OWLS Class Schedule

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COURSE 1 our enemies or our friends; Genetics natural vs. manipu- race.

enemies or our friends; Genetics natural vs. manipu- race. Well also juxtapose villains with their more virtu-
RUSSIA AND US - SHIFTING ALLIANCE lated (gene engineering /editing); and Treatments- chemical ous counterparts to map the contours of the moral worlds BONUS CLIMATE CHANGE
Greg R. Lawson AM/PM on 10/13 vs. biologic vs. immunologic. Finally, the course will close Shakespeares plays create. COURSE Dr. Stacy Porter AM on 10/2, 9
Dr. Steven Miner AM 10/16, 23 with a discussion on ethics providing students with a Elise Lonich Ryan, Ph.D. teaches courses on Shake-
better understanding of how to manage the good vs. evil speare, medieval and Renaissance literature, and college
Following the end of the Cold War, Americans believed that implied in these advances. writing in the Department of Writing, Philosophy, and the Free to the first 100 registrants!
Russian-American rivalry was a thing of the past. Once again, Dr. Gail E. Mutchler is a graduate of the Ohio State Univer- Humanities at Columbus College of Art and Design. Although global climate change is frequently in the news
however, Russia is often cast as a geostrategic threat. This sity. He recently retired from Ohio Health where he served as a politically contentious issue, the scientific community
four-hour course explores the history of Soviet-American as Medical Director and a member of the Ethics Commit- is virtually unanimous on two points: (1) the Earth is warm-
relations, paying closest attention to WWII, when for four tee. ing, and (2) much of the warming since the 1950s is due to
years the two countries were allied before the Cold War com- COURSE 6 human activities. Many impacts of global climate change
menced. A brief overview of the Soviet era will be followed HEALTH AND WELLNESS are already evident across our planet; for example, glaciers
by a discussion of the Putin years and an examination of the COURSE 4 Julie Nawalaniec, R.D. L.D. AM/PM on 10/12, 26 around the world are retreating, sea level is rising, the ocean
continuities and differences between the present and previous is becoming more acidic, and weather patterns are chang-
decades. AM/PM on 10/17, 24 Nutrition and Wellness is more than calories, carbs ing. This course will explore the current state of the Earths
Dr. Saleshi Asfaw Ayalew
Dr. Miner is Professor in the OSU Department of History and protein. Knowledge is power in maintaining our climate along with predictions for the future. Students will
and Director of the Contemporary History Institute. Dr. Miner Dr. Fazeel S. Khan and Dr. Romin Iqbal
bodies and brains. Students will spend two days exploring learn the fundamentals of ice cores collected from both polar
is a specialist in recent Russian/Soviet and East European food safety covering what length is too long to keep deli and tropical, high-elevation ice fields to reconstruct past
history. Greg R. Lawson, Research Fellow at The Buckeye Immigration is one of the most discussed political topics
meat, that mystery meat in the freezer, safe food prepa- climates, and the logistics of field expeditions for ice core
Institute, is Buckeyes main liaison to the statehouse where in America today. This course provides an overview as to
ration, super-foods - what they are and what they do for retrieval, transport, storage, and analysis.
he educates policymakers on free-market solutions to Ohios why there are new waves of immigrants and refugees com-
our body, label reading is it a foreign language or should Dr. Stacy Porter, a postdoctoral researcher at the Ohio
challenges. ing to America. It will provide a deeper understanding of the
we be attentive to labeling? This course ends with Healthy State University currently studies climate science at the Byrd
journey by addressing loss of identity, trauma, cultural chal-
eating to empower you to make healthy choices for a
lenges, misconceptions and changing policies that refugees Polar Climate Research Center.
COURSE 2 experiences in assimilating, Finally, students will explore healthier you.
THE AMERICAN MUSICAL how American culture and community are enriched and im- Julie Nawalaniec owns DiCon Health Services, provid-
ing consulting services to senior living communities in Ohio
Dave Powers AM/PM on 10/3,10 pacted by the immigrants presence among us. Deepening
our understanding of the Immigrants experience leads us to including wellness programs for independent and assisted OWLS
celebrate our living residents; comprehensive nutritional assessments on the campus of
American musicals have played a significant role in the
collective humanity. receiving skilled nursing care, as well as, those receiving Ohio Living Westminster-Thurber
culture of the United States influencing various styles, civ-
home health and hospice care and partnering with culi- in the Auditorium
ics, social and political change. The goal of this course is to Dr. Saleshi Asfaw Ayalew, Executive Director of Ethiopi-
nary services to assist them with meeting their department 717 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH
expose students to the interconnectedness of musicals and an Tewahedo Social Services has a Doctorate of Medicine
goals. 614.228.8888
politics by highlighting composers such as George and Ira and Masters in Public Health Methodology, Education and
Gershwin, Richard Rogers, Jerome Kern, Cole Porter, and Ir- Behavioral Sciences with extensive experience working with easy access with free parking on site
ving Berlin. Students will gain historical perspective about the the Refuge and Immigrant community in Columbus. Fazeel COURSE 7
show-tunes of yesterday that are now classics by listening S. Khan is a civil rights activist and a consumer protection EXPLORING EINSTEINS UNIVERSE
to performances and discussing how they now claim a place attorney with several degrees, most recently an advanced Dr. Barbara Ryden PM on 10/2, 9, 16, 23
in the Great American Songbook. law degree from Case Western Reserve University. Romin
Dave Powers is a popular and accomplished local musician Iqbal is a civil rights attorney specializing in topics of con- Albert Einstein published his theory of general relativity in
with a national reputation. He performs, appears on TV and cern to American Muslims. He obtained his law degree at 1915. However, it is only now, a century later, that some of
serves as an adjunct faculty member of The OSU School of the Ohio State University. the mind-bending results of the theory are being explored.
Music. This course will take students on an expedition through
COURSE 5 Einsteins universe. Einstein predicted that space could
VILLAINY AND THE PROBLEM OF EVIL IN contain what we now call dark energy, a component of
SHAKESPEARE the universe that makes its expansion speed up. This
COURSE 3 AM/PM on 10/5, 6 course will give students a greater understanding of the
Dr. Elise Ryan
basic working principals behind gravitational lenses, black
MEDICAL DISCOVERIES. NEW TECHNOLOGICAL Shakespeare created some of the most dastardly and holes, gravitational waves, and dark energy. In 2011, the
ADVANCES AND BIOETHICS some of the most funvillains for the stage. But these Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to Einstein for the
Dr. Gail Muchler AM/PM on 10/19, 20 villains dont always see themselves as bad people. Their observational discovery that the expansion of the universe
motivations are complex combinations of bad intent and is (you guessed it!) speeding up.
The wonders of technology have opened the world of medi- honest hope for personal or social change. Well examine OSU Professor Barbara Ryden, joined the Astrono-
cine in ways never imagined. This course demonstrates how some of Shakespeares best-known villains and discuss how my faculty after completing her PhD from Princeton and
abstract math and big data have exponentially increased villainy and the questions of bad faith and wicked intentions working at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory and
our abilities to apply mathematical knowledge to biology and were understood during the English Renaissance and how the Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics. Her
personalized medicine. This dynamic course covers: Farm to villainy occasionally intersects with Renaissance discourses focus is galaxy evolution and the largescale structure of
Pharming (Pharmaceutical companies); Microbes- are they of friendship and sixteenth century theories of class and universe.

