maolordha Gondor and Pelargir, including the White
(Optional Scene) Tree of Minas Tirith.

The PCs travel south of Bree and find With the haunted Barrow Downs
Maolordha. They escort him back to Bree. to the west and the bandit-populated
South downs to the east, you are
The PCs will need to leave Bree via the surprised to see a heavily decorated
West Gate, and then travel The North Road large wagon to the side of The Greenway.
(The Greenway) south. The road is in poor The smell of cooking bacon fills the air,
condition, with few of the original paving and a fire burns brightly nearby. A young
stones remaining and little more than a man tends a large pot that hangs over
pathway to mark the way. Travel is average, the fire.
with PCs on foot making 2.25 miles per When you approach the boy runs
hour, while those on horse can travel 2.75 to the wagon shouting Master! Master!
miles per hour. A stout old man in garish robes stumbles
down the steps, nearly spilling the plate
The PCs will likely encounter people in his hand.
traveling north to Bree to take in the festival Who goes there? he shouts.
atmosphere and sell their goods. Some of
them passed Maolordha and can direct the Maolordha is a pleasant, if eccentric, middle-
PCs on, if they pass a Simple (TN 5) Inquire aged man and will welcome the PCs to his
test. camp once they introduce themselves. He is
surprised to learn that he is the last to arrive
For each success, roll 1d6: and is happy that the PCs have come to
escort him to the Assembly. He is happy to
1-2: A shepherd and his son prod a flock of travel through the night, but absolutely wont
sheep toward Bree for slaughter. They leave until after dinner.
passed an old man and his wagon going
toBree a few days before on the other side If the PCs mention that Berneen is present
of the pass of Andrath. at the assembly, Maolordhas face pales, he
3-4: A troupe of actors crossed the clutches at his chest and groans with
Greyflood at Tharbad more than a week ago despair, muttering about that Balrog of a
with an old man on a wagon. They left him woman. Unlike Berneen, he is more than
behind and they havent seen him since. happy to share their common history, their
marriage and unpleasant parting (See
5-6: An old woman with a mule-drawn cart
Now that we have gathered, it
Maolordhas wagon is pulled by two horses, behooves us to begin as soon as
but is heavy and has a movement modifier possible. Let us gather here in the
or 2.5 miles per hour. Benen takes the morning and we will present evidence of
reigns, unless the PCs offer. If they assist our claim and hear your arguments. A
him, he will be very grateful and take a liking feast will be served tomorrow night.
to that PC.
Narrators Note: If the PCs ask, they can
notice that Markain, Ifors assistant and
protector is not to be seen at the Inn.
Scene 5: Arrows in the
(Optional Scene) Act II
Just before the PCs and Maolordha reach Scene 6: The Assembly
Bree, they come under attack by archers.
The PCs are allowed into the Assembly of
Approximately 1 league (3 miles) outside of Loremasters to hear Ainmires claim. The
Bree, the same assassins that attacked PCs are also allowed to see some of the
Berneen attack Maolordhas wagon. The family relics.
assassins lie in wait behind a fallen tree
some twenty feet off the road. When the Narrators Note: While attendance at the
wagon passes, they rise and fire a volley of Assembly is not required, if the PCs choose
arrows as the driver. After the wagon has to go elsewhere (searching after the
passed, they mount their horses and attempt assassins, gathering information, on an ill-
to give chase. However, at the first sign of timed buying spree, etc.) they must learn of
real resistance, they will break and run. the events in this scene, particularly of
Maolordha and Berneens fight, from other
The attack on the wagon is not intended to sources. This will be easy (a Simple (TN 5)
succeed. Ifor/Shatha sent the assassins to Inquire test) as it will be the talk of the town
make a half-hearted attack to give cover to and any of the any of the Loremasters will
the attack on Berneen. They will not target speak of it.
Maolordha, but Benen and the PCs are fair
game. If the assassins havent been In the morning, the Loremasters
discouraged before the gates of Bree, they gather in the packed Common Room of
will break off their attack there. the Prancing Pony. Outside, a crowd
swarms around the windows trying to
Narrators Note: This combat is not intended hear as much as possible.
to last long or to cause real damage to the The center of the room has been
PCs. Remember the assassins penalty for cleared except for a table with several
darkness (-5), moving target (-3), etc. objects hidden beneath an ornately
woven cloth and guarded by the
Upon your return to Bree, brooding man. As before, Ainmire sits in
Maolordha travels directly to the the high-backed chair near the fireplace.
Prancing Pony and is met with open Ifor stands beside him and the boys
arms by all except Berneen, who stomps mother and father stand behind him, as
off. He immediately begins to extol your well as the brooding man.
bravery and the cowardice of the My thanks to you for coming to
bandits between mouthfuls of food and this remote village. Ifor says to get the
drink. Loremasters to hush. But, I assure you,
When the Maolordha finishes, your efforts will be worthwhile.
you received a round of applause from Many centuries ago, the Kings of
the assembly and Ifor addresses the Gondor turned over their duties to the
crowd. noble Stewards. Since then, their line has
spun in and out of history, never taking
the mantle of authority back upon powerful magician.
themselves. Until now. Extraordinary Success (11+ above): Ifor is a
I am Ifor, councilor to the family Corrupt, sadistic killer.
of the Kings of Gondor. Nearly fifteen
years ago, Arathorn, the heir to the
throne of Gondor, was slain by Orcs. His Ainmire (a Simple (TN 5) Insight test)
wife, Gilraen, who was deathly ill with the Marginal Success (= TN): Ainmire is a boy
plague, presented me with their only son, with a noble spirit (Bearing 10)
Aragorn, and bid me care for him. Complete Success (1-5 above): He wants
Knowing the child would never be safe people to believe him but is more concerned
unless hidden with care, I found a worthy with the truth.
family near Bree and placed him on their Superior Success (6-10 above): Believes he
doorstep. The Nobwood family took the is who he claims to be, but still has doubts.
babe in and raised him as one of their Extraordinary Success (11+ above):
own. Doesnt trust Ifor.
I observed the Nobwoods from
afar and did what I could to aid them.
Finally, when the child approached his The Nobwood family (mother & father)(a
fifteenth birthday, I told them the of the Simple (TN 5) Insight test)
boys true destiny. Marginal Success (= TN): The family is
Now, Ifor says with a sweep of base and selfish (Bearing 5).
his hand, I present to you Aragorn II,
Complete Success (1-5 above): More
King of Gondor!
concerned with the claim than Ainmire.
At this, the boy stands and bows
Superior Success (6-10 above): Will do evil
to the silent assembly.
to keep the claim alive.
Ifor takes the cloth from the table,
Extraordinary Success (11+ above):
revealing a silver rod, a golden ring and
Frightened of Ifor.
fragments of a finely wrought sword.
Behold, the treasures of Heir of
Isuldur! he says as the crowd gasps.
The PCs are encouraged to make Lore:
The Sceptre of Annuminas, the Ring of
History (Gondor, Eriador, Gondor Nobility,
Barahir and shards of the sword that cut
the Ring from Saurons hand -Narsil! etc.) tests regarding the Ring of Barahir, the
Sceptre of Annuminas, and Narsil. The
Narrator may add Affinity bonuses of +1 for
During Ifor/Shathas speech, those PCs with
related skills. Although they are not invited
the Observe: Sense Power skill or ability
members of the Assembly, their words will
may make a Challenging (TN 15) test to
be listened to.
detect a subtle magic of persuasion is
present. Those PCs who score an
Extraordinary result (11+ above TN) realize Give out Player Handout #5: Lore Tests
it is not cast as a spell, but is part of a
Ring of Barahir (a Simple (TN 5) Lore test)
magical objects ability.
Marginal Success (= TN): The ring has
During the discussions of the Assembly, the been passed down through the descendants
PCs may make Insight tests regarding some of Isildur.
of the main NPCs. Apply social modifiers as Complete Success (1-5 above): The ring is
needed. very old, dating from the early First Age.
Superior Success (6-10 above): Given to
Give out Player Handout #4: Insight Tests Barahir in early First Age for an act of
Ifor (a Routine (TN 10) Insight test) Extraordinary Success (11+ above):
Marginal Success (= TN): Ifor is a powerful Originally owned by Finrod Felagund and
person (Bearing 12). given to Barahir for saving his life.
Complete Success (1-5 above): Ifor has
other agendas beyond Ainmires claim.
Superior Success (6-10 above): Ifor is a
Sceptre of Annuminas (a Simple (TN 5) from the early Second Age.
Lore test)
Marginal Success (= TN): A silver rod held
by the kings of Arthedain and their Reading the runes requires a Challenging
descendants. (TN 15) Language: Quyena test. The runes
Complete Success (1-5 above): Held by the state that the ring commemorates the
kings of Arnor before the land separated into banishment of Morgoth from the world, an
3 kingdoms. event that happened long after Barahir was
Superior Success (6-10 above): Survived given the ring.
the downfall of the island of Numenor and
came to Middle-Earth after that. Sceptre of Annuminas (a Simple (TN 5)
Extraordinary Success (11+): Originally, it Appraise test)
was the symbol of office of the Lords of Marginal Success (= TN): The workmanship
Andunie in Numenor of the Second Age. is superior and of the style of Man.
Complete Success (1-5 above): The silver
is extremely pure, a type found only in
Shards of Narsil (a Simple (TN 5) Lore test) Gondor and Numenor.
Marginal Success (= TN): Narsil is the Superior Success (6-10 above): The
sword of Elendil, father of Isildur, and cut the scepters folds and wings have been
ring from Saurons hand. wrought using a technique developed only
Complete Success (1-5 above): Narsil was recently.
forged in the First Age and was filled with Extraordinary Success (11+ above): The
light. When it was broken, the light ceased. scepter was created recently with the style
Superior Success (6-10 above): Narsil was copied from works of the Second Age, but
forged by the Dwarven master weaponsmith there are flaws.
Telchar of Nogrod.
Extraordinary Success (11+): When the true
king returns to the throne of Gondor, the Shards of Narsil (a Simple (TN 5) Appraise
sword shall be reforged again. test)
Marginal Success (= TN): The sword was a
The PCs are encouraged to look at and Complete Success (1-5 above): The
appraise the items presented by Ifor. insignia of the Weaponsmith is unclear.
Appraise: Jewelry, Antiques, Silversmithing, Superior Success (6-10 above): The sword
Goldsmithing tests are appropriate for the has signs of Elven craftsmanship.
Ring of Barahir and the Sceptre of Extraordinary Success (11+ above): The
Annuminias. Appraise: Weapons, Smithcraft sword was created in the Second Age in
or Antiques are appropriate for the shards of Ost-in-Edhil.
Narsil. The Narrator may add Affinity
bonuses of +1 as he/she sees fit.
Narrators Notes: All of the items presented
Give out Player Handout #6: Appraise Tests to the Assembly are forgeries. However,
they are still very valuable in their own right.
Ring of Barahir (a Simple (TN 5) Appraise They are always under the silent watchful
test) eyes of Ifor and Markain.
Marginal Success (= TN): The ring is of
exquisite Elven workmanship with As the Assembly breaks into smaller groups
to discuss the boys claim and the evidence,
Quyenic Runes. The PCs can talk with various Loremasters
Complete Success (1-5 above): The style of and get a feeling for how they think. There
the ring is from the First Age or early are two distinct groups forming among the
Second Age. Loremasters; those who believe the claim,
Superior Success (6-10 above): The stones let by Maolordha, and those who do not, led
in the ring are no longer found in Middle- by Berneen.
Extraordinary Success (11+): The ring is
After about 5 hours game time, Berneen and
Maolordha fall into an argument, each
representing their respective side. The
argument starts quietly, but soon the PCs
Scene 7: Feast & Fire
and everyone else in the room (as well as
those watching from the windows) hear it: The PCs attend a feast that night at the
Prancing Pony. At the feast, Berneen slips
Berneen: Are you mad as well as stupid? out to meet with the Elves and Rangers and
Cant you see that the boy doesnt match Maolordha is killed by an assassin, who sets
the prophecies? Where are the signs of fire to his wagon. The PCs stop the fire and
his royalty? Where are the Kings retrieve Maolordhas body, only to find that
healing hands? he was stabbed and Berneens amulet is in
Maolordha: Theyre right here! The ring the folds of his clothing.
and scepter are genuine and the healing
hands of the prophecy are metaphors for The feast that night is one to
the healing of Gondor. If you werent remember. Loremasters tell stories of
such a stubborn cow, youd see that! ancient days while minstrels compete for
Berneen: Stubborn cow?! Why, you attention, and tips. Rymen Butterbur and
ignorant, fat Warg, Ill show you his assistants are a blur of activity,
stubborn! serving tankards of beer and ale, glasses
of wine and bottle after bottle of other
Berneen launches herself at liquors. Aine Sandheaver is equally busy
Maolordha, knocking him to the ground. in the kitchen, producing platters piled
She begins raining blows on his face and high with meats, breads and pastries.
head, screaming like a Wight as she does Nearly every room of the Prancing Pony
so. is filled with Loremasters, their
Help me! howls Maolordha. assistants and members of Brees high
Shes trying to kill me! Someone get society.
her off me!
Roleplaying opportunities
If the PCs dont move to separate Berneen A PC is engaged in a conversation
and Maolordha, Ifor will instruct Coridian to with a leading Loremaster about a
do it. Berneen fights anyone who gets in her subject they have the highest skill
way, but stops once they are separated. level in.
Berneen angrily leaves the Assembly. Minstrels may attempt to entertain
Maolordha collapses to a bench and begins the crowd and receive applause and
drinking. Aside from a few scratches and tips for success.
bruises, he is unharmed, except for his PCs are flirted with by the attractive
pride. daughter/son of one of Brees
wealthier families.
Ifor/Shatha steps forward after the fray and
suggests that the Assembly adjourn for the The collection of Loremasters from around
day. He also announces that there will be a Middle-earth makes an excellent opportunity
feast that night at the Prancing Pony. to pick up rumors about the world outside
the Breelands.
Narrators Note: The chain holding
Berneens green Elven pendent broke Corsairs are plundering villages on
during the fight and Ifor/Shatha retrieved it. the Bay of Belfalas. Prince Adrahil
A PC may notice this action during the fight of Dol Amroth is preparing a fleet to
if they make a successful Difficult (TN 20) pursue them.
Observe: Spot roll. If the PC confronts The King of Rohan is squabbling
Ifor/Shatha about the pendent, the old man with his lords and dukes again. He
simply states that he is holding onto it for is attempting to tax them so as to
safe keeping until he can return it to her. In hoard gold and footstuffs. Its been a
the next scene, Ifor does not place the good harvest, so the burdened is
pendant on Maolordhas body.
lessened, but there are rumors of About this time, the PCs may notice the
rebellion among the nobility. smell of smoke (different that the hearth and
Ork raids on Ithilien have become pipeweed smoke, a Challenging (TN 15)
worse than ever before. Refugees Observe: Smell test). A few minutes of
clog the streets and byways of game-time later, the PCs may make another
Pelargir. test, this time at a Routine (TN 10) level. If
A plague has struck the nearby the PCs are so inept that they cannot make
village of Bafsted. No one has heard that test, Rymen Butterburr sees the flames
from the hamlet for some time. from the kitchen and yells Fire!

