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- -

. -
II ,
. -
. -
. -
. -

. -
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. -
. -

. - -
. -

. -

. -
. -

. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
. -
Guidelines on diagnosis and
. -
V -
. -
treatment of pulmonary

. -
arterial hypertension
. -
. -

The Task Force
. - -
, , M
on Diagnosis and Treatment
1431 , 1
of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension
GSM - 0897 926374, .: (02) 9320 725 of the European Society of Cardiology
. 3/2005 XI
ISSN 1310 - 7488

: -


European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243-2278

European Heart Journal (2004) 25, 2243-2278

: Nazzareno Gali () (Italy), Adam Torbicki
(Poland), Robyn Barst (USA), Philippe Dartevelle (France), Sheila Haworth (UK),
Tim Higenbottam (UK), Horst Olschewski (Germany), Andrew Peacock (UK),
Giuseppe Pietra (Switzerland), Lewis J. Rubin (USA), Gerald Simonneau
(. ) (France)
(): Silvia G. Priori ()
(Italy), Maria Angeles Alonso Garcia (Spain), Jean-Jacques Blanc (France), Andrej Budaj
(Poland), Martin Cowie (UK), Veronica Dean (France), Jaap Deckers (The Netherlands),
Enrique Fernandez Burgos (Spain), John Lekakis (Greece), Bertil Lindahl (Sweden),
Gianfranco Mazzotta (Italy), Keith McGregor (France), Joo Morais (Portugal),
Ali Oto (Turkey), Otto A. Smiseth (Norway)
: Giafranco Mazzotta (- ) (Italy),
Joan Albert Barbera (Spain), Simon Gibbs (UK), Marius Hoeper (Germany),
Marc Humbert (France), Robert Naeije (Belgium), Joanna Pepke-Zaba (UK)





(, , )





/ -

, , (), -
. -

, -

, -



, -
, -
Treprostinil 1985 1998 . -
Na beraprost , -
(inh) Iloprost .
(i.v.) Iloprost
-1 , . -
Bosentan , -
Sitaxsentan .
5 -
Sildenafil .
(ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines,
CPG/) -
, -
. , -



, .
HIV European Heart House -
, .
- .
, -
/ -


2 (BMPR2)
I / ,
/ ()
(), () -
() .8,9
II /

/- , -

.7 -
II /
,10 -
, 2, -
, -
IIb / -

IIIa , .7
/, -



.11 -
- -
, -
B ,
, , ,

C -
/ -

, ,
,13 -
14 5.15
) ,

, -
.1 -

), - -
, -
(), -
. -
() , 2,8 . -
80-.2 3 -
, -
- (), -
- , - .16
HIV .4 -
,5,6 -
- ()
, .7
() >25mmHg >30mmHg
.17 -
, - . 1. -
. -

, . , -
, -
. , -
- ,
- , -
. . -
- - , - -
: , 2003 .,
Evian -
.3,17 .

. Evian . -
1998 . - , :
, Evian - , -
- - -
.18 Evian - - ;
- -
, - () -
, - (); -
, , -
, - -
- (. 1).
- -
- -, -

. 1. - 2003

1. ()
1.1. ()
1.2. ()
1.3. ():
1.3.2. -
1.3.4. HIV
1.3.6. ( , ,
Gaucher, , ,
, )
1.4. ,
1.4.1. - ()
1.4.2. ()
1.5. ()
2. ,
3. , /
3.1. ()
4. ,
4.3. (, , )
, , , (,
, )

. 2. ,

Evian -
- Fenfluramine
50 - Dexfenfluramine
. -
- 1.2.
Evian , - L-tryptophan

. - -
, , -
- , - 1.4.
: [1.1]
- ; [1.2]
[1.3] , -
() 2.
- .

. 2.3.

, (, ). 3.
, 3.1.
, - /
Koch -
. -
, - 3.3.

