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CARL FISCHER'S MUSIC LIBRARY Nos. 318, 550, 554 CHAS. DANCLA The School of the Five Positions for VIOLIN Published in three books BOOK I Op. 122. Twenty easy Exercises in the first five Positions [ages 2, 13-24 seamed ere] BOOK II Op.90. Ten Etudes BOOK IIT Op.128. Sixteen Melodious Studies (with a second Violin part in Score) Carl Fischer BOSTON ~NEW YORK — CHICAGO. 20 Easy Exercises | 20 Leichte Etuden in the first 5 Positions, in den 5 Lagen, wwe 548, CHARLES DANOLA, Op.122 ast BOOK, 1 Position. sn RET. te Lage. ‘Moderato, Scale. Sh, aa ee J’ With the Middle of the Bow and with broad strokes Breit unt mit der Mitte des Bogens. ‘ aA 14 Exercise. fer Ee € obits. 3 ste Etude. fee 3 To be played with the entire Mit dev ganzen Bogentiinge SSSI aid ey ee The 48t Finger must not be raised Den then Finger nieht aufheben, and Exercise. ate Etude, © 7652-28 Copyright 190% by Carl Piecher Now Vouk ae 18 2nd Position. te Lage Orth ate Lage. Proparatory Intervals. Zontoiter Forberetting. = a at the. Middle of the bow. Meshogents 4 |, 9 Moderato. oe po ee eeezee Ses 558 es “ 2nd Position. and Lage. Preparatory Intervals Vorbereitung. ys Andante, 2 10th Exercise. = 40! Etude, > ithe [SF iaeealinait jot Ws sane ee eee Den 12 Pinger legen lassen Be — —e © FWith broad strokes Brett 552 - 28 2nd Position. 7 2te Lage. With broad strokes and in the Middle of the bow. 3 Breit und mit der Mitte 2 4 tg Scale. pie bd me a 2 aot tonteiter. @ + 5 . 1th Exercise, ue Blade. = 7552-28 3! Position, 3te Lage. Preparatory Intervals. Sea Vorbereitung. Zante’ et Exercise, tude fi as With broad strokes and every note well sustained. Sh re he acer nate ell emt igth Exercise. Septet a ne tae, Ota i FT et tes ree 7 gene tat ase. th a n 3" Position. Scale. 3te Lage. , Tontester cha Preparatory Intervals sat _ aoe Vorbereitung Moder s peeet 24 oie weld. T : f & Exercise $4 131d Exercised) 4 489 Btudte Melee GAEDE fae Don Hen Pinger allein suritchschieben eiere poo 18 3" Position. 3te Lage. sath Exercise. 14 Etude, Draw back the first finger. Den 162 Finy attern surlickschioben 385228 19 4th Position. Sea, 4t? Lage. Tonteiter. ¥reparatory Intervais, Moderato. Ae Pardons ; east tad os With broad strokes a4 222 £ Preparatory Intervals. Andante sostennto con moto., Vorberestung. se asth Exercis 15th Etude. Hold the ©. 7952 . 28 Das € behalten. 20 4th Position. it Scale, ats Lage. Tonteiter. eparatory Intervals. Wroderato. Fag 0a at With broad strokes, 44 9 sat ase eee: a4 sae 72 Maestoso, s 8 2 16t? Exercise, > Ss >» £ 10 Btude. PRE fi A a 4th Position. 4te Lage. Moderato. Scale, Tonteiter. f 34 ewe ste = = oe} oO” pester rewdes Preparatory Intervals Vorbereitun 9 1 17% Exercise t7le Etude = aoe Seas SoS ae Scale. Proparatory Intervals, Ponteiter. 5th Position. 5'¢ Lage. pot rat ki Z Fr. ee ca “1 Ath bse core eparatny 18th Exercise, —————}—t Moderato cantante, 4800 Etude. tie finger. Len foupe suriiohachioben. as5e 28 as f- =F — Ss With broad ake : _ af fed - : 5!) Position. 5te Lage. Preparatory Vorberettung. Breparatony Intervals Andante eantabile. a A eresting. ~~. 19th Exereisi —— ie tor =p Sp = £ 10th Bute, = Gp Ft SAS SI ay dated dolce dim ¢@ rall poco a — povo SJ 28 Combination of the five Positions. Vereinigung der fiinf Lagen. Exercise. Etude. romain in position Inder Lage bletben poo ve kt ~ ete EER ES os ree : yee See = SSS —— on SS we al ond String remain in position. ate Saite, In der Lage bleiben. Moderato cantabile. 