Designing of New IVF IUI ART Laboratory

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Equipments and supplies used in an IVF laboratory:

Designing of new IVF ART Laboratory:

Setting up of an ideal laboratory is the key to success in IVF. To design ,built and setting up
complete world class IVF center or lab is important turnkey project and you need an expert to
take care of it.

Experience of Fertility specialists, Fertility embryologists and scientists the key factors to be
kept in mind while setting up a state-of-the-art IVF lab. You need Specialist of IVF lab design.
You need IVF lab designer ,who are driven by passion of success to ensure continuous
development and delivery of State of the ART IVF Projects.

You need help you plan and design your lab space to best fit your clinic. Every lab has its own
unique features. Any architect can design a room, but you must understand the type of work
being done in the room to understand the work flow within the room. IVF lab design specialist
will work with you to plan your lab’s work flow and help you best place your hood, incubators
and micromanipulator.
Turnkey IVF Project Capability:

You should have IVF lab consultant, iui lab setup designer to do the site survey,
Lab Design, HVAC, Modular IVF Lab, Equipments, Training, Project management
and feasibility studies for setting up of ART Centre as per EUTCD, CAP & ICMR

The IVF Lab Facility:

The center of any IVF clinic is the IVF laboratory, because this is where the embryos are actually

The IVF Lab Facility is the most critical work area in the entire ART Centre. In this area sperm
embryos and Oocytes are manipulated openly after following disinfection and sterilization
steps. The design consideration is normally on internal air quality (IAQ) requirements. The
facility can be Grade A, Grade B,Grade C, or Grade D depending on; the standard followed and

Here's a guide to setup ivf lab or iui lab setup of any modern ART Lab, to familiarise you with
what happens to eggs and embryos and Equipments for setup of infertility IVF clinic, fertility
clinics, Infertility and fertility doctors.

Understanding the minimum equipments necessary to set up an IVF laboratory and the
principal supplies involved in the daily routine.

List of Equipments for a new infertility IVF clinic will be very long so we will list them for your
reference below.

You will need IVF Equipment AND IVF Consumables like,MAKLER COUNTING
CHAMBER,AUTOMATIC SPERM ANALYSERS,Sperm Class Analyser,Coda Inline and Xtra Inline
Filters,IVF Workstation,IVF Chamber,CO2 Mini Incubator,Portable CO2 Incubator,Craft Suction
Pump,CO2 Incubator,IVF Controlled Rate Freezer,micromanipulator
company,micromanipulator,Laser for PGD and Embryo Biopsy,Oocyte and Embryo Analysis
Software, Oosight Imaging System, glass Heating device for Microscopes, Heating Systems for
microscopes, Anti-vibration Platform and Table, Modular Incubator Chamber, IUI Catheters,
Embryo Transfer Catheters, Oocyte Collection Sets, Micropipettes for ICSI, ivf Pipettes, IVF
Media for Assisted Reproduction, Seminal Collection Device, IVF Plasticware, Centrifuge and
Spermfuge, Warming Plate and tray, Water Bath, Block Heater, Dry Bath, Portable Test Tube
Warmer, Mixer or Shaker, Adjustable Volume Pipettor and Tips, Pipette Pump, Cryogenic
Equipment, Cord Blood, Stem Cell, Lab Quality Management etc.

Guide to Optimizing IVF results by performing the right quality control like.....Optimize your
results by performing simple quality control protocols for Incubators, Follicular aspiration
pump, Fridge/ freezer - hot plates - hot blocks - stereomicroscope - laminar flow - air control,
etc. new embryo culture systems (culture media, equipments) and clean air technology.

Starting A new IVF Lab means start contacting designers, architects, sellers, resellers, vendors,
suppliers, agents, distributors to initiate slow, long and laborious process of discussing dates
and negotiating rates. This, you will agree, will further eat into your most precious commodity

To design , built and setting up complete world class IVF center or lab is important turnkey
project and you need an expert to take care of it. You need Specialist of IVF lab design like:
Shivani Scientific Industries Pvt Ltd.
Shivani Scientific Industries is one such highly focused company for In-Vitro Fertilization clinic or
laboratory setup worldwide. Today with their expertise in the field of IVF IUI ART ICSI lab or
clinics they are in commanding potion to offer single stop complete solution for total IVF lab set
up, IVf lab equipments and service products to reproductive / infertility professionals

They also provide Turnkey Project Services for set up of In vitro Fertilization Labs popularly
known as Test Tube Baby Centres.Their aim is to be your fully services partner and there
approach is to give you precisely what you need.

Remember your IVF program is only as good as the lab which supports it.

Shivani Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd.