Evian 1998 . - -
- - -
- -
. - -
, -
, -
. - - 1
( Von Gierke)
- Gaucher
( -
), -
( Osler-Weber-Rendu)
. -
, - HIV: human immunodeficiency virus
, .
, - .
, -
. -
- ,20 - ,21 --
2 - 22 -
, - 23 ( , -

, -
). -
- 1.
1 ( Von
Gierke),24 Gaucher25 - ()
( Osler- ()
Weber-Rendu).26 ductus arteriosus

- -


, Truncus arteriosus
, -
, -
, - 2.
. - ( 2,0cm 1,0cm)
, - ( > 2,0cm > 1,0cm)
- 3.
Epoprostenol, , -
. -
, - : ()
. -
- 10%
, -
/ .30
, - , si-
, HIV - nus venosus -
o . - (16%) , secun-
(. 1) 1 - dum (4%).31
, , - -
- 1.4. . -
.32,33 ,
- (>1,5 cm )
50% . (-

<1 cm
<2 cm , )
, -


Eisenmenger -

30% ) .27
, -
, -
. -
- , -
ductus arteriosus.27 -
, 10%

2 . Eisenmenger,
4 6% - -
.28,29 - , -
- truncus arteriosus, 50% ,

. 4.

(1) (- )

(, )
- ,

(1) -, - ( /
, )
(2) b ( )

(3) c /

(. 1): 1.1. (
- ); 1.2. ( - ) 1.3.
( - ).
(. 1): 1.4.1. ( -
- ).
(. 1): 1.4.2. (
- ).

. .
,5 - . -
- , , -
(, - -
). - .
- , -
(. 4).6 -
. -
. -

- -
, , .
- (. 1): 1.1. (); 1.2. () 1.3.
- -
. -
, ( -
- )

- . -
, -
. -
- . -
, - . -
. . -
- -
, - -

II, ,
. - -
, .34
, -
. - -
- 35 .10
- .36
. -
- (NO) , -
. -
. - 2 (2) -1 (-1).10
(. 1): 1.4.1. ( - , -
- ). .

( -
) ,
- , -
.6,7 -
- , , , -
. .37 -1 -
, -
. - ,
- -
, .38
, - . -
- -
II. - ,
.39 -
- - -
. - , -
- ,
(. 1): 1.4.2. ( - .40
- ).
- 41
- , -
.6 -
. , -
,42 2 -

, - BMPR2
, , , -
, -
. - -
, - . , -
, -
. ( 20% -
, - BMPR2 -
, - ) ,
, - -
. . -

BMPR2 ,44 - .
[- , -
(5HTT),40 , -
(ec-NOS)45 - , ,
(CPS)46] ,
- , -
. - , -
, BMP/ , -
TGF-v . TGF-v, . -
-- 1 (ALK-1) -
- ,
, .. -
Osler-Weber-Rendu.26,47 -
- .
- ,
, -
. - .
(. 1) -
, - -
(- -
, , - ,
, ) - , -

. 1. : .
BMPR-2 = 2 ; ALK-1 = -- 1 ;
5-HHT = ; ec-NOS = ; CPS = - .

. - -
. -
, , , ,
(. 2): --
I. -
II. . -
III. - (
). -
IV. - - .
(, , - , -
, ,
, , HIV
. -

49 (
, -
. -
(), -
, , -
, . -
(), -
. -
, -
, - -

. 2. .
= - ; = ; = ;
= ; VO2 = ; = .

. , .
-. 1 89 . 28 5
mmHg ( 15 57 mmHg).
- 36-50 mmHg -
() - -
(). 2,8-3,4 m/s ( -
87%, 5 mmHg). ,
- -
79% .48 ,
(55%) - . -
(70%), (II-III NYHA) -
.50 . -
. (I NYHA)

. -
90% -
, -

, -
/ .
() .

- . -
, .56
, -
, -
- , -
- () - , , -
- , v. cava
. - inferior .57,58
a. pulmonalis , -
() e - -
() -
. , -
- (-
- V 2)
() - - ( 1.3.2.). -
: = 4v2 + .
, - -
v. cava inferior foramen ovale
. - () -
, -
- (74%) - .
.52 - () -
(0,57-0,93) - -
- .
() -
, - -
-. (. 1).1 -
- ,
( -), -

() ( - 90-100% 94-100%.61 -
) (V/ , (
Q) . - )
, , - .
, ( ).

