First of All We Would Like To Express Our Gratitude For Our Dignified and Respected Sir T

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We have again become very much excited and enthusiastic to prepare this report
which is particularly focused on group theory application. It has long been
regarded that mathematics is abstract subject and students pursuing career in
mathematics have no any intuition or feel for the subject and they are considered
as if they have only memorized the theorems and studied them from examination
point of view. Here, we have attempted to demonstrate that if we study
mathematics meticulously and cognitively we can understand the original theme
of mathematics. Having being influenced by this attitude we wish to verify that
even the algebra is abstract in nature, it is one of most beautiful, intuitive,
fascinating and pragmatical subject. So we have driven here to demonstrate that
the same abstract subject can be studied very rigorously and analytically by
comparing with our real life situation. Abstract Algebra is considered one of the
most difficult subject in mathematics and up to now no has endeavored to study it
analogously to some physical object. Had it been analyzed comparing to our
physical life it would not have been so insipid. We deplore the rot learning system
in mathematics and appreciate the beauty of mathematics and encourage the
intuitive learning, feeling and realizing the mathematics. Even we stipulate that
our system must initiate such alluring program to stimulate the students and
provoke them on the subject.

Let us enter into the realm of group theory and explore some of its remarkable
and stunning properties mathematically. As we are still very nave and at very
early stage of abstract algebra, we lack several advanced concept and it is just the
beginning of our disposal to the subject, here we have exhibited just a sample
about how we can approach and assimilate subject intuitively and as we immerse
into the subject more deeply in upcoming days we can hanker to discover some
more alluring and inspiring things. We are fully optimistic that Sir will appreciate
our endeavor to the innovative approach towards the subject and inspire us for
more creative work in future.

In first semester , we have presented the similar proposal on differential

equation and we are very thrilled and sprayed as it was well received and praised .
At first it was very difficult for us to extract what the structure of the group theory
is implying . However, as we continuously deepen and concentrate our study on
group theory we eventually internalize the crucial idea that Number measure the
size whereas group measure the symmetry. After pondering on the subject
several hours finally we conclude that group theory is the beautiful branch of
mathematics that answer the question what is symmetry ?.

How it is possible to conclude group theory measure symmetry ?

There is the binary operation defined on G , a,b G implies a*b G

Which means that there are many actions available to manipulate the
object and the object still seems indistinguishable .Thus this means
elements of group respect the symmetry.
Existence of inverse of every element of group : If we move an object from
one position to another then we can again reverse our move to bring back
the object in its original position. Thus this axiom again preserves the
Associativity ; We can combine our actions or elements of group in any
sequence and still the resultant action does indeed belongs to our group .
Thus this axioms protects symmetry as well.
Existence of identity element : The initial position of object is the inert stage
of the object and from every stage we would always be able to arrive at
this stage as long as we are within the realm of group. Thus this again
protects symmetry.

Thus in this way axioms of group theory measures the degree of symmetry
of an object. Let us now discover some of the examples of group theory.
A treatise on algebra and optimization intended to submit
our dignified and respected teacher Tulsi Prasad Nepal.
We are heavily optimistic that teacher will
contemplate our work attentively and respond us accordingly.

Main objective: Investigating the group of symmetry of T.U. logo along with
one practical network problem.

Prepared By

Hum Nath Baral Kedar Nath Poudayl

Roll No: 54 Roll No: 102
Semseter: II semester: II
Section: B section : B

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