Berneen, Maolordha and Ifor are at the Suddenly aware of the fire, the
feast, moving from room to room eating, crowd erupts in screams of alarm.
drinking, and speaking with the other guests. Furniture is overturned, dishes shatter,
If the PCs attempt to Observe or Sneak and you are swept up in a tide of people
(Shadow) anyone at the party, it is difficult. racing for the exits.
The rooms and hallways are packed and
someone is always looking to engage the It is assumed the PCs are pushed outside
PCs in conversation about their rescue of the inn by the crowd. However, if they
Maolordha. Any attempt to stealthily choose to resist and stay in the inn, they
Observe or follow someone at the party may attempt to do so with a successful
requires a Difficult (TN 20) Stealth: Surveil Challenging (TN 15) Strength check. If they
test. If Ifor believes the PCs are observing or fail or allow themselves to be swept up
following him, he sets them up by getting the along by the crowd, they find themselves in
crowd to beg for another retelling of their the Prancing Ponys Inn-yard.
rescue of Maolordha, and then slips away
unnoticed. Outside, you see Maolordhas
wagon burning in the Inn-yard. Yellow
If the PCs successfully shadow Ifor, they and red flames leap from the roof and
see his speak for a moment to the brooding windows and brilliant embers float
man the PCs saw before. Ifor gives the man skyward like fireflies, some lodging on
a small object (impossible to see what) and the roof of the Prancing Pony, creating
he returns to the party while the man leaves new blazes.
the Prancing Pony. Attempts to follow the Somebody grab the buckets!
man require a Difficult (TN 20) Observe: Weve got to put this fire out before the
Spot or Track test. whole building burns down around us!
yells Rymen Butterbur as the crowd
When the party reaches its fever pitch, surges out into the night.
approximately 10:00 pm, Berneen quietly
leaves. Once outside the inn, she rides her
horse out of Brees South Gate at a gallop.
Any attempt to follow her requires a Difficult
(TN 20) Stealth test. Anyone successful
enough to follow her will see that she goes
to the ruined house to the east of Bree, and
then she disappears.

Shortly after Berneen leaves, Maolordha

slips out the door (a Difficult (TN 20)
Observe: Spot test to see this happen).
Maolordha enters his wagon and shuts the
door. A few minutes later, a shadowy figure,
the same one Ifor spoke to earlier, emerges
alone and slips out of the Inn-yard. Minutes
after that, Maolordhas wagon begins to burn
fiercely from the inside. If a PC opens the door to the burning
wagon, flames spill out and a wave of heat
temporarily forces them back. A successful likely want to talk to her and wont need
Routine (TN 10) Observe: Spot test lets Ainmires intervention to spur them to do so.
them see Maolordhas motionless form
laying on the floor of the wagon. Any attempt Important Narrators Note: If the scenario
by the PCs to enter or reach into is being played at a convention, skip
Maolordhas wagon will expose them to the scenes 8 and 9 entirely and go to scene
searing flames, and the PCs will take 2d6+4 10. Instead, have Berneen found by a
points of damage per round. Also they must mob shortly after the fire. She is
make a TN 10 Swiftness check to avoid immediately clapped in irons and tossed
catching fire. Pulling Maolordha to safety in Brees jail.
from the wagon requires a Strength check
(TN 10).

