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Director of Choral Act ivies: Anita Thomas

2013 Raider Way Elijah Putnam, Principal
Grovetown, GA 30813 Paul Bloodworth, Assistant Principal
Phone (706) 541-1252 Laurie Taylor, Assistant Principal
Fax (706) 854.5820 Barbara Strength, Principals Secretary

Welcome to the Columbia Middle School Choral Program!

My name is Anita DuMars, and I am the Choral Director at Columbia Middle School. I also teach Music Technology
and General Music. I am very excited to welcome YOU to the choral program we offer here! Please read this letter
thoroughly, as it contains valuable information about your experience in chorus.

The Choral Program at Columbia Middle School is a superiorly rated program in the county and state. Students
involved are expected to carry on this tradition by upholding the behavioral and musical standards outlined in this
contract. The purpose of this contract is to establish an understanding of the student responsibilities and
commitment, which accompany membership in the Columbia Middle School Choral Program. Be sure to read
this carefully before signing and committing time and effort to the programs choral season.

To encourage the musical growth of students through the use of singing various repertoire, music theory
and sight-singing fundamentals.
To teach the student to sing correctly and develop his/her musical and interpretive skills.
To help the student develop an understanding and appreciation for different genres of music.
To provide the student with performance opportunities.

Sing when instructed to sing, and be quiet and attentive during ALL rehearsals when not singing.
Participate actively and appropriately.
Attend ALL performances. There are no makeup assignments for concerts as the dates are provided well
ahead of time, only in case of an emergency (including but not limited to: car accident, sickness
which will require a doctors note, death in the family etc. NOT SCHEDULE CONFLICTS) will a makeup
assignment be considered in the form of a written essay reflective of the concert material. Concert
attendance and participation comprise 60% of chorus grade.

Students should plan to have these supplies in class for the most efficient productivity. If the cost of supplies is
prohibitive, please send me an email indicating this. (anita.

Chorus Uniform/Textbook Fee : $ 35.00The chorus will be using the text book (One-Minute Theory
#1 Ronald Slabbinck & Holly Shaw-Slabbinck) this year appropriate for their grade level to reinforce
music theory fundamentals. The Chorus uniform/textbook fee will pay for book and uniform required
for adjudication performances and concerts including Large Group Performance Evaluation which is a
graded concert.
Please be sure to sign up for the CMS Chorus Remind service, AS THIS WILL BE THE PRIMARY SOURCE OF
COMMUNICATION ASIDE FROM EMAIL to conserve paper. I will use this service for important
announcements and reminders. The REMIND101 form is attached.

Please put your primary email address (legibly):_______________________________________________

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I look forward to getting to know
you and your student this year! Please detach bottom portions and turn in with chorus fees by Friday August
25, 2017

Mrs. DuMars
Director of Choral Activities

Chorus Accountability Slip

I understand the responsibilities of being involved in the Choral Program at Columbia Middle School, and will
do my best to live up to them. I understand that if I do not follow these guidelines it will result in disciplinary
action and possible deletion/dismissal from my chorus commitment and program.

Parent Signature: _________________________________Date___________________

Student Name: _________________________________ Student Signature: ____________________________

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