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It is a program conducted by the PNP for the purpose of giving awareness to the community
especially on its role in crime prevention.
a. Public Relation b. Public information c. Community Work d. Psychological
2. It refers to the policemans dealings with the citizen of the community, city or town
a. domestic relations b. Neighborhood relation c. community relations d. church relations
3. It consists of the policemans dealings in the religious congregation or faith where he belongs
a. domestic relations b. Neighborhood relation c. community relations d. church relations
4. It is rooted from the principle that any organization is a member of the community; that their
agency caters services to the people; and that in dealing with them they have to establish
harmony in order that respect and cooperation shall be achieve
a. Public Relation b. Public information c. Community Work d. Psychological
5. It refers to the face to face communications between the police and the citizens
a. personal media b. Mass media c. audio-visual communications d. printed matters
6. It refers to the use of radio, television, and motion pictures in conveying information to the
a. personal media b. Mass media c. audio-visual communications d. printed matters
7. It consists of a policemans relationship with his family, friends, and relatives
a. domestic relations b. neighborhood relation c. community relations d. church
8. It includes information disseminated and printed in the graphic
a. personal media b. Mass media c. audio-visual communications d. printed matters
9. It is the foundation of good community relations
a. serve and protect b. peace keeping c. efficient service d. public service
10. It is the sum total dealing of the Police Organization with the people it serves and whose
goodwill and cooperation it craves to the greatest possible efficiency in public service.
a. PCR b. OPN c. SOP d. ASAP
11. The two basic roles of the police are
a. order maintenance and law enforcement
b. crime prevention and crime control
c. public service and crime fighting
d. community service and law enforcement
12. According to Paul Whisenand, Once we know what the Police are supposed to do, then we can
address the three critical problems of
a. training, leadership, and recruitment
b. promotion, schooling, and collateral
d. service, relation, and information
13. Police community relationship has direct bearing on the character of life in our society and on
the communitys ability to maintain stability and to solve its problems, because
a. it builds bridges between the police and the residents of the area
b. it provides support to police mission, goals and objective in various ways
c. both a and b
d. none of them
14. It is the role in which the police provide essential social services to the community, generally
acting as a social agency of last resort
a. law enforcement b. public safety c. crime prevention d. community service
15. According to retired Gen. Sarmiento, Without the Community support the PNP can not
survive, The Trust and confidence of the community on the police
a. is not everything, its the only thing
b. is not anything, its everything
c. is not the only thing, its everything
d. is not everything. Its anything
16. It consists of the proper treatment of suspects, and recognition of their constitutional rights
during custodial investigation and the handling of accused persons during confinement
a. intra-departmental relationship b. inter-departmental relations c. complainants relation
d. offender relations
17. Consists of his cooperation and dealing with the PNP and other law enforcement agencies of the
a. intra-departmental relationship b. inter-departmental relations c. complainants relation
d. offender relations
18. Consists of the policemans relations with the officers and men of his own department, as well
as the leaders of the community where he is assigned
a. intra-departmental relationship b. inter-departmental relations c. complainants relation
d. offender relations
19. The following are activities implemented by a Public Relations Officer, Except
a. conduct face to face communications including dialogue wit h the public
b. keep himself well informed so that he will understand police work and its service to the
c. attend socio-cultural activities of his locality
d. conduct first aid and traffic safety education
20. The following are activities implemented by a Public information Officer, Except
a. keep himself well informed so that he will understand police work and its service to the
b. inform the greatest number of police and the community regarding police work and public
c. use the media in dissemination pertinent information
d. sponsor youth athletic activities
21. Uniformed PNP members commit themselves to the democratic way of life and values and
maintain the principle of public accountability
a. commitment to democracy
b. commitment to public interest
c. non-partisanship
d. secrecy discipline
22. PNP members shall provide services to everyone without discrimination regardless of party
a. commitment to democracy
b. commitment to public interest
c. non-partisanship
d. secrecy discipline
23. All members shall seek self-improvement through career development and shall not directly or
indirectly solicit influence or recommendation from politicians, etc. with regards to their
assignments, promotions, etc
a. non-solicitation of patronage
b. social awareness
c. physical fitness and health
d. respect for human rights
24. PNP members shall respect and protect human dignity and uphold the human rights of all
a. non-solicitation of patronage
b. social awareness
c. physical fitness and health
d. respect for human rights
25. All PNP members shall conduct themselves at all times in keeping with the rules and regulations
of the organization.
