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- -

. -
II ,
. -
. -
. -
. -

. -
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. -
. -

. - -
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. -

. -
. -

. -

. -

. -

. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
Executive summary
. -
V -
. -
of the guidelines on

. -
the diagnosis and treatment
. -
. -
of acute heart failure

. - -
, , M The Task Force on Acute Heart Failure
1431 , 1
e-mail: of the European Society of Cardiology
GSM - 0897 926374, .: (02) 9320 725

. 2/2005 XI
ISSN 1310 - 7488



European Heart Journal (2005) 26, 384-416

European Heart Journal (2005) 26, 384-416

European Society of Intensive Care Medicine (ESICM)
Authors/Task Force Members, Markku S. Nieminen, Chairperson* (Finland), Michael Bhm (Ger-
many), Martin R. Cowie (UK), Helmut Drexler (Germany), Gersimos S. Fili ppatos (Greece),
Guillaume Jondeau (France), Yonathan Hasin (Israel), Jos Lopez-Sendon (Spain), Alexandre
Mebazaa (France), Marco Metra (Italy), Andrew Rhodes (UK), Karl Swedberg (Sweden)
ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CGP), Silvia G. Priori (Chairperson) (Italy), Maria Angeles Alonso
Garcia (Spain), Jean-Jacques Blanc (France), Andrzej Budaj (Poland), Martin R Cowie (UK), Veronica Dean
(France), Jaap Deckers (The Netherlands), Enrique Fernandez Burgos (Spain), John Lekakis (Greece),
Bertil Lindahl (Sweden), Gianfranco Mazzotta (Italy), Joo Morais (Portugal), Ali Oto (Turkey),
Otto A. Smiseth (Norway)
Document Reviewers: Maria Angeles Alonso Garcia (Co-CPG Review Coordinator) (Spain),
Kenneth Dickstein (Co-CPG Coordinator) (Norway), Anibal Albuquerque (Portugal), Pedro Conthe (Spain),
Maria Crespo-Leiro (Spain), Roberto Ferrari (Italy), Ferenc Follath (Switzerland), Antonello Gavazzi (Italy),
Uwe Janssens (Germany), Michel Komajda (France), Jo Morais (Portugal), Rui Moreno (Portugal),
Mervyn Singer (UK), Satish Singh (UK), Michal Tendera (Poland), Kristian Thygesen (Denmark)
( )
1. 9.3
2. ,
I. , , 10.
- 10.1
() 10.2
3. 10.3
3.1 10.4 -
3.2 10.5
4. 10.6 -
4.1 10.7
4.2 (stunning) 11.
4.3 11.1
5. 11.2
5.1 11.3 ,
5.2 ()
5.3 11.4
5.4 11.6
5.5 () 11.7
5.6 11.8
6. 11.9
6.1 12.
7. 12.1
7.1 13. -
II. 13.1
8. 13.2
9. 14.


I / ,
, /
() ()
- II /
. /
- II /
- IIb / -
(, European Society of Cardiology - ESC), /
. - III* ,
, E -

. , -

, , -
1985-1998 . -
. , - / ; -
. , - .
E -
- . -

. -
E - (Euro-
(ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines - CPG) pean Society of Intensive Care Medicine - ESICM).

, - -
- . 2 -
. D.
European Heart House -
. 2. ,

, -
, - ()3
/ , - -
e . ()4
. 60-70% ,5-7 -
- ,
() -
() - ().

, (15% ) -
, - .14-15
, . - 60
. 1. 30 60% -
() 1-2% -
I. , ,
,8,9 75%


- - 3.
. -
- 30% .12 - -
12%, -
40%.13 . -
45% , -
, . -
, -
. 1 , -
de novo ( -
(. -
) -
(2) ()
(a) /

(. 2):
(i) (de novo
) -
(4) ( -
, ,
, )
(ii) : -
(5) (,

chordae tendineae, -
() -

(iii) ( -
(Sat2) <90% -
(iv) : e -
, , -
(c) , -


, -
(. 2).
( <90
mmg >30 mmHg) /
(<0,5 ml/kg/h),
60 /min, .

, -
( , -
, , Paget,

), -

; 2 . * -
, , ,

(vi) -
, .




. Killi p

+/-, o
Forrester -

- de novo



. -

21 20

- -


3.1.1. Killip


Killi p/




I .