Despite the PCs heroism, Maolordha is

Scene 8: Finding
dead, although not from the fire. His singed Berneen
body has a large bloody stab wound to the (Optional Scene)
chest, no doubt caused by a dagger or a
long knife. A successful Routine (TN 10) The PCs search Bree and the surrounding
Search test of reveals Berneens jade areas for Berneen. She reappears and is
amulet on a broken chain lodged in the folds captured by a mob.
of Maolordhas vest.
Berneen has been meeting with the Elves
The PCs can also assist in putting out the outside of Bree to inform them of the days
fire. A bucket brigade is formed and soon events and returns to the village an hour
water is being passed from the pump to any after the fire via the West Gate (she circled
willing PCs. A Nimbleness check (TN 5) is around the village). Unless the PCs intercept
required to successfully splash water on the her, she is met by an angry mob and taken
fire where it will do the most good. Eight prisoner. One member of the mob, the
successes are required to douse the flames brooding man in the employ of Ifor,
on the wagon. questions her about where she has been.
When she refuses to answer, he begins to
However, small fires are growing on the roof beat her, unless a PC stops him, until she is
of the 3-story Prancing Pony. A PC can Injured.
climb up to the roof from the courtyard (a
Routine (TN 10) Climb roll) or, since the inn After the beating, the mob marches Berneen
is built into the side of Bree hill, a PC can to The Prancing Pony to be questioned by
run around the outside of the inn and climb Ifor/Shatha and the Captain of the village
the hill to the roof (a Simple (TN 5) Climb guard, Toffer Longvine.
roll). Only three successes are required to
put out the fire on the Prancing Pony. Narrators Note: This is an excellent
opportunity for the players to roleplay and
When the fire has been contained and news the Narrator should encourage them to
of Maolordhas death has circulated among question (Inquire) Berneen. If the PCs begin
the crowd, Ifor asks where Berneen is. Soon to ask questions of Berneen, Ifor will let
the crowd is murmuring about their previous them, interrupting only if they miss an
fight. Ifor instructs the crowd to look for important point. If the PCs fail to question
Berneen and take her prisoner so she can her, Ifor will. Additional Ifor accuses her of
be questioned regarding Maolordhas Maolordhas murder and setting the fire.
murder. The crowd breaks up to search the
village for Berneen. If asked about the murder and fire by the
PCs or Ifor, Berneen is genuinely shocked
Narrators Note: If the scenario is being and saddened to hear that Maolordha is
played at a convention, skip scenes 8 and 9 dead and she denies killing him or setting
entirely. Instead, Berneen is found by the the fire, but she adamantly refuses to say
mob and she is tossed into jail without the where she was at the time.
PCs being able to speak to her. The PCs will
If the PCs think to ask the gatekeepers, they
If presented with the amulet recovered from learn that Berneen left via that South Gate,
Maolordhas body, Berneen is surprised but the gatekeeper doesnt remember the
again. Her hand reaches to her neck and time with enough clarity to exonerate her.
she realizes that the amulet is in fact
missing. She can offer no explanation of
how she lost the amulet or how it wound up
on Maolordhas body. Scene 9: Funerals and
After all the questioning, Berneen will insist
that she is innocent, to the hoots and (Optional Scene)
catcalls of the crowd.
After Maolordhas funeral, the PCs meet
The Captain of the village guard with a disguised Ainmire, who asks them to
arrests Berneen and has her placed in assist Berneen, despite her own reluctance
irons in the village jail. As she is hauled to help.
off, Ifor addresses the crowd.
My friends, a tragedy has The next morning, a funeral is
befallen us this night, Ifor says with held for Maolordha, with most of the
teary eyes. A great mind has been village turning out. Despite the somber
snuffed out before he could voice his occasion, the funeral still has some of
belief in my young friends claim to the the festival-like atmosphere that has
throne. We will postpone meeting permeated the village. Maolordhas
tomorrow morning so that we may bury flower-decorated wooden coffin is
our friend with the appropriate honors. carried on a cart by a white horse to the
The Assembly will gather in the evening cemetery, with a crowd in the hundreds
after our dear departed friend Maolordha following behind. At the gravesite,
is laid to rest. friends and associates of Maolordha
offer a glowing eulogy of the
A successful Challenging (TN 15) Insight Loremasters life and the bitterness of
test reveals that Ifor is delighted with the his untimely death. More than a few
evenings events. curse Berneen as his murderer and
demand that justice be done, much to the
No other major events occur that night after approval of the crowd.
the arrest. After Maolordha is finally interred
at noon, Ifor announces that the
Other investigations - Assembly of Loremasters will reconvene
at sunset to take up the matter of
If the PCs ask if anyone was in the stables Ainmires claim.
that night, they learn that Rymens 7-year-
old son, Oatden Butterbur (see Appendix for As the PCs leave the funeral, Benen,
stats) was serving as stableboy. He is afraid Maolordhas assistant and student, tugs on
the killer may do something bad to him or the sleeve of one of the PCs (the most
his father or Aine Sandheaver if he speaks friendly of the party) and gives him/her a
and must be persuaded by the PCs (a folded note.
Challenging (TN 15) Persuade test) that
they will be safe. If the PCs are successful, Give out Player Handout #8: The Note
he relates the following:
If the PCs ask who gave it to him, Benen
I was in the stable looking after points to Ainmire.
the horses when I heard someone leave
the inn, climb the wagons stairs, and The village jail is a small structure set mostly
shut the door. Someone later climbed out into Bree hill. A square front with thick stone
of the wagon and left the Inn-yard. A little and mortar walls capped with a solid timber
bit after that, the wagon started on fire. roof protrudes from the hill. A stout oak door
with a heavy metal lock is the only entrance
or exit. Small windows in the wall and door Give out Player Handout #9: Bree Jail
let in a little light and fresh air, but it is
obvious that the jail possesses few creature Brees jail is a single dark room
comforts. Outside the jail, on a wooden with straw covering a dirt floor. Berneen
chair, sits one of the village guard, snoozing sits dejectedly on a small three-legged
in the sun. stool, wrapped in a blanket due to the
cells unusual coolness. Heavy iron
When you reach the jail, no one manacles are locked about her wrists
that appears to be waiting for you. and ankles. Berneens face is bruised
However, after a minute, a small person and swollen.
in a cloak waves to you from an alley
nearby. When you reach the alley, the Despite her unpleasant surroundings,
person pulls back the hood and reveals Berneen remains headstrong and defiant.
himself as Ainmire. She still refuses to tell where she was at the
Thank you for coming, he says. time of the murder, but can be persuaded to
I was afraid you wouldnt, then I listen to reason (a Challenging (TN 15)
wouldnt know who to turn to. Persuade test). If properly swayed, Berneen
You seem to be the only people will give the following instructions to the
willing to give Loremistress Berneen the PCs.
benefit of the doubt. Whatever you think
of me, I want the right thing to be done. I dont know who killed
She wont say where she was last night Maolordha, but I know that its tied to the
and everybody thinks that means shes boy-childs claim on the throne. Thats a
guilty. Everyone else in Bree would be greater threat to the future and all that we
happy to see her hang, and its going to hold dear than you know. If you help me
happen unless she tells somebody where prove the claim false, my innocence will
she was. become clear.
Ifor doesnt want me to get Go out the South Gate to the
involved, but I feel like I have to, or East Road and travel for two leagues to
something bad is going to happen. Will the ruins of a house with a well. At the
you to talk to Berneen and see if you can ruins, turn south for a mile until you
get her to say where she was? come to a grove of trees. In the center of
the grove lies a clearing that is known to
Once hes made his request of the PCs, some who travel these lands. When you
Ainmire gathers his cloak and returns to The reach it, sing the Lay of Luthien and you
Prancing Pony. will be met by those with whom I was
speaking at the time of the murder. Tell
them that I sent you and that I need the
proof that they hold. Be warned, they will
Scene 10: A Caged know if you speak the truth or if you lie.
Berneen, Part 1 Go swiftly, and tell no one where
your errand takes you or with whom you
The PCs speak with Berneen to get her to meet. Take what they give you and return
speak in her own defense, but instead quickly, letting no one stop you.
receive a quest to retrieve proof that
Ainmires claim is false. Any further attempts to get information from
Berneen will not succeed. She insists that if
Getting access to the jail isnt difficult. All the the PCs wish to aid her, they should meet
PCs need to do is ask the village guard to with her friends and bring the proof back to
allow them in. He will gladly do so if asked her as quickly as possible.
politely. However, he will insist that all
weapons be left outside with him. If the PCs If the PCs do not know the Lay of Luthien,
bring any packages, he will inspect them Berneen will teach them the first few lines,
before allowing them in. knowing that they wont need to know the
full song before her friends contact them.
As you approach the grove, you
Act III see that the Alder and Ash trees have
Scene 11: Watchers in form a tight network of branches and tree
trunks that make movement off the trail
the Woods very difficult. The undergrowth is thick
and full of thorns and vines. The grove is
The PCs travel to a grove of trees and find a very quiet, with only the buzzing of
group of Elves and Rangers. After insects and the occasional birdcall to
persuading them that they are friends of break the silence.
Berneen, the Elves and Rangers give the The trail meanders and turns
PCs a magically sealed iron box. several times before you find yourself at
the edge of a large clearing. Waist-high
The PCs can easily follow Berneens grasses and sunflowers grow in the
instructions. Leaving the village wont even circular area that easily measures 100
raise the eyebrows of the old gatekeeper at feet across. In the center, on raised
the southern gate. From there, the PCs will square stone platform, stand the broken
travel the 2 leagues (6 miles) without remains of four statues, one at each
incident to the stone ruins of a manor house corner.
with a crumbling well near the road. A
successful Routine (TN 10) Observe: Spot Give out Player Handout #10: The Grove
or Track test allows the PCs to find a little-
used trail leading south from the well. A
successful Difficult (TN 20) Track test There are six people, three Rangers and
reveals the presence of a womans shoe three Elves of Rivendell, hiding in or near
print laid down within a day or two (it is the clearing at the time the PCs enter, but
Berneens), but no other tracks. only very talented PCs will be able to spot
them (a Difficult (TN 20) Observe: Spot test).
The trail leads the PCs away from the East A Ranger hides near the trails entrance to
Road through fields and orchards that have the clearing, while the others lay in the grass
been abandoned for decades. Nature has near the stone platform. All have their bows
reclaimed much of the land and only the drawn and the PCs walk under their watchful
occasional deteriorating stone wall or falling- eyes.
down shack belie the hand of Man. The trail
is considered Rough Ground, and the low- The Elves and Rangers will not reveal
hanging branches of the orchards make themselves unless the PCs make an active
traveling on horseback dangerous (a effort to find them, or if the PCs begin to sing
Challenging (TN 15) Ride test vs. being the Lay of Luthien. If the PCs search the
knocked out of the saddle). area before singing, the Rangers and Elves
will assume they are enemies and take them
It is while the PCs pass through the prisoner. If the PCs sing the Lay of Luthien,
overgrown orchards and fields that they a Ranger and the two sons of Elrond,
come under the observation of a Ranger Elladen and Elrohir, rise from the grass, their
(see Appendix). The Ranger will stealthily weapons still trained on the PCs. Elladen
follow the PCs at a distance until they enter will demand to know who the PCs are and
the grove. how they came to know the password. The
PCs must make a convincing case for their
Emerging from the orchard, the PCs can association with Berneen (a Challenging (TN
make out a grove of Ash and Alder trees 15) Persuade test), or the Rangers and
about 200 yards away, on the other side of a Elves will take them prisoner, holding them
field. No movement can be seen within it, until it is too late.
but the trees are so closely clustered
together that the space is very dark. The trail If the PCs manage to persuade the Ranger
leads directly to the grove. and the two sons of Elrond that they are
legitimate friends of Berneen, and that she
Read the following upon entering the grove:
requires the proof they have, the Ranger If the PCs peer into the jail through the
will retrieve a metal box from his pack. narrow open door or through the small
windows, they see the following:
The Ranger retrieves a metal box
from his pack. It is about 18 inches long Inside the jail, two cloaked men
by 12 inches wide and by 6 inches deep. and a Eastern woman lift a struggling
It has no decorations and only a simple Berneen onto the three-legged stool that
lock on its side. He gives it to you with a stands in the center of her cell, while two
warning. men more holding torches look on. Her
I will not say what this holds, but blanket has been attached to a ceiling
Berneen alone can open it and you must timber and the other end tied in a crude
take it to her without delay. Guard it with noose. They slip her head though the
your life, for it holds a great treasure. noose and the woman says, Im going to
And know this, if this is lost while in your enjoy watching you dance before you
care, there is no stronghold, no secret die!
chamber, no safe haven that will hide you
from the wrath of the Dunedain and all Markain has sent Asheri and Hogeth, along
Elves. with three of their goons (include Belir and
Gurn if they survived Scene 2), to the jail to
After the box is handed over to the PCs, the murder Berneen in a way that will appear as
Rangers and the Elves will escort them out a suicide.
of the grove, and then they will melt back
into the trees. Once the PCs are back on the The PCs will no doubt want to charge in and
road, the Rangers and Elves follow them save Berneen, if they havent already. The
from a distance, making sure they arrive servants of Sauron will turn and fight as
safely and keeping an eye on their package. soon as they enter, but Asheri will take an
action to kick the stool out from under
Berneen. She drops, her toes inches from
the floor, and begins kicking in the air and
Scene 12: A Caged clawing at the blanket. Berneen takes 1d6
Berneen, Part 2 choking damage per round until she is no
longer hanging by the noose.
When the PCs return, they find the
assassins attempting to kill Berneen in jail. Another threat to the PCs occurs during
combat. Two of the goons hold torches and
Once the PCs have received the box from if they are wounded or killed, they drop the
the Elves and Rangers, they will need to torches. The dry straw on the floor ignites
return as quickly as possible to Berneen in immediately and the jail begins to burn. It
Bree. Entering the village is no problem, takes 2 rounds before the flames begin to
requiring only that the old guard at the gate spread across the floor and walls of the cell.
rd th
recognize them. At the beginning of the 3 round and the 4
round, the PCs take 1d6+3 damage and
When you reach the jail, you find must make a TN 5 Swiftness test to avoid
a village guard asleep in the chair catching on fire. At the beginning of the 5
outside the door. The door is unlocked and 6 round, the PCs take 2d6+4 damage
and slightly ajar. A slim beam of and must make a TN 10 Swiftness test to
flickering torchlight glows through the avoid catching on fire. At the beginning of
narrow open door. Course laughter and the 7 round, and all following rounds, the
foul language can be heard over muffled PCs take 3d6+6 damage and must make a
cries inside. TN 15 Swiftness test to avoid catching on
Attempts to wake the guard are
unsuccessful, as a Slumber spell has been When three of the five assassins of the
cast over him. His keys are gone from his Shadows Grasp are dead or Wounded, they
belt (taken by the assassins inside the jail). will break and attempt to flee to The
Prancing Pony.
visible. Gasps and cries of dismay erupt
Once the combat is over and Berneen is from the Assembly.
rescued, she will insist they immediately go This is the sword that cut the
to the Assembly, not even taking any time ring from Saurons hand; this is the true
for rest or healing. Narsil! she declares. With these words,
the Assembly falls into chaos, with
Narrators Note: Its possible that Berneen Loremasters shouting at each other.
dies in this scene. If she does, let her live
long enough to tell the PCs the magical Anyone who makes a successful Simple (TN
word that will open the iron box (Athelas). 5) Appraise: Weapons, Smithcraft or
All events after this scene should be read as Antiques test realizes that the fragments that
if the PCs, and not Berneen say them. Berneen presents are the true shards of
Narsil because:
On the hilt is the insignia of Telchar.
Scene 13: The Assembly If the insignia is placed in the
moonlight, Telchars full name
Votes appears in Moonletters.
The sword itself has been crafted
The PCs intervene in the Assemblys final with methods known in the First Age
voting and Berneen presents the true Narsil, and now lost to time.
proving Ainmire and Ifors claim is false. Ifor
becomes enraged and reveals himself as a Once the Assembly sees the sword and is
vile sorcerer and attempts to kill the PCs convinced, the Loremasters repudiate Ifor
and Berneen and take the shards of Narsil. and Ainmires claim with one voice.