Telephone:+91 22 28456768 84 / 5570 2442

setup iui lab,ivf lab setup,new ivf lab setup,embryos,culture dish,ivf catheter,semen samples,motility,Pentoxifylline
treatment,blastocyst,stimulant substances to improve sperm motility,assisted hatching,embryo biopsy,blastomeres,embryo
freezing,Optimizing IVF results,Incubators,Follicular aspiration pump,Fridge,freezer,hot plates,hot blocks,stereomicroscope,laminar flow,air
control, embryo culture systems,embryo handling,Sperm preparation techniques,Micromanipulators,culture medium and
dishes,classical IVF technique,Oocytes intracytoplasmic sperm injection,infertility clinic setup,setup fertility center, setup infertility
clinic,setup iui lab,ivf lab setup,new ivf lab setup, setup iui lab,ivf lab setup,new ivf lab setup,setup infertility clinic,setup iui lab,ivf lab
setup,new ivf lab setup,IVF Equipment,IVF Consumables like,MAKLER COUNTING CHAMBER,AUTOMATIC SPERM ANALYSERS,Sperm Class
Analyser,Coda Inline and Xtra Inline Filters,IVF Workstation,IVF Chamber,CO2 Mini Incubator,Portable CO2 Incubator,Craft Suction
Pump,CO2 Incubator,IVF Controlled Rate Freezer,micromanipulator company,micromanipulator,Laser for PGD and Embryo Biopsy,Oocyte
and Embryo Analysis Software,Oosight Imaging System,glass Heating device for Microscopes,Heating Systems for microscopes,Anti-vibration
Platform and Table,Modular Incubator Chamber,IUI Catheters,Embryo Transfer Catheters,Oocyte Collection Sets,Micropipettes for ICSI,ivf
Pipettes,IVF Media for Assisted Reproduction,Seminal Collection Device,IVF Plasticware,Centrifuge and Spermfuge,Warming Plate and
tray,Water Bath,Block Heater,Dry Bath,Portable Test Tube Warmer,Mixer or Shaker,Adjustable Volume Pipettor and Tips,Pipette
Pump,Cryogenic Equipment,Cord Blood,Stem Cell,Lab Quality Management
Turnkey Projects for
Q Modular Operating Rooms
Q Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Cardiac Care Unit (CCU)
Invitro Fertilization Labs (IVF)
Q Centralized Biomedical Waste Healthcare Engineering
Disposal Facility

_ - With Shivani... Success Assured.

From Project to Reality

Overall Objectives & Regulations Select

Capacity and and
Safety Integrate

Define Comply Design


.::. - B .::. -

2 I Shivani Healthcare Engmeering

Turnkey Projects for
~ Modular Operating Rooms
~ Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
~ Cardiac Care Unit (CCU)
~ Invitro Fertilization Labs (IVF)
~ Centralized Biomedical Waste
Disposal Facility

On Time Training
and and
On Budget Support


Shivani Healthcare Engineering 13

Turnkey Projects for Invitro

From Scratch to Finish

Shivani Scientific Industries Pvt. Ltd. , INDIA is driven by passion of success
to ensure contin uous development and delivery of State of the ART IVF
Projects. We have relentl ess passion for quality and success in everything we
---- -
do. , o·

Turnkey Project Capability

Shivani Scientific is a leading company in the world today offering single
wi ndow service such as site survey, Lab Design, HVAC, Modular IVF Lab, OOCYTE SCANNING AREA

Equipments, Training , Project management and feasibility studies for setting up

of ART Centre as per EUTCD , CAP & ICMR guidelines. Shivani Scientific has
undertaken many projects nationally including reputed All India Institute of
Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and Internationally such as British American
Hospitals, Port Louis, Mauritius.

The IVF Lab Facility

The IVFLab Facility is th e most critical work area in the entire ART Centre. In
this area sperm em bryos and Oocytes a re manipulated openly after following
disinfectiop and sterilization steps. The deSign consideration is normally on OOCYTE PICKUP OT
internal air quality (IAQ) requirements. The facility can be Grade A, Grade B,
Grade C, orGrade D depending on; the standard followed and implemented .

Sample Procurement
In assisted conception , 2 types of biological samples enter the system,
spermatozoa and Oocyte. Unlike many other areas of tissues banking where
speci men are taken from different areas. Assisted reproduction deals with
donors of garnets, sperm none of these samples can be disinfected or
sterilization prior to use in IVF Lab and process of In vitro fertilization and

.. ..
Fertilization 2 PN 2 PB Stage 2 Cell Stage Embryo

8 1 Shivani Healthcare Engineering

--- -- - - -
Fertilization Labs (IVF)

Sample Handling and Processing

The IVF Lab designs prime purpose should be to ensure the quality and
safety of transplanted tissue and cells while this means that specimen handling
must be performed in a way that they should minimize risks of infection and
disease transmission. It must also ensure that the processing requirements do
not compromise the functional potential of the cells.

Positive Pressure Design

The IVF Lab should employ positive pressure to exclude contamination
coming from surrounding areas with the provision of fresh air intake to replace
C02 Gas rel eased in the IVF Lab. This not only will protect the embryos but also
the embryologist.

Modular Clean Room and Air Quality

The air quality required may vary from air grades A-D. Microbial
contaminant level can be minimized with Hepa filtration , vac filtrations and
modular clean room design. The Modular cleanroom concept facilitates ease in
building of partitions, ease of cleanability, coving of joints, provision for electrical
and Gas pipelines with proper aesthetic looks.

Packing, Labeling and Storage

The IVF Lab design should also addressed to the packing of the Tissues and
Cells storage which in the case of reproductive material means cryo banking.
The IVF Lab design should also lead to the pronouncement of required
standards for traceability of specimen. This will involve labeling specification
and requirement for data retention.

4 Cell Stage Embryo Blastocyst New Born Baby

Shivani Healthcare Engineering 19

IVF Equipment and IVF Consumables

IVF Products » IVF Division

Sperm Fuge
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Mobile Nest
Lab + Guard
Warming Blocks
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Rapid Recovery
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