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Chapter 3


This chapter involves the project design, project development, experimentation,

and testing and evaluation procedure.

Project Design

This study used the experimental method to determine the most effective

combination of waste Endocarp of the Mango as raw material with isocyanate resin. The

composite board that was developed using the following composition was subjected to

Physical and Mechanical property tests.

Table 2 illustrates the Composition of Particle Board. Two variables were

considered. The first variable is the proportion (%) of endocarp of the mango and

isocyanate and secondly, the board densities. Three board densities were considered. All

experimental design was replicated into two composite boards.

Table 1. Composition of Particle Board

% Endocarp - % Isocyanate 50-50; 40-60; and 60-40

Board Density 1.0 g/cc ; 0.8 g/cc ; 0.6 g/cc

Replicate Two (3) Boards per treatment level

The design parameters in this study adopted the existing design parameters for

CBB using Kauyan Tinik from the Forest Product Research and Development Institute by

Dr. Dwight Eusebio.


Project Development

The waste endocarp of the mango is the main component used in this study.

Preliminary, waste endocarp of mangoes are shredded and dried for 3 days. Two

replications per treatment level will be subjected to Modulus of Rupture, Nail Head Pull

Thru, and Thickness Swelling and Water Absorption test respectively for each


Gathering of Materials

Preparation of Materials

Mixing of Endocarp of Mango & Isocyanate





Testing: WA, TS, MOR, FSH

Figure 4. Methods and Procedures of Particle Board Development


Process of Particle Board Development

The following are the methods and procedures of particle board development

using endocarp of the mango and isocyanate as binder discussed as follows:

1. Gathering of Materials

Waste Endocarp of mangoes will collect from the Sancorp Best Fruit,

Inc. and the isocyanate are from Carmona, Cavite.

2. Material Preparation

Waste endocarp of mango was shredded using particle shredder and

dried for 3 days. Weigh the materials needed.

3. Mixing of materials

In a container, mix the shredded endocarp of mango with the binder. In

a container, mix the isocyanate and pour it into the mixture. Mix it properly.

4. Molding of Specimen

After mixing, pour it into a 300mm x 300m x 10 mm mold. Replicate

three (3) boards per treatment level.

5. Pressing of Specimen

After the moulding process, the specimen will undergo in the process

of pressing using a conventional pressing machine with constant pressure

within 24 hours.

6. Curing of Specimen

Place the board in a drying area to protect it from getting wet and let

them dry at room temperature for about 3 days.

7. Trimming of Boards into Test Pieces

Trim the board into its test pieces. For modulus of rupture cut 3 pcs

50 mm x 230 mm board per treatment level, for Face Screw Holding 3 pcs

100mm x 50 mm board per treatment level and for the thickness swelling and

water absorption cut 3 pcs 50 mm x 50 mm board per treatment level.

8. Testing of Boards

The testing of specimen was done after 3 curing days .In completion

of the study, the specimen will undergo through Physical and Mechanical

property tests that are required by the Philippine National Standard.

Testing Procedures

All Testing procedure were in accordance to the PNS 230:1989 Specification for

Particle Board.

Physical Properties

The Thickness Swelling (TS) and Water Absorption (WA) are the tests conducted

to measure the moisture resistance of the particleboard and determine the moisture

content of the board as a percentage of its dry weight.

The following are the procedures for TS and WA test:

a. Weigh the test specimen to an accuracy of 0.1 g;

b. Measure its thickness to an accuracy of 0.1 mm at four points midway along

its side 2.5 cm away from the edge of the test specimen, and use the average

in the computation of thickness swelling;

c. Immerse in water at 28 4 centigrade horizontal to a depth of 3cm beneath

the water surface;

d. After 24 hours, remove the specimen and allow draining vertically for 10


e. Wipe off excess with blotting paper or cloth;

f. Weigh the specimen and record its thickness immediately; and

g. Calculate the WA/ TS to the nearest 1.0 %.


Mechanical Properties

The Modulus of Rupture (MOR) is a test conducted that measures the flexural

breaking load (bending strength) of the board.

The following are the procedures for MOR test:

a. Using a standard testing machine with apparatus. Carefully place the specimen in

the Universal Testing Machine below the center of the upper bearing block;

b. Apply a load to the surface of the test specimen at a uniform rate of about 5

cm/min and determine the maximum load at a span of 10 cm; and

c. Calculate the MOR.

The Face Screw Holding (FSH) is a test conducted on screws threaded into the

board to measure the resistance to withdrawal in a plane normal to the face.

The following are the procedures for FSH test:

a. The specimen shall be at least 2.5 cm thick, otherwise, glue two or more pieces

together to achieve a 2.5 cm minimum thickness;

b. Using a 2.8 mm diameter drill, bore lead holes into the test specimen 17 mm at

mid width, at least 5 cm from the end of the specimen;

c. Tread 25 cm no. 10 wood screw into the specimen;

d. Perform the test immediately after the screw has been embedded;

e. Attached the specimen holding fixture to the lower plate of the testing machine;

f. Insert the specimen in the fixture with the head of the screws up;

g. Engage the head of the screws by the load applying fixture with a slot for easy


h. Attach this loading fixture to the upper plate of the testing machine;

i. Apply load to the specimen throughout the test by a uniform motion of the

movable head of the testing machine at a rate of 1.5 mm /min; and

j. Calculate the FSH

Evaluation Procedure

The Technological University of the Philippines Evaluation Instrument for

Developed Prototype was used to determine the acceptability of Particle Boards with the

following criteria: Aesthetics, Workability, Durability, Economy, Safety and Sale ability.

The following is the list of steps undertaken:

1. Evaluation forms were distributed to five (5) Project Managers, five (5) Building

Construction material suppliers, five (5) Skilled Workers;

2. After explaining the details, the respondents rated the product for the above

mentioned criteria based on the Likert Scales as shown in Table 3. One (1) being

the lowest (Poor) and five (5) being the highest (Highly Acceptable);

3. Evaluation results were tabulated to compute for the mean of each criterion and

the overall mean respectively;

4. The results were interpreted using the scale shown in table 4.


Table 2.

Likert Scale
Numerical Scale Interpretation

5 Highly Acceptable

4 Very Acceptable

3 Acceptable

2 Fairly Acceptable

1 Not acceptable

Table 3.

Descriptive Interpretation of the Mean

Numerical Scale Interpretation

4.51 5.00 Highly Acceptable

3.51 4.50 Very Acceptable

2.51 3.50 Acceptable

1.51 2.50 Fairly Acceptable

1 1.50 Not Acceptable

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