The PCs find the Assembly is in the process Narrators Note: The PCs will probably want
of holding the final vote on Ainmires claim. to relate how Berneen was attacked by the
When the PCs enter with Berneen, the assassins and may have taken one or more
Assembly dissolves into a general uproar. of the Shadows Grasp captive (who admit
The PCs must persuade the Assembly to everything). If presented with evidence such
listen to Berneens final comments and view as this, the Assembly will also call for Ifors
her evidence. As the Assembly believes her arrest.
to be a murderer and less than trustworthy,
their argument must be effective or they will After seeing the true shards of
not listen. Ifor resists their attempts to Narsil and hearing your words, the
persuade the Loremasters. Assembly proclaims in one voice that Ifor
and Ainmires claim is a fraud. Ainmires
This opposed Persuasion test requires that mother and father are crushed, but
the PCs roll their collective Persuasion tests Ainmire takes the news in stride, meekly
vs Ifors enhanced Persuasion test. If Ifor is moving from the high-backed chair to
successful, the PCs may have to resort to stand by his adopted parents.
force to get the Loremasters to listen. Ifor, however, does not take the
rejection so easily. His appearance
When Berneen is allowed to address the darkens, his skin draws closer to his
Assembly, read the following. bones, and his eyes fill with fiery hatred.
His shadow grows until it seems to fill
With your help, Berneen limps to the Common Room, dimming candles
the front of the group. She states that and causing the Prancing Pony to groan
Ainmire and Ifors claim is false and that like a ship in a storm.
the supposed Shards of Narsil Ifor You have meddled in the affairs
presented are fakes. She opens the iron of magicians and shadows enough! he
box with a magic password, and retrieves bellows. Now you shall pay!
from it the hilt of a broken sword. The
sword is of exquisite workmanship and
the stamp of Telchar of Nogrod is plainly Ifor/Shatha reveals himself as an evil
sorcerer of significant power. His speech
and the associated events (Middle-earths
subtle magic) are frightening and the PCs Berneen will spend a few days in Bree,
must resist Ifors attempt to Intimidate them. recovering from her injuries (assuming she
(The PCs Willpower vs. a roll of Ifors survived), before she leaves for Rivendell,
Intimidation: Fear skill, as compared on the accompanied by the Rangers and the Elves.
Fear chart, page 233.) She awkwardly thanks the PCs for their
efforts on her behalf and rewards them by
The Loremasters Assembly breaks up into a giving them her green Elven pendant (worth
chaotic scramble for the door, leaving no 25 Silver Pieces).
one to get between the PCs and Ifor/Shatha,
Markain. While the Loremasters exit, the Ainmire (assuming he survives) decides to
surviving assassins (if any) and goons enter set out for Gondor where he will serve by
behind the PCs. enlisting in the army. He gathers his few
meager possessions and leaves before
Ifor/Shatha launches a no-holds-barred dawn the day following the conflict with
attack against the PCs and Berneen, using Shatha. Ainmires mother and father return
both his sorcery and his weapons, aided by immediately to their farm and rarely venture
Markain and any of the surviving rogues and to Bree again.
assassins. Ifor/Shatha intends to kill the PCs
and Berneen and take the shards of Narsil If the PCs search Ifor/Shathas room at The
for himself. He knows that he had failed his Prancing Pony, they find a bag of 183 Silver
master Sauron and that the punishment will Pieces. However, Rhymen Butterbur and
likely be worse than death and hopes that others in Bree had been promised payment
retrieving the shards are enough to save his for services rendered, reducing the total to
oily skin, so he will pull out all the stops. If it 67 SPs. If the PCs wish to avoid payment to
becomes apparent Ifor/Shatha will be the various merchants of Bree, they can, but
captured rather than killed, he will fall upon they will never again be able to make any
his own blade rather than submit to the PCs. purchases in Bree.