II . -
, 3 - , -

mm Hg




. 2

, <2,2

IV . -
( 90mmHg) -

< 1.8


, CI = ; =

, .
3.1.2. Forrester
mm Hg

< 90

24 (. 1).
( ,

, , , ,

, )

(, ). -

() 2,2 l/min/m2 -

() >18 mmHg. -

IV /

- -

. I 2,2%; II -

10,1%; III - 22,4%; IV - 55,5%.




(clinical severity clas-




() -

. 1 ( Forrester). H I-IV
, CI ,
o . C I-IV .

(). : , , , -
I ( ) ( ), II ( , Paget.
B) ( ), III ( L) ( -
), IV ( ) ( ). .
, .
() - -
. -
3.2. -
, .

, , -
(PC) .
, -
, -
, , -
. 3.2.1. (forward)(
- )
( -
), , - ,
, , - , -
. - , , , , -
- , , ,
. : (i) - ,
, .
, - -
; (ii) , . -
- . -
, - : (i) - -
; (iii) - , -

; (ii) 3.2.3. (backward)
; (iii) - -
- , -
, - ; -
, ; (iv) ( -
); -
; (v) - ; (-
. ); -
- .
- . -
; - ,
; : /
; -
; .
. ,
, (-
), -
. - ( ), -
, ,
, - .
() - -
. ,
3.2.2. (backward) -
, - , - ,
- D-, , Dop-
, pler-, -
- , () .
( ,
), , , Spirono-
, . lactone -
() Dopamine. -
, -
/ . ; -
++ , -
: - ; -
; ; ,
; .
; . - 4.
, (, - 4.1. -
), (
- -
, , -
, , , (
(- -
), . ,
- , ,
- .
, . . 2.2
/ ,
- . ,
(). ,

, - ,
4.2. (stunning) , -
, . 5.

, -
.25,26 -
, (R)
, Doppler-
(. 3). -
- , / -
, - (. 4) -
. - .
- 5.1.

. - ,
- .
, -
- () -
.26,28 - ().
v. jugularis interna,

. 2 . ,
. . ,
, .

, - . ,
- .

. 4

. 3

v. jugularis externa.
, - (-
, ) -
. . -
() , -
. - -
. -
. -
, ()
R . -
. 5.4.

(3, 4). , (. 3).
- -
, - (Astrup)
. - (2), -
(2), - ()
(). -
, - . 2
5.2. () - ( -
. ).
, - .
- 2 (-
. v. jugularis) -
.29-31 2 .
, B- (B-
, - type natriuuretic peptide, BNP)
, - -
. /
12- , -
-- , .1,32 -
. 300 pg/ml N-proBNP 100 pg/

ml BNP, - Doppler .
. - -
BNP - ( -
. BNP ),
.33 , .35-37 -
, .38
BNP. - 5.6.
. , ,
rBNP . , .
.34 , .29,30

, -

() . -
7.2.3. .
, - -
, - (.
, 4, . 5).40-51 -
. - ,
( / ).52
. 3 ,

. 4


( / )


D- (





(Na+, K+, ,

< 18 mmHg
- -




INR=international normalized ratio of thromboplastin
time; TnI=troponin I; TnT=troponin T

. .
. . -
- ,
. -.
/ .50
. - I,
2 , / -
- -
, /
, -
, .17


, ,
: -

, -
, -
, ,
, -

. - .
- -
. , -

6.1. -
, - .

. 5 .
(. ) -, , . > 70 > 90mmHg

7. ( 5.5). ,
. ,

- -
/ , -
, -
. -
- 7.2.1.
- -
. -
, - , -
, .
7.1. .
- 20 a.
; , radialis .
, IIb,
. - 7.2.2.

, , , -

, -

. -
2 (SvO2) v. cava su-
perior .
2 .
- (
, - , -
. -
I, . ,
- -


. -
(. 5 min), -

, -
. (PEEP).
- I,

. 7.2.3. a. pulmonalis
I, a. pulmonalis () -
, - ,
- v. cava superior, , ,
2 (SaO2). SaO2 -
2% , - .
-, , ,
. - , -
, .
[ -
2 (FiO2) - , -
2 ]. -
( 1 ) - -
. .
I, -,

, - , Gram -
.57,58 . --
() -
, , - . .
, - -
, - . -
, , , .
, . -
, - .
, : -
- , - . -
. . -
, -
, - -
. ,
(- ). -
, -
.59-61 .50
.47,61,62 - :
, .
, .

