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"Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, and today, and forever." Hebrews 13:8 THe Voice or HEALING AN INTER-EVANGELICAL PUBLICATION OF THE BRANHAM HEALING CAMPAIGNS Volume 1 Rev, William Branham Inter-Evangelical Policy of the Branham Campaigns ‘After much prayer, Brother Branham bas ecided to form a committee which should rect the policy of the Branham healing Campaigns and’ the ‘publication of The Voice of Healing. This will supersede all previous arrangements. This commitee, be fides Rev. Branham, ictades Rev, Jack Moote and Rev. Gordon Lindsay, All cor respondence concerning campaigas should be directed to Branham Healing Campaigns, Box i097, Shreveport, Louisiana This paper, The Voice of Healing, isto be specily dedicated to the great truth of Divine Healing, but not to the excision of the other great evangelical teuths of the Scriptures, "The ‘minty of healing. was Chiss chosen method of seaching the mul fides, And today, the ficiency of the method has not wane, but indeed outreaches cxery other means of turning. people to Chi eae AAs God has spoken dite to Brother Branham making known to hin that is tiisty was intended oral, hi paper, 48 tril a all the Branbamy healing campaigns Ire to be condicted on an ntt-evangelica iste” This wll be expsingd moc ally cise in Bis ppes SHREVEPORT, LA, APRIL, 1948 EIGHTEEN “DAYS OF BRANHAM MEETINGS Number 1 IN THE NORTHWEST YIELD GREAT RESULTS HOW THE GIFT CAME TO ME By William Branham Concerning the coming of this git of hing Tc only elt to you the exper feces it came to me, Te 8 my sincere aed Honest belief that gifts are forcoriained of ol) Many ot net foci thon, but itis proven by the srptares that ny eens of the Be hve ben in foreodainel, For instance, the bith of Christ was forcordsined fom the Garden of Tien, "And shout 712, yeas before the Coming of Job the Baptist, Isiah swe and spoke of him asthe ve of oe crying ta the wilderness. The prophet Jeremiah sd that before he was formed in his mother’s womb; God knew bim snd ordained him « ophct over the nations 1 believe that Ercordnation is reponsbie forthe pitt for this reason also: I'have had_0 religous Hickground. My parents were of diferent tains, and betatse of that, Inever went to church The first time that I had any ides of what the future held, Iwas about the age of seven, having just entered schoo! in 2 sural section a few miles north of Jeffersonville, Indiana, ‘where my father was'a private chautfer for 4 wealthy family. T have always loved to fish and bunt... even my conversion did not take that out of me...and that late September afternoon some of the boys had zpone down to the well-stocked fish pond to fish, while I was having to cacry water for iy father. I regret to tell you what the water was to be used for. My father drank very heavily, and at this particular time he wwas making whiskey, so I had to pack water to the stils, which would be runaing that right. Coming down the lane, I et my little syrup buckets down and dropped down un- dler tree to rest for a few moments, crying because T couldn't go fishing with the rest fof the boys. While siting there by the tee, something took place which T can never for ppet._ Seemingly, there was the sound of the Blowing of the wind through leaves, but, looking up, I saw no leaves being shaken for any sige of 2 wind. I sat still, startled and wondering where the noise was coming from, when T heard it again, so I picked up sy buckets and started up the lane. This (Continued on page 7) ‘The great Northwest meetings will long be remembered by the many thousands of people tht atended.""The hist ofthe seis EP hee or foury campiges was eld in Vancouver, BC Much of the sucess of Demet cme asthe fs of the fn ork and preparation made by the eal com> mnitee which inched) Ret. Waller Me Mister, Rev WJ in Bt an Rev Cinrente Hail The report of the meeting fy ew, Barter hus appeared in print else where but so admis deste the Van uve campaign that we reprodice part of there Scenes of indescribable glory were wit nese daring the all too-bie, fourday cy fide campaign with Rev. William Brana. Ke in oer cis, son Vancouver, the ingest avalableandtorums were adequate to accommodate the teeming multitudes that Wate he min of oe rater» Tounudiog towns and willages seed ote Siyembly into Vancouver, nth the whole iy wut conscious ofthe apical impact of Thousands. of praying, believing people Miniter delegations’ fom various cies Needed with a view to securing the minsey Sr Brother Beanham for similar meetings in their various fields of labor. Thousands were Unable to gain aces tthe meetings and this in spe ofa transporation sik ivol Wing al sired crs and hoses" The Vanover meings wee pea three must prayer meetings and three eat prepation services on the day before Je meetings commence Right (tom the Beginning aegis forthe coming of Bethe Brann Vance,» aly Shirt of unity and. cooperstion preva dong the Vancouver ministers. This gt Sous pint conic and in fat incesed throughout the, mewtings, and ib yet sry haa teat, finding expreson ia fellow Ship groups aad mectiogs ‘We have ated {hii belone ofthe outstanding features of Brother Branham’ wnisty in oer lis, Too, And how ‘dspertly it has heen teed" ‘Many testimonies of healing have con- tinued t0 come to the attention of local pas: tors, and many marvelous works were ‘wrought. bythe immediate action of the Holy Spice atthe time of prayer. To under take any kind of a report oa the healings ‘experienced would be an impossible task, (Continued on page 2) ee Page 2 THE VOICE OF HEALING BRANHAM MEETINGS IN THE NORTHWEST (Continued from page 1) for should one speak of crossed eyes staph cps oof brain vie io of the deat hearing, or of the dumb spiking? Or should one sec to recount the tilling team of tho, ened of any tumors and goitres? The tak too ret, and when singly complete, has ony gun. Final records wll only be ead when wwe sand before te Giver of erry good and eect gi Portland, Oregon Meeting The nest meeting began on Armistice Day in the cry of Portland, and continued four diye. Services were held in various build. Jigs, but no suditoriam was found that was able to take care of the crowds, For the las theee nights the municipal auditorium was engaged, but on the fil night even this spacious place was crowded out. Many miracles of healing took place during those four days Hundeeds of tinisters attended, and, with few exceptions, all reported that they had received + mighty inpiaton from the services 1e is impossible to real the many things that tanspired daring this brief campaign, but there fr one instance, hecase of the x Citement that it causel atthe time, we sll relate. "Ths incdent happened onthe thd ‘ay of the meeting in the muniipal sud ‘oftm with perhaps between four and five thousand people in attendance, Brother Branham fad beca