If Ifor/Shatha is too much for the PCs to The fraudulent Ring of Barahir, Sceptre of
handle, the Narrator can assist them with Annuminias, and the shards of Narsil are up
some unexpected allies. Ainmire and his for grab at the end of the altercation with
mute half-brother Coridan can join the PCs if Shatha.
they can be roused out of their Fear. Also,
the Rangers and Elves who followed the The Ring is worth 350 SPs
PCs from the grove can join in the fray, firing The Sceptre is worth 280 SPs.
arrows from the windows. The fraudulent shards of Narsil are
essentially valueless, but can be
reforged by an Elven Smith into a
Scene 14: Resolutions Masterwork sword.

and New Beginnings Renown Rewards

If the PCs defeat Ifor at The
Berneen is released and leaves for Prancing Pony, award 2 points of
Rivendell, taking the shards of Narsil with Renown.
her. Ainmire leaves to go to Gondor to aid in If the PCs successfully persuade the
the defense of that realm. The PCs receive Assembly that Ainmires claim is
their rewards. fraudulent, award 1 point of
When Ifor is slain or subdued, the If the PCs defeat The Shadows
Loremasters return to the Prancing Pony Grasp, award 1 point of Renown.
and proclaim the (surviving) PCs heroes.
Ainmires claim is, or course, completely Experience Point Rewards
refuted and Berneen is released with half- If the PCs successfully defeated
hearted apologies from the Loremasters. Shatha and Ainmires claim to the
throne of Gondor, award them 200
If Berneen survived the adventure,
award the PCs 100 points.
If the PCs defeated the Shadows
Grasp, award them 20 points per
assassin captured or killed.
Berneen is an Elf-friend and any PC who
has spent time at Rivendell may have run
NPCs into her in Elronds library, where she now
Berneen of Gondor, spends almost all of her time. The green
Dunedain Loremistress pendant that she constantly wears is a gift of
Attributes: Bearing 12 (+3), Nimbleness 5 Elrond.
(+0), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 4 (+0),
Vitality 9 (+1), Wits 12 (+3) Berneen had a short-lived marriage to fellow
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +1, Loremaster Maolordha of Pelargir. The
Willpower +5, Wisdom +3 marriage could not withstand the
Health: 9 combination of Berneens independent spirit
Defence: 10 and wicked wit and Maolordhas pomposity
Renown: 20 and it dissolved unpleasantly. The capstone
Edge: Elf-Friend, Incorruptible, Indomitable, to the affair occurred when Maolordha voted
Stern, Wise with his fellow Loremasters to expel
Flaw: Arrogant, Dark Secret, Proud, Stiff- Berneen for her trespass in the Library.
Order Abilities: Ancient Scripts, Expertise
(Gondor Nobility), Secretive, Spell-Casting Maolordha of Pelargir, Dunedain
(2) Loremaster
Skills: Appraise: Antiques +4, Armed Attributes: Bearing 10 (+2), Nimbleness 5
Combat: Blades +3, Climb +1, Debate (+0), Perception 10 (+2), Strength 8 (+1),
(Negotiate) +6, Inquire (Converse) +6, Vitality 9 (+1), Wits 10 (+2)
Insight +6, Intimidate (Majesty) +3, Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2,
Language: Westron +6, Lanuage: Sindarin, Willpower +4, Wisdom +2
Quenya +8, Language: Black Speech +3, Health: 10
Lore: History (Gondor, Eriador) +8, Lore: Defence: 11
Group (Gondorian Nobility) +8*, Lore: Renown: 20
Realms (Gondor, Rivendell) +6, Lore: Race Edge: Ally, Eloquent, Friends, Rank (Senior
(Dunedain, Elves (Noldor)) +3, Observe Loremaster of Pelargir)
(Spot) +3, Perform (Story-telling) +3, Flaw: Grasping, Stiff-Necked, Weak-willed
Persuade (Charm) +3, Ranged Combat: Order Abilities: Ancient Scripts
Bow +1, Ride (Horse) +3, Run +1 Skills: Appraise: Antiques +3, Climb +1,
Spells: Opening Spell, Scribe Moon-letters, Craft: Cooking +4, Craft: Brewing +6,
Sense Power, Shutting Spell Debate (Negotiate) +3, Inquire (Converse)
Gear: Short sword, cloak, silver brush, comb +6, Insight +3, Language: Westron +6,
& mirror Lanuage: Sindarin, Quenya +8, Lore:
History (Gondor, Eriador) +8, Lore: Group
Berneen of Gondor is a fiery-tongued, quick- (Gondorian Nobility) +6, Lore: Realms
tempered middle-aged woman with dark hair (Gondor, Eriador) +6, Lore: Race
and coal-colored eyes. Her face is travel- (Dunedain, Elves (Noldor)) +3, Observe
worn and she seems to wear a constant (Spot) +4, Perform (Story-telling) +6,
frown. She has an agile mind and values the Persuade (Charm) +8, , Ride (Horse) +3,
truth above all else. Run +1, Teamster (Wagon) +3