24 . - .
, - ,
.48 : -
- . ,
, - .
, .
. - .
, 49 9.
(. 5). -
9.1. 2
. , -
SaO2 (95-
) , 98%) , -
(. - .
). -
IIb, .

pulmonalis, - FiO2. -
(SpO2 - SvO2). SvO2 , -
65%. .
8. , -
, - 2 -
: . , -
, -
- , , , ,


>85 <85 >85
i.v. ,
(Nitroprusside, (Nitroprusside,
NTG), (Dobutamine, NTG) i.v. -
Dopamine) ,
i.v. ., -


: <2,2 L/min/m2; : , <14 mmHg, - >18-20 mmHg


.51 , -
2 , -
, -
. .
II, 9.2.2.
.63 , -
9.2 - ,
( - .64-50
) -
- . 69
: - ,

. . -
, - ,
- -
. - NIPPV -
- .70-72
9.2.1. ,
- .
. - 9.2.3.


. NIPPV - -
, .

- ( . -
BiPAP- 2 ). - .
9.3. - ,
e -
( -
e, -
, NIPPV. - 10.3.1.
- -
- -
. - ()
- 2 .
. , -
, ,
. . -

, - -
, , / , - , -
NIPPV. . -
- - -
, ST-. , -
10. -
10.1. rphine .
per os, i.v.
rphine -
, -
Furosemide -
, -
, -
rphine - .
, .73 I,
3 mg rphine i.v. -
. - semide Isosorbide dinitrate,
, . . , , -
10.2. i.v., - Furo-
, .29 .75
.31 -
- U- . -
, -
() . - .
Enoxi parin 40 mg s.c. -
, . -
, , ( 16-24 ) , -
.74 i.v. .
, - , -
( 5000 UI ,
). - . -
- ,
, .
. - Nitroglycerin per os -
- [Glyceryl trinitrate (GTN) spray 400 g
30 ml/min (2 ) 5-10min]
(Isosorbide dinitrate 1 3 mg) -
anti-Factor . .
(GTN 20mg/min -
10.3. 200 g/min Isosorbide dinitrate 1-10
mg/h) -
, -

. - peptide (BNP),
- . , -
, , - -
. - ,
, .
90-100 mm Hg , Nesiritide -
. -
10 mm Hg. . -
10.3.2. Nitroprusside -- -
.79 -
Nitroprusside (Natrii nitroprussidum, Sodium ni-
i.v. Nitroglycerin, Nesiritide
troprusside) (0,3 g/kg/min -
- -
1 g/kg/min 5 g/kg/
- ,
Nesiritide ,
I, 10.3.4.

Nitroprusside -
. Diltiazem, Verapamil -
. -
Nitroprusside - 10.4.
- - 10.4.1.
, -
. - -
Nitroprusside - .
.76 Nitroprusside --
, -
rebound . , .
, Nitroprusside,
(coronary steal syndrome).77,78 10.4.2.
10.3.3. Nesiritide --
Nesiritide , -
.40 Nesiritide - II ,
human brain B-type natriuretic -

Glyceryl trinitrate, , 20g/min, ,
5-mononitrate 200g/min
Isosorbide , 1mg/h, ,
dinitrate 10mg/h a
Nitroprusside 0,3-5g/kg/min

Nesiritide a 2g/kg +
0,03 g/kg/min

() - . pulmonalis,
. -- ().85
II - (>1mg/kg)
, I - .
. ,
- -
- .
- .86
.80,81 , ,
30- 7,6% - .87
7,1% - [- 10.5.3.
7% (95% I
2-11%, <0,004)]. -
(Furosemid, Bumetanide, Torasemide)
5/1000 ,
4-6 (. 1 200). -
- -
75,88-90 -
10.4.3. . -
- -
. - Furosemid Torasemide -
.87,91-95 -
96-98 Spironolactone99
48 , , -
. - -
6 .
I, .96-99
Dobutamine, Dopamine92
- -
- 88 - - -
, - ,
. .100
- - II,
. 7 -
. , . 8
10.5. - -


, -

. 7
, -

( . 8)