speaking some minutes oa the abe of fathead jst mae the statement tat “all things ae posible him that believeth" At this momeat out attention was arrested by an ho Was taking raped strides 0 the platform, As Be tc as obser tre wa 2demoniae grin upon his face, and be ba {ite appara of an insane an As ws te andthe ava ot sae te was possessed with a demen Which hhe worshipped Later Information revealed dhat he had atackel oer tines in town an Broken up sevecil mectings Tn a mo tent he ws on the platforms ead) to cals lenge the evangelist fo « physical encounter, a the sae time curing him ina fen say. One as reminded of the encounter of td Golah challenging litle David. Hissing Sand cursing Brother Brana, the man dese ick is seme ready to crush the speaker The. great congregation looked upon the ere sone and ance ha owing. what 10 expec nex Miners Tooked atthe developments with consid able dismay, knowing thatthe intra, far as his Physical strength was conceroed, ws easly cape ofcaeyng ut his thet Some were for th immediate call of police ten standing in the wings of the storia, Fearing that this demon-posesed man not only might case injury to Brother Branham, Bat might Break ap the meting and bang reproach upon the ciuse of Chris. One minister came forward to interfere but he ‘was waved back by Brother Branham. Police men came forward but they, too, were told to wat, [At this moment, the man, in a pasion of hited, cutsing and hissing, drew ack his tims fo crush the litle fai man who stood aims him, Something, however, held his Bins and he could ot strike. Softy, but ‘termined, the evangelist began to rebuke the demon, whose strength way augmented Sod sustained by all the powers of evil in ihe vicniy, ‘The intrader made farfal exertions t0 overcome the power that Was Beginning to subdue him, but soon the cow eeation nas to literally sce thatthe NAME OF JESUS CHRIST is pester than al. The evangelist spoke again and said, "Satan, you Shall bow before the Name of Jesus and this great company of people!” Suddenly the fan who a few moments before bed hal. fenged the man of God with sch bossa ant blasphemous, impadence, gave Ost 8 {earful groan and slumped tothe Moor, sb bing hystecally. “There be ly writhing in ther tus fr some litle time. Eventually he hose and lft the building #8 Bas 38 os Sibi. "His-deliverance was probaly "not Fermanen, for it as apparent that he wor Ripped the demon, and soon it would be salPonhieasn Needless to say, the great congregation, awed by what had taken place, worshipped God and the praises of the Led filled the place. In the healing service which Followed 2 great wave of glory was manifest, The policeman, awed by what had transpieed, re ‘guested an audience with Brother Branham, Which was granted. Meeting at Salem, Oregon From Portland the Branham party went to Salem, Oregon, the capital of the state Plane service which commu'ed the speaker back and forth from Phoenix, Arizona was held up, and Beother Branham was unable to ative in time for the fest service, 50 the meeting that was held in the Salem armory lasted but three days, Certainly it was a time of visitation and blessing. Rev. Walter Fredrick, chairman of the local committee ‘which inclyded 2 good number of the Salem ministers, wrote concerning the meeting From Salem, Oregon, we 100. wish to sound gots noe of pre to God Tor the mighty vistation from God daring the Bran mesting. People ome front many Sates and Canada. t'mas necesny tol Sill loud speaiers in thiee of the Basement toms of tec amon. sl cea tc he people. were cured away. Never inthe Ey history has such crowd thonget 3 place for feligvs meting Ser wat ined and made God-cnsdows, Many were the miracles of healing. and one tf ear Apel, 1948 ing testimonies of deliverance, Each one of the six cooperating churches received a def- nite spieitual uplift, as did other churches also who did not fully back the meetings.” Ashland, Oregon “The next scheduled meeting was at Ash- land, Oregon, We might mention that while Brute Braham wat etiog ese Now wwest engagements, he was alo preaching in Phocnit, Arizona’ on Sundays. This neces- Sitsted bis commuting back. and forth by plane, Thee an unfortunate thing happenc. The big planes which mide the long lap of the journey From Portland to Los Angeles fn lese than four hours were grounded by government order. "The result ‘was Wat for [Bother Branham to ake the long journey on the dsmupted schedule, he bad to travel A night, which tested in his losing several igh sleep. ‘Thus came to. pas that ile he wets ia Aland be prctaly sf fered a physical collapse (Nevertheless, the Ashland meeting. was one of ret besing "Aslan is, 2 ca aratively small town of seven or eight thou Sony and ltd from the main centers of ulation, Notwithstanding, the lac set Sop seating pethaps 1200, was filed alms fo capacity the ft oight, and before the treating. was over there wis not room for {hose tho sought to attend, People came from great distances, athough 3 thick fog, unusual for that time of the year, made traveling very dificult ‘Many were healed and reports cline in daly after the meeting GF healings that had taken place Boise, Idaho From beautiful Ashland which lays at the foot ofthe Siskiyou, the Branham party traveled by car through Southen Oregon ver to Bots, Hdaho. Information carne to ‘us after we arrived that schoo! authorities fd held up the main high school aud torium, saying thatthe small-audiorium twould be sufiien to hold the crows that TRould ever assemble for eligious services Gre night convinced them, however, and the larger auditorium ‘seating. some 2400 tras filed to capacity the next 0 nights 'A rather drumatic incident took place on the fist evening of the campaign, After Brother Branham had delivered the message fon how the gift had come to him, he was SEout to come down From the platform f0 fommence payer for the sick." Howevee, for a moment or two he failed to appeae So Brother Baste went up in the wings (0 find out the cause of the delay. Soon he feturned, and taking the ‘microphone, be began to tell the audience tht already dis wis folding 0 the pon, What had happened was this: A Indy Tying 00-3 Cot, in't very serious condition, had been Placed on the platform over near the side Jing As Brother Branharn was abost t0 ome down, he sav this woman's condition, (Continued on page 8) Apel, 1948 WHY ALL ARE NOT HEALED PART ONE Since it isso clearly evened everywhere Loughout the Scriptures that our Heaven Father ‘will ovr healing, why do some in out day who sec healing, fil to rceive i? This isthe question ia the minds of many honest inquires. ‘There are any answer’ to this question, which we will bly men tin singe by these answers, any who had failed to recive healing, have been enabled to locate themselves, ater which they bave been gloriously hele Fint: Ignorance of this—physical healing part ofthe Gospel. Fath