a. devotion to duty
b. discipline
c. loyalty
d. proper care and use of public property
26. PNP personnel must be loyal to the Constitution as manifested by their loyalty to their
superiors, peers, and subordinates as well
a. devotion to duty
b. discipline
c. loyalty
d. proper care and use of public property
27. PNP members shall be responsible for the security, proper care and use of public property
issued to them and/or deposited under their care and custody
a. devotion to duty
b. discipline
c. loyalty
d. proper care and use of public property
28. Immediate Commanders/ Directors shall be responsible for the effective supervision, control
and direction of their personnel
a. respect for human rights
b. devotion to duty
c. command responsibility
d. discipline
29. PNP members shall obey lawful orders and be courteous to superiors and other appropriate
authorities within the chain of command
a. obedience to superiors
b. judicious use of authority
c. justice
d. humility
30. PNP members shall exercise proper and legitimate use of authority in the performance of duty
a. obedience to superiors
b. judicious use of authority
c. justice
d. humility
31. PNP personnel shall recognize the fact that they are public servants and not the masters of the
people, and toward this end, they shall perform their duties without arrogance a. obedience to
b. judicious use of authority
c. justice
d. humility
32. All PNP personnel shall follow logical procedures in accomplishing tasks assigned to them to
minimize waste in the use of time, money, and effort
a. perseverance
b. orderliness
c. integrity
d. morality
33. Established usage, or social practices carried on by traditions that have obtained the force of law
a. customs ceremony b. social decorum c. salute d. ceremony
34. A set of norms and standards practiced by members during social and other functions
a. customs ceremony b. social decorum c. salute d. ceremony
35. The usual greeting rendered by uniformed members upon meeting and recognizing person
entitled to such
a. handshake b. armraise c. salute d. eyeblink
36. PNP members pay this call on their superiors in the unit or command when relieved or re-
assigned out of the said unit/command
a. courtesy call b. exit call c. courtesy of the post d. Christmas call
37. The host unit extends hospitality to visiting personnel who pay respect to the command or unit
a. courtesy call b. exit call c. courtesy of the post d. Christmas call
38. The flag is raised in deference to deceased uniformed members of the command
a. half-mast b. full-mast c. not raised d. folded
39. The relinquishment and assumption of command is publicly announced by the out-going and in-
coming officers in the presence of the immediate superiors or his representative
a. turn-over ceremony b. surrender ceremony c. turn-over ceremony d. flag ceremony
40. At the end of the official days work the PNP members pause for a moment to salute the
lowering of the flag
a. flag raising b. half-mast c. full-mast d. flag lowering
41. Public relation is basically founded upon the golden rule:
a. do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you
b. obey first before you complain
c. if you are not the cure, then you are the problem
d. seek and ye shall find
42. Public relations maybe summed up as follows:
a. know yourself c. adjust your relationship with them
b. know the people around you d. all of them
43. It reflects the high morale among the members of the PNP springing from their genuine loyalty
and noble faith in the policies and objectives of their organization
a. morality c. camaraderie
b. esprit de corps d. delikadeza
44. It is an inescapable fact that the policeman has not private life, as soon as he enters and so long
as he remains in the police service. His conduct, whether on or off-duty will be subject to
scrutiny and critical analysis.
a. must be understanding c. must have exacting and exemplary conduct
b. esprit de corps d. practice of courtesy
45. The following are qualities of a good leader, except
a. self-sacrifice c. physical and moral courage
b. self-confidence d. immoral ascendancy
46. It is a type of Crisis communication consisting of total denial that a Crisis Communication
consisting of total denial that a crisis exists, and the refusal to give answers to media questions
a. concrete c. stonewall
b. Stonehenge d. firewall
47. A good way to combat rumors is
a. analyze the scope and seriousness of the nature and impact of the rumor before planning and
engaging in any active correction.