, ,
- +, Na+
, 1-2
Na+, - -
, + Mg2+
.83,84 , -
, . 10
(5-30 min)
.101 ,
.102 - . -
, , -
, , - 97, , , -
- , -
.103 92;
- -
(. 9).101,103 - .100,105
- ,
(. 10) - ,
- ,
. Furo-
semide - - . -
.104 Acetazolamide (1 2 )
10.5.5. , .106
- , -
V2 , brain -
. 9 (10.3.3)
10.6. -

Rebound Na+ 10.6.1.
( , , -
, ) -
( - . , -
) .
. , -
, -
. 10 , -
113 , -
- , , -
113 , . Gothenburg
/ - metoprolol study e Metoprolol
109,116 ,
i.v. (- per os 3 .
per os)113 - Metoprolol - .110
(- -
)103-107,116 / Furosemide,
108 Metoprolol - -
Furosemide + HCTZ109 -
Furosemide + Spironolactone111 .111 -
Metolazone + Furosemide ( - Esmolol
)110,107 . Celi prolol
Dopamine112 Esmolol . Celi prolol
Dobutamine117 - ,
-118 -
118,119 .112
- .
120 30 mmHg. -



Furosemide 20-40

Bumetanide 0,5-1,0

Torasemide 10-20 Na+, K+,

Furosemide 40-100
Furosemide 5-40mg/h -

Bumetanide 1-4
Torasemide 20-100

Metolazone 2,5-10 Metolazone -,

Spironolactone 25-50 Spironolactone -

Acetazolmide 0,5
, -
Dobutamine ,

HCTZ = Hydrochlorothiazide

Metoprolol . -
.113 . , -
10.6.2. -
, -

, - -
. ,
, -
( ).
Metoprolol .
IIb, 10.7.
, 10.7.1.
, -- -
. (, -
II, )
- ,
, (. 6).
( 4 ). II,
I, ,
Bisoprolol, Carvedilol 2 , -
Metoprolol - .114
, , -
, - ,
. , -

. .118-121
- - (>2 g/kg/min i.v.) Dopamine
. - - -
, , -
, -
, .
>5g/kg/min i.v. Dopamine
- - , -
, - ,
.114,115 / , -
. , - . -
1-, , -
2+ - a. pulmonalis .122
- .116,117 - 10.7.3. Dobutamine

Dobutamine 1- 2-

- -

,123, 124
10.7.2. Dopamine Dobutamine -
(<2 g/kg/min i.v.) Dopamine - , -
- . - Dobutamine
, .77
. - ,
, , - -
. Dopamine .
, - , Dobutamine -
, , , - V--
- . -

. 6

, - , -
. .
, -
(Metoprolol) Dobutamine -
.119,122,126 15-20 g/kg/min,
Dobutamine Dobutamine , -
. (5-20g/kg/min)
10.7.4. .129

Dopamine Dobutamine , -
(>2 g/kg/min i.v.) - , -
. Dopamine (2-3 g/ ().
kg/min i.v.) Dobutamine - -
, . Dobutamine (
, 24-48 h) -
127 (. 11). .122 -
IIb, Dobutamine
Dobutamine - ,
( - .
) -
, - Dobutamine ( 2 g/kg/min ) -
. (. 11) Hydrala-
II, zine / - per os.131 -

Dobutamine - .
. Dobutamine -
2-3 g/kg/min . - ,
. -
, - -
. .132,133 -
Dobutamine ,
20 g/kg/min.
. , -


Dobutamine 2 20 g/kg/min (+)

Dopamine <3 g/kg/min: (+)
3-5 g/kg/min: (+)
>5 g/kg/min: (+), (+)
Milrinone 25-75 g/kg 10-20 min 0,375-0,75 g/kg/min
Enoximone 0,25-0,75 mg/kg 1,25-7,5 g/kg/min
Levosimendan 12-24 g/kga 10 min 0,1 g/kg/min,
0,2 g/kg/min
Norepinephrine 0,2-1,0 g/kg/min
Epinephrine : 1 mg 0,05-0,5 g/kg/min

3-5 min,

. ,

Dobutamine. 2+ (2+ sensitization)
- ;
. - 2) +- -
Dobutamine - , -
, . , Levosimendan
- .
.134 - Levosimendan ,
Dobutamine , 2+ -
2+-. -
, - 80 h, -
- .42,116 24- -
10.7.5. Levosimendan.138,139
Levosimendan -
Milrinone Enoximone III ,
, -