. - -
- . -
, ,
(DLCO) [ 40-80%
] -
. , - -
(PaO2) ; -
, , .62 -
(PaCO2) - -
- -
. -
() -
- .
,59 -
1 ,
sec (1). -
PaCO2, -
, - , V/Q -
. , .. -
DLCO - -
(). . -
- -
.60 , -
, - ,
, -
/ .63,64
(V/Q) -
, -
V/Q - .61
. - -
- -
. - , KT
- -
V/Q. - - . -
V/Q - -
(, 4).61 - -
- , -
. - .
V/Q. - -
, V/Q - , .63 -

- - (6)
- .72 -
. -
() NYHA.68 6 -
(, , Borg, -
) -
( . -
1) , - >10% 6
- 26 .73 6 -
. --
, ()
, - -
- - -
( , .
). - VO2 -
, ,
, - VO2 -
, , -
(NA), - peak oxygen puls
, -SCL70 RNP. .
, VCO2,
(1:80 - .69 VO2
).65 ANA -
-- .69
. , -
HIV - , 6.74,75
. , -
- 6
/ - -

. , - -
, .
, ,

. - -
- , -
.66 -
- . -
() , : (), ,
( - - (, ), --
).67 (), ( -
Fick -
), (), -
- , -
- -
68,69 ( v. cava superior
.70,71 - - ).
- >25
mmHg >30 mmHg ,
. 15mmHg >3 mmHg/l/min (-

Wood). -
, .81
. -
- - -
III NYHA) , - -
( - - .82 -
), , (i.v.)
- - Prostacyclin Adenosin
. .83,84 , ,
- -
- . 5.
. - -
- ( ) -
, - 10 mmHg
.2 40 mmHg
, , - .11,81,85 -
- .81,83
- . - -

2, - ,
- -
.76-78 - -
, - .
15-20 ., - -
- -
, -
. -
( )
- -
- , - 81 -
, .79 , -
, - -
, .
.80 -
, , -
, - -
: (1) - , -
- (2) .81,86 -

. 5. -

b c
Epoprostenol i.v. 3 min 2-12 ng/kg/min 2 ng/kg/min 10 min
Adenosine i.v. 5 - 10 s 50-350 g/kg/min 50 g/kg/min 2 min
inh. 15 -30 s 10-20 ppm - 5 mind




- -
. -

- , -
(. 6).

- NYHA 3
, - Epoprostenol.77,87
.71 -
- Epoprostenol -
, - , HIV .87
. , Evian, NYHA
. -
- , NYHA/ -
- - (. 7).11,12

. 6.

, 6
NYHA Miyamoto .68 , ,
NYHA - 332 m -
Epoprostenol - ,

- .

50 m
6 18% .73 -
6 ,
Epoprostenol >10% 6
26 .73 III IV
NYHA, 250 m
Epoprostenol <380 m
, -
, -
- .87
Epoprostenol -
VO2 <10,4 ml/kg/min,

, -
<30% 3 .69

BNP (Brain natriuretic peptide) , , -
BNP 3 .88,89
90 , .. Tei

. 7. NYHA/ 11,12

I , ;
, ,
II , ;
, , ,
, -
, , .
IV , -
/ .

, , - : -
, -
.91 (),
, (. -
, , ),

2 ,

- .2 -


, -
Epoprostenol, >12 mmHg
, , -
> 65 mmHg87,
, , -
, / -
- Epoprostenol -
. -
. -
, -
- .
, .
.93 BNP

.94 -
- , -
95 -1.96 - 16 (. 8) -
, 97, -
, . ,
- .
- -
.98 - ,

( )
-, . 9.
, I / ,
. /-
(), ()
, - ()
- II /
. /

. 8. II /

A - IIb / -
- /,

C -
/ -
, ,

- -
, ,
, .
.99 -
- .
- IIa; C
. -
. . , -
, -
, , .