Berneen is originally from Minas Tirith, and Maolordha of Pelargir is a portly middle-
was a member of that citys prestigious aged man fond of food, drink, brightly
Loremasters Guild. However, her her sharp colored robes, jewelry and impressive titles.
words won her few friends and when she A pleasant man to be around, Maolordha is
was found breaking into the locked Library a lesser Loremaster than Berneen, but has
of the Loremasters to read ancient and far more connections and friends than his
secret texts, she was expelled from the guild ex-wife. His status as Senior Loremaster of
and the city. Her shame has never left her Pelargir is entirely honorary but that doesnt
and burns like a brand in her heart. stop him from telling everyone he meets
who he is.
Initiative: 1d6+1
Maolordhas memories of Berneen are a mix Edges: Friends
of fondness, fear and contempt. He truly Order Abilities: None
cared for her in the beginning of their Advancements: None
relationship but found her too terrible to bear Skills: Acrobatics (Tumble) +1, Climb +2,
toward the end. When she was found Craft: Farming +2, Craft: Shepherd +2,
trespassing in the Library of Gondor, he Debate +1, Games +2, Insight +1,
allowed himself to be pressured by other Language: Westron +4, Lore: Realm
members of the Loremasters Guild to vote (Breelands) +2, Lore: History (Breelands)
her expulsion. +1, Lore: Local Gossip +2, Lore: Eridorian
Nobility +2, Observe (Spot) +2, Persuade
+1, Ranged Combat: Throw +2, Ride +1,
Ifor/Aigan Shatha, Dark Apprentice of Run, +2, Stealth (Sneak) +2, Swim +1
Witch King of Angmar, Easterling Gear: Rich tunic, ornamental dagger
Attributes: Bearing 12 (+3), Nimbleness 8 Description Ainmire is the younger of the
(+1), Perception 10 (+2), Strength 6 (+0), two Nobwood sons, and was adopted about
Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 10 (+2) 14 years ago after being left on the stoop of
Reactions: Stamina +5, Swiftness +2, the Nobwood home. He is tall and fair-
Willpower +3, Wisdom +3 haired, but still has the gangliness of youth.
Initiative: +2 He has a quick mind and a great sense of
Defence: 10 right and wrong. When Ifor approached his
Courage: 4 family and said that Ainmire was royalty and
Order Abilities: Spellcasting (5), Sense due the throne of Gondor, Ainmire was at
Power, Spell Specialty: Sorcery first pleased and excited. However, since
Edges: Rank (Apprentice) then, he has had nagging doubts about Ifors
Flaw: Fealty (Sauron), Duty (Sauron) true intentions. Ainmire will pursue the claim
Skills: Armed Combat: Sword +6, Debate as long as it is open to debate, but when it is
+3, Intimidate (Fear) +6, Language: obvious that the claim is a fraud, he will
Easterling +6, Language: Westron +6, resist Ifor.
Language: Orc (Mordor) +4, Lore: Realm
(Mordor, Angmar) +6, Lore: Magic +6,
Observe +4, Persuade +2, Ranged Combat: Rymen Butterburr, Innkeeper & Widower,
Bow +3, Run +1, Survival: Plains +1 age 47 in TA 2941
Spells: Animal Messenger, Beast Speech, Race: Man, Middle (Man of Bree)
Blade Shattering*, Blast of Sorcery*, Abilities: Adaptable, Dominon of Man,
Enslave Beast*, Evoke Fear*, Mastery of Skilled
Shapes, Opening-Spell, Ruin*, Shadow of Attributes: Bearing 8 (+1), Nimbleness 6
Fear*, Shatter, Spell Binding, Wizards (+0), Perception 11 (+2), Strength 7 (+1),
Guise, Wizards Hand Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 10 (+2)
* Sorcery Spells (+2) Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +2,
Gear: Scimitar (2d6+4 damage, +1 parry), Willpower +4, Wisdom +2
Shortbow (2d6+2 damage + Orc Poison Order: Craftsman (Innkeeper)
[Core Book, page 246], 5/25/50/100+25), Order Abilities: Speedy Work, Place of
Scale mail (Damage Absorbed 4), Business
enshrouding robes, horse Advancements: 3
Skills: Appraise (Customers, Beer,
Pipeweed) +3, Craft: Innkeeping +8, Craft:
Ainmire Nobwood, Pretender to the Brewing +6, Craft: Cooking +3, Debate
Throne of Gondor (Bargain) +3, Games +3, Inquire (Converse)
Attributes: Bearing 10 (+2), Nimbleness 8 +2, Language: Westron +5, Lore: Local
(+1), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 6 (+0), Gossip & Lore +4, Lore: Realms (Breelands,
Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 8 (+1) Shire) +5, Lore: History (Breelands, Shire)
Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +1, +5, Lore: Famous Inns +2, Observe (Listen)
Willpower +4, Wisdom +2 +2, Perform +4, Persuade +2, Ride +2, Run
Health: 8 +1, Teamster +2, Unarmed Combat:
Defence: 10 Wrestling +2
Edge: Friends Skills: Appraise (Customers, Produce) +4,
Flaw: Forgetfulness Craft: Cooking +6, Craft: Sewing +4, Craft:
Health: 9 Innkeeping +2, Debate (Parley) +3, Games
Courage: 4 +2, Healing (Treat Sickness) +3, Inquire
Renown: 10 (Converse) +3, Intimidate +3, Language:
Gear: Towel, tankard Westron +4, Lore: Local Gossip & Lore +6,
Description: Rymen Butterburr is a serious Lore: Realms (Breelands, Shire) +3, Lore:
man with graying hair and a salt-and-pepper History (Breelands) +3, Observe (Spot) +4,
mustache. He stands nearly a head shorter Perform (Song) +3, Persuade (Charm) +4
than most of his customers, and hes Edge: Friends, Fair
developed a considerable paunch from Flaw: Proud
taste-testing too many batches of beer. The Health: 10
man is soft-spoken but commands respect Courage: 4
and rarely has to raise his voice to be heard Renown: 7
in the Common Room of the Prancing Pony. Gear: Knife, frying pan
Description: Aine Sandheaver is a sharp-
Rymen wasnt always so dour; he used to tongued beauty with green eyes and coal-
be known as the most jolly man in Bree. He black hair. Her slight build belies a powerful
would lead his customers in song and poem, personality that fills any room she happens
and was even known to put a round of to be in. She puts her nose into everyones
drinks on the house on occasion. business, is an unabashed gossip, and is
beloved by almost all who meet her.
Unfortunately, four years ago, TA 2939, his
beloved wife died in childbirth and hes In her youth, Aine Sandheaver (maiden
rarely smiled since, let alone laughed. Hes name of Heathertoes) was the most courted
raised his surviving son, Oatden, as best as girl in Bree. Her fiery disposition narrowed
he knows how, but its been a struggle. the field of suitors until only one, Matt
Sandheaver, remained. They married and
However, some of Rymens close friends enjoyed happiness until Matt was killed
have noticed a change in his demeanor. when he was thrown from a horse.
Hes become less of a sourpuss and once
almost laughed. They attribute it to the Suddenly faced with raising a family of three
presence of Aine Sandheaver, Rymens new young children on her own, and refusing to
cook and a fiery-tempered widow. For his move in with relatives (much to their relief),
part, Rymen ignores the gossip about his Aine found work as a cook in The Prancing
supposed relationship with Aine, whom he Pony. She quickly took over the kitchen and
refers to as that infernal woman. began bickering with Rymen, to the
amusement of the customers. All of Bree
Rymen suffers from the familial flaw of thinks the two are a good, if unconventional,
Forgetfulness. All memory tests are taken at match. Aine, however, will hear nothing of it
one level higher. and refuses to call Rymen anything kinder
than wool-headed lummox.