, -
(. 11).
, -
a. pulmonalis, PC - Levosimendan - -
, - 0,05-0,1
.122,135 g/kg/min,
- 12-24 g/kg, 10 min.42,140-142
( Nitroprosside) -
( Dobutamine). 126
- 0,2 g/kg/min.165 - -
-, - ,
-- 6 h 142 24 h 42,142,
.128,129,136 48 h -
III - .138,143
, - Levosimendan
- , -
, . , -
IIIb, ,
, -

Dobutamine --
.42,143 -
Levosimendan Dobutamine -

.42 Dobutamine,
Milrinon Levosimendan - -
25 g/kg/min 10-20 - -
min, -.42
0,375-0,75 g/kg/min. Enoximone Levosimendan, -
0,25-0,75 mg/kg , - 42,
1,25-7,7 g/kg/min (. 11). ,
- <85 mmHg.143 -
, Levosimendan -
. .
, -
, . - 141,142 Dobutamine.42
Milrinon (0,4%) ,
Enoximone. -
42,143 .143
, 10.7.7.

10.7.6. Levosimendan
Levosimendan ,
: 1) - .

- , Digitalis -
- -
. .153 ,
, -
, , -
. Epinephrine , , .
, --
Epinephrine e
1-, 2- -. Epinephrine -
0,5 g/kg/min, Dobutamine
. -
: , V- II III , SSS
(sick sinus syndrome), CSS (carotid sinus syndrome),
WPW (Wolff-Parkinson-White) , -
pulmonalis (. 11).
, - Norepinephrine .
Norepinephrine e -
11. -
- -

. Norepinephrine --
Epinephrine. ,
Epinephrine. Norepinephrine (0,2-1 g/ de novo -
kg/min) , - .
, - . -
. Norepinephrine
Dobutamine .144 .
Norepinephrine - 11.1.
( ),
10.7.8. ()
(. 7). -
N+/+ AT 2+/ N+ - .29,30 -
, - (PCI)
. - , -
-- -.
, /- PCI , -
. -, , -
.29,30 -
/ .145 -
- ,
, ( ),
, - (
.146,147 - , -
148 - ).
.149 - I,
, ,

, -
3, -
, ,


.151 -
- - ,
.152 (), , -

. 7 : . = ; =
; = ; = ; =
; P= ; IVS= ; SAM= ; RA=
; RV= ; PCI= ; Qp:Qs= :

, . - . -
- .
, ,
, -.
( .159-163
) , -
11.3. ,

II, -
.164-167 -

, (
a. pulmonalis. - / ,
- ).
a. pulmonalis . I,
II, -
. -
, -
. -
, -
( ) -
. (),
. - ,
.155,157,158 .
, - , -
- - - .
- -.
. -
, - , -
- .168
() . - -
() - -
. ,
, - rtPA
. 10 mg i.v., 90 mg
, 90 min; Streptokinase 250-500 000 IU 20 min
, 1-1,5 IU
, 10 h.
- i.v. (APTT 1,5-2 ).
- Urokinase 4400 IU/kg/
. - h Heparin 12 h 2000 IU/kg/h -
- 24 h.
. -
- 11.4.
. (- ) -
. -
.170 ,

.170 11.6.
( 11.5) -
. ()176-178 . -
. ,
- -
.170 - .176 -
. , - -
11.5. .


K+ <1.
, -
- Na+ , -
. flash - .
. . -
, - /
- ()
, - ( - .177,178
45%). -
- () :
.171,172 , , -
- . (- -
- - ) -
, - ,
, - , -
. -
: 2 ; .179
- , - -, Digoxin,
; i.v. - Spironolactone. -
. -
( min) - .
30 mmHg, - -
- . -
. . 25-30% / 3,5mg/dl
(>266 mol/L)
( 10.3.5.).
>2,5-3 mg/dl (>190-226 mol/L)] -
, - ,
, : (i) i.v. , .102

; (ii) i.v. Nitro- / -
glycerin Nitroprussid - (Metazolone).
; (iii) - - .
(Nicardi pine) , -
- -
. - -
- .
. , - ,
, Labetolol
i.v. 10 mg . ,
, 50-200 mg/h -
. , -