For More Details www.OhioLiving.org/OWLS For More Details www.OhioLiving.org/OWLS

Morning Session: 10:00 AM to 12 Noon Afternoon Session: 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM OWLS NON-PROFIT

October 2017
School for Older Wiser Lifelong Scholars U.S. POSTAGE
Ohio Living Westminster-Thurber PAID
645 Neil Avenue, Box 107 COLUMBUS, OH
Columbus, Ohio 43215-1619 PERMIT NO. 4001

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

2 3 4 5 6
Change 2 American 5 Villainy and the
Problem of Evil 5 Villainy and the
Problem of Evil
Musical in Shakespeare in Shakespeare

7 Exploring
lecture continuation lecture continuation lecture continuation


9 10 11 12 13
Climate The Health Russia and
Change 2 American 6 and 1 US - Shifting REGISTRATION MATERIAL ENCLOSED
Musical Wellness Alliances
For More Details www.OhioLiving.org/OWLS

OWLS 2017
lecture continuation lecture continuation
7 Exploring
lecture continuation
The Course List
16 17 18 19 20 course # course name
Russia and
4 Immigration Medical
3 Medical 1 Russia and US- Shifting Alliance
1 US - Shifting and the Refugee 3 Discoveries, and Discoveries, and
Alliances Experience Bioethics Bioethics 2 The American Musical
LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH 3 Medical Discoveries and Bioethics
4 Immigration-History, Laws, Bans and Impact
7 Exploring
lecture continuation lecture continuation lecture continuation
5 Villainy and the Problem of Evil in Shakespeare
6 Nutrition and Wellness
7 Exploring Einsteins Universe
23 24 26 27 BONUS COURSE - Climate Change
Russia and
US - Shifting 4 Immigration
and the Refugee 6 Health
and Its a tradition! For more than 20 years OWLS has provided challenging college level courses for
Alliances Experience Wellness
those who are eager to learn.
Exploring Classes are held on the campus of Ohio Living REGISTRATION MATERIALS and
lecture continuation
7 Einsteins
lecture continuation
Westminster-Thurber in the Auditorium. LUNCH OPTIONS ENCLOSED
717 Neil Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43215
Free Parking on Site Please share the School for OWLS link with your
friends detailing all the information needed.
Have questions? Call 614-228-8888 www.OhioLiving.org/OWLS
For More Details www.OhioLiving.org/OWLS

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