Aine Sandheaver, widow and cook, In truth, Aine is very fond of Rymen and
b. 2912, aged 29 in TA 2941 absolutely dotes on Oatden, but itll be a
Race: Man, Middle (Man of Bree) cold day in hell before she lets anyone know
Abilities: Adaptable, Dominon of Man, it.
Attributes: Bearing 10 (+2), Nimbleness 6
(+0), Perception 9 (+1), Strength 6 (+0), Oatden Butterburr, son and spy,
Vitality 10 (+2), Wits 8 (+1) aged 7 in TA 2941
Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +1, Attributes: Bearing 5 (+0), Nimbleness 9
Willpower +4, Wisdom +2 (+1), Perception 7 (+0), Strength 4 (+0),
Order: Craftsman (Cook) Vitality 10 (+2), Wits 6 (+0)
Order Abilities: Speedy Work Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +3,
Advancements: 2 Willpower +0, Wisdom +0
Skills: Appraise (Customers) +1, Craft: Toffer Longvine, Village Guard Captain
Innkeeping +1, Games +2, Language: Attributes: Bearing 10 (+2), Nimbleness 8
Westron +3, Lore: Childrens Stories +2, (+1), Perception 10 (+2), Strength 10 (+2),
Lore: Local Gossip & Lore +2, Lore: Local Vitality 10 (+2), Wits 8 (+1)
kids +1, Lore: Secret Hideouts +2, Observe Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +3,
(Spot, Listen) +2, Persuade (Fast Talk) +1, Willpower +1, Wisdom +1
Perform (Song) +1, Ride +1, Unarmed Health: 12
Combat (Brawling) +1 Defence: 11
Edge: Friends Initiative: 1d6+3
Health: 10 Edges: Friends
Courage: 4 Order Abilities: Evasion, Swift Strike
Renown: 1 (That boy of Rymens) Advancements: 3
Gear: fishing pole, toys Skills: Armed Combat: Blades +6, Craft:
Description: Outden Butterburr is an Farming +3, Games +4, Insight +3,
average boy for his age. He spends most of Language: Westron +4, Lore: Realm
his day with small jobs around The Prancing (Breelands) +4, Lore: History (Breelands)
Pony, keeping out of sight of his father and +3, Lore: Law (Bree) +4, Lore: Local Gossip
Aunt Aine, and attempting to sneak out to +6, Observe (Spot) +4, Persuade +3,
spend a few hours playing with his friends. Ranged Combat: Bow +4, Ride +3, Run, +3,
Oatden keeps his eyes and ears open at the Unarmed Combat: Wrestling +4
Prancing Pony, earning tips from customers Gear: Chainmail armour, longsword, short
and treats from Aine for what he sees and bow, keys, horse
hears. Description: Toffer Longvine is a Breelander
who traveled beyond the small village as a
soldier and came back seeking the peace
Village Guard (3) and quiet he grew up with. As the only full-
Attributes: Bearing 8 (+1), Nimbleness 8 time keeper of the peace, Toffer prefers to
(+1), Perception 9 (+1), Strength 10 (+2), keep things in order by careful observation
Vitality 10 (+2), Wits 7 (+0) and words, drawing his old blade only when
Reactions: Stamina +4, Swiftness +1, necessary. Hes not one to rock the boat
Willpower +1, Wisdom +1 because, as he says, I have to live here,
Health: 12 too.
Defence: 11
Initiative: 1d6+1 Elf Bowman (1)
Edges: Friends Attributes: Bearing 8 (+1), Nimbleness 14
Order Abilities: Evasion (+4), Perception 12 (+3), Strength 8 (+1),
Skills: Armed Combat: Club +3, Craft: Vitality 9 (+1), Wits 8 (+1)
Farming +3, Games +3, Insight +2, Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +4,
Language: Westron +4, Lore: Realm Willpower +1, Wisdom +3
(Breelands) +3, Lore: History (Breelands) Health: 10
+2, Lore: Law (Bree) +3, Lore: Local Gossip Defence: 14
+4, Observe (Spot) +4, Ranged Combat: Initiative: +4
Bow +2, Ride +1, Run, +2, Unarmed Edges: Accurate, Armour of Heroes, Wary
Combat: Wrestling +3 Order Abilities:
Gear: Leather armour, club, short bow, Skills: Armed Combat: Blades +6, Climb +3,
tankard Healing: Treat Wounds +4, Jump +1,
Description: The Village Guard of Bree are Language: Sindarin, Westron +5, Lore:
locals hired on a part-time basis to maintain Realm (Breelands, Rivendell) +6, Observe
order in the village. They are usually young (Spot, Hear) +4, Persuade +3, Ranged
Men and their greatest challenge is often a Combat: Bow +6, Ride +4, Run, +3, Stealth
drunken peasant or a pig loose from its pen. (Hide) +6, Survival: Forest +4, Track (Orc)
Gear: Elven Cloak, long knife, Long bow,
Description: A tall, somewhat menacing Elf
who remains silent during the encounter.
Gear: Scale Armour, Longsword*, Dagger
Elven Brothers (2) (2)*, Morgul Blade
Attributes: Bearing 12 (+3), Nimbleness 14 * w/ Orc poison
(+4), Perception 12 (+3), Strength 10 (+2), Markain is one of Saurons many operatives
Vitality 10 (+2), Wits 8 (+1) that move throughout Middle-earth on his
Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +4, evil errands. As leader of the Shadows
Willpower +3, Wisdom +3 Grasp, Markain is a harsh task-master,
Health: 12 retaliating with violence for the slightest
Defence: 14 infractions. Markain is a smart and sadistic
Initiative: +4 enemy
Edges: Accurate, Wary, Fell-Handed (Orcs)
Order Abilities: Asheri, Southron Seductress & Assassin
Skills: Armed Combat: Swords +9, Climb +3, Attributes: Bearing 10 (+2), Nimbleness 8
Healing: Treat Wounds +4, Insight +4, Jump (+1), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1),
+3, Language: Sindarin, Westron, Quenya Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 10 (+2)
+5, Lore: Realm (Breelands, Rivendell) +6, Reactions: Stamina +1, Swiftness +3,
Observe (Spot, Hear) +6, Persuade +3, Willpower +2, Wisdom +2
Ranged Combat: Bow +9, Ride +5, Run, +3, Health: 9
Stealth (Hide, Sneak) +6, Survival: Forest Defence: 11
+5, Track (Orc) +5 Initiative: 1d6+3
Gear: Elven Cloak, Chainmail, Longsword, Edges: Travel Sense, Keen-eyed, Fair
Long bow, horse (Meras) Drawbacks: Fealty (Sauron)
Order Abilities: Brew Poison (2)
The Shadows Grasp Advancements: 8
Markain, Middle-Man, Spy and Shadows Skills Armed Combat: Blades +7, Conceal
Grasp Leader (Hide Weapons) +6, Craft: Cooking +3,
Attributes: Bearing 9 (+1), Nimbleness 10 Craft: Sewing: -2, Games: Chess +4, Inquire
(+2), Perception 12 (+3), Strength 8 (+1), (Converse) +6, Insight +4, Lore: Realms
Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 7 (+1) (Near Harad) +3, Lore: People (Men,
Reactions: Stamina +0, Swiftness +5, Gondor Royalty) +4, Lore: Seduction +3,
Willpower +1, Wisdom +3 Observe (Spot) +7, Perform (Dance, Sing)
Health: 9 +8, Persuade (Charm, Fast Talk) +8,
Defence: 12 Ranged Combat (Throw) +7, Ride +3, Run
Initiative: 1d6+5 +4, Stealth (Sneak) +7, Survival (Southern
Edges: Wary, Night-Eyed Wastes) +5, Track (Man) +4
Drawbacks: Fealty (Sauron) Gear: Chainmail armour (rarely worn),
Order Abilities: Lurking in Shadows, Longsword*, Dagger (2)*, Morgul Blade,
Treacharous Blow, Fleet-Footed, Dancing Veils
Lockpicking * w/ Orc poison
Elite Order Abilities: Poisoner Asheri is the daughter of the chief of a
Advancements: 10 Southron tribe and was given to Sauron as a
Skills Acrobatics (Tumble) +5, Appraise token of fealty. She has been trained in the
(Poisons) +2, Armed Combat: Blades +11, arts of seduction and murder, using her
Conceal (Hide Weapons) +4, Craft: natural beauty to entice enemies of Sauron
Woodworking +1, Guise +3, Inquire to their doom. She is also a skilled and
(Interrogate) +2, Insight +6, Intimidate (Fear) ferocious warrior, all the more dangerous
+6, Jump +5, Language: Westron +4, because of the poisons on her blades.
Language: Dunnish +3, Language: Black
Speech +2, Legerdomain (Pick Pocket) +2, Hogeth, Dunnlander Magician
Lore: Realms (Mordor, Angmar, Gondor) +4, Attributes: Bearing 12 (+3), Nimbleness 8
Lore: History (Mordor) +2, Lore: Assassins (+1), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 6 (+0),
(Methods) +2, Lore: Poisons +2, Mimicry +3, Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 10 (+2)
Observe (Spot) +8, Ride +4, Run +4, Search Reactions: Stamina +3, Swiftness +2,
+7, Stealth (Sneak) +5, Survival +4, Track Willpower +3, Wisdom +3
(Man) +2 Health: 8
Defence: 11
Initiative: 1d6+2 Gurn is muscle and violence barely
Edges: Hardy, Stern, Arrogant, Grasping contained within the Grasp. Of all the group,
Drawbacks: Fealty (Sauron, Markain) he is most likely to go berserk and is always
Order Abilities: Spellcasting (3), Strong the first to draw his weapons. Like Markain,
Willed he is a sadist, and thrills at the brutal taking
Advancements: 6 of life.
Skills Armed Combat: Blades +6, Climb
+1, Debate +2, Healing: Treat Wounds +1, Bellir, Burglar and Cut-Throat
Inquire (Converse) +3, Inspire +3, Intimidate Attributes: Bearing 4 (+0), Nimbleness 12
(Power) +4, Language: Westron, Dunnish (+3), Perception 10 (+2), Strength 10 (+2),
+5, Language: Silvan, Black Speech +4, Vitality 10 (+2), Wits 6 (+0)
Lore: Magic (Sorcery) +6, Lore: Realms Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +5,
(Dunnlands) +5, Lore: History (Mordor, Willpower +0, Wisdom +2
Dunnland) +3, Lore: The One Ring +2, Lore: Health: 9
Race (Men) +3, Observe (Spot) +6, Defence: 12
Persuade +4, Ranged Combat: Throw +2, Initiative: 1d6+8
Ride +1, Survival (Forests) +2 Edges: Dodge, Wary
Gear: Scale Armour, Longsword, Wand Drawbacks: Fealty (Sauron)
Spells: Blast of Sorcery, Blinding Flash, Order Abilities: Lockpicking, Treacherous
Burning Sparks, Create Light, Evoke Fear, Blow
Kindle Fire, Sense Power, Slumber, Veiling Advancements: 5
Shadow (2) Skills Acrobatics (Balance) +6, Appraise
Hogeth is a devious and powerful magician, (Jewelry) +5, Armed Combat: Blades +9,
trained in Sorcery by emissaries of The Climb +4, Conceal (Hide Weapon) +4, Guise
Shadow. He despises his position in the +2, Inquire (Converse) +4, Language:
Grasp and believes he should be the leader, Westron, Dunnish +3, Language: Black
but has sworn fealty to Markain, who he Speech +2, Ledgerdomain (Pick Pocket) +9,
believes to be beneath him. Hogeth prefers Observe: Spot +6, Ranged Combat: Bow
to rely on his dark arts rather than his +6, Ride +1, Search +6, Stealth (Sneak) +9,
weapons, but is no stranger to steel. Survival (Urban) +4
Gear: Leather Armour, Short Sword,
Gurn, Orc Warrior Dagger, Short Bow, Lockpick Tools
Attributes: Bearing 7 (+0), Nimbleness 7 Bellir is the groups covert entry expert, and
(+0), Perception 8 (+1), Strength 8 (+1), certainly not above slitting a throat. Hes
Vitality 8 (+1), Wits 6 (+0) also the one most likely to strip the corpse
Reactions: Stamina +2, Swiftness +1, for gold and jewels. He fancies himself a sly
Willpower +1, Wisdom +1 cat-burglar, but at heart, hes just a petty
Health: 9 thug with balance.
Defence: 10
Initiative: 1d6+1
Edges: Furtive, Night-Eyed Timeline (approximate)
Drawbacks: Fealty (Sauron) Day One (Evening): PCs meet Berneen,
Order Abilities: Evasion, Swift-Strike rescue her from assassins.
Advancements: 5 Day Two: PCs travel with Berneen to Bree,
Skills Armed Combat: Axe +8, Armed meet Ifor and Ainmire and asked to find
Combat: Club (Shield) +2, Conceal (Hide Maolordha. PCs travel south and find
Weapon) +3, Guise +2, Inquire (Interrogate) Maolordha, are attacked returning to Bree.
+3, Intimidate (Torture) +2, Language: Black Day Three: The Assembly of Loremasters
Speech, Orcish (Mordor) +2, Language: meets and evidence of Ainmires claim is
Westron +5, Lore: Race (Men, Orcs) +2, presented. Maolordha and Berneen fight
Observe (Hear) +5, Persuade +3, Ranged and the assembly adjourns until the feast
Combat: Throw +4, Ride +3, Run +3, Stealth that night. That night, at the feast, Berneen
(Shadow) +5, Survival (Plains) +2 slips away to council with the Elves, Ifor kills
Gear: Chainmail Armour, Large Shield, Maolordha and sets a fire, Berneen returns
Great Axe, Dagger and is captured and tossed into jail.
Day Four: Maolordha is buried and the PCs
meet with Ainmire, who asks them to talk to
Berneen. Berneen refuses to talk but gives
the PCs directions to the Elves. The PCs
travel to the Elves and are given a sealed
box. Upon returning, the PCs rescue
Berneen, who opens the sealed box and
shows the true shards of Narsil, proving Ifor
and Ainmire are frauds. Ifor attacks the PCs
and is driven away or killed.
Day Five: Berneen is officially freed and the
PCs rewarded. Ainmire begins trek to
Handouts & Maps
Player Handout #1: The Forsaken Inn
Player Handout #2: Letter to Gerrard of Minas Tirith
Player Handout #3: Inquiring in Bree

