005 Hydrogenics Denis Thomas - Electrolyzer Technology of BioCat Project

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EU P2G platform Copenhagen 22.06.

Electrolyzer technology of the BioCat project
By Denis Thomas, Hydrogenics
EU Regulatory Affairs & Business Development Manager Renewable Hydrogen
Hydrogenics in Brief
Zero-emission Hydrogen Technology Provider
Onsite Generation Power Systems
Electrolysers Fuel Cell Modules
H2O + electricity H2 + O2 H2 + O2 H2O + electricity

Industrial Hydrogen Hydrogen Fueling Stand-by Power Mobility Power

Renewable Hydrogen

Energy storage (PtG, PtX) 2

Hydrogen infrastructure in Denmark
& references from Hydrogenics

1.2 MW PEM electrolyser

Planned for 2017 Power-to-Gas
HRS in operation
HRS in construction
HRS planned

2 x 500 kW alkaline
Constructed in 2016

Water Electrolysis
Electrochemical reaction that splits
water into Hydrogen and Oxygen,
using electricity.

It is a 100% emission free and

carbon-free process

Cathode : 4 H20 + 4 e- ==> 2 H2 + 4 OH-

Anode : 4 OH- ==> 02 + 2 H20 + 4 e-
Overall : 4 H20 ==> 4 H2 + 2 02

water hydrogen
electricity oxygen

2 HO + Electricity 2 H + O
Membrane components
Inorganic fillers: Electrolyte resistant
Binders: polysulfones, polytetrafluoroethylene;...

Filler: Hydrophylic, to
ensure optimal wettability

Binder: mechanical
strength of

Hydrogenics HySTAT Alkaline Stack
Gas production: H2 (cathode) and O2 (anode)
Series of cells (electrodes and membranes) assembled in a bipolar design
Electrodes = Gas production
Membranes = Gas separation allowing ionic conductivity (OH-)
Cells are assembled electrically in series, hydraulically in parallel.

Hydrogenics HySTAT Alkaline Stack

Based on our own proprietary IMET technology

(Inorganic Membrane Electrolysis Technology)
No exotic materials, established manufacturing process
Proven reliability and lifetime
Alkaline electrolysis: 30wt.% KOH
Pressure: 10 bar(g), 25 bar(g)
Capacity per stack: 15 Nm3/h H2
Conversion efficiency: 4.44 kWh/Nm3 H2
Hydrogen purity: 99.9%

8 8
HySTAT Alkaline Electrolyser

HySTAT Alkaline Electrolyser

Avedre, Denmark (2016)
Design, engineer, and construct a commercial-scale power-to-gas facility
Demonstrate capabilities to provide energy storage services to the Danish energy
Demonstrate capability and economic viability of oxygen and heat recycling in the on-site
wastewater operations
Biological methanation system to produce pipeline-grade renewable gas (CH4)
Feed CH4 into the gas distribution grid at 3.6 bar
2x HySTAT 100 (Alkaline) with all peripherals to produce in total 200Nm/h H2.
Power: 1MW
More info: www.biocat-project.com 11
BIOCAT electrolysers main innovations

BIOCAT electrolysers main innovations
100 Nm/h alkaline electrolyser system in a 40ft container (previous
version was 60 Nm/h)
High performance heat exchanger to maximize heat valorization
Power factor improvement

Alkaline vs PEM

Faster response
than AGC Signal

Note: Ontario IESO signal test completed June 2011

Frequency Regulation (Ontario, Canada)

Investigate the reactivity of a HySTAT hydrogen generator
A HySTATTM electrolyzer provided frequency regulation by responding to real-time
frequency regulation signals from the IESO on a second-by-second basis.