cometh by hear ings the word of God. Many in our day sesk healing before they have heard or rex nous of the Word of God t0 produce feal faith. ‘The ely church ws united and tianimous on the subject of healing snd eaying for the sk; They lifted up their ‘oie fo God with one accord, in prajer for figns and wonders of healing; ahd i was tot the faith of the evangelist but of the whole company. of elivers. that brought Meling to evergone in the set of fer salem after Chests ascension (Acs 3 1416). "A large part of the present church, through ignorance and tradition, are opposed to healing for which the ear church united Iy prevaled in prayer; the present church as 2 whole has not accepted our Lord's attude towards sickness as fully revealed in the Gospels. In this day oppostion often takes the place of united proper: unblit takes the place of united faith; lokewarmness the Place of being spilled, as all were in {he early church." So Twill a the question, May ot the blane for the failure of some to be heed be largely due tothe unbeliy ing part of the church herself since we are tener: one of another? T helieve you wil say yoo. Suppose was generally believed now thatthe day of reeheration was past How thie ould inde the sco the ministy in that pact of the Gospel! On the other and, suppose that from ffsncy wwe had all been taught the healing part of the Gospel as defintely as any oer part, Telit very few would have any difialy in evidencing faith for healing. Second: Community unbelief, Although Jesus worked miracles and healed all that iwere sick in other places, when He came Nazareth where He was brought up, we read, He could do no miracle there, be ‘use of their unbelief Think of ie! Chest Himself, under the full anointing of the Holy Ghost, was hindered by comauoity unbelief. Since this is true, is it strange that some in any city, should fail to receive healing? God would not allow the gift of miracles to operate in Christ where, by theie vuobelief, they were making Him a Tar Did the fact that Christ could do. 20 ‘miracle there prove anything but the un- THE VOICE OF HEALING heli of the people? By withholding the Gospel of slings and preaching init place the tradition of men, many of our present diy teachers ave turned almost the’ whole world ito» Novaeth of unbelie so hat we have fo far in Nazareth nearly al the fine Te i ght to account forthe failure of some to receive healing by calling into question Chris's wilingness 0 hea then Athy not call into queston His willingness to save all men to sty the unsinctiied Conaitton around vs? Considering the fact that in the minor or healing. par oF ut ministry ‘we ate compelled t0 bor in the face of almost ‘univer unbelief a that those who preach ony the sou salvation pat af the Gospel are laboring inthe mis of Slmost univers faith in the outer of sl ‘ation, I think that God is giving proofs of Divine Hesling as bright and convincing 4s the proofs of regeneration, and tat, with not nearly 3 mach fesching to produc Fath When I consider the lack of teaching, the eppostion, the unscriptural condition and the peer atitade of the prea day church towand thin put uf Une Gonpel, intend of wondering why some ace no hee T mar Sel atthe soees that Gods giving io those sho pray forthe sick, T think you il agree sith me when [ay tht the pros of Divine Healing among. those. now attending. the meting who sty they have been heated, ate bright and convincing a the proots of regeneration are among. the stmt number in any church who profes to be regenerated Arernot the hundreds who now testy that they ‘have been healed in 18-004 heath pysiclly av 2 bike number of profesing Ghriians in any chach ave spray? Would not the physica health of those who have Been esled compare favorably withthe viral heath of even the average minister of today and yet the tte as heard hundred times more on the subject Of salvation to produce faith than the sick have Read to produce faith for healing Tt think thatthe average professing Chan of today is + poorer proof ofthe dxtine of regenertion and consecration, than those who testify to being healed are of the doctrine of healing. Many who have been deaf and. dumb mutes from bith, whom Christ has healed perfectly in our revival, can now. heat better physically than the Sere church member Can hens spirally Sn that, without nenly so much tecking io produce fat, T have sen many. who Could ne walk «step from bith, who since fei ppl for ave wating hater ys Cally than the average church, member is walking spiritually. Many who have had totally blind eyes can now sce beter ph Cally than the average choch member Gn spinal ‘Are all who have been baptized washed {rom all thet sins? No, but those who have faith are; and what water i inthe ordinance Page 3 By REV. F. F. BOSWORTH ‘of Christian baptism, oil is in the ordinance fof anointing the sick for healing. You say, ‘Sorandeso was anointed and was not heal ed.” T answer, "So- and-s0 was baptized and is not saved." Some say, "I know a man who was prayed for and was not healed” and I ask you, "Did you ever pray for a ‘man who did not get saved? If 50, yours was the bigger failure because it is a thow sand times more important to be saved than to be healed.” Would you reject the doctrine ‘of consecration because some church member ‘oF even some minister is not consecrated? Let us be consistent. 1, for one, will preach all the Gospel if T never see another man saved or hetled as long as I live. Tam de termined to base’ my doctrines, not upon pheaomens, but upon the immutable word of God. Third: The healing part of the Gospel is hindeed, and even made void by dion. ‘of men. Jens said fo the Jewish teachers in His day, "Ye have made void the law by our traditions "In our day we have done oi me won ome the Gospel by One tradition is that God is the author of disease and wills the sickness of some of His ‘worshippers. Ie isa mystery to me how any’ fone can hold this view in the face of Ihe Scriptures and the ministry of Christ during, which, for three years He healed all that were oppressed of the devil, that came to Him, sickness the wll of God for His ‘worshippers then every physician is 2 law breaker, every tained aurse is defying the ‘Almighty and every hospital is 4 house of rebellion instead of a house of mercy. IF God wants you sick it is 2 sin for you to even want 10 be well because we are 10 love the will of God. Another tation which is responsible for shoud. dying, 3 premature eth after years of body sean. the teaching tat Ye‘can glorify God more by remsning ik td expecting ptience AN Honest etn colgiened tise wll often knee 3 The ‘Continued on pase #) YOUR TESTIMONY OF HEAL: ING WANTED. Many thousands of healing testimonies have been receiv ed. Now after the lapse of time 10 show that these healings last, we would like your testimony again Don't fail to write at once. Address: THE VOICE OF