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HEROIE: Spiderman vs.


Spiderman stuffed his Spiderman suit in his briefcase, put his briefcase in the black car, and
drove out. He was going to Double Dog Burgers for dinner. He swung the door open and a
woosh of cold air greeted him. He quickly ordered a foot-long hotdog, Coke, a salad with every
vegetable in it, and a slushie icecream cone. He slid into a table booth and started his dinner. A
couple of minutes later someone walked in. He looked familiar. He had tan skin and frazely-
dazely black hair. His eyes were black and red and a crooked smile was planted on his face. He
was wearing dark pants with a forest green shirt. He wore dark purple boots and a black cape. He
ordered some food and slid into the same booth that Spiderman was in. "May I sit here?"he asked
in a thick, raspy voice.
"Sure! You look familiar! Have I seen you before?"Spiderman asked taking a big bite out of his
"Maybe! He-he-he!!"he replied. As he said that, he transformed into an ugly monster. "HECTOR
THE GOBLIN?!"Spiderman shreiked.
"Yes! He-he-he!!"he smirked.
He now had scaly green skin, claws, and a long purple cape. Spiderman ran to his car and pulled
his Spiderman costume over his clothes. "Scared?"Hector asked laughing. Spiderman shot his
web and pulled himself onto the roof. Hector started throwing spikiels at Spiderman which were
spikes launched off of the goblin's cape. Spiderman dodged them, tied him with webs, and called
the police who took him away. Spiderman had saved the day!

FAKTUAL; Traffic accident

A fuel truck lost control while speeding on the Mangunraharjo road, Surabaya and suffered
serious accident. The truck crashed a motorcycle that came from the opposite direction and
burned. A pedestrian who saw the incident said that the fuel truck was seen speeding then all of
sudden swerved and hit a motorcyclist who came from the front on 1st December 2014.

This incident made the motorcycle rider was killed instantly after being hit by the truck while the
truck driver suffered serious injuries to the chest and head.

30 minutes after the incident, the police came to investigate the Accident. After doing
investigation, they found the cause that the driver was sleepy when driving the truck. In addition
to the brake that didnt work, so he couldnt control his truck and hit the victim. The current
truck driver had been taken to Doa Ibu hospital to be treated.
LEGEND: The Legend Of Malin Kundang

Long time ago, in a tiny town near the coastline in West Sumatera, lived a female and her son,
Malin Kundang. Malin Kundangs papa had actually died when he was a child, as well as he had
to live tough with his mom. Malin Kundang was a healthy, diligent, and also strong kid. He
generally went to the sea to capture fish, as well as brought it to his mommy, or offered it in the

One day, when Malin Kundang was cruising customarily, he saw a vendors ship which was
being raided by a tiny band of pirates. With his take on and also power, Malin Kundang beat the
pirates. The merchant was so happy and also asked Malin Kundang to cruise with him. Malin
Kundang agreed.

Several years later on, Malin Kundang ended up being a wealthy seller, with a substantial ship,
lots of trading goods, numerous ship crews, as well as a beautiful wife. In his journey, his ship
arrived on a coastline. The citizens recognized him, and the news ran quick in the community:
Malin Kundang came to be an abundant male and now he is right here. His mother, in deepful
sadnees after years of isolation, ran to the beach to fulfill her precious boy once again.

When the mom came, Malin Kundang, in front of his well dressed other half, his teams and his
own glory, rejected to satisfy that old, poor and filthy woman. For three times she pledge Malin
Kundang and also for three times yelled at him. At last Malin Kundang said to her Enough, old
female! I have actually never ever had a mom like you, an unclean and also ugly peasant! After
that he bought his teams to set out.
Angered, she cursed Malin Kundang that he would certainly turn into a stone if he didnt
apologize. Malin Kundang simply giggled as well as set sail.
In the quiet sea, unexpectedly an electrical storm came. His substantial ship was damaged and it
was far too late for Malin Kundang to said sorry. He was thrown by the wave out of his ship, fell
on a tiny island, and instantly transformed into rock.

HOROR: 'My Daughter Learned to Count'

My daughter woke me around 11:50 last night. My wife and I had picked her up from her friend
Sally's birthday party, brought her home, and put her to bed. My wife went into the bedroom to
read while I fell asleep watching the Braves game."Daddy," she whispered, tugging my shirt
sleeve. "Guess how old I'm going to be next month.""I don't know, beauty," I said as I slipped on
my glasses. "How old?"She smiled and held up four fingers.It is 7:30 now. My wife and I have
been up with her for almost 8 hours. She still refuses to tell us where she got them
FABEL : The Ant and the Dove
One hot day, an ant was searching for some water. After walking around for some time, she came to a
spring. To reach the spring, she had to climb up a blade of grass. While making her way up, she slipped
and fell into the water.

She could have drowned if a dove up a nearby tree had not seen her. Seeing that the ant was in
trouble, the dove quickly plucked off a leaf and dropped it into the water near the struggling ant.
The ant moved towards the leaf and climbed up there. Soon it carried her safely to dry ground.
Just at that time, a hunter nearby was throwing out his net towards the dove, hoping to trap it.

Guessing what he was about to do, the ant quickly bit him on the heel. Feeling the pain, the
hunter dropped his net. The dove was quick to fly away to safety.