b. analyze the specific causes, motives, sources and dissemination of the rumors
c. confer with persons affected by or being damaged by the rumors level with them and assure
them of your concern and you sincere attempts to combat rumors effectively
d. all of the above
48. What does the media want
a. they want information c. they want confusion
b. they want your opinion d. both a and b
49. It is the a PHILOSOPHY of service, PERSONALIZED POLICING ,Where the same officer PATROLS
and works in the same area on a PERMANENT basis, form a decentralized PLACE, working in
PARTNERSHIP with citizens to identify and solve PROBLEMS
a. community policing c. home policing
b. neighborhood policing d. homeland policing
50. It states that most people are of goodwill. They will cooperate with others to facilitate the
building of consensus. The more the various groups share common values, beliefs and goals, the
more likely it is the they will agree on common goals
a. Critical Social Theory b. Social Contract Theory
b. Normative Sponsorship Theory d. Social Control Theory
51. It is faith to oneself predicated upon knowledge and its application, and the ability and
willingness to pass ones knowledge for the benefits of the others
a. self- confidence c. paternalism
b. self- sacrifice d. fairness and honesty
52. As a quality of a leader, it is found in policemen who are mindful of the welfare or others. It is
found in policemen who are mindful of the welfare of others. It is basic to police leadership
because community welfare is the primordial responsibility of the police
a. self-confidence c. paternalism
b. self-sacrifice d. fairness and honesty
53. The community looks upon policemen as representatives or the authority of law. It is obvious
therefore, that influence of the policemen over the community is increased by reason of the
authority they personify
a. police influence over the community c. courteous treatment of law violations
b. practice of courtesy d. police must be understanding
54. Policemen maybe firm and exacting in the enforcement of the law, they maybe strict and
relentless in their relationship with the offender that come under their control, yet remain
propitious and gentlemanly in their bearing
a. police influence over the community c. courteous treatment of law violations
b. practice of courtesy d. police must be understanding
55. Policemen attending court sessions should follow the following behaviors while in the witness
stand, except
a. he must say nothing but the truth c. he must be claim
b. he must say nothing d. he must be courteous
56. It is indicative of a policemans appreciation of the honor of his position. An excellent
manifestation of his esprit de corps and is a powerful factor in commanding community
a. decisive c. personal dignity
b. physical and moral courage d. moral ascendancy
57. It is the characteristic of a man who acts correctly and at the proper time. This ability is a
manifestation of thorough preparation and interest in the appreciation of the task at hand
a. decisive c. personal dignity
b. physical and moral courage d. moral ascendancy
58. A factor in improved PCR that refers to the appropriate cross-section of members; mutual
respect, understanding and trust; members see that collaboration is in their best interest;
members develop an ability to compromise
a. environment c. membership
b. process/structure d. communication
59. The favorable political and social climate; collaborative group can be viewed as leader in the
community; collaboration or cooperation in the community
a. environment b. membership
b. process/structure d. communication
60. Members learn to listen and allow venting; open and frequent communication; members
disclose self-interest at first meeting; establish formal
a. environment c. membership
b. process/structure d. communication
61. This program is designed to bring any communication gap between the police and the public
a. Psychological Program
b. Civic Action Program
c. Public Relations Program
d. None of them
62. It is the development and retention of attitudes and behavior on the part of the police that
create mutually supportive relationships between their agency and the community
a. Police Ethics
b. Police Community Relations
c. police Code of Conduct
d. Police Rules of Engagement
63. It is a PCR doctrine that stresses the role of the community in crime prevention
a. Doctrine of Reciprocal Responsibility
b. Doctrine of Police-Community Relations
c. Doctrine of Police ethics
d. Doctrine of Police Responsibility
64. Its essential characteristics is the realization that every police officer is a police-community
relations officer
a. Youth-Oriented PCR approach
b. Internally-oriented PCR approach
c. Service-oriented PCR approach
d. Externally-oriented PCR approach
65. In this activity policemen assigned should stay and sleep at the house of any reputable resident
of the community where he will look into urgent family problems
a. stay-in
b. sit-in
c. teach-in
d. live-in
66. It is PCR programs designed to condition both friendly and hostile public thereby insuring and
facilitation the attainment of police objectives
a. Public Relations Program
b. Public Information Program
c. Civic Action Program