HEALING Post Office Box 4097 Shreveport, Louisiana Page. 4 THE VOICE OF HEALING The Official Inter-Evangelical Publication of the Branham Healing Campaigns Publisher Editor William Branham Gordon Lindsay Jack Moore: Associate Editor ‘Anna Jeanne Moore... Circulation E {S100 per yeur Subscription Rate. Canada Rate $1.50 per year Please notify us of change of address, siving both old and new address. Address Al mil (0 THE VOICE OF HEALING Post Office Box 4097 Shreveport, Louisiana Arranging the Branham ‘Campaign. Schedule “The preparation of the schedule of the Beanbuth Fling campaigns Fy 99 means, an cay tasks Literally hundreds of i itions have come in during the pest few tmonths. It is Brother Branham's desire 10 thinister to as grit number of people 35 posible, "Nataly, the gest metopolian Fees with their iansportion and sd toium facies, aford the best opportnity to-do ths, ahough thee as been and lt Se ocasions when Brother Branham goes 0 smaller communities. view of the fac that this healing. minty ‘was given a8 2 tinisey t0 al peoples, thas een con “Tred obligatory on the pat of the Bran tam carmpaygn committee (0 ive preference to those cites where a lange eprsetative Atnber of the lasers are willing to nie in the campaign. Special consideration will be given those commmonties where much prayer has gone up forthe socess of such DOCTRINAL POLICY Ie isthe permanent poy of the Branham healing. campaigns to avord dace con troveiesihete iy of coune, a mote oF tee unanimity among Spuiled people Concerning the great evangelical tths of Stvation Divine Healing, the Second Com ing of Civ, and the Spel ie, And these wll be preached with fall liber in the Branham mestings Dat doctrines Dat fre peculiar to one denomination, or mvolve thed mysteries of Divine, Sovereignty, oF ‘which concer fomulas of water Bap, Ire to be rvlded in the meting and fot ie idennted with t afterwards All groups, Of course, are fee to preach their convictions in thel own churches THE VOICE OF HEALING April, 1948 BRANHAM PARTY NEWS For the benefit of those interested, the fol lowing statement has been prepared by the Campaign Committee and signed by William Branham: Due tothe wide reich and influence of the: ministy of Rev. Will Branham, {Tsong into the fellowship of his campaigns many finistrs and, people of various de- ominations bas been found necessary t0 Ekaly publish the doctrinal Policy follow fby Rev: Branham and his par i ll is campaigns Realising the importance of Cristian doc tring, andthe eights of various groups inthe tmalter of interpretation, Rev Branham feverthelss festa that in the large union Ieetings all doctrinal sss, apart from the treat Evangelical fundamentals, shold not fe ied or discussed nthe campaign se cen All cooperating ministers are Kindly ISkei to-siounly avoid the prespitation af argument and sebate on points of de Srominationa.diference, for the campaigns eto he entirely snterdenominationa Rev, Branham also requests that, for the sake of God's work, he be identified with no doctrinal issues by cooperating pastors after the clase of a union meeting. (Signed) Rev. William Beanham Conversations with Evangelist F. F. Bosworth Mot intersting while we wee in Miami, were our conversions with Evangel F Fr'Boayosth oe of the eaion's pratt fuori 0 the mn of Die Hea ing. Multudes of people will omer the great Bosworth hesing meetings of the ‘Twente. Vast crowds fille the most Spacious auditoriums of the ation t listen {othe menage of the Gospel of Healing st Sells that of sletion, In one cir 32 Imany as 19,000 persons confessed Chit as their Sviour» Mighty minal of hesling took place, the fame of which were reported in wepapets of the time ovr th length ind brenth of the land. These cmpaigne wre held before many auditoriums had public address system faites, and preth fog to such vas audiences and prying for thousands of people severely ‘taxed the fencrges of Brother Bosworth, 30 that Fength he found it impowsle to continue the conduct of these gest campaigns, Never theless at seventy, Brother Bosworth appears Sik presche withthe sep and soie of & tcl jounger maa. On Sonday nigh in Miami Brother Bosworth brought a message cn "Fath," precliog. Brother Brana s Sppearince atthe tent Te was gray ap Dressed by the congregtion. A. spcl fricle on Divine Healing by Brother Bos- Mond appear inthis ave MIAMI MEETINGS Jack Moore “Two separite campaigns in Miami were held in January and February. ‘The ‘rst time, the Branham party went at guests of the “ttle: David" campaign, the. pheno tmeoal boy preacher of fy, who wth his tranager, Rev. Raymond Hodksta and the Renate party, had been engaged ta several weeks’ meeting under the few, spacious TTent Cathedral, which they offered to. ac commodate the crowds which always follow the Branhamn campaigns, On the fst four nights of serie. were rendered in Miami and sh nights on the second. We were aso invited to minister in Lite Davids towing inthe resort cy of Orlando, where twe spent three nights i the municipal aud torium. ‘These. Florida services were. joyabt, to say the leat, but hardly compa. Ble to the sucess and enormity of the regu lee Branham campaigns. Accompanying ts fon this tour were my wife, daughter, and Jeasita Hemphill: who furnished the music and singing, hsides Rev. D. L: Welc, who joined sat Pensicoe One of the highlights of our sty there, besides the beauty of the pce. sel was the privilege arranged for’ us by Brother Hosts fora personal vt with "Ava te Young Chrisian Armenian, whose fame as hanifexing the gat of Divine Healing (a hit native counts Set and later in Ameri, fd brought hot the secgnition of many Autinaly prominent newspapers and ma Zines. We found inthis young man of 60 years, whose adant countenance was famed Uy ioog, dank betrd and hair owing aboot the shoulders of his white robe, 2 spirit of floes sod hurl impeesely Use at St our Brother Branham The conversation with him, emanated theough an etrpeter, proved him to hive been the humble fate sn of an indigent widow, who bad the age of 46 been ited by supernatural bing and endowed wih the complete know Tedge of the Bible and the pt of healing, Sima tthe experience elite by Brother Branham, We were pascal inpesed by it expresion of belief that ia hese Closing dag of time, Go een up these Tero the unbelieving wold that the end of the Gentile age 8 3 hand LITTLE RANEE MARTZ Seaying in the same tourist home that we occupied at Miami, Florida, was little Rance Martz and her parents, This is the litle girl that has been publicized in several of the leading magazines and newspapers of this country, as well as abroad. Only seven years old, ‘she has preached to. capacity Crowds in great auditoriums of America, England and. Australia, April, 1948 THE VOICE OF HEALING Page 5 Instructions for Those Who Live at a Distance from the Branham Meetings At the beginning of Brother Branham’s minisiyy