, . Isoproterenol 2-20 g/min -
, (- V--
) .180 , -
- .
, - Theo-
, phylline 0,2-0,4 mg/kg/h .
. , -
- , -
.181 .187
- - -
- 188-190 (. 12).
. - II,

. - 11.8.2.
, () -
. .191 -
, -, -
- - -
, - . -
, .
N-acetylcysteine182,183 /
DA1- Fenoldopam.184 -
- ,
.185 .31
IIb, II,


, -
- (. 12).
. - .31
, 186
. - . -
, , -
, -
. - Albuterol .
(Salbutamol) 2,5 mg 48 h,
(0,5 ml 0,5% 2,5 ml - -
) 20 min. - -
- , -
, . . -
11.8 ,
, -
- .31
. Euroheart heart failure Verapamil Diltiazem
survey - ,
9% , 42% - V- III . Amiodarone
. - -
- -
2%, 8% .3, 192
- I,
Verapamil -
- , . .
- I
Atropin 0,25-0,5 mg i.v., -


200-300-360 J (
200 J).
1 mg Epinephrine,
Vasopressin 40 UI / Amiodarone 150-300 mg
- ,
Amiodarone Lidocaine
Metoprolol 5 mg i.v. ( -
V- re-entry
Esmolol 0,5 mg/kg 1 min,
50-300 g/kg/min,
Labetlol 1-2 mg , 1-2 mg/mg/min
( 50-200mg).
Labetalol ,
, 10 mg
300 mg.

, V-
Digoxin 0,125-0,25 mg i.v., -

Atropine 0,25-0,5 mg i.v. 1-2 mg.

-Isoproterenol 1 mg 100 ml
NaCl 75 ml/h (2-12 g/min)

. Theophylline
0,25-0,5 mg/kg 0,2-0,4 mg/kg/h

QRS-. Dofetilide - 11.8.4.

. - - ,
.193 (. 12).
-, , Amiodarone - -
.194,195 .3, 192
Adenosine i.v. .

. -
. . , -
Mg2+ K+ ,
, - , -
.179,196 3,197,207 (. 12).
IIb, IIb,

11.9. -
- , /
, - . -
, .. . , , ,
ST- , -
12. , -.199
. - (. 7).
, >1 m
(. 13). , .200
, -
, - ,
, - .
(mechanical assist devices). - - . -
(. 3). Dobutamine -
12.1. - .201
12.1.2. -
1-2% -
. -
0,8-6,2% .198 - -
.173,174,202 -
- 1-5 . -
(). -
. ,

( , /
), - ( . 7).
. -
. 13 ,

- -
- (. 7)
() a. pulmonalis -
/ (-
2 )
III, -
a. pulmonalis,
II, -
: a. pulmonalis

- -
, , -
: ,

- -
Valsalva , -
, - , . -
. -
20-60%. - B -
. -
.173,202 -
, - , -
- -
- , .206
, - .
.177,203 - I,
, - 13.
; - .
I , 13.1
, -
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.204 IIb,
12.1.3. ()
10% -
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.205 1-14 (- .
2-7) . - 13.1.1.
- ()
- -
24 h.
- , (i)
-, , , -
- . -
- - ; (ii)
, . - , -

. ; (iii)
, -
/ . .
, - 30-50 ml ,
(). a. femoralis.
- -
( ). ,
, . -
. .
- ,
. ,
a. pulmonalis (.
. ) -
- V- - (.
. , -
(. ).207 -
7). -
IIb, .

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(b): , , ,
(): . ,
, ,
(e): .

, - , -
- .208-210
. -
I, .211
, -
13.1.2. , ( - ), -
(Ventricular assist devices) .
, - ,
(. 14).
, . -
- .


- ,


Thoratec ,

biomed -

Heart Mate - ,
Novacor ,

, ,

- .
, , -
. -
. -
, - .
, , .
, - -
de novo
- , (
, - - ) .
.212 -
- ,
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II, , -
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, .208-210

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13.2. (-
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, , -
). - -

. .
, (. 5, 6, 7 14)
, SPO2. - -
- , .
. 2+
( SPO2 94-96%). -
Nitroprusside. , -
Furosemide , Na+ .
( i.v. , - , i.v. Aminophylline 2--
i.v. - . -
). -
Morphine .
- -
. (end-stage) ,
. .
- -
- -
. . -
- .
, -
, - , -
. .

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