d. psychological Operations Program
67. A police service involving religious participation of police officers in the community
a. Community Service
b. Law Enforcement Service
c. Religious Service
d. Benevolent Service
68. The police should be courteous, fair and quick to assist individuals in the solution of their
a. Community Support Must be Maintained
b. Community Resentment Must be Avoided
c. Community Goodwill must be Developed
d. Community Must be Kept Informed
69. The police should inform the community of the regulations and policies
a. Community Support Must be Maintained
b. Community Resentment Must be Avoided
c. Community Goodwill must be Developed
d. Community Must be Kept Informed
70. Eliminate the opportunity to commit crime
a. prevent
b. dissuade
c. restraint
d. self-policing
71. Crime detection
a. prevent
b. dissuade
c. restraint
d. self-policing
72. Refusing to be victims of crime
a. neighborhood watch
b. prevent
c. dissuade
d. restraint
73. Good Citizenship
a. refuse to be victims
b. refuse to violence
c. refuse to be criminals
d. manhunt
74. Discourage flourishing of criminal minds
a. dissuade
b. restraint
c. preventive policing
d. persuasive policing
75. Emergency services
a. refuse to be victims
b. refuse to violence
c. refuse to be criminals
d. manhunt
76. Neighborhood watch
a. refuse to be victims
b. refuse to violence
c. refuse to be criminals
d. manhunt
77. Manhunt
a. emergency service
b. order maintenance
c. crime prevention
d. arrest
78. Information
a. patrol operation
b. manhunt
c. investigation works
d. restraint
79. Witness the crime
a. refuse to be victims
b. refuse to violence
c. refuse to be criminals
d. manhunt
80. Scheme of Reciprocal Responsibility of the Public
a. prevent
b. dissuade
c. restraint
d. preventive policing
81. A police officer needs to establish a good image in his community because of the primary reason
that he needs to befriend the people
a. true
b. false
c. maybe true
d. neither true nor false
82. One of the aspects of policemans relation with the government is recognition of its authority
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe True
d. Neither True nor false
83. Every policeman shall have in mind the
a. crime reported
b. interest of the public
c. record of his performance
D. nature of his duty
84. It is not important for a police officer to go to attend religious mass because his presence will
only intimidate the church goers and will give opportunity for criminals to commit crimes
a. true
b. false
c. maybe true
d. neither true nor false
85. The police Public Relations Officers should also
a. assist in mediating and setting disputes at the barangay level
b. initiate fund-raising campaign for the reformation of juvenile delinquents
c. plan programs aimed at informing the public on police activities
d. all of them
86. It affects morale of the PNP, particularly when officer misbehavior puts the entire organization
in a bad ligh
a. Career Management
b. Management leadership
c. PNP image
d. Delicadeza
87. All members mush have moral courage to sacrifice self-interest
c. Police Lifestyle
d. Human Rights
88. It must be acceptable and respectable in the eyes of the public; PNP members must be free
from greed, corruption and exploitation, living a simple but credible and dignified life
a. Equality in the service
b. delicadeza
c. Police Lifestyle
d. human rights
89. When difficulties arise from individual acts of corruption
a. individual character challenges
b. Organizational challenges
c. Department challenges
d. None of them
90. One of the following is not a PCR principle
a. Public support must be maintained
b. Public resentment must be developed
c. Public goodwill must be developed
d. Public Must be kept informed
91. It refers to the cooperative relationship police officers should maintain with each other
a. camaraderie
b. duty
c. loyalty
d. word of honor
92. Patriotism is felt by the police officer toward
a. his friends
b. his family
c. his organization
d. his country
93. Whose confidence and good will should the police strive to maintain?
a. friends
b. community
c. neighbors
d. suspects
94. This PNP Core Value refers to the police officers honesty to is job
a. love of god
b. Truthfulness
c. respect of Authority
d. all of them
95. This attribute should be primary basis for consideration in the selection of personnel for
employment and deployment purpose
a. Management Leadership
b. Equality in the Service
c. Delicadeza
d. Simple Lifestyle
96. It refers to establish and accepted moral values
a. Community relation
b. Rules of Engagement
c. Ethical Standards
d. standard operating procedures
97. Morality is one of the ethical standards of the PNP
a. True
b. False
c. Maybe True
d. Neither True nor False
98. It refers to the acts by unscrupulous officers of asking favors to politicians in return for some
a. Delicadeza
b. Political patronage
c. Human rights
d. Lifestyle
99. Police officers must know how to keep secrets and must be trustworthy about it
a. Social Awareness
b. Obedience
c. Secrecy discipline
d. Devotion to duty
100. It is the custom of loweing the flag from its mast after the end of the day
a. flag retreat
b. flag lowering
c. flag raising
d. flag folding

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