an atempt was made by hit to eswer al al for pave fr the sks Bat ‘oon aaltudes sought for hs unis. Tens of thousands of appeals for prayer have been reccved-—by mail by long" dance phone, by wire, Maifety it became physically sible for our brother fo miter in person Brauch & multe,” We therefore advice cveryone that has a cegoes for being to five careful attention t the following in Sioctons 1. Announcements will be made in The Voice of Healing a to the time and place of the vanows campagns, Prayer cards wll be iiven out in the day services of these meet ings only. "These wil enttle you to place in the reserved secon, but wil not gurantee Your healing-—that depends on your fuith Ind mecting|the conditions required in the Scripture. CSerure and. read the, booklet, ‘Divine Healing in the Branham Mecongs<: One wil be given fre if you donot have te few ents eos) 2, Please do not write for prayer cards or for speci personal advice. it quite impossible to Leep up with sacha volume af corespondence? If you come fom di tance prepate to sta for several day Tt is to your advantage 10 receive enough of the Word of God that your faith may. ep the Divine promise. Remember that bene of the grett numbers to be prayed for, several dys'my ‘lapse before your tum comes e's hardy fair to take someone out of the Tine and give their place fo another that has just come Plese do not nk special favors that Ste impossible to grat 3. Tow who, bectue of distance, il ness or infty cannot attend the meetings, tay recive an apointedibbon by ang wwrter request t0 Rev. William Basham Box 25, fefersonvile, Indiana, enclosing a samped self-addressed envelope. (Ace Tota) It ts impossible fer Brother Branham to respond to invitations t0 Wit hospitals, make tps to homes, orto answer telephone alls it isnot advantageous, ven if he were physically able, task hin {0 pray for you afer the mecting or at his heel rom, 2 be pays most eflectely when the special anointg of the sersice i upon him Schedule of the Branham Healing Campaigns (Month of March: Brother Branham will sinister to the Mexicans, Spanish people, and Indians in the Southwest.) Pensacola, Florida......March 30-April 4 Kanses City, Kansas ‘April 10-14 Sadalia, Missouri April 16.18, Wichita, Kansas Tndefnite Elgin, Ilinos. ‘April 28-May 5 ‘Tacoma, Washington May 12-16 AN APPRAISAL OF THE BRANHAM CAMPAIGNS By REV. GORDON LINDSAY Ie has heen my privilege at the time of this wating to have beet a some ine of the Beanbim healing campaigns, having assisted in most of these, Tam therefore int positon, in some degre, to analyae thes of hese mening nt 28 txiggeration to say that the manifestation of the power of God in signs and wonders txcecds anything that 1, oF others whom I fave talked with have previously witnewed White some" evangelist in past years ave tad great reste n'a minty of healing few, indesd, have tempted prayer forthe Sid the fst alghe of ther campaigns, and ifs, wich such visible resus." Not hs the Bit of detion of dees nd of cu Sais been. previously manifeud in any Sch & manner so far 4s Tam awate, And what rate drama i to se the ces of 4 Grossejed child instaoty saghtened, ot to watch the expresion on the fae of a Prrcot whowe dea and dumb child sping ‘ord forthe fst ime. Great as the blessing of God has heen upon these meetings, it would be unfair to assume that all or nearly all are healed who fo through the prayer line. Because some of the healings are so spectacular, it is some- hat fica Yo ines upon the people that there is a needful preparation of faith fon their part in receiving healing. Indeed, is is much the same as in the days of Christ, when He said, "Except ye see signs and won ders, ye will aot believe.” The Lord did not heal people indiscriminately, but usually took time with each one to give them special instractions. With one, there was a gentle rebuke because of his unbeliel, “Another, he Ted out of town before He healed him of, blindness. To another the Lord spoke of his sin, warning him that from then on he ‘must live a hoy life, f he were to retain his Seliverance. We shal be frank in saying tha it strut that some who ate healed apparently lose their healing, Some people depend almost estirly upon Brother Betnbass faith, and sven the first temptation comes of tturning Jpimptoms they give way. four warned that demons, when they are cat out, usualy fooner or later make an tempt to reenter the body from ‘whence they were ejected. UF the individual was so folth 3s 0 continue 2 careless, -worldly life. not inviting the Spit of Galo let plo he te ell spc, it was quite possible that the de ton, reinforced. by several of flows, would succeed inthe attempt.” Nevertheless, hvervation indicates that the sumber who retain thels healing compates favorably and probably exceeds the proportion ‘of those {tho make professions of conversion dusiog Gospel campaign, and who ultimately con tinge faithful an the Cheistan way. Te is fsa apparent that pastors who have 4 strong, faith for divine hetling and teach thet cope these tuts, reap far grater results om the Branham meetings than those who cxercise a weak, vailating faith. "On the ther hand, is abo trae that people with {very simple faith, such as the Mexicans, Spandh peep, and Indians, when they have nese a miracle or two, have cone for Ward and Been hese in get numbers ‘The spisit of humility is a most marked characteristic of the evangelist. Poverty in his childhood prevented him from having anything but the most meager education, ‘There 1s no pretense on his part of posses sing anything more than the most movlest of human abilities. In the sweet humility of the man, mistakes of grammer, and scientific inaccuracies are readily overlooked. Here is man that bas been like Moses of old, "face to face with God"; a man who has drunk seeply of earth's sorrows and thus has learn- cd to have a deep compassion for the sick and afflicted, Ministers attending the Branham meet ings, in some cases t fst hostile, witnessing the stmpliciy, the burly and power of Brother Branham’ minisy, often come to the realization during the Service tht they are ceiving a sprtl uickening that the fave never felt before Testimonies, have come to ws that such hive retuned fo ee ‘own congregations with inspiration and re newed consecration, to work forthe Master 2S never before, A feu. very fem, be Gause of their own lack of faith and spital discernment, pethaps caused by a conform ity withthe word have fet doubts creep and have thus deprived themselves of bles ing and have hindered their own congrep. tions from receiving. The light whieh mined the Irelites in their crossing of the Red Sea was dasknes to the Egyptians who followed behind A few ministers, men who no doubt love the Lord, have Been obssed with such Se taian seal that they thik nly of the Branham campaigns a means of serving {hei own group and would inst on ident