From page 5
If the PCs ask people in the crowd about what is going on (a successful Simple (TN 5) Inquire
test) they gather the following information:

Marginal Success (=TN): The claimant to

the throne is Ainmire Nobwood, the
youngest son of the Nobwood family.
Complete Success (1-5 above TN), 1-2 on
d6: The Nobwood family are successful
farmers who own land about 3 leagues
southeast of Bree. They sell wheat, barely,
and vegetables at the village festivals and
are known to have cattle, sheep and horses.
Complete Success (1-5 above TN), 3-4 on
d6: The Nobwood family came to Bree about
7 days ago, announced the claim on the
throne and the coming assembly of
Loremasters and then went on a spending
spree. They now act like royalty.
Complete Success (1-5 above TN), 5-6 on
d6: Loremasters have been arriving for
several days from many different kingdoms,
some with large entourages. The assembly
has turned into a festival even before it has
begun and drawn people from all over the
Superior Success (6-10 above TN), 1-3 on
d6: Ainmire is an adopted son. He was left
as a baby on the family doorstop about 15
years ago.

Superior Success (6-10 above TN), 4-6 on

d6: The Nobwoods have poor relations with
their neighbors, who have accused them of
breaking fences, redirecting streams and
sheep rustling.
Extraordinary Success (11+ TN): An old
man claiming to know Ainmires true
heritage came to the Nobwood family and
has been counseling them. Much of the
Nobwoods spending money comes from his
Player Handout #4: Insight tests

From page 9

During the discussions of the Assembly, the PCs may make Insight tests regarding some of the
main NPCs. Apply social modifiers as needed.

Ifor (a Routine (TN 10) Insight test)

Marginal Success (= TN): Ifor is a powerful
person (Bearing 12).
Complete Success (1-5 above): Ifor has
other agendas beyond Ainmires claim.
Superior Success (6-10 above): Ifor is a
powerful magician.
Extraordinary Success (11+ above): Ifor is a
Corrupt, sadistic killer.

Ainmire (a Simple (TN 5) Insight test)

Marginal Success (= TN): Ainmire is a boy
with a noble spirit (Bearing 10)
Complete Success (1-5 above): He wants
people to believe him but is more concerned
with the truth.
Superior Success (6-10 above): Believes he
is who he claims to be, but still has doubts.
Extraordinary Success (11+ above):
Doesnt trust Ifor.

The Nobwood family (mother & father)(a Simple (TN 5) Insight test)
Marginal Success (= TN): The family is
base and selfish (Bearing 5).
Complete Success (1-5 above): More
concerned with the claim than Ainmire.
Superior Success (6-10 above): Will do evil
to keep the claim alive.
Extraordinary Success (11+ above):
Frightened of Ifor.
Player Handout #5: Lore Tests
From page 9

The PCs are encouraged to make Lore: History (Gondor, Eriador, Gondor Nobility, etc.) tests
regarding the Ring of Barahir, the Sceptre of Annuminas, and Narsil. The Narrator may add
Affinity bonuses of +1 for related skills. Although they are not invited members of the Assembly,
their words will be listened to.

Ring of Barahir (a Simple (TN 5) Lore test)

Marginal Success (= TN): The ring has
been passed down through the descendants
of Isildur.
Complete Success (1-5 above): The ring is
very old, dating from the early First Age.
Superior Success (6-10 above): Given to
Barahir in early First Age for an act of
Extraordinary Success (11+ above):
Originally owned by Finrod Felagund and
given to Barahir for saving his life.

Sceptre of Annuminas (a Simple (TN 5) Lore test)

Marginal Success (= TN): A silver rod held
by the kings of Arthedain and their
Complete Success (1-5 above): Held by the
kings of Arnor before the land separated into
3 kingdoms.
Superior Success (6-10 above): Survived
the downfall of the island of Numenor and
came to Middle-Earth after that.
Extraordinary Success (11+): Originally, it
was the symbol of office of the Lords of
Andunie in Numenor of the Second Age.

Shards of Narsil (a Simple (TN 5) Lore test)

Marginal Success (= TN): Narsil is the
sword of Elendil, father of Isildur, and cut the
ring from Saurons hand.
Complete Success (1-5 above): Narsil was
forged in the First Age and was filled with
light. When it was broken, the light ceased.
Superior Success (6-10 above): Narsil was
forged by the Dwarven master weaponsmith
Telchar of Nogrod.
Extraordinary Success (11+): When the true
king returns to the throne of Gondor, the
sword shall be reforged again.
Player Handout #6: Appraise Tests
From page 10

The PCs are encouraged to look at and appraise the items presented by Ifor. Appraise: Jewelry,
Antiques, Silversmithing, Goldsmithing tests are appropriate for the Ring of Barahir and the
Sceptre of Annuminias. Appraise: Weapons, Smithcraft or Antiques are appropriate for the shards
of Narsil. The Narrator may add Affinity bonuses of +1 as he/she sees fit.

Ring of Barahir (a Simple (TN 5) Appraise test)

Marginal Success (= TN): The ring is of
exquisite Elven workmanship with
Quyenic Runes.
Complete Success (1-5 above): The style of
the ring is from the First Age or early
Second Age.
Superior Success (6-10 above): The stones
in the ring are no longer found in Middle-
Extraordinary Success (11+): The ring is
from the early Second Age.

Sceptre of Annuminas (a Simple (TN 5) Appraise test)

Marginal Success (= TN): The workmanship
is superior and of the style of Man.
Complete Success (1-5 above): The silver
is extremely pure, a type found only in
Gondor and Numenor.
Superior Success (6-10 above): The
scepters folds and wings have been
wrought using a technique developed only
Extraordinary Success (11+ above): The
scepter was created recently with the style
copied from works of the Second Age, but
there are flaws.

Shards of Narsil (a Simple (TN 5) Appraise test)

Marginal Success (= TN): The sword was a
Complete Success (1-5 above): The
insignia of the Weaponsmith is unclear.
Superior Success (6-10 above): The sword
has signs of Elven craftsmanship.
Extraordinary Success (11+ above): The
sword was created in the Second Age in
Player Handout #7: The Prancing Pony
Narrators Note: If the Fellowship of the Room Sourcebook is available, the
Narrator is advised to use the map and descriptions give there.
Player Handout #8: The Note
Player Handout #9: Bree Jail
Player Handout #10: Map of Grove

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