(. ). , -
- , . -
, .
, -
- -
, , .
. - / . -
- -
, 1500
. 2000 m. -
(. 9) , -
, - 1600 2500 m
. -
, .
- -
(. - .
10). - . -
. , 7%
- .
- -
(. 11). -. -
. 10.

a X C
Digoxin X C
b X C
c X C
Epoprostenol X A
Treprostinil X B
Iloprost (inh) X B
Iloprost (i.v.) X C
Beraprost X B
Bosentan Xd A
Sitaxsentane B
Ambrisentane C
Sildenafil Xd A
IIa , IIb
< 90%
, I , IIb

. 11.

- - -
- - -
Digoxin - - -
- - -
- - -
Epoprostenol a III - IV
, - III - IV
Treptostinil II - III - IV
Iloprost (inh) III
, - III - IV

Iloprost (i.v.) III - IV
Beraprost , II - III - IV
Bosentan b III
, III - IV
Sitaxsentan - - -
Ambrisentan - - -
Sildenafil - - -
- - -
- - -

-: , ; :
; : ; :
Epoprostenol -
(), .
- .

- .
i.v. - ,105 -
Epoprostenol -
. -
, .
.100 .
.101,102 ,
- -
,103 .
- --
- - -
. .107 -
American Heart Association American College of -
Cardiology - -
, .
Eisenmenger. - 40
- , -
, -
30- .
50% .104 - -
-- ,
- ,
. - .
- /
. ,
- . -
- (
. )108 -
- -
- . -
- , -
, .109
. - . -
. ,
- .
. . -
. ,
- -
. .
- -
, . - , - -
. i.v. Epoprostenol
. - s.c. Treptostinil -
( - -
Eisenmenger) 65% .
(, - -
) , -
.106 . -
. - , -
, - (-
- 12-24 h),

i.v. . -
II; .

- ,
- , -
- , -
- . -
, -
41,42, - -
5,6 - , -
.110 .
- 49-70% -
- . -
, ,
- -
.79,111,112 , -
, . -
(INR) -
1,5 2,5 .
2,0 3,0
. I;
, -
, -
, - ( -
/ - ) -
. .
, - -
- , -
, . , -
- - -
, , . -
- foramen ovale. -
.27 -- ,
- - -
. i.v. - -
Epoprostenol . -
- - -
- . ,
. . -
, - -
90%. - -
III , -
IV NYHA, - . -
, - Eisenmenger
.113 - -
, - ,
- .114


. , --
C , -
, Nifedi pin
Diltiazem -
( -
, -
Nifedi pin, -
- Diltiazem).
i.v. Digoxin - , -
, , ..
- 120-240 mg Nifedi pin 240-720 mg
;115 Diltiazem.79 -
. - -
- (..30 mg Nifedi pin -
- - 60 mg Diltiazem )
, -
. - -
. -
. Digoxin -
18-53% , - . Digoxin /
. - -
i.v. Ca .119 -
Dobutamine.116 - ,
, -
, - Amlodipine Felodi pine.
. - ( -
IIb; ) 10-15 %

Paul Wood34 . , -
. - .
, -
- , -
- , -
- .81,86 ,
. -
- -
- -
( -
- .
- ) -
, , -
.81,79,92,117 - .118
, - I; .
- IIb;
- .92 -


- . Epoprostenol -
. (3-5 min),
- -
- , 8
- .
.120 - (CADD pump)
- (tunnelised cath-
, - eter - Hickman).
- -
- (
.13 ).
- poprostenol ( )
, -
- 121,122 ,
,113 . 12. Epoprostenol
. , , -
, .. Epoprostenol, -
- ,
, -
- .
. ,
, - Epoprostenol.77,87 -
- poprostenol, 65%, -
, -
.121 - . -
i.v. poprostenol
- , - , -
- .84 - III IV NYHA / ,
, - -
, -
, Epoprostenol.
, - Epoprostenol -
- 2 4 ng/kg/min
. - , -
- (, , , -
- - ).
. - 10-15
- (), - ng/kg/min
, -
, -
- . -
, ,
, -
-1, - 20 40 ng/kg/min,
, . -
.13 Epoprostenol77,87 217
278 ng/kg/min.