fying Broter Bruns eilty with some fortculse doctrine. When Brother Branham ee" sked them to Kindly efain from 30 ding, they hve fel that he was compromis ing the kh. Alig that ou spinel dis Ceénment is to gross that we cannot dicen Between the rest fundamental tuts ht ste usin the Body of Chit and those in shi the mose godly of men dif. Now Wihstanding, many ministers of the gospel kre sejoking that the minty of Bother Branham is torving as 2 common denonina tor of those who. though members Of df ferent groups ye ace members of the sme body. ‘Let each church preach sown com wictons, but let us not prosete one another when the great mulls re, perihing svthout Chet on our doorstep. Who knows (Continued on ext page) Sc “months Page 6 THE VOICE OF HEALING STATEMENT OF POLICY From REV. JACK MOORE ‘The Lord has been gracious to us as we have traveled many thousands of miles with the Branham campaigns in the last several ‘One of the treasured memories is the sweet fellowship we have had wit bethen of like precious faith. ne cng i i ade heel to have it, judgment is God's only alterna tive, Which do we want? Do we think tour denomination can save us? Be not de ced Orgimizition is aces forthe Sake of the work: bot history proves that Ait denomination have drifted fowardsapor tas ana yet not one has ever been rescued ‘Ai the history ofthe past shows God never ave sich a revival 013 certain group, but in almost all cases set it outside of organized Ghurch, We may not pleise everyone But if we can help to break down that sy tem of self-rightcousnes that many are in und don't scem 10 know ating of the fonsequences, then we will have. pleased Chest AN APPRAISAL OF THE BRANHAM MEETINGS (Continued from page 5) but that this great move is prophetic—not toward the merging of denominations, but toward the creation of a spirit of good will and fellowship as the world has a right to expect from those who ace members of the body of Cheist. ‘There is another problem confronted in the Branham meetings which, because of its ature, is not easy of solution. People come for hundreds and even thousands of miles 10 be prayed for in these secvics, Those ie charge of the conduct of the meet ings are solicited. continually by calls from, those who wish immediate attention. Tf only 4 small fraction of these calls were heeded, Brother Branham would not have 1 mo" ‘ments respite. Tes well that everyone who attends the Branham meetings should care fully consider the fact that no one can pro perly minister to the tens of thousands of people sho are in need of healing. If in the sweet humility of his ministry, af in che smiraces that take place, if in the testimonies Df the great number who are healed, 2 new faith and inspiration should be instilled io the chaech of the Lord Jesus Christ, surely Brother Branham will have done his. part Finally, we must mention the fact that Bro ther Branham is not a man of ualimited sicength. Praying and ministering. to. the thousands of people often wears him down to the point ‘of absolute exhaustion. | We trust them that all shall understand the reason, that it becomes necessary to keep our brother in a quiet place where he can pray and wait fon the Lord without interruption from the sminy who desire to converse with hit Send for your subscription at once! April, 1948 WHY ALL ARE NOT HEALED (Continued from page 3) bed side of one suffering with arthritis or cancer and pray, "Lord, since in thy loving providence thou hast seen fit to lay thy afc fng hand upon our dear sister, ve her fort tude and patience to bear this afliction,” This is done i place of obeying the plain command to anoint aoy sick in the church and to pray the prayer of faith for thei healing, ‘which John Wesley says was the only process of Healing in the church until it was lost through unbelief. Now if itis true, a5 many are taught, that they can glorify God more by remaining sick than by being healed, then’ Jesus hesitated aot to rob the Father of all the glory He possibly could by healing everyone that appeiled to Him for help during His entice earthly ministry. And His successor, the Holy Spirit, who was sent down to augment what Christ had be sun to do and to teach, hesitated not t0 rob God of all the glory He could by healing ia the streets of Jerusalem (Acts 3:13, 16) and Paul didnot hesitate to rob Him of all the glory he could by healing all the other sick on the Island of ‘Melita Then the most common and threadbare tradition is the worn-out statement that the age of miracles is past, OF all traditions, this is the most foolish, ilogical and un Scriptural of any that T have ever known ‘The Holy Spirit, in whose age we now live, is God's only ‘miracle Worker, the only ‘Administrator of the Father's will; the One ‘who healed all the sick multitudes who came to Christ for healing during the days of His flesh. All the ‘miracles ever wrought until the Day of Pentecost were accom: plished by the Spirit, the miracle Worker, before He had entered the world officially for His own dispensation. ‘The age in which we live was intended by ‘our heavenly Father, to be the most miraculous of all because itis the miracle Workers, the Holy Spirit's age or dispensation, — During. this ane the great promise is that God will pour fout the Holy’ Spicit, the miracle Wotker, upon all flesh; this isthe only age whea the Miracle Worker would. incarnate Himself: this is the omly age when the nine gifts of the Spirit, inclading the gifts of faith, heal: ing and miracles, were t0 be distributed to every man severally as He will, Jesus pro mised that the works which He was doing and greater works would he continued and augumented by the Holy Spirit, the miracle Worker, after He entered office during Christ's’ exaltation, which is the Spirit's dispensation. How absurd and ridiculous for any Bible teacher 10 pick out this, the miracle Worker's age, a8 the only age when miracles are done away with. How absurd to teach that the Holy Spirit will. work miracles in every age but His own, which is a better dispensation with better priest and better covenant, hettet promises and better everything, (To be continued in the next issue) April, 1948 THE VOICE OF HEALING Page 7 HOW THE GIFT CAME TO ME (Conte from page 1) time it came agin, Judes than before, and 48 T looked bac 0 see what had happened, Tootced that shout hallway up in the tee there scemed tobe 3 whicwind, out of which a audible vice spoke thee words: “Don't ver smoke dirk or defile your body in any wy, for there wil be 2 work for you to-do wie you get der T'was 20 tightened T didnt know what to do. Screaming and running othe fous, 1 fel tothe ans of iy motber, whe thought I had been bien Dy a sake’ Tio het Iwas just snred, So she put me to bed and was going to all dlr, thinking was aulferng from ncevous Sock ‘Now fends, Tm aware that any Pel wos sc a his ory, ut Tat responale for what the