20th Exercise. ea 20% Etude, = 2nd Strin ‘at Satte —— = ahd String, > =— Ss Laure fe Seite nd String. T8522? Ate Suite ele Saite, THE YOUNG VIOLINIST Instructive Solo & Ensemble Material for use with all Elementary Violin Methods ARTHUR B. HARRIS (Fontases)—Take Back the Heart $30 | - a 3 2 3 3 Py # 2 # Z | Boss. 3 ee : 5 Be ete i BSR me Aen | BB ce ed: ‘ as i i a 4 Alla Turca' (on 4 strings) 40. { ARNOLDO SARTORIO- Civeate Genial ‘wo PBenges « Mot (Meludie). == o Andaate Reiyiows Ruse Dance Shepherds Sia: te ‘Nish Soe A HORNS Ac ei Pond: ‘The Mihlal Shepherd. pacar nGHARD CERWONKY Wi Reais (bi) AMBROSIO. FRITZ KREISLER war, rogtion Seas ieee ae etter ‘Simpl, Eivtce Attunement in the Fir sition ‘Ake Povided wid Fingering a the Th Postion ie: Foe Vin oh x tht Pat). Vi @© 525. Pane Par in Score. Bugh 2, PREELEMENTARY GRADE 06 Ducts for "Two Violins). Price... Book 3. PRE-ELEMENTARY GRADE (contined). ‘Ten Arrangements for Four Vigna with or wnihout Piano.) Violin Pures @ $25: Blo Partin Scuters Book 4 for Four Viclina, with ue without Pan). Vi @ $440; Pano Pare in Se Bock 5. ELEMENTARY GRADE (continued). (Ten “Arrangements for Four Violins, Le Portion. Dificle fea oF waht Pano.) "Violin Pars @ $0 Pans Bare in Souee Desgive sel wih conten fie of all books vent ‘spon apratem, ELEMENTARY GRADE, (Tes Avanzeweat FAR CARL FISCHER, Inc. COOPER SQUARE GHYS, HENRY, Amarylia (Air de Dane Louis XII). ‘Arranged by W. F- Anbroso, CET) Ginsle Vitin LEMARE, ©. H. Andantino. een pW. B Ame brio," Four Vins and Plano (Single Violin Part $115: Pano LEVY, EMIL, Old Melodies for Young Violates Ten ‘Arringewerts for Four Vike snd Pano (E145). Stage Vink: Pew $30: Pano Pare 1.00) LOSEY, F.'HC. Alta (Wildfower). Four Vil Pano’ (8 187). {Single Violin Pare: Ik) TSCHAIKOWSKY, P., Andante, from the Vit Sp hong. Aranged by Wo Ambrose, Far Vihos ang (ENGL) crecscosene reson as ingle Vielin Parts # Four Visine nd Pan $y” 3.00 5 Rano” ia Bare penne eotan i rameter FIRST POSITION ALBUMS FOR VIOLIN AND PLANO BAGH. J. 8. —10 Lite Clas 375 rc 00 BUSCH, C—Maledc Sue. ¢ Haey Wil Sais. 100 7 a 50 DANCLA, GH —Op. 89,16 Aum Varies, 5 RUSSIAN FOLK SONGS.1000.0 7 = ag, 6 Ai Vali oie [5 SABNCER. GUSTAV —30 Hija. oy 9, WET, 12 Melodic Recreations, S22 100 SEVERN, EDMUND —farmiind Echos FY COLLECTION 50 a EVERY DAY FAVORITES 00 35 GEMS oF ITALY. 5 00 HARRIS, CH. Pits Recreations, : @ HOFMANN, R-Op. 65 16 Melodic ise Be .00 IVENILE VIOLINIST, Home Circle No. 1055..,.8¢ 1.00 1.00 INIATURE MASTERBIECES. Home Cis : Loo f OLD TREASURES Volumes. @ 100 Las | POPULAR SONGS AND MEL 3 1M WECKER. KANt Fshos fam Melibland. oo. | OPERATIC FAVORITES, Home Cinie Now Monn» 100 WEISS, JUL Op. 34048, Sonya Gas r VIOLIN ENSEMBLE ARRANGEMENTS — (Pies Post oneld Anse Oreded Court of Busomie zaying. Besmable Acree Duets for two violin and arrangements of slsted «ompontions GRAHMS. TOHANKES, Famous Walt Arranged by for four ving with (or wihust) pano accompaniment, care W. F, Aubrody. Four Viole and Piano (E139).-7 73 folly graded and prepared im accordance with the nsrctive plan (Singic Violin Pars $ .20: Plano Part $24) of the LEOPOLD AUER GRADED COURSE OF VIOLIN. DVORAK, ANTON. from the New World § PLAYING. phony” Arayed by We Be Ambros.” Four Vis Sad Plana (E160) 2+, z 90 Boek Pout Uelinnath or aahou Bins, Wiel (Gingle Visin Pare § “30; Pino Par’ 30) j j i. i NEW YORK ee 4 FIRST POSITION ONLY—Original Compositions fer Violin and Piano

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