- Epoprostenol ,
, - , , ,
. - , - .
Epoprostenol, -
. -
Epoprostenol. - .
(freeze-dried), .
() - -

. 12. i.v. Epoprostenol

122 121 ,
23 81 111
2 3 3
NYHA (%)
II 9 - 5
III 65 75 78
IV 26 25 17
100 100 -
- - 100
- - -
HIV - - -

6 (m) +45 +47 +94

= ( - ); = (,
100, - ; 0,5

, - ,
- - - , ,124,125 -
,124,126 ,
. Gaucher127 HIV .128
, - -
Epoprostenol Epoprostenol
. , ,
, - .129
, ,
. 77,87 , -
0,14 0,19 III IV
- 8 (2,8%) NYHA. Epoprostenol Food and Drug
340 - Administration (FDA)
. - , III IV
, .
. , .
Epoprostenol, IIa;
. - . 13.

Epoprostenol , Treptostinil. Treptostinil -
. Epoprostenol, -
Epoprostenol - ,
, - -
, - . -
- ,
,118 .
123 ,124 Treptostinil -

. 13.

Treptostinil130 Beraprost - 133 Beraprost - 74 Iloprost135

469 130 116 203
s.c. p.o. p.o. inh
() 3 3 12 3
II 11 49 53 -
III 82 51 47 59
IV 7 - - 41
58 48 74 54
19 7 10 17
24 21 16 -
- - - 28
HIV - 7 - -
- - 16 - -

(% )
6 (m) 16b 25 31bc 36
= ( - ); = ; =
- ; = ; -= - .
a 100%, - ; 0,5
3 6 .
- , - -
- .

- (Mini-Med ) Treptostinil.132
, - 2002 . FDA
. Treptostinil II, III IV
, - NYHA.

Na+ Beraprost. Na+ Beraprost -
per os
. , -
30 min -
30-40 min
, .130
- - .
, Per os
- , Beraprost
- (>13,8 ng/kg/ 133 74 (. 2).
min). - per os -
, Treptostinil 26 - -
, ( 80 g )
6 -
.131 -
-- 3 .
Treptostinil 12 -
8% -
, -.
. 3%,
- , -
. 6 .
i.v. Epoprostenol s.c. Beraprost
, IIa; .
Iloprost. i.v. -
IIb; . Iloprost -
Epoprostenol -
Iloprost. Iloprost - .138,139 Iloprost -
, i.v., per ,
os . - -
- .
, i.v. Iloprost
, -
- IIa; .
. -
- -1
( 3-5m), -1 (-1), , -
. , -
Iloprost -
10-20% , .14 -1
45-60 min.134 - : ;
( 6 -
12 ), - , -
. Jet , -
- . -
15 min; - -
-1. -
5 min. -1 -
Iloprost , NO -
Iloprost .
-1 -
(6-9 2,5-5 g/inh, 30 g )
135 (. 13). -
-1 -
, -

-1 -
. Iloprost -
: - -
Iloprost, - -
. -1 -
. -
25 , -1 -1 -
Iloprost 100- ,
150g :136 - .
85m -
6, 7 mmHg -1
0,6 l/min/ (. 14).
m2. 8 Bosentan. Bosentan per os
, -
Iloprost .142 Bosentan -
- , -
137, - , ,
Iloprost .68,143,144 - -
- 1:1:1 62,5 mg
III IV. Bosentan 4 , -
Bosentan 125 mg 250 - Bosentan
mg - 12 .
Bosentan ,
, - ,
- -- .145
250 mg , - 29 -
125 mg ( Bosentan: 6
+54 m +35 m 6 ). -
, Bosentan > 1
. -
, NYHA.146
, Bosentan
, Bosentan - -
/ -
(+46 m Bosentan , i.v.
+5 m -), - poprostenol.147
- , -
m Bosentan -40 m - 4 17. (BREATHE-3)
). - ,
10% , Bosentan.
- -
. 12 -
- 18-
- 250 mg , Bosentan
, -
Bosentan . FDA -
Bosentan 125 mg Bosentan.
. - EMEA -
Bosentan -

. 14. -1

Bosentan - 143 Bosentan - 144 Sitaxsentan75

32 213 178
per os per os per os
() 3 4 3
6 6 VO2
NYHA (%)
II - - 33
III 100 91 66
IV - 9 1
85 70 53
15 30 24
- - 24
HIV - - -