ay. am nly. responsible. for my own tapcience Newest sy, never did go by that ee anymore. "T would detour down the other Side ofthe garden to avid iy for I thought there wis aman up in tat ce. And I be lieve yet there was 41man in the tice It ‘as We angel of Gad tnd in later years, Inet him face te face and talked with hi A. few weeks after that, 1 was playing smables with my Brother, when an od Teck Ing came over eT saak down by a tee anil avi na ance, Vs lage span se Sp and crow the rive, and watched while number of peopl fll off into the iver and drowned. Comang to myself, ran and wld mn moter, and gan he che tat sea just nervast child. "Twenlytwo From tht tine, the Municipal beige was erected aco the Ohio Rive and tha sane number of worknen wete drowned, falling off the brge You sc, these things did nt tome about by prayer ‘or desi, but were Forcordtned in he divine wll of God Ths ea st ofthis ature came aoat one day while Iwas going tothe river wth say dad and anor stan They had offered thea dink of waiskey, and because | wanted to find favor weh the man vo be would let ie hs bat foiled da at ab positively a8 1 am speaking tay, I heard that soutd ike the blowing of the Teaves Looking. sound, and sting ‘no leaves orsign of the wind, I put the Pot 1 ay lg agin whe I ha the sine before: opps the bate and ran away, while my own dad called me a sisy. Oh, how thit burt! Tater on, {was called a ssp by my fouthul git frend when T told er Taidet smoke, “Angered by her mockery, took the egret and was going to smoke it anyway, when I ws arrested by that fang Sound; xusing me to throw down the gt fetle and leave the scene crying because T Could ot be like eter young peopl, while the ees ofthe cow rang in years. These fre only a few of the many sila things that happened al! down through life. There was always that pecalat feeling, like some fone standing mete me, tying f0 sy some thing to me, an especialy when Iwas afone. Noone seed to understand me all. The oye that I would. hive asocited_ with would have noting todo with me Bocuse Tvouldetanoke or ck, sod al the gts twee to dances of which | couldn't partake Cather 0 it seemed that all tough life T srs fist lack sheep, knowing no one who Understood me, and not even understanding mipsel But 1 aid ot Know at that tie srk the great fture was holding as | know “The next important etent tht 1 remember came about when T wat neat the age of bioeeen. Tw suoling through the ca “al grounds one night with ome other Boys, when a voce calla out "Say you, Come here!" Looking back, sans young iy siting under a tem, an atlapie She totioned to me to come over to bes, and, thinang she wanted. me to do something for her, T oblige She sid, "Say, do yo Kew thit you were born under a sgn, sod there is Bac Tollowing you? You were born with a gift” Of course, the bays got to teasing te about baving'a gif @ I tid fo pase off with some remark to the 16g), who told me that though T rtented het iellng ane that, someday foul under Sand what she mesne Ted fo pa these things in the back of my mind, working at Giese jos, never sited, moving om fone place to another, having to sulle the ein of my wie and baby and any other sorrows which were law more thn the fan hear could bea. songht peace and Sstisfaction in everything imspinsbe. but seemingly there spac of about ten inches over the Aft rb of the human body that jus won' fill up unl Chit comes in. And ids by own grey there was slay that feling of something hovering over me, add. ing t my misery. “Bally, ty lve or 08 tute brought ne to a job game warden for the ite of Indiana, whidh cared me to Alferent pacts of the ste (Lest any should misunderstand, let me ‘emphasize that the practice of astro: logy is unscripeural, and certainly aot for a Christian to play with, (Isaiah a7s15-14), But it is scriptural for ‘even Satan to give witness (0 the gift of God). Sometime after this I was converted and ‘give my life to Christ. (I have watten a brief sketch of my life in a little book called “Jesus Christ the Same Yestecday, Today and Forever.”) After my conversion, which took place in a little shed behind our house, T took up afiliation with a phase of the Baptist church and became a local elder, being ordained by Dr. Roy Davis of Jetfer sonville. After a successful tent fevival thece, they built for me a tabernacle, which is stil located at 8th and Loth Strets, kaown as the Branham Tabernacle, and for a num: ber of years I was rather successful a3 a sinister, having baptized several thousand people and seeing many conversions for the Bory of almighty God. ven then Thad sucess in praying forthe sick though ye hot Knowing wha vas 3 oa ni me oe dp tris things ‘mould come fos, whi ttumbers of people around Jeffersonville cn ely Ont tae puticlae which T Imght mentions I vata cra plce on the Ohio River bap «large nanber of CSnventy amid age ong of Pople wa fathered onthe bank fo se the sevice Tt Sit warm altemoon, aod thee sie the Sis wee tke bros, arene agit star aie an hung over where T'was sanding Sty Sil enter cing tn the newspapers Ie has appeared many tines Since, "Sometime ago T'was in a hype ci ‘ere ae synonymy reds of pele, “The fit one T payed for fies 4 shall hid whe fect Tal been ewe up by polio, cusg him to have fo seal his ob, As uu in ou mesings, the audience was sting wih bene bowed IRevrence ay Ud he boy i my nme and tras paying fos hu, when ese tat 2 gh Wan ves teed on me, Teondered atthe alee of the aan etre the spigh one, ands 1 ofencd my tes te vender thet before me ood the Sing eet stopped the ite boy. oF Sitar Be amped eee ny eee aid Si'inow fa happened, forsee that trey neve in my body was pare. As fe the for hs fet besarte nora, ad for the st time in hy fe ie he walked feturlyof theplatform, May rest thing Pappeneds ever hundred people fant hers io Cis hat "My Brcurpeopi that were thre wend ths Gal ss you. Tam sll tg 0 80 ail ean for chi TNow by. vay of explanation cncecring a question which frequent comes sp. Many ‘tise have ake ie,” Booher Braham, ain you think aboot astrology? ‘Do Fou Iaith ye power of slay ai son hy fo you sie those stroll Te defor hing gies hi thing "ream nly say thes Tellme one pain te word woe te power ato Ris heing the sks OF athe sara 28 fomnertles, mediuns, ce. dt The Sri nowy le er ak pane the eyes ofthe bind made the deat GERRSt one dumb to pene, Thr only woe ough the: Name. af Jest Gis ab i Se ood 2 Cry. at Svat iso tang tome (in the ips soe By te cla) se fac ke te alow ge” When the Gift was ing in he man IRE ge pts were in te tonple debating Breer bent thee was ay earcion of Thescend, and atthe same tne # soup of ssc men came fom afar and eopsaed the GittorGod tothe cathe Sup Pay 30 fogy sof the ether power, bet een the Gh has to tity of Gods si Lot those ste men he whoeser or nave tay were they aid toy of Gots pit sod cme we woship hin before the fice inthe temple did, Alto when