Long time ago, there lived the king of Calabar for fifty years. He had a very faithful cat name
Tom as a housekeeper, and a rat name Jerry was his house-boy. The king was an obstinate,
headstrong man, but was very fond of the cat, who had been in his store for many years.

Jerry who was very poor, fell in love with one of the kings servant girls, but was unable to give
her any presents, as he had no money. At last he thought of the kings store, so in the night-time,
being quite small, he had little difficulty, having made a hole in the roof, in getting into the store.
He then stole corn and native pears, and presented them to his sweetheart.

At the end of the month, when Tom had to render her account of the things in the store to the
king, it was found that a lot of corn and native pears were missing. The king was very angry at
this, and asked the cat for an explanation. But the cat could not account for the loss, until one of
her friends told her that the rat had been stealing the corn and giving it to the girl.

When the Tom told the king, he called the girl before him and had her flogged. Jerry he handed
over to Tom to deal with, and dismissed them both from his service. Tom was so angry at this
that she hunted and ate Jerry, and ever since that time whenever Tom sees Jerry she would hunt
and eat rat..
Quite a long time ago, Batara Guru charged every one of the divine beings and goddesses to
contribute their energy with a specific end goal to manufacture another royal residence. Anyone
who defied this instruction were viewed as languid and would lose their arms and legs.

Listening to the Batara Gurus decree, Naga god was exceptionally restless on the grounds that
he didnt have arms or legs. He may not be capable carry out the employment. So he asked
exhortation from Batara Narada who was the more youthful sibling of Batara Guru. Tragically
Narada was likewise befuddled. The Naga god turned out to be extremely disturbed.

While the Naga god was weeping for his misfortune, three teardrops fell on the ground. Not long
after that, those teardrops got to be three lovely sparkling eggs which looked like gems. At that
point Batara Narada exhorted him to offer those sparkling eggs to Batara Guru.

With the three eggs in his mouth, the Naga god went to the Batara Gurus royal residence. In
transit, a falcon made an inquiry. Clearly Naga god couldnt answer the inquiry on the grounds
that he was holding the eggs in his mouth. Seeing that, the feathered creature felt that Naga god
was self-important and the fowl assaulted him.

Being assaulted, one egg tumbled to earth. At that point Naga god was stowing away in the
brambles yet the flying creature was sitting tight for him. The feathered creature assaulted for the
second time and one egg fell once more. So Naga god just had one egg in his mouth. He
continued moving to Batara Gurus castle.

At long last Naga god touched base at the royal residence. He offered the egg to the Batara Guru.
Whats more, marvelously the egg incubated turned into an exceptionally lovely child young
lady. Naga god gave the infant young lady to the Batara Guru. The child grew up into a
wonderful young lady and later known for Dewi Sri

Funny: Buying a rabbit

A cute girl peaks over the counter and politely asks the sales representative. Im interested in
buying a rabbit. Oh sure weve got lots of rabbits gushed the motherly sales representative.
Do you have any specific color in mind? Weve got some adorable white Bunnies down this
isle. The lady exclaimed. Oh said the cute girl with a wave of her hand, I really dont think
my boa constrictor would care about what color it is!
Belle is a young girl who lived in a small town in France with his father who is an inventor named
Maurice . Belle was a small town it was quite boring . Belle is more interested in adventure . He likes to
read something about the book , especially the romantic fairy tale books . Belle has read all the books in
the library collections of the city .

When Maurice went to the exhibition , Belle spoken arrogant hunters , yet the dream girl in town ,
Gaston . Belle refuses his proposal . Not long after , he found his horse , Philippe , Maurice home
without so Belle search for Maurice . Belle arrived at the palace that belonged terrible Beast . Belle finds
Maurice arrested Beast . Belle boldly swapping himself with his father so that his father free .

Initially the Beast Belle does not like rude and grumpy . Even Belle had escaped as a result of
indiscriminate scolded Beast Beast entered the room . Belle attacked wolves in the forest and help him
catch up before the Beast . Beast and Belle wounded back to the palace . Belle and the Beast
relationship for the better . They were friends until finally love each other . But the Beast had not dared
to declare his love for Belle . At the time wanted to express his feelings Beast , Belle even said he missed
his father . Through the magic mirror Beast , Belle look so sick Maurice Beast freed Belle to meet his
father .

Return to the town , Belle is forced to marry Gaston . Gaston was jealous because she knows already
liked Beast Belle . Belle and her father was locked up in the basement at home Belle . Gaston and
residents who had been instigated by him hunting Beast . After Belle and Maurice managed to get out of
the basement , they immediately went to the palace of the Beast . Gaston has been entered into the
palace and tried to injure Beast Beast . Beast is much bigger and stronger than Gaston , Gaston wants to
destroy . However , he did not continue his actions because Berast heart has become soft . Gaston stabs
the Beast slyly from behind , but instead he fell from the balcony of the room itself and the Beast died .

Belle , Beast thought had died , he was very sad and said , " I love you " on the Beast . Beast was
transformed into a man for love Belle . They end up dancing in the palace along with the waiter Beast
Beast is also turned into a human . Maurice also came and saw many people gathered Belle and the


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