HySTAT S4000 Indoor solution to produce 100Nm/h H2.
Perfect ability to capture the overload and cope with the volatility of frequency regulation

Polymer electrolyte technology

Proton Exchange
Solid polymer electrolyte
De ionized water
(Pt/C en IrO2/RuO2)
3,8-4,2 kW/Nm ($$$$)

Thank you, Wikipedia Uploader ! 16

PEM formation
Standard used material Nafion type
Nafion is a sulfonated fluor-copolymer
Sulfonic acid sites for proton exchange or hopping: ion-conductive
Wide process window
Higher pressure operation
The membrane needs to be coated by a
noble metal catalysts to act as electrode
Membrane electrode assembly MEA

Palmer et al., J. Materials Chemistry, 8, 2011

Confidential - Do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Hydrogenics Corporation
The New Benchmark in Electrolysis: PEM
Proton Exchange Membrane

1.5 MW, MODEL 1500E

Electrical Power Input 1.5 MW
Hydrogen Output 285 Nm3/h
Max. Operating Pressure 40 bar (g)
Dimensions L800xW550x1000mm
Confidential -Certifications
Do not duplicate or distribute
PEDwithout written permission from
(97/23/EC) Hydrogenics Corporation
1,5 MW PEM : efficiency and dynamic behaviour
achievements (prel.)

~8 min

Confidential - Do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Hydrogenics Corporation
EU Regulatory Affairs & Business Development Manager Renewable Hydrogen
Mobile: +32 479 909 129
Email: dthomas@hydrogenics.com
EU P2G platform Copenhagen 22.06.2016
State of affairs
By Denis Thomas, Hydrogenics
EU Regulatory Affairs & Business Development Manager Renewable Hydrogen
The EU definition of energy storage
Energy storage in the electricity system would be defined as the act of
deferring an amount of the energy that was generated to the moment of
use, either as final energy or converted into another energy carrier.

Development and financing of energy storage could therefore rely on a number

of principles:
Energy storage should be developed to the extent the overall costs of the new energy
system are lower with storage than without storage;
In relation to the electricity grid, energy storage should be rewarded for the services
provided on a peer basis with the alternative suppliers for those services, being
demand response or flexible generation;
Energy storage as a supporting mean for integrating variable renewable energy (vRE)
should be rewarded for the contribution to improving energy security and
decarbonisation of the electricity grid or other economic sectors; the avoided costs of
vRE curtailment and the carbon reductions of the backup capacities could support the
business case of large scale energy storage;
When a generator or a consumer choses to integrate a storage facility at its location,
this should not lead to less favourable treatment, neither in terms of obligations nor in
terms of eventual support that it receives in the energy system.

Others interesting news
Selection of relevant conferences:
27-30/09: WindEnergy Hamburg, Germany
27-29/09: EASE conference, Brussels , Belgium
10-12/10: World of Energy Solutions, Stuttgart, Germany
18-19/10: Carbon Capture, Utilisation & Storage, Antwerp, Belgium
15-17/11: EU Utility Week 2016, Barcelona, Spain
6-7/12: 5th Conference on Carbon Dioxide as Feedstock for Fuels,
Chemistry and Polymers, Cologne, Germany

Next meeting ? (proposal)

Sun & Underground Storage project, Salzburg, Austria

Business Development Manager Power-to-Gas
Mobile: +32 479 909 129
Email: dthomas@hydrogenics.com
Hobro, Denmark (construction in 2017)
HyBalance Project
validate the highly dynamic PEM electrolysis technology in a real industrial environment
provide grid balancing services on the Danish power market
validate innovative hydrogen delivery processes for fueling stations at high pressure
hydrogen is used by industrial customers and for clean transportation (refueling stations)
1x HyLYSER 230 (PEM, dual cell stack design) with all peripherals to produce 230 Nm/h H2.
power: 1,2 MW
This project receives financial support FCH-JU (GA No 671384) and ForskEL program,
administered by Energinet.dk.

More info: www.hybalance.eu 25

1,5 MW PEM : temperature and pressure
achievements (prel.)

Confidential - Do not duplicate or distribute without written permission from Hydrogenics Corporation

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