Pail and las were (Continued on next page) Page 8 HOW THE GIFT CAME TO ME (Continued from page 7) in Philip, andthe priests and ministers of the Gy were calling them impostors and crc hem 8 pio eat efor feels eid out to the people that those men were sent of God to show them the way of lation. lent it strange tat ts lle slaves, posesed ofan ex spirit, tecogiaed the power of Godin Paul and Silky when the’ oils didn't even accept them. "Wasnt it siange that, in another instance, when many were sting tht Jess was Beclech, that the devils ina ian Cried out and ssid they knew who He was “The dest confesing to His divinity, daa the phases sying He was the dev ‘And so fis toaay, that many ate debating about their doctrines and theories, an hee ing the people away from healing meetings while Gods divine git is working on tira the eth and many of them mising Oh, Alegent T tra to God that you wil wate up... Not besise Las made a Citi ofthis’ gity have nothing to do with ts coming’. God set it, When the “hildren of Ise were down in Egypt eying for adeiverer, God sent hs angel & Moses Moses had aoing o do witht. i nas God's angel that did the work, peroxmed the miracles. Moses was jst a houthpice forthe angel of dyad that is al Lam today Just & mouthpiece forthe angel 1 must tel you ofthe angel aod he com- ing of the Gift ‘T shall acter forge the tie, May 7, 1946-8 very Beutiul ease othe yea in Indiana, where Twas ll working 0 a game warden The coe hoe for inch and was jst going tou the house taking off my gens vy dar frend of ite spponched me eh shed met 1 Mon i Nt afternoon, old him i wis impose as Thad to pata, and while wating arose the house une a maple tee tessa tat the whole tp ofthe fe let loose, scene tha something ee down though tates ke a gest ashing winds T sagged They an tome, “hy wife ca om the howe, frightened and sted me wise wee wrong. fiying to pt hold of myrele. Tet Ser and ar hte ee ey ond years of being haunted by this seangy feling the te fal come when Thad fd et wh was al about er would acer int nee iad and warned her that i didnot return iat few days neve to Took fot me ‘And re eae ender, the putt of this mysteries xpecnce ‘which ha to de wth out hel fag so read prayetliy and crete That ittenoon 1 gent avy toa tore flee pray and read my Bible i beamed in Prager, sce ht my whole sol would ar trom me.” I ciel betore God. T Indy face to te ground Wood op 19. God and eid At you wil forge me forthe wy that f have done I foo betters. -Fon sot that ie beso pee ‘THE VOICE OF HEALING fu all thse yeas in dong the work you eit me's Wil oa ak ne CC ee Sr goon Tian Nog in te fight ot _ - |. Cs Meting in the Hom. Thinking somesne |. =~ CCS Wise nition bat there pus no oe, and Shook! inc the ge wa pending | now tse ey sage yo, a id toe A Big presding. of Goune T Peon eed and aed fm |. - ive pts ikea tr bt Toke ioc ike bat foe oy ig tinny down pon the four us tn Then stone wale Ingato the Hor which ated ie agin | free beds mycel: Now coming tough theigh sw the fet oa mah coming = (ohne “He appened to bes man ho. in -—hrUmr—S Shed pounce Ins whe be, had ono Tato dt th a ha town's hi shoulders aber darkcomee teh wh» vey ples coterme a, Coming dor hie caught with ine, thu sting ow eal vay he gan fo a =—=—e |... pect fe and jour misandseed ays Five brent nde tat God a set yu tolake nto din hating tothe peplr Shine wld IFYOU WILE DE Sn cERE, SIND CAN CET THE PEOPLE TO. BE ittrs Vou, NorniNe sttatt STAND broke YOoD PRAYER, NOP EVEN CANCER." Words ans expres hw 1 — == ss Row 1 woblt bo ale wo ate dices by a Cs Thaw ssn hn number of ties ce | or vce within te space of oth nd | =e sired ily inte pce af wis iTJote know’ hei only how tht a Needless to say, I started praying for the sick people. I do not claim to take the place fof a doctor.....I think that God put doctors here to assist nature, but they are only men ‘God is almighty. The great things which hhave taken place during theie twenty-one ‘months are {00 innumerable to ever be re- corded, but God has confirmed the angel's words time after time. Deaf, dumb, blind, All_ manners of diseases have been ‘healed and thousands of testimonies are on record to date. I do not have any power of my fown to do this... am a helpless human until I feel His presence. Many people who have attended. these mectings know that their diseases and sins have been told them right from the platform. Dear reader, please 46 not misunderstand my poor, literate way April, 1948 of tying to consey allthis to you. I sy it that you might hive's clster undentanding of haw to take advantage of God's git. He {old me to be sincere and pt the people to Believe, aad tht is what am tying fo do Remeber, we never question Got!» ability: Seno ta He ano a thing, bu Se voblem is geting one human 40 bien father, God always has something oF Someone to work through, and Tam only 2n inarment wed y Hin. No moan luke crit for performing mice, a Tam fasta motel, 1-60 fot know how ‘ch longer Goa wil permit me todo this int by Tis grace, {intend to sere Him the bes that I know bow by serving His people 2 long as He allows me t0 ive a conclusion, to you who ate seeking healing in these mectings. Let-me leave these fwo rules which you mt follow, onder to recive that which you expect fom God 1. You must believe this record which have told you, and that tis Gift of Heal ing, given by the Locd Jews Christ, is treans that God has provided for your hea ie 2. Promise to live for Gol with all your heatt the rest of your life BOISE MEETING tinued from page 2) and was instantly checked in the Spirit to pray for her. The cot was pulled back and prayer was made, With Brother Baxter's Announcement through the microphone, a ‘arious thing took place; an empty bed rolled into view from behind the curtains with che sick woman pushing it with one hand, and with the other hand in the ae, she was peas ing God. The spirit of praise then swept through the congregation, and thus from the very beginning the glory of God was manifest in those three great days of service The school auditorium was aot avaiable in the day tie, so fas pecomny fo Wee tthe ball for ihe day sence Bat none rere neat ge enh so wesings were Thcated dat ifort paces a the sume tine. Brother Baxter prechel st most of the afternoon serees and his egos rere que feature nthe tetings” a people were Saved inthe day sees Te Ene tnoning sevice ‘when’ Rev, Thorax Weld of Poniand, Orgon preci, some Wo cave to the alae seeping te wy eo God. "The testimonies oF those who had ‘sen healed of cance, deafes, and many ocher nes caused all to rejoice and (0 thank Gol foe the reveiton fis powers Sod many misters were 0 turn 6 te hurches ffs and spite by what ey fad seen. The splendid operation of the tinites of the Tatas Bae churches was frei appreciated hy Brother Branham te Ee neabbe of his any eee rr sc cc cc

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