VO2 +3%b
(% )
6 (m) +76 +44 +34

= ( - ); = ; =

% 100% - ; 0,5

- , -
(TRAX). / ,
, .
, . - - ;


Sildenafil. Sildenafil per os , -
Bosentan. Bosentan
() 5, -
, -
. ,
cGMP.151 -

- .152 -5 -
153,154, -
-5 -

per os -
-5 Sildenafil ,157-
, - 159
160 , -
. .161 , 25
I; 75 mg , -
. . -
IIa; (. -
IV NYHA, , -
. ). cross-over
: Sildenafil 25-100mg , -
Sitaxsentan. Sitaxsentan per os - 22 II III
, - NYHA, 6 ,
178 - ,
II, III IV NYHA.75 - Naughton ( 475168 s
. - 686224 s Sildenafil ) -
1:1:1 , Sitaxsentan 100 mg .15
Sitaxsentan 300 mg per os 278 II III NYHA
12 . - Ameri-
, - can College of Chest Physicians -
.75 - 2004 . , -
, - 6
, 0% 45 m 20, 40 80 mg Sildenafil
100mg 9,5% 300mg. - . Sildenafil -
20 - 12- -
.149 3 5 mmHg.
Sitaxsentan INR - Sildenafil
(), -
CYP2C9 P450, .162 -
, Sildenafil
Warfarin. - , -
INR. .
Sitaxsentan I; .
- -

. Sitaxsentan - -

, 5 15%. -
. - ,
( ) , - .76 -
( ) -
. / -
- . ,
- ; -
Bosentan Epoprostenol -
33 III IV -
NYHA, Epoprostenol + - , -
Epoprostenol + Bosentan .169
(BREATHE-2). ,
. -
- ( -
) -
Epoprostenol + Bosentan .163 -
- , -
Sildenafil - 3- 5-
Epoprostenol. -
55% 45%.170
, , - , -
- , -
Bosentan164 Sildenafil165 -
- Eisenmenger.
IIb; .


166 167 , -
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( , ). , , - . 4 5;
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- -
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20-40 ng/kg/min -
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50-80 ng/kg/min -
. . ,
Beraprost, Iloprost ,
s.c. Treptostinil , .
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Iloprost -
, , . 100 , -
Streptostinil . - ,
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- , 89% 77%
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4 17 (BREATHE-3) .
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Epoprostenol.177 ),
5 , >65%; -
Sildenafil, , -
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182 -
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Eisenmenger, -
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. -
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/. , 35% -
i.v. Epoprostenol - .189 -
- ,
125, -
Treptostinil - , -
Eisenmenger .132 .
Bosentan 65 -
Eisenmenger (BREATHE-5). ,
- .189
- , -
(, - ,
, III IV NYHA .184

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185 , -
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i.v. Epoprostenol
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>90%. - -
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200 .19,200,201 -
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i.v. Epoprostenol - .202 3349
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i.v. 0,1%.203
Epoprostenol , - .
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.195 ,204 204
, - .204,206 -
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/ 250 dynes s cm.196 .207,208 -
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, , - 30
Epoprostenol.192 HIV- ,
, - , -
, .209

. HIV-- CD4 -
, , -

- Epoprostenol
HIV, - .
.210 HIV - -
- ,
. Bosentan 16 HIV- .212
HIV - , HIV-
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, - Epoprostenol Bosentan.
. Epoprostenol,
, HIV ,
, - .213

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HIV ;210
.203 , ,214
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, - Sjgren.217
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HIV Warfarin. -
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- -
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6 HIV- 128 - .
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Epoprostenol - , -
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12-47 .
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HIV- .4
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82 209 -
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Raynaud, . ,
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G .218,220

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, , -
- / , -
. - -
/ - : Joern Carlsen, Denmark;
, Sean Gaine, Ireland; Stefano Ghio, Italy; Marc
Humbert, France; Irene Lang, Austria; Patrizia
. Presbitero, Italy; Pietro Zonzin, Italy.

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Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
() Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
- () New York Heart Association